Newspaper Page Text
pieces of Intelligence are gratefully received, and all orders executed with accukact and punctuality. ’
Voi. L
I now landing;
] On BOLTON'S IVharf,
K I on board the SHIP PEGGY, from NeW-
I York ; And/or fale,by
I Carpenter & Havens,
P™ IPES French Brandy.
Do. Hollands Gin.
■ r)i, Country, do.
■ 2)5. Madeira Wine.
I Puncheons Northward Rum.
! I Ms. good quality Cider.
; I j)5, Prime and Cargo Pork.
■ h do. . do. Beef.
I 17,300 Bricks,
9 Jons S weeds Iron.
I ides Oznaburgs.
I d 5, plain and Twilled Coatings.
I Do White Plains, coloured Surges, and
I Tipp'd Cloths.
I Boxes 7-B ths and 4 -\ths Linens.
I (he Trunk Romal Handkerchiefs.
■ November 15, 74-ts
Has just Imported in the Ship Tamma
ny from Liverpool, via Charleston,
ami novo opening at No* 6, Commerce
SUITABLE to the present Season,
which he purchased himfelf, direftly
from the Manufactories, and will dispose
ot them at a low advance for ready pay
ment only.
ALSO—A quantity of bell Stove
Salt, in sacks ot 4! Bulhels each—
Brown Stout, in Bottles and Tierces ;
a few Crates of Crockery Ware, well
N. B, BILLS on Liverpool and
Ivlanchefter, for sale,
November 10. ‘ 73.
Having taken into Cobartnerjhip, Mr. WILLIAM
DREW, the Bujinefs infuture, will be carried
on under the Firm of
James Wallace £s? Cos,
Who have for Sale, by Wholesale or Retail ;
A Large assortment of Irilh Linens,
O z nabu rgs, Sheet in gs,
Printed Cottons, Romals,
Printed and Check Handkerchiefs,
Durants, Shaloons, Calimancoes,
Checks, Bed Tick,
Jeans and Fustians,
Corduroys, Royal Rib,
Buff and white Caflimere,
Ladies and gentlemens Hats,
Childrens black, brown and drab coloured do.
Mens and Boys Course do.
Ladies fine Cotton Stockings,
Mens thread and Cotton do.
Cambric, ounce and coloured threads,
Silk and Twist, Bombazeen,
White Chappel Needles*
Hard Ware assorted,
4,5, 6,8, 10 and 20d Nails,
Englilh Linseed Oil in jugs,
White Lead and Spanish Brown, gro. in Oil,
Salts and Copperas in finall calks,
Mill Saws, Hooks and Hinges, &c. See.
A few Hhds. Draft PORTER.
CROCKERY WARE, in Crates and Hhds.
August 30. 52-ts
Carpenter & Havens,
Have just Received by the BRIG AMAZON,
A general aiTortmerit of
Ironmongery, Groceries, Ship Chandlery,
tnd about 300 Volumes Philosophical and His
torical BOOKS, and NOVELS, Bibles and
School Books, &c.
Bbls. Prime Pork, Beef,
Pilot, Middling and Ship Bread,
Pipes Holland Gin, Northward, do.
Madeira Wine in Pipes andQr. Calks,
Hhds. Northward Rum, Cherry Ruin,
Chcfts heft Hyfon Tea,
Bags foft Shell Almonds,
Qr. Calks bell; Rifle Gun Powder,
Assorted and largest Buck Shot,
200 Pair Negro Shoes, Negro Plains.
Boxes Soap and Candles, Sc c.
October 114th. 68-ts
John N. Brailsford,
Having a STORE on Clarke's Wharf, convenient
Jor the reception and fates of all kinds of PRO
DUCE, proposes tranfacling Bujinefs in the
Commilfion Line,
HE therefore offers his fervicesto his Friends
*nd the Public, both in disposing of their
Vropsand purchasing, agreeableto theirinftruc
tions. He flatters himfelf, from the experience
he has had in that line, he will not fail to give
Rtisfaftion to all who may favor him with
their Commands.
Ssvannah, November ift. 70
REASON and TRUTH impartial guide the way .
FRIDAY, November iS, 1796.
Loring & Seaver,
Inform the Public, that they have commenced Euf -
nefs in the
CommiHion Line,
And have opened an Assortment of
At their S tore, on Clarke's Wharf, which they will
dispose of on rtafonable terms for C ajh.
1 hey have alfofor file,
Hyfon TEA, of a superior flavor,
Mould and Diped CANDLES,
N. E. RUM, and a quantity of
Italian SEWING SILK, which they will
fell very low pr. lb.
November 15. 74-ts-
At the Store lately occupied by Mr. Me R-
R I l l I es, a frefh assortment of
Drugs & Medicines,
Avery liandfomcaffortment of Ginghams,Hum
hums, Irish Linens, Callicoes ; Book, Jaconet,
Plain,Printed,Tambour’d, Si Crofsßarr’dMuf
liu ; Muffin Handkerchiefs; Ladies filkShawls,
French Hankerchiefs ; Cotton Hose, flriped
and clouded Nankeens,Caffimers; Gentlemen’s
black and white Hats ; Ladies black and co
lour’d Morocco Slippers and Sandalls; Gentle
men’s Shoes, Boots and Bootes ; Loaf Sugar,
Hyfon & Bohea Teas of superior quality; Ja
pan’d, Glass, and Earthern Ware, with a gene
ral assortment of Ironmongery, &c.
Also a few Barrels Superfine and Fine
G. W. NICHOLS and Cos.
Savannah, July 5. n.45.
Just Imported, by
On board the BRIG BELLONA from NEW
YORK, and other Arrivals,
The Following Articles, in Addition to his Former
Assortment, viz :
BROAD CLOTHS, Caffimers, Swanfdown,
Flannels, Demett, white and blue Plains,
blue Stroud, stripe Linfey of various patters ;
fentlemens white, blue, clouded and black
ilk Hose, pattent Cotton ditto ; ladies Neck
Laces assorted, ditto blue and gold do ; Garnet
Beeds, silver Thimbles, brafsdo. Pocket-Books,
Tooth Powder and Brushes, Smelling Bottles,
Fig and Liquid Blue, Cotton Lines, Hemp do.
Bed Cords. Hambro Lines, Leading do. Neffs
Trunks, Brimftone* Rice Sickles, Cutteau
Knives, Lancets, Claw Hammers, Handsaw
Files, Cross-cut do. Table Spoons, Soup La
dles, ffngle and double spring Chcft Locks, do.
do. Pad do. Drawer do.- Brass Handles, Din
ing-table Hinges. Screw's, Shoe Pincers ; curb,
half curb, and fnaffle Bridle Bias, Stirrup
Irons, Plated Spurs, steel spring do. Saddle
Tacks, Cloak Pinns, Brass Cocks, Jayann’d
Waiters assorted, Sugar Cannilters, Tin Gra
ters, Sail Needles, Palm Irons ; a few dozen
best Mustard. in Jib bottles, Sc c. See.
Savannah, Odl. 14. 65-ts.
Lemuel clarkT
Has Received by the Ship Minerva, Capt. Scott,
from London via Boston, and by the Brig Eli
za Capt. Worth from Bolton :
European and India
Which are note opening at his Store in St. Julian
Street (f ormerly occupied by Mr. Thos. Hogg,
By Wholesale or Retail, for a low Advance, viz,
SUPERFINEand second broad cloath ; blue
plains and blue bath coatings ; blue and
brown large; negro cloth ; white, red, green
and yellow flannel ; duffil blankets ; a great
variety of plain and printed cafwners of the
best quality ; llnped claftic cloths ; muffin
handkerchiefs, black, coloured, stripe and
check fflk handkerchiefs ; French and India
fflks and fattins ; black due cape India nan
keens ; striped and plain callicoes and chintfcs;
Irish linen; humhums ; brown plattillcs ;
thicksets and velvets ; sewing silk and twist of
of all colours ; worsted, silk and cotton hosie
ry ; womens and mens leather gloves ; durants
and ftialloons, callimancoes and black ruffel ;
ladies chints shawls Sc pocket handkerchief's ;
black hair ribbons; ladies fancy ribbons, pound
and paper pins ; an assortment of white and
common chappel needles ; a large assortment
of mens, womens, childrens and boys beaver
hats ; black, white, and green oil calc hat co
vers ; a few crates of Liverpool ware, assorted,
cream coloured, blue and green edged; cotton
cards, no. 10 ditto ; playing cards ; 7 and 8
day clocks waranted, with mahogany cases,
and of the latest fafhion ; an elegant assortment
offhocs and boots, 50 pair long and Ihort boots
warranted, 100 pair mens fine shoes, a part of
them black morocco, 300 pair ladies fluff flip
pers, red, black and blue morocco flippers and
sandals, misses red and black morocco flippers,
boys and childrens ffioes, 500 pair negroes
coarse ffioes ; boxes of candles 3nd soap ;flop
clothes for Tailors, long and Ihort bluejackets,
blue trowfers, do. striped and dark ; checked,
striped, and white cotton shirts ; woollen
draws, waillcoats ; tod Nails, 4d cut, ditto ;
an assortment of hardware; gun powder ; a
valuable colle&ion of European and American
books and flationary, Sec.. Sec.
November 11. 73
Brownell ift Haskell,
Have for Sale, at their Store on Mr. Clay’s Wharf,
Spermaceti Candles, by the box or pound,
Dipt tallow do.
Sugar, Rum, Brandy, Molaffei, Oil Sc Wine,
Boots, Shoes, & Hats—Boats Oars,
A finall aflortment of DRY GOODS.
Savannah, Nov. 15. 74-3*-*
f 6"rT’s A L E,
2,000 Bushels best ALLUM SALT,
BEDSTEADS with iackings and Laths,
Madeira and Fort WINE in pipes,
Fayall, in ditto.
A Georgia Audited Certificate,
issued December 1794, for fupplics to the
Continental Aimy, October 1777, for Two
Thousand Pounds.—
Robert Watts.
Savannah, 16th Sept. 57-ts
Just Received,
By the Brigs APOLLO and BELLONA, from
By E. & C. Stebbins,
v I z.
BROAD Cloths and caffimers, elaflic and
Eorreft cloths ; printed caffimers, lainctt,
Swanfdown and Marseilles, for veil shapes ;
cotton mixtures ; red white and yellow flan
nels, green baize; grey, blue, and flriped coat
ings ; 7-4, 8-4, 9-4, 10-4 rose blankets, negro
do. carpeting, negro {lockings and mitts ; ruf
iels, jeans, durants, callimancoes, ftialloons,
tammies, wildbores, Camblets and camble
tcens; bombazeen, India perfiafil, black, white,
browrtand dove coloured fattins, flriped ditto ;
black, white, blue, brown, pink, flatc, crow,
peach, and dove coloured Mantuas ; flriped
silks and farceuetts, plain ditto ; wide and nar
row black modes ; Italian crape, pattinett
lace, for ladies ffiadcis, spotted gauze, bandan
no and barcelona handkerchiefs, silk shawls <$S
handkerchiefs, purple and coloured shawls,
plain bordered and coloured handkerchiefs,
pullicatt and romall ditto ; Irish linens, sheet
ings, brown do. do. hollands, oznaburgs, check
ftiirtings, 3-4, 6-4, 8-4, 10-4 diapers, birdeye
and clouting do. 5-4, 6-4, 8-4, 10-4, 10-4 by
124 Coble cloths; chintzes and callicoes;
blue, red, and purple copper plates, chintz
furnitures, do. for patch work, bordering
do. 9-4, 10-4, 11-4, 12-4 cotton counterpanes,
12-4 Marseilles do. Marseilles quilting lor la
dies ; dimities, Manchester muffins ; long
lawns, 4-4 and 6-4 plain book muffin, 6-4 tam
bor’d do. 4-4 and 6-4 plain jaconet muffin,
6-4 tambor’ddo. tambor'd aprons, flriped and
cross barr’d do. muffin shawls, gentlemens
cravats and handkerchiefs, jaconet and book
handkerchiefs, border’d do.—Ladies silk and
cotton hose, gentlemen’s best English plain,
patent, black, and white silk do. best engine
cotton, rib’d do. cotton and silk do. plated do.
marble, rib’d and plain do. random do. wors
ted do. worsted and fill; do. patent do —Cor
duroys, thickfetts, velvets, valentia, corde
lures, brown jeans, white do. fuftians ; ladies
habit, and long black and white silk gloves,
gentlemen’s black and white silk ditto ; plain,
clouded and striped nankeens ; bed-ticks ;
course and fine humhums ; ginghams, cam
bricks ; sewing fflks and twists assorted, ounce
and lb. threads,colour’d ditto ; laces, edgings,
tapes ; bobbins, ribbons, (ilk ferretts, cotton
yarn, button moulds, shirt buttons.
Dressing cases, large and small plated caftors,
common do. plated candlesticks, brass do.
bottle {lands, graters, tea canniflers, (having
boxes, cloth brushes, shoe do. hard and foft
(having soap, windfor and violet do. witfh
balls, cream do. pots pomatum, roll do. lip
lalve, court plaifler,falts lemon, tooth brushes,
tortoise shell combs, crooked do. dressing do.
ivory do. pungeant bottles—Silk suspenders,
elaflic do. common ditto ; beads, large and
finall ; silver pencils, lead do. pocket books,
memorandum ditto ; gold earrings, pendals ;
milk of roses, in large and small bottles ; role
and orange flower water.
Knives and forks ; razors with cases ; pen
knives, feiffors, cork fefews, bluffers, lancets,
japan’d servers, trays ; watch chains, sleeve
buttons, 4. 42 Sc lb. pins ; Carpenters Tools.
Royal drmi, thin folio post, quarto post,
pot and foolfcap paper ; playing cards, blank
hooks, ink powder, wafers Se failing wax,
and quills.
Ladies beaver hats, gentlemen's do. chil
dren’s black and colour’d ditto ; negro hats—
Ladies colour’d kid SLIPPERS, Morocco do.
sandals, Misses do—Gentlemen’s fine SHOES
and PUMPS.
Hyfon Tea, Loaf Sugar, Pepper, Nutmegs,
Hair Powder and starch.
Likewifc a few Quarter Casks of excellent
By the CASK.
Savannah, O&obcr 25. 68.
By Wholesale ift Retail ,
THE fubferiber having a large quanti
ty, and great variety on hand, will dis
pose of tnem very low, and much under
his former prices.
Savannah, Aug. 16, n.4.8.
RcfpcClfully informs the Public that he has
At his STORE St. Julian Street, between the
Church and Market opposite Mr. Hogg’s.
BEST Jamaica RUM,
Windward Illand and Northward do.
Holland GIN,
L oaf and Brown SUGAR,
Pickled’ Fish,
Writing and Wrapping Paper,
Negro Shoes.
tod and aod Nails, Iron Ware,
Crockery and Glass Ware, Sec.
Just receiv’d pr. the Regulator,
From Boston ;
Excellent Hyfon and Souchong Teas,
Northward Cordials,
Salt I’etre refined,
Excellent Gun Powder, Shott assorted.
Assortment Mens, Womens & ChildiensSlioej,
Blankets, coarse Halfthick, Plains and Coating,
Broadcloth, Caffimers, and Baize,
Slialoon and Durants,
Coarse Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs,
Aflortment Pewter and Tin Ware,
Allbrtincnt Trunk, Chest and Pad Locks,
Pennknives. Cutteausand Scissors,
Table and Tea Spoons,
Gimblcts, Centcrbitts,
Awls, Tacks, Jews-Harps,
Aflortment Coat and Waistcoat Buttons,
Threads, Pins, Needles and Thimbles,
Shoe Brushes,
Horn and Ivory Combs,
Brass Cocks, Tobacco and Snuff Boxes,
Razors and Shaving Boxes,
hifhing Lines and Hooks, Chalk Lines,
Pocket Books, Ink Fots, Wafers, Scaling Wax,
Spelling Books, IMalters, and a variety of
Childrens Books,
Setts of Wooden Measures,
Sugar Boxes,
Pails and Tubs,
Trunks different ffzcs, See. Sec.
All of which, he will dispose of at a very
small advance, for Cash or Merchantable Pro
Constant attendance, and the smallest favor
gratefully acknowledged.
Savannah, o£lober 18. 66-ts
At the corner Store lately occupied by Mr. Doyle ,
opposite Dr. Love’s, (by a man lately from the
Manufactories in Europe) a few Pieces of
Manchester Goods,
Which he will Retail at the moft reduced prices —
They ccmfijl oj the following Articles, viz :
SUpcrfinc Cloths, firfl quality in Coat Pat
Caffimers of different colours, of the fined kind.
Velvets, Thicksets and Royal Ribs.
Printed Callicoes ot theneweft patterns.
Variety of fancy Book, and Jaconet Muffin
Shawls & Handkerchiefs.
Silk, Cotton, and Thread Hose,
Ribbons, Lace, and Edgings.
Linens, Durants and Wildbores,
A few pieces Mode and Huinhtims, together
with sundry other Articles too tedious to
Nov. Bth. 72-ts
Bills of Exchange,
On London , Liverpool, or Letncafter,
At his Counting-lloufe, No. 8, under the
Merchants Sc Planters Coffee-Houfe,
WHERE cash is given for choice Sea Iff.
and COTTON, at the rate of i6d. per pound,
and lor up Country Cotton, at the rate of 13d.
per pound.—Also BILLS on Charleston.
Savannah, OHobtr 25. 68-i6t.
Begs leave to inform his Friends and ike Public
in general, that he carries on
Trunk Making,
At the corner of Duke street, Weft of the Market t
in all its various Branches.
HE flatters himfelf to fell 25 pr. cent. Irfs
than those imported, and far superior in
quality, which the purchaser will fatisfy him
lelfon viewing the workirranfhip. Those who
may please to favor him with their custom,
may depend on his exertions for the utmofl
fatisfattion. Orders from town or countfy,
punctually attended to with dispatch.
November 11. 73-
Afahel Wright,
BEGS leave to acquaint his Old Cuftomrrs
and the Public in general, that he carries
on the SHOE MAKING bufmefs, at his ffiop
in St. julian street, next door to Kollock and
Parker’s, where he has on hand a general affort
mentof Boots, Bootees, and Shoes ot thenew
eft fafhion ; Ladies Morocco Shoes and Slip
pers of all colours, Childrens, do.—He lias al
so on hand, a larve quantity of Negro Shoes,
which he will fell at a small advance lor Cash.
November tt 7i* L *
No. 75.