Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, October 11, 1796, Image 3

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Vol. 1* SPANISH NAVY. Skips. Guns. Ships. Guns. Ships. Curs r. : a m i 54 * . 9 i * 8 4=> 1 e ° i Bo 4 36 ” ,i 74 s 34 ? % cl a 30 9 H 5 64 3 ab 1 10 . Their dftafmed veffeLm July were, Giwj. 1 136 7 74 2 2t) 1 Ixa 5 34 * 1 94 1 ;; 4 3 1 Bo 1 3° September 20. The Editor, in the Argus of Tuef dav last gave a lilt of veflels, French ?nd SpaniQi, that failed from Cadiz on the cth of August. This caufcd.much conversation, and many bets, we are tO U f were laid on the strength. of it. The arrival of the Ihip Nancy, capt. johnfon, on Saturday, in 42 days from Lilbon, not only confirms this account, but brings accounts also, that'war be tween Spain and England had actually taken place —and that Portugal had marched 50,000 troops to her frontiers, fearing inroads by the French, who are to march through Spain—See the two following letters : Ext rad of a letter from, an American gentleman in Ltjlox, to his brother M this city, dated the 1 \th Aug. brought ly the Nancy, arrived on Saturday Lji. “ Everfince I have been here there has been the greatest appearance of a rupture between Spain and England : It has at length taken place : Spain has Jhut its ports against England, and it was reported yelterday, and currently believed, thara part of the Smnifh fleet had failed in conjun&ion with"-the French; their deftinatioa.’’uykno;Vn. The Portuguese are in expectation of a viflt from the French, through the ter ritories of Spain; in conference the greatest exertions are making to raifean army. Fifty thousand are to march to their frontiers by the ift of October.” Extrad of another-letter, from a merchant in Lijlon, to his friend in this city, dated the l ith Augufl. “ The political situation of Portu gal becomes very critical, since it is no longer to be doubted.that war will im inedi?tly take place between England and Spain. A Bpaailh squadron I'ailed on the 4th instant from Cadiz, in com pany with tha French veflfeis of war. It is laid, also, that the French have de manded a paflage through Spain for fifty theufand troops nominally ddtined a gainst Gibraltar.” We have seen other fetters from Lis bon, by this arrival, the contents of which are nearly the fame. One of them however fays, that trade with Holland goes the fame as if no declara tion had been made. The Spanish war would seem to be merely an opinion, in ccnfequence of the failing cf the Cadiz fleet. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 19. This forenoon the President of the United States, set out for Mount V ernen. Mr. Gore the American Commiffion rt in England was presented to the King on the 13th July, by Mr. Pinckney, the American minister. September 20. Captain Ware of the brig Mary, from Bourdeaux, August i6,lat. 39, 30, long. 13, spoke ihip Greyhound of Charles ton, 180 days from Batavia (Eaft-In d'es) bound to Hamburgh. Captain and J ll hands but seven had died. Ex trail from the log book ofthejhip Har mony at Halifax. “ On or about the ill August, failed him Philadelphia, bound to Amfter tvTth a cargo oi sugar and coffee, by different American gen*le tt-cn at the aioreiaid port of 1 hiladel- F‘:' a > After having been four days at * ca , fell in with ar.d was brought to by faP.a.fon, Britilh frigate, commanded */ John P.ercsfcrd, who lent his firft lieutenant on beard, to examine all the Diets belonging to the Ihip, he then Hmanded anil lei zed all the private let- I and lent them on board the frigate •‘here he broke them all open, and ex tried them; after detaining the ihip p “ o , urs lying too, he ordered her for ’. a dfax, took all the crew on board, • h one of his lieutenants as prize ma- r > an d then fleered for Halifax. Cap- | c 1 hmith was fubjedted to many insults i' orn i' a id prize mailer, and his men ,h- .credos all their clothes money, ‘"-everything that they possessed. • ‘-''id at Halifax on the 15th August, ’-ii La Kaifon in company. By order ■ r -e commander of faia frigate, the v : w °* the Harmony (all Americans) turned on ihoiu, dellitute of clothes >j“ r rov tfions. The commander of the -trnony used every exertion to pro ” - tedceis, but in vain.’’ Columbian jEufenm, Be. The above fliip and cargo in a state of adjudication, and her crew in a state of 'jlarvutiov. A correspondent has furnifhed us with the following copy of a decree of the queen of Portugal, for suspending all in tereourle with Holland, and laying an embargo on the Dutch vclleh in her dominions : , “ There having been presented to her majesty, by her envoy extraordinary to the United States, in a dispatch dated the 15th June last, the ctipy of a letter he had received from the committee of ) foreign aILL rs of that republic, in which jis communicated to him the refqlution .for suspending all political conimunita tion with the Laid minister, as the re ‘prefentative of her majesty the queen of Portugal, ’till the concliutpn of peace with the republic of France-—intimat lingby the above mentioned letter that (all commercial relations Ihduld also be fufpe ruled. h' 1 after these circumstances her majes ty has judged proper to suspend on her •part, ail commerce with the dates gene ral of the low countries, and to prohibit to her vaflals, all and every commercial tranfadlion and connection with the sub jects of the republic, prohibiting from (this time all navigation to the ports of those Hates. And moreover her majesty has been jpleafed to suspend in her dominions, all Und every tranfadhjon with the.afojreiaid jUnited States cf the Belgic Provinces, and to forbid the transportation of their property, under whatever, ! title, out of jthe kingdqtn; and finally,, that the de parture of ths Dutch vellela in her do- Ininions lhoiild be entirely fu(pended, remaining under embargo ‘till further orders from her majesty. And that this may be known unto ajl find executed accordingly, the present jias been made public. | Lilbon, July 19, 1796.” Set timber i6* • 1 We have received a letter from Port au-Prince, dated the zoth’ August, which, after mentioning the aftair of captain jelfup, his cruel treatment by captain Pigot, &c. which have already been fully detailed in this gazette, goes <?n to state—that (S all at once the pro ceedings against Pigot were flopped, and report fays, that “ the Root of all evil” flattened ali the ftripcs and healed Jeftiip’s beaten bark—Soo glittering golden gui neas said to be the cure. We hope on his arrival in America, he will be able to (hew that he is not that despicable wretch we here take him robe.” September 27. Sunday failed for France, Gen, Pinck ney, Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States, to the French Republic, in the room of Mr, Munroe, who has been recalled. OF KOSCIUSKO. The following me have tran/lutedfrom the Paris Gazette Francois, oj 12th July. They write from Viemn that there is much conversation refpe&ing a proportion made by the Empress of Rullia to the unfortunate Kos ciusko. That princess, it is said, has proposed to the ex-general of the ex-republic of Poland, to eftablilh h.imfelf in the United States of America, where she will grant him an annual penfionof cooo roubles. It Kofcfufko is real ly irnprefTed with thole deintxiratic fentimcntS which he expressed during his command, there is no country in the world which would suit him better than the city of Philadelphia. LONDON, July 28* It is very strongly rumoured that par liament will be furnmoned to meet in the month of September next. The French have certainly gained more battles and more territory, in a lew weeks than any conquerors have done before in any war, but Mr. Pitt (ays he mull have indemnity for thepafl and security for the future ! 7 ax on Breeches /—A curious report is circulating that the minister means, on the meeting of Parliament, to move “ that a licence, value two guineas, be taken out annually, by every person wearing breeches.”—lf this be true, we llroi.gly recommend the Board of Agriculture, to take into their moll se rious consideration (< the culture of the Fig Tree.” The principal Jew merchants in the city have liberally fubferibed 12,0001. to eftablilh an hospital for the poor of all countries. Admiralty-Office, fitly 23. Government yelterday received dis patches from Gibraltar, brought to Portsmouth by the Expedition, cutter, in 5 days, the quickell ever known. Their contents are of the greatest im portance, and relate not merely to the hostile difpolition of Spain, bat to the perilous situation of our fleet in the Me diterranean, lhut out as it now is, from all the Italian ports, and having only the unfafe bays of Corlica, to depend on for refuge. PARIS, July 20. The Americans latefy celebrated t anniversary ol American independen Arhongft the guests, who were to 1 number of 200, we'obferved several a balladors, thd minifter,Charles Lacrr and several of his principal friends— the deputies, fuen as Portulis, Ba Marbois, Dumolard, Lafijuinan, L vdt and Tallien, who was humble , more Client than in tire orgies which p ceded and followed the 13th ’ Vfcnc maire. Lou vet paid his reckoning to day, l relating in his journal the different tdnf that were drank : btlt Vic know not wh ‘he'hfis'forgotten to mention the to: drank witii so much eclat to Prcfide JValhington, as alio that to the major’ in congress ? It is true that Char Lacroix has refufed to drink that to. ‘and declared himfelf in a deliberate to of voice rhaf he was for the minorit But Louvettd, perhaps,, thinks w Charles Lacroix and Robefpierm, virtue is in the minority through,! •world! ; . 1 July 24. We have this moment rcceiv’ certain intelligence that the and VyertemDerg has provilionally fu l the French troops with confl magazines oi forage. He has drawn his troops from the Au armies in.conlcqucnce of* the ftipula of the Truce, lie is also to (u ‘horfes, cattle and money". From tiie Courier Froncoife of July . dopy of a letter from the Grand ljuk. ff ufrany to general Bounaparte.- i - in the Gazette. General, The general Spannochi, arrested 1 your order, has been conveyed hith From delicacy 1 retain him under ari (which I prelume are just) that In give-you,as well as the French Repu lie and all Europe, the highest proof 1 that equity, conformable to the laws 1 iny country, by which I hold it my dut to be governed. \ 1 I commit this letter to my steward the marquis Monfredini, whom 1 be you to inform in what particular t above mentioned Spannochi has be faulty. You may repose entire con dence in him, concerning all the objed which arc iatereftmg to the peace of ir fubjccls. I defireearneftly to receive a lie fron your hand, which under the present cir cumstance may afford me complete tran quility, and at the fame time affurc qui et to ail Tufcany* I am, with pcrfedl esteem, (Signed) FERDINAND. wwnrunii 1 ■ ——hm.iwu n—wriwn m imhiiitt* SAVANNAH, October ii. We learn that Judge Benson, of New-York, has accepted the appointment of third com rniirioner for fettling the true St. Croix river— he is to proceed immediately for Portland, where he will embark, for St. Andicw’t. marine Hrgtffcr. ENTERED INW A R D. Schooner Neptune, Dickcnfon, Charleflon. Sioop Dove, Brown, do. Rebecca, Munroe, Philadelphia. Schooneer Mary Ann, Hughes, Baltimo jj FO R SALE, At Mons. Huguenot’s, Corner 0/ Drayton B 3xyan Struts, The fdlowiag ARTICLES, viz. SHEETING Linen, Irish do. Durants, Cal hmancoes, Thread of all kinds, Cotton check, Roinall Handkerchiefs, Dimities, Tam boured Shawls common do. white and llriped Flannels, Baize coating, Mens and'Womens Cotton Hose, Childrens do. Indianet for waist coats, plain and llriped Mnflin, Mufiin and Barcelona Handkerchiefs, Humhuini, coarfc and fine Hats, Oznaburghs, Corduroys, Cali mrre, Negro Cloth, Yorklhire do. white brown and blue Plains, Slat'*#, Shott, Look ing Glaires, Fiddles, Fiddle Strings, Flutes, Files, Ro!in, Brass Cocks, f 3c. &c. —A LS 0 — French Brandy, Jamaica Rum, Holland Gin in Cases and frnall Jugs, Liquors from Martinique, Elixcr of Garus, Alicant, Claret, Madeira and Port Wine, Powder Sugar, Hy fon, Souchong and Bohea Tea, Csftile Soap, Crockery Ware, and all kinds ol Spice. Savannah, OClober 11. 64 * Bt. mi mm m - Arrived from, Gambia , The Schooner Nancy, Captain HARRIS, with 100 Prime Slaves, The SALE of which will Commence on MONDAY next, the 10th inst. at 12 o’clock.— For Terms, apply to Caig, Macleod & Cos. Savannah, Oflober 7. A _ C AR D. Mr. FRANCIS, mofl refpedfnlly inform the LADIES and GENTLEMEN, oj this City, and its emirons, that his ACADEMY will open at Mrs. Jacobs, the fi'jl Thursday in OiloUer. — Terms, On; Crimamiranteaiut I’wo Guineas per Qjear ter. N T o entrance is required from hn lorrner pupi si. Two pounds of Soap, * P* P r too Ration* One pound of candles, J luC Nations are to befurniffied in fuchm, a ,i- as that there lhall at all times, during the f ,d tc ' be fu ®cient for the consumption of he troops at each of the said pods, for the ipace of at lead two months in advance, in good and wholesome provisions. It is to be underflood that all lodes sustained by the depfedatious oi the enemy, or by means of the troop of the United State*, ffi all be paid bar at the prices of the articles captured ° r jTa y ed * ontbc depofitionsoftwooi more credible chara&ers, and the certificate of a com miliioned officer, afeertaining the circumstan ces or the loss, and the amount of the articles for which compensation is claimed. I lie contrail for the above supplies will be made either tor one y<far, or for two years, as may appear eligible. Persons difpofedto con trace, will therefore confine their offers to ona year, or they may make their proportions so as to admit an election of the term of two years. Ihe proposals mufl fpecify the lowed price per ration for prompt payment, and are to be made for the whole of the above polts. John Haberfham, Agent for Jupp lying the Troops in Georgia. GEORGIA, ) By Edward White, Regidcr (L S-J > of Probate* for the County of Ed White) Chatham in the State afore laid, WHEREAS, Owen Owens, of the City of Savannah, Efquirc, hath made appli cation to me for Letters of Adminidration ou the Edate and Erteils of J arnes Mirrilies, late of the fame place Merchant, decealed, as prin cipal Creditor. ‘lhefc are therefore, to cite and adtnonifh all and finaular, the Kindred and Creditors of the Edate of the said |ames Mii rilies, decealed, to be and appear before me at my Office, in the City of Savannah, on the 7th day of November next, to (hew cause, it any they have, why Letters of Adminidration ffioufei not be granted him. Given under my Haad and Sea! at Savannah, the 7th day of Oilobcr, in the year of our Lord 1796, and in the cid year of Ameri can Independence. swim. For Sale by the Subjcriber, £3” A large New Boat, That will carry between 70 and 80 Barrels of Rice. For fuj'ther particulars, enquire of the fubdriber, in Whitakcr-ftreet. ENGLEHART CRUSE. September 30. n T,i. Cajh paid for a few Sheeps Skms at this Office. Demy Printing Paper for Sale. Apply at this Office.