Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, November 25, 1796, Page 318, Image 4

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318 iHtifes, ADDRESS TO SIMPLICITY. NATURE'S fir(l-born, hail to thee, Ruitic Nymph, Simplicity I Drellin robes of rutfet grey, Sprightly as the month ot May : fairer than the graces three, Rural Goddels, hail to thee ! Come and liniling bring with thee Mildly blulhing Modciiy ; Innocence, wiih brow (erene; Roly health, the wood-land Queen ; Calm content, with chearful air ; Piety, the heav’n-born fair : Virtuous love, devoid of guile, Tripping on with infant! mile, Blellmg on the happy plains, Artlels nymphs, and conifant swains: Votaries true to love and thee, Rural Queen, Simplicity ! Goddess come, and fit withtne Underneath l'ome aged tree ; Liif’ningto the wood-iark’s lay, Sweetly warbling outlie lpray : Or ill iriilk-maiil in the dale, 1 ripping on with brimming pail Winlit her lwain, with eager feet, lialtes his much lov’d fair to meet ; Now he bears her frothing pail, jocund homeward thro’ the vale ; Now they lit beneath thefhade, Nature, kind, lor love has made ; Iheathing fiefh, with harmiels glee, Tales of pure Simplicity, Or we’ll join the harvefl train, Shouting jov’al o’er the plain ; Hear them jell, and ling, and laugh, While their nut-brown ale they quail’ ; When the fa mcr all the while Views their nnrth with heart-telt smile, Pleas'd to lee the ripen’d year Rich repay his houellcare : Scenes like thele belt suit with thee, Rural Queen, Simplicity. Thee my mute shall still attend ; Thee, the Mule’s tairelt friend , Lead her to thy lacredbower, There thy fottut mlluence Ihowcr, Wnich inlpir’d the bards of yore, Rich in Nature’s genuine lore ; And of late, with heavenly lire, Grey and Goldlmith did inlpire ; Happy Bards, belov’d ol thee, Queen ot Verlc, Simplicity. Goddess, dill to thee I sue, And my earned prayer renew ; Give me Shenltone’s gentle lay, Or the tuneful lyreot Gay ; Or ai leaitihe Doric reed, Cunningham’s inferior meed, Breathing drains inlpir’d by thee, lits Dcit-oclov’d Simplicity. Let me charm the nymphs and swains, Pleas’d with Nature’s artlels drains ; me draw the blent tear, from the (hepherd’s eye linceie ; Oi, in drains that loftly move,. Melt the maid to virtuous love ; Or on country feltal days Tune my rceu their mirth to raise ; Thus, unenvied, let me ling, Jocund as the finding Spring; Happy if approv’d by thee, Rural Queen, Simplicity. I To be Sold at Private Sale , A Trail of well timbered Pine LAND. containing 1170 Acres, except about 50 Acres, which is good Provision Land, lay, Oak and Hickory, well known by the name ol New-Form Mills, situated 1 mile from Sa vannah River, between Ebenezcr and Major D..lhcrs, and 23 miles trom Savannah. The situation is healthy and agreeable. On the premia's are about Twenty Acres under good fence; one Mill that works two Saws,” and one Or ill Mill ; another Saw-Mill is now build ing outlie fame dam, that will all'o work two Saws. The Mills are 50 yards Ironi each other ; the latter will be let high, so as to work with the iurplus water in wet leafons, and will work by the middle of November next. This advantageous situation, being so near to market, that Rafts may float from the Mill tail to Savannah in two days, at any season of the year, affords an advantage over many Mills in this State. The above Land, Mills, Oxen, Ox-Carriage, and other necessary Mill Utensils with the Buildings, are offered for Idle, for no other reason, than that of doling a Partner Chip Con cern. A realoivable Credit may be had for part of the put chafe money, and the Condi tions known, by applying to Mr. Abraham Bird, on the Emmies, or to me at Savan nah. Justus H. Scheuber. Sept. 30. 61-t f N O T I C E. WILL be fold at the Plantation, of the late Thomas Ham, on Conouchit , in Hr yon County, on the thirteenth of December next, the following Negroes to wit : ]amaica t P/üby, Rin 4h, Matilda, Arrington, Billy, Sarah. U'aune y, Moll, Doll, Sally and Kitty. — Also, the present Crop of R' if as now flacked in the Ram yard, with sundry other articles oj Plantation Utensils, end Household furniture. The whole of the a bove fin'd as the Tflate of the fold Thomas Horn due 1 fed. for the payment of his debts. Conditions <>f sale CASH. ‘ HENRY IIARN, Executor Camnuhie, 10 th November, irgfi. 73* 1w 4 re’ N O T I C E. k A persons having demands agninft the f * f-'dste ol Charles Cope, deceased, are re flueib and to fend them in properly attdled by the hr If dav of December next, and thole in debted to laid Estate, are rcquelled to make iminquiate payment to Charles Cope, Adminljhator. <Jaobr 24, J 766. Columbian JEufeum, £&♦ Savannah and Aw/ujla S T A G E, WILL flart from Major Brown’s Board ing Houle in Savannah, every Saturday at Nine o’clock in the morning; and from Mrs. Caine’s in Atigulfa, every Wcdnelday at Six o’clock in the morning. The Fare of each Palfenger Eight Dollars, with an allowance of lqlb. Baggage : All ex r tra Baggage od£ per lb. Way Tallage, qd per mile.— No Seat can be engaged till the money is paid—the Stage Book will be kept at the Cotfee-Houfe, by Maj. Brown, where Seats may be taken. Paflengers are desired to be punftual to the lime, as the Stage waits for no person.—Extra B ! gg a g c mult be at the Stage Houle by 7 o’clock in the morning, or run the rilk of not going. NATHANIEL TWINING. N B. Paffmgers baggage is coulidered under heir own care. Savannah, Nov. 8. 72 W AN it D, so Rent or Lease, for a term of Years , A Plantation, SITUATE on the Salts, adapted to the cul ture of Cotton ; From 100 to 150 Acres ot cleared Land will be required, as the person who wants, intends planting it the eufuing spring. A fettled place with buildings will be preferred. If any have to oiler, apply to the Printers. November 4. 71-ts - I “ ■ ■ ■ I I I I I !'■■*■ I . John H. Roberts, TAYLOR & HABIT MAKER , BEGS leave to inform his friends and the Public, that he has removed from the house which he occupied of Capt. Haift, to his new house on the Bay, (next to the ftor~ lately occupied by Messrs. Kenedy Sc Parker; where lie intends to carry on his bulinels with punffuality. lie has on Confignmcnt , Avery handsome assortment of Cloths—Caffi mers, Ladies Cloths, for Habit and Waistcoat Pattems, which he will fell low, for Calh on >y- Savannah, Oflober 21. 67. 20 Dollars Reward. DESERTED from Fort Pickering , on the noth infant , the following per fans, viz. Divid Scrivener, of my company, a private , of the third faf -legion , 41 years of age. five fix inches high, flout made, blue eyes, with [hart, lift and h eight hair frtfh coloured and fair [kin, by trade a turner. Took with him. two flirts , two pair of woollen overalls , with the eagle on the buttons.— lif e John Cr ’DS, a private of Capt. Dickenfon's company of Infantry in the Scco'J Sub-legion, 43 y ors of age. five J-.cif.ven niches hiyk. so a’ nude, untk karri eyes, (hart and red hair, lony v f‘ge, and florid co ’plcfhon, by trade a Shoemaker : took with Ivm turn fvrt. , one pair woollen and one pair of linen oveuills with the r ife on the buttons, and a short Hue coat hound noth red— The above re ward will be p.i'd on fed yng them many of th goali in the United States, or Ten Dollars for either. SAMUEL TINSLEY, Capt. 3 d Sub-Legion , commanding. Fort-Pickering, OAober 27. 72 S T 0 L E N. ON Sunday night lad was llolrn, (rom out of the fubferibers liable, a dark Bav HORSE, about 145 hands high .-he has a small blaze on his face, a thick black inane, and tail with a dark Rripe down his rump ; he shows a number of saddle marks, and like wise shows the mark of a bite he received from n horse about fix weeks ago. on the left fide ol his back ; He was bought , from John King. Esq. in March, 1795, and has since been prin cipally used in a chair, and (hows the marks of the harness particularly on his sides. Who ever will deliver laid Horse to the fubfeviber. or give information where he can be found, dial! receive Five Dollars Reward and all rea sonable cxpenccs paid ; and whoever will give information of the Thief, shall receive fifteen Dollars. JOHN M‘KINNOI# Savannah, Nov. t 6. 73-ts R AN AWAY, FROM the fubferiher, a NEGRO FEL LOW named J AC K, about. 26 years of age, five feet seven or eight inches high, has a large fear on In’s right arm, occalioned by a burn ; he is well known about Savannah as a Porter, Jobbing Carpenter and Painter, was purchal ed of Mr Merrick of Charlcilon, and it is ex p-’dled he would attempt to get there, as he was heard to fay fome time before he w'as miffing, he would go there or to fame of the Northern States ; he will probably attempt to pass as a free Fellow, under the name Cuflee. Any person who will deliver the said Negro to me at Savannah, or give information so as he may he found, (hall receive a handsome re ward, and all reasonable charges paid. Elizabeth Course. Savannah, OtJober 21. 7 6tf Twenty Dollars Reward. ABSENTED himfelf from his mailers fer viee, on Tucfday the 27th of September, a MULATTO FELLOW,called 808, a wait ing Man, and used to taking care of Horses. — He is ahout 5 feet, 6or 7 inches in height, ra ther likely and well made ; has a bulhy head of hair, which he generally wears plaited. As he was purchased from Mr. John Chrillian Smith, he usually catls himfelf Bob or Robert Smith. It is reported that he has been seen in Savannah. Whoever will deliver the said Fel low to Mr. Caig in Savannah, or to the fubferi b-r inCbarlefton, shall receive the above Re ward and all reasonable charges. Alexander Edwards. October tith, 68-sf Just Received, By the Brigs APOLLO and BfcLLONA,yrcM New-Yor k : AND NOW OPENED t£)R SALE, ON THE “BAY, By E. & C. Stebbins, v I Z. BROAD Cloths and caffimers, claftic and . I orrell cloths ; printed caflimers, lainett, Swanfdown and Marfcilles, for veil fliapes ; cotton mixtures ; red white and yellow flan nels, green baize ; grey, blue, and finked coat rngs; 7-4, 8-4, 9-4, 10-4 role blanket do. cai peting, negro llockings and lels, jeans, durants, callimancoes, tammies, wildborcs, caniblets and camble leens; bombazeen, India perlians, black, white, Inown and dove coloured lattins, llriped ditto; black, white, blue, brown, pink, llate, crow, peach, and dove coloured Mantuas ; llriped ft Iks and farcenetts, plain ditto; wide and nar row black modes ; Italian crape, pattinett lace, for ladies (hades, spotted gauze, bandan. no and barcelona handkerchiefs, silk (hawls handkerchiels, purple and coloured ihawv plain bordered and coloured handkerchief.', Dullicatt a.,d romall ditto ; Irish linens, sheet ings, browndo. do. Hollands, oznaburgs, check Ihirtings, 3-4, 6-4, b-4, 10-4 diapers, birdeye and clouting do. 5-4, h-4, 8-4, 10-4, 10-4 by 1.1-4 table cloths; chintzes and callicocs ; blu", red, and purple copper plates, chintz I urnitures, do. for patch work, bordering do. 9-4 10-4, 11-4, 12-4 cotton counterpanes, 12-4 Marseilles do. Marfcilles quilting tor la dies ; dimities, Mancheller mnflins ; long .awns, 4-4 and 6-4 plain book mufiin, 6-4 tam bor’d do. 4-4 and 6-4 plain jaconet mufiin, 0-4 tambor’ddo. tambor’d aprons, Itriped and cross barr’d do. mufiin shawls, gentlemens cravats and handkerchiefs, jaconet and book handkerchiefs, border’d do.—Ladies iilk and cotton hole, gentlemen’s belt English plain, patent, black, and white silk do. fv'd engine cotton, rib’d do. cotton and iilk do. plated do. marble, rib’d and plain do. random do, worl i“d do. worded and lilk do. patent do.—Cor duroys, thickfetts, velvets, valentia, corde lures, brown jeans, white do. fuftians ; ladies habit, and long black and while silk gloves, gentlemen’s black and white silk ditto ; plain, clouded and flriped nankeens ; bed-ticks ; course and fine humbums ; ginghams, cam bricks; fewingfitks and twists alforted, ounce and lb. threads,colour’d ditto; laces,edgings, tap-s ; bobbins, ribbons, silk ferretts, cotton yarn, button moulds, fliirt buttons. Dressing cases, large and small plated callors, common do. plated caqdlefticks, brass do. bottle Bands, graters, t-a canuiflers, shaving boxes, cloth brushes, shoe hard and loft (having soap, windfor and violet do. wall nails, cream do. pots pomatum, roll do. lip lalve, court plaiftor,falls lemon, tooth brushes, r.ortoile (hell combs, crooked do. drelfing do. Gory do. pungeant bottles—Silk suspenders, la Hie do. comm >n ditto ; beads, large and I mall ; lilver pencils, lead do. pocket books, memorandum ditto ; gold’ earrings, pendals ; milk of rof's, in large and small bottles ; rose and orange (lower water. Knives and forks ; razors with cases ; pen knives, fcilfors, cork ferews, Inutiers, lancets, japan’d servers, trays ; watch chains, flcevc buttons, 4, Sc lb. pins ; Carpenters Tools STATIONARY. Royal deini, thin folio poll, quarto post, pot and foollcap paper ; playing cards, blank books, ink powder, wafers Sc tfealing wax, and quills. Ladies beaver hats, gentlemen’s do. chil dren’s black and colour’d ditto ; negro hats— Ladies colour’d kid .SLIPPERS, Morocco do. sandals, Milies do—Gentlemen's fine SHOES and RUMPS. Hyfon Tea, Loaf Sugar, Pepper, Nutmegs, Hair Powder and (larch. Likewise a few Quarter Calks ot excellent SHERR7’ WINE, By the CASK. Savannah, October 23. C3. HAT i\lanuiattory. j JO H N B IGGS, RESPECTFULLY informs the Public, that he has removed from the houic he lately occupied, and has commenced bufinefson the Bay, next door but one to Mr. Mallery’s Cof fee-Houfc, w here he manufactures Ladies and Gentlemen’s Beaver, Caflor and Roram HATS, ol a superior quality—Likewise, Military Hats and Caps, made and irimed on the fhortell notice. He hopes by a close application to bulinels, to merit the confidence of all those w'ho may please to favour him with their cui tOtl). N. B. Old Hats naped, dyed or drefied, in the neatefl manner. Wanted, one or two Ap prentices to the above bu(inel3. Savannah. Oiflober 11. n.64. Afahel Wright, BEGS leave to acquaint his Old Customers and the Public in general, that he carries on the SHOE MAKING hulinels, at his (hop in St. Julian (Ireet, next door to Kollock and Parker’s, w r here he has on hand a genera! assort ment of Boots, Bootees, and Shoes ot thenew ell lalhion ; Ladies Morocco Shoes and Slip pers of all colours, Childrens, do.—He has al so on hand, a large quantity of Negro Shoes, which he will fell at a small advance for Calh. November 11. 7 3-ts NOTICE. BY late trials made o,n my high land RED CLAY, much of it is found to be ol supe rior quality and capable ot being wrought into BRICKS, not inferior to those imported from Philadelphia : Persons willing .j comrafl for a quantity, I will engage to furnifh them therewith, equal in quality to any imported from the northern Hates, on as moderate terms as those are purchased at, made 111 the neigh bourhood ol Savannah. B. PUTNAM. Savannah, June 8. 31;'^ ISAAC HASTINGS, Rrfpedfully informs the Public that he hat TOK SALE, At his STORE St. Julian Street, between the Church and Market opposite Mr. Hogg's. BEST Jamaica RUM, Windward Island and Northward do. WINES, Holland GIN, COFFEE, Loal and Brown SUGAR, SOAP and CANDLES, Pickled Fish, Writing and Wrapping Paper, Shoes. Nails, Iron Ware. Toinj^k Ware, &c. AL S O Just reccivrkpf'. the Regulator, From Boston ; Excellent Hyfon and Souchong Teas., Northward Cordials, Salt Petrc relined, Copperas. Excellent Gun Powder, Shott afTorted. AiTortment Mens. Womens Sc Childiens Shoes, Blankets, coarfc Halfthick, Plains and Coating, Broadcloth, CafTnners, and ismze, Slialoon and Durants, Coarle Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Allortment Pewter and Tin Ware, Alibi;merit Trunk, Chell and Pad Lock:, Pennknives, Cutleausand Scilfois, Fable and Tea Spoons, Gimbleis, Centerbitts, Awls, Tacks, Jews-Harps, Airortment Coat and Waiflcoat Buttons, Threads, Pins, Needles and Thimbles. Shoe l'riifisrs,^^^ Horn anti Ivoj|r Combs, Brass Cocks, and SnufF Boxes, Razors and Shaving Boxes, fifhing Lines and Hooks, Chalk Lines, Pocket Books, Ink Pots, Walys, Sealing Wax.,.. Spelling Books. Philters, and a variety of Childrens Books, Setts of Wooden Measures, Sugar Boxes, Pails and Tubs, Trunks different sizes, Arc. Ate. All of which, hr will dispose of at a veiy small advance, for Calh or Merchantable Pro duce Conllant attendance, and the fmalldt favor gratefully acknow l tdged. Savannah, October 18. 66-ts LEMUEL CLARK, Has Received by the Ship Minerva, Capt. Scott, from London via Bollon, and by the Brig Eli za Cupt. Worth from Boflon : European and India. good s,, Which are now opening at his Store in St. Jultatf Street (formerly occupied by Mr. Thos. Hogg, AND FOR SALE, By Wholefile or Retail,for a low Advance, viz. SUPERFINEand second broad cloath; blue plains and blue bath coatings ; blue and brown large; negro cloth ; while, red, green and yellow flannel ; dulfil blankets ; a great variety of plain and printed caiimers of the bell quality ; itnpcd elallic cloths ; muffin handkerchiefs, black, coloured, llripe and check silk handkerchiefs ; French and India lilks and lattins ; black due espe India nan keens ; llriped and plain callicocs and chintfes; Irish linen; huinhums ; brown plattilles ; thicksets and velvets ; sewing silk and twill of of all colours.; worded, silk and cotton hosie ry ; womens and mens leather gloves ; durants and fhailoons, callimancoes and black ruffe] ; ladies chints fliaw Is Sc pocket handkerchiefs ; black hair ribbons; ladies fancy ribbons, pound and paper pins ; an assortment of white and common chapped needles ; a large assortment of mens, womens, childrens and boys beaver hats ; black, white, and green oil case hat co vers ; a few crates of Liverpool ware, assorted, cream coloured, blue and green edged ; cotton cards, ro. 10 ditto ; playing cards ; 7 and 8 day clocks waranted, with mahogany cases, and ol the latcfl faihion ; an elegant assortment oflhocs and hoots, 50 pair long and short boo;s warranted, tOO pair mens fine shoes, a part of them black morocco, 300 pair ladies fluff flip pers, led, black and blue morocco flippers and sandals, misses red and black morocco flippers, boys and childrens shoes, 500 pair negroes coarfc shoes ; boxes of candles and soap ; flop clothes for sailors, long and short bluejackets, blue trowfers, do. flriped and dark ; checked, ftiiped, and white cotton fliirts ; woollen draws, an assortment of hardware ; gun powder ; a valuable colleftion of European and America* books and flat ionary, &c. &c. November 11. 73 DAVID SANDIDGe” Has jufl Imported in the Ship Tamma-I ny from Liverpool, ‘via CharleftonJ and ntnv opening at No. 6, Commerce Row : AVERY GENERAL ASSORT MENT OF G O O D S, SUITABLE to the present Season, which he purchased himfelf, diredllf from the Manufactories, and willdifpofe ot them at a low advance for ready pay ment only. ALSO---A quantity of bed StorO Salt, in fades ot Bufliels each— Brown Stout, in Bottles and Tierces; a few Crates of Crockery Ware, well aflbrted. N. B, BILLS oa Liverpool and Manchester, for sale. November io. 7 s"• No, 77.