Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, October 25, 1796, Page 282, Image 4

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282 jtfluCcsu To A U T U M N. OWFET Autumn! how thy melancholy O grace Steals on my heart, as through these fhadcs I wind : Sooth’d by thy breathing figb, I fondly trace Each lonely image of tli* pensive mind. Lov’d Genes, lov’d friends, long lofl ! around me rile, And wake the melting thought, the tender tear : That tear, that thought, which, more than mirth, 1 prize ; Sweet as the gradual tint that paints thy year! Thy farewell smile, with fond regret I view, Thy beaming lights, Jolt gliding o’er the woods j Thy diflant tandfeape. touch’d with yellow hue, While falls the lengthen’d gleam, thy wind ing floods. Now veil’d in fliade, save where the fkiff’s white fails Swell to the breez*, and catch thy dreaming ™y. But -now, e’en now, the partial vision fails, And the wave Indies, a lwccps the cloud away : Emblem of lif e ! thus chequer’d in its plan : Thus joy fuccecds to grief ; thus 1 miles the varied man. From LONDON PAPERS. The young ladies finding that the thrifty fafhion has done no good for them, iiave oflate increased tilt waift,and thus, difeovered a wish to \wl\ form body rather than nobody, ‘idle crjlus is now two in ches lower than formerly. We are told that the ladies arc now beginning to extend the length of their waists, and to fix the zone in a temperate region, equally removed from the ex tremes. it is fortunate that the female lhape is so pliable as to yield to every mo dification of elegance which falhion may determine, and to please in a form which a few months ago would have been iineer ed at as vulgar, and again to captivate with case in a dress which woulda-t pre sent be as much ridiculed in a polite af femblyas the purapharnalia of a female Hot t. mot. Thole Pigeon hearted lovers whom a smile is fgincient to enfiave, or a glance to captivate, mult be utterly overpower ed when, in addition to these long-tried weapons, they are assailed by the new in vented artillery of love—the irrefiltible force of a fair iad y’selbozvs. On lh: Propoftion of the Fngljk Minjler , to lay a Tax ufon Breeches. “ This Tax on our Breeches,” fays a thrifty old C it, “ Pray how do you rclifh, friend Sly ?” u Very well,” cries t’other—The Miniller’s bit : “ My Wife wears the Breeches, not ■. . , 1 IIT mmmm t L Taken up, On the :6th inffimt, at Sedgclicld, on the south fide of Great Ogechee, two miles and an halt iron) the Bridge : Two Red OXEN, MARKED R. G. and marked with a Poplar leaf in one ear, and a Poplar Leaf and Slit in the other ; one ol them has the [ends of his Horns fa wed oft, and is blind of one eye. The owner may have them by proving the proper ty and applying at Sedgclicld to A. D. Cuthbert. October 21. 67*61. Ranaway, FROM the fuhfcriber. a NEGRO FEL LOW named JACK, about 26 years of age, live lect seven or eight inches high, has a large fear on his right arm, occafioncd by a burn ; lie is well known about Savannah as a Porter, Jobbing Carpenter and Painter, was purchas ed of Mr Merrick ol Charlcfton, and it is ex ported he would attempt to get there, as he was heard to fay fome time before he was miffing, he would go there or to lome of the Northern States ; he will probably attempt to pals as a tree Fellow, under the name CufFec. Any perlon-who will deliver the laid Negro to me at Savannah, or give information so as he may be found, ffiall receive a hand fome re ward, and all rcafonable charges paid. Elizabeth Course. Savannah, O&ober 21. 67-ts R A N-AWAY, FROM the Subfcribcr, in November lafl, a Country born FELLOW, named SIMON, formerly the property of Capt. Field Farrar, dreeafed. purchafcd by him of a Maj. Blanton in Winnlborough, South Carolina .; he has been lately leen in Savannah, (and by information) in the employ of a Mr. Craig, in said place ; lie is about 5 feet 6 inches high, little bow leged, Hammers much, and when addrefled or spoke to. appears much agitated, w ith a rogueifh call ot his eyr, and is about 30 years of age. A Reward of TEN DOLLARS, will be £i\intothe person, who brings said Fellow to t . m .(..riber, or Mr. James Smith in Sunbury; aiul a further reward of Thirty-Dollars will be paid on conviction of any white person harbor- nun, and Ten Dollars if by a Negro. ELIZABETH FARRAR. Liberty Ccunty, Ortobcr a. Columbian JRitfeum, &c. ISAAC HASTINGS, Bcjpecffuiiy the Public that he has FOR SALK, At his STORE St. Julian Street, betwee* the Chunk and Market oppofte Mr. Hogg's. BEST Jamaica RUM, Windward Ifiand and Northward do. WINES,” Holland GIN, COFFEE, Loaf and Brown SUGAR, SOAPand CANDLES, Pickled Eilh, Writing and Wrapping Paper, Negro Shoes. lodand od Nails, Iron Ware, Tobacco, Crockery and Glass Ware, Sic. —A L S O Just receiv’dpr. the Regulator, From Boston ; Excellent Hyfonand Souchong Teas-, Northward Cordials, Salt Petre refined, Copperas. Excellent Gun Powder, Slioft assorted. Aflortment Mens, Womens Ac Childrens Shoes, Blankets, coarse Half thick, Plains and Coating, Broadcloth, Caflimers, and Baize, Shaloon and Durants, Coarle Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Aflortment Pewter and Tin Ware, Airortmcnt Trunk, Chest and Pad Locks, Peiuiknives, Cutteaus and Sciftors, Table and Tea Spoons, Gimblets, Centerbitts, Awls, Tacks, Jews-Harps, Aflortment Coat and Waillcoat Buttons, Threads, Pins, Needles and Thimbles, Shoe Brushes, Horn and Ivory Combs, Brafa Cocks, Tobacco and SnufT Boxes, Razors and Shaving Boxes, Fishing Lines and Hooks, Chalk Lines, Pocket Books, Ink Pots, Wafers, Scaling'Wax-, Spelling Books, Psalters, and a variety of Childrens Books, Setts of Wooden Meafurcs, Sugar Boxes, Pails and Tubs, Tranks different flzes, See. Sic. All of which, he will difpofc of at a very small advance, for Cash or Merchantable Pro duce, Conflant attendance, and the fmallefl favoi gratefully acknowledged. Savannah. October 18. 66-ts IRISH LINENS, By the PIECE or BOX, At 25 Per Cent, advance on the Original Invoice, F O R SAL E, At Mr. Dillon’s on the Bay.— Fir/l Cojl,from 1 #d. to 2/5 per Yard. Savannah, Oct. 7. *2t. Contract jor Rations. Savanna::, Augufl: 29, 1796. XTOriCE is herbygiven, That scaled Pro- I si poms will be received at the Custom- House in this city, until the lft day of Novem ber next inclusive, for the supply of all Rations which may be required for tiie ule of the Uni led States, from the ill ol January to the 31st ot December, 1797, both days inclusive, at the places and within the diflrirts herein after men tioned. At any of the Posts from Fort St. Tammany, on the River St. Mary, to Fort Fidius, on the River Oconie, both inclusive. At any of the Polls from Fort Fidius, on the River Oconie, up to the mouth of the main south branch of the laid River called Apaja chie ; from the said mouth up to the source of ’ the said main south branch, and from thence to the Gurahee mountain. At any other place or places within the Rate of Georgia, which may hereafter be occupied as permanent pofls by any troops in the fer-vice ot the United States. And for rations delivered on the march to such future Polls. The to be supplied, are to confill of the following articles, viz. One pound of Bread or Flour, One pound of Beef, or J of a pound of Pork, Half a gill of Rum, Brandy or Whiskey, One quart of Salt, A Two quarts of Vinegar, f Rations iwo pounds of Soap, C * One pound of candles, ) The Rations are tobefurnilhed in such quan tities as that there shall at all times, during the laid term, be l'ufficient for the consumption of . the troops at each of the laid polls, for tlie space of at ieall two montlis in advance, in good and wholesome provilions. It is to be underllood that all loffies fuflained by tlie depredations of the enemy, or by means of the troops of the United States, shall be paid for at the prices of the articles captured or dellroyed, on the depofitionsoftwoor more credible chararters, and the certificate of a com miflioned officer, afeertaining the circumftan . ces of the lols, and the amount of the articles ; for which compensation is claimed. The contratl for the above lupplies will be , fnade either for one year, or for two year*, as may appear eligible. Persons disposed to con . tra, will therefore confine their ofters to one year, or they may make their propolitions so * as to admit an cledion of the term of two years. The proposals mull fpccify the lowed price per ration tor prompt payment, and arc to be made lor the whole of the above polls. John Haberfham, Agentfor fupplstng the Troops tn Georgia FOR SALE, Superfine FLOUR in Barrels, Madeira WINF, in Pipes Sc Qr. Pipes, Mould CANDLES in Boxes. Caig Maclcod Cos. Savannah, Augjift jj. n.45. Thomas Smith, HAS received by the MARY, via. CharLfcn, in addition to his former AJfortment, Wlil TE plains, ol a very fuprrior quality ; blue do; oznaburghs; Reel corn mills, of different sizes ; club and broad axes ; broad hoes ; buck and briilol blue shot ; a quantity of gun powder in kegs, of 251 b. each, brass, desk, and trunk locks ; a qtiantitv of princes, metal nails, of the befl quality •’ mill, whip, and 7 feet crosscut saws, of the bell quality ; flecl plate hand saws ; loaf sugar ; the bell pa tent mcttal tea kettles, of different sizes; large Sc small brass cocks; an aifortment of brass can dle flicks ; H. L. Hinges, from sto 11 inches; a general aflortment ot brass handles, for desk & book cases ; a large afforiment of pocket and pennknives, bell quality ; commode rings and afcutcheona ; cliell locks ; brass ink Hands, with inllrornents; cloak pins; bed caps; brass knobs for drawers ; closet turns and ferew pins ; brass callors ; brass knockers, of the moll faffiionable kind •, brass chimney boys a large quantity of white chappie needles ; wa fers in boxes, and a variety of other articles. An ajortment of MEDICINES and PERFU MERY. Opodeldoc, inagnetia, turlington’s drops, godireys cordial,jallap r lavender water, britilh oil, laudanum, Audcrlon’s pills, belt red bark, camphor in bottles and in the cakes ; powder ol iulphur, cream of tartar, role ot brunllone, rhubarb, hartffiorne, glauber salts, eilence ol pepper mint, Blue vitriol, ipirits oi turpentine, lau petre, Houghtons drops, batemems drops, lquires elixir, liquid blue; tartar cmtic, eli'cncc burgainotte, role water, cifence lavender— Seemed hair powder ; fine feented pomatum in pots ; fig. and powder blue. HE HAS ON HAND , I lie bell London particular Madeira Wine, in halt Pipes and (Quarter Calks, of his own importing;} and he now offers to private fa milies, the bell London particular Madeira, at 12/10 per gallon.—Has alio on hand, North ward Rum, and a few barrels of Corn Flour. Savannah, Otlober n._ n.64. THOMAS SMITH, Embraces this opportunity to present his fineere thanks to all his Friends , for their patronage Jince he commenced bufmejs in Savannah ; and he begs to inform them that he has now Imported by the William Penn, via Philadelphia, the Fedcralilt, via Charlcjlon, and the Hazard, to this port, a much larger Ajjurtmcnt than he ever had before ; and the Goods being purchafcd im mediately from the various Manufablorics, and with Cash, he is enabled to frve his friends on ‘■ better terms than heretofore : His Aifortment consists of the following Arti cles, viz. SUPERFINE, and second broadcloths ; plain and printed caflimers, the newell ■ of jVlerlailles for veils; gold and silver tam i boured ditto ; Iwanfdown and fancy caflimers for do ; printed jeans, muflinets and- dimities ; fordo ; plain 4-4UIS and 6-.jths jackonet and ; book muffin ; limped, checked, crolf bared and tamboured do ; mulmull do ; : book and jackonet muffin handkerchiefs with ; coloured borders and plain ; niullin shawls of the newell tafle ; gentlemeuseleganttambour’d, plain, and coloured neck handkerchiefs; black and coloured lilk handkerchiefs; black, blue and other coloured manteaus, luteilrings ; In dia (ilks and fiattins of the moll elegant colours ; a very large and general aifortment of the mofl elegant chintzes and callicoes ; 4-qthsand 7-Bths Irilh linens, 5-4ths fh*etiug ; bedticks, 7-4fhs, 8-4ths, and iO-4thsbed bunts ; 7*4ths to 12-4UIS cotton counterpanes ; bed lace; 7-4ths to iO-4ihs damalk tablecloths and napkins; 3-4 HIS and fifths fine humliums ; 4*4ths and fifths black muffin, royal rib, fattinets, thicksets, plain and twilled corduroys ; pillow fuftians, 3-4ths drabits, 3-4ths, 4*4ths and 6-4tb, cotton check and flripe; a general aflortment of hosie ry ; a general aifortment of hardware and cut lery, including plantation tools; gun powder, shot and lead, hair powder, pomatum ; an af iortment of drugs and medicines, perfumery ; dimities and muflinets, camblets, cambletcens and durants, ffialoons, callimancoes, bumbozets and bumbozeens ; white and black, courle and line Hats ; ribbons, laces, edgings, hair rib bon, hat and ffioe lilk binding, broad and ! narrow worded binding, sewing silk, twill, tapes and thread ; ladies tortoiffe fficll liair combs, hair do ; oznaburgs, German rolls, brown holland & Rulfia sheetings ; nutmegs, mace, allspice, pepper, ground ginger, allum, copperas and brimflone ; romal, policat, and a great variety of fancy coloured handkerchiefs ; long lawns, cambricks ; writing paper, quills, , waters, ink powder ; and a variety of other articles too tedious to enumerate. Country. Stores will be supplied for a very small advance. N. B. An aflortment of COPPER STILLS, from 40 to K2O Gallons. Savannah, Augufl 23. 50 Robert Bolton & John Bolton. Having commenced Bujintfs the \Ji inf. under the FIR M 0 F Robert & John Bolton. THEY intend tranfafting all Commiflion Bu siness at the Wharf and Stores of the former. TIE Subscriber being deflrous of doling Ins private Concerns, requells all thole Indebted to him by Book account, to pay the fame, orclofe them by Specialities on Interefl, payable January 1797 ; he will cheerfully pay all Debts due by him, on demand. ROBERT BOLTON. Savannah, April 28th, 1796. n.i7tf. NOTIC E. I HAVE purchafcd a tra£l of Land of Mr. John Williams, situated in Effingham coun ty, about fifty miles from Savannah, on the Augusta road, half a mile from Savannah river, adjoining lands-of Mr. Hudson, and others. Any person or persons, having any claims a gainfl the said land, are requested to make their claims before the deeds are executed. BERNARD BOYER, For ADRIEN LESFAUR. SavanaaJn Mav 20, theatrical. Thefrf EJfay of American Genius ir. the Dram it Art, is a Comedy called the Contrast With which fit has been fugoefed by the a/* f/mi NCW Theatre> This favorite Comedy uias printed in Pkiladel /Ata, 1790, “ under an alignment of Copy T -Jhr by Mr. Thomas lUgntll,” joint Manager of the s.ew I heat re in that City.—’ The liberal exer tions by which the Stage has been refold from an ignommious profenption,” were alf manu JcJted by a mos refpeflablc and generous Subhr-n (ton to the above L o/nedy. ‘ —“ Primus ego in patriam Aonio—deduxi vertice mufas.'* ~ . . Viiicij, (Imitated.) Firilonourown IhoresT try Thalia’s powers And bid the laughing, a/e/u/Maid be ours. ’ A second Fjfay in the above line, is a Dr man Piece, in four Ails, called A SCHOOL for SOLDIERS 0 R THE > DESERTER. (Wmtm by Mr. J. ( , j„;„. Manager ol the Old American Comnam ■ tthuh r, now offered to the Public, by M) (jod wni, who is in pcjfejfon of the original lc4v, as performed with great applaife at the fcvtrJ thea tres tii<the States. The above admired Play, was to have been printed bjrSubferibtion in Chvrlefon , to whichfever JLadie* and Gentlemen hadfubfenbed, a few days before the late fire that calamity dir died Mr. Godwin to lay the work afde. He now offer sit if the refpdlive Ladies ami Gentlemen of Savannah, and its envi rons, and humbly folicils thf.m to favor him in the fond desire of having an approved Dramatic Performance honored under their, patronage by SUBSCRIPTION. r A Book is opened for the infertwn 0* Sutfcribers Names, at this Office.—Subfcriber s’ to pA Tut Dollars, each Copy—half the Money to be advanced, the other half on delivery of the work, which will be put to press foore as Thirty Ladies and Gentle men may have fubferibed. N. B. The Sulfriber s Names will be pubVJhei with the book, by Powers £3 Seymol*! c,yir The Public's mofl obedient, Very humble Servant. JAMES- VERLING GODWIN. Savannah, October 21, 1796. for’ sale, SLTGAR in lihds.and Barrels, Bell Green COFFEE, By BORDMAN HILLS. Savannah, March 28, 1769. F O R S~A Lk( J* One half of the SLOOP L PEG GY, Together with her Tackle Sc igksggr* Apparel—For terms apply to SsSgsgJlllll Jonathan Brooks. Savannah, Otlober 14 F O R S A 1- E, Two Tenements, comphteh finified aid melt painted, with convenient Out-houfes y ftuate ivr Broughton Street: SißsJl&Ek together or feperately, a nA i.Ulfl ilCl. pofleffion given in the naoqth of November next. §*Bsi!s^*Jinformation, apply to the Editors of this Paper. Savannah, Augufl 5. 45*^ 20 Dollars Reward. TA AN away from the Sub- I\ feriber, a few days ago, UgjfK a Negro Man. named SAMP SDN.Iatciv purchased ofCap ra‘n John Dilworth, ofCam- J&’ den County, inthisState ; heis full 6 feet high, very blackffiis head pretty grey, walks upright, isluppofed to be beween 40 Sc 50 years of age, and formerly belonged to the eilate ofth* late Henry Sourbvj he is well known in the southern parts of this State, being ufedtogo between St. Mary s and Savannah, in a boat with Mr. Dilwort’h, and is supposed to be gone to St. Mary’ ll , Beaufort, Ntw-River or fome of the Sea lflands, as he went away in a small Canoe. —A Reward 01 Twenty DOLLARS, will bepaid forappre hending and delivering, him to me in Savan nah.—Any person harboring him may expert to be profccutcd. John Glen. Savannah, April 18th. n 1 4*” _ IToTt A New-Negro, T 1 OUGHT of Mr. ROBERT J3 WATTS,6thoI June; about W 5 feet 4.inches high, flout and wc! I made, very black, about 20 year* of Age ; has had one or two of his upper teethr filed away, cannot speak English, but wi answer to the name of Charles or Samplon ; i a on when he went away, a check Shirt 7 naburg Trowfers, and also carried - with ul * - a Blanket and pair of check I fowfe;. The above Negro either went off, or vw enticed away from the vard of the Subfcnbi, who will pav a Reward of Fifty DOLLARS, to any Person who will deliver him to the Subfcribrr, or , One Hundred Dollars, to whoever will inform, or dilcover the P -* son who carried him off, fothat he can oc ... cured to convirtion, QKOylzT . SavanaLaii. Jsdy 8. No. 68.