Columbian museum and Savannah daily gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1817-1821, March 04, 1819, Image 1

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(£olunituan iEttsfiim SAVANNAH DAILY . GAZETTE. You XXIV.—No. 3746. foißJDaoasm©. I? OR sale, wholesale and retail, by Doctor , J. B. BEiITUELO f t nearly opposite the Exchange, in the city of Savannah, the following highly approved FAMIL* MEDICINES, prepared by Noah Ritlge!y, Baltimore——via : Lee's Ague Drops. Never was a medicine offered that has great ter claim <m the public approbation than this aa many thousands can testify. The proprietor is in possession of a great num ber of cases or cures, but for want of room can only give the following recent and extraordina ry one: ” Extract of a letter from dr. Tames Hawkins. n Jtf r Noult Ridgely, Dear friend—l have sold a vial of your Lee’s Ague and Fever drops to a gentlemen i this pfoce which has Cured him in two bats. Steubenville, fOhio,J April 6, 1818.** Lee's Ahtibillious Fills , THESE much esteemed pills have been for many years prepared in Balitmore by the pre sent proprietor, as many of our most respecta ble citizens can testify ; and a number of them have readily and gladly given certificates of their great value as a family physic. Lee's Elixir , A sovereign remedy for Colds, obstinate Cough's Catarrhs, asthmas, tore throats, and approaching consumptions. A single trial will prove that it restores the determination of the fluids to the surface of the body, and brings on the common, healthful per spiration : that it dislodges and evacuates the tough, visced phlegm ormucas, strengthens the weakened vessels of the lungs.—Thus stri king at the root of disorder, the symptoms are of course effectually and permanently conquered. From the many certificates of cures, and let ters recommending his elixir, the proprietor has, for want of room, made.the following : Extract of a lette- received from Charles A . Sparks, esq. . (Jheraw court-house, S. Carolina. Mr. Noah Ridgely, Sir —Being affected with an obstinate cough for more than seven years, which has never yielded to any remedies, though numbers have been applied, until 1 procured a few phials'of your LEE’S EI.IXIR, for the cure of colds, ob stinate coughs, &c. which gave me considera ble relief, and which, could I procure immedi ately a sufficient quantity, will I feel confident by being sufficiently used, remove the most dis tressing complaint that I or the human race have ever been subject to. I have not a doubt but that I shall be the means of your disposing of a great quantity of the elixir in this part of the country. I am, sir, &c. CFIAS. A. SPARKS. Lee's Worm Lozenges. The proprietor has now the pleasure of sta ting that tire following case came under his im mediate observation : his little daughter, about 5 years old, appeared very visibly to lose her flesh : no particular cause could be given for he-’, thus pining away, she was at length taken wi h fevers, which, with other svmptons led him to believe she had worms; he gave her a dose of Lee’s Lozenges, which brought away, incred ilable as it may appear. 2 worms, the one fifteen and the other thirteen inches in length, each tint:’- fourths of an inch round; he has given the Lozenges to another of his children, which has brought away a vast quantity of very small vortjis. ‘V The proprietor is now in possession of the large worms— those inclined to see them will be gratified by calling at his Dispensary. Lee's Sovereign Ointment for the ITCH, “Warranted to cure by one application, free r i-om Mercury or any pernicious ingredient.— l’b'S vegetable remedy is so mild, yet effica o aus, that it may be used with the utmost safe , on the most delicate pregnant lady, or on a nild .of a week old. J iCe's genuine Version Lotion > The Persian Lotion operates mildly, render ng the skin delicately soft and smooth—iinpro ring the complexion. Ixe's Ague and fever Drops. —warranted to sure if taken according to the directions. Lee’s grand Restorative and nervous Cordial i\ most valuable medicine for great and general Jcbility, nervous disorders, loss of appetite, Btc. ljee’s essence arltl extracts of Mustard. —Aq in alfible remedy for sprains, bruises, rheumatism, mmbness, chilblains, &c. Lee’s Indian vegetable Specifc.— A certain and ■ffcclual cure for the venereal and gonorrhoea. Lee’s tooth ache ID-opn, —w hich give imniedi itc relief. !Ate's tooth Powder,— which cleans and beau ifies the teeth. Jxe's eye Hater —a certain cure for sore eyes. J Ate's anodyne Elixir, for the cure of head iche*. Lee’s com Plaster, for removing ami destroy ng corns. The proprietor would be glad -o insert the nauy certificates amt letters reccotumending lie above truly valuable medicines, Inrt this, a a newspaper, is impracticable—lie therefore nth in* reused confidence respectfully offers hem to u liberal and discerning public. NOAII 111 DC ELY, ( fede Michael Lee U Cos f Savannah Dec 8, 1818. 210 For Dafien, tojkßaA The sloop ANNA, capt. For am an, ■fiiliwri will meet with despatch. For freight or passage, apply to the captain on board, at Bolton’s wharf, or s . BACON & BTRJEN, , Exchange dock. march 3 vv 25 i -• /’ “ ‘-V'.. V'-v! For JDarleji , *jsjr The schooner DORCAS IIAWES, L. hSXf> Class, master, will aail on Wednesday. For TV-eight or charter, apply to the master * board, at Jones’s upper wharf, or to ~ HALL & HOYT, march Is 23 For Boston , The new schr. PH ERE 8t SALLY, Js^gjlc ca P t - Howes wilj meet with despatch- For freight or passage having good accommo dations—applv to T. C. HAYWARD & CO. Telfair's -wharf. feb 25 n 20 American Manufactured Goods. THF- Subscribers offer for sale 12 cases American COTTON GOODS, CONSISTING OF Bleached and unbleached Shirtings Ginghams Stripes Checks Chamhravs Blue Kerseys which will be sold on low’ terms by the case or less quantity by HARRIS & WATERMAN. Jiice's -wharf. feb 26 §o 21 Sugar , Rum, &c. 34 bbls prime Sugar •5U do. New England Rum 32 lihds Jamaica do. 24 bbls american Gin 8 do clear Pork 20 do Landing from brig Almira and schr Sally from Boston, and for sale by EDWARD WILLIAMS, Hot ton’s wharf feb 20 16 iri JOHN G. COWLING. OfFERS his services, in Augusta, to his friends and the public in general, in the capaci ty of Auctioneer end Commission Merchant, and will be thankful for their favors. Any con signments of merchandize for sale, or any or ders for t. e purchase of produce, will be thank fully received, and punctually and faithfully at tended to, Augusta, Geo. Feb. 15.1819. ahj- 11 ■ .■ - . M 111 ■ ■■■ ■ ‘■ ■ ■ DOUGLASS S; SORREL n.vv-. run sale is store, . OUTY pipes real holland Gin 6do old l p tencrifle Wine 30 hnds and 20 bbls rye Whiskey TO bids country Gin 6JO do howard-street & riclimond Flour 4000 bushels white Corn, in quantities to suit purchasers Gunpowder, imperial and hyson Teas, in small packages Best havana Segars —Molasses in hlids. &c. ma r ch 1 li§ 23 A HUMPHREY’S. 0 FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, PPOSITB messrs. Andrew Low & Cos. Bull street, where he oilers for sale an extensive as sortment ot FURNITURE : Such as Sideboards ; .Secretaiies and Book-cases Bureaus ; Grecian Couches patent, extension and common sets of Dining Tables card, breakfast and work Tables dining, drawing and setting room Sofas mahogany and common Bedsteads fancy and Windsor Chairs, of various patterns portable Desks ; dressing Glasses light and wash Stands With many other, articles in the above line, which may be had low for cash or approved pa per. Cabinet Furniture manufactured and repaired as usual. jan. 29. f 253 Cheap Painting &* Glazing , At the corner of Dr van and Jefl'crson streets, JAMES API’LEUY & CO. N. B. Signs/or sale jan 23 * swu Picked up Adrift , Thursday last, a long plantation BOAT, marked ‘•/!. Shockley” ill ilie inside The own er can have her by paying the expenses i In applying on board of the pilot-boat schr Hornet, or to J- Hpeukiuan, esq f march 1 “ THURSDAY MORNING MARCH % 1819. < ‘ Itr ‘ Introduction. tee into Sa vain th. T , t X HE inhabitants of this* Tty are informed that a large and eXpein*c loe louse oh the YVest- India construction ru |qmp!eTed, and the supply of ice is jute, ir-t j be continued with out intermptum, -Uterf v summer if there shall be* aiiffictef.’ ‘ It i intended \\) oftsagps. Icicle fr. sale at the low price of 4 ‘JT m quarter cents the. pouud, so tliat it may by the iMhabi- Units as n>i . . cf ‘ rather thn fu.\- Ifoy \f v i. . -. ..v.< JRvtty exteitsiicly it is apparent, tnafft sold at the i-ate mentioned. /- 1 Ice cannot be used to spy permanent advantage without a portc 1e Ice. House, or re frigerator, which M’ious kinds are for sale at the Ice-Huose, Tj *h , *s. upper wharf. With one of them, wine, rater, butter, milk, fniit, &c. may be presen and continually cold with from four to seven poti ds of Ice daily. If it is desired to keep fresh p wisions, fresh fish &c. in them, it may be dp t by an increase in the quantity of ice used. Tjie Ice decanter for pres ring \yine cool after it is placed on the table is a o ottered for sale. The subscriptions for theieason will be as fol lows. Ice to be supplied the lce-Hou*: for eight months. Sixty dollars entitles the übscriber to seven pounds daily. Fifty do. to fire and a half pounds^duly. Forty do. to four pounds do. Thirty do. to three pounds dr, There are many advantage to the subscri bers First, they obtain sou jM about half the price of others —Second, arej <4t subject to the imposition of servants—-Third as tickets are delivered of two, four ami thp pounds—value each for the whole time of thetmbscription, the subscriber has the option of vaf\ ing the quanti ty of the Ice, some days oinilting it altogether and at other times encreasingthe quantity, and the tickets remain always of equal value. No subscription is received without payment at the time of subscribing. Those persons who feel favourably disposed towards this undertaking are invited to become subscribers before the cornhencemcnt of the warm season, so shat some calculations may be made respecting the probable demand, and to know whether it will be.txpedient to fill the house with Ice by importiiif u second cargo. Those who exmef t n from the city Wnfl paA orfKe summer, are not on that account to avoid subscribing, as the tickets are always of equal value as before stated. Ice may be carried safely into the country if packed in straw and covered with a blanket. Savannah, Feb. Bth, 1819. 8 § J)r. James Watson Cotton, KeSPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public in general that he has commenced the practice of Physic and Surgery in this city. His services can be commanded by calling at mrs. G rahams in Bryan-street, second door east of mr. Ilaltelie’s new buildings, dec 8 / 10 IXf-EUIOR COUST, , 181a . Chatham County. 5 IT PON reading the petition of Charles O. J Screven and John Screven, executors o’’the estate of the late Charles Ooingsells, praying for leave to sell and dispose of the real estate — and the said petition for the said sales appearing fair and satisfactory to this court:—lt is ordered, that the said executors have leave to sell the real estate enumerated in their petition provi ded their application to this honorable court for this purpose, be published in any two of the papers of the city for at least nine months pre vious to the final leave to sell, notifying all per sons to appear and approve the order for sale if they see fit, pursuant to the act of assembly in such case made aud provided. Extract from the .Minutes. JOB T- BOLLES, Clerk. The following is the real <state alluded in the above order, to wit• A tract of Land near Savannah, containing bne hundred and sixty-two acres. A tract called the the county of Chatham, containing four hundred and seven ty acres. An Island in the county aforesaid, called Burn sides, containing two hundred and fifty-five acres. Three tracts of Land in the county of Effing ham, containing one thousaud-and eight hundred acres, more or less. A House and Lot in Broughton-street, in the city of Savannah. JOHN SCREVEN, 7*, , CHARLES O. SCREVEN, 5 firfC r * - apnl 29 * 74 Information Wanted , Respecting Robert Wright, a native of England, who came to this country about 10 years since, and settle 1 at Savannah ; he is about 35 or 36 years of age; about 5 feet 8 inches high, dark complexion, dark browti hair arid dark eyesi a letter was received from him, da led o Savannah,” by his friends then in England about 9 years ago, since which no certain infor. mat ion has been had respecting him. His bro (her lias since removed to Baltimore, and is anx ions to hear from him. Any person having knowledge of him, would confer a lasting obliga tion on the subscriber, bv directing n few line* to THOMAS WRIGHT, Care of Thus. Woodward, South Erttlertcjc street, Baltimore. N. It. Ills wife is a milliner by p.otetsion, ami it is thought most probable she may be Carr) ing it on wherever they may reside Jhhimorr, Feb 8, tHR> f? 6 51 PROPOSAI S . TO POBtlSn IN Tilt CITY OF NEW-YORK, A PERIODICAL WORK, TO BE ENTITLED, THE GLOBE. This Publication will be divided, nearly, as follows : The affairs Os the U States will occupy 16 paces Ireland, 16 do. Nii S ceuaneous Othe : foreiffnoounlrie8 ’ £ ommm * The editor will endeavour to render the en tire a pleasing and useful compendium of in struction and amusement. In the course of the. publication, the sub jects of agriculture, the arts, siences, and domestic economy, will be taken U P The publisher avoids specious professions, in the hope, that his work will have sufficient mer it to deserve support. He solicits but a fair trial. Subscribers will be at liberty to withdraw their names whenever they may deem the publication not worthy of continued patronage. A number of “THE GLOBE,” will be pub lished monthly,-commencing in January 1819. It will contain 64 pages octavo —will be deliver ed to subscribers in the city by a carrier, and for warded to distant subscribers, by mail. The price will be fifty cents each number, pay able in advance. Orders by mail, covering less than Jive dollars, must come free of postage. tfj- Post-masters, friendly to literature, are requested to fefward such subscriptions as may be offered thein. *,* Mr. John Mi-rnf ( y, of Savannah, will act as agent for the state of Georgia. T. O’CONNOR. feb 27. 22 New-York Firemen Insurance COMPANY CAPITAL 500,000 DOLLARS— amply secured. DIRECTORS. John G Coster John Jacob Astof YVilliam W. Todd Josiah Sturges Henry Waring Benjamin Desobey Abraham ItirnarA* John HnUill, Garret Heyer Peter I. Keying William Cahoone Archibald M‘Y r ickar Samuel S. Howland Joseph Strong Thomas C. Butler, President. John YVhetteN, Assistent William M'Neal, Secretary. The subscriber haring been appointed agent of the New-York Firemen Insurance Company, with full power in the behalf of said company tc effect insurance against fire, on goods, wares and merchandise, houses, buildings, mills, vessels in port, and generally on all kinds of property In this city and vicinity, is now ready to receive applications and effect insurance against fire, in conformity with the power of his agency, at Sa vannah—where terms, which w ill be as liberal as other offices, may be known on personal ap plication, or by letter post paid, describing ac curately the premises and property required to be insured. All losses sustained by this will be promptly and liberally adjusted and settled. JAMES REA. feb 18. t 14 STATE OF GEORGIA, 7 By JAMES BIRD, bryan county. 5 Clerk of the Court of Ordinary. X W^"HEREAS, mrs. Sarah Blacksell, widow, hath made application to me for letters of ad ministration on the estate and effects of Lee Blacksell, esquire, late of said county, deceased, as nearest of kin. These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all ind singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have,) in my office, on or before the first Monday in March next ensuing ; otherwise let ters of administration will be granted her. Given under my hand and seal this sth day of January, in the year of our Lord eighteen hun dred and nineteen, and in the 43J year of the independence of the united states of America. JAMES BIRD, c. c. o. b. c. 8 35 Executor's Sales . ~W ILL be sold at or near the residence of the late mrs. Dinah Bulloch, in Bryan county, or Thursday the 11th day of March next, One tract of pine LAND, containing ls -5 acres. Also— 1 tract of pine Land, containing 5k acres—be the same mofe or less. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of the estate. ALEXANDER BYRD, Executor. Bryan county, Jan. 8, 1819. *fs 35 Savannah Library , fj VERY Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 4 to 6 o’clock r. m the room will be kept open for delivering books. OF.MI.EU sfc’ry. feb 25 , 30 , M - - - Wanted. By a young man from England, a situation as Book-keeper, or other, either in a counting house or store. Any communication left with the editors, will be immc<Jut*ly attended to v march I 32 JVcm) Series —Vol. 3.—No. Sfi. * Sheriff's Sales. On the first Tuesday in April nexL W, , , ‘ 1 ILL be sold at the CoUrt-house in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, The following five Negroes : Jenny, Phillis, Clarissa, Sam and Abraham, levhp ed on as the property of Edward Bourquin, to satisfy an execution in favor of Robert Isaac— by virtue of attachment against It. YV. Fox.~ All TIIC um utiuwi n Lot No 4,1 rover tything, Decker ward, together with the Uriexpired lease of one year, levied on as the property of Thomas Gribbin to satisfy executions in favor of B. M‘Kinne and B. Howard. A.ISO. Two negroes Cato and Moses, levied on as the properly of Henry M‘lntosh, dec. to satisFyexe'- cutionin favor of It. King& Cos. and others. GEO L. COPE, s. c. c. march 1. 23 > Sheriff's Sales. On the first Tuesday in May next, WILL he sold before the Court-house in the city ot Savannah, betwefcn the usual hours ot 10 aud 3 o’clock. One Negro- Fellow, named Jeffery, levied on as the property of \Vm. L. Ry an, Catherine Wood, and Mary Ryan, under foreclosure of a mortgage fram the said YV. L. Ryan, C. Wood, and M. Rvati, to Samuel Clark GEO. L. COPE, s. c.c. march 1 23 Sheriff's Sale. On the first Tuesday in April next, be sold at the court-house in the city of Savannah, between the ushal liouts ot ten and three o’clock. All that tract or parcel of LAND, containing 200 acres, more or less, situ ate on the district of White-bluff adjoining Na- Spaniel Adams aud. Williams’land.; fisried pn.aß the property of YVm. Oglehay, to satisfy a judg ment in favor of Barna -Vl’Kinne & co. and oth ers. v. Also, the following twenty five Negroes, viz:—Jamihry, Pussy, Betty, Beer, Tamer, Cato, Peter Cbarlottee, Jack, Lucy and her children John and Tilly, Ton,, Phillis Char lotte and her child Edward, Jenny, Prince, Doll/ John, Patience, Harriet, John and Rachel, levied on as the property of YVm Ogleby, and sold un der and execution founded on the foreclosure of a mortgage due Scott R Fahm ; and by con ,sent of parties. GF.ORGE L. COPE, s. c. c. feb 22 17 Sheriff's Sales. On the first Tuesday in April next. Will lie sold at the court-house in the city of Savannah between the usual hours of ten ancf three o’clock. . Three Negroes, named Old Brutus, and his sons Brutus and Les ter ; levied on as the property of Peter Deveaus to satisfy Robert and John Bolton, the said ne groes sold under foreclosure of mortgage. , GEORGE L. COPE, S. C. C. feb 1 55 Lands for Sale ; By virtue of an order of the honorable thef justices of the inferior court of Mclntosh county. Will be sold at public sale on the first Tuesday in April next, between the usual hours at Mcln tosh court-house, the following TRACTS vr LANB.w* — 1 A Tract called Borlam one mtte from Mcln tosh court-house cn the road to the academy—• containing about six hundred aiid forty acre£ more or less. Also, a small Tract adjoining the same called the Forest containing about sixty acres with thef improvements thereon.—A further description of this property is thought unnecessary as it is presumed a purchaser will first view the prem ises which will be shewn on application to tkss subscriber. JOHN ORME, Guardian. Mclntosh County, Jan. 25,1819. jan 28 § 52 Town Property. FROM thirty to fifty LOTS at Da* ■Mlnsral rien will be sold at auction, on the 2(t Monday in March next. Conditions one fourtlr cash, and the balance to be paid when the pur chasers please, they paying eight per cent annu ally on the sums which nray be due, and giving a mortgage on the premises, as a security for th payment of these sums. A few Lots may be had at private sale by ap plying to Scott Cray and George Street csqrs joiiN 11. Mclntosh. Darien Jan. 11 39 Great Despatch. ONE Passenger can be accommodated every day from Savannah to Charleston, (Satur days excepted ) Apply at the bar oft he Georgia Hotel. fob 24 t 19