Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, August 05, 1796, Page 179, Image 3

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Vol. i. i’ Mars, accompanied by military mu playing patriotic airs. The nation 1] guards and the troops of the line of ihcesrrifon oftheCape were under arms, ... ['lined the streets from the harbor to % Champ de Mars. The molt perfect hraiony pre ir ailedevery where,not with ilading the concourse of citizens which l°i collected from the environs to meet t ccommiffion. The commifllon being conduced to the Champ de Mars, live jjjirs were placed upon an amphithea c t or the five members of the commif jion ; the general secretary was placed below them oppofitc the President. -'rrom the DOMINIUE CHRONICLE of June 2. We have delayed this Gazette, in the expectation of official information from St. Lucie to this island, but none having as yet been forwarded, we avail our iclves of the intelligence obligingly communicated to us by a mold refpeCta b!e friend, jull arrived from the head* quarters. The surrender of that island took place at the time, we have already Ha ted, hut the garrison obtained terms, permitting them to march out with all the honours of war, and lay down their arms on the Glacis. They were, in number, upwards of 2 000 men of all deferiptions, of which, there were near 400 whites; these are all embarked on board of prison (hips in the Carenage, and are to remain until a Convoy fails, which is fixed, for the ift of August next. > Previous to the surrender, and pro bably, whilst the terms of capitulation were negociating, about 700 deferrers from the late English garrison, being j'oldiers, emigrants or colored people, formerly in our service, got out of the French works, and reached the woods in the Souffriere quarter, and having a plenty of arms and fome ammunition, - may give fome trouble before subdued. Another body of 400 men, allb eicap ed into the woods, between that fortrefs ‘and our lines ; these have been since sur rounded, by the German .Yaghers, who have already shot like game, more than three fourths of them. The rest eannot elude the fame fate. A number of the Cte* de Bouille’s emigrant Corps having defeated from a pod of importance, to the enemy, in the night ; the General, by day break the next morning, re-embarked all the rest ot the corps, to the universal joy of the army. They are to return to England. Some of those, with two British and other deserters, fallen into our hands, “ere hanged together, in full view of the Britilh line. We have loft about 600 men, in kil led, wounded and miffing ; the officers are not yet ascertained- The 31 ft and 2 7th regiments are said to be tiie moft confijerable fufferers : two of our par ties, fuppoted to have been cut off, are found to be in fafety, owing to difagree htiat between those who made them pri fouer?. When our fleet and army ren .youzed at St. Ann’s Lay, Mar tinique, the enemy at St. Lucie obliged , 3: t!le planters in the island, who had bfvve refufed to join them, to come in to Motne Fortune : these have been r \ e ? ,£( f aR d lent to their plantations, voth .heir wives, children and slaves. Ihc French fay they have loft 700 in ! l! ' and 5 many were found in th.eir hof ?‘ts!, wounded and nek. It was owing ta l fteir having expended all their am “J nitl u OD , that they so soon surrendered. . y received no supplies of that and were reduced to the necessity t reaking up the (hells we fired at ’V, for langrifh to return on us: in T thev have supplied their friends in rc ’ ada and St. Vincents, and defended “•'’•l yes with British artillery and T ! M i° n ftnres, abandoned by Gene- Lan| t;Vart W^ien retr eated from the ’ britifh commanders and troops .'■■•toconfider the defence made by the as highly creditable to touut ? Ur ¥ C con dudl, whifch ac thtni’ ° r t ‘ lc g ener °us terms granted to r.i - C S. rca ter part of the town called tnefti-A* our fire: the loti a , tortl fi eJ it with fome can kt'a- V mcn j who defended it to the wer e taken in the place. iJjj. 01 J® proprietors have to their estates. mgr j Cra i is to be left in com ottL ‘ lere w ith 2 ?°° meil ; the rest / e for theim ceats Cl 6 ren ®da and St. Vin not J?** i °i c i s arrived, but we know Jfoenti S V r. torce ; . a com Ple at re- T Une , r j. . J ‘ ans arrived at the fame i* faift that 5000 more Bri Columbian jflftafcum, £&♦ tifh troops are to follow, with a fleet to relieve many (hips on the station. 4 The last April packet is arrived, and gives no hopes of an end to the war. NEW-YORK, July 13. With shame we lee the liberality of our lellow citizens in Baltimore and Philadelphia excrcifed in relieving the unhappy fufferers at Charleston. The city ot New-York, perhaps the weal tnieft in the Union, has done nothin:’ - . The brig Thomas, capt. Pratt, from Martinique, arrived here yesterday in 24 days palfage. Capt. Pratt informs, that previous to his departure, arrived a J Gaudaloupe, seven fail of the fine and fix frigates* with troops on board, num bers not afeertained. In addition to the above, we learn, by the mate of capt. Pratt, that, on the 20th of June Marigalante surrendered to the British. Ex trad of a letter front a gentleman in Pans , to his friend in New-l ork y da.- ed 18 th of April * 1796, received by the Chatham from Falmouth. “ I cannot omit circumftanres of the mod curious kind. Yesterday I afeeud e4 the Telegraph in this city, two hun dred and ninety-three steps; witkin% few minutes orders were received to in form the citizens of Lille, one hundred and fifty miles from Paris, that all was well, and nothing new ; on which a man gave motion to the machine, and in sev en teen minutes an answer was returned and announced by the said Telegraph; the atmosphere was dull and heavy, or an answer would have been returned in less time.” Capt. Greer, from Turks-Island, was informed by the brig Harriot, from Cape Francois to Baltimore, that a French fleet, consisting of about 20 fail of the line, had arrived at the Cape, and had captured part of the Jamaica out ward bound fleetd SAVANNAH, August 5. We hear that the Yellow Fever has made its way into the city of Charles ton, and commenced its malignancy on the unfortunate citizens ofthat place. W c rear that this will conclude, what has been threatened by the late fire. In confequencc of the above, the Ci ty Council met on Wedncfday last, and blued an Order, obliging all v est ids from Charleston, to perform a ifuaraufme of 15 days at Cockipur. Avery remarkable birth happened a few vvecks ago in the neighbourhood of Danvilie, Kentucky. A young wo man aged 15 years, was delivered of four female children ! The information was received Irom a gentleman who is a near neighbour to the young woman, Lxtrad of a letter received at Newport (R. J r .J from captain James Taylor, of that placey a pnjoner in Alg: ers, dated April 6, I 796. “ Phis will inform you that we are still in Algiers, and God only knows when we shall get out of it, We were informed when the peace was made, the money to pay for it was in Lifhon ; since in London—not being, to be got there— the Dey being out of patience, the 4th instant, ordered Meftrs. Donaklfon and Barlow, to leave this place on the ports being opened, which is expefted hourly. I leave you to judge of what we have undergone in mind since, as we are cer tain ihould this fall through, we shall fee liberty never again—but by exerting themselves, they have got liberty for Mr. Barlow to flay. Mr. Donaldson goes to Leghorn to-day : An Ameri can brig that came here from Marseilles, alio fails to-day for Alicant, with dis patches—they have three months given them to get the money here; if it is not here in that time, we are fold for life.” An account of the quantity of Hour ffiipncd at the port of Philadelphia, for exportation, in the months of April, May & Jane, 1796. — Bbls, of Flour. tills. Mids. Shipped in April, >9689 142 May, 22620 8j June, 2769", 27b 70,004 501 fiparme Kcgtffrr. ENTERED INWARD. Schooner Experiment. Williams, Baltimore, 19. Commerce, R.ogers, Charleston, 2. Sally, Church, Philadelphia, 24. Abigail, Bates, Africa, 73. Sloop Sally, Dickey, Philadelphia, 28 Reliance, Gladding, New London, 32. Brig Ruth, Peak - , Bristol, R. island, 32. William, Wells, Liverpool, , 49 Snow Fair Eliza, Smith, Africa, 73. CLEARED OUT Schooner Savannah Packet, Keen, Charleston. Delight, Gibbs, R. Island. Polly, Straight, St. Bartholomews. — Peggy. Groce Norfolk. Virgin-a Mejjteurs Powers & Seymour, four giving the following extrad of a Letter from a refpedablc house in New ) ork t to a Merchant m this City t u place in your paper , will oblige A Subscriber, ” Georgia Yazoo Lands, have for fome time been extremely dull in our market, owing to the annulling aft of your Legis lature, but the cloud is now removed by the better judgment of our fellow citizens, who are very generally con vinced of the fallacy of the Louisville conflagration, which appears to us to be equally contemptible with the Hollow ing King, and other prime aftorsin this diabolical feene. Notwithllanding all that has been done in your state, ihares in the Georgia Miififfippi Company, are now felling at one thoufad dollars cash, and are rising daily. Just Imported , By E. & C. Slcbbins, On board the Brig APOLLO, Capt. Robin son, from New-York : A VARIETY OF USEFUL AND Fafhionoble G 0 0 I) S, Adapted to the present Scafon—in addition to those Received by the Fanny, Capt. Swin born, in May last, which enables them to offer their Customers and others, a very Handsome and General Allortmcnt, which they will dispose of at a low advance, fur Caflt, at their Store on the Bay : Confjling f th: followi'.ig Articles , viz. f’OUR 4ths and o Bths Irish Shcetingi ; a great variety ot 4 4UIS Irish I,incus, from 37.; to too cents per yard ; bed ticking, 3 4ths. t* 4ths, and io 4ths diapers ; clouting diaper, damafit tablecloths, a variety of coloured fu- D"rfihe broad cloths and caflintcrs, coloured durants, black, ruffe), bombalm. black India p/i dans, green silk umbrellas, black inantuas, India luteftvings and satin, dove coloured and white ditto, mens white, drab and green hats, childrens coloured ditto, a variety of ladies inuflin handkerchiefs and aprons; 6 yhs plain book, checked, striped, and tamboured ruul lins ; 4 4 tlls ai,c l 6 4ths plain jackonet and tant bouted ditto, gentlemens cravats ; black Bar celona, piinted linen, and cotton handerchiefs; idk and cotton shawls, womens cotton hose ; mens bln, cotton, and random hose ; striped gingnams, brown holland and sheeting, i0 4ths fiingea cotton counterpanes, 12 luperline Marseilles ditto, striped and figured furniture chintfes . blue, led, ano purple furniture cot tons ; light giound chintfes and calicoes for gown patterns ; plain white, coloured, and ; potted Marseilles, for vest patterns ; fine and coarse dimities, Manchester nruflins and white jeans, coloured satin and figured ribbons, ladies and gentlemens leather and (ilk gloves allot ted, Inoia and striped nankeens, humhums, corded dimities ; medium, gilt poit, folio poll, and plain quarto poll paper; inkpowd-r, wa fers, and lealing wax ; ivory and horn combs, needles and pin.-, mens neat Ihoes, ladies mo rocco and kid ditto, ladies didfingcafes, pock et books, purses, suspenders, thread cases, mem orandum cases; belt red bark, ipecacuanha, lhubaro, jalap, Anderson’s pills, magnesia, cream tartar, camphor, Turlington’s balsam, British oil, caltor oil, ipirits hartfhorn, vola tile drops, laudanum, (pirits lavender, essence peppermint, role & orange flower waters, milk of roles, bergamot, pungent smelling bottles, lalt of lemons, cou# plaster, hard and’ foft po matum, violets s ap and wafhballs,coarfe knives, iciffors, cork ferews, razors, penknives affbrted, watchchains ana key-s, ftiver pencil cases, black icad pencils, tooth brushes, black pepper, nut megs, loal sugar, Irelh hyfon tea, choice sherry wine in quarter calks, See. &c. Au § ult 5- 4 5 -ts Kollock & Parker, Have just Received a Irelh Supply of genuine DRU G S, &c. Which they will fell on the moft rcafonable termsfor Cash, at their MEDICAL STORE, St. J uhan Street, near the Columbian Printing Office. 6 Ihe following are a few of the Numerous Articles, which their Ajjortment confi/ls of.\ viz : ALOES, Alum, annato, antimonv, aqua for tis, aniseed, arsenic, affafoerida, balsam of capivi, balsam of Peru ; pale, red, and yel low bark; borax, calomel, camphor, caraway feed, caflia, caftor, caftor oil, chamomile ftow efs, cloves, cochineal, coloquinteda, Colombo, coriander feed, cortferve of hips, ditto of roses, cream of tartar, eau deluce, emetic tartar, ef_ fence of bergamot ; essential oils of aniseed, cinnamon, cloves, junipar, lavender, lemon., mint, orange, pennyroyal, rhodium and favin ; gambodge, gentian, ginger, gum ammoniac, gum arabic, gum guaiacum, hartfhorn shavings, ipecacuanha, isinglass, jalap, linfecd, liquorice, , litharge, magnesia, manna, mezereon, mulk, myrrh, nitre, nutmegs, nux vomica, oil of al monds, ointments, opium, pearl barley, plas ters, quicksilver, rhubarb, (affron, sago ; alka line, Eplom, Glauber’s, and Rochelle salts ; sarsaparilla, senna, fquills, Spanilh flinj, f p^r . maoeti, spirits hartfhorn, compound spirits of lavender, fwcet spirits nitre, redtified spirits wine, sugar of lead, fulphur, valerian, verdi grife, vitriolic ether ; blue, grnen, and white vitriol; volatile aromatic spirits; rose, Hun gary, and orange flower water ; fa go powder, Prussian blue, pat'-nt yellow, liquid blue, gold leaf, white leather, best white and green phials, nipple (hells, pill boxes, cic — Also, surgeons pocket and other instruments, and a complete affonment of patent medicines. A’ ti The yellow bark has been but lately introduced into the United States, hut is high ly recommended by fome of the mod eminent Fhyficiaus in th” northern cities ; upon trial they find it of far efficacy to the pale or red. fcivannali, August- 5. 4 j ft For Sale, Superfine FLOUR in Barrels, Madeira WINE in Pipes Sc Qr. Pipes, Mould CANDLES in Boxes. Caig Macleod & Cos. Savannah, August 5, JMj. JUST OP E NIN G, * AND FOR SALE , At the Store lately accufiedby Mr. Mbr- RILLIRS, a frejh ajfort/tient of Drugs & Medicines, LIKEWISE , Avery hand fome affortment’of Ginghams, Hum hums, Irish Linens, Callicocs ; Book, Jaconet, Plain,Printed,Tambour’d, <Sf Cross Barr’d Mus- Im; Muslin Handkerchiefs; Ladies (ilk Shawls, French Ilankerchicfs ; Cotton Hose, striped and clouded Nankeens,Caflim"rs j Gentlemen’s black and white Hats ; Ladies black and co lour’d M trocco Slippers and Sandalls; Gentle men’s Shoes, Boots and Bootes ; Loaf Sugar, llyfori 6c Bohea Teas ot luperior quality ; Ja pan and, Glass, and Larthern Ware, with a gene ml assortment of Ironmongery, &c. Also a few Barrels Superfine and Fine FLOUR & MIDDLINGS. Gs W. NICHOLS & Cos. Savannah, July 5. n . 45 . Dunkley Sc Smith, IJ EG leave to inform the Inhabitants of this ) City, that they have just received by the Hope, Captain Haley, from London, vice. New-York, A fresh Supply of DRYGOODS, Consisting of a variety of Coarse and Fine Culiicoes ; Plain, Sprig’d, and Tamboured Mullins ; Muslin Handkerchiefs of various kinds, Coleraiti Linens, Mufti nets, - &c. &c. — Which will be Sold, at their Store in the M.verit Stiuare, at their nfual reduced, prices. Confidently with the late advance upon. English Dry Goods.—Also, Souchong and Hyfon Tea, Window Glass ffhy 8, 8 by 0, Sc 10 by 12. Sayam>ah, 4th August, 1796. 45 ts fu(i Arrived, From ANAMABOE, on the Gold Coast of Africa, the SNOW FAIR ELIZA, Bene dict Smith, Mailer, with A Prime Cargo of SLAVE s', Generally from the age of 14 to 25 —the SALE of which will commence on MONDAY the 15th instant. CONDI 1 IONS half payment down, and the refidthe firtt of March, with Juch se curity as may be required. A L S 0, From the Windward Coast of Africa, the SCHOONLR. ABIGAIL, Merit Bates, Muller, with 59 Prime SLAVES, The SALE of which to’ commence on th© 15th instant —Conditions as above. ROBERT WATTS. Savannah, August 5. n .45.7t. TO BE SOLD, CHEAP FORCAShT” A l'mall, but entire Gang, of S E ASONED Field Negroes, Enquire of the Printers. August 3 . 45 * 3t Sheriff's Sales , On Tvisday, 6th Day of September, next- Will be S O L D by public Outcry, at the Court House, in this City between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock ; One undivided Moityofthac Tr;.ft of LAND in Camden County, called COLERAIN, lying on St. Mary’s River. The whole Traft containing about 6000 Acres", seized under Execution, as the property o£ James Armstrong. Esq. pointed out by th- de fendant—purchufed on Tuefclay the 7th June? last, by N. Pendleton, Elq. for James i'eagrove, Esq. who has negledled to comply with the Conditions of sale.—Conditions, Cash. T. NORTON, S. C. C. Savannah, August 4, 1796. 45-is The Subscriber being aboutTu* leave the State for a few has appointed I). B Mitchell, Esq. Attorney at Law, Ins Attorney, during fiis ahfence. WILLIAM CLARKE. Savannah, August 5. n.45 3E* For NLW -Y O KTC ‘ The remarkable fajl Sailing Brig Bel lona, a F t * Crookcr. Will positively SAIL in 5. St HAS excellent accommo dations for paflengers.—F r Freight or apply to James M'lntoih, or tothe Captain* on board at the Cuftoin-Houfe Wharf. Savannah, August 2d. T UK S ALE, Two Tenements, completelyfurvfhed and newly painted, with convenient Out-huufcs, situate in Fraught on Street: HThey will be Sold oiT-thcr or separately, and puff ffion given in the month of November next FOR Terms and other nformation, apply to the Editor.-. *t this B. p - r. • -Savannah, August 5. 4>‘ l s 179