Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, July 12, 1796, Page 152, Image 4

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152 jHufes, The DRAM SHOP. THERE stands the Dram Shop, pen’ry’s fatal cause, Which every morn a lounging circle draws; £.(rg p waters, brandy and WHIIE Tempt th’ unfeeling idlers from their home.— Domestic ewes and bofmefs, must give way, Till drams of “ liquid fire ” illume the day ; And yet these sots will murmur and repine, And charge their wretchedncfs to Trade's de cline ; Naked and breadless hear their children mourn, And not one sigh their callous’d fouls return A few short years, this tippling courie they Tun, While rags, difeafr and infamy come on Till DEATH, whose patience can no longer bear To let their mm burnt corpses taint the air ! Pud's the blue glimm’ring flame of lile away, And rids the world of useless lumps of clay. Savannah, July 1, 1796. LETTERS remaining'in this P oft-Office, and if not taken up before the lft day of Qfloberrnext, ‘will then be returned to the Ge0&ll P oft-Office, A. Mr. L. P. Adleiflern. B. Mr. Bailie. Mrs. Sarah Barnes, of “ confcqucnce” . Mrs. Sinia Blance. Joleph Bevan, Esq. Michelle Blanchar. Thomas Burke, Esq. 2. C. Capt. John Clarke, Ship Eleven Sons. Richatd Coun, Benjamin Culpepper. D. Budd Davis, John Dawson. Mrs. Else Dickson, at New-Orleans. Capt.'Reuben Dunbar, Ship Three Brothers 3. £. Me firs. Evans and Cole. F. Mrs. Martha Fergifon. Afahel Farmer, Bullock County. Mr. Fields, af Wm. Gunns. Ci. Capt. J. N.Garrifon, left at Capt.Morrifons, 2. Chriilian Gecrman. James Gordon, John Graham. JI. Frederic I. Haller, Esq. 2. Hall Handy, Esq. Sir George Houfloun, Bart. John Houfloun, Esq. 2. T. Charles Jackson, Esq. 4. K. Capt. Jofcph Kinky, Schooner Debey. Joseph Knott, Schooner Peggy. t. Robert Lawton. M. Ant. Mac Credy, Esq. A. Mac Credie. Capt. John Mac Kay, Schooner Nancy , 2. John Mac Kay. MeflTrs. Andrew M’Credie & Cos. 2. Nemier Meack. Monf.Mulbergue,chez McfT.Benedix Si Cos. 2 David Murdoch. P. James Prefcot. James Pring, care of Mr. Valattons, Union. R. Madame Raingeara, Capt. John F. Randolph. Citoven Roubein ou Citoyen Chapelain. Capt. Samuel Rice, Brier Orion. $. Dr. Peter St. Mcdard, Ship Three Brothers , 4. Francis Stevens, Ship Franklin, a. T. John Taylor, Esq. at Crawford, 4. fames Thewitt, Philip Topham, Daniel Torrey. \V. Jacob Waldburgcr. Esq. Geo. M. Waters. V. Junia Voungh. Arrival and Departure of the MAIL S. The Augusta, or North and Western Mail, arrives every Sunday Evening, at 6 o’Clock, and departs eve ry Tueiday Morning, at half pafl Nine. The North - JEaftward, or Charlcftofi Mail, arrives every Monday and Friday afternoon, and departs every Tucfdayand Saturday Morning, at h;df past Eleven* The Beaufort Mail arrives every Monday, and returns every Tutf day with the Charleston Mail. The St. Mary’s, or Southern Mail, arrives on Monday the 4th of July instant, at 5; o'Clock in the Even ing, and departs next Tuesday Morn ing, at half past 6, and so on, once every trjoo ‘we-’ks. Justus H. Scheuber, P, M. Q3r Office Hour*!, from t till 11 q‘Clock, in the forenoon, and from 4/06 in the af ternoon, JUST OPEN I NG, AND FOR SALE, At the Store formerly occupied by Mr. Merrilies, A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF Drugs and Medicines , —ALSO— A hand Tome assortment of Ginghams, Hum hums, Irish Linens, Callicoes, Mttflins, Ladies silk Shawlcs. French Handkerchiefs, Cotton Hose, striped and clouded Nankeens, Cafli mers, Mens black and white Hats, dec. &c.— Likewise Superfine and Fine FLOUR, with a few Barrels MIDDLINGS, G. W. NICHOLS & Cos. Savannah, July 5. 36-ts WANTED TO PURCHASE A Negro Woman, ACCUSTOMEDtoCook, Wash Ci? Iron, for which a liberal Price will be given. ROBERT WATTS. Savannah , March 22d, 1796. Columbian iEufeum, &?<% To the PUBLIC. “ Bat if your wrathful Hood is apt to boil , “ Or are your nerves too irritably Jlrung, “ Wave alldifpute, be cautious if you joke ; “ Keep Lent for ever , andforfwear the bowl. ’ ’ Armstrong. IT is with extreme reluftance, I take the lib erty of obtruding myfelf on the public ; but as my name ha? been brought forward, in an illiberal and wanton-like manner to them, in the Columbian Museum , of the sth instant, in an Advertisement iigned N. 11. Buco.C. Car ter, it becomes my duty in juflice to my felf, to (late to an impartial public, a narra tive of the fa£l*, left by a contemptuous si lence which their piece merits, it might ope rate on the minds of those, unacquainted with myconduft, as a trait acknowledgment of their charges. Mr. N. H. Bugg, and Mr. C. Carter, en gaged their passage with me on board the Schoo ner Commerce, bound from Charlellon to Sa vannah ; I laid in Stores for Mr. Bugg. About 2 o’clock P. M- on Friday, the 24th of June lafl, I left the Wharf, got down to Sullivans Island, where Melfrs. Bugg and Carter delired to go on (bore; I had the Boat manned with four hands, they went oft about 5 o’clock, to the Island, and kept the boat and hands wait ing on them, till about 11 o’clock at night, when they came on board, as I presumed, much intoxicated —They inforirv'd me, they had been turned out of th” CofF<*e-Houfe, by the mailer, Mr. Joseph Oman (for what cause) they know poflibly now, the bed) iheyexpref fed a wish to go back and beat him—l perfua dedthem from it. Sometime afterwards, they forced me out of my bed, and desired me to go with them in the boat, to visit the vessels lying there—l endeavored to perfuadc them against it, telling them the impropriety of dillurbing them at midnight, that such behaviour would give offence ; but all my remonstrances were m vain, they would go, and infilled on my go ing also ; I told them how necessary it was, the hands and myfelf fiiould have rest, if wc Ihouid proceed to sea the next day.—Having no white person on board at the time, I could make no refiftancc, therefore was compelled to go with them ; they had usurped the command of the veil'd and people on board, they ordered the boat with four hands to take them along fide of the Schooner Neptune, Capt. Dickinson, and the Sloop Uxbridge Packet, Capt. Moore, (both Packets in the trade betwen Chari *fton and Savannah) disturbed them and their passen gers, several of whom came on deck ; I apo logized to Capt. Dickinson, also to Capt. Moore and Capt. Tate. I cannot but remark, that Messrs. Bugg and Carter went on board these velfrls without either Breaches or Stockings ; about 3 o’clock in the morning of Saturday, we returned on board ; Mr. Leslie, a palfeng -r with Capt. Dickinson, accompanied them ; shortly after, Mr. Bugg and Mr. Carter quarrelled together, talked of a duel, and wete determined on fighting—they went on deck. I was fearful blood would be fpilt, I requested Mr. Leslie to go up and en deavour to pacify and reconcile them ; he did so. Between 5 and 6 o’clock, I weighed an chor and stood for the bar, but the wind not being so fovorable that I might be within Ty bee bar that night, and the hands, as also my ielf, having had no rest, from the behaviofir of the two passengers, as before Hated, I thought it moil prudent to return back ; I did so. Thus was I prevented proceeding on my voy age at that time, as can be confirmed by Cap tains Dickinson, Tate and Moore ; about 4 o’clock, A. M. I anchored off Sullivans Ifl arrd ; Melfrs. Carter and Bugg had slept in the interim. About 5 o’clock they delired the boat and four hands to take them ou shore; I complied with this desire, on their promif iug me to return on board that night, by 10 o’clock. Riding at Angle anchor, on the turn of the tide I had to attend’ to ‘it; that it was about 12 o’clock at night,, before I went on shore for them myfelf, with 4 hands to bring them off to prevent delay, as the wind might be favorable in the morning ; after enquiring at the Coffee-houfc, and fome other decent houf cs, in vain searching, I saw a light in a small houfeatthe back of the Coffee-houfe, I enqui red for them, Mr. Bugg was lying in abed on a floor in the outward room. I think the little houfc contained two ; I alked him where the other paflenger was, he told me he was gone to fome house, but did not choose to tell—parti cularly, I told him my coming was to advise their going on board to prevent delay in the morning, when I eXpeclea to get under way ; he said he was hid, to remain on fliore till morning, when he would lee M.. Carter, that they would both be where he was then, and that they would come on board if I feat my boat for them ; I promised it, went down to the boat, took one of the hands up, shewed him the place to call at, when I should fend for them. On Sunday morning after sunrise, I sent the boat on shore with four hands for them, not thinking of any delay, I had weighed anchor and let fail, the hands I saw were busily em ployed in fcarch of them. I saw one go to the house where I left Mr. Bugg; the wind at W.N-W. encreafed, and llrong ebb going ; on ly one hand on board left, I could not hand or lower fail, and drop anchor, where the wa ter may be 15 fathoms deep ; I could only keep in close to Ihore, and with a speaking trumpet hail’d, to ftiow I made ufc of every exertion to get them with the boat olf. By this time, it was near 8 o’clock, when having fallen down so low, and thinking the veffcl might be in danger, I was compelled to bear away ; the boat did not reach me till near the bar ; the hands informed me they Had been in quell of the two paflengersto several houses; the one who had been up the night before with me to the house where Mr. Bugg was, told me a person, probably Mr. Calhoun, on enquiry, said Mr. Bugg had got up at 3 o’clock, and gone out, he knew not where, nor could he find them out; that knowing my situation, and feeing the veffcl getting so tar dowii, they had come off. Having given a detail of fadls, ’tis now ne cessary I should m ike fome remarks on their publication. They assert I had taken their Cloths and Money away; I do positively assert, that I never signed any bills of lading for cloths, or receipts for money, nor do I know of either. They had two trunks, which I de livered them on their arrival here, (the day af ter myfelf.) The night before I failed, Mr. Bugg, borrowed two dollars of me, which he has since returned. How the next morning, he was left without a (hilling, or how he or Mr. Carter, could go on shore asftrangers, thus fltuated, where gentlemen fnould be provided with cash, they best know. Mr. Carter, had a frrvanton board ; for his passage, or Mr.Buggs’s stores, I never received any compensation. They have arrogated to themfelvcs an idea of consequence, unknown to me; as if their names to a publication should be so weighty, as to in jure me in my calling. I have been in the trade fome years, have had much freight, and many passengers during the time ; and I trust, I ever difeharged my duty with fidelity on the one part, and to my passengers paid every at tention. Messrs. Bugg and Carter, fay I had the fear of God before my eyes : I wish they may hereafter have the fame. They mention villainy of heart. On what foundation ? I had no cloths or money , as they Hate : if such things were in their trunks, they received them fare here, and cannot deny it. Messrs. Bugg and Carter, knew I had sent on fliore for them, be fore their publication, which they have confef fed. To whom therefore, does the epithet of a villain belong? The public will be the judge, and not two men who have thus behaved. I might have added much more ; but I trust this much will fulfice. On their rcadingthis, I expe&they will heartily repent their conduct in mentioning my name in print, on a fubjeu which must tend to flicw their folly, and les sen what credit or reputation they may have. Messrs. Bugg and Carter, may be affared, I never wish to have them as passengers ; such rude behaviour (I might add else) 1 never re ceived irom any before. AGUSTUS ROGERS. Savannah, July 7 th, 1796. FOR SALE! Mnfcovado SUGARS in hhds. and bbls, Green COFFEE, in hhds, and Bags, A few Chests best HYSON LEA. GAIRDNERS & MITCHEL June 21st. 39-ts The Subscriber , BEGS leave to inform her friends and the Public in general, that she has just return ed from New-York, with a small, but neat assortment of DRY GOODS, Suitable for the present season, which flic pur poses felling at a low advance for Cash. JANE BELL. Savannah, June 17. u.3l*. THOMAS SMITHS Has received per the Brigs Bellona, and Apol lo, from New-York, a frefn and general assortment of GOODS, Which will be fold low for Cash or Produce, at his Store in Bull-street, near the Vendue House. Savannah, June 16. n.31. FOR SALE, SUGAR in Hhds. and Barrels, Best Green COFFEE, By RORDMAN £? HILLS. Savannah, March 28, 1796. N O T I C E. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP OF Belcher and Dickinson , Having by mutual consent, Dissolved on the lfl day of May lafl ; THEY beg leave to urge the necessity of a speedy Pavment, from such prr fons as remain Indebted to them ; and at the fame time, request those who have demands against them, to call for payment. They lcve rally return finccre thanks for the encourage ment fliewn them in the prosecution of their business, and hope a continuance of public fa vour if merited, individually. Wm. BELCHER, J. D. DICKINSON. Savannah, June 3, 1796. 27-ts ALL Persons having demands against the Eflate oi’ THOMAS BROWNHILL, late of Chatham County, deceased, are desired to render a statement properly attested ; and all those indebted, to make immediate pay ment. THOMAS BROV/NHILL, Administrator, with the Will annexed. Savannah, July 4th, 1796- 36*111. NOTICE. BY late trials made on my high land RED CLAY, much of it is found to be of supe rior quality and capable of being wrought into BRICKS, not inferior to those imported from Philadelphia ; Persons willing to v contra£l for a quantity, I will engage to furnifh them therewith, equal in quality to anv imported from the northern stat-s, on as moderate terms as those are purchased at, made in the neigh bourhood of Savannah. B. PUTNAM. Savannah, June 28 34*^* JUST LANDING, from on board the Schooner Esther, AND FOR SALE: 2 Ilhds. and 11 Barrels CIDER, Fresh RAISINS, Mens SADDLES and BRIDLES, No. 7, 8. and 10 Cotton CARDS, 6 Casks 4d, 6d, and Bd, CUT NAILS, Mens SHOES. BOOTS St BOOT LEGS, Ladies MOROCCO SLIPPERS, Black Florentine dol Mens White COTTON HOSE, HUMHUM and NANKEENS. JONATHAN BROOKS. Savannch, May 13. si-tf. For PHILADELPHIA. Trr SAIL with allp,/Jib!; Jijpatck, Wtlcome Return, Binjamin I.abbii£ 1) * FOR Freight o^ having handlome accommodations, anolv the Mailer on board, or to ‘ JAMES ALCER Savannah, July 8. • 27-ts For PHILADELPHIA^ Will fail on Tuesday next, v The SLOOP ySka DIANA, /off/W\'p\ Ephraim Pearson, Majler : m?s R Rmc g or °l Bar ’ ICotton, apply to the Mailer ou Hoard, at A. Watts Wharf, or to EWING & M’CALL, WHO HAVE TOR SALE, Superfine FLOUR, In whole & half Barrels—lndian Kiln Dried MEAL. Savannah, June 30. Liouie & Lot for Sale, Commodious two Story 8 fil £,*{% new out buildings, i a jj is Ula Sljtj Broughton Street, opposite Edward Lloyd’s, an d ad joining Mrs. Whitefield’s— & The house is at present oc cupied by Col. Armllrong, but will be given up in a few days. For terms apply to ROBERT BOLTON Savannah, June 14. n-30 F O R s A L £ ALL that LOT of LAND in the City of Savannah Ellis’s Square, containing ESi tio feet in front and 90 feet WmWL in depth, marked wi hthe a street formerly the com ’ ~ mon, north on St. J u li aa street, east by Mr. C. Pollock’s lot, south by Duke street, with complete buildings thereon, at present occupied by the fubferiber, to whom application i-nay be made. J. B. GOUPY. Savannah, June 21. 32-121 tLOS TANARUS, A New-Negro, TANARUS) OUGHT of Mr. ROBERT XJ MATTS, 6th of June; about 5 feet 4 inches high, flout and weil ■** made, very black, about 20 years of Age ; has had one or two of his upper teeth filed away, cannot ipeak English, but will anfwrr to the name of Charles or Sampson ; had on when he went away, a check Shirt and Oz. naburgTrowfers, and also carried with him a Blanket and pair of check Trowfers. The above Negro either went off, or was enticed away from the yard of the Subscriber, who will pay a Reward of Fifty DOLLARS, to anv Person who will deliver him to the Subscriber, or One Hundred Dollars, to whoever will inform, or difeover the per. son who carried him off, so that he can be profe* cuted to conviftion. JOHN GROMET. Savannah, July 8. 37-ft 20 Dollars Reward. TANARUS) AN away from the Sub jJp IV feriber, a few days ago, a Negro Man, named SAMP SON,IateIy purchased of Cap. ?ain JPhnDil worth, of Cam. **” Jfy p*™ den County, in this State ;he it ® ect kigh, very black,his head preuy grey, walks upright, is supposed to be beween 40 & 50 years of age, and formerly belonged to the ellateofthe late Henry Sourby ; he is well known in the southern parts of this State, being ufedtogo between St. Mary’s and Savannah, in a boat with Mr. Dilworth, and is supposed to be gone to St. Mary’s, Beaufort, .New-River or fome cf the Sea Islands, ashs went away in a small Canoe.—A Reward of Twenty DOLLARS, will be paid for appre hending and delivering him to me in Savan nah.—Any person harboring him may expect to be prosecuted. John Glen. Savannah, April 18th. n Hat Manufactory. A large quantity of LADIES GENTLEMENS best BEAVER HATS, Warranted, just row finifhing, and fo’ Sale, at PETER MADDEN’S Store, On the Bay, or the House at the bac* thereof, in the Lane, By JOHN BIGGS. Savannah, March 15. FOR S A L E, 2 genteel PHAETONS) With HARNESS complcajAEnquirs at :■ Office-of the Columbian u ‘ :uin jg.f June 7. No. 38.