Newspaper Page Text
Vol. i*
ins of Sardinia, we know ton cerlam
. that Ite is disposed to reftgn Savoy
td Nice, and would lately have reftgn
i t ’ ne!l i to effort aleparate peace, had he
10 t been threatened into a continuance
,f the war by other powers. .
A third fart, which we can aflert with
he utmost confidence, is, that fi ranee
las prepared to make immense concef
•lons to the commercial intereits of
fireat-Britain, Inch as would have a
mounted to nearly an excluftve monopo
ly of the whole trade to the Well-Indies,
and an undiiturbed polTeilion of imtnenfe
requisitions in the Eail; together with
{uch a renewal of the treaty of com
merce as inufthave circulated our manu
{ \ures nearly to the exclusion of all
~,thers throughout the European domin
ions of the republic. But, ‘ peri fit our
commerce !’ is the maxim of Ibme min
Supposing, however, that this fnte
ment was faile, and that of the minister’s
true, is tire obtaining of Brabant, See.
for the home of Au'.tria, an object on
which Britiih treafureand Britiih blood
mould be lavilhly squandered! U this a
time to risk id much for the aggrandife
ment of that rapacious power, cfpcciaily
when we confuler the important acqui
sitions which it has lately made on the
fide of Poland? Look, John. Bull, at
the conduct and gratitude of that house
under Maria Therein. Isce ! Ptinicajides.
April 20.
The average price of wheat, at Mon
day’s corn market, was lower than it
has been for a twelve month pail; but
the price of flour remains Hill difpropor
[ tiouate, and thus the alfize of bread is
kept up, by anew manoeuvre of iniquity.
Capture of Sir Si da y Smith.
A gentleman yesterday morning ar
rived in town from France, who rest Pa
ris on Saturday last, and Havre the
Mondav following. While lie was at
Havre, on Monday, he saw Sir Sidney
Smith taken, who with 32 of his officers
and men, had left the Diamond frigate.,,
(it being then a dead calm and flood tide]
and gone in their boats, five in number,
into Havre roads, where they captured
a privateer of eight guns, when they
were followed from Havre by a lugger
of 14 guns and 5 gun boat', who drove
them up the Seine ; the lugger coming
up, began the engagement, which laired
for about 40 minutes, with the greateh
fury ; but fome gun boats coming down,
and the English having one man killed
and four wounded, fired a brgadfide and
hauled down his colours. Sir Sidney,
his officers and men, were immediately
taken to Havre, where they were put in
pfifon, and from thence Sir Sidney him
ielf was lent, under a guard up the coun
Those taken were, Sir S. Smith, W.
Moore, R. Kenyon, P. Burrow, and
two other officers, with 27 men. In
all, 33.
Another account slates, that Sir Sid
ney Smith was taken, while reconnoi
tring the coall in a single boat, from
whitL it is inferred that his life is in
fome danger. This we do not believe
to be the” fart.
The following were the only vefiels
of force which werem Havre, when Sir
Sidney Smith was taken.
La Carmagnole frigate, and anew
frigate, 3 Hoops mounting 24 pounders,
and one privateer from Dieppe.
Yeiteiday an account was received
at Lloyd’s coffee house, by an Ameri
can veil'd arrjved from Havre, that an
embargo was laid upon all vessels what
ever, m the French ports. The above
fliip from Havre got out with ditficulty.
I here are letters in town from Spain
which date, that a correfp.ondencc of a
m°!l serious and important nature has
taicen place between the courts of Lon
don and Madrid. Their inferences lead
t 0 this fearful result, that with refpert
to .Spain, inflead of “ a friend the less,”
We ihali shortly have (f an enemy the
more !”
N EW-Y 0 R K, June 1.
Counterfeit 3odollar notes, of the U
nJ‘ed States bank, are in circulation, so
nicely executed in every refpert, that
accurate eye can hardly detert
F e i npofition—the only difference to
’ perceived is in the paper, which is
arKer in the colour, being of an inferi
cr quality, and not quite io large as the
ttue notes. One of the above deferip
ti°n, detected a few days ago, may be
k en in the poffcifion of Mr. G. Baker,
at *he Museum.
Jo the Amflerdam Packet, from
--enock, came palfenger Mr. David
>wnie, and family, from Edinburgh,
>°wa s fe„tenced tofufferwith Watt
i- J rca f° n * We congratulate
all*. ° n iIS arr i ya i, and wish him
tiMoaer of happiness in this Land of
’ - a ce and Freedom.
Columbian &c.
Arrived, Capr. Pearce, of the brig
Harriot, 8 days from Bermuda ; about
5 days before the Harriot failed, the
British sloop of war Spencer, of 18 guns,
commanded by captain Evans, from a
cruise, arrived there with a prize, the
National Corvette Le Vuican, of 12
guns, lately commanded by citizen Ber
tnand, of Guadaioupe, but last from
Charleston. They Lad fought for three
glasses, when one of the Vulcan’s crew,
going up her shrouds with a grenade, in
order to heave it on board tnc Spencer,
was (hot, and the grenade dropping or.
board the Le Vulcan, exploded; and
this was the cauie of their llriking. Jt
was generally supposed the Spencer
would jhave been captured, had it not
been for this accident.
The Harriot was taken on her pas
sage from Guadaioupe to Newburyporr,
where (he formerly belonged, carried in
to Bermuda fome time since, condemned,
and afterwards bought in by the captain.
The ihip Eliza, belonging to this
port, from New-London to the Wed-
Indies, with a cargo of horses, was lent
in there about 5 days before Captain
Pearce failed ; who further informs that
no change in the conduct of the Bermu
dians towards other Americans had ta
ken place.
Extract of a letter from Halifax, dated
May 15 th, 1796.
“ I failed from. Waterford in the Eli
zabeth, of Alexandria, captain Wood,
for New-York, the 27th of March, bui
to the lead of my expectation we fed ir
with a fifty gun ship, called the A lint, juit come out of Sandy- 1 look on a
cruise towards Halifax, being within
thirty-four leagues of land : Flaring
boarded us, they took the ihip’s compa
ny and forty of our pafiengers, leaving
only married men who had large fami
lies.—They put twelve men and two
officers on board, and brought us here
fait night. The captain of our veffei
not having proper papers to prove her
to be an American, the was sent here to
be tried by Admiral Murray—she is
here at prelent ; the AHi fiance will not
come here this fortnight, being on a
cruise ; we are to be detained until she
arrives, unless we can by any means
procure means of the Admiral to go.”
Extract of a letter from Bordeaux , ‘Via
Bojlarij dated 16th April.
All kinds of provisions are in great
abundance. Flour will - not fell for
more than from 6 to 7 dollars, per bar
rel. We have sent seven large ships,
laden with Hour, to Plymouth and Gof
port in England, and have written on
every barrel, For the people of England.
“ Peace is made between France and
the Emperor, and will this year proba
bly take place all over the world.”
Yeflcrdsy, being the feflival of St.
John the Baptist, the fraternity ol An
cient York Masons afiembled at their
Grand Lodge Room, and from thence
went in procession to the Prelbyterian
church. An excellent Charity Sermon
was delivered by the rev. Brother Buift,
their Grand Chaplain ; after’ which a
collertion was received at the church
doors, amounting to 1681. for the fuffer
ers by the late fire. The fraternity
returned in the fame order and imme
diately dispersed, having relinquished
their annual grand lead in tenderness to
the wants of the diltrefled.
■hiWii - rgr,
A gentleman dirertly from Greene
County, informs that 900 families had
latelyarrived therefrom Kentucky.—
The cause of this sudden migration, is
not particularly.learnt.
It is reported that a renewal of hos
tilities has initially taken place by the
Indians on the frontier Settlements :
If this be true, we lament the condition
of those defenceless inhabitants, who from
indigency, are compelled to fuffer the
ravages ol a barbarous and unprincipled
The following are the conditions of
capitulation agreed on between the
commanders ot the Bririfh armament,
and the government of Dcmarara, on
its surrender the 2zd of April, recei
ved by the ffiip Sally, captain la
throp, arrived on Sunday, and trans
lated from the Dutch language for
the New-York Daily Advertiier.
WE, the governor and inhabitants
convened in council of the colony ol Es-
fcquebo and Demerara, make known to
ad it may concern, That we have this
day received from his excellency gene
ral White and the feafaring commander
Parr, commander of the navy of his
Britannic majesty, in this river, of the
force now moored in this harbor, as
well as those vessels which are not arri
ved, a summons to deliver the island to
tnc fame power and to fubjert ourlclvcs
in frieadlnip and tranquility to the go
vernment of his majesty on the terms
preferibed, viz.
That the inhabitants (hall be entitled
to perfect fafety for their persons, free
religion with liberty to keep poiteffion
of all their property as well by water
as by land, excepting those who fiiab
appear to remain fubjert to the inhabi
tants of the republic of France. Fur
ther on the laws and cuHoms of fuel,
iavvs a* might l.a\e been made previou.
to the surrender of the colony to the
•government of his majetly, every thing,
neverthclefs, upon the molt liberal and
generous terms.
That if it ihould so happen, that the
colony, in case of a general peace, sh ulo
remain under Britilh government, the
fame ifiand in that situation shall enjoy
such commercial advantages which are
allowed in the Britiih colonies in the
Well-Indies. With refpert to the mid
tary and naval forces, that the officei
and privates of the land forces, if it b
agreeable to them, shall be received in
britiih lervice with liberty on reitera
tion of the prince of Orange, to re-en
mr into his lervice. Every officer and
private after taking the oath of allegi
ance to serve his Britannic majeftv, &
oe employed where it may be necedary,
111211 receive the sum of one hundre.’
The officers will, under those condi
tions, receive leave of absence for two
hundred days, with their baggage and
travelling money, the fame as is allow
ed to British officers —the officers and
privates of the marine cannot be taken
into British service until his majdty’s
pleasure be known ; but they lhall be
entitled to receive their pay agreeably
to their rank, and enjoin every facility
which can be afforded them ; That the
governor and every civil officer after
the oath of alleg'anee to his majesty shall
be taken, lhall nave the liberty if they
choose, of remaining in their refpertive
situations, except those who have given
proofs of partiality to the republic of
T he governor only relinquishing the
milita,/ command; should thoic libe
ral terms be relufed, the governor,
council and any one concerned, shall be
come answerable for the consequences,
untefs an immediate attack takes place
by way of the land and sea forces, in
such a manner as to render eveiy refin
ance fruitlcfs, major-general White and
captain Parr, gave the governor one
hour’s time and no longer, a. ter render
ing this instrument to accept or refute.
And, ps we to the welfare of ourteues
generally in this colony, could not re
tufe to accept it, we have under the be
nefits of it, after mature deliberation, re
fill ved to deliver up tht colonies and
diftrirt to the aforefaid authority, and
by rclcription communicated the fame to
the Britilh commander in chief. Hav
ing thought it our duty to inform all
our inhabitants of this publication in
both rivers legally, and lent for peru
Signed this day in the convened court
of Admiralty, the 22d day ol
April, 1796.
(S igiud) Anth . Beau ion,
I. F. Ean Hd ell, rna or.
F. C. Fijber, captain.
By order of the lame.
f S’gned) M. Finut, Jecrj ad. mt,
P. P. Luyke,
7 hoi. Camming ,
A. Mcahitnt.
sparine Kegtffer,
June, Days
Schooner Industry, Todd, Charlcit ;n, 3.
Larkrr, N;*zra. New-Providence, 5.
Sloop Dutia, Pcarlon, Akxancria, as.
Will fail on Tucfday next ,
Ephraim Pearson, Majlcr :
j FOR Freight of Fi r ty B*r
rels Rice, or a few Bags
a Cotton, apply to the MalW
rvii uuui a, . A f ntts Wharf, or to
Superfine FLOUR,
In v/hole it half Barrels— la4u Ki!a Dried
Savannah, Jane 33
It appears rather inc nftflent that
the Captain of the City Guard, lhouid
receive such a high faiary as One Dol
lar and 7; Cents per day, when a pri
vate gets but 50 Cents. It is well
known, that in other Cities in America,
the Captain ofa Guard, docs not receive
such a high faiary ; and there is aper
ion in this City, capable of the duty,
who is a triend to his country, and has
manifefled it in the late war, who offers
to do the duty of Captain of the City-
Guard, for two thirds ot what is offered.
He has lately become a citizen ot thU
place, and is well recommended. If
the honorable Mayor and Aldermen of
the City, defircs it, he will come for
ward, by a line being left as the Colum
bian Printing Office.
Savannah, 30th J une, 1796.
That Valuable Tradl of
L A N D,
■Dilvs liom Savar.iidb, by wau*r) originally
to John Race, Efij. deceated, found t<>
onUin on a R*-furv-y, 378 Acres ; four
i.rt'A ot Which is cvniaincd in two Knowls,
11c of ihembeiits; fufficicnily largp fora lettle
n-’nt, and fate from common Fr'fhes, the reffe
’rime Swamp, on an excell-nt pitch of Tide,
l'he above trail is hounded North by the Plan
.anon o. Richard Wayne, Etq. South by the
diantation oi \\ m. Wihiamfi 11, and East:
.id Well by the branches ot’ Savannah River.
Fur further particulars, apply to
Where a Plat of the Re-iluvey may tie fern.
Savannah, July 1. i\v-tl
RAN away from the Subfcrib-r's employ,
two NEGRO 1’ ‘bows, t. and
JU’ - . *1
In the Brig Eagle, Copt. Holland, from the I lea
G ‘los, in Ajncfiy
236 Prime Slaves,
Winch will be offered for SALE, on Tuclday
the £th July next, by
C-iig, Mddeod & Cos,
Savannah, June as. 33-tF
HAVING taken the Store in Mr. Ro/ton’f
Range, lately occupied by Mefrs. Hun
ter, Preflman 13 Co. — love to offer hia
services in the
Vendue & Commiffton Line.
Presuming, that his conduft hitherto has given
latisfaftion—he relies for a continuance of Pub
lic favors, on a fixed determination of endeav
ouring to ineriL their support.
Savannah, Jun~ *B, 1796. (34-ff )
N o T i cT
BY late trials mad* on tny high land RED
CLAY, much of it is found to be of supe
rior quality and capable ot being wrought into
BRICKS, not inferior to those imported froms
Philad lphia : Persons willing to comratfc
for a quantity, I will engag* to furnifh thera
therewith, equal in quality to any imported,
from the northern slates, ojias mod-rat* terns
as those are purchased at, made id then-i db
bourhood of Savannah.
Savannah, Jun* 28 34 i -f*
F O K S A L E,
If applied for within Eight or Tea days,
A likely at live Negro hoy 9
who can he recommend'd as an excellent wait
er and house fervaut, and is fold for no fault.
To save trouble, his price is -50 dollars Calla.
Enquire of the Prmtirs.
Savannah, June 28th.
N O T 1 C E.
THE fubferiher rel'peftfully informs the
public that he has just began the buiinefs of
Dying all forts of Stuff,
As Cotton, Silk, Lawn, Gauze, and mens old
Hoths.—The whole in the b ft and perfect
nann-r. COOITLLON,
At Mr S. Bretton’s house, ffioughtou Street*
Savannah, June agth. *t.
J. The SLO O P
Capt. BartlZtt,
TO Sail on Saturday the tdL
July.'—For PafTage, apply W
Who have jufl received byfiid Ttfftl %
Fresh Sup*rnne and fine FLOUR.
Pilot and Ship BREAD.
£3* THE fubferiber intending to he abfefl*
from this State a few months, gives notice, that
hr has appointed Mr, Ebenezrr Jackson, and
Mr. Wm. Moore, hii Attorni-s.
Savannah, June 28. 34*4^
A hard/owe C HAIS E,
\1 moft n*w, and two good IIORSES, both
.ccultomed to the draught and Saddle.
Enquire of (he Printers.
* Savannah, June 28th.