Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, June 10, 1796, Page 115, Image 3

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Vol. i. . there are now at Barbados i 7,000 regu lar troops, with 500 armed blacks. [ General Abercrombie had arrived in a ’ frigate. Admiral Cornwallis, fiiccefifir of Christian, daily expected with 10,000 additional troops. The whole arma ment was expected to confiit of 25,000 regulars and 5000 blacks. The num ber of (hips was not mentioned, though among them was said to be one of 110 guns. The intention was said to be to reduce the other islands, before the at tack of Guadaloupe. St. LllCUl. Captain Beatley informs, that the French are 10,000 ftror.g at St. Lucia, provifioned and in high spirits, aiting with impatience the arrival of rhe Britilh to attack them—that prizes W’were daily arriving at that place, Gau daioupc, and the neutral ports, chiefly transports—that the French at Guada loupe, were 40,000 llrong, belides the alarm lift, and have iix months provi lions —that the French have pofledkm of the chief part of St. Vincent's and the Grenades—that the Americans are al lowed to fell to the best advantage. Captain Beady requests us to inform ihe public, that he was treared well by the French at St. Lucia, and paid with punctuality. NEW-YORK, May 20, “ Hostilities are expected to be re newed between America and the Alge rines. It is a fubjeCt of much lurprize, that the Moors are (imereti to depredate on all nations who heiitate to pay them tiibute.” £xtrait cf a letterfrom an A ti.rican citi zen y dated Purls, Feb. 24, 1796. “ Could you imagine, my dear Sir, that any American citizens could be lb abandonedasto invite France to attempt, by eoertion, to prevent the free exercise of the judgment of our country concern ing its own interests, and to awe it into a turrender of its opinion to the mandate of a foreign country ? Vet so the (a<Tt undoubtedly is. Influential men on your fide of the water, have invited the French government to (peak to ours a decided language agai rft the execution of the Treaty with Great* Britain, and even to go lofar, as to claim our guaran tee of the French Weft-Indies; placing before us the alternative war with France and Great-Britain. The idea has been lifter.ed to by the government, and it has been in contemplation to fend anew minister with a fleet to carry the plan into eftetft ; though#! am inclined to hope that it has been recently laid afrit. The extremeembarralirue its of the af fairs of their country, especially with regard to its finances, and more serious reflexions on the hazard of driving us into an election tc take fide with Great- Britain, as well from the exposed irate of our commerce, as from the resent ment which a dictatorial conduft would naturally inspire, have at ietft produced a halt, and, I trust, that the helitauon which has begun, will end in a relolu tion not to nlk so unjust and so mad a proceeding. Would to hCcl ven that the war was at an end 1 for We (hall not be fafe from the machinations of this wick ed portion of the globe, until that event takes place—julhce and morality have fled from Europe—but a;as ! vre they flying from America abb ? I dare not trult to this mode of conveyance tire per sons supposed to be the authors oi this nefarious plot. Bui. a lew months may enable me to make the difcloiure with more certainty, where i can to do it with perfect fafety.” This morning arrived the Schooner Regulator, captain Rubertfon, in 21 days from Aux Cayes. ‘flic second day after captain Robertson’s departure from Aux Cayes, he was boarded by an Englilh ihip of war of fifty guns, and his mate, Thomas. Cullion, was impref fvd, nolwi thHanding he had in his pof feifion two protections. We are also intormed tliat a lew days after an En glish coavoy, confiding of about 120 inerchaitmen, were leen going into Cape Nichola Mole, apparently light, under protectiono( lorne (hips ot war. Robert Liston, Esq. was on Mondav Jaft received by the Vrefident of the Uni ted States, as Envoy Extrordinary and Minister plenipotentiary from his Brit annic Majesty to the United States of America. Arrived on Sunday last, at Baltimore, 1 :‘ e Schooner Volupras, Hall, 27 days irom Kingston, Jamaica. Capt. Hall was taken on his homeward bound paf '*§ e from Gonaives, by the Sovereign man of war, capt. Trip, and carried in -10 r ’ ie Mole, where he lay nine weeks, ‘•ad was the; feat to Jamaica for trial, which place he was like wife detained 4,e batleeingno probability of Columbian jfctufeum, &c. getting a trial, he gave lecurity and pro ceeded home. The Swift Packet, capt. Malcolm, arrived at Baltimore, on Monday, in 10 days from Jeremie. Capt. Malcolm informs, that the brig Dispatch, Cap tain Donaldson, failed from Jeremie, lor that port, one day before him, thar after being about three leagues out, Capt. Do naldson difeovered, that he had omitted to bring his papers, he immediately pro ceeded back to Jeremie in his boat for them, but on his return, found his brig had been carried oft'by a privateer} to whence he could not tell, but went in purfuitof her. CHARLESTON, June 6. Capt. Hu//) from Berbtce , has obliging/v fa-jored us w.tb the following inform ation. April 2 3—Accounts arrived of De merara having furrenJercd by capitula tion, to 1100 troops, under the com. mand of Gen. White, on the fame terms the Dutch received at the fall of the Cape ol Good Hope. May 5 -Appeared off the harbor of Berbice a 64. gun (hip, called the Scipio, Capt. Davis, and the Rake frigate, with several small vellels, the fort was de manded and an hour given to determine, ihe governor very spiritedly refilled, and demanded eight hours, not having ihe council together; this being granted the fame terms were offered him as those given to Demarara, which he objeded to, and alked for the following addition al articles ;—That the Colonial proper ty (hould be put on the fame footing as the private, and that no additional rat es (hould take place. General White agreed to this. On the 7th the fort was given up, which only confided of 100 foidiers, none of the militia being under arms they marched out with the honors of war, and the officers kept their fide arms. The loidiers had the liberty to depart, or join the Britiili troops; this at firlt they refufedj but a iew days after they agreed to receive Britilh pay, on condi tions to taice charge ot the internal forts on the river, in order to keep the blacks in lubjettion and not to be obliged to take arms against the French or Dutch that might attempt the reduction of that river, being left under the; charge of Col. Campbell, a very refoeitable char acter, and the civil commiliion continued in its old officers, changed to the Britilh Hag. Every tiling appeared in the great est degree of harmony between the par ties when Captain Hull left it, on the 12th of may. About this time accounts arrived of five fail of the line 01 French and Dutch Being on that coait, with an expectation of more. 1 here fell at Demarara one (hip of 24 guns, a Dutch states ihip, and one batreau, a French privateer and her prize, a Portuguese ihip, very valuable. The crew of the privateer would not lurrender, left that port, and marched to Berbice by land armed. Finding that place about capitulating, they continued their march towards buriaam, through a wildernels, so thick with bullies, cov ered rnoltly with two feet water, that they were obliged to carry savages for pilots. i o prevent their getting to ■Surinam, the Britilh difpatci'ed a ietter 02 marque in order to way-lay them up the river Quarantine, but they having intelligence, or expecting they would be purified, avoided the place, by which means they escaped. After having cleared ouf, and on the day of leaving the river, I was fired at by the Scipio, and ordered to come to an anchor on the open coast, where a molt dangerous sea was going ; my pa pers being ordered on board, 1 was there detained 24 hours; during which he parted his final! bower cable, and was obliged to let go the best bower, expec ting momently to part that ; but finally going on board to demand the reason of his being thus detained ; were rellorcd Ins books, papers, &c. and he was desir ed to proceed. He, the captain, that moment had received the governor on board, to diner, who had been fwornin as a Britilh governor ; and, by whom 1 was cleared our. I concluded his letting me go, was fearing his resentment by treating a regular clearance from him with this dilrefpett.. Edw. & Cl. Stebbins, BY the return of C STEBBINS, have just received by the Brig Fanny, Can Swirt burn, direct from N tw-Y ik. atuatand haud lome aflbrtment of EUROPE VN A INDIA GOODS, t.ii ableto the preferu fra foil, which •vuii ala. -supply received by the 11 iloi a ren der then alTbi tiri -iit cumpleat for the pr f-;it ; which they j-|| at a |„ w a u v thsir S.ore on fhebjy, for Calh or Produce. Srvdfunali. M.V £4. n zg. SAVANNAH, June* to. MARRIED, Mr. Isaac D. Lamotta, Auctioneer, ot Ckaxlclton S. C. to MilS*t- Lt CamU, fpmnt ttraiffcr. entered inward. Junk, DAtS Bth. Sloop William, Lufcomb, Charleiton, a. Rainbow, Harding, do. 8. Dove, Brown, do. i. Schooner Induttry, Todd, do. r Lalther, Wells, do. *. Brig Bellona, Crookcr, New-York, 17. Commerce, Dundas, Charleiton, 3. Eliza, Wheelwright, do. 3. CLEARED OUT. Sloop Uxbridge Packet, Moore, Charleflon. Schooner Phoenix, Seymour, do. Savannah, Packet, Rogers, do. JAMLS WALLACE, HAS just received per the Ship POWHATAN, Capt Shaw, jrom London via Lharicfton, an additional supply of Dry ‘ G O O D S, H hi.h he will dispose of on reason able Terms, by the Piece or Package 1 Among which are the following, via. PRmted Callicoe#, Handkerchiefs and Romab, Clouting Diaper, Diaper, and Diaper Table Cloths, 8-4 and 10-4 Huckaback, White and brown Sheetings, flaxen Oznabargs, Durants and Callimancoes, Dyed Janes and Fustians, Twilled and Clouded Nank-enet*, imperial R:b and Corduroys, Courfc and Fine Ilats, Ladies Beaver color'd do. wi.h fatliio.iJib).: Bands and Feathers, Oznaburg and Shoe Tlht j Is, Colored, and Scotch oz. do. Silk and Twist, Mix-d Pins, and Needier, Carolina broad Hoes, Gilt and Plated Buttons. Chest and Stock Locks, Brass and Knob do. Pad Locks and Hinges, Mill Saws and files, Swan Shot, and Bar Lead, 4d, sd, 6d, dd, tod, and *od Nailr, Bell boiled I.infced Oil, in Jugs, White Lead, Yellow Oker & Spanish Brown, Copperas,-in Casks, Glauber Salts, in cwt. and 1 cwt. Casks. Best Rack'd, atui Brown Stout Porter, in Hrids. Savannah, June to. tq-tm For N K W-Y O RK, The remarkable faft Sailing BrijA Bellona, yep Capt. Crookcr, Will positively SAIL in $ HAS excellent accommoda* tions tor paftengers.— For Freight or Paflage, apply to James M'lntofh, or to the Captain on board at Alexander Watts's Wh.trf. Savannah, June 10. tq Tor NEW-YORK, a THE BRIG A P O L L O. Thom. Robinson, Master, (Now in Charleston, and ex pedled to arrive here by 11th tnftant,) to iail with all pof liblc and fpatch, her cargo being all ready ; for paflage only, having commodious accommoda tions, apply to JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, & Cos. Savannah, June 10. 2 9-3 f - JUST received”’ Per Sloop Cynthia. Jno. BROCK Majler,frtm Wilmington , avdjor Sale by the Subfrrihr ; 50 Barrels Frcfn Superfine FLOUR, 30 do. do. Common, do. 13 do. do. Middlings, ) 37 do. Ship BREAD, joo do. Kiln dried Corn FLOUSh 186 do. Best Flint CORN, *0 do. POTATOES, 10 Boxes SOAP, io do. Mould CANDLES, A few Burlington HAMS, ani Northern CHEF.SE.— ALSO FOR SALE, •6 Bales Best INDIA NANKEETf. RICHARD DENNTS. Savannah, June 7. 28-41 L A NDIN G, From the Brig LUCRETIA, Capt. Tabor froth Port-au-Prince : .\ quantity of SUGAR, In Hhds. and Barrels : For SALE, by GAIR.DNLRS & MITCHF-L Savannah, May 24-ts. N O T I C E. f | ‘HE Subscriber begs leave to inform her JL friends in general, that (he has moved to the corner of Mr. Thomas Hogg’s, la e Johnston’s Square, where she carries On the Milliners Bujinefs, as formerly , And hopes by her attention to bufmefs, will merit th- approbation of h-r friends. LADIES may U* furnifhed with the newest fafliions, cm thefhortefl not e. JANE WHITEFORD. She J'as for Sale, Vellum Mod* ; figured aid plain Sat*in ; M’ Luteftrmg 6c Mullin'; Ladies Kid t.J .’Sjik Gloves, with a variety oi fdfhionabi Ribbons ; S ik and Thread Lace : Scotch fhreads ; Chint7"3 and Ca licoes. Savannah, June 7, n.3*3t. The following: Andes, The per tonal Lib e of JAMES SHE WARD, dece.tkd, WILL BE SOLD Without relerve. On WEDNESDAY the aid inst. before otrf? AutlionStore, (or CASH ouly ; 7 Pieces g Brown Sheeting, 56 do. 4-4 liilh Linen allorted, itfu do. Ituiu Romal Handkerchief#, 3 do. Figured Caflimere, 1 do. Swanfdown, e do. Thicklet, 11 do. India Humhums, 6 Doz. Mens Cotton Hole, ribb’d and plautj 8 Pair rtbb'd Colored, do. 17 do. do. Patent, 3 Pieces Rediilk Handkerchief#, 5 do. Purple Furniture Cotton, 30 do. Purple Callico, a do. Dimity, a do. Muflinet for veil flupcj, 6 do. t orded Muflinet, tv do. Linen bordered Handkerchief#, 12 do. do. Colored, do. 1 do. Stnpcd Naukccn, 3 do. Bandanoes, * do. Callimanco, 3 do. Durant, b Doz. Pm*, sb Pieces India Muslin, 45 do. b-4 Book Muslin, 10 do. Figured, do. 1 do. Muslin Flandkercliiefs, 1 do. Color'd Muslin Shawts# 1 do. Cotton, do, • do. Wonted Binding, 30 O/.. S otch ‘Fhiead, di lb- Taylors, do. Piece# Ribbon, * dn. Talte, a Boxes Cotton Cards, a Barrels M-ns Shoes. By Urdu of the AJmimftrator. BELCHER dc DICKINSON. Savannah, June 10. rq-i* c’ On l U Lb Del i, Tiie iyh July next. At ths STORE of T-bair & Gibbon#, en Tel*, fair's Waarf, Will be Sold, Sundry Article# of Household i urirture, Conftftmgof CHAIRS, TABLES, a Mahoo* ny BEDS! LAD, BEDDING, &c —• Alio, a HORSE and RIDtNu CHAIR, and 5 head Sutck CATTLE, at Codon’s Bluit, a C ARI, and a BOA I that will catry it bbli. Rice, being part ot the personal property of David Moutaigtit, L(q deceased. CoudilWiU. CASH, * Ry Order oj the Exuutorr, JOHN GIBBONS, Au.tion'r, Savannah, June io, 17^0. JUST itECuTfo, And for Sale by the Subjctibcr, A frefti supply ot Get man O/naburgs Flandeisited Picl mg, 8-4, <#-4, • l k 10-a. Malaga Wine in Pipes Se H! ds. Demijohns, <rom sto Gationa. And a few lihds. Molaifes. ON HAND, Black Pepper; Ticklenburg, Irilh & Gcrnjia* Linens; Biown Holland Bed lii.kmg 111 hall and full piece*. Printed Linen; , Heliums. London Nails, tod. & aod. Hall Pint Tumblers. Window Glals, 8 by to. New-Yoik Mould Candles, 4,5, 6,8 c Btoth* pound. A iew Quarter Calks of excellent Sherry Wine. Spanish Brandy 111 Demijohns of r£ Gallons. BLNLDIX US Cos. Savannah, June 10. ? 9*"3t* Daniel Hamlon, & Co s. Refpeßfally inform their Friends, and the Citizens,’ in General —That they are Opening a GROCERY, In Sr. Julian Strest, next door to Mr. Thomas Hogcs. IVhtre they have for Salt an rcajunable ’ termt lor CASH. OLD Jamaica Spirit#, Biandy and Rum, Sugar and C"liee, Hyfon and Bofea Tea. —Corn Meal by the barrel or small quantity j a few good Checies ; Soap by the Box or pound. They intend keeping a general assort ment of the belt LIQUORS that can be pro cured. Savannah, tosh June, 1796. 29 N O T i ~tj~ Z ALL Perf ns having d-mands agumft thd Eilate of James Moore, Eft], (late of Chatham County, deceased) are tf> render tlie fame properly attested, to Col. Janis Pott U, at Coolawhatchie, in the flat* of South Carolina, or to the Subscriber in Sa vannah—And those indebted to the said Es- Utr, are requeltcd to make immediate pay ment as above-mentioned, in order that tn* allairs of the Estate may be brought to a speedy dole. JOSEPH MILLER, Attorne. for the Adminjlrators. Savannah, June Bth, 1796. eg-jm Just ahkivhd, from the ISLAND DELOS, in AFRICAi 57 PRIME SLAVES, chiefly hnall BOYS and GlßLS.—Condition* of Sale CASH. KENNEDY St PARKER. Savannah, May 24. 24-6 C for sale, A rented PHAETON With HARNESS conipleat—Enquire t tfae Office of tha Columbian Museum. June 7. *B-tt 115