Columbian museum and Savannah daily gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1817-1821, August 21, 1819, Image 3

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SAV^WNAH. SATURDAY MORNING, August 21 ,1819. ■■■ ■ ■ ——————————— ■ M^l \Vc scarcely take up a paper from any part of tlie country, that does not complain of the dull ness of the times, and the dearth of news. In deed, every part of our country, and the whole norld, remains in such a state of profound tran quility—that even Rumor, with her hundred tongues, sits listless, and idle, for the want of materials to spin her tales fiom. There is no thing im the commercial line to awaken the en terprize of the speculator. There is a total stag nation of business. The political world is a dead calm. The ambition of princes, or the crooked policy of intriguing politicians, are not sufficient ly powerful to disturb this death-like repose.— That daring and ungovernable spirit of conten tion—so inherent in human nature —and w hich lias heretofore filled the earth with blood and vi olence, now seems chained, as if touched with the finger of death. There is an anxious pause in the usual occurrence of events, dreadful and ominous. And as the wondering spectator, ru minates on scenes so new in the history of the world, he can but ask, are things to remain in this state forever ? Are the now blooming fields of Europe never again to be moistened in blood, nd are the widow and the orphan to weep no more, over the ravages of war ? Is the reign of rielonce at an end, and has ambition lost the power of troubling the earth? Indeed the time has been promised, when all this shall be. But we are not of those who believe it has now come —There is sometimes a deep but deceitful tranquility, which only serves to usher in, and render more dreadful, the approaching storm. — The hostile elements of nature, which gathered unnoticed and in silence, breast suddenly on the astonished world. And is not the present peace, which now prevails among the nations—omin ous of some mighty explosion hereafter to take place in the political world ? In the bosom of this profound tranquility, may be gathering the principles of future wars, more extensive and bloody than those that have gone before them. There is nothing in the present state of the world, which proves a change in the temper or dispositions of men. It only speaks of the ex hausted power of nations.—Wearied with the struggle of a twenty years war, the princes of Europe gladly embraced the present moment, to recover their strength. The current of blood, which had so tong deluged those countries was wasted.—And from a sta'e of high-wrought ex citement, tiie world has sunk into a state of lethargic repose. But the elements of hostility remain unquenched, and will again break out. TOR THE MUSEUM AMI) GAZETTE. Messrs Editors. I have heard of frequent complaints as to the price of Bread.—Now, gentlemen, to put a stop to further complaints, let a BAKING Company be established. Those who may not wish to in vest their money in Bank Stock, would find that it cannot be laid out to better advantage,than in a Baking establishment There is one I under stand in operation in Charleston. Such an establishment will be the only means to lower the price of bread—Oh ! appropos ! in New-\ork Assize of Bread is for a 12J cents loaf 21b. 11 oz.; and by ours is 2 lb. 4 $ oz. making a difference of 6 j oz —Bakers must grow rich at this rate — i hese are only hints for others to take up the subject. friend to moderate prices in the necessaries of life frEW-TOHX, AUGUST 10. By the ship Nimrod, captain Centre, arrived this morning in 49 days from Havre, we have received French papers to the 19th June inclu sive. At Havre on the 18th June, 100 bales Georgia Cotton, sold at 1 fr. 65 c. —55 do. do. Pernam buco, 2fr 60c.—50 do. Bourbon, second quali ty, 80 c.—7 tierces Carolina Rice, at 34 fr. At Paris, on the 16th June, 55 bales Pernam buco Cotton, 2 fr 90c. The following vessels were advertised at Ha vre for New-York : June 15-—Brigs Gratitude; Newton ; Ann. June 18—ship Gustave. June 19, ship Mar cus. l or New-Orleans —The ship Minerva. A letter received in New-York on the 7th instant, from a Correspondent on Red sajs “ Two great expeditions are now under w ay for the Spanish country—3oo families are now making ready to take possession of that part of Red River, within the Spanish lines, (as fixed by the late treaty) and which comes with in ten miles of my plantation. Another is also making up to take possession of St. Ar.toine, under the command of a general Long.” CHARLESTON, AUG. 18. Captain Lucas Minas, (of the sclir. Francisco, condemned in this city for piratical practices) •as been recently arrested in St. Augustine, on * e c i |Ur gc of being concerned in the plunder of 1 le on the Coast of Florida, and the murder of her crew. It was found, however, on xmimtion, that there were not sufficient ground* to convict him of the above charge. But it appearing that lie had taken a cargo of coffee and sugar from the above vessel, he has Been sentenced to ten day* imprisonment in the *bove place, and to defray the cost* of the mu it •Rending a prosecution, for not reporting the •rrnasdion on hi* arrival in thi* city, Fuliioi. J\oi th-Carolina Jiunks —We have to state, (says the Petersburg Intelligencer of the 17th inst.) on the authority of letters received from Raleigh, that on Tuesday lasi, the State Bank of North-Carolina resolved upon the entire suspen sion of specie payments. From the same source we learn, that several days previous, the bank had been thronged with visitors, each waiting his turn to demand specie or northern funds for its notes. And we further understand, that a gentleman of this town having been refused pay ment, had a large amount protested on Tuesday, w ith a determination to bring suit immediately. We understand that Robert Brent, esq. lias resigned the office of paymaster general of the army. Our readers will be concerned to learn that continued ill health is the cause of this va cation of office. His successor is not yet named. JVattonal Intelligencer, Aug 12. The postscript to the last paper,which states the return of the military expedition, is incorrect- No part of it has returned. The steam boats, however, get on slow ly, and with many stoppa-, ges. The keel boats go on rapidly, and passed St. Charles (18 miles from Belle Fontaine) tw o days ahead of the former. The contents of the steam boats will probably be transferred to keels and barges. The river is in fine order ; the Ju ly flood is coming down, and swelling the stream with the last of the annual tributes. The fail ore of the steam boats is attributable to the con struction or management, and not to the rivers. St. Louis Enquirer, July 9. ALBAXT, AUGUST 6. Governor Tompkins’ Account. —We understand that all further proceedings towards a settle ment between the state and its late chief magis trate, have been suspended for the present, in consequence of a determination of the comp troller, communicated to the vice-president in writing, not to settle upon principles which were notoriously recognised by the legislature, as a basis upon which a settlement should be predicated. Ten or twelve of the most emi nent counsellors in the state, of different politi cal tenets, we understand, have concurred in a written opinion, adverse to the comptroller’s decision in the case. Argus. MARINE \J||> LIST. PORT OP SAVANNAH—AUGUST 19. AIUUVEI) SINCE OUK LAST. Sloop Caroline, \grue, from tlie Coast of Flo rida, with coffee and sugar to the master. CLEARED. The brig Levant, Wood, arrived at New-York on the 10tli inst. in 7 days from this port. The sclir. Eliza, Weeks, cleared at New- York on the 10th for this port. NEW-YORK, August 10. Arrived—Ship Nimrod, Center, Havre, 49 ds dry goods. Left ship Marcus, Hilliard, for New- York. Ship Elias-Burger, Baxter, St. Croix, sugar and rum. Sloop William, Bowne, St. Andrews, 10 days, plaster. Sloop Mary-Ann, Berry, St. Andrews, 10 days, plaster. Cleared, ship William, Prentiss, Cadiz; schr. Paragon, Thayer, Baltimore. For St. Jago , The brig DAVID PORTER, captain *',a Levey, will sail in the course of next week. A few passengers can be handsomely accommodated, if immediate application is made on board, at Hunter’s wharf, or to DOUGLASS & SORREL. Who have for sale, Prime muscovado Sugar in hhds and bbls Coffee; hyson, imperial and gunpowder Teas L. P. Teneriffe Wine, Holland Gin Nails, window Glass, &c. &c. aug 21 36 For Sale. A LIKELY Negro Woman, not exceeding 35 years old, an excellent Cook, Washerand Ironer and is very capable of doing any kind of house work. She is remarkably healthy, honest and domestic. ALSO Her two likely female children, one 4 and the other 5 years old. Apply to the editor. aug 21 36 Mules for Sale. SSstout healthy Tennessee MULES for sale by BACON & BRUEN. aug 19 wa 36 ‘—' — “ “ Just Received, A FEW barrels superfine FLOUR, new crop, put up particularly for family use. F. SELLECK. aug 19 * 35 Fresh Flour & Copperas. NOW landing 20 bhU fresh Flour 2 lihds green Coppers* For sale low by P 11. fc T CRAI’ON, ,1/m h'tt to unit. aug 19 *• 35 Starr will he ti can didate for Clerk of the Market at the ensuing election. Having understood from several persons, that a report is circulated, that I am a candidate for clerk of the market only for the purpose of fa voring the election of Mr. Dillon, I take this method of informing the public that the report is without foundation, and is only calculated to deceive those who are disposed to favor my elec tion to that office—my offering is With a view to my own benefit only. WILLIAfIt STARR. aug2l 36 ( 73* To Merchants. WANTS a situation as Clerk, a young man well acquainted with business, a first rate hand, and is perfectly conversant with book keeping in all its branches. The most respect able references can be given.—A line addressed to T. It and left at this office will be punctually attended to. N. B. He w ould have no objection to go in the country. aug 21 21 Wanted, C harleston, Cape Fear and Newbern mo ney, by BACON & BRUFN, F.xchun?e Dock. Who have in store—Fi/v Sale, 30 bbls Shad 6 hhds Wiskey 8 puncheons VV. I. Rum, Ist Sc 3d proof 100 half boxes Glass 8 by 10 100 ps. Cotton Bagging 2 large two horse Waggons 10 pipes Holland Gin 2d proof aug 14 33 1., .f..-- ---- - - Muscovado Sugar , JuST received per brig David Porter From St. Jagn„ 90 hhds prime Muscovado Sngar 98 bbls do do do 30 boxes brown Sugar. For sale by ’ DOUGLASS & SORREL. WHO HAVE, Green Coffee Teneriffe Wine Castile Soap Imperial, Gunpowder and Hyson Teas Window Glass, 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 Holland Gin, Sic. &'c. aug 14 li 33 Factorage. TTIIE undersigned intending to continue to devote all his time and his attention to the Fac torage & Commission business, offers his best ser vices to his friends and to all those who may be pleased to favor him. He will, until further no tice, keep his office in the counting room of messrs. R. Richardson & Cos. and have the pro duce and merchandise, that shall be consigned to liiin, in rnesirn. jure-Droof build ings. PETIT DEVII.LERS. Savannah aug 14 ws 33 Pork and Flour, m bids North Carolina mess Pork and 20 do fresh Flour Just received and for sale by G. F. & O. PALMES, aug 10 a 31 Madeira Wine, &c, a® boxes L. P. Madeira Wine 5 bbls supel ior quality Shrub 2 do Mint Cordial Just received and for aale by D. WILLIFORD. august 10 a 31 Coffee, Brandy, &c. lbs prime green Coffee 10 pipes cognac Brandy 15 do Holland Gin 30 dozen claret Wine 30 thousand Spanish Segars Received and for aale by WHITE, BUTLERfc KETCHUM. aug 10 s 31 ~- - . - HALL & HOYT s OfFER for sale, 8 hhds leaf Tobacco 10 bbls cherry Brandy 10 do American Girj 20 do Whiskey 100 pieces Cotton Bagging 50 bundles Hay auglo 31 Tobacco. A FEW kegs now lafldingHdm brig Levant, No. 1, 2 and 3, of superior quality, for sale by MEIGS Su REED. july 27 n Hay. ©(D Bundles best northern HAY, for sale at the store of MAGEE Su WRIGHT, Hunter’s buildings, on the Bav. aug 3 s 3B 03* Excellent Lands in Scriv en County For Salejrs Tract containing 450 acre* of exceeding good Land, on the river Great Oge*chq,fcbout 00 uiilr* from Kau annuli by land Also, * |Ht of 150 acre*, River Hwamp, {outing the above.— The** landa Join those of mr. Burton and mr Robinson. Enquire at tliia offc* aug 17 v ’ll. Gcileral Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the United States of America. A. Septennial Meeting of the General Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the United States, will be holden in the city of New York, on the sec ond Thursday of September next, being the 9tli day of the month, at 12 o’clock, M. at which, all the Officers and Members are requested to give their attendance. By oider of the 3tJ. E. G. G. 11. Priest, DK WITT'CLINTON. JOHN ABBOT, G. G. Secretary. June 14, 2350. The editors of the follow ing papers are re quested to publish tlie above once in three suc cessive weeks in their respective papers, and forward their bills to PETER GRINNEL, Fsq. Providence, n. i. or to their agent at New York City, to be presented at the time of meeting: Columbian Museum, Geargia; State Gazette, S. Garolina ; Wilmington Gazette, N. Carolina ; Western Monitor, Ky; Columbus Gazette, Ohio; Federal Republican, Aid; Columbian, N. York; Mirror, Conn ; American, It. Island ; Intelligen cer, Vermont; Oracle, Newhampshire; Gazette, Indiana; Clarion, Tennessee ; Orleans Gazette; Louisiana. July 31 Southern Stage Regulations. The Stage w ill run but once a week in fu ture until the first of October next. It will leave Savannah every T hursday, and arrive in Darien the same day; and leave Darien every Tuesday, and arrive n Savannah the same day. The stage will start precisely at 4 o’clock in the morning, and in case any passenger should ne glect to attend at the office in time, their money will be forfeited. No seat wilt be reserved for any person the money is paid at the time of en tering their name. Each passenger will be al lowed 14 lbs. baggage, and all over they will be charged five cents per lb. for—extra baggage will be at the risk of the owners. The office will be still kept at the bar of the Georgia Ho tel. WILLIAM B. IIOI.ZENDORF. aug 19 35 For Sale. TTIIE Steam Boat Company wishing to lessen the number of wooden buildings on their wharf, so as to render that property more safe from fire, offer for sale one of them, as it now stands on the premises—the purchaser to take the build ing down and carry it off’, within a given time. For further particulars enquire at the Agent’s Office, Steam-boat Wharf, aug 17 34 Jamaica Sugars , Fork §C. from schri Alilo 25 hhds Jam Sugar 26 barrels mess Pork 10 hhds leaf Tobacco 20 kegs Manufactured do LAWRENCE & THOMPSON, july 24 s 24 Superior Madeira Wine. •XUST received from the house of J. Howard March 8u Cos. Madeira. 2 pipes A 4 half do C L. P. Madeira WINE 8 qr. casks 3 For sale bv JOHNLATHROP suCo. Hunter's -wharf. july 24 s 24 ——— * a DARIEN GAZETTE. One half of this Establishment is now offer ed for sale, to any person who will pledge him self to support republicanism. Apply at the office in Darien. aug 12 h 32 Bills of Exchange, On London, Glasgow, Manchester and Liver pool, payable in London, for sale by JOHN SPEARMAN & Cos. april 27 72 Savannah Marine and Fire INSURANCE OFFICE. WANTED to purchase, STOCKS, either of the Planters, State, United States, or Darien Banks. Apply at this office. R. WAYNE, sec'ry. aug 7 ws 30 Leaf Tobacco, A. fe\k hogsheads Leaf Tobacco, for sale, en quire at the office of JOHN BOGUE, Hunter's wharf. aug 7 a 30 Wanted to Hire £■l. A convenient Dwelling HOUSE, ’Uinssj suitable for a small family. Apply at this office. aug 10 31 Tq Rent, Tenements Nos. 4,5 &10 in GIB BONS’BRICK BUILDINGS. Possession will be given on the Ist of November next. Apply to S. B. PARK.MAN. july 24 f n 24 To Let. THF. Counting Room lately occupied by the subscribers, who have removed to the one re cently occupied by mc*r. J. llattelle & Go. Also, the Counting Room at preaent occupied by Philip Duel, ewi A II PANKIN k CO. aug 10 31 Auction , THIS DAY 21st inst. will be sold befo?* my store. Groceries and JJry Goods; Sale at XI o’clock. _ A. HOWE, AmCr. aug 21 36 ” * * --J~ _ 4 Auction. ON THURSDAY the 2d September next Will be sold at the late residence of Wm Rovs ton deceased. One negro woman, one poav and calf household and kitchen Furniture be iongmg to the estate of W, n . Roy,ton, deal by order o. the honorable the court’ of ordinary tS Chatham county. - By order cf the executrix Sale at X o’ciock. july 29 26 A. HOWE, Anct'r. Notice. T A HE Copartnership heretofore p 0 1C Scaring, i, Joseph M’A’inne&f under the firm of Sa& M’K,.Ma this day dissolved ty mutual consent. It is re • quested that i.\ unsettled accounts inav be ren dered m for setUement or liquidation; and that all persons indebted will fonLVith m-ke payment to W. Scarbrough. WM. SCARBROUGH, J. P. M’KINNK, 1 Per Attorney (Tj* The subscriber intending to continue Bui smess in the lactor„g e (J Commission Line alone for lus own account, offers his best services in that Line, to the friends of the; former concern and the public; and to those, disnosed to favor lnm—who may hesitate to do so from Ids rtecent embarrassment, a sufficient guarantee will be furnished, under the patronage of friends, com petent to afford it. WM. SCARBROUGH, aug 14 ws 33 , Notice. TaqeXt’s office, steam-BOAT CO JIE state of the river, from the last advices 1 , justifying the belief that the Steam-boats will be able to reach Aqgusta, they will resume their employment, and one will be immediately sent out. Gentlemen disposed to ship by the com pany s boats, need not be deterred by an ap prehension of delay from a fall of the river, a* hands, with poles and lighters, are aaranged at proper places to carry the freighting boats off without delay, if the steam-boat shoufd be de tained. aug 17 s S3 Notice. The Grocers and Mechanics arc requested id meet at mr. Samuel Grigg’s Tavern, Market square, on Thursday evening next, at 7 o’clock; for the purpose of agreeing upon and support mg 14 gentlemen to represent the city in the next board of Aldermen, aug 17 a 34 Notices \ r lIINE months after date, application will b£ made to the honorable the court of Ordinary of Chatham county, for leave to sell a tract oflami in Bulloch county, belonging to the estate of Robert Mator, for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. JOSEPH PARKER, Executor. Savannah, July 29, 1819. Notice. TL HE copartnership of KnEEcrn & ij E xl)fe? was dissolved on the 23d inst Those having demands will present them, and those indebted will make payment to F. KRF.EGER. june 29 13 — x Notice. subscriber intending to be some time absent ftom the state, has appointed Messrs. It & J. Habersham, and Alexanleh Telfair, esq; his attornies. GEORGE JONES. july 20 22 Notice, Mr E. Lathrop is authorized to transact the business of the subscribers during their absence from Savannah. BARRIE & COON. july 13 h 19 Segars Hereafter manufactured Dy me, will; instead of the fictitious name of Franco Del Pino or my ow r n name, carry the firm of De Forest 8e Cos. on a label within the boxes attached to the lid, and marked without Hojas de Oro, and al3d the quality of the Segars as respects colors. SIDNEY DE FOREST. Havana, Feb 1 aw 15 Old Madeira Winei THE undersigned have lately received frori! the celebrated house of John Howard March Cos. a small quantity of very superior old L. P Madeira Wine, in pipes, half pipes, quarter casks, and half quarter casks; which they con fidently recommend and off er for sale at cost and charges. WILLIAMSON U DEVILLF.RS. Savannah july 22 f n 123 1 House Servants. For sale three very excellent female house Servants, viz. a Mulatto Girl, 19 years of age, accustomed to wait on a lady, and can cook, wasli, Ac ; a colored girl of 16, and a black girl aged 12, both accustomed to house work am! to attending children: also a Boy of 7 years of are.—These all prime servant* and (old because the owner is going to leave the state. Apply to the printer. july 24 ?4