Newspaper Page Text
(Columbian ill us cunt.
Vol. XXII. —no. 3,433 ]
For Havre (Je Grace.
rXK * The superior-built ship Rubicon, 420
)f|B*tons burthen, J. Derby, master, will be
7Tiv to receive a cargo in a few clays. For
Eht please apply to JAMES T. WILD,
Hunter’s v. barf. 74/ l nov 24
For Liverpool,
The well known packet ship JOHN &■
Ifk.&EPWARD, S. S. Webb, master. For
ftiglit of 300 bales cotton (the rest of her car
go being engaged) or for passage, the ship hay
ing elegant accommodations, apply to captain
tVebb, on board, or to
nov. 27 ,77 RICHARDS k HARROW’AY.
For Liverpool,
The ship ROBERT, captain Tliomp-
V .■y. son, having three fourths of her cargo
neaged—For freight or passage apply to the
Bias’ r on board, or to J. BAI l ELLE.
r ■ V 62
_-- *
For Liverpool,
jMv THE fast sailing coppered brig SPAR
jUjIfeTAN, C. M. Coffin master, is now in
readiness to receive a cargo, part of which is en
gaged, and will meet with immediate despatch,
freight for the remainder or passage apply on
board at Telfairs wharf or to REA 8t BUTLER,
M*Hinnies Wharf. 57 oct 30
For Liverpool,
THE fine well known ship GEORGIA,
James Low master (a regular trader) is
now in readiness to receive a cargo and will
meet with immediate despatch. For freight or
passage apply to capt. Low, or to •
nov 4 59 ANDREW* LOW & co.
For Liverpool,
The well known ship JUNO , John
Doak master, having 500 bales cotton
ready to go on board, will meet with immediate
despatch. For freight of the balance, or pas
sage, having good accommodations, apply to
captain Doak, or B. M'KINNE k CO.
nov 29 s , 79
For Liverpool,
ylM\ The well known fast sailing coppered
jjaisifc ship LADY GALLATIN, Seth Swain
master, will have immediate despatch, the great
er part of her cargo being engaged. For freight
of 2 or 300 bales Cotton or passage, apply to
ClUltl vs noTavenr.
Hunter’s wharf.
Who has landing from said ship and for sale,
18 casks best spermaceti OIL
22 hhds and 2 crates Stone Ware, from the
manufactory of John Ciders. nov 12 64
For Greenock,
The verv fast sailing ship SCIENCE,
Jps£ captain Archibald Currie—a considera
ble part of her cargo being engaged, she will
meet with dispatch. For freight apply to the
captain on board, or to James Car bothers,
sou sale, [Smith’s wharf
12 pair double Jack-Screw s, received on con-
W'UTvent —anph'?s above. nov 13 65
For Greenock,
Tiic very fine coppered British brig
EafiS*’ ELIZA ANN, Thomas l.ittle, master.
For freight or passage apply to the master on
board, or to JOHN SPEARMAN & co.
Who have received per said brig,
409 pieces superior cotton bagging
about 100 hampers Potatoes
„ 50 kegs lodi fine Herrings
and a small assortment of fine cut Glass—con
sis’ ing of Tumblers, Decanters, &.c.
nov.ll. 03
For Boston,
The brig HERO, captain Chase. For
SLiJel freight or passage apply on board, or to
Who has landing from said brier,
25 half bbls Tongues
50 do do mess Reef
26 bbls Irish mess Pork
30 do no. 1, Boston Beef
Landing from brig Olynthus
24 large hhds prime Muscovado SUGARS
nov 28 578 For sd” as above.
For Charleston ,
The regular packet sloop VOLANT,
•i&eif. Allen M’Lean, master. For freight or
passage, having good accommodations, applv to
tbe captain on board, or to ISAAC COM EX.
L r t
For iVcijvlit or charter,
To any Northern port,
The brig PENELOPE, capt. Toliey,
unlien 100 tons. Apply to the master, or to
The CARGO of the above named brig, coll
ating ofeastern Stone Lime ancl Charwhite pine
Applv as above. 59 nov 4
For Freight or Charter,
rig i T’o any port in Europe,
vMti') The superior brig EI.I/.ABKTiI, cap
‘■\' n Bradford, burthen 330 tons. For
■j apply to the master on board, or to
Por Sale,
The brig Til ft EE-S/S VERS, Saunders,
‘in t one t lions mil barrels—
-1 ‘ sent to scu without expense, being in
,v,‘ order. W'oi.ldbe exchanged for mer
,a,“ (,r Apply as ta lov.
lutntUng, from brfg tantrum,
„ hpr ’y 81-A’ K PKFPK.It
For New-York,
The regular [jacket and fast sailing
Hts-nA schooner MILO, capt. Thomas Bhad-
LEr,w ill sail with all possible dispatch, for freight
or passage, apply to the master on board at Ri
ce’s wlurf, or to G. F & OLIVER PALMES.
Ts ho have received per said Schooner,
30 half bbls. Fly-market mess Beef, for families
10 half and 20 quarter bbls. buckwheat meal
20 kegs Goshen butter, very superior
20 casks do Cheese do.
100 kegs Crackers, put up 6 days since
300 boxes first chop Digby Herring
10 bbls prime Pork, 20 do Beef
20 do pilot Bread
150 do Irish Potatoes
50 smoaked Tongues
600 lbs. smoak’d beef
20 bbls Gin, Barber’s brand
75 whole and halt boxes Ist quality Soap
, 20 bbls Newark Cider
10 kegs Salt Petre
100 boxes bloom and muscatel Raisins
5 half bbls rye Flour
10 half chests Hyson Tea, fresh
7 pipes cognac Brandy
5 puncheons jamaica Rum
10 hhds. well flavored w. i. Rum
16 do Georgia, fine flavor
hhds and bbls v. f. Rum
1 h'.ls. barrels and boxes Sugar
20 bags prime Coffee
150 bbls. menhaden Fish
10 bbls. no. 1 Salmon
10 do no. 1 Mackerel
boston no. 1 and 2 Beef
50 boxes well assorted Garden-seeds
20 baskets sweet Oil
40 bbls Alexandria Crackers 2 r ,
11 half .do do do. sfresh5 fresh
1 case Linen cambrics, which will be sold
at cost and charges. 79 nov 29
For New-York,
vfcofv The regular packet ship PR UDENC'E,
Henry Field, master, will meet with im
mediate despatch. For freight or passage, ap
ply to the master on board, at Jones’ lower wharf,
or to * C. W. CARPENTER & co.
The consignees of goods, per the ship Pru
dence, are requested to call and receive them at
Jones’lower wharf. nov. 25 75
For New -York,
Sti, tuc superior packet brig AMELIA,
sßff-g: Rodman, master, will have despatch.—
For freight or passage apply on board, at Jones’
wharf, or to ‘ GEORGE GORDON.
Landing from said brig,
10 puncheons N.E. RUM
nov 24 74
Holland Goods.
Landing, from brig Sally-Ami, from Rotterdam
20 pipes superior Holland Gin
200 boxes Cheese, one in each
20 do. pine apple Cheese
25 jars Butter
7 casks white Lead
3 hhds Glassw are
12 chests do
70 bundles heart and club Steel
4 do blistered do
2 cases toilet and pocket Looking-Glasses
5 bales Ticklenburgs
1 case Tapes and Ribbons
2 cases Slates and Pencils
1 case cedar Pencils
3 cases Violins
1 do. violin strings
6 do. double and single barrel Fow ling
pieces and Rifles
3 cases mahogany Liquor Cases
12 boxes smoking Pipe's
100 Gin-Cases
150 Demijohns
300 jugs Seltzer Water. For sale by
For sale, freight or charter,
The said brig SALLY-ANN, burthen
eSaLdr. 22ti tons, is in good order and sails re
markably fast. Apply as above-.
Landing, from New- York, andfor sale as above,
50 bundles HAY
For sale on board ship Robert,
A number of Matrasses and bedding. Apply
on board. nov 25 § 75
On Boston, New-York ami Philadelphia,
at short sight. For sale by
nov 24 Hunter's wharf
Hills on Liverpool,
Payable in London, and on Boston, for sale by
nov 27 77 Hunter's wharf
BILLS on London, Liverpool and Glasgow.
payable in London, on New-York and Phi
ladelphia, for sale by JOHN SPEARMAN, Si co.
Fraser's wharf. 69 nov. 6
Hills on New-York,
At short sight, FOR SALE, by
sept. 9 35
On New York, and on Prpvidcnce direct, or
payable in Boston, for Fate by
A I 4 0,
8. Port No'es of fcsol> << V
I Ar< 1 81
Fail anil Winter Goods.
The subscribers have received by the ship Georgia,
and other recent arrivals from Liverpool and
Greenock, upwards of
Seasonable Dry Goods,
Comprising a complete assortment of Woolen,
Worsted, Linen, Cotton and Silk GOODS, w hich
have been carefully selected by one of the part
ners, and will be sold by the piece or package,
at a moderate advance for cash, cotton or un
doubted paper.
dj* Families can be supplied, by the piece or
dozen, on reasonable terms.
oct 28 56 ANDREW LOW ti CO.
The Subscriber,
Is now receiving from the ship Cora, from
Liverpool, a large and general assortment of
Fall and Winter GOODS, which lie offers for
sale on accommodating terms,
oct 14 50 JOHN TANNER.
One hundred hogsheads and seventy barrels
prime MUSCOVADO SUGAR, for sale by
august 23. 28
Tea China
Received per sloop general Washington
100 boxes india lea China,
for sale by ISAAC COHEN.
oct 28 56
John Speakman Cos.
Frazer's wharf,
HAVE received on consignment and now
landing from the British brig John W ins
loe, Henry Hodges, master, from New Port,
(South W ales,) a quantity of
Copper Bolts and copper Spikes
Tin Ware, consisting of household utensils,&c.
New Cordage
Woollen sl ° p S’ ’ rgfc
HlfffnM^lTentCoals. also,
From the Juno, from Liverpool,
A few tons Shot Which they offer for sale.
66 nov 14
- -
Just Received,
By the recent arrivals k for sale by the subscribers.
40 cadys 2 j each Gunpowder Tea
3 barrels pickled Tongues, 10 kegs pearl Barley
5 pipes Holland Gin, 15 boxes London Mustard
3 boxes Souchon Tea, 20 tierces London Porter
10 cases English Pine Apple Cheese
50 kegs W hite Lead, 5 kegs Pine Verdigris
5 dozen Sash Cord.
20 hogsheads and 14 barrels Sugar
174 boxes 7 9 8 10 and 10 by 12 window Glass
75 kegs Cut Nails, assorted sizes
100 barrels navy Bread.
Together with their former stock makes their
assortment complete. DOBSON &. HILLS,
august 30 31
Just received .and for Sale,
•100 barrels fresh Richmond Flour
1000 gallons Linseed Oil
200 coils assorted Cordage.
sept. 25 42
1200 bushels prime Beach Island Corn, just re
ceived and for sale by
aug. 30 13
New Store—New goods,
To be opened on W ednesday next, corner of Bay
and Drayton streets.
From London, via Charleston,
6 bales London niade Jackets and Trowscs
2 trunks gentlemen’s superfine Coats and Wa
terloos, lined with and without
4 bales negro Jackets and Trowses
2 do large size great Coats
3 do bearskin ,monkey-jackets
1 do fine red flannel Shirts
4 do large sizes foreign cloth Pea Jackets
2 cases extra fine Merino Shirts and long Draw
ers .
3 do superfine lamb’s w r ool Shirts
1 do do long and short lamb’s wool
2 trunks extra superfine Irish linen Shirts
3 do imperial shirting do *■”
2 do superfine double and single Cassimerc,
of all colors
3 do superfine cassimerc Pantaloons
15 cases fine and coarse Hats, of all descriptions
and a very great quantity of Dry Goods
The above goods are to be sold very low,
wholesale and retail, by PETER DREGE 81 co.
cornei• of Hay and Drayton-streets
nov. 25. 75
At private Ssilc,
It) packages ready made t'lothiug, eompris
mg superfine, fine and common, of id
most every description,
nov 24 71 D. WILLIFORD.
50 lingghi ail* prime Georgia TOBACCO, for
j sail* by M. G’DUNNING,
I dec I Rtf no. 2 C'tinnt roe row.
Stebbins Mason
Have received, JL, recent arrivals,
An assortment of english, french and india
which will be Sold on the lowest and most ac
commodating terms’ Among them are
4-4 6-4 7-4 8-4 and 10-4 irisli Damask and
Diaper, for table cloths
3-4 bird’s-eye Diaper
russian Diaper
german Rolls
ir’sli Sheetings
Irish I.inens, very low charged
linen Cambrics
do Handkerchiefs
linen and cotton Bedtick
marseilles bed Quilts
black and coined canton Crape3
black and wlffre italian do
florence and levantine Silks, a complete as
high colored changeable Sinchews and
blue Sarcenetts
swansdown and plush Pelerines
silk Shawls
elegant merino do
bandanna Handkerchiefs
black canton do
black and colored sewing Silk and Twist
silk Hosiery and (doves
black and col’d castor ancl kid Gloves
satin, taffeta and velvet Ribbons
chenelle Cords, Cords and Tassels
artificial Flow ers
velvet Indisjiensables, with gilt ctasps
silk Netts for the head
6-4 mull Muslins
inserting Trimmings
thread Laces, a good assortment
A variety of rich garnature Trimmings
white and black thulle Lace
ostrich and down Feathers
Cloths, cassimerc s, vestings, carpeting
Furniture calicoes
Rose and duffil blankets, plains,
India muslins, checks, 8;c. Sic.
nov 17 68
Kettcll Sewall,
no. 34 bolton’s wnmr.
8 hhds. and 30 barrels Doston rum
150 boxes smoked herring, in fine order
2 pipes Fayal wine
24 casks cheese
60 boxes do. superior quality
50 kegs prime butter, for family use
2 barrels Smyrna raisins
1 case paper hangings, new patterns and
very elegant.
-100 casks cut nails, assorted sizc3
300 reams wrapping paper
8 trunks boots
1 do. ladies’ morocco shoes
800 pair lined and bound shoes
100 do. low priced Wellington boot3
12 half barrels no. 1 salmon
50 keg 9 do.
4 chests hyson tea, 40 boxes soap
6 hhds. tinware, well assorted
2 cases Stationary, and
nov 21 72
“ By the dozen, piece or package .”
Stoutenburgh £5 Thorn,
(johnston’s SUVAHe)
Have received, and daily expect from England,
Scotland and France,
A more general and extensive assortment of
DRY GOODS, than w r as ever imported to this
city before.—Likewise, a few packages of
IIARD-JVARE, all selected bv a person well
acquainted with such articles as are suited to
this place and the upper country.
nov. 10. 62
Holland Gin £5 German Goods
Landing from brig Three-sisters, captain
Saunders, from Ostend,
4 hales brusscls Carpeting
sdo holland Sheeting
2 do do Shirting
1 do do table Cloths
5 do do Duck
Bdo do unbleached Linen 1 yd-wide
4 do linen Bags
3 do paper Hangings
5 chests do do
1 do do do landscapes and chimney pieces
7 do writing Paper
5 do nuremburg Toys
750 fancy Baskets
6 bags cammomile Flowers
32 pieces cotton Bagging
100 pocket Bottles covered
150 liquor Cases with Decanters Stc
1 chest oil Slones
120 bxs composition for cotton gins, mills, Sic
24 jars best dutch Butter
12 large pipes real holland Gin
25000 blue and red Bricks
800 square flagging Stones
For sale by J. BATTFXLE.
nov 10 6'3 no 16 comwerce-rov
42 hhds. x. r.. RUM—fur sale bv
dec 1 n 80 Jones’ wharf
From ship Prudence,
20 hhds v K. Rum
1 case Fow ling.[litres
1 c.tbk I lard-wal e
For sale bv
CIIAIIt.ES 11 (■ incr.VTVtl ts f'O
[Netv Series— Vol. l.—No, is s.
Gray Finder
Have just received, and for sale on accommodative;
terms,wholesale and retail,
HOLLAND GIN, Cognac Brandy,hhds. Whis
key Parrels double anchor Brooklin Gin
nearly equal to Holland, third proof
Puncheons Jamaica Rum, N. K. Rirm third proof
Do. Georgia, fourth proof, and equal to Jan.aka
London particular Teheriffe Wine, in quarter
Hogsheads Sugar
Chests hjson Tea, latest importation .
Do. Souchong do. boxes London Mustard
Dupont’s FF li Gunpowder
Boxes Soap and Caudles (Slidell’s)
Bags best velvet Corks,
Kegs Salt petre, large & small
Size wrapping Paper, Cavendish Tobacco
Best Richmond Tobacco, 8 to the pound
Gauging and Wantage Rods
Marking Pots & Brushes
Linseed, spermaceti and train Oil
White Lead, Verdigrise, Venetian Red
Yellow, black and blue Paint, Spanish Brbwn
Sheathing Copper and copper Nails
Together with everyarticle required in the
Ship Chandlery line.
October 28 5^
Just received
By the subscriber, per ship Niagara, and for sale,
1 he followingarticlea of FURNITURE,
some of them of the first style of workmanship ar.d
fashion :
Writing-tables and Book-cases
Sideboards—Night-tables— portable Desk}
Pining and Dressing-tables
ladies’ Work-tables
Bedsteads and field do
Pembroke Tables—Chairs—-arm do
Wash-stands—Bedstead?, and
Chaise and Harness.
f A quantity of Tin-ware.
JOHN THOMAS, Rice’s wharf.
dec, a 81
Tefft § Iter kins
Have received Jm-Jo- — rti. ‘
Tea-trays, elegant and fashionable patterns
plated Castors, do do
brass Fenders do do
wire do do do
curtain Pins do do
cases of single and double-barrelled Fowling
pieces and Rifles
dutch Brooms—Head-brushes
jkpanned and plated Bread-baskets
crown Window-glass
Chafing-dishes, Dtist-parfs, AaviH, Nails
Powder, of superior quality
Jewellery, &c.
Whic h they are offering on their usual fai?
terms, ai theft- store, opposite col. Shellman’s
b arding-Iv use. dec 3 82
New Shoes.—K. S. Kemp ton
HAS just received, by the schooners Two
Sisters and Sea Horse from New-York 1
a choice and well selected assortment of Ladies,
Gentlemens and Childrens Leather anil Moroc
co Shoes : of the latest and most approved fash
ions, the varieties of which he forbears to enu -
merate, but very respectfully submits them t;i
the scrutiny of his friends and customers, who
are politely invited forthwith to call and choose
for themselves.
Also on Hand —6 casks very superior Currant
Wine, 10 dozen Bamboo and Windsor Chairs.
August 30. 31
Piano Fortes,
Seven fine toned PIANOS, just received ar.d
for sale at the New York prices bv
nov 18 69
The Subscriber
Offers for side an Invoice, consisting of the folkso*
ing articles :
Single and double bolted Padlocks
do do patent do ,
l’en anil pocket Knives, children do. assorted
anil low charged
Scissors, chest Locks, Knives and Forks
Stock Locks, Augers, pin Mauls, Iron Butt3
Carpenters Hammers, sad Irons
Scrubbing Brushes, ship Scrapers, kc
20 crates crockery Ware
25 cases Tumblers, 15 boxes Tea China
10 tons Russia and Swedes Iron
The above goods will be sold low, and on ac
commodating terms, for the purpose of closing
a concern : apply to ISAAC COHEN.
nov 15 se 77
Linen Table Cloths.
8-4, 10-4, 10-12,10-16 and 10-18—Elegant
linen table Cloths, for sale bv
august 26. 29
Just received,
A few pieces of elegant French blue and LlaoJ*.
Broadcloths —No. 10, Gibbon’s building.
JOHN PRENI'ICF, Merchant-tailor.
dee 1 80
0 Riding GiN,
An invoice of fancy Chairs
7 barrels bpek-wheat Flour
Just received and for suit bv
nov 21 75
Writing Paper
Fur vdj at this Olfict. oct 16