Newspaper Page Text
(Kol tmftiai x Mt dcton $ Sauaiuiaf) 3i6uctitser.
SSrANNJII,-r‘^>‘YJL T T,VLT, ml POWERS £S SEYMOUR, 5,,,,,. Ch.kc , .....A.,!,,,,..,,,, „*, tun.uui mm.., m ono.ns meun. an. accuracv ad fuhctuaiitv. •
VOl. I.
Just Imported, by
Onboard the BRIG BELLONA from NEW
YORK, and other Arrivals,
The Following Articles, in Addition to kis Former
AJfortment, viz :
BROAD CLOTHS, Caftimers, Swanfdown,
Flannels, Bemett, white and blue Plains,
blue Stroud, stripe Linfcy of various patters ;
gentlemens white, blue, clouded and black
Silk Hose, pattent Cotton ditto ; ladies Neck
laces alforted, ditto blue and gold do ; Garnet
Beeds, silver Thimbles, brafsdo. Pocket-Books,
Tooth Powder and Brufnes, Smelling Bottles,
• Fig and Liquid Blue, Cotton Lines, Hemp do.
Bed Cords, Hambro Lines, Leading do. Nells
Trunks, Brundone, Rice Sickles, Cutteau
Knives, Lancets, Claw Hammers, Handsaw
Files, Cmfs-cut do. Table Spoons, Soup La
dles, single and double spring Chest Locks, do.
do. Pad do. Drawer do. Brass Handles, Din
ing-table Hinges, Screws, Shoe Pincers ; curb,
half curb, and fnaffle Bridle Bitts, Stirrup
Irons, Plated Spurs, Reel spring do. Saddle
Tacks, Cloak Pinns, Brass Cocks, Japann’d
Waiters alforted, Sugar Canniilers, Tin Gra
ters, Sail Needles, Palm Irons ; a few dozen
bell Mustard, in bottles, See. &c.
Savannah, o£l. 14. 6s-tf.
— x
Just Opened,
And for SALE, at No. 5, on Commerce-Row,
SUPERFINE and second Cloths ; Cafti
mero and Orleans Stripe ; Thickfct, Fan r
cy Cord, and Everialling ; Wildbcres ; Plain
and itriped Calimancoes and Joans Spinings ;
White and Olive coloured Dimities; Ivlarfeilles
Quilting and Humhums ; Callicoes, and Fur
niture Cottons ; Purple and bud Shawls ;, Cotton, and Check Handkerchiefs ; Irilh
Linen, Dowlas, Diaper and German Rolls :
Men’s Silk, Cotton, Ribb’d, Random Sc Fancy
Hose ; Worsted Hose Sc Socks : Mens & Boys
coarse Hats ; Flaxen Oznaburgs ; Crockery
Ware; Frying Pans ; 6, 10, 20d. and half spike
Nails ; Red Lead and Yellow Ochre.
A Chell of •frefh HYSON TEA, of excel
lent quality.
Savannah, October 11. gt.*
At Mons. Huguenet’s,
Corner of Drayton id Bryan Streets,
The following ARTICLES, viz.
SHEETING Linen, Irilh do. Durants, Cal
limancoes, Thread of all kinds, Cotton
check, Romall Handkerchiefs, Dimities, Tam
boured Shawls common do. white and striped
Flannels, Baize coating, Mens and Womens
Cotton Hose, Childrens do. Indianet for v/aift
coats, plain and striped Mnftin, Muslin and
Barcelona Handkerchiefs, Ilumliums, coarse
and fine Hats, Oznaburghs, Corduroys, Can
mere, Cloth, Yorkshire do. white
brown and blue Plains, Slates, Shott, Look
ing Glades, Fiddles, Fiddle Strings, Flutes,
Fifes, Rosin, Brass Cocks, &c. &c.
—A L S 0 —
French Brandy, Jamaica Rum, Holland
Gin in Cases and small Jugs, Liquors from
Martinique, Elixer of Garus, Alicant, Claret,
Madeira and Port Wine, Powder Sugar, Hv
foh, Souchong and Bohea Tea, Caftile Soap,
Crockery Ware, and all kinds of Spice.
Savannah, October ii. 64*81.
At the Store lately occupied by Mr. Me R
RILLies, a frejh assortment of ‘
Drugs & Medicines,
Avery handfomeaiTortment of Giughams,Hum
liums, Irish Linens, Callicoes ; Book, Jaconet,
Pliin,PrintedUrambour’d, Sc Crofsßarr’d Muf
liu ; MuflioHandkrrchiefs; Ladies ftlkShawls,
French Hankcrchiefs ; Cotton Hose, striped
and clouded Nankeens,Caftimers; Gentlemen’s
black and white Hats ; Ladies black and co
lour’d Morocco Slippers and Sandalls; Gentle
man’s Shoes, tyoots and Bootes ; Loaf Sugar,
Hyfon & Bohea Teas of superior quality; Ja
pau’d, Glass, and Earthern Ware, with a gene
ral assortment of Ironmongery, See.
Also a few Barrels Superfine and Fine
G. W. NICHOLS y Cos.
Savannah, July 5. n.45.
By James Alger,
Elegant CHAIRS, of
different colours.
apples, ONIONS.
Bottled PORTER.
Mens fine HATS per Case, and
A few Thcufand But BRICKS.
Savannah, Sept. 6th. 5 4-ts.
Ftr Suit at this Office*
REASON and TRUTH impartial guide the way .
TUESDAY, October 18, 1796.
Adrian V. Sinderen,
His for SALE, at his Store on the Bay,
A Valuable Assortment of
Frejh Imported GOODS ,
Amongst which are the followin'* Artic j. e 3
ELEGANT tamboured, checkered, striped,
and plain muslins ; muslin shawls, aprons,
and handkerchiefs; cravats,mullinets, dimities,
chintzes, callicoes, ginghams, white and black
mantua, coloured peifians and farcenets, black
mode and crape, Irik, {bawls, black florentine
and iatins, fuperfine broad cloths and callimers,
g-4ths to i2-4ths cotton counterpanes, table
cloths, diapers, bedticks, Irilh sheetings and
linens, cambricks, long lawns, laces and edg
in £ s > plain, clouded, and twilled nankeens
silk. striped ditto ; lhalloons, durants, calliman
coes bombafins, and bombafets ; fine hum
hums, ‘.brown holland, oznabrigs, mens aid
womens silk and cotton hose, black and co
loured beaver hats, silk and leather gloves., rib
bons, fans, threads, tapes, bobbins, pins, silk
and twist; gilt, plated, ftecl, and mohair but
tons, &c. &c.
Gold, silver, and enamelled watches; chains,*
seals, and keys ; gold rings, ear-rings, and lock-”
ets; gold and silver epauWs, silver tea spoons;
plated coflee, tea, and milk pots; caftors, salt
cellars,. goblets and porter mugs, knives and
forks, penknives, feiffors, razors, Morocco
pocketbooks and thread cases, spy glades, spec
tacles ; japanned tea trays, bread baskets, fruit
ditto, knife trays, candlellicks, and lamps ;
ebony cruet frames, inlaid varnished mahogany
knife cases, portable desks, paint chells, silver
and camel hair pencils, and a variety of fancy
Large and lmall Bibles, Watt’s Hymns,
Harvey’s Meditations, Dictionaries, Morfe’a
Geography, Buchan’s Domestic Medicine,
Franklin’s Works, Enfield’s Speaker, Scott’s
Loftons, Pleasing Inllrudlor, Thompson’s Sea
fons, Milton’s Paradise Loft, Young’s Night
Thoughts, Shakefpcare’s Works complete,
Sterne’s ditto, Rambler, Adventures of a Guin
ea, Jfabella, Sorrows of Wertev, Lady Mon
tague’s Letters, MilTes Magazine, Ladies Pock
et Library, Fordyce’s Add redes to Young
Women, Monitors, Fiflier’s Companion, Dil
wOrth’s Arithmetic and Spelling Books ; large
royal, letter, and common writing paper;
blank books, Holland quills, wafers, India
rubber, See.
Hair powder, best feented pomatum in rolls
.and pots, violet and Windsor soap, wafhballs,
ladies and gentlemens drefting cases, lavender
water ; effenfe of musk, lemon, and bergamot;
pungent smelling bottles, patent blacking,
combs, tooth brushes and tooth powder.
Savannah, June 17. 31
By the Subscribers ;
Duffil and Rose Blankets,
Back Coatings,
White and colored Negro Cloth.
Red, white and yellow Flannels.
Cambiets, Durants and Tammies.
Muslins and Muslin Handkerchiefs.
Callicoes and Furniture CoLtons.
Irifn Linens and Sheetings aftorted.
Caffimerc and Swanfdown Jacket patterns.
Ladies and,gentlemens Hats aftorted.
On Consignment .
London particular MADEIRA WINE in
Qr. Calks.
Genuine Old PORT, in ditto.
Bohea TEA, in whole an Qr. Chests, and an
Invoice of CUTLERY.
Savannah, Sept. 9th. 55-ts
Just Received,
By the ‘HARMONY. Capt. MARSHALL, from
An Assortment of Seafonble
Which will be fold onreafonablc terms, by the
Piece or Package, consisting of
White, brown, blue and green Plains,
6-4ths and 7-4ths Blankets, Checks,
Irifb Sheeting and brown Linens,
Nails, Glass-ware, Window Glass,
Manchester Goods,
Oznaburgs, Cotton Bagging,
Cloth Cardinals, Printed Goods,
Writing Paper, Brown Stout in Hhds, and
a number of other Articles.
Kenedy Parker.
Savannah, Sept. 30th. 61-ts.
Wm. & Robert Mein,
BEG leave to inform their Friends and the
Public, that they have Imported per the HAR
MONY, Capt. Marshal l, a Large and com
plete Cargo of
Which they are determined to fell upon the
moll rcafonable terms for ready payment, by
the Piece or Package.
Savannah, Sept. 30, bt-tf.
Just Imported ,
IBy E. & C. Stebbins,
On board the Brig APOLLO, Capt. Robin-
Son, from New-York ;
Fashionable GOODS ,
Adapted to the present Season—in addition to
those Received by the Fanny, Capt. Swin
born, in May la ft, wnich enables them to
offer their Customers and others, vrrv
Handsome and General Assortment, which
they will dilpole of at a low advance, for
Cash, at their Store on the Bay ;
Confifling of the following Articles, viz.
FOUR 4ths and 9 Bths Irifli Sheetings ; a
great variety of 4 4-dis Irifti Linens, from
37i to too cents per yard ; bed ticking, 3-4IIS,
. B 4 1 hs, and 10 4ths diapers ; clouting diaper,
1 damask tablecloths, a variety of coloured fu
perfine broad cloths and cafttmcfs, coloured
durants, black ruffel, botnbafin, black India
peritans, green silk umbrellas, black mantuas,
India lutcllrings and satin, dove coloured and
white ditto, mens white, drab and green bats,
.childrens coloured ditto, a variety of ladies
‘inufim handkerchiefs and aptons; 6 4ths plain
ebook, checked, striped, and tamboured uiuf
jl |Ils i 4 4th* aiid 6 4 ths plain jaekonet and tam
fboured ditto, gentlemens cravats; black Bar
’ celona, printed linen, and cotton handerchicfs ;
silk and cotton shawls, womens cotton hose j
mens silk, cotton, and random hose ; ftiijted’
ginghams, brown holland and Ihceting, tenths
fringed cotton counterpanes, 12 4ths fuperfine
Marfcilles ditto, striped and figured furniture
chintfes ; blue, red, and purple furniture cot
tons ; light ground chintfes and calicoes for
gown patterns ; plain white, coloured, and
spotted Marfeillcs, for vest patterns ; fine
and coarse dimities, Manchester muslins and
white jeans, coloured satin and figured ribbons,
ladies and gentlemens leather and silk gloves
aftorted, India and striped nankeens, humhums,
corded dimities ; medium, gilt poll, folio poll,
and plain quarto poll paper; inkpowder, wa
fers, and sealing wax ; ivory and horn combs,
needles and pins, mens neat shoes, ladies mo
rocco and kid ditto, ladies dreffingcales, pock
et books, purses, suspenders, thread cases, mem
orandum cases; best red bark, ipecacuanha,
rhubarb, jalap, Anderson’s pills, magnesia,
cream tartar, camphor, Turlington’s ballam,
British oil, caftor oil, spirits hartfhorn, vola
tile drops, laudanum, spirits lavender, effenre
peppermint, role & orange flower waters, milk
of roses; bergamot, pungent smelling bottles,
fait of lemons, court plaller, hard and foft po
matum, violet soap and wafliballs,coarfe knives,
feiffors, cork ferews,razors, penknives aftorted,
watch chains and keys, silver pencil cases, blac k
lead pencils, tooth brushes, black pepper, nut
megs, loaf sugar, frefh hyfon tea, choice sherry
wine in quarter casks, &c. See.
August 5 . 45 -ts
Hus jujl Imbortedfrom LONDON . per the HAR
Sealonable Goods,
And now opening for Sale, at his Store on Moore’s
Wharf ;— Among which are ,
SUperfine Broad Cloths and Caftimers,
Fine Elaltic Cloths,
Strouds Bath Coatings and Negro Cloths,
8, gaud io- 4 ths Rose Blankets, Duflills,
Fine and coarse Hats,
Irish Linens and Cambrics,
Fine Roinalls and Marfelles Quiltings,
Durants, Oznaburgs and Sewing Twine,
Shoe and Oznaburgs Tread,
Bcftfleel Com Mills,
Rice and Flour Seivcs,
Padlocks and Sickles,
An Invoice of Cutlery,
Paints of different kinds, Stc. See. See.
Savannah, Ottober 4. 62-ts.
HAT Manufadlory.
RESPECTFULLY inform* the Public, that
he has removed from the house he lately
occupied, and has commenced business on the
Bay, next door but one to Mr. Mallcry’s Cof
fce-Houfc, where he manutattures Ladies and
Gentlemen’s Braver, Caftoi and Rorain HATS,
of a superior quality—Likewise. Military Hats
and Caps, made and trimed on the shortest
notice. He hopes by a clofc application to
bufuiefs, to merit the confidence of all those
who may pleaie to favour him with their cus
N. B. Old Hats naped, dyed or dressed, in
the neatest manner. Wantetl, one or two Ap
prentices to the above business.
Savannah, O&ober 11.
By IVholefale & Retail,
THE fubferiber having a large quanti
ty, and great variety on hand, will dif
pofc of them very low, and much under
his former prices.
Savannah, Aug. \(y. n.pß.
Thomas Smith,
HAS received by the MARY, via. Char teflon, in
addition to his former AJfortment,
WHITE plains, of a very superior quality ;
blue do; oznahurghs ; iteel corn mills’
of different, sizes; club and broad axes ; broad
hoes; buck and bristol bluefhot; a quantity
of gun powder in kegs, of 251 b. each, brass,
defic, and trunk locks ; a quantity of princea,
metal nails, of the bell quality mill, whip,
and 7 feet crosscut laws, of the bell quality ;
steel plate hand saws ; loaf sugar ; the best pa
tent mettal tea kettles, of different sizes; large
& small brals cocks; an assortment of brass can
dle flicks ; H. L. Hingefc, from Ato u inches; a
general assortment of brass handles, for de(k <Sc
book cases ; a large affortmout of pocket and
pennkuives, best Quality ; commode rings and
afcutcheons ; chest locks ; brass ink Hands,
with instruments; cloak pins; bed caps; bral’a
knobs for drawers ; elofet turns and ferew
pins ; brass caftors ; brass knockers, of the
moll fafhionable kind ; brass chimney bovs—
a large quantity of white chappie needles ; wa*
ters 111 boxes, and a variety of other articles.
An assortment 6f MEDICINES and PERFU
Opodeldoc, magnetia, turlington’s drops,
godlreys cordial, jallap, lavender water, britifk
oil, laudanum, Anderson’s pills, bell red bark,
camphor in bottles and in the cakes ; powder
of fulphur, rream of tartar, role of brimftonr,
rhubarb, hanfhorne, glauber lalts, ellcnce of
pepper mint, blue vitriol, spirits of turpentine,
fait petre, ftoughtonl drops, batements drops,
fquircs elixir, liquid blue, tartar emtic, effrnce
hurgamotte, rose water, essence lavender—
Scented hair powder ; fine feented pomatum in
pots ; fig and powder blue.
The best London particular Madeira Wine,
in half Pipes and Quarter Casks, of his own
importing; and he now offers to private fa
milies, the best London particular Madeira, at
12/10 per gallon.—Has also on hand, North
ward Rum, and a few barrels of Corn Flour.
Savannah, O£lober n.| n.64.
Embraces this opportunity to present kis sincere
thanks to all his Friends, for then patronage
J:nce he commenced bupnejs in Savannah ; and
he begs to inform them that he has now Imported
by the William Penn, via iinladt/phiu, the
Federal ill, via Charleflcn, and the Hazard, to
this port, a much larger AJfortment than he ever
hadbefore ; and the Goods being pur chafed im
mediately from the various Manufactories and
with Cash, he is enabled to serve his friends on
better terms than heretofore :
His Assortment consists of the following Arti
cles, viz.
SUPERFINE, and second broadcloths j
plain and printed caftimers, the rveweft
ol Merlailles lor veils ; gold and silver tam
boured ditto ; lwanfdown and fancy caffimcr*
for do ; printed jeans, muflinets and dimitica
fordo ; plain 4-,j.ths and fifths jaekonet and
book muffin ; b- 4 ths striped, checked, croft.
bared and tamboured do ; fifths tnulmull do ;
book and jaekonet inuf. handkerchiefs with
coloured borders and pi; muffin shawls of
the newefttaftc ; gcntlemc .eleganttambour’d,
plain, and coloured neck handkerchiefs ; black
and coloured silk handkerchiefs; black, blue;
and other coloured manteaus, luteftrings ; In
dia silks and fiattins of the molt elegant colours ;
a very large and general assortment of the molt
elegant chintzes and callicoes; 4*4ths and 7-Bths
Irish linens, 5- 4 ths fhccting ; bedtickS; 7- 4 ths,
8-4ths, 9-4UIS and iO-4thsbcd bunts ; 7-4ths to
iz-4ths cotton counterpanes; bed lace; 7-4ths ttj
tO- tths damask tablecloths and napkins ;
and 6-4ths fine humhums ; 4-4ths and 6-4th*
black muffin, royal rib, fattinets, thickiets,
plain and twilled corduroys ; pillow fuftians,
3-4ths dn.bits, 3-4ths, 4-41)13 and 6- 4 th, cotton
check and Hripc ; a general assortment of hosie
ry ; a general assortment of hardware and cuu
lefy, including plantation tools; gun powder,
shot and lead, hair powder, pomatum ; an af
iortment of drugs and medicines, perfumery 5
dimities and muflinets, cambiets, camblcteen*
and durants,lhaloons, callimancoes, buml.ozets
and bumbozeens ; white and black, courle and
fine Hat* ; ribbons, laces, edgings, hair rib
bon, hat and Ihoe silk binding, broad and
narrow worlled binding, sewing silk, twist,
tapes and thread ; ladies tortoise Jbeil hair
combs, hair do ; oznaburgs, German ‘foils,
brown holland Sc Rulfia Iheetings ; nutmegs,
mace, allspice, pep Der, ground ginger, alium,
copperas and brimftonr ; romal, policat, and
a great variety of fancy coloured handkerchiefs 1
long lawns, cambricks ; writing paper, quills,
waters, ink powder ; and a variety ot other
articles too tedious to enumerate.
Country Stores will be supplied for a very
small advance.
N. B. An assortment of COPPER STILLS,
from 40 to 120 Gallons.
Savannah, August 23. SO.
The Subscribers,
Have received from Ireland, via Charlcfton,
the following articles ;
COTTON Bagging,
Coarlc <St fine HAs, in small package*,
Crockery Ware in Crates,
Glofter and Chcfhffe Cheefr,
A quantity ot Lbg, Deep Sea and Lead Lines,
One Bale of Twine,
A few Bale* of Irish L'orns,
Hhi h are now offered for SALE.
favannah, August 23. 50.
No. 66.