Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, November 11, 1796, Page 302, Image 4

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302 ON A TEAR. i ‘ ‘ v .* CL * O ! THAif the ChemifC* ipagic art. Could cbryftalizc this facrcd trftaf^c Long rtioul-i it glitter near my heart, A secret rourch’ofpenfive'pleafui c. 2{T iThe little brilliant,'e’er it fell, • It’s htftre caught from Chloe’s Rye-, Then, trembling left its coul cell- The spring of lenfitijity. Sweet drop of pure ans pearlv ligjit’; In thee tpe rays of virtue Ihine Moiie calmlyclear, more mildly bright, Than any gem that gilds the mine. Benign restorer of the foul * Who ever fly’ll to give relief, When firft file feels the rude controul, Os lovej or pity, joy or grief. The Sage’s and the Poet’s theme, In every qlime, in .every, age ; Those charm’fl in fancy’s idle dream, la reason’s philolophic page. That very law which moulds a trar, t And bids it trickle from its source, 7 hat law preserves the earth a sphere, Aud guides the planets in their course. The 4.oth ODE of ANACREON. AS Cupid loofen’d with his blow* The fragrant foldings of a Rose, The little Urchin did not fee Beneath thtfir shade a fieeping Bee : The infetl with inftin&ive art Againlt the finger aim’d bis dart; When hall he flew, and half he ran, And to Ins Mother thus began : “ I die, Mamma, indeed I shall ; A Serpent that had wings, tho’ InitUl, Has shot an arrow into me— The Shepherds said it was a Bee.” Pray, Cupid, if so sharp a ltmg Belong to such a little thing, What do you think, mull be the smart When you shoot others to the heart ?” J. G. .4, From a LONDON PAPER. EPIGRAM. Women were born, so fate declares, TY> Jrkootk our linen and our cares ; And ’tis but just, for by my troth, They’re very apt to rujle both. - \ * ‘ ‘ ~ ££?* Bills of Exchange, \ . • O On London, Liverpool, or Lancajier, APPLY TO EDtVARD Sil/ARB RECK, At his Counting-House, No. 8, under the Merchants & Planters Coffee-Houfe, WHERE cash J* given for choice Sea Isl and COTTON,at the rate of ibd. per pound, and for up Country Cotton, at the rate of ijd! per pound.—Also BILLS on Charleston. Savannah, 0£loht; 25. 68-tfit. ■■ *- -1, - - - Savannah and Augujla s T A G E, WILL dart from Major Brown’s Board ing Iloufe in Savannah, every Saturday at Nine o’clock in the morning; and from Mrs. Caine’s in Augusta, every Wednesday at Six o’clock in the morning. The Fare of each Passenger Eight Dollars, with an allowance of i 4 lb Baggage ; All ex tra Baggage jjdJ per lb. Way Tallage, 4 d per mile.—No Seat can be engaged tiW the money is paid—the Stage Book will be kept at the Coffee-Houfe, by Maj. Brown, Vhere Scats may be taken. Passengers are desired to be pun£?ual to the time, as the Stage waits for no perlbn;—Extra Baggage mull be at the Stage Houfeby 7 o’clock in the morning, or run the risk of not going NATHANIEL TWINING. N. B. Passengers baggage fc considered under their own care. Savannah, Nov. 8. 72 — ll ‘■ ■- 1 m ... 1 L—; 20 Dollars Reward. DESERTED from Fort Pickering, on the 20th infant, the following persons, viz. David Scrivener, of my company , a private of the third fub-legron , 41 years of age, jive feet fix inches high, flout made , blue eyes , with Jhort , light and Jlraight hair, frefh coloured andfair /kin, by trade, a turner. Took with him , two flirts , two pair of woollen overalls , with the eagle on the buttons. — Afo, John Creps, a private of Cabt. Dickenfon’s Company of Infantry in the Second Sub-legton , 43 years of age,five feet/even inches high, flout made, with hazel eyes , Jhort and red hair, long vfage , and florid completion, by trade a Shoemaker : took with him two Jhirts, one pair woollen and one pair of linen overalls ivith the eagle on the buttons , and a short blue coat bound with red.—The above re ward will be paid on lodging them in any of the goals in the United States, or Ten Dollars for either. SAMUEL TINSLEY, , w . . Ca P tl 3 d Sub-Legion, commanding. Fort-Ptekering, October 27. 72 J m 1 m “ ■■ 11 >■■■■ ■ n., John H. Roberts, B TAYLOR y HABIT MAKER, kps ave to inform his friends and the Public, that he has removed from the houle which he occupied of Capt. Haift, to his new houfc on the Bay, (next to the store Zull °^ u P lcd . by Messrs. Kenedy & Parkcf) punctuality^ en<3S l ° Carf y ° n hi * buflaefi Wlth He lias on Conjignment % mmi assortment of Cloths—Caffi rs, Ladies Cloths, for Habit and Waistcoat Querns, which he will fell so w , for Ca sh oj| . O&obct as, Columbian iHufeum, &c. THOMAS; SMITH, Has ffitccwld h the ijHIP, HOPE, via New-York, an Additional Supply of FALL GOODS, Which, ninth his former Stock , makes his Ajfortm, nt very General ; and conjifis of the j hollowing Articles—-which he will fell Ns, holefale or Retail fora very low advance, DK Y GOODS. SUPERFINE and lecond Broadcloths* Low priced 4- 4 ths v/oollcn cloth of all col’rs White, blue, and brown negro cloth, Superfine grey, brown, and Wuc Bath coatings, Blue ftrouds, red, green and white flannel, 7,8, 9 and so- 4 thsrole blankets* London and Briitol duftil blankets, Striped flannels, A great variety of plain and printed cfcfuncrs of the best quality, Striped clallic cloths, Marseilles vest patterns, Elegant gold and silver tambour’d, do. Great variety of fwanfdowns, ManCheftcr inufliticts and dimities, 4 - 4 lhs and 6- 4 ths jaconet and book muslin, 6- 4 ths llriped check, and tambour’d do. Elegant tambour’d jaconet, and book aprons, Coloured tambour'd, ditto, lb 6- 4 ths mulmull ditto, Jaconet and book muslin handkerchiefs, Plain and coloured borders, Printed, and muslin shawls ol the newest taste, Tambour’d white and coloured cravats, Black a|.d coloured silk handkerchiefs, Black, white, light blue,& other colour manteaus Silk mantles, elegam India fllks and fattins, Black fllk taffety, coloured perlians, India and striped nankeens, Double and lingle modes, ; Real Dutch silk boulting cloths, J Silk gauzes and tifleny, General assortment ol moft fafhionable chintfes ! and calicoes, 7-Bths, 4 - 4 ths, &5- 4 ths Irish linen & Iheeting, j Cambrick edgings and black lace, Humhums, dowlas, German rolh and brows Plattclles, f 3- 4 tii to io- 4 th diapers, . 7- 4 th to io- 4 th damask table cloths, ’ Superfine diaper napkins, < 3- 4 th, 4- 4 th, and 7-Sth bed ticking, best quality, , 7- 4 th to io- 4 th bed bunts, 7- 4 th to 12- 4 th counterpanes, HARD Club, falling and broad &x|k, Socket spades and broad hoes, Reap hooks, coopers axes and an assortment ®f coop- rs tools, Claw lathing hammers and hatchets, Smiths Vices, anvils and hammers, Hand vices, cart and waggon boxes, Drawing knives, Iron squares and * foot tul, Smoothing, jack, jointers and bced planes, Plane irons, carpenters adzes, Socket aud in m r chiffcls, Sash and moiidling ditto, Bed keys and lcrew drawers, Hand, tenant, and key-hole laws, Crosscut, wliip, wood-cutters, and mill do. Saw sets, Compasses, glue, Crosscut, hand, whip, and mill saw files, h L 4"4> 5“4’ and M inch ferew augers, 2-4. J, 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 pod do. General assortment of fnocmakers tool*; Carpenters pincers, gimblets, Gentlemen aud ladies tortoise-shell combs, Drefling and other hair, do. Ivory small tooth; do. Iron and horn horse, do. Curry combs aud brushes, Saddle tacks, Widle and girth buckles. Common and nnifhed laddie cloths, Straining and worsted girih web, Plated and common saddle bofies, Snaffle and curb bridle bitts, plated fpurrs, Plated and common stirrup irons, Burdoon bridles complete, Curb bridle bitts and tips, Girths and fercingles, Chair whips, loaded do. cow Ikins, Whip Lihes, Single and double bolted pad locks, Stock locks, japan’d and brass trunk do. Chest and clofek locks, drawer, cannister, *rid brass laddie bag locks, Brass and iron desk do>. Knob and brass turn do. 5 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, t 2 inch H& HL hinges, Hooks and eye do. Strong door, table, desk, and card table do. Patent, rising, brass, and closet do. Snap table ketches, Large afTortinent w ood ferews, Pewter and hard mettle spoons, Pewter plates, batons, and difiics of every free, Pewter poringers, and ink stands, Door and w indow bolts of every dimension, Thurrtb latches, Hrafs cocks of different sizes, Lancets, horse ilems, and fpe&acles, Variety of pocket and pennknives, firft quality, Dittb table Knives and forks, Oyster knives, dcferi do. Raifors, do. in cases, Raifor ibraps and hones, GROCERIES. Lump and best double refined sugar, scented pomatum, and hair powder, Hylon and hyfon skin tea, Chocolate, Capers and mufhroons. Bohea* iouchong and green tea, best quality, IV INKS, Pepper, alfpiee, nutmegs, cloves, iracc, caifia, Malaga, sherry, tenerjffee and Cinnamon, ground ginger, Best London particular Madeira wine, of ray Fig, powder and liquid blue, own importing, Best Poland starch, Holland Gin, belt quality, in cases. STATIONARY. spelling and a variety of other books, Folio port and best royal paper, Blank books, wafers, quills, Ink powder, Pocket books, sealing wax and pencils, Brafsand paper ink {lands with instruments, Green and red morocco {kins, slates and slate pencils, Letter and common writing psper, Playing cards. * MEDICINES. Red Bark, Magnetia, Appodcldock, Efcence peppermint, lavender drops, Camphor in cakes and bottles, Blue vitriol, spirits of turpentine, Cream of tartar, tartar emetic, Rose and mint water, burgamot, Andcrfon’s pills, squire’s elixer, Efcence of lavender, lavender water, Turlington’s drops, Godfrey’s cordial, Lip salve, tooth powder, tooth brufttrs, Baitman’s and stouton’s drops, Allum, copperas, flour and ilonc of breraftene, Jallop, rheubarb, laudanum, salt petre. ON CONSIGNMENT. A quantity copper Hills, from 4O to i.p gallons, A few’ barrels of Irish potatoes, A quantity of good cheese, superfine flour. All of which will b: Sold very low for Cajh . — The highejl Prices given for all kinds of Country Produce.— COUNTRY STORES, fulfilled atwerj low advance. Savannah, Oftobcr 28th, 1796, * 69-ts. 7-Bth and 4 - 4 th black Snuflin, Royal rib, fattinct, striped lattin, rhickCet, fancy plain and twrl’d corduroy, ; Black, blue, and olive velvet and velverct, Worsted denims, and fattinets, Pellow tuftians, drabits, Sewing (ilk, twiftofall colours, Silk lereting of all colours, Hat and (hoe silk binding, Worsted binding, and gartering of all colours and breadths, 3- 4 th, 4- 4 th, and 6- 4 th cotton check & stripe, Worsted cotton and lilk hosiery, Silk, worsted, and leather gloves, A large assortment of durants, thalloons, Callimancoes, and black rutfels, Florentines, luperfine'camblets & cambletcehs, Bumbozets and bumbozCens, carpeting, * Buckram, ....... Hair Ribbon and silk ribbon of all breadths, Ounce and pound thread, coloured, white, brown, and oznaburgs threads, Tapes of evfcry breadth, Pound and paper pins, white chappel needles, Large assortment ol oznaburgs Sc Ticklipgburgs, 3- 4 th and 4 - 4 th brown Irifhes Ruilia duck, and (heeung, and a great variety of fancy color * ’^ftkerchiefs, y and sandals, Floren and flippers, Fine mens lnoes, Womens leather (hoes and flipper*, Girls coloured flippers, Ladies coloured kid do. Large assortment of mens, womens & childrens coloured hats, Oil cloth for table covers, Oil case hat covers, Camblet and Bath coating cloaks, Woollen flops, from 4 to 6 dollars per suit, ve ry iuitable for new Negroes, Check and white Ihirts, and other flops. WARE. a Shaving boxes, ” Scissors and tailors {hears, Snuff and tobacco boxes, An assortment brass handles, book aafe and desk furniture, Elegant brass knockers, cloak pins, Brass knobs for carriages, Ditto chimney hows, Bed caps, and escutcheons, of various forts, Watch keys and seals, Brass nails and closet turns, Ditto, &c japan’d candlesticks and fnuffers, Ditto caftors, craping and curling irons, Money feales and weights, tftirt locks and flints, Gun worms and cork ferews, Brass efcutchcon pins, Hearth and hair brooms, bellow’fes, shovels and tongs, Japan’djand painted tea trays, different sizes, pound japan’d tea cannisters, 2,4, and b pound sugar cannisters, Patent japan’d nurfc lamps, Japan’d refletting laiuhorns, shop and table tin lamps, Tin coffee pots and lanthorns, Tin pint and pepper boxes, Bakcing pans of different sizes, Leading, clothes,, and hambro lines, Bed cords, fail, shop, and seine twine, Log and lead lines, and sash cord, White rope, and other cordage, Fish hooks of different sizes, Fiddles and fiddle strings, Gun powder in kegs or pound, shot ot different lize, and bar lead, spiders and skillets. Patent mettle and common tea kettles, Dutch ovens, fad irons, and frying panl, steel-yards of different size, American and sweedifh iron, Blistered and German steel, steel corn millsbf different size, Pepper and coffee mills, Cotton cards, Mouse, rat and wolf traps, snuffer stands, Common steel buttons, and tailors thimbles, Large black teapots, Parlor and horle bells, 4 d > 6d, Bd, rod and iad, nails, 6d cut nails for shingling, Chaffing dishes, Jews harps, and marbles, Wine glades, Looking glaires of different size, Trunks of all dimenlions, Buckle and clothes brufties, comb and shoe do. spoke shaves, sheep shears, Wood cutter saws, Froofe. ¥0 he Sold at Private Sale, A Traft of well timbered Pine LAND A X. containing 1170 Acres, except aboJt o Acres, which is good Provision Land f-,,. Oak and Hickory, well known by ths’na™ ot New-Form Skills, situated 1 mile from vannah River, between Ebenezer and Dashers, and 23 miles from Savannah. -A,„ situation is healthy and agreeable. On premises are about Twenty Acres under fence ; one Mill that works two Jaws an 1 One Grist Mill ; another Saw-Mill h now build ihg on the fame dam, that will also work* Saws. The Mills are 50 yards from each other ; the latter will be let high, so to ■work with the surplus .water in wet ieafons, and w i'l Work by the middle of November next. This advantageous situation, being so near to market, that Rafts may float from the Mill tail to Savannah in two days, at any season of the year, affords an advantage ever many Milk in this State. The above Land, Mills, Oxen, Ox-Carriage and other ncceffary Mill Utenfik with the Buildings, are offered for sale, for no other realon, than that ofclofing a Partnership Con cern. A reasonable Credit may be had for of the purchase money, and the Condi tions known, by applying to Mr. Abraham Biro, on the Premiles, or to me at Savon nah. Julius H. Scheuber. Sf, P ( ’ 3°- 61-t.f F O R SAL E, • That Valuable Traft of LAND, SITUATE on Argyle Island (about Nine miles from Savannah, by water’ orkinailT granted to John Race, Esq. decealcd, found m contain on a Rc-furvey, 378 Acres ; four acres of which is contained in two Knov/h one of them being fufficientiy large for a lettle* ment, and fafe lrom common Frcfhes, the rest pitme Swamp, on an excellent pitch of Tide The abovfc trad is bounded North by the Plan tation of Richard Wayne, Esq. South be the Plantation of Mr. Wm. Willmmfon, ana East and Well by the branche of Savannah River. For further particular, apply to CAIG, MACLEOD & Cos. - W here a Plat of.the Re-survey may be foen. Savannah, July 1. Ranaway, FROM the fnbfcriber, a NEGRO FEE -1.0 vV named JACK, about 2byears of age, live feet seven or eight inches high, has a large fear on his fight arm, occaiioried by a burn ; he is well known about Savannah as a Porter, Jobbing Carpenter and Painter, was purchal *ed of Mr Merrick of Charleston, and it is cx pedled he would attempt to get there, as he was heard to (ay before he was milling, he would go there or to iome of the Northern States ; he will probably attempt to pass as a free Fellow, under the name Cuffee. Any person who will deliver the said Negro to me at Savannah, or give information so as he may be found, shall receive a handfomc re ward, and all reasonable charges paid. Elizabeth Course. j Spvannah, O&ober 21. -j6tt ’■ 1 ‘ FOR SALE, A Likely NEGRO WENCH, Who understands all kinds of house-work En quire of the Printers. Savannah, Sept. 30. n6i. Twenty Dollars Reward. ABSENTED hirafelf from his mailers ser vice, on Tuesday the 27th of September, a MULATTO FELLOW,called 808. a wait ing Man, and used to taking care of llorfeK. He is about 5 feet, 6or 7 inches in h"igiu, ra ther likely and well made ; has a bulky head of hair, which he generally wears plaited. Aa he was purchased from Mr. John Cbriftian Smith, he usually calls himfelf Bob or Robert Smith. It is reported that he has been fern in Savannah. Whoever will deliver the said Fel low to Mr., Caig in Savannah, or to the fubferi ber in Charleston, shall receive the above Re ward and all reasonable charges. Alexander Edwards, O&obrf nth. 68-ts NOTI C E. THE Subscriber being appointed tnfpe&or of COTTON, for the port of Savannah, has furnifhed himfelf with fafe dry Stores, oa Mr. Win. Clarkes Wharf, near the Fish Mark et, where he will give conllant attendance. B. WALL. Savannah, Oftober 25. 18. AN ACT for the IrifpcflioH of Cotton. BE it enafled by thefenate and house ot re prefentfrives of the (late pf Georgia, in general affeinbly met, That from and immediately after the sirs day of OTlober next, no perfonJhrdl put oh board, or receive into any ftp. brigantine, fchoover, foop, bylander, boat or other vessel, in order to be exported therein, any ginned or picked cotton which shall not have been packed in bags,containing rthere on the name of the person whofhall hate in fpeSel the fame according to the directions if this aft ; that any maferof a flip or vessel, whofhall receive? on board, any ginned or picked cotton in weight more than forty pounds , and which shall not be packed in bales, containing thereon the nqtne of the person infpefting the feme, (lull forfeit and pay two hundred dollars for each quantity that may be To received, one moiety thereof to the use of the in* former, and the other moiety to the use of the fate* to be recovered by bill, plaint or information before any court of record. And be it further enafled, That the infpt ors herein appointed or that may hereafter be appointed, fidl receive one eighth of a dollar for every hun i deed weight oj cotton so infefted and passed; ari which fun Jkall be paid by the person earning the cotton for infpeftion ; and shall each of them pro tide a fafe and dry place for the pvrpife of keeping the cotton that may be infpefted by them until the fame shall be demanded by the owner-, when ufon returning the receipt obtained for the dipofit at?ne fame, and paying ten cents p-r hundred to. i f-t for theJlcruge thereof , iifhc.ill( delivered occord S*ty, No. 73.