Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, August 30, 1796, Page 207, Image 3

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Vol. 1. j ro wned ; who informed that there j “‘ cre three men more fome where in the lea under the fame diltveiled fixation, without a plank cr a beard to help them {elves with ; they then continued their ‘•arch till they found them all, and car ried them fate on board, One of these live men was a captain, who laid his velVei was (truck with lightning and funk immediately.—They all belonged to Baltimore.” PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 9. Extra# of a letter from At wbury-Port, to a gentb man . tb;s city, dated the lfl at August 1 79b* For these three weeks pad, we have been alarmed by the appearance of a fever, something fimiiar to that which was so fatal to the citizens of Philadelphia ; tho’ in no one inita: ce can we trace its having communicated by infection from one person to another ; it was confined to a neighborhood in W a ter-ftreet ; it is the general received o pinion that it took its rife, from a flench proceeding from a quantity ol entrails of ftfh, which were thrown into the dock,-and laid there until they were ina hate of putrefaction. Five persons di ed from one family, and four others from the neighbouring families ; the filth lias been removed, and the fever has fubli ded. The season is to all appearance equal to any ever known in this part of the Union.’’ August ro. Intelligence from St. Domingo, by the brig Six Brothers, arrived in it) days from Port-de-Paix : —Two feven tv-lours and a frigate have left the Cape, left!nation not known. - They had on board 1 50 of the troops they had brought from France. The frigate La Medufe, had made 8 prizes in a ihort cruise, a mong these prizes is an English trans port with 450 foldiexs on board, who were sent from the Mole to Port-au- Prince, and a velfel with 60 horse's, General P.cchambcau, commander in chief of the Opaniih part of St. Domin go, and Pageot, appointed general of di vifton, have let out for Port Domingo. “Extra# of a letter from a gentleman : n Gibraltar, to his friend in NtAVJ-York, dated May 30, 1 796. Notwithstanding the superiority of the Englnh iu these teas, there are ten republican privateers out of Toulon, Marleiiles, &c. who have taken within this present month, 47 Engiifxi velfels, viz. 14 (hips and 35 lnows and ail of wdich (except four) have arrived fafe.” Extra# of a letter from Londonderry , da ted the \jl of May. I never knew more peopje going to America than there are this year. We have had very troublesome times, with Defenders and Peep O’day Boys; but, during the circuit many have been hung, and die country is at present quiet. A. bout Armagh, the people do not stir out after dark, and pat roles are kept about their house and bleach greens. No Ro man Catholic can keep a gun except he has a ireehold of ten pounds per annum, or 300 pounds in cash, which has in a manner totally deprived him of thifpri vilege. Every man mud regilter his arms at the quarter fefiions, and if any magistrate chufes after this day to search the hou(e of any man, he may do it, and fine every man ten pounds with whom a gun is found. Tnis is a hard law.” NEWPORT, (r. i.) August: 9. The (hip Joanna, P. Fofdick, matter, from the coast of Peru, is arrived at Nantucket, after a two years voyage, with 1100 barrels of fperaaaceti,and 400 of whale oil. On Thursday the 28th ult. about 7 ln the morning, a fmali (hock of an earth quake was felt at Norwich, and the ad jacent towns. CHARLESTON, Aug. 24. Arrived Ship Eliza, Hunter, 60 days from London. On Sunday, the 21st instant, in lat. 32. 27. 78. 20. Capt. Hunter saw 3 fail, Wxiich proved tobe French frigates, un der the command of Commodore Bar ney j one of them ran near the Eliza, and sent a boat on board for Capt. Hun ter; (he had z 8 eighteen pounders, and was called a forty gun frigate, had 300 men ; the other two were larger, the commodore’s, a 44,and having 400 men ; they were last from the Weft-Indies, and were cruiiing for the Jarnaiea fleet, ‘vhich pafled this latitude a fortnight ago. An extra# of a letter from London, dated June 23d, received at Dover, by 2 paflengerin the Eliza, from a merchant of refpeftability and information ; re lates that the Austrians had met with : another defeat on the Rhine, and that if j ‘••he emperor hai not already concluded Columbian i&lufeunt, &c. 0. peace, he was certainly negociatingfor cne. Rice was felling at cwt. and looking up—Wheat had rifea zj. per quarter since our lad accounts. v twelve Hundred Dollars, beinp - the sum cciierted in the city of Savannah, for the relief of thefuflerers by fire in this city, have been paid jo the chairman of the fun-committee appointed to distri bute donations received from our filter hates. From the AURORA. Extra# of a letter from an American, imprelTed on board his majesty s thip Thetis,at sea, dated July 7. “ Before now I have never had an opportunity of letting you know wheth er your unhappy friend was dead or a live, not being allowed materials foi writing, nor even (peaking to an Ame rican, when they chance to come on board the frigate, if we do, we arc in Kandy dragged to the gang way, ana flogged until we can scarcely (land ;•* with this treatmefttT !i£ar many of m* unhappy brethren have died. c ‘ Thro’ the friendly afliftance of a humane Englilh (ailor, 1 a;n enabled u give you a Ihort (ketch ct my fituatior and usage since I have been in the De of Great-Britain's service. I faded from Baltimore in a brie for Cape Francois, on the 14th Marcti on the 23d A. M. we were boarded by the Bririfn frigate Thetis, aid I wa. the unfortunate person, pitched upon to be dragged into.ilavery,the molt wretchg ed slavery ! as (oon as they got me o.y board tiie frigate, 1 was told iny due which was to ait in capacity of cook mate : I complained to the captain of the frigate of this usage, and jefufed to and ; duty upon which ne ordered me tobe taken to the gang way and flogged un til I could not hand. I was according!)’ tied up aad beat moil unmercifully ; t\- .pecting to be murdered, I was obliged to comply with the demand of these pi rates I served in capacity of cook’s matd for three months, then I was made to ait as marine, in which station I hate been made to fen e ever since. There are a number of Americans on board this (hip ; and the captain prom ises us, that “ If we are good boys, we (hall go and fee cur friends when the war is over.” How long v/ill Ameri cans fufier their citizens to be thus mur dered ? How long will they permit us to remain in this cruel and uarbarious slavery r A slavery ten times worse than even a slavery in Algiers : the American dates remain dupes to a Brit i(h tyrant ? The proclamation of the President declares our country to be a neutral nation j but is it poffibte that we can presume to carl ourfeives neutrai, . when we permit hundreds of our leiio*- citizens to remain in the lervicc of the King of Great-Britain i That it may not always be so, is the fin cere prayer of your unfortunate friend. JAMES RAND.” —r— : SAVANNAH, August 3c. Saturday last, the Hon. Wm. Ste,- phens, judge of the Southern Circu t Court, and David B„ Mitchel, Esq. Attorney General, left this city on the circuit. Samuel Cabot Esq. of Maflachufelts, has been appointed by the Preiident of the United States, as agent toadd to the bufmefs of thecommiflionersin London, on the Britilh ipoilations. Marine ifrgtScL ENTERED INWARD. August a6 to 30. Days. Schooner Mary Ann, Hughes, Baltimore, 14 Batchelor Packet, Shaw. St. Mary’s. CLEARED OUT. Sloop Newport Packet, Lawrence, St. Mary’s Rainbow, Harding, New-York —— Betsy, Clarke, St. Vincents. Sixty Dollars Reward. RUN-a way from my plantation, at Affi-- poo, S. Carolina, on Wednesday night, the 6th ioft. a Negro fellow, named 808, country born, a jobbing carpenter by trade, and about forty years of age ; he i ar ful and fenlibie, and will probably change his natw and drcls ; he has a remarkable large fear a cross his leg,juft below his knee pan, and com monly wears a large beard. Any person de livering the above mentioned fellow to me, at Afhepoo, or any of the Gaols In the laid Kate of South-Caroiina or Georgia, {hall receive the abov* reward in specie, exclusive ol charges, and a further rewaid of One Hundred Dollars, on con vision of his being employed or har boured by any whise person, EDMUND BELLINGER. N. B. The night the fellow went-away, a person (by information named ILH) slept at laid plantation, who laid he lived between the river Altarnaha and St. Mary’s, in the state of Georgia, and supposed to have enticed him oil Scuik-Ctro'.fifi; July lx, 4 l , SALES AT AUCTION. TO CLOSE A CONSIGNMENT. This DAY at at Mr. A WATT'S Wharf, WILL. BK SOLD, About jo Cmtcs Earthen IVare, Well assorted for family's use, or for the pur |)ofe of Retailing Stores. M ILHAM BELCHER, Autlioneer. Savannah, Augiul 30 Gold Coa/t S L A VE S. On Thuriday the Ift September, will com mence the Sale ol upwards of 200 Prime Gold Coall SLAVES , Imported in the SHIP MARY, N. Stshky, Mailer. For Terms apply to JOHN ROBERTSON. at EWING & M’CALL’s. Savannah, Aug. 3a. 52 ts : I AMES WALLACE. Having taken into Cobartncrjhip, Mr. WILLIAM DREW the Bujtncji in future will , tc earned on under the Firm of James Wallace 6? Cos. Who have for Sale, by Wholcfale or Retail; A Large assortment of Iriflx Linen?, Oznaburgs,Sheetings, Printed Cottons, Roma Is, printed and Check Handkerchiefs, Durants, Sha!oor.xj Cajimancoes^, Check?, Bed I'ick, jeans and Fullians, - ,'orduroys, Royal Rib, lull .and white CalTim^Te, Ladies and gentlemens Hats, Thndtens black, brown and drab coloured do Vlens ana B >ys Course di>. Ladies hue Cotton Stockings, M-ns thread and Cotton do. Cambric, ounce and coloured threads, .Silk and l'wilt, Bomb.izecn, lA’hite CiiappH N’ cdies, H >rd Ware affored, 3,5, 6,8, 10 aud ?.od Nails, Engiilh Linl ei Oil in jugs, W’v’-e Id end Spanifli Brown, gro. ifl'Oil, Salts and Coj p-ras in fmali calks, .villi Saws, Hooks and Hinges, dec. &c. ALSO— A few Hhds. Draft PORTER. August 30. j-tf GEORGIA, I By Edward White, R -giiter of (L. S.J > Probates for the County >f Ed. White ) Chatiiain in the llateaforefaid WHEREAS, James Johnston, jun. of the City of Savannah, merchant, hath made application to me tor Letters of Admini stration on the Estate and Eiletls of George Haig, deceased, on beltall of the Creditors THESE are therefore to cite and admonifii all arid lingular, th’- Kindred and Creditors of the laid George Haig, dcceated, to be and appear icfore me, at my office in the City ol Savannah, on the 29’ h day of September next, to fbew cause (if any they have) why Letters of Admin lftra.inn fir uid mrt be granted him. Given tintl'r my hand and seal at Savannah, the scy. h day ol Auguit, in the year of our Lord, 1796, and in the 2ill year of Ame rican Indepe'd nee. lm, TO BE SOLD, At Public Auction, On Wedncfday the 7th day of Septem ber, between ten and twelve o’clock, at the Vendue House. A Number of LOTS,’ Northward, by the town Com mon, Eall wafdly by the road leading to Thunderbolt, and the Sea I (lands, and on other lides, by streets 60 and feet wide, Mott of these lots contain 75! by 120 feet, the dimensions of the oth ers are mentioned on the plan, which may be seen at any time before the Sale, at the Store of Meflrs. Gairdners and Mitchell, and information refpeHing ihc situation of the lots, will be given by Mr. M‘Kinnon, the county Survey or, to such persons as may choose to ap ply to him.— she terms, will be one third cash, the remainder in equal pay ments, at tne expiration of one and two , cars, from the day ot falc with intcreft, and mortgage on the property. WILLIAM BELCHER. Savannah, August 16. 48. A VENDEE, A Encan Publiquc. UN certainnombr* d’- Lms. homes au Nord par la Commune a- h Vill<*, a I’Eft pzr lc Chemin de Thunderbolt ct les Hl-5 avanr vues Sur la m'-r ; Sur les autres cotes par des Vurs dc boa 45 pDds de large. La plufpaut de fes Lots contienent 75 4 dicienfioris a- s autr-:. iont mentionin'* fur le Plan, quo l'on poura voir avant la ven.e, a tel quWconque an Magazin de MeiT Gcnrd ner* et Mitchell, ft ir,format ions r“fpe£liuu la fruation de fes L >ts, feront donnes par Mr. M’Kinnou, arpniteur du Comte a toutes per fonnes qiun fouhayeront faddrelfer a .ui ace su et Les termes de la V’ente Dront un tiers eu ■’■g-nt ; le reftaat cu payments egaux ii’expi ration and un • vu cic and u< auu6es du jour and” la Vrirc avec luttretl et Hypouicqae lur la propriety. „ WILLIAM SLLCHrR Savaausk, Aug ab. 5 l * l s Jujl Imported , Rv E. & C. Stebbins, On board the Brig ArOLLO, Capt. Robin* son, from New-York : A VARIETY OF USEFUL AND Fafhionablt GOOD S, Adapted to the present Srafon—in addition to ‘hpf* Received by the Fanny, Capt. SwiN burn, in May last, which enables them to ofl'T their l us tom ms and others, a very Handlotnc and Geirral Aftortment, whicn they will dilpofo cf at. a low advance, for Cassi, at their Store on the Bay ; ler.iftfhng of the following Articles, viz. FOUR 4ths and 9 Bths Iriffi Sheetings ; a great variety ol 4 4ths Iriffi Linens, from My. t(> 100 cents per yard ; bed ticking, 3 4th*, 8 aths, and 10 diapers ; clouting tliaper, damalk tablecloths, a variety of coloured fu permie broad cloths and caifiiners, coloured durants, black rude], bqmbalin, black India periians, green lilk umbrellas, black mantuas,. India luteilrings and tatin, dove coloured and white ditto, mens white, drab and green hats, .hiulrcns coloured ditto, a variety ot ladies muffin handkerchiefs and aprons; 6 4ths plain book, checked, striped, and tamboured inuf* ins ; 4 4ths aud 6 41 hs plain jackonet and tam boured ditto, gentlemens cravats ; black Btt celona, printed linen, and cotton handerchiels: tilkand cotton ffiawls, womens cotton hole j ulcus iilk, cOiton, and raiidom hole ; striped ginghams, brown hoihmd and flieeting, 104th? i ringed cotton counterpanes, 12 4th.* iu per tint Mar fell les ditto, llnpcn and hgiired lurniture chintlcs ; blue, r-'d, and purple furniture c6t 011s ; light ground chintlcs and calicoes for gown patterns ; plain white, coloured, and iported Marleilles, for veil patterns ; fine aud cuarfe dimities, Manchcfter muslins and. white jeans, coloured fatinand figured ribbons, udies and gentlemens leather aird lilk gloves Molted, India and striped nankeens, humhunis, corded dimities ; medium, gilt post, folio poll,, uid plain quarto post paper; inkpowder, wa ei s, and fraling wax ; ivory tmd horn combs, ie dl.-s and pins, mens neat fho -s, ladies mo rocco and knl ditto, Ldics dreflingcafes, pock et books, purses, fi>fp<*nders. thread cases, mem orandum cases; bell red bark, ipecacuanha, rhubarb, jalap, Andcrfon’s pills, magneffa, - cr'am tarur; camphor, Turlington’s balfaui, riufh oil, caftor oil, spirits bartffiorn, voia-c til” drope, laudanum, spirits lavender, effenc# peppermint, role Sc orange flower waters, milk of roses, bergamot, pungent smelling battles, fait of lemons, court platter, hard and foft po matum, violet foapaud waffiballs,coarfe knives, feiffors, cork (crews, razors, penknives assorted, watch chains and keys, Mvcr pencil caf -s, black lead pencils, tooth bruffies. black pepper, nut megs, loaf iugar, freffi hyfon tea, choice ffi'rry wme in quarter calks, See. See. 5- 45-ts ’ ‘ ■ -r—-r 1 “ 1 - - Adrian V. Sinderen Has for SALE, at his Store on the Bay, A Valuable Assortment of Frcjh Imported GOODS > Ainongft which are the following Article* DRY GOODb. ELEGANT tamlmured, checker'd, striped, and plain muslins ; muslin shawls, aprons, and handkerchiefs; cravats,muflinets,dimitiei, chintzes, callicoes, ginghams, white and black mantua, coloured peifians and farcen-ts, black, mode and crape, silk ftiawh, black floreutine and fatius, f . p ■rftne broad cloths and caffiniers, 9-4tlis to 12-4 Its cotton counterpanes, table cloths, diapers, bedticks, Iriffi ffieetings and linens, cambricks, long lawns, laces and edg ings; plain, clouded, and twilled nankeens j (ilk striped ditto ; ffialloons, durants, calliman cocs bombafins, and bombalets ; fine hum hums, brown holland, oznabrigs, mens and womens lilk and cotton hole, black and co* loured beaver hats, silk and leather gloves, rib bons, fans, threads, tapes, bobbins, pins, silk, and twist; gilt., plated, ftecl, and mohair but tons, Sec. Sec. JEWELLERY, PLATED AND HARDWARES. . Gold, filvrr, and enamelled watches; chains* seals, and keys ; gold rings, ear-rings, and 1 Jt ets; gold and filvcr epaulets, silver tea spoons ; plated coffee, tea, ana milk pots ; caftors, fait— cellars, goblets and porter mugs, knives and forks, penknives, fcifUrs, razors, Morocco pocketbooks and thread cases, spy glades, fpec tacies ; japanned tea frays, brcaa baskets, fruit ditto, knife trays, canJlefticks, and lamps ; ebony cruet frames, inlaid varniffied mahogany knife cases, portable defies, paint chests, (fiver -and camel hair pencils, and a variety of fancy articles. •BOOKS AND STATIONARY. targe an 4 fmali Bibles, Watt’s Hymns, Harvey’s Meditations, Difiionarics, Morfe’a Geography, Buchan’s Domeltic Medicine, Franklin’s Works, Enfield’s Speakrr, Scott’* Lcirons, Pleasing Inftruftor, Thompson’s Sea fons, Milton’s Paradise Loft, Young’s Night Thoughts, bhakefpeare’s Works complete, Sterne's ditto, Rambler, Advrnturesofa Guin ea, Ilabella, Sorrows of Wcrter, Lady tague’s Letters, Miffcs Magazine, Ladies Pock et Library, Fordyce’s Addrdfes to Young Wora-n, Monitors, Fiffier’s Companion, Dil worth’s Arithmetic and Spelling Books; large royal, letter, and common writing paper‘s blank books, Holland quills, wafers, Indi> rubber, &c. PERFUMERY. Hair powder, bell feentrd pomatum in foil* and pots, violet and Wand for soap, wafhballj, ladies and gentlemens dressing caf-s, la vend “r water ; elfi nfe of musk, (fnjon, and bergamot; pungent fmciling bottles, patent bl eking, combs, tooth bruffies and tooth powder. Savannah, June x j. 31, FOR SALE, 2 rented PHAETONS, With HARNES') compl-at —Enquire at tHp O Hce of fli* C,*lumita43 Museum June 7. aWF. 207