Columbian museum and Savannah daily gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1817-1821, July 25, 1818, Image 1

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(Dolmntnau fUuscmtt SAVAN NA H G AZETTB. You. XXIII.—No. 3600.] Valuable Heal Estate. ® For sale, the HOUSES and LOT, corner of Broughton and Whitaker streets, now under the management of mr. ltaiford, former ly occupied by colonel Shellman,and well known as Shellman’s boarding-house ; with all the house and kitchen FURNITURE, mostly new, and in good order. Possession will be given at any time to suit the purchaser. IIENHY W. HILLS. july 14 fe 26 To Lease, jPM For a term of years a LOT, situated Elina si in Brown-ward, belonging to the Free- School of Savannah. For particulars inquire of MARY C. TAYLOR, may 29 100 To Rent , |pp.Very low until the first of Nov. next. MicliJThe pleasant and *ool counting room re cently occupied by Anson Blake over messrs. Nichols Dobson & Hills to whom please apply or to GEORGE COLLINS & CO. No. 5 Gibbons buildings. july 9 n 24 For Sale, eTlie LOT and BUILDINGS thereon, no. 1, the corner of Jefi’erson street, on the Bay, lately occupied by the sub scriber. For terms apply to S. C. House, in Savannah, or John Couhse, esq. in Augusta. ISAAC COURSE. july 2 f 121 For Sale. ®A HOUSE and LOT, no. 22, Wash ington ward. The Lot is 82 feet front, and 150 deep. For terms, apply to MOSES HERRERT, on ALEXANDER HUNTER, june 30 n 20 JAMES H. FRASER, O MARKET SHUARE, FFERS for sale the following GOODS, cheap for casii or approved paper : 100 barrels rye V\ liiskcy 10 hhds do do 5 pipes 4th proof frcuch Brandy 3 hhds rye Gin 10 qr casks l. r. teneriffe Wine 6 do. lisbon Wine 200 barrels superfine Flour 50 half barrels for family use 40 casks Cut Nails 3d to 20d assorted 50 kegs Nitre liall Gunpowder 30 do Dupont’s warranted Gunpowder 40 bags Buck Shot 150 do Patent BB to No. 9, assorted 2>d reams Wrapping Paper 1000 bushels Liverpool Ground Salt 5 tons Pots, Ovens, Skillets & Spiders 6 do Swedish Chair Tyre Iron 4 do do Square J and Inch 4 do Round Iron $ to Uj inches 10 faggots Crowleys Steel 1500 lbs blistered Steel 20 bags race Ginger 10 do heavy black Pepper 40 bags prime green Colfee 10 1 ii''ds prime Sugar 30 -barrels do do 4 chests hyson Tea 20 qr boxes imperial Tea 20 casks london brown stout Porter, june 20 e 16 J Vew Goods. X ER the brig Eliza, from Greenock, the sub scriber has received the following articles which he offers for sale on reasonable terms ; boxes brown Linens do. ofßritannias do. linen and cotton Checks do. finen threads, assorted colors trunks of cotton Hose boxes of Ginghams, Stripes, Berries do. of book and mul mul Muslins do. of tabling and towelling linens 1 trunk ready made Waistcoats 150 kegs White Lead ground in oil kegs black, yellow and red Paints 10 puncheons Rum a quantity of iron Pots Camp-oven*-’ -■ -overs Spiders assort with a variety of other articles suitable for the present season S. C. DUNNING. may 39 101 Pavilion Gauze , £jc. By the ELtZV, just arrived from Greenock, the undersigned have received a quantity of Fine Pavilion gauzes Muslin Robes Brown Hollands Cotton and linen Checks Muslins of various kinds Demos and union Stripes UriUuiiias, be. Sic. .‘hid by tbn Georgia. 50 casks London bn'tled brown stout. For sale by ANDREW LOW & CO. may 29 sw 100 Tiri.B for Red Batata ; Mortgages for do ■<jT vale at this office, Notice. < IX URING my absence, mr. James 11. Fraser will act as my attorney. Mr. H. S. Atwood will attend to the business of the store. M L. WHITE. july 21 g 29 Notice , IX URING the absence of the subscribers from this city, messrs. Moses Herheut and Edwin P. Stabu will act as their attornies. CAMPBELL & CUMMING. july 21 s 29 Notice. XXURING the absence of the subscrier, M. Herbert, esq. will act as his attorney JOHN THOMAS. pr James Bridge. july 21 a 29 Notice . IVXr. Samuel C. House is duly authorised to act as my attorney in mv absence from Savannah. GEORGE F, GREENE, july 21 n / ‘ 29 Notice. Wx. H. Joynf i and mr. John D. Bolde man are appointed attornies for the subscribers during their absence from this state. WM. P. BEERS & CO. july 21 s 29 Notice. XX URING my absence from Savannah, mr. A. Howe will act as my attorney. v NOAH B. SISSON, july 9 24 Notice. XXuRTNO the absence of the subscribers, Mod s Herbert, esq. and mr. William Hotch stasser will act as their attornies. The latter gentleman will attend to the immediate duties of the store. TEFFT & PERKINS. july 16 s 27 Notice. THE subscriber has appointed and authorised mr. George Collins his attorney during his absence from this state. ANSON BLAKE. july 14 fn 26 Notice. %X • J. &F. Blanchard having taken messrs. Francis Petellut and Francis Gillet into copart nership, all subsequent transactions will be con ducted under the firm of BLANCHARD, BROTHERS, & CO. july 2 wi 121 Notice. months after date hereof, I shall apply to the honorable the Justices of the Infe rior court of Camden county, for leave to sell the unsold part of 3252 acres of land in Jackson county, being part of the real estate of Thomas Collier, dec’d. ELIZABETH BULLEII COLLIER, Executrix. St. Mary's river, jan 22, 1818. 228 Notice. Nine months after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court o Chatham county, for leave to sell Lot no. 9 (nine) Wilmington tything, Darby ward, with the improvements belonging to the estate of B. Shader, jr. for the benefit of the heirs of said CSt<it€. FREDERICK SHAFFER,?- JACOB SHAFFER, Savannah.. 3d April, 1818. 58 The Library WILL be open during this season, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 5 to 7 o clock p. m. june 30 . 20 Savannah PoOU-HOUSE & HOSPITAL Visiting Com mittee for July and August: HENRY nr HILLS ANI) OLIVER L. nOHSON. Joseph Cunmino, Secretary. july 2 21 To hire forfbnr months yV Middle aged NEGRO woman as conk or house servant, who ran be well recommended for honesty and sobriety. Apply at this office July 14 26 SATURDAY MORNING . JULY 25, 1818. Code of Agriculture. OW in the press and will shortly be pub lished, by Hudson if Cos. and Cooke & Hale, at Hartford, Conn. THE CODE OF AGRICULTURE. BT SIB JOHN SINCLAtH, Founder of the British boat'd <f Agriculture. It is unnecessary for the Air ’• ‘.-an publishers of this work to say any thir g of the merits or the reputation of its anther i these have long been held in high estimation, in this Coun try as well as in Europe. Thit treatise on ag riculture was first published in I.ondon, in Sep tember last. And to shew under what advanta ges it was written, it is only necessary to pre sent the following extracts from the author’s introduction to the work. “ On his suggestion, the government of Greai Britain established a board of agriculture and internal improvement, under whose auspices the greatest exertions were made to collect useful information, as a foundation for. such a work as the one now proposed : the .publica tion of which, fvom the commencement of the new Institution, was in his contemplation. A great body of valuable materials having been amassed, wlpt could be more desirable, than to reduce the substance of the whole, into so mod erate a compass, that it would require neither much expense to purchase, nor much time to [read ? How far that has been effijcfedj-tite rea der will have it in his power to jtfeje,oy a pe rusal ofthis publication. ‘ But to enable any person to undertake such a task as the present, it was notalbne sufficient, that he had -success, to Books, however numer ous, or iiowever valuable the information they might contain. It was necessary for him also to converse with farmers; —to discuss the va rious subjects connected with agriculture, with, practical men ; —to survey their firm ; —to ex amine their various practices on (he spot;—to compare the systems of different countries — and, above all, to be himself a .Farmer, and that on a great scale. These advantages have not been wanting on the present occasion.” For the purpose of reducing the size and ex pense of the work, the Americtn publishers have omitted, where it could be conveniently done without interrupting'dhe connection, such parts as were more particularly applicable to G. Britain. For instance, a-drw'ption of the “ parochical national and miscelaneous burdens ,” that a farmer is to take into consideration before entering upon a farm, &c. &c. Notes have also been introduced in some few instances, in the hope of attracting the attention of the American agriculturist to particular subjects. Some of the most important topics treated on, are, climate, soil, capital, accounts, laborers, live stock, cultivation of wastes, draining, m entires paring and bunting, fallowing, weeding, irrigation, flooding, warping, cultivation of arable land, grass land, orshat fls, woods and plantations, watering ponas, the uses of salt in agriculture, &c. &c. , TERMS. The work will be printed on a strong good paper, and be comprised in from 400 to 450 pa ges, and will be embellished with fine engrav ings of cattle, grasses, &c. &.c. Price to subscribers, in boards, §2 50 In neat sheep binding, 275 To non-subscribers, the price will be advan ced 25 cents on each. Those who take six copies shall be entitled to one copy in addition, gratis. june i2 12 state or GEORGIA, ? „ JAMES BIRD, BRYAN COUNTY. 5 3 Clerk of the court of ordinary for the county afore said. WHEREAS John 4- Maxwell, esq. of said county, has applied to me for letters dis missory, as administrator on the estate and ef fects of Richard M. Maxwell, esq. late of said county deceased. Now these are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said estate to file their objections (if any they have) in my office, on or before the first Mon day in January next; otherwise letters dismisso ry will be granted him. Given under my hand and seal this twenty fifth day of June, eighteen hundred and eighteen, and in the 43d year of the Independence of the United States of America. JAMES BIRD. I ‘ 1 june 27 xn 19 r By JAMES BIRD, Georgia, j Clerk of the Court of Ordinary bryan county. y 0 ). the County aforesaid. W HEREAS George Cubbedge hath made application to me for letters of administration oil the estate, effects, rights and credits of George Cubbedge, esq. late of said county, de ceased, as one of the heirs. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kind and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in my office, on or before the first Mon day in September next, otherwise letters will be granted, him. Given under my band and seal, this 13th day of July, 1818, ana in the 43d year of the Inde pendence of the united states of America. 27 (1.. h) JAMES BUM), C. C. O. Printing Ink. V QUANTITY of excellent quality printing Ink, just received from the Manufactory, at 35 cents per pound, warrunled good j should it not prove to he so, will he exchanged or taken hick Orders to amount will be received and immediately attended to, on application at the Alice w*t V Ornette Oflre. jan 10 217 ‘ Georgetown Episcopal Church Boor and Orphan House &® SF t‘IS & 13V A Lottery authorised by an act of the legisla ture of the state of SoUth-carolina, for repairing the Episcopal Church, and building a Poor and Orphan House in Georgetown, s. c. SCHEME, 1 Prize of $>50,000 1 do. of- ... 20,000 1 do. of ... 10,000 2 Prizes of jgsooo is 10,000 Bdo of 1000 8,000 4do of 500 2,00 u 16 do of 100 1,600 968 do of 50 48,400 1001 Prizes. §ISO,OCd 1999 Blanks. 3000 Tickets, at Fifty Dollars each, $>150,000 The following Prizes will be stationary. The first drawn ticket will be entitled to s>sooo, to he paid in 100 tickets, from no. luOl to 1100, both inclusive. Ist drawn ticket on the 2d day’s drawing, entitled to §IOOO 3d ‘ do do 500 4th do do 5000 (to be paid in 100 tickets from 1201 to 1301, bbtli inchisivq) % . sth day’s drawing, entitlecrto * §IOO9 6th do do 10,009 7th do do 1,000 Bth do do 50,000 All the Prizes subject to a deduction of 15 per cent, payable sixty days after the comple tion of the drawing, at the office of discount and deposit of the United-states bank at Charles ton ; or at the branch bank of the state of South-carolina in Georgetown. CC/* The drawing will positively commence on the first Monday in June, and be completed in eight drawings. All prizes not claimed within six months afterwards, will be considered as donations to the Church, Poor and Orphan House. Cleland Kinloch,"’ Benjamin Huger, John L. Wilson, Aaron Marvin, > Commissioners. Thomas Cabr, Henry Denison, j Jacob, J All letters addressed to the commissioners for tickets or information must be post paid. Georgetown, S. C. 1818. in the above Lot tery may be had at the Museum Zs Gazette Office. june 11 wa—-waf 55 - % To Printers. For sale at the Museum Sf Gazette office, The following founts of JOB TYPE, &c. near ly new, which will be sold together, at aliar gain. 1 fount of 8 line Pica 1 do of 5 line Pica i do of double Pica 1 do of double Pica Black 1 do of Scrip 1 do of English (Roman) 1 do of American Cannon A variety of Ornaments and Flowers 50 pair of letter Cases. also A good sacond hand printing Press, well calculated for working Jobs and a proof Press, may 21 93 i —-—. Steam Saw Mill for sale. In consequence of the ill health, of the pres ent proprietor ofthe CHATHAM STEAM SAW MILLS, and his intention of leaving Savannah, the above valuable establishment is offered for sale on liberal terms, either the whole or in shares, the engine is a sixteen horse power, which works two complete gangs of Saws, also a Grist Mill. The building is 120 feet long, has 60 feet carriages, and been in operation about 6 months, and is in every respect in complete or der. An unexpired the wharf of nine years, which is 150 feet front, and 500 feet deep, also a good dwelling house, with other out build ing#, all in good repair will be sold with the mill. The above establishment can be viewed at any time on application to M. HERBERT. (£jr* The editor of the Charleston Courier is requested to insert the above one week, and for ward their to this office, june2 - 103 The Saluda Mineral Springs. T IIF.SF. Springs are situated within six miles of Cambridge, near the Saluda river, in an ele vated and healthy part of the country. The efficacy of their waters in the cure of many dis eases, has been fully established ; none can be better for those who are affected v#th dispep sia, or have been long laboring under any de bility. The waters are impregnated with sul phur, iron, lime and magnesia. Suitable accommodations are prepared for the reception of company, by mrs. CHILES, and every pains will be taken to render a stay at the Springs agreeable, on terms as moderate as the situation of the country will admit. Cambridge, S. C. June 10, fn 10 To Hire, Smart NEC Ilf) HON \pply at this office, J june K [New Series- -Vol. 2. — No. 131. Altamaha River. persons disposed to contract for remov ing the temporary Obstructions in the Altamaha river, from the fork down to Darien, or anv part of them, will render in their proposals to S* ott Cray, in Darien, on or before the first of Au gust next. Liberal advances will be made to the contractors. John Burnett, f Jacob Wood, i John P Blackman, f Commissioners Scott Cray, J Darien, June 18, 1818. yi n 7 Young Ladies’ Hoarding & Day SCHOOL. THIS Institution, under the superintendence of mrs. SANDWtCH, and mrs. HURLBURD, will be removed to MOUNT SALUBRITY, in all next month, at which place it will continue during the summer and autumnal months. The situation is healthful, pleasant and retired. The different branches of an English Education it*, eluding Embroidery, Drawing and Music, are taught as usual, june 2 ‘ § 0 - 103 Healthy situation. Thomas Hudson, from Charlotte 8. C HAS opened a boarding house in Jackson county, at Jefferson. Families removing from the low countries, and travellers, may be assured ot comfort and convenience if they please to call on him. april 28, 1818 • ✓ 73 Lands for Sale. THE subscriber being desirous of removing to the up-country for the better enjoyment of his health, offers for sale, 3500 acres of LAND, compo* jf. tracts carefully selected, from 2to 500 acres each, the most of which tracts are contiguous, and from one to seven miles from Mclntosh Court-house and Sapelo bridges, and ten miles from RicebormigV Liberty county ; adjoins the lands late the property of Robert Baillie deceased, John H. Mclntosh, George and Thomas I)yall, &c. and abounds with a consid erable quantity of the best yellow pine, oak and cypress, arid is dotted with spots of land from 50 to 100 acres, well calculated for settle ments, and probably no body of land in the southern states is better calculated for the rais ing of 9tock, especially for the supply of useful timber for ship building, &c. which is within a short distance from a saw mill that runs two gangs of saws, and where lumber, best calcula ted for market, can be shipped from the spot. A further description ofthis property is thought unnecessary, as it is presumed and expected, purchaser will first view the premises, which will be shewn, with the grants of the land, and a general plat shewing the connection of the racts, walet courses, &c. Also for sale, anew framed DWEI,LING HOUSE, and four contiguous Lots, south ofthe Court-house lot in Mclntosh county, containing 180 feet, fronting on the road from Savannah to Darien, and 120 feet front of the road leading to the academy, well enclosed, with a good garden &c. it is believed there is not a better stand in the county for a grocery store, and a house of entertainment, it being at the head of water nav igation of Sapelo river, 53 miles from Savannah, Seventeen miles from liiceborough, and 12 to Darien, and where the mail stage is in the habit of stoping at the post-office. Should an early application be made, a great bargain may be had of the above described property, and Ne groes or merchandize taken in payment. JOHN ORME, Mclntosh county, May 14. * 87 BLANKS For s'lle at the Office of the Museum Zs Gazette Prices Current Bills of Lading Entries of Merchandize Reports and Manifests Clearances Shipping Articles Notary’s Protests . Bills of sale for Negroes Powers of Attorney Together with a general assortment of Jus tice and Sheriff's Blanks. Alsor Blanks for the Mayor’s court. CCj CARDS, HANDBILLS, &c. executed with neatness and despatch. Twenty Dollars Re7card. DESERTED from the U. S. brig Promethe us, on the 24th inst. at Tyfcee, EIIEX. ROBIN SOX, a native of England, and by trade a weave!’. He has light eyes, light hair, fair complexion, a little marked by/he small pox, and 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high. also CALEB HARRIS, a native of North-carolinn, a tnilor by trade—* has light eyes, sandy hair, sallow complexion, and live feet 8 or 9 inches high. The above reward will be given to any per son who will apprehend and deliver t fie a aid deserters on board tlie V. 8. brig Prometheus, or secure them in any place so that the officers of tlie Prometheus msy be apprised of their ■'iprehensio*!. I Ten dMWs will he given for the appreUen ’ kinii of rither of the deserters aforcsauT ■ april 28