Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, October 21, 1796, Page 277, Image 3

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Vol. 1 • to join thofc which arc already at that place. PORTSMOUTH, (w.ii.) Sept. 15. Arrived here last evening, the h riend fhip of Newbury-Port, Captain Tho mas Smith, in 9 days from Halifax. Mr. Jones, a gentleman paflenger in the Friendship, has a lilt of perfons’ names in America, who fend informa tion to Halifax of the veifels they hear cf, which fail from the United .States, that capt. Cochran of the Thetis frigate may be informed of the fame, and lend them in for adjudication. Papers have been intercepted from Capt. Cochran, containing a multiplicity of information given to him by persons styling them selves citizens of the United States. Among the informers are David Pater son and Samuel Fleming of Norfolk, in Virginia. When Mr. Jones reaches Philadelphia, he is determined to pub li(h the proceedings of the courts of jus tice ; —he taking paflage immediately in the stage, had not time to furnilh it. Captain Clark, of the Alexandria, 17 days from Gonaives, arrived at the fort, relates, that he was taken into rhe above port by the veflcl containing the national commissioners at Aux-Cayes, who had been forced to fly from that place, in consequence of an iniurrediion planned by Rigaud. NEW-YORK, OaoberS. Ycfterday, on account of the late glo rious intelligence from Italy and Ger many, the Bells in the several churches in the city wrang a joyful peal, from twelve to one o’clock—and in the even ing, as it were by patriotic sympathy, the friends to the Liberties of Man af fenabled at the Hotel, where a number of patriotic songs were sung : a cold collation was aifoferved up, and sixteen toasts were given, apropos to the news of the day. ■ m ■ ■ 11 SAVANNAH, October 21. Yesterday arrived Capt. Stubbs, 32 days from Hispaniola, who has obliging ly handed us the following intelligence : That about live weeks fmee, a regiment composed of whites and blacks, was or dered by the new French Commissioners of Aux Caves, against Jeremie, which they attacked, but met a very warm re ception from their forts, which obliged them to retreat with a considerable lufs back to Aux Cayes. In consequence of their ill success, an order was ilfued for every 10th man to be immediately lhot.—They received this order ; but before it could be put into execution, they rose, took pofleffion of the fort, and maffiacrcd every person in it. In the fray, an American captain was wounded in the knee, and one of the Commissioners was killed—two others made their escape. On the arrival of General Rigo from Tibaroon Bay, peace was again restored. (sarmr Kcgtfter. CLEARED OUT. Schooner Nancy, Harris, Charleston. Betsy, Waterman, ditto. Snow Harmony, Marshal, Jamaica. Sloop Mary & Jean, Church, Brunswick. Friendfliip, Hillary, Charleston. IpffT I TAKE the liberty of mentioning to my Fellow Citizens , that lam a Candidate as one of the Elettors to vote in this State, for Prelident and Vice-President oj the United States — T. Glascock. Oflober 7, 1796. 6731.* THE creditors of the late JAMES GREENHOW, are requeued to meet at the Merchants and Planters Cotiee- Hosfe, on Thurlday the 27th inilanf H. C. JONES. Has jujl Imhortedfrom LONDON, per the HAR MONY, Capt. MARSHALL, A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF Seasonable Goods, Andnow opening for Sale, at his Store on Moore’s Wharf:— Among ichick are, V 1 perfine Broad Cloths and Cafiimers, O Fine Elastic Cloths, ’ Strouds Bath Coatings and Negro Cloths, 8 9 anc l Rofe Blankets, Duffills, tine and coarse Hats, lfi(h Linens and Cambrics, ine Romalls and Marfelles Quiltings, pu rants, Oznaburgs and Sewing Twine, •poe and Oznabufgs Tread, ‘ltfteel Corn Mills, •peeand Flour Seives, ‘blocksand Sickles, pi Invoice of Cutlery, i ‘ IM * of different kinds, See. Sec. Sec. October 4. 62-ts. Wanted to Hire, by the year or otherwise, One or Twt Negro Fellows, for ° l Un der{bnd the Shoe-Making Bufmel* ; “hont reasonable Wages will be given.— l ' lc vttober 7. 6 3 #g t GEORGE LAMB, Has ju/l returned from BOSTON in the REGU LATOR, Capt. Switt, with the /allowing Allure ment of 0 M G O O D S, Which, are now opening at his STORE on the Bluff OEPERFINE, middling, and low priced broad cloths and cafimeis ; fwnndown and other veiling, elastic cloths, coatings, plains, negro cloth, llannels, baizes, durants, flialloons, calimancocs, camlets, blankets, fheetlng, Uneti. dimity, humhums, velvet, corduroy, denims, luilringsand mantuas, ribbons, of various co lours, No. 3 and 4 hair ribbon, tapes, sewing hlk, thread, furniture chints and calicoes'; chintles and calicoes ; lilk, cotton, and word ed mens and womens hose ; ladies sandals, black and other coloured morocco flippers, florentine and leather flippers, miilcs flippers, childrens lhoes, mens coarie do. ladies and childrens various coloured ha s, mens hats , .itullin and other lhawls ; bancitiuno, black and checked iilk, linen, and cotton handkerchiefs. HARDWARE. Locks ot almost every kind ; H, IIL, door, chelt, and butt hinges ; brass and iron thumb latches, bolts, flioveis and tongs, bellows with brais and Iron noles, brais and wooden cocks, coopers crow irons ; crosscut, hand, lalh, ten on, and keyhole laws ; hammers, diawing knives ; flat, hall round, and three lquarc files ; compasses, dividers, Iquares, gnnblcis, two* leet rules ; jack, Imoothmg, sash, rabbet, and bead planes; plane irons, icrew augers, chii cls, trowels aud whitewash brushes, ferews brads, tacks ; a great variety of knives and iorks, pea and pocket knives, and fcilfjrs ; pewter dishes, plates, bafons, cans, and tea pots ; feales and weights, lleelyards, rat, and mouse traps, desk, mounting and trunk han dies, brais nails ; laddies, laddie bags, and bri dles ; laddie holies, tacks, and buckles ; cut rycombs and brulhes, coffee mills; houfi hand, cloth, table, buckle, teeth, fcrubhing. and shoe brushes ; tin ware ; coat, velt, am lleeve buttons ; japanned waiters, cannilteis. jacks,and tobacco boxes; pins and needles. fpe£iacles, fraoothing irons ; awls, Ihoe ham mers. pincers, nippers and tacks ; liihing lin and hooks, hatnbro’ aud log lines, bed cords, twine, cordage, time glasses, fail and marline needles, pillols, whips, Sec. PAINTS, &c. W kite and red lead, Spanish brown, green paint, Prulhanblue, lampblack, varnilh, spir its turpentine, paint brulhes ; S by 10, 9 by 12, and 10 by 12 window glals ; glue, fig blue, shoe blacking, Sec. P E R F U M K R Y, &c. Small boxes perfumes, hair powder, poma tum, pungent and other imelling bottles ; Windlor vegetable, and crown loap ; fine and luperfine ivory combs, crooked and case combs, shaving boxes, razors and llraps, dref iing boxes, curling tongs and craping irons, puffs A CONSIDERABLE ASSORTMENT of £ O O K S, History, lives, memoris, adventures, voyag es, travels, novels, poetry, periodical works, treatiles, on architecture, love, law, religion, phylic, morality, geography, arithmetic, Lhool books, fables, Sec.—A catalogue at the Store. Blank books, writingand letter paper, large demy, do. pocket books, ink Hands, quills, waters, ink powder, lead pencils, sand boxes ; watch crystals, chains, &c. car rings and drops, Englilll and Columbian playing cards. — A la 6 Madeira and Iherry wines; gunpowder, hy fon, hyfon Ikin, and fouchong teas; faltpetre, powder, lhot and flints, nutmegs, cloves, al monds, Cayenne, l'nuff in bottles, pigtail and plait tobacco, lieves, meaiurcs,boxes,trunks.&c. ON CONSIGNMENT, A few Crates CROCKERY. Savannah, October 21. 67. R AN AW AY, FROM the fubferiber, a NEGRO FEL LW named JACK, about 26 years of age, five feet seven or eight inches high, has a large fear on his right arm, ocealioned by a burn ; he is well known about Savannah as a Porter, jobbing Carpenter and Painter, was purchaf cd of Mr. Merrick of Charleston, and it is ex pe£ted he would attempt to get there, as he was heard to fay fome time before he was milling, he would go there or to fome ofLhe Northern States ; he will probably attempt to pass as a free Fellow, under the name Cuffee. Any person who will deliver the laid Negro to me at Savannah, or give information so as he may be found, shall receive a hand fome re ward, and all reasonable charges paid. Elizabeth Course. Savannah, October 21. 67-ts Taken ujt, On the 16th inflant, at Sedgefield, on the south fide of Great Ogechee, two miles and an half from the Bridge : Two Red O X EN, MARKED R. G. and marked with a Poplar leaf in one ear, and a Poplar Leaf and Slit in the other ; one of them has the ends of his horns sawed off, and is blind of one eye. The owner may have them by proving the proper ty and applying at Sedgefield to --A.- D. Cuthbert. Oftober at. 67*61. The Subscribers, Have received from Ireland, via Charleston, the following articles : COTTON Bagging, Coarse & fine Hats, in small packages, Crockery Ware in Crates, Glofter and Chcfhire Cheese, A quantity of Log, Deep Sea and Lead Lines, One Bale of Twine, A few Bales of Irish Linens, Which are now offered for SALE. ROBERT J JOHN BOLTON. Savannah, August 23. Columbian jftufcttm, &c. iim i 1 John H. Roberts, TAYLOR & IIAHIT MAKER , BEGS leave to inform his friends and the Public, that he has removed from the house which he occupied of Capt. Haiit, to his new house on the Bay, (next to the (lore lately occupied by Mellrs. Kenedy Parker where he intends to carry on his buhneis with punctuality. He ha s on Confignment > Avery handsome assortment of Cloths—Caffl mers, Ladies Cloths, for Habit aud Waiftcoa, Patterns, which lie will iell low, for Caih oh !y. Savannah, October 21. 67. Wanted on Hire, A Few FELLOWS, who are good AX MEN, lor One, Two, or Three Months— their Wages shall be paid every Week if re quired, by Robert Dillon. October 21. 67*2t T H EAT RICA L. Ehtfrjl Efiy 0/ A merican Genius in the Dramatic Art , is a Comedy called she Contrail, lith which (it has beenfuggefted by the Mana gers) the New Theatre, in Savannah , well be •tpenid. This favorite Comedy was printed in Philadel phia, 179 “■ under an a/Jignment of Copy right ‘V Mr. Thomas Wignell ,” joint Manager oft/. Slew Theatre in that City.— ” Vhe liberal exer -tons by which the Stage has been refined from 11 ignominious piofcription,’’ were aljo vtum efled by a mofl refpccldble and generous Subscrip tion to the above Comedy. —“ Primus ego in pntriam Aonio—deduxi Venice mufas.” Virgil. f Imitated J Firfton our own (bores,! try Thalia’s powers, And bid the laughing, ufcjul Maid be ours. A second EJfiy in the above line, is a Dramatii Piece, in four Ads, called A SCHOOL, for SOLDIERS, OR THE DESER T E R. (Written by Mr. John Henry, laic joint Manager of the Old American Company) Which is now offered to the Public, by Mr. God win, who is in pojjcffon of the original Copy, as peiformed with great applause at the several Thea tres in the States. The above admired Play, was to have been printed by Subfenhtion in Chvrlcjlon, to which several Ladies and Gentlemen had fubfenbed, a few days before the late fire—that calamity diretled Mr. God win/o lay the work apde.—He now offers it to the refpedive Ladies and Gentlemen of Savannah, and its envi rons, and humbly s them to favor him in the fond desire oj having an apprised Dramatic Performance honored under their patronage by SUBSCRIPTION. A Book is openedfor the insertion of Subscribers Names, at this Office. —Subscribers to pay Two Dollars, each Copy—half the Money to be advanced , the other half on delivery of the work, zvhuk will be put to press soon as Thirty Ladies and Gentle men may havefubjenbed. N. li. The Subscribers Names will be pubhfhed with the book, by Powers ~3 Seymour, for The Public's mofl obedient, Tery humble Servant. JAMES VERLING GODWIN. Savannah, October 21, 17gfi. by. Public Auction. On Monday, the 31/? infant, will be Sold without reserve, precisely at 12. o’clock, on Mr. Morel's Wharf , dfooSt f L- c Schooner BETSY, Burthen about 20 Tons, all her Tackle and Apparel as she lays, at said Wharf.—All Inventory may be fecn at the Store of Wm. Pinder. October 21. 67-3^ JUST RECEIVED, , AND FOR SALE, By the Subscribers ; Duffil and Rose Blankets, Back Coatings, White and colored Negro Cloth. Red, white and yellow Flannels. Camblets, Durants and Tammies. Muffins and Muslin Handkerchiefs. > Callicocs and Furniture Cottons. . . Irish Linens and Sheetings assorted. CafTimere and Swanfdown Jacket patterns. Ladies and gentlemens .Hats assorted. On Consignment . London particular MADEIRA WINE in Qr. Cants. ‘ Ge.nline Old PORT, incUtto. • BoheaTEA, in whole an Qr Chcfts, apd an Invoice of CUTLERY. EWING & M‘CALL. Savannah, Wm. & Robert Mein. BEG leave to inform their Friends and the Public, that they have Imported per the HAR MONY, Capt. Marshall, a Large and com plete Cargo of FALL GOODS, Which they are determined to fell upon the mofl reasonable terms for ready payment, by the Piece or Package. Savannah, Sept 30. 61-ts. FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, b ools Cap Writing Paper, of a superior quality, Just Arrived from New-York, by the Brigs APOLLO and BELLONA, The Following . G O O D S, nhuh W,H b ‘ dfpofed of by Wh+fale only, by Andrew Ant 1 loine, Morison’s Store on the Bay, near Drayton Street ) LO 1 IIS of all colours and deferiptions ; ,V;. p , n *ud flriped Coatings of all colours; Gaihc cloth ; plain and figured Cafiimers ; -viiite, veliow, red and green Flannels; Tliick u>t ; Cotton and Woollen Stockings; Gloves , Ca P s i in( “ lis i womens and childrens ilats; IriPi and French Linens, Selelias, Dow is, brown Holland; white striped Mullins * Chintz and Callicoes; Bedtick ; Check; Dimi! ies and mufti net; Diaper Tape ; Cotton white pound Handkerchief!; Roinalls ; French Nif mes Handkerchief's; Sarcenet ; black Taflety ; Ribbons ; Siamoifes; Flannel Jackets ready nade, Linen Shirts ready made; Ladies Shoes; perfumed Hair Powder; Toys by the box; Brandy and Oporto Wine, by the Pipe ; Sir rup of Punch ; Philadelphia Loaf Sugar ; White Vinegar ; Sugar-Plumbs. ; Fruit m Brandy; Bohoa aud Hyfon Tea and a Variety of other roods. Savannah, O&ober 18. GG-.|t. Kollock <St l-’arkc r, Have just Received a Fresh Supply of genuine D R U G S. & •. Which they will fell ou the moft reasonable terms for Cash, at their MEDIC AL S I ORE, St. ]uttan Street, near the Columbian Printing Office. * Jhe following are a few of the Numerous Articles, rduch their Affortmentcon/i/Is of, viz : ALOES, Alum, aun.ito, antimony, aqita for tis, ams-ed, arfcnic, affafociida, fi.ilfam -I capivi, balsam of Peru ; pale, red, ami yel )w bark ; borax, calomel, camphor, caraway and, caflia, caflor, calfor oil, chamomiln flow ■rs; cloves, co> hineal, coloquintida, Colombo, •oriander feed, confi rve ol hips, ditto of rofes* ream of tartar, cau deluce, emetic tartar, of ■rice of b"igamut ; elfeutial oils of anilced, innamon, cloves, juniper, lavender, lemon, mint, orange, pennyroyal, rhodium and fa V in 5 ;jmboge, gentian, gmge r , RUin ammoniac, ;um arabic, gum guaiacnm, hai iftiorn (havings, jiecacuanha,.iTmglafs, jalap, linseed, liquorice, .1 harge, magnesia, manna, mezereon,’ musk, myrrh, nitre, nutmegs, nux vomica, oil of al monds, ointments, opium, pearl barley, plas ters, quicksilver, rhubarb, faflron, sago ; aka line, Epsom, Glauber’s, and Rochelh- fahs farfaparilla, senna, fquills, Spanifb flies, fperl maceti, spirits bartfliorn, compound fpiritsof lavender, sweet spirits nitre, recfifted spirits wme, sugar of lead, fulpbur, valerian, vercH grife, vitriolic ether ; blue, green, and white vitriol ; volatile aromatic spirits ; rose, Hun gary, flower water; fa m powder, Prufflan blue, patent yellow, liquid blue, gold leaf, white leather, best white and green phials, nipple (hells, pill boxes,, surgeons pocket and other instruments, and a complete assortment of patent medicines. N. B. rhe yellow bark has been but lately introduced into the United States, hut is lu li ly recommended by fome of the mofl eminent Physicians in the northern cities ; upon trial they find it of far superior efficacy to the pale or red. Savannah, August 5. r> ts JAMES WALL \Cff Having taken into Copartner flip, Mr. WILLIAM DREW. the Bufntefs injutare will, be carried on under the Fi rm of James Wallace Cos. Who have for Sale, by Wholesale or Retail ; A Large assortment of Irish Linens, Oznaburgs,Sheetings, Pi lined Cottons, Romals, Pruurd and Check Handkerchiefs, Durants, Shaloons, Calimancocs, Checks, Bed Tick, Jeans and Fuflians, Corduroys, Royal Rib, Buff and white Caffirnerp, Ladies and gentlemens Hat*, Childrens biack, brown and drab coloured do. Men's and Boys Course do. Ladies fine Cotton Stockings, Mens thread and Cotton ‘do. Cambric, ounce and coloured threads, Silk and Twist, Bombazeen, White Chappel Needles, Hard Ware assorted, 5, b B, to and 2od Nails, English Linseed Oil in jugs, White Lead and Spanish Brown, gro. in Oilj Sab sand Copperas in small casks, Mill Saws, Hooks and Hinges, &c. &e. —ALSO— A few Hhds. Draft PORTER CROCKERY WARE, in Crates and Hlids. assorted. August 30, ~ ... .52-ts just Received, By the HARMONY, Capt. MARSHALL,from , LONDON, An Assortment of Seafonble GOOD S, Which will be fold on reasonable terms, by the Piece or Package, confiding of White, brown, blue and green Plains, 6-4t(is and 7-41I1S B.ankets, Checks, Irilh Sheeting and brown Linens, Nails, Giafs-ware, Window Gials, Manchester Goods, Oznaburgs, Cotton 3agging, Cloth Cardinals Printed Goods, Writing Paper, Brown Stout in Hhds, and a number of other Articles! Kenedy & Parker. Savannah, Biank’sHlPPl NG _ BILLS, Ftr a ale a* ih.s Ojjfiio* 277