Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, April 19, 1796, Image 4

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J£lufe& To all orders of chivalry, ‘■ ‘ And all knight-errant, particularly, * Those choice spirits in highflations , Who, for the public good, So nobly encourage, and praftife Thatneceffiary, Humane, and gentleman-like custom OF DUELLING, Throughout the “United States of America, And clfewhere, The following lines are moll refpeftfully dedi cated by their devoted servant, Absalom Aimwell, Ef<J. • When impious vice prevails , And impious men bear /way, the pofl Os honour is a privateJlation, Addison. Shaft Ibe frighted ichcn a mad'nan flares ? —GoJhew your si avf.s How choleric you are , and make Your bondmen tremble. Shakespear. GN high ParnafiTus mount thy horse, O mule of foremoft name ; Swift thro’ the welkin wing thy course, To lprcad a hero's fame. No common, plebian, vulgar theme Now lets the bard on fire : No common inufe, but muse supreme, Shall the high long inlpire. Ohad I twice tenthoufand tongue*, With voice full thunder-loud ; I’d roar out twice ten thousand song, To entertain the crow and. others sing of aching hearts, A rid tell how lovers die ; •I fmg the Challenge — bloody dart* On luch occaiions fly. Yc murderers all, of every fort, Hot blood and cold attend ; Seconds who goto fee fair (port, While brother kills his friend. Asa fins who in walking Jlaff it/nr diggers keep conceal'd ; lie’ll lurely rile in your behalf, VVliene’erjou take the held. Yf gangers, who to shew your ft.ifl ‘1 hmnb out a neighbour’s eye ; Draw up in circles round the hill, And fbuut your champion nigh. Ye boxers of Mendoza breed, And bottle-holders too ; All w ho delight to fee men bleed, Or beat, them black and blue. Ye bullies arid bull-baiters all, At humble distance Hand ; Honour doth loudly give a call ; Come join with heart and band. The fecne doth lie up Chefnut-llreet, The view is Congress-hall ; Not far from where the belles did meet, At the grand birth-night ball. Hard by where famous Rickets rides, To entertain the towm ; Where laughter often holds his fide , When Sully ads the clown. South-east we view the Hate house yard, With verdant lawns and trees ; Where art and nature labour hard, The vulgar eye to pleaie. North-well you fee another place, Where mirthful comedy; Ixeeeds all power of fiber face ; When Rates is in the play. There Renigale with treble voice, His sleepy mufc plays ; Dull as the bag-pipe’s droning noise, Or like the peacock’s lays. T ho’ his “ fine execution 1 ’ chear The learned amateur ; I who judge mufc bymv ear, Such dullness can’t endure. But reader ! I digress too far, There (landsthe Congvefs-houfe Where fome harangue on peace and war, And fome fit mute as mouse. Some letters write, fome apples eat, And fome are cracking nuts, Wlnle gallery-clowns make noise with feet, And boys cat bcily-gyts, I iierc “ wife men from the call” do come, To set the nation right; And from the well, and louth, and fome Are full chock full of fight. Tar on the fouthon Georgia’s plains, Where the hot fun beams burn; W’here vvretefied negroes clank their chain* And feel the lash in turn. Where peflilential damps that riff Pollute the atmosphere ; Where reptiles of enormous fife, Suck in the poisoned air. Os various hue and various fihape, The natives may be found; Biped, and quadruped, and ape, And crawlers on the ground. There where the savage beads do dray. Among the tamer breed; Where men on man is wont to prey. The fiends of hell to feed. There grew a man of high degree, A statesman wonderous wife ‘ Knowi ..y the name of general G, By all who and their eyes. To him a party bow’d with awe, And call’d him their great gun ; Himfelf uplifted ’bove that law Which tea.lies vice to shun. In Jerfry—fin the world doth fay, 1 ins man his rapier drew; And flabb and who came athwart his way, just us afj'affins do. This man of might to Congrcfs came, Sent by a chosen band.— — Ainl who so fit good laws to frame, For our dear native land !!! Horror at this may chill thy blood ! But, reader, never mind ; Things often happen h're below Much of a funilar kind. W'hen, long ago, the sons of God Met on this earthly globe ; Satan came too, and brought his rod, lo fight with patient Job. Columbian JRufeum, £&♦ Now fee the rrarx in fen ite (bine, His thoughts all rrtmfon’d o’er; Like a full blooded Jacobine, Bcfmear’d with human gore. O that fome learned man would fpctk In lofty Latin rhymes ; Or tell this ftoryall in Greek, Like Homer, twenty times. Plung’d into fpeculat.iens deep, Rclpefting Georgia lands ; Wreftcd, when jufticc lay afteep, From the right owners’ hands. Baldwin with uncorrupted mind, Opposed the inonftrous fraud. With rage this made our hero Dlind, ‘And leek revenge in blood. Fie like a true bravado swore, Baldwin or lie fliould die. His Friend the bloody meflage bore Down to the Lobby, nigh. Nigh to the door that opens straight In the great Congress room; There in the lobby F did wait, Till Baldwin heard Iris doom. Baldwin withftoodthe madman’s rage; And laid this maxim down : —That Congress menJhould not engage Like bullies of the town. —■ Base is that cuftoin which began In ancient barbarous times; That man fliould coolly murder man. And honor (pring from crimes. A coward always (lands in awe, Dreading the world may jeer : Break* the motl (acred moral law, And fights, barely thro’ tear. Whereas true courage knows no fear Os what the world may lay : And he who keeps his conference clear, Will seldom go astray. True courage (hews the man of worth, In this he doth lull well, To lpurnthat cuilom from the earth, W'hich came duett from hell. When impious men are plac’d on high, And vice pervades the nation; Wife men of merit then will fly, To ieek a private Ration. Now sing aloud, God lave the cioud. Drink healths to general Wayne; Let duels ceafc, and henceforth peace Through all the Congress reign. FOR SALE, By the Subscriber ; BOARDS, inch and inch F SCANTLING. Ranging f fMBER, SHINGLES, Cypress 2 inch PLANK, Red & White Oak STAVES, INDIGO of fupenorquality, RICE, Jamaica RUM and SUGAR, A few Baggs excellent Green COFFEE. A few 1000 Red Oak Pipe STAVES. ALLUM & St. Übes SALT. HENRY PUTNAM. March 4, 1796. Jonathan Brooks, STORE on Alger’s Wharf, HAS FOR SALE : White and Red. Negro Cloth, Thickset, Corduroy and Velvet, Striped Nankeen, Jane and Fustian, Callimanco, Callico and Hunihum, Mens white Cotton Hose, Twilled do Mens and Boys Hatts, Coffee Mills, Cotton Cards, Razors, Pennknives & Cutteaus, Bitts, Shears, Seiffors, Chiffels, Files, Spurs, Crockery Ware, Buttons, Ink Hands, Rum, Brandy, Su^ar, Souchong and Hyion Tea, Coffee, Choccolate, Pepper, A few Boxes Soap and Candles. Savannah, April 1. n9~tf. NOTICE. ALL persons having any demands againlt the estate of FRANCIS STEBBINS, deceased, are requeued to render the fame, properly attelted ; and those indebted thereto, to make imme diate payment to EDW. STEBBINS, Executor. Savannah, March 8, 1796. 2 mon. Tor sale About Four Hundred bikfhels Rough Rice, Apply to Edward Stebbins. March 2^. /7 AJNTED TO PURCHASE A Negro Woman, Accustomed to Cook, Wash iff Iron, for which a liberal Price will be given. ROBERT WATTS Savannah , March The Subscriber being about to depart for Europe, will on the 27th inst. at the house he now occupies, in Broughten street, next door to Mrs. Leavers, dispose of his Furniture ; Also, a pair of well matched Horses, a Riding Chair and Harness, will be fold at any time previous to the day of sale, for a moderate price. E. WAMBERSIE. N. B. The sale to begin at 10 o’Clock A. M.—The articles may be seen the day previous to the sale. April 12th. NOTICE. ALL Persons having any demands againlt the Estate of DANIEL COURSE, deceased, are requeued to render the fame, properly attelted; and those indebted thereto, to make immedi ate payment to Elizabeth Courle, Ex*x. Savannah, April 12, 1796. ni 2 .St. George Ralston, Hasjujl opened a Store in Bull Street, op pojite Messrs. Boardman, Hills Sc Cos. HIS present aifortment consists of a variety of Broad Cloths, white Buff, Drab, and other colouredfuperfine Caiimer’s,plain, ftripeana refe Blankets, Swanfdown, Marfeiilesand Cafimer V ell Shapes, Tambour ditto, striped, cloud ed and India Nankeen, white and striped Flannel, Callimanco and Durant, Thick set, Corduroy and Velvet, a great va riety of line Mullins, viz : Plain, Stri , ped, Corded, Japan’d, and Tambour’d Jackonet ; Plain, japan’d and Tam bour’d Book ; 6-4 and 7-4 Tambour’d, Jackonet and Book Aprons, Ladies Book and Jackonet Handkerchiefs, stri ped, and clouded Bordered Shawls, Gen tlemen’s Tambour’d Handkerchiefs and Cravats; coarfeand line Humhunv, white and coloured Mullinct, Corded Dimity, ltrip’d Ginghams, Marseilles Quilting ; an aifortment of handfomeCallicoes and Chintzes, Clouting Sc Towelling, Dia per, [rilh Linens, white andbrowa Fus tians, Cotton and Linen Check, Bed licking, Sheeting, Brown Holland, Chintz ohawls, printed Linen Pocket- Hankerchiefs, Cotton and Linen Check do. Black Barcelona, Bandano, & check’d Silk Handkerchiefs, ladies fafhionable Silk Shawles, gentlemen’s plain, rib’d, clouded and patent Cotton Hose, afew white Silk do. ladies Cotton do. a va riety of Silk, Kidd and Leather Gloves ; ladies and gentlemen’s Beaver Hatts, Morrocco, Callimanco,& Sattinet Shoes and Slippers ; gentlemen’s Boot sand Shoes ; broad and narrow fringe Bed Lacc,Cord,&Torfelsj Ribbons, Tapes and threads, Pavilion Gauze ; Writing Paper,lnk Powder, Umbrellas,Portman teau Trunks, Bed Cords, Shoe Thread, filhing Lines; house, Ihoe, hearth and ferubbing Bruihes, Cotton Cards, Tea Ket ties, Locks, B rafs C ocks, Pen Knives, ladies and taylors Scissors, Rafors in Cases.—Also, * SOAP and CANDLES, in Boxes. Savannah, March 4 th, 1796. IVm. Ewing & Thomas M'Cajf, Having entered into PARTNERSHIP, under the FIRM of EWING & M‘CALL, Will carry on business at the store hith erto occupied by the former. WH E R E they have for Sale, 4-4ths and 7-Sths Irifti linen in boxes well assorted, striped blankets, white and coloured Welch plains and Kendal cottens, checks, India cotton handkerchiefs, chints and cottonfhawls; bandanoe, black fdk, and printed linen handkerchiefs j elegant chints gown patterns and furniture, caffimer and iwandown vest ihapes, ribbed cotton breeches pieces, ladies and gentlemens cotton and worked hose, tablecloths, both coating, flaxen and tow oznabrHs, hats assorted, Englilh mustard in boxes of 8 and 12 dozen; Madeira wine in pipes, half’ pipes, and quarter caiks; old Port, Sherry, and Tencriffe ditto ; fwcet Mountain ditto in pipes and half pipes, Northward rum in barrels, pipes in boxes suitable for the African trade, fine white fait in balkcts fit for family use, Florence oil in boxes of 2} dozen, white and brown soap in small boxes bohea tea in chests, a few hogfneads green and blue edged Liverpool ware. All the above articles will be fold very Jow for cash or produce. S3-WILLIAM EWING. Reqoefts, all persons with whom he has accounts, to be as ipeady as pofiible in having the fame adjuited, wishing to close all matters previous to the ift‘Jan uary last. * Just Landing, From on board the B rig Welcome Return from Baltimore. FRefti FLOUR in whole and |bbls. Copper STILLS, from 41 to r* Gallons each. Ship BREAD in bbls. CRACKERS in Keggs. Mufcovaslo SUGARS. COFFEE in Bags. French BRANDY in ftpea. Frelh Seed OATS. Windsor CHAIRS— For Sale, by WILLIAM LAMB. March 8, 1796. I AM IN WANt"oF 4 or 5 NEGRO BOYS, ELE VEN,twelve or 13 yearsold,on Hire, for whom, I will pay the usual or customary Wages, monthly or quarterly, as may belt suit the owners. B. PUTNAM. March 19th, 1796. FOR SALE, ‘ SUGAR, in Hhds.and Barrels, Best Green COFFEE, By BORDMAN HILLS. Savannah, March 28, 1796. For BOSTON. §Th? % A V A N Hr A H PACKET , Brig ELIZA , | C.rpt . DONHAM, Ivin? at Mr, John Moore's Wharl* will fail with all pofiible dispatch, for Freight or Passage—Apply to the Maker on board or Belcher & Dickinson. Savannah, April 14, 1796. 1 * For Marika-Brae, Jamaica , STjfcf c E'he New SHIP JML MOHAWK, Wm. Southerland, HA\ IN G elegant ac commodations for passengers, will fail about the 24th inst.—For Freight or passage, apply to the maker on beard, or RICHARD DENNIS. Who wilhes to contract with fema pexfon to deliver him ONE HUN DRED THOUSAND White Oak Pipe Staves During the present Summer. April 12 th, 1796. nr 2.41, For Freight or Charter, ‘ The BRIG Brothers, Bcttj. Hart , Maker.. , If application is made immediately.— She will take a Freight for Europe.-Apply to\ho Matter on board, or to BORDMAN fcf HILLS. Savannah, 2 March. 1796. FOR sale; At Putnam's IVHARF, ® Margaret, A Staunch strong Vef fel, about 90 T'ons, well calculated for the Guinea Trade, or the Weft-In dies. For terms, apply t 0 the Captain on board, or the fubferiber. HENRY PUTNAM. Savannah, March 29. (nBJ For Liverpool. The New SHI? Capt. Hartley, WILL fail about the, middle of next month, having part of her cam) engaged. For freight of the remainder, or passage, apply to the mas ter on board, at Smiths Wharf, or to ROBERT BOLTON. Savannah, April 8. (n.n.) Twenty Do!fars Reward, ABSENTED hirrfelf from the Subscribers employ, a Negro Fellow, named Ilaac, well known in and about Sa vannah, has his country marks on eac.i cheek. The above Reward will be given to any person de livering said fellow to the fubferiber. J9HN EPPINGE'R, • Savannah, April :z> *l2, No. 13.