Newspaper Page Text
8 Sltoett tser.
$A VAM -V Alt, —Publish** on Tuesday and Friday, by POWERS 13 SEYMOUR, corner of St. Julian Street, opposite the Church: where Advertisements, and
pieces of IntelliCence are gratefully received, and all orders executed with accuracy and punctuality.
The Canal Lottery , No. 2.
WILL positively commence drawing at
Philadelphia, on the firll Monday in October
next. Thofewho wish to avail themselves of
a Chance in said Lottery, will please apply to
the fubferiber for TICKETS immediately, as
all the Tickets remaining unfold, will be for
warded to Philadelphia very shortly.
Savannah, Sept. 20th. 58-ts
Canal Lottery , No. 2.
SCHEME of a Lottery authorized by an Aft
entitled an “ An Aft to enable the Prcfi
dent and Managers of the Schuylkill and Sus
quehanna Navigation, and the Prudent and
Managers of the Delaware and Schuylkill Ca
nal Navigation, to raise by way of Lottery,
the Sum of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars, for
the Purpose of completing the Works in their
Afts of Incorporation mentioned.”
1 Prize of twenty thousand dollars, 20,000
1 of ten thousand dollars, 10,000
5 oj four thou/and dollars each, tote
paid to the pofjejfors of the five
Numbers fir [l out of the wheel on
the lajl day's drawing, at which
time therr jhall not be left than
fve hundred Numbers undrautb, 20.000
10 of two thou find dollars each, 20,000
20 oj one thou fan 4 dollars each, 20.000
43 of five hundred dull jrs each, 21,500
100 of two hundred dollars each, 20,000
100 of one hundred dollars each, 10.000
220 of fifty dollars each,
29.500 of jive dollars each, 147,500
30,000 Tickets at Ten dollars each, 300,000
All Prizes shall be paid Ten Days after ih”
drawing is finifhed, upon the demand of the
Poffcffor of a fortunate Ticket, fubjeft to a da
durtion of fifteen per Cent.
Such. Prizes as are not demanded within
Twelve Months after the Drawing is finifhed,
of which Public Notice will be given, shall be
confid-red as relinquifheff f OT the uie of the
Canal and apulmd accordingly.
At a Meeting ot the President and Mana
gers of the Schuylkill and Sufquehunna Canal
Navigation—and the President and Man
agers ofthe DeUwaremd Schuylkill Canal—
Saturdav. September 12, 1701;.
Repaired, ,9 °
THAT David Rittenhoufe, Joseph Ball,
John Stinm“tz, Standish Forde, Francis Weft,
Walter Stewart, and William Bingham, be a
Committee to arrange and direst the mode of
difpo'ing of the Tickets ; which Committee
Jhall deposit the Mon~y in Bank, to be carried
to the Credit of an Account to be opened for
the Lottery.
Extraftfrom the Minutes,
T. M A FLACK Secretary.
The Drawing of this Lottery will positively
to nm n nce on the Third day of Oftober next :
Tickets may be had at the Company’s Office
near the Bank of th- United States, and of ei
ther of the Subfcrib-rs.
Philadelphia. January 1, 1796.
(£fT TICKETS in the above Lottery for
Sale’bv the fubferiber. who is authorifed. and
will be furntlhed with Cash to pay the Prize
Money ariling from such Tickets, as he shall
difpole of to Citizens of Savannah, in Sixty
days after the drawing is finifhed ; be will
also be furnilbed with a state <>f the drawing
monthly. WILLIAM LAMB.
Savannah, April 29th, 1796
• ■■■■■?
Having taken into Copartner flip, Mr. WILLIAM
DREW, the Bupnefs in future will, be carried
on under the Firm of
James Wallace fsP Cos.
Hhe have for Sale, by Wholesale or Retail ;
A Large assortment of Irish Linens,
Oznahurgs.Sheet ings,
Printed Cottons. Romals,
Printed and Check Handkerchiefs,
Durants. Shaloons, Calimancoes,
Checks, Br-d Tick,
Jeans ~ and Futtians,
Corduroys, Royal Rib,
Buff and white Caflimere,
Ladi"s and gentlemens Hats,
Childrens black, brown and drab coloured do.
“Ir’ns and Roys Course do.
ladies fine Cotton Stockings,
Mens thread and Cotton do.
Camhric, ounce and coloured threads,
“*'k and Twist, Bombazeen,
“'hue Chappp! Needles,
Hard Ware aiTorted,
d* 5< f>, 8. to and 2Cd Nails,
Lnglifh Linseed Oil in iugs,
hite Lead and Spanish Brown, gro. in Oil,
Cf. * ar >d Copperas in small casks,
Mill Saws, Hooks and Hinges, &c. &c.
Hhds. Draft PORTER.
OCKERY WARE, in Ciatcs ind Hhds.
Au gust, 3a 5
REASON and TRUTH impartial guide the way.
FRIDAY, September 23, 1796.
By Wholesale & Retail ,
THE subscriber having a large quanti
ty, and great variety on hand, will dis
pose ol them very low, and much under
his former prices.
Savannah, Aug. 16. 048.
Which are JUST OPENING :
Among which, are—
A Variety of Spng’d MUSLIN DRESSES,
wrought in colours, Humhums, Pavil
lian Gauze, Irilh Linens, Cambrick, White
Thread, Tapes, Lawn and Lawn Aprons ; Rib
bons, Laces and Edging ; Crape; Silk, Kidd,
and Leather Gloves; an assortment of Fans,
and Feathers, White Beeds, Necklaces and
Ear-Drops ; Ladies and Misses Chip, Straw,
and Leghorn Flats and Bonnets ; Cotton Hose,
Oznaburg and Dutch Rolls ; Blank Books,
Pencils and Quills, Shaving Razors in
Cases, Knives and Forks, Snuffers, plated Sugar
Tongs, ditto Buckles, Military Plumes, Breast-
Pins, ‘Watch-Chains and Seals, Counting-Houfc
Seals; with a variety of Articles too tedious to
Savannah, May 31. 2f>-tf
By the Subscribers :
Duffil and Rose Blankets,
Back Coatings,
White and colored Negro Cloth.
Red, white and yellow Flannels.
Camblets, Durants and Tammies.
Mullins and Muffin Handkerchiefs.
Callicoes and Furniture Cottons.
Irifb Linens and Sheetings assorted.
Caflimrre and Swanfdown ]aeket patterns.
Ladies and gentlemens Hats assorted.
On Consignment .
London particular MADEIRA WINE in
Qr. Calks.
Genuine Old PORT, in ditto.
BoheaTEA, in whole an Qr. Chests, and an
Invoice of CUTLERY.
Savannah, Sept. gth. 55-ts
Adrian V. Sinderen,
Has for SALE, at his Store on the Bay,
A Valuable Assortment of
Fresh Imported GOODS ,
Amongfl which are the following Art icles
ELEGANT tamboured, checkered, striped,
and plain muffins ; muffin Ibawls, aprons,
and handkerchiefs; cravats, muffinets, dimities,
chintzes, callicoes, ginghams, white and black
mantua, coloured perfians and farcencts, black
mode and crape, hlk Ihawls, black florentine
and satins, fuperfine broad cloths and caffimers,
to t2-4ths cotton counterpanes, table
cloths, diapers, bedticks, Irilh sheetings and
linens, cambricks, long lawns, laces and edg
ings ; plain, clouded, and twilled nankeens;
fffk striped ditto ; Iballoons, durants, calliman
coes bombalins, and bombafets ; line hum
hums, brown holland, oznabrigs, mens and
womens fffk and cotton hose, black and co
loured braver hats, fflk and leather gloves, rib
bons, fans, threads, tapes, bobbins, pins, silk
and twilt; gilt, plated, ftecl, and mohair but
tons, &c. £tc.
Gold, silver, and enamelled watches; chains,
seals, and keys ; gold rings, ear-rings, and lock
ets ; gold and silver epaulets, silver tea spoons ;
plated coffee, tea. and milk pots; caftors, falt
cHlars, goblets and porter mugs, knives and
fofks, penknives, feiffors, razors, Morocco
pocketbooks and thread cases, spy glasses, spec
tacles ; japanned tea trays, bread baskets, fruit
ditto, knife trays, candlesticks, and lamps ;
ebony cruet frames, inlaid varnished mahogany
knife cases, portable delks, paint chests, (liver
and camel hair pencils, and a variety of fancy
Large and small Bibles, Watt’s Hymns,
Harvey’s Meditations, Di&ionaries, Morse’s
Geography, Buchan’s Domeftie Medicine,
Franklin’s Works, Enfield’9 Speaker, Scott’s
Lessons, Pleasing Inftruftor, Thompson’s Sea
fons, Milton’s Paradise Loft, Young’s Night
Thoughts, Shakespeare’s Works complete,
Sterne’s ditto. Rammer, Adventures of a Guin
ea, Isabella, Sorrows of Werter, Lady Mon
tague’s Letters, Misses Magazine, Ladies Pock
et Library, Fordyce’s Addresses to Young
Women, Monitors, Fisher’s Companion, Dil
worth’s Arithmetic and Spelling Books ; large
royal, letter, and common writing paper;
blank books, Holland quills, wafers, India
rubber, &c.
Hair powder, best feented pomatum in rolls
and pots, violet and Windsor soap, walhballs,
ladies and gentlemens drefftng caf-s, lavender
water ; effenfe of mulk, lemon, and bergamot;
pungent smelling bottles, patent blacking,
combs, tooth brulbes and tooth powder.
Savannah, June 17. 31
Just Imported ,
By E. & C. Stebbins,
On board the Brig AP01.1.0, Capt. RO3IN
son, from New-York :
Fafliionable GOODS ,
Adapted to the present Season—in addition to
thole Received by the Fanny, Capt. Swin
burn, in May la'll, which enables them to
offer their Custom ers and others, a very
Handsome and General Assortment, which
they will dispose of at a low advance, for
Cash, at their Store on the Bay :
Conffling of the following Articles, viz.
FOUR 4ths and 9 Bths Irish Sheetings 5 a
great variety ot 4 4ths Irish Linens, from
375 to 100 cents per yard ; bed ticking, 3 4ths,
8 4tbs, and 10 4ths diapers ; clouting diaper,
damalk tablecloths, a variety of coloured fu
perfine broad cloths and cailimcrs, coloured
durants, black ruffcl, bombafin, black India
perfians, green silk umbrellas, black mantuas,
India luteftrings and satin, dove coloured and
white ditto, mens white, drab and green hats,
childrens coloured ditto, a variety ol ladies
muffin handkerchiefs and aprons; 0 4ths plain
book, checked, striped, and tamboured muf
fins ; 4 4ths and b 4ths plain jackonet and tam
boured ditto, gentlemens cravats ; black Bar
celona, printed linen, and cotton ha.iderchiefs;
silk and cotton shawls, womens cotton hose;
mens silk, cotton, and random hose ; striped
ginghams, brown holland and sheeting, to 4ths
fringed cotton counterpanes, 12 4tbs fuperfine
Marseilles ditto, striped and figured furniture
chintles; blue, red, and purple furniture cot
tons ; light ground chintles ar.d calicoes for
gown patterns ; plain white, coloured, and
spotted Marseilles, for veil patterns ; fine
and coarse dimities, Manchester muffins and
white jeans, coloured fat in and figured ribbons,
ladies and gentlemens leather and silk gloves
assorted, India and striped nankeens, humhums,
corded dimities ; medium, gilt poll, folio post,
a nd plain quarto polt paper; inkpowder, wa
fers, and fealingwax ; ivory and horn combs,
needles and pins, mens neat shoes, ladies mo
rocco and kid ditto, ladies drefftng cases, pock
et books, purses, suspenders, thread cases, mem
orandum cases; best red bark, ipecacuanha,
rhubarb, jalap, Anderson’s pills, magnesia,
cream tartar, camphor, Turlington’s balsam,
British oil, Castor oil, spirits hartfhorn, vola
tile drops, laudanum, spirits lavender, essence
peppermint, rose & orange flower waters, milk
ofrofes, bergamot, pungent smelling bottles,
fait of lemons, court plaster, hard and foft po
matum, violet soap and wafhballs,coarfe krives,
feiffors, cork ferews, razors, penknives assorted,
watch chains and keys, silver pencil cases, black
lead pencils, tooth brushes, black pepppr, nut
megs, loaf sugar, frefli hyfon tea, choice sherry
wine in quarter casks, &c. &c.
A "g u ft 5- 45-ts
Just received, & for Sale ,
By Renedix & Cos.
No. 3, Commerce-Row,
Brown, ( . , , . .
Green r p ‘ ains > of the best quality.
1 • Blue, ’ )
Striped Flannels,
London and Bristol DufTil Blankets,
3-4ths & <f-4ths Irish Linens,
Brown Holland and Plattilles Royalles,
German Rolls, and Do. Cotton Bagging,
Bed Tickings in pieces and half pieces,
Flanders Bd Bunts, 8-4, 9-4, 13-4,
Rice Hooks,
Fiddles, Looking Glasses, Coffee-Mills,
Best Dutch Writing and Post Paper,
Madeira Wine, in quarter Calks, of an excel
lent quality,
Loaf Sugar, and a few Hhds. Molasses,
Salt-Petrc, Brimstone, Black Pepper,
German Oznahurgs, Ticklenburghs, Hefifens,
Printed Linens, Demijohns, I
Firlf and fourth proof Brandy in Pipes,
A few Demijohns of Brandy,
Sherry Wine in quarter Casks,
Malaga Do. in Pipes & Hhds.
Sugars in Bids.
lOd and 23d London Nails,
Knives & Forks, and Penknives.
Savannah, S-pt. 15. SlS*-
MufcOvado SUGARS in hhds. and bbls,
Green COFFEE, in hhds, and Bags,
A few Chests best HYSON TEA.
June 21st. 39"tf
The Subscribers,
Have received from Ireland, via Charleston,
the following articles :
COTTON Bagging,
Coarse & fine Hats, in small packages,
Crockery Ware in Crates,
Glofter and Chefhirc Cheese,
A quantity of Log, Deep Sea and Lead Lines,
One Bale of Twine,
A few Bales of Irish Linens,
Which are now offered for SALE.
Savannah, August 23. 53.
For Sale,
Superfine FLOUR in Barrels>
Madeira WINE in Pipes & Qr. Pipes,
Mould CANDLES in Boxes.
Caig Macleod & Cos.
Savannah, August 5.
Peter Madden,
- has for sale,
At his Store on the Bay :— The following ajfort
merit of
Frcfh Imported GOODS,
Which he is determined to Jell at a very small pro
ft, Wholesale or Retail, viz.
A Quantity of Ladies Morocco flippers with
Ipring heels, childrens Morocco and black
leather (hoes and flippers, ladies fatinet and
florantine flippers, black fimdals, mens fine
call Ikin shoes, coarse do. for fetvants; ladies
and gentlemens heft Beaver hats, a great variety
of childrens Beavers, various colours ; a large
quantity of middling and low priced hats ; z
lew pieces yard wide linen ; 3-4thsand 4*4ths
purple callicoc printed linens in 8 yd pieces ;
chocolate grounded callicoes, humhums fine
and coarse ; plain and striped nankeens ; afew
pieces wild bore, camblets, moreens and du
r nts; a few pieces real India book muffin,
line muffin shawls, purple chintz do ; very fine
tnuflinet for vest (hapes, white flannel, green
baize, black bombazeen corded dimity, shirt
buttons, ounce thread, white enappel needles,
oznahurgs thread, gold and silver bands with
elegant toffcls, silver lace ; 2,3 and 4 quire
blank books ; warranted razors in cases, com-,
mon do; a few lets of elegant breakfaft chi
na, do. bowls, blue plates and dishes a small
assortment of queens ware ; a large quantity of
military plumes, ostrich and crane feathers ;
patent lamps with wicks, tranfparcnt hand lant
horns; a few gross black and magpie galloon
binding, worsted binding broad ana narrow of
various colours, pins, fans, sewing silk, twist,
very fine diaper tape ; a quantity of cotton ro
malls, striped and spotted bandanoes ; a few
pieces low priced pocket handkerchiefs, coarse
German rolls; afewewt. glue of an excellent
quality, a few gross cowfkins, handsome switch
whips silver mounted, do. plain, chair whips
with cane tops, common do ; a few pair of
saddle-bags, (addles and bridles, a few sets cart
liarnefs ; a quantity curry combs and brushes,
hat (hoc and buckle brushes, blacking ball ;
mourning, plated and gilt shoe and knee buck
les ; a few gross sleeve buttons, knives aivi forks,
shoemakers and butchers knives, flioemakers
awls and tacks, tailors shears and thimbles,
feiffors, fine and coarse horn and iron combs,
plated and steel spring fpurrs, bridle bitts and
llirrup irons, buckles and tips, watch crystals
and keys ; no. 10 cotton cards, boxes of (hell
paints and pencils ; a few bags of small shot,
a parcel beading plains ; a few articles tin ware,
fiddles and fiddle firings ; 8 by 10 window
glass by the box or dozen, 4c!, fd, Bd, and lod
nails, mustard, sweet oil, black pepper, all—
spice, cinnamon, cassia, Irefh young ginger
fit for prelerves, chocolate, coffee ; excellent
hyfon, fouchong and bohea teas by the theft or
lh.—A quantity of fine flavoured Jamaica and
Weft India old rum, fit for families use ; fine
old Sherry Wine ; best London porter in bot
tles, Philadelphia bottled beer, vinegar in three
and five gallon kegs; fine white fait bacon ia
flitches, fait petre, and
Sundry Medicines, viz.
Magnesia, red lavender, British oil, turling
ton, haerlum oil, spirit nitre, hartfhorn, jalap,
rhubarb, tarter emetic, calomel, senna, manna,
salts, chamomile flowers, firrupof fquills, pare
goric elix, blue vitriol, affefetida, fmellingfalts,
salts of worm wood, nux vomica, court plaif
ter, laudanum, Godfrey’s cordial, opium, li
quorice, tooth powder and brulhes, gentiaa
root, Spanish flies, See. Sec.
N. B. A boxof the aforefaid fine Hyfon Tea,
just opened.
Savannah, August 9. 64-ts.
Hat Manufactory.
A large quantity of LADIES and GENTLE
MENS best
Warranted, just now finifhing, and for Sale, at
On the Bay, or at the House at the back there
of, in the Lane,
Military Hats or Caps,
Fitted up in an elegant stile, on the shortest
Savannah, July 22* 11.41.
THE fubferibers (Captain) appointed to con
duit the Ejection for Major ofthe second Bat
talion of the Chatham Regiment, vice Major Bar
nard, refgnei) give notice, That an Election for
that purpose, will be held on Saturday the 1 /l oj
OFlooer next, at Mr. P. Mitlcjfe's place near tour.,
where the Officers are directed to meet, and at
which time it is expelled they will be punctual in
their attendance
By Order of the Lieut. Col. Commandant,
Savannah , Sept. 5. 5<,-tf
No. 59.