Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, August 02, 1796, Page 175, Image 3

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Vol. i- Churchill I was among the miffing, and ,L„ rC is great appreheafioa for hi> jaiety. h The Britilh troops being strongly re v'-Vced had made the second attack hcfore Capt. Callahan had failed, and k e last expref* from head-quarters was, t L t the French had again beat a parley, to which the Britilh paid no attention, and it was g opinion l^at no orifoners would be taken. _ h Admiral Parker is lying at Cape Nichola Mole with fix fail of the line ; two fail of the line, and fome frigates, vere cruising to windward, and had in the course of ten days, sent in eight privateers, one a b;ig of 16, and a sloop of i 4 guns* ‘ PORTSMOUTH, (N,H.) June 30. Arrived here the brig Dolphin, cap tain Aaron Wingate, in 15 days from Fort Dauphin; two French gentlemen came passengers with him, one of whom arrived in the French fleet which left France about two months since, confid ing af 3 ships of the line 6 frigates and 4 corvettes, having on board 1000 French ‘troops, 15,000 Hand of arms, and a great supply of ammunition and military ilores. At the Cape all was quiet ;’no-appear ance of further inlurredions. The Brigand General Vilatte, who headed the fate rebellion in Cape Fran coix, was taken with 40 of his accom plices, and are confined as prisoners on board one of the ships, to be sent to France for trial. Five frigates have failed from France for the Eaft-Indies,and 3 for Cayenne. Fort Dauphin was to be delivered up by the Spaniards, to the French on the 24th J une. BOSTON, July 8. Orders have come on from the Exe cutive of the United States,.prohibit ing the sale of prizes in our ports. This is the result of an investigation of the obligations of our Foreign Engage ments. July 11. Zxtraft of a letter from Cape Nichola Mole, daied June it, ft This place is very sickly, but not so much as Jamaica. The Britilh troops two days ago, made an attack on Fort Bombard, and took it; they kilted a bout two thousand Brigands, but the Britilh loft a great many men by fatigue, wall about two hundred.” SALE M, July 5. A French gentleman from the Weft- Indies brings a mold frightful ftory,a bout old France, to our neighbours. He fays that they arefo angry with the American Anglo Treaty, that he doe.-) notl;aow what they will not do. It is txpecied they will set traps every where, 2nd be mad with us, if we do not get into them. That there are many per sons in Franee that would hurt us, and an 7 body else in their way. That if they could catch the President, “ Theyupwards all hands hoiking fail, “ Would swing him like a keg ot ale,” MIDDLETOWN, July 1. The Wife of Mr. Enoch Tuelis, of jhis City, was this week delivered of per fourth pair of Twins in fucceftion ; is now 29 years of age—has been carried 11 years, and has had 15 chil dren. Mr. Tuclls is only 34 years of a healthy, aftive man. What a pofpecl / / / N E W-Y ORK, July 2. >’ an arrival at Salem, from Cadiz, is received of the capture of fhip of war by the French wet. f he report of an order of the Britilh for an impress of 5,000 fea r“en > la consequence of an expected rup 'We with Spain, is important. The account of the arrival of a Brazil f nze at Newport, does not appear to Ce confirmed. Y a July 4. Huerday afternoon arrived the ship o-itham, trom London, and 49 days U P °rtfm<h. Hritilh squadron on our coast, ‘p, KC . f , ne Chatham, in 49. 10. 72. 30. tw cta * her fome time, and took but* * P a lfcngers from on board, TV n 1 exa!n i n ation, returned them. ls **eet confuted of the La Bouquet, 6i Ctl:, Hrufty, Hulfar, and another, vLi„ r aovrn * They said that the ~ iquadron conulted often fail. me! ‘ £fe was no account of the com fcQ. ‘ nent of holtilitics on the Rhine, Tr”- sp u Trea dwell left Hamburgh, late,! *?- Hamburgh papers contain the portur/? c ,h_at quarter, the molt im taj „ 0 w hich is that prince Charles v J - e poll haste to Y lenna, an 4 that Columbian iHufeum, the French in immense force were ap proaching Manheim. Ext rads from these (Dutch) papers as foonas poflible. It would seem that the day of reckon ing, for the despots, is faft approaching. The Three Sifters, of WilcaiTet, cap tain Wood, arrived also on Saturday, in s ßodays from Greenock, with 60 paiiengers, in good health. .July 13. Bv an arrival here yesterday, from Cape Nichola Mole, we are informed, that a number of Britilh armed vessels and transports lay at that place—that great preparations are making for the commencement of hostilities—and that American produce fells high there. A Dutch fleet arrived at Surrinam, May 28. It confuted of two fail of the line, two frigates and two cutters, and had on board 6,000 troops. A Britilh squadron blockaded the river. Bjt a gent! man arrived in one of the las njff ls from the IVJI-lndi-.s, a ue ha ve the foil ova ng information. Disturbances at port of Spain, Tri nad ad. An affray took place about the 10th May, betwixt Captain Vaughan, of the Englifti frigate Alarm, and fome of his officers and seamen, and fome French privateers-men, (who had been driven on ftiore by an Englilh frigate) late in the evening. It is impolfibie to afeer tain from which party the offence came, rumour fays from the Englilh seamen. On the day*fuecceding, Capt. Vaugha-. landed on the king’s pier with 11 5 men, armed for offence, and advanced to the great square with drums beating and colours flying; on this the Republicans called <f To arms.” The Governor ol the Illand, Chacon, went to Capt. V. and requested him to retire on board his veflel, if he had any regard for his men, or the Englilh inhabitants of thclfland, as by a contrary conduft he facrificed tire lives and property of all such. Capt. Vaughan told the Governor, pointing to the Englilh colours in a rage, faying, “ that lias been insulted, and mult be fatislied ;” but on the Governor’s furth er requisition, he retired. In a few minutes the republicans paraded in the lquare, and commenced firing on fome of the Englilh inhabitants and others, who ran from them.—Some were killed, and fome made their escape. The Re publicans at length were pacified, and drawn off by the humane and prudent Caprain Bedeau, of the French priva teer that had been driven aihore in that island—which fortunately prevented further milchief, and prevented an in furreftion of the negroes, which was mediated. Whn cur informant left Port of Spain, things were again tran quil.—lt was said that about 3000 re publicans and blacks were under arms flhortiy after the landing of Captain Vaughan. Os St. Lucie, May 26. The Britilh have got pofieffion of all the forts, <ic. on that Island, with the loss of about 600 men, amongst whom were 45 officers. The French loss was inferior. There are yet about 2000 mun in arms, who have not surrendered ; and whom the Briiilh are hunting down as bkafts of theforelt :—it is probable they will prove a troublesome enemy to the Englilh for fome time. Os Sr. Vincent, June 10. The Britilh are in poffemon of the forts, &c. ot that Island—they assailed two forts and as many redoubts, defend-’ ed by about 400 republicans —the as sailants about 4000 men. ‘The Ikirm i thing andadault commenced at 40’clock, A. M. and at 3 o’clock P. M. theEng lilli carried one fort and two redoubts, and were called from further aflault, on which the French parlied, and obtained honourable terms. ALBANY, July 1. Furs and peltries to the amount of more than forty thousand dollars, have this week been received by a house in this city, from,one of the North-Weft Companies. It lusan agreeable appear ance, and brightens up the faces of old Indian traders, to fee twenty or thirty waggon loads of fur at a time coming into our city—and augurs favorable, a return of the immense rich Indian trade we once participated in. The Federal Troops left this city on Tuesday. From Schenectady they will proceed to Niagara by water. Major Lewis returned through the city, from CJjiebec on Monday. He delivered to Gapt. Bluff lord Dorc-lief ter s orders to the commanders of Ofvve go and Niagara, to deliver up those poft3 to the United States immediately on the arri val of the federal troops. “'The hon. Mr. Glen, (military agent) will accompany the troops to Niagara. PHILADELPHIA, July 7. Captain Jourdan, late of the brig Fame, of Portland, informs that he fail ed trom Tobago, May 23d, bound for Martinique—On the 25th he was boar ded by the Favorite Britilh Hoop of war, of 18 guns, commanded by capt. Wood, who ordered capt. Jordan and his crew on board the Favorite, after wards dilpatched his boat on board the F'ame, rummaged the veil'd, upset every thing they could come acrol's, opened ail the trunks and took out all the papers they could find, &c. Capt. Jordan and crew were detained on board the Favor ite, and a prize matter was sent on board the brig, with orders to carry her into Carracas, a small port in the island o Grenada. After they had arrived there he cargo and the papers of the brig u.i ue wentaf'econd inveitigation,andtouoa a deiic e icy of 30 pieces of nankeens, appeared on the invoice of the brig, which 1 hey said was a eaufe of condem nation ; they immediately ordered the Fune to St. George’s, in Grenada, to oe there tried, fending capt. Jordan am two of his men on b >ard a tender, foi that place, putting the mate and four o the crew on board the brig. Soon afre; capt. J _>rd:tn had arrived, he was inform ed that the mate and the people, toge ther with the aftiftance oi ionic of tht Britilh on board the brig, rose and re took her, from which time ihe has not oeen heard of. Capt. Jordan came paflengcr in the Alexander, arrived here tin* morning .rom Mon tier rat. July ii. Last evening arrived at this port, in 20 days from Guadaloupe, the republi can armed schooner Efperauce, Capraii B;yon, supposed to be a dispatch boa from Victor Hughes, to the French Minister in the United States. If this circumstance be a faft, lne doubtiefs bears fome important intelligence, which, in all probability, will leak out in the coarse of this day. Appointment—John Steele, of North Carolina, Comptroller of the Treasury, vice Jon Davis, of Massachusetts, re fignedi BALTIMORE, July 5. There is a man at present at Mr. Kauffnfhn’s tavern, the sign of the Bear, in Gayftreet, who was born entirely black, and remained so about thirty eight years, after which his natural co lor began to rub off, which has contin ued tiff his body has become as white and as lair as any white person, except fome finail parts, which are changing very fait—his face tetains more of the natural color than any other part ; his wool aifo is coming offhis head, legs and arms, and in its place are growing itraight hair, similar to that of a white man : the fight is really worth the at tention oi the curious, and opens a wide field of amu.ement for the philosophic yenius. Ny 1 y- Yeftcroay arrived brig Harriot, At kinson, 15 days from Cape Francois. Captain A. has favored sis with the following particulars. On the 2iff June, arrived at Cape Francois, from Brest, in 30 days, a sec ond de.achmentof the F'rench fleet, con fining of the Vengeance frigate, of 50 guns, a corvette of 20, and three veftels armed en fuie. On their panage they tock threejEnglifh vends, two of which ti.ey burnt—the other, a sloop, was cait away on the Umbrella Bank. Flour was 22 dollars, and in great de mand, as were also all forts ofprovifions. T he Englilh took fort Bombard, on the 15th June, and by the last accounts from the Mole, they had 16,000 men embarked on board the traniports, with which they were ready to fail, eicorted by 17 fail of the line. It was supposed they would attack the Cape or Port-de- Paix. SAVANNAH, Augufl 2. Captain Swett, of the Brig Susan, (arrived at Boston on the 29th of June) from Cadiz, informs, .that previous to his departure from Cadiz, a French fquadr n had captured a ship of war and carried her into that port. Also, that the Algerine cruizers had Danilh veiieis—and about the fame time Hopped an American ftiip, which they permitted to proceed alter a short deten tion. The German r>- their ar mies on the ‘ jOgo men. The French numerous, and terrible preparations arc making for human slaughter. Married—On Sunday Evening laft,by the Rev. T. H. M‘C au l, Mr. Daniel Ham so n, to Mrs. Sarah Carver, both late of New-Jersey. Marine Ucgtfffr. entered in hard. July, Days. 29. Snow Whim, Ambrose, Africa, (vj. Sh op Camden Packet, Sinkins, Si. Marys, 3. 30. Schooner Peggy, Groce, Norfolk, 30. Regulator, Swift, Boston, 30. Brig Bellona, Crooker, New-York,3o. Apollo, Robinson, do. aB. Schooner Betsy, Smith, St. Auguftmc, 4. CLEARED OUT. Schooner Charleston, Dennilon, Cbarlefton. Sloop Harriet, Bemifs, St. Mary*. Brig Betsy, H„uihwat, Boston. For Nii VV -YO RK, The remarkable faji Sailing A Brig Bellona, Capt. Crooker. Will positively SAIL in 5 HAS excellent accommo dations for pa<Tengers.—For Freight or P.ilfage, tpply to James M‘lntosh, or tothe Cap.2la m board at the Custom-House Wharf. Savannah, August 2d. 44 FOR SALE BY Carpenter & Havens , Barrels Pilot, Middling and Ship BREAD, Ditto, MH's and Prime PORK, Ditto, Prime BEEF, Ditto, GIN and Cherry RUM, Hoglbeads MOLASSES, Cheils Green TEA, K<*gs CRACKERS, j RYE FLOT R. BiX'iTurrn me SOAP, Gun POWDER. Mms SHOES, Bottles Port and Sherry WINE, Loaf SUGAR, Paint and Lamp OIL. Savannah, August 2. 44*tf Ju (^Landing, From on board the Schooner P'ggy, Capt. Grocr from. Norfolk : A few barrels fr ‘fh Sup'-rune FLOUR, A few do. SHIP BREAD, and A small quantity of C O R N, of a fuperioi quality. Apply to JOHN N BRAILSFORD. August 2. 4 4-ts Just Received, From New-York by the Brig BELLONA. and for SALE, at the Corner of the Bay and Dray ton Streets : A few bbls. 4d, 6d, Bd, tod, Sc 20d NAILS, A few do. Ld, Sc 2od CUT NAILS, Fr-sh Superfine FLOUR, Loaf SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, Blume RAISINS, Green WARE, Mould CANDLES, —AL SO A General AfTortm nt of DRY GOODS, too tedious to enumerate. PINCON. August 3. 41-Bt. Two APPRENTICES want ed,to learn the CARR I AGE Sc CHAIR mak ing business.—Apply to SIMON CONNER, iu Broughton Street. Savannah, August 2d. 44 The Subscriber, INFORMS his friends and the Public in g"n eral, that he has removed his Shop from near the Brick Meeting to Broughton Srr-et, nearly opposite to Mr. Mordecai SheftalTs—• whrc he still intends carrying on the Chair Making; Business. ALL those who may pleaf* to favour hirft with th“ir custom, may depend on the ftri&eft attention and punctuality. MORGAN CAPERS. Savannah, August 2. 41*4* Broke into my Pasture, IN Afton, diftr.ft of White Bluff, fome time (ince, a small Bay HORSE, about 13 hands high, branded on his mounting (boulder thus, L a finail star in his forehead, one hind foot white, about 14 or 15 years old. The Owner may have him by applying to the fubferiber, at his plantation in A6ton, proving his proper ty, paying cost and charg-s. r EDMUND ADAMS. Auguft 2. 44jtf. ALL Persons having demands against th* EftateofTHOMAS BROWNHILL. late? of Chatham County, deceased, are deiired to r nder a ftatem*nt properly thole indebted, to make immediate payment. THOMAS BROWNHILL, Adminiftmtor , with the Will anr, ixed. Savannah, July 4, i79 r . 36*16w. GEORGIA, ff. Camden County. N. J O N E S, 1 By Noble Jones, Regifier r. p. c. c. > of's for the County, in (L. S.) ) State aforef iid. WHEREAS, John F. Randolph, Esq, hath applied to m fur Letters of Admini stration on the Estate and Effefts of John Har vey deceased : These are therefore, to cite and admonifti all and singular, the Kindred and Cr-ditors of said deceased, to be and app-ar before me at my office in th town of St. Ma ry’s, on or before the ejd day >•{ August enfu i ig, to shew eaufe if any they have, why L*r ters of Administration Oiould not be granted him. Giv'm under my Hand and Seal, at St. Mi ry’s, this 23d day of July 1796, andi.oth- Bift yi/ ot tfie A**ncan Independence. 175