Columbian museum and Savannah daily gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1817-1821, December 11, 1818, Image 1

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GfcNtNAU LlDiv (If Jf ‘ - _J%IV UNIVERSITY OF G VLolunuuau ill it 5 cum l== W * t SAVANNAH DAILY GAZETTE. Vol. XXIII. — No. 3682. MORRIS KETCRUM, Jta?OFUU FOII SALE. W <** louden Porter 2D do. (MaidpUada <39 cr raft aaha tencriffe and white Wise 12 feW* X. E Sum 25 do W iMkey 18 do j—lira rod St. Croix Hum 13 pipe* and 15 barrels country Gin 8 do hotbnd Gin 15 pipes french Brandy 12 bfedsK. O Sonar 30 bstiels Philadelphia double Refined Su gar 50 boxes and 8 bids. Cordials 10 do koodoo Mustard ’ 20 do G^m 20 tags Coffee 15 do smnatree Pepper 300 barrels Mackerel no 3 15 do Saloon dec 8 t 10 GEEEXE & LIPPITT, HaVE received now landing on consignment 30 bags Coffee 10 hbdsX E. Gin >7OO ox Horns 15 tons*weeds waggon tire Iron 15 bids current Mine 5 cases coarse Hats 6 bbbloaf Sugar All which will be sold low for cash *?ec 4 h. 7 White plains , Me. A few hales white plains engfisb writing and copying Paper londcn particular roaderia Wine of superior quality, in pipes, half pipes and qv. casks March’s brand, warranted pure Brandy in pipes X. E Rost ia bhds. lamp Sugar, in bbls. and bhds darct hi boaes of 1 doz. each Kentucky Twine in cases for sale by J3TO. BOGUE, fc Go. 1 w ‘’ 4 M . T E 58 —* ——- London Porter. 40 casks bottled London Porter Just Reared and for sale by JXO. BOGUE k CO. deel K * Furniture. The entire Furniture of a genteel house is of fered for tale—for elegance it is not supposed to be excelled by ‘bat of many bouses in Sa •mmb. For terms apply to WILLIFORD & BAKER, dee 4 ” Window Glass and Sashes. Trrr boxes 7by 9 window GLASS—B 4 7ky9 window Janfees, 12 panes each—for sale on reasonable term* by DAVID HILL & CO. McKinnt?* rttarf. dee 7 9 6'/itp JFoflff / / A cargo -'/fere Oak landing from sdir, Isabel fa and tor ode at 7 doMsro per cord by the quan tity, jftfte* from the wharf, by A LttHKFA*. t ‘* 10 EU%unl Trimmhi%*. Me. \%%fMti%i, mt ***** t nmm,r K* ttuttm and tmM* (Won hewed awdl aw* Hu4m, Ac—teeeir ad by slop fetwmee from f/feentefc, and wujaah mmatt, dec * * /b{ fUrtlred, barrels fhoomore / 29 4y wron* fc ♦gat # lA4* imoß* H+**t 4/'AM nj4| (bfe i'hhV*, ¥ 4 I fF/F/bF/ dfWV */**/ A*? 1454 It ffeofee SHOMv*, bn vis </j/ ’ tfisdl t pht ift rt 1 414 ** aa# tMfi ~*4 ***• feoit / #W’' ’ #it oMfUfhAI 04*** ***o *444 ia* f 4****t4o44m w f fens if* ■*” ‘’ . . . . . SggSWSfcw *■* l 44*4*4* f>*i n v, h(Z*J7„<-4 / i few A J&OC NORTON, Returns thanks to liis friends in general for the very liberal share of business, which they have given him, and begs to acquaint them that he has now on hand an extensive assortment of the various articles in the imr good cine which he will keep complete by frequent importation, at the I* ’ck store in Shad’s buildings Johnsons square, at the corner formerly occupied by Siebbins and Mason. Among which of the latest received, are Shepherds best blue and blk. Cloths do. do. Cassimcres an assortment of the best quality taylors Trimmings a large supply of second and coarser Cloths and Cassimeres Toilanett and marseills Vestings Bombazetts black and white Bombazeens ladies and gentlemens silk & leather Gloves do. do. silk, cotton, and worsted Hose fine and coarse Linens, Lawns, and linen Cambric* brown Holland, and brown Sheetings Mull, Book, and cambric Muslins homespun Humhums steam loom Shirtings sewings Silks, Linen and Cotton, ounce and ball Threads first quality Needles, Pins Tapes and Buttons pink, green, blue, buff, black and other Ribbons silk Shawls whole and half Handerchiefs nankin and canton Crapes crape Shawls and Scarfs Cassimere do. merino do. half and whole Handkerchiefs Levantine and Florence, plaid and plain Silks ndia and italian figured Silks India and Sinchews white blk. and colored siik Velvets ladies hair Nets muslin Ruffs tortoise shell, and mock shell Combs Redicules, and redicule Clasps chinell Cords silk Laceings - . j i Thread, Cotton, and silk-’ . • ct Hbnc fc Trimmi ll gs and -SV with ‘Ctiier nee? A .ypsehft. nov 9 § 86 P Salt afloat, Me. J*IFTEEN hurdrfid bushels liverpool coarse Salt 50 casks bottled Porter and Ale 10 bDls. Beer bbls. New-england Rum 2* Apple Whiskey 100 doz. Bedcords boxes sperm Candles, &c. HOMES TUPPER, jMcKinnes wharf. dec 8 s 19 Yellow Russia Turnips. One hundred bushels of the above for sale ir lots to suit purchasers. Apply on board sclir. Undaunted, at McKinne’s wharf, (this day.) dec 7 s 9 Irish Brown Linen. Three cams irish brown LINEN just re ceived, for sale by JOHN LATIIHOP & Cos. dee 9 all Choice VIKCINIA BACON, by the single piece or quantity Goshen BUTTER, by the firkin And a general assortment of GROCERIES, at w holesde and retail by V BKM.ECK, Comer of Jefferson U Conureii, riot.. 7 wa 9 Till#* for fh-al Estate f Mortgage* for do for sale at tins other, Short Notice. subwnbers, having employed a largo oonh< r i4 One #rs< rate workmen, have the I pt *ore >iT simoom io u to their friend* and (he /, o t 4 a*soo*o and it* vn biity, in gen m*(, that they miw have H in (heir power In mah# i till eompbde, in (h* riant tpaie >4 i >gh* lean a, ami m rim most superior manner aiel latiti laelmin, lor who U purpus* (hey keep a nonatoni ripply ul (idi liM qosldy Ulnlhs, i,***o<nrei, t< ( AtitiOW Is pfiilhii, M/r *Vwt MHUVHU IpU > • (hr f d* *•*## id Informing dm iadmi ol I *eo*h, nal tin liM naivnj lief ritqtUion I ni„, i| |.< kbnn tonus le u<*ri, mill, I Ps.**.; (< n*o r1,0,M/ a < >*ir, and <anhe*m no I uaaitied 4i/rw wtor*X. ajli ha haopy ]toieia<f*LyiagtiUf #* aodim n4#, and h■ | j , |i. mwti ow l,’no hi- sorb, l> | y Ig re liaojti and 1 u ad f#*oi# ig *l*| M4|l 4 | M A SU/ti hi* FRlliJtr MORNING, DECEMBER li, 1818. KII.LJiM & HILL’S, NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Gentlemen's <BrhWWSm<Bo TTIIE subscribers have just opened, at the corner of Whitaker street tswd the Bay, a large and elegant assortment of * Superfine Clothing, mad? in the best manner and most fashionable style : containing great Coats plaid Cloaks surtout and Waterloo Coats dress’ ("oats Pantaloons Waistcoats Drawers fine Shirts Hats Boots and Shoes { Hosiery and Gloves and every article for a full dress, nov 11 § 88 p JOHN PRENTICE, A Tailor.- T his store no. 10, Gibbons’ building, has just received one bale Shepard’s best blue and black Cloth one do Austin’s do . do do one do do Cassimeres middling and low priced Cloths and Cassimeres Webb’s patent Suspenders a variety of silk Velvets silk Vesting toilinet do ■ . marseilles white andjcolored do. The above will be manufactured by the sub scriber in the best manner and newest style of fashion. His former customers from whom he has re ceived such liberal patronage, (for which he feeis some degree of gratitude,) with others, are again invited to call. Every kind of Gar ment, that is generally Ivoriv ,by men, boys or children, made at the shortest hqtice. Jiie has now pn hand, aAsg#suantity of ready -1 fioaflMJUh - -. ‘ surtout :niß fi-ock do Pantaloons* Vests Cloaks children’s Suits, &c. nov 12 sw 89 THOMPSON & HAWLEY Merchant Tailors. RESPECTFULLYdnform the citizens of Sa vannah and its vicinity, that they have commen ced the above business in Bull-street, opposite messrs. Andrew Low & co. where they have on hand, a choice selection of Shepard’s best Cloths and Cassimeres. ....a l s 0.... An elegant assortment of fancy Vestings Clothing Dress Coats Waterloo do. Great do. Plaid Cloaks Pantaloons Vests Children’s Clothes Drawers and Wrappers, &c. &c Tho-C customers who may please to favor them with their tailoring business, may depend upon having their work executed on short noj tice, and in the best manner and most fashiona ble style. nov 27 § 1 Memoirs , Op the lifcofmissCAPnuvc Elizabeth Smelt, who died 111 Augusta, in Hentember 1817, hy Moses Wuddcl, I) I). of Soutli-curolina. Just ree’d. and for sale by S. C, kJ. SCHENK. J*i4et 75 cents, It K(’ OMM KjirVJl TJ (JNH\ ft Mr,— I have read, sir, with ft real nlrssure (lie * meiaoirs of tli lit* of miss miielt, which you were so good as to send to ms. It is a work (list ooi lo interesting and useful to ull who pemsu 11, sod s especially rahadated lo hunelit ill* youth of her own sc*, “ ‘l’hough dead, she yulspeakcili,"—-May many hear Imr monitory voice Believe me (o lie, sir, your* with sincerity, IIKMIV KOLMJCK, To Hr, Ihttt hi 11 1 wok you lor tbs copy of Ihe le> molt sol miss kmell, (vim h you had (lie gmehii • to si ml me I have read tfis vidmne wfdi mu< li stiisfaciioii, •• is* very htlcretitog an mint o ihs ilb M oil ishgioii on * siiiy.(daily pious ami derao( on ml, and lioin In r Jmi<hio| ehaisi ter id ihe subject ol thvse on moira, will h* read aiib misisti ami i* bgiou* adraoisipi, espei islly b/ rim young Ilia mpl* ii-iomaiilaniiiis Wn| Bt irtifiH” hiwm, m, I iliinb I 1 - 1 * •’ a I*mi oa ! d‘, i • j, 1 ivo i f am ado raaoeet toi l rtisawi tii, your lmuib(e rays wig tv 41 11 B I (M(** ||P I tka v If 1 CHARLES COTTON COFFERS FOH SALE, HAMPAIGNE and claret Wine, of superior quality Hhds 4th proof jamaica Rum do 3d proof windward island do. do cognac Brandy do holland Gin 2 qv casks teneriffe Wine 2 do malaga do 4 bbls cherry Rum 3do cherry Brandy -18 do Cordials loaf and lump Sugar 2 chests hyson Tea 4 dozen extra gilt fancy Chairs 2 do satin wood do 2 dozen do bamboo do 12 casks Stone-ware dec 1 4 MORRIS KETCHUM, Offers for sale at his store, Jones’s wharf, 260 bbls Mackerel no. 3 40 hhds jamaica and w. i. Rum 10 do n. e. do 10 pipes holland Gin 16 do country do 20 bbls Jenk’s dc* 16 pipes cognac Brandy 20 hhds muscovado and N. Orleans Sugar 30 bags Sumatra Pepper 20 qr. casks and half pipes tenneriffe, Cata lonia and white Wine 10 hhds rye Whiskey 30 boxes window Glass 20 casks Cheese 20 bbls pickled Salmon 8 casks london Porter 12 ooxes do Mustard nov 19 94 SMITH & DUNHAM, Offer for sale, at their store in Jefferson street, (Selleck’s building.) Srime green Coffee in bags . o. white do. j new-orleans Sugar, in hhds. and bW*-V„ - imperial Tea, in quarter chests Suitable for families ‘ .:-£r Philadelphia Whisky, in hhds. and bWs. holland Gin northern do. jamacai Rum, 4th proof prime Butter in kegs tor family use pickled Cucumbers in small kegs madeira Wine in bottles and demijohns london Porter, (Ist quality) goshen Cheese And all other articles irt the grocery line. —a— blue and white plains rose and L. duffle Blankets, nov 14 90 New Goods, Received by late arrivals from New-york I Providence & Boston, two hundred packages comprising a splendid assortment of British, French, Canton, Do mestic fy Military GOODS, selected with much care and offered for sale at low prices, by the package, piece, or at retail, by JONAS HARRISON & CO. Johnson's square. net 19 68 Goshen Cheese in boxes and casks. iV Constant supply of the above direct from Goshen of the first quality, and warranted, for sale in boxes of one cadi, and casks cither large or small sizes, hy BUTLER 8c WHITE, Market-square. rnn sale as a hove, li cases Fowling (low priced) 20 rusks puteM Hoes (No. 1,2, 3 and 4) 50 boxes spunisli riegurs 25 kegs cavendish Tobacco 10 cuses rorum Huts V ruses lady's Beavers Ursli and Muck castor lists st reduced prices and long credit lor approved impur. nov IH 01 Gunpowder and fresh Flour , jj, F|- rsg (iunpowdr 50 do IIF do hit do IIF glu/e do Ifijiniuls iiisiuilsi turn snd wtrrtnUd i- I I* H'*h *ii|i*rfiim Baltimore Flour who it will uii sold low Apply to JAHK ii riiAr.M, Mn> iri tuuurf, due 4 I 7 Hauled, \ * ns Kltol'Ml, s it nab nhm hwhhbhu *l*4 |lVlllUili| l *(’ * (*> to Ml*lUl|6 I 0<(OU lotiMtiioi* noi >0 I #<BiN M ATFKW New Series— Vol. 2. —No. 313. PARIS HILL , Alias FOR SALE. - general assortment of Furniture, consisting of Sideboards of various patterns. Secretaries book Cases extension dining Tables Card do ladies Toilet do Bureaus candle Stands wash do bed Steads Windsor Chairs, Sic. nov 5 83 STEPHEN LYNCH, Rn Upholsterer, ESPECTFULLY informs the ladies and gentlemen of Savannah, that he has taken store in Bull street, opposite messrs. Andrew Low & Cos. where he intends carrying on the above business in its various branches. y* Curtains Carpets hair Matresses feather Beds Paliasses Paper and Bell hanging. Having got the latest french and english fash ions, and experienced workmen, the above will be executed with neatness and despatch, nov 3 81 A. Humphrey’s FURNITURE WARE-HOUSE, Opposite messrs. Andrew Low £3 co. in JBnll.street. Where he offers for sale an extensive assor-t ment of FUJimTUIIE, such as Sideboards ; Secretaries and Boolt-Cases Bureaus; Grecian Couches patent, extension and common set 9 of Dining Tables card, breakfast and work Tables dining, drawing and setting room Sofas mahogany and common Bedsteads Tight and wash Stands - Witß many other articles in the above line,which may pe had low tor cash or approved paper. I Cabinet Furniture manufactured and repaire® M * ■ ■ Shoes and Boots. T JL HE subscribers beg leave to inform their friends and the public, that they have taken thfe store formerly occupied by E. S. Kempton,where they offer for sale a general assortment of ladiei and gentlemen’s BOOTS § SHOES, of the first quality and newest fashions, and will’ endeavor by their unremitted exertions to give general satisfaction to their customers. POMEROY & BENNETT. oct 20 69 Shoes. tFuST received by brigs Eliza and Almifa, ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY PACKAGES SHOES and BOOTS.’ In addition to a large assortment, all for sale. SAMUEL EVANS, Red Store down the Bluff, east of the Exchange dec 7 9 Boot and Shoe Store. F • MARSTQN has removed on the Bay, three doors above the u, s. branch bank, where he offers for sale on reasonable terms, at whole sale, a general assortment of BOOTS $ SHOES. nov 24 95 ThitfN&scrihers, W OI'LD of Savannah that they have commenced the tailoring business in congi'cMS next door liter Starr’s hat store. And huvP just receiwPHimdaome as sortment of frencli and engttMtiCloth*, Uassi morcu, ike. of various coloursßpwistmg of su perfine Mark, blue, brown, green mixed, light mix'd, olive green, claret, brown utul snuff’ brown, Broad cloths, Muck, blue, brown, drab, buff’ and mixed. Cassimeres, buff', white nncl figured Marseilles vesting, silk Velvets and Florentines, french nuiibTcl Cloaks wadded, lined through with silk, A siiudl invoice of fashionable ready made Clothing. Gentleman who may favour them with orders msy depend on having them executed in a supe rior style KOLPK & NEWMAN. nov 31 • W Oiler, Vm I y Me bbi first quality nawark Cider Mi bos** tnoitlniqu* Cordials Jutl rtc M end lor sab* by HiNAb If AhitllON, Jth’i.oH 111,1V* •le* 4 4 * f