Newspaper Page Text
‘1 if,— Publ ismid on Tuesday and Friday, by POWERS £2 SEYMOUR, corner op St. Julian Street, opposi tp. the Church: where Ad ve rt iszments, a hi*
■S’ 1 * 1 ’ pieces of Intelligence are gratefully received, and all orders executed with accuracy and punctuality.
Vol. L
Miniature Painter,from Paris ,
RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and
Gentlemen of Savannah, and its environs,
tiut he oropofes residing here fome time, to
accommodate tliofe who may be desirous of
having their likenelles taken. His abilities be
st f„ we ll eflablifhed in Charleston, he flat
t, r; himfelf will recommend him to attention
in Savannah. His price for each miniature,
j r ,T pounds. Those ladies, See. who wish to
be laih-u&ed in the Art of Painting Mr. Bel
zcr.s will wait on, and pay every due atten
tion. on reasonable terms. He resides at Mr.
Primrose’s in Yarnacraw, where he will be
ready to receive those Ladies and Gentlemen
who may honor him with their commands.
.V. It. Devices in hair work, &c. executed
in a finifhed ftylc.
M. B eTTz ONS,
Peintre en Miniature,
Eleve du Sr. David, dc Par is,
NOUVELLEMENT arrive dc Charleston
dans cette ville, informe les perfonnes
nui dclireront fe faire peindre quil fc propoie
do resider quelque terns ici. D’apres les en
couragements quil a eu dans pluiieurs villes il
feflattequece (era unc recommendation aux
oTfonnes qui voudront bien l’honnorer de
leers commander. Prix cir q pounds.
11 enfeignera aux detnoifell s et jeune gens
qui defireront etre inflruites dans Part de pe
indr", a un terme raifottabk, fa demeure est
Yarnacraw, mail-m do M. Primrofc.
Savannah, August 19. 49 1
Just Imported,
Bv E. & C. Stehbins,
On board the Brig APOLLO, Capt. Robin
son, from New-York :
Fashionable GOOD .S,
Adapted to the pmfent Season—in addition to
those Received by the Fanny. Capt. SwiN
burn, in May !aft, whicli enables them to
offer their Customers and others, a very
Bandfome and General Affortmerit, which
they will dispose of at a low advance, for
Cafb, at their Store on the Bay :
Confjling of the following Articles, viz.
FOUR 4ths and 9 Bths Irish Sheetings ; a
great variety of 4 4 hs Irish Linens, from
to 100 cents per yard ; bed licking, 3 4ths,
S tills, and io 4ths diapers ; clouting diaper,
damask tablecloths, a variety of coloured fu
perfine broad cloths and calfimcrs, coloured
daunts, black rutrel, bombafin, black India
perhans, green silk umbrellas, black mantuas,
India luteftrings and fatiii. dove coloured and
white ditto, mens white, drab and green hats,
childrens coloured ditto, a variety of ladies
muslin handkerchiefs and aprons; 6 4t.hs plain
book, checked, ltriped, arid tamboured muf
fins ; 4 4ths and 6 4ths plain jackonet and tam
boured ditto, gentlemens cravats ; black Bar
celona, printed linen, and cotion handerc’niefs;
silk and cotton shawls, womens cotton hose ;
mens silk, cotton, and random hose ; ftiiped
ginghams, brown hollandand (heeling, tenths
fringed cotton counterpanes, 12 pths sup -rtine
Marseilles ditto, striped >nd figured furniture
chintfes ; blue, red, and purpk furniture cot
tons ; light ground chintfes and calicoes for
gown patterns ; plain white, coloured, and
spotted Maffailles, for veil patterns ; fine
aid coarse dimiiies, Mancliefter muslins and
white jeans, coloured fatm and figured ribbons,
ladies and gentlemens leather and silk gloves
aborted, India and striped nankeens, huinhums,
torded dimiiies ; medium, gilt poll, folio poll,
a nd plain quarto poll paper; inkpowder, wa
fers, and fealingwax ; ivory and horn combs,
needles and pins, mens neat shoes, ladies mo
rocco and kid ditto, ladies drelfingcafes, pock
et books, purses, fufponders, thread cases, mem-
Cf andum cases; bell red bark, ipecacuanha,
rhubarb, jalap, Anderlon’s pills, magnelia,
cream tartar, camphor, Turlington’s balsam,
Jj r<tilh oil, callor oil, spirits hartfhorn, vola
tl‘c drops, laudanum, ipirits lavender, effance
Peppermint, rose & orange flower waters, milk
‘’’rotes, bergamot, pungent smelling bottles,
‘•■toflerSons, court plaller, hard and foft po
violet soap and wash balls,coarfe knives,
•rffors, cork Icrews, razors, penknives assorted,
and keys, silver pencil cases, black
■'.-A pencils, tooth brushes, black pepper, nut
m gc loaf fu gar, trelh hyfon tea, choice Ihcrry
Vv! " 5 > n quarter casks, dec. &c.
5- 45-ts
Sheriff’s Sales,
TL 'bDAY, 6th Day of September, next.
■f’r OLD by public Outcry, at
~e C° u *t House, in this City between
’ ‘boars of 10 and 3 o’clock :
Tr One undivided Moity of that
Coftm ND in Camden County, called
Th- h ’ IN ’ ly ‘ n? 011 St ’ Mar y’ s River.—
|q’V ,0! s Traft containing about 6000 Acres,
T™ E * ecut '°n> as the property of
fend rinftron S’ P°' nt cd out by the de
bit l 1 ,, P^ r sbal'cd on luelday the 7th Tune
Esq Li ‘ . Cll( ileton, Esq. for James Seagrove,
Coadiflo° laS , ne Sf r^e d to comply with the
“* ol sale.—Conditions. Cash.
V , T. NORTON, 5. C.C.
Tnnab, August 4,
REASON and TRUTH impartial guide the way.
TUESDAY, August 23, 1796.
The Subscriber
10,000 wt. Black Seed Cotton,
of excellent quality, Unginned, which he will
deliver at his Wharf in Sunbury.—Calb or a
good Note at go days will be received in pay
Sunbury, Aug. it. 49-ts
Peter Madden,
At his Store on the Bay :— The following ajfort
nent of
Fresh Imported GOODS,
Which he is determined to fell at a very small pro
fit, Whole sale or Retail, viz.
A Quantity of Ladies Morocco fli pprrs with
spring heels, childrens Morocco and black
leather Ihoes and flippers, ladies fatinet and
florantinc flippers, black iandals, mens fine
calf Ikin shoes, coarse do. for servants; ladies
and gentlemens bell Beaver hats, a great variety
of childrens Beavers, various colours a large
quantity of middling and low priced hats ; a
few pieces yaid wide linen ; 4-41I1S
purple callicoe printed linens in 8 yd pieces ;
chocolate grounded callicoes, humhums fine
and coarse ; plain and llripcd nankeens ; a few
pieces wild bore, cainblccs, moreens and du
runts j a few pieces real India book muslin,
fine muslin shawls. pui pie chintz do ; very fine
muflmcL for yeit lhapes, white flannel, green
•baize, black bombazeen corded dimity, flnrt
buttons, ounce thread, white chappel needles,
oznaburgs thread, gold and silver bands with
elegant tolfals, silver lace ; 2,3 and 4 quire
blank books ; warranted razors in cases, com
mon do ; a few sets of elegant breakfafl chi
na, do. bowls, blue plates and diflaes ; a small
aflbrtment of queens ware ; a large quantity of
military plumes, ostrich and crane feathers ;
patent lamps with wicks, transparent hand lant
horns; a few gross black and magpie galloon
binding, worsted binding broad and narrow of
various colours, pins, fans, sewing silk, twill,
very line diaper tape ; a quantity of cotton ro
malis, striped and spotted bandanoes ; a few
pieces low priced pocket handkorchiels, coarse
German rolls ; a few cwt. glue of an excellent
quality, a few gross cowfkms, handsome switch
whips silver mounted, do. plain, chair whips
with cane tops, common do ; a few pair of
laddle-bags, laddies and bridles, a few lets cart
liarnefs ; a quantity curry combs and brushes,
hat fhoc and buckle brushes, blacking ball ;
mourning, plated and gilt shoe and knee buck
les ; a few gross flceve buttons, knives and forks,
lhoemakcrs and butchers knives, shoemakers
awls and tacks, tailors flicars and thimbles,
feiffors, fine and coarse horn and iron Combs,
plated and Heel spring fpurrs, bridle bitts and
itirrup irons, buckles and tips, watch cryllals
and keys ; no. 10 cotton cards, boxes of fhcll
paints and pencils; a few bags of small shot,
a parcel beading plains ; a few articles tin ware,
fiddles and fiddle firings ; 8 by 10 window
glass by the box or dozen, 4d, 6d, Bd, and lod
nails, mullard, fwcet oil, black pepper, all
ipice, cinnamon, caflla, frefli young ginger
fit tor preserves, chocolate, coffee ; excellent
hyfon, fouchong and bohea teas by the clleft or
lb.—A quantity of fine flavoured Jamaica and
Weft India old rum, fit for families ulo ; fine
old Sherry Wine ; bell London porter in bot
tles, Philadelphia bottled beer, vinegar iri three
and five gallon kegs; fine white fait bacon in
flitches, fait petre, and
Sundry Medicines, viz.
Magnesia, red lavender, British oil, turling
ton, hacrlum oil, spirit nitre, hartfhorn, jalap,
rhubarb, tarter emetic, calomel, senna, manna,
faits, chamomile flowers, firrupof fqtiills, pare
goric elix, blue vitriol, aflefetida, smelling faits,
faits of worm wood, nux vomica, court plaif
ter, laudanum, Godfrey’s cordial, opium, li
quorice, tooth powder and brushes, gentian
root, Spariiih flies. 6c c.
N. B. A boxof the aforefaid fine Hyfon Tea,
just opened.
Savannah, August g. 46-ts.
Just Received,
From New-York by the Brig BLLLONA, and
for SALE, at the Corner cj the Bay and Dray
ton Streets :
A few bbls. 4d, fid, Bd, lOd, & 20d NA.ILS,
A few do. 6d, & 20d CUT NAILS,
Fresh Superfine FLOUR,
Green WARE,
A General AfTortment ol DRY GOODS, too
tedious to enumerate.
August 2. 44-ljt.
From on board the Brig Welcome Return, from
Superfine FLOUR.
Bottled PORTER, in Casks.
Pickied OYSTERS, and
A few thousand BRICKS.
ALSO, on Configument, an Invoice of
Canfifting of Sc .. ‘nable Articles.
Ssvaunahj July 8 37"*^
A convenient HOUSE for a
LATELY occupied by Capt. Throop, fitna
ted on Broughton Street. It has a (hop which
will be rented with, or without the houfa.
Enquire of the Printers.
Augull lgth. 49-ts
Ewing & M’Call,
Supei line FLOUR,
In whole & half Barrels—lndian Kiln Dried
Savannah, June 30. 35
lias received per the Brigs Bellona, and Apol
lo, from New-York, a ircfh and general
aflbrtment of
Which will be fold low for Cash or Produce,
at his Store in Bull-flreet, near the Vendue
Savannah, Jtine 16. 11.31.
Mufcovado SUGARS in hhds and bbls,
Greta COFFEE, in hhds, anti Bags,
A lew Chefis heft HYSON TEA.
June 21st. 39-ts
Kollock & Parker,
Have just Receive and a Fresh Supply of genuine
DR LG S, &c.
V hich they will fell on the moft reasonable
terms for their MEDICAL STORE,
St. J ulian Street , near the Columbian Printing
The following arc a few of the Numerous Articles')
which their Ajjortmcktconfi/ls of, viz :
ALOES, Alum, annato,antimony, aqua for
tis, aniseed, arsenic, afiafaetida, balsam
of capivi, balsam of Peru ; pale, red, and yel
low barF ; borax, calomel, camphor, caraway
feed, cafiia, caflor, caftor oil, chamomile flow
ers, cloves, cochineal, coloquintida, Colombo,
coriander feed, conserve of hips, ditto of roses,
cream of tartar, eau deluce, emetic tartar, ef
fance of bergamot ; essential oils of ariifecd,
cinnamon, cloves, juniper, lavender, lemon,
mint, orange, pennyroyal, rhodium and favin;
gamboge, gentian, ginger, gum ammoniac,
gum arabic, gum gtiaiacum, hartfhorn fbavings,
ipecacuanha, isinglass, jalap, linfe.od, liquorice,
liiliarge, magnesia, manna, mezereon, musk,
myrrh, nitre, nutmegs, nux vouiica, oil of al
monds, ointments, opium, pearl barley, plas
ters, quicksilver, rhubarb, faffron, sago ; alka
line, Epsom, Glauber’s, and Rochelle faits ;
sarsaparilla, senna, fquills, Spanish flies, fper
maccti, Ipirits hartfhorn, compound ipirits of
lavender, sweet spirits nitre, reftified Ipirits
wine, sugar of lead, fulphur, valerian, verdi
grife, vitriolic ether ; blue, green, and white
vitriol; volatile aromatic, spirits; rose, Hun
gary, and orange flower water ; (ago powder,
l’ruffian blue, patent yellow, liquid blue, gold
leal, white leather, best white and green phials,
nipple (hells, pill boxes, &c. —Also, surgeons
pocket and other instruments, and a complete
afforiment of patent medicines.
A r . B. The yellow bark has been but lately
introduced into the United States, but is high
ly recommended by fome of the moft eminent
Physicians in the northern cities ; upon trial
they find it of far superior efficacy to the pale
or red.
Savannah, August 5. 45 ts
For Sale,
Superfine FLOUR in Barrels,
Madeira WINE in Pipes Sc Qr. Pipes,
Mould CANDLES in Boxes.
Caig Macleod & Cos.
Savannah, August 5. 11*45.
William Lamb,
The following Articles, at his Store below the
r J~'ENERIFFE Wine ts the firfl quality in Pipes,
■* Lifhjn do. do. in Qr. Casks.
Malaga, do. do. do.
Northward Rum in Puncheons Sc Barrels,
Pickled Herrings in Barrels,
Lin feed Oil tn Barrels,
Salt Petre by the pound,
Loaf and Brown Sugar by the Hogshead,
Pimento by the Bag,
Copper Stills compleat, 43. 50& 79 gallons each,
Green and Sky Blue Paints, in one pound pets,
Nails by the Cask 4, 6. iO. & 10 penny,
Sheathing Nails arid Sheathing Paper,
Sail Duck and Twine, *
Cordage, 2, ajf, 2};, to 8 inches,
qand 12 Thread Rattling. Spun Yarn and Wanting,
Log and other Lines for Vejfels use,
Lampblack. ‘Time Gtajes and Ffh Hooks,
Scupper Nails and Pump Tacks,
Double, andfmgte Flocks, 5,6, 7, St 10 inches.
Leading Do. and Parrel Trucks,
Wood Axes Sc Iron Shove’s,
St. Übes SA IT, by the Bifid nr forger quantity
Savannah, Auguff 8. “ ft
To-morrow Forenoon,
Will be Landed on A. Watt’s Wharf, from on
board the SLOOP BETSY, Capt. Clark,
Irom St. Vincents ;
A few Punch coifs of good Proof
And well flavored RUM,
Ewing & M'Call,
W ho will give C A S II for a few thousand
Shingles and Scantling,
Savannah, July 28th. 43.
Has just Received a large and General AJfortmer.t of
Fresh GOOD S,
Among which are the following Articles , which he
will Sell Wh,defule vr Retail, at a very low ad
S PRICED and plain Mullins,
Muslin shawls, aprons and handkerchiefs.
Cravats, and Dimities,
Chintfes, Callicoes, Ginghams,
White, blue and changeable Manteuas,
Coloured Sarcenets,
Black Mode, Sattinets,
Luteftrings of dilfcrent colours,
Superfine and second Broadcloths,
White, buff, black R other coloured Cafticnerfs,
7-fths, 8-fths andg-.jths Cotton Counterpanes,
fable cloths anti Diapers, Bed Ticks,
Irish Sheetings, and Linens, Cambrics.
Laces and Edgings,
Piam, coloured, twil’d and silk stripe Nankeen,
Shalloons, Durants, Callimancoes,’
Bumbozenes I ,Cambists; fine & coarse Humhumn
Brown Holland, Tow Cloth,
Mens and womens silk and cotton Hose,
Cotton itriped, ditto.
4-4UIS, 5-4ths Cotton Check and Stripe,
Fine Linen Handkerchiefs, coloured borders.
Cotton, ditto, with do.
Check and coloured do. of various patterns,
Girth Coil, Bridles, Whip-lashes,
Loaded Whips, Cowfkins,
Long Plains, Jack and Timothy, do.
Grooving and Bred Plains,
10. 9, 8. 7, 6 inch H. and HI. Hinges,
Trunk and box do.
Trunk, box, and cubbord Locks,
Padlocks, caniiler and flock do.
Round and flat Bolts, Screw Augers, Cln.Tdi,
Hammers and Flatchets, Plain Irons,
Drawing knives, Rice Hooks,
Knives and F'orks, Pen-knives, •
Jack-knives, double blad.ed do.
Fish-hooks of different sizes,
Razors in cases, (having boxes,
Curry Combs and Brushes, Coat, do.
Pepper Mills, Brais Cocks,
Gilt and Plated Buttons, &c. &c. with feverai
other Articles too tedious to enumerate.
Augull 9. 46-ts.
At Public AuElion,
On Wcdnefday the 7th day of Septem
ber, between and twelve o’clock,
at the Vtndue Houle.
A Number of LOTS, bounding
Northward, by the town Com
mon, Eaftwardly by the road leading to
Thunderbolt, 1 and the Sea J Hands, and
on other lides, by streets 60 and 45 feet
wide, Moft of these lots contain 75T
by 120 feet, the dimensions of the oth
ers are mentioned on the plan, which
may be seen at any time before the Sale,
at the Store of Messrs. Gairdners and
Mitchell, and information rcfpe&ing
the situation of the lots, will be given
by Mr. M‘Kinnon, the county Survey
or, to such persons as may choose to ap
ply to him.—T he terms, will be one
third caih, the remainder in equal pay
ments, at the expiration of one and two
years, from the day of sale with interest,
and mortgage on the property.
“william belcher.
Savannah, August 16. 48.
At the Store lately acceipiedby Mr. Me R->
BILLIES, a frefh effort mint of
Drugs & Medicines,
Avery bandfomeaffartmcat.ofGingharns.Hum
hums, Irish Linens, Callicoes ; Bunk, Jaconet,
Plain, Printed, Tambour’d, <k Cross Bzrr’d Muf
fin; Muslin Handkerchiefs; Ladies silk Shawls,
French flankerchicfs ;* Cotton Hose, striped
and clouded Nankeens,Cfflfimcrs; Gentlemen's
black and white Hats ; Ladies black and co
lour’d Morocco Slipjxirs and Sandail*; Gentle
men's Shoes, Boots and Bootes*, Loaf Sugar,
Hyfan Sc Bohea Teas of superior quality ; )a
pan’d, Glass, and Eanhcrn Ware, with a gene
ral afTonmcnt of Ironmongery, &c.
Also a few Barrels Superfine and Fine
Savannah, July .5. -45-
No. 50.