Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, December 23, 1796, Page 341, Image 2

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341 For Sale, ~ •*'“*’ A valuable I'd Lot and House , & l !*S5kL’ ! . lß3fi Jn Broughton street, at Sa p f cf-iit oc< by Mr. SPff&liSl J AMrs s ; m : #om 5 7 Por Penns, pßafc to apply to benedix Ls - IVtukavf for Hale at their _fore, No. 3, Commerce • ‘ ‘ Row, lately Imparted : £-jths and 4-yhs Irifti Linen, Platillcs Royal and liiown Holland:’ Scotch and German cotton Bagging. Picklehbftrgh and Oznaburg. He Tims and Roll Linens. FlautT-rk and German Bed licking. Flanders JLien. checks,, ilriprs.. coarlc Towelling. Black Pepper. Holland choefes. cnlfee lylilU. l id.dles and Looking-GlaUes. Madeira, >. Xencrille, ) Sherry, > WINES, iu Hlids. £ Or calks. Malaga, y claret, * Florence Oil, in Boxes. I.oa! Si gar. A rev/ bids, excellent Jamaica Sugars. Holland Gin of the belt quality. Jamaica Rum and Brandy. Window Glab, 8 by 10. FI il! Pint Tumblers Writing and Poll Pap-r. Linseed Oil in Jugs, arid calks. Nails, qd, qd, iod lynd stood, <!kc. dtc. •Dec. jto. . , , • | 83 For AMS TK RDA M, ; sT. -•.> The SHIP P E G G Y, \Tjjf OB F n COT TL E Mas-**p ter, who has good accom modations tor a few Fallen gevs if ajplicd for before the 2 ct h Cur rent. Apply t 0 the Matter on Board at Bolton’s wharf. Bth Dec. 1796. - Lhc SHIP Gruff a l Lincoln, ’ ROBERT LAWRANCE f- % I&a Master, 1$ hourly expected from Ncw-Yark, and will proceed direst lm Liverpool—Sac will tike Cot on or other light freight, if application is,loon made ; Far which or pall.ige, apply to EWING ‘S M'CALL, IV II 0 have jvfl t ectivcd-by the Bate TRY ALL, from (t k y. t nock, anil assoutmsnt of OZNABURGS, Fiats, Check Handkerchiefs',’ Negro Cap*, ‘Printed do. , Nails; White Check*, Copperas, Thread, Pipes, trflh Linens, Sots Coals and heft Jlofbry, ‘ London bol tied ponoi * .Alfa, a few Puncheons New-EngLmd RUM \VI licit they will fell on a very modcrute advance for prompt payment. Savannah, December, f. 79” 3 W : PUBLIC AUCTION. >iUi Tuesday, the 12 th day of January nest at the Merchants 13 Pi.anteks Gojee-Houfe, preeijely at one o'clock — WILL be fold the Schooner ‘SZN p H ffi NI X, sdsiufL Bl,Tlllot> u>ns P C1 ’ r< ?&‘N r > ’ dOjfllll ßUfSk. the property of the late. Capt. • HRI ST OTHER WHI I’ It L> , decealeil. w ith her tackle and feisxs—,,pp arf i as fh c now lies a Aae x. Watt’s, Wharf—Thc inventory m*y be icon, and copditions known any time be fore the fair, at the lublcribers ilore. Atl per lons having demands agamft the cft.’.te ot tilt late Capt'. Chrißopher Whipple dcct ufcd, aro dclired t<> render them in properly authen ticated. and all those indebted, are requeued •to make payment imtnediaicly. EDW. SWARBRECK, Adminifrotor. r Savannah, qth December. 1795. . pw.BQ., ■“PETER MADDEN, H ‘cflfully informs his friends and the public, that he has removed into the bottom of Capt. Mnw-i 5 oils house on the liar. , rvith the articles he. his < saved from- the fire r whiek he now offers forJa/e, „• on hisaifuid i*co ter+s, and will be thankful fo> ei continuance ,es their favors. — 1 hey conjijl , chiefly of tht following articles —Viz. . f Mens and womens luperfine Hats, nude here> • Do. dp. Englidi and northern. Childreiss coloured Beaver do. Ladies fattiivt and florentinc fhocs and flippers. Mens line and c.oarfc liaoes. Rose Blankets, from 5 to 9-4 quarters. Dullield do. Swanldownveft patterns, hcarlet cloth for cloaks. .Scarlet and Bath coating, womens cloaks. Cjinblct coats and cloaks. Green baize, camblrt, or.naburg. Coarse cloths, durant, Itiftian, bed tick 6-4 Apron check ; pocket handkerchiefs Spotted and striped Bandanoes ; Ribbons. Chrpk (hirts and trow lers ; blue cloth coats. Jackets and Trowfers ; whole Se half Boots. t Humliums ; Irilh Linen. Whips, saddles, bridles, buckles St tips, llolicry ; Hardware. . t)ftrich Feathers, Plumes. A quantity of feented A plain Hair Powder. Hard and foft Pomatum. Ink Powder ; Blacking Ball & Brushes. llyfon Souchong and Rohea Tcas. Rum, Salt, Cheese, IVaron. Bell Virginia chewing Tobacco—with 3 gene ral aflbrtment ot M-dicines, &c. Scc. Orders from his creditors will be taken as cash for a nv of the above Articles. “Savannah. Dec. t'j. 3a. Columbian iEufeum, £&♦ Loring Cx Scaver,’ Have in addition to their-flock of Dry Goods, opened an Afortment uj Groceries, t Confiding of Madeira and Sherry Wines of an excellent quality ; Rum, Gin, Brandy ; a variety ot French Cordials, Hyl m Tea, Fil hcrcs, Finglipi Wallnpts, currants, Olives, ca pers, cuctttnb'-rs. and several otficr Pickles, Spi ers, - &e. which they will retail on veuluuablc - terms —And have received for tale. S London Particular Madeira Wine, in half Pipes, among which are a lew imported from Madeira by particular order, of a quaiity equal to any ever brought to this country — Cordials per do/.. ‘ Currents, per cwt. * Filberts, per do. Flnglilh Wullnuts,.per do. Iron, Salt, and a few boxes of low pri ced Linen, at a ftnall advance. Dec. lb. Bi. Loring & Seaver, Infirm the Public, that they have commenced Buf nejs in the Comrvuliion Liiie, And have opened an Assortment of Dry GOODS, At their Store, on Clarke's Wharf which they .will djpoj'e of on reaJbnabU terms for Cajh. They hare aljo/or jalc, Hyfon & liohea 1 EA, ot a iupenor flavor, G la Is, A imall quantity of Medicine, Mould and Diprd CANDLES, N. E. RUM, and a quantity of Italian SEWING SILK, which they will fell very low pr. lb. November 15. 74* l s ADVERTISEMENT. ANY Master Carpenter, who is willing to undertake the framing, railing, doling in, laying the floors, lining and partitioning a Houle, lixty feet long, thirty-fix feet wide, and two (tories high, will please le deliver their lowed terms per square, at the Printing- Office of the Columbian Mufeiirn, addre.lfcd to ROBT. WOODHOUSE. Nathaniel Butler, Watch Maker & Jeweller : HAS (-retted a Shop on the Bay, near the ruins of the Old Cotiee-Houfe, where he is ready to attend to all Orders as ulual. He has 011 hand, a variety of Elegant Watch es—Alfo,anAffbrtnient ol Jewellery, See. All of which he will dilpofe of very reasona ble lor cash. December zO. Bj. Notice. rpHE Clerk of the Si[jerior Court’s Office, JL of Chatham County, is kept at Mr. AVin. Normant’s house, fronting the wcltcrn part of the South Common. James Smith, c.s. c.c.c. Dec. 20th. Bo Thomas Dechenaux, Has jujl Received by the Brig Ruby from. Phila d ’Jphia, the following Articles, which he zoill diftofe <f at H half file, on renfo nahle Terms for Cajh, vie: CM LARET Wine in calks, lirft quality. J Mu feat do. in Boxes. Graves do.- iu Tierces. Madeira do. in do. FenCrilfe I do. in Pipes. ‘ - . Lilbon do. in do. Malaga do. in Tierces. Jamaica and Nf E. Rum in Ilhds. Freuch Brandy, ditto, ‘ Fresh sweet Oil, in Box-s. Preserved Fruit and Tickles. Malaga Rabins, in Boxes. Prunes, in do. Figs, in Barrels, bolt (hell Almonds in Bags. , , , Belt Gun Powder, in 25U). casks. ? rjy Barrels Frelh fupcrline PhiladelpTiia Flour. lit has opened his (lore J Dry Goods, in Broughton J.beet as formerly, which wasjhut up for a few Jays, on account of the late alarms. December 20th. 83-31 Carpenter & Havens, Have just Received by the BRIG AMAZON, AX D , F O R SALE, A jTciicJral assortment of DR Y (; O O s. • Ironmongrry, Groceriesi Ship Chandlery’ and about goo. Volumes Philosophical and llif toiical BOOKS, and NOVELS, Bibles ami ; School Books, &c.. Bbls. Prime Pork, Beef, Pilot, Middling a;id Ship Bread, Pipes’ Holland Gin, Northward, do. Madeira Wine in Pipes and Qr. Calks, Hhds. Northward Rum, Chary Ruin, • , Che (Is bell Hyfon Tea, * “Bags loft Shell Almonds, 3 Qr. Calks Rifle Gun Powder, Aflbrted and Jargeit Buck Shot, 200 Pair Negro Shpcs, Negro Plains. Boxes Soap anti Candles. &c. OAober 24th. tf6-. . t _ _ . ‘ _ Edw. y Cl. STEBBIN.S, BEGS leave to acquaint their friends, and tlie public in general, that ihry have opened their Store at the corner of Brougliten-llreet, facing th; Weft Commons, at the house occu pied by Mrs. Polock. And having received an additional supply of GOODS, luitablc to the present fcafon. by the Apollo, Capt Robinfoti, whjcli makes their auortment complete.. Savannah Dec. 6. 79. James Wallace o? Cos. HAVE removed their Goods to the red Store, on Taylor GMii tER's Wharf, facing the BltilV, where they will tranfad Buum Uas usual Dec. 6. ’ 7,7. -CAIG MACLEOD Cos. Have for Salty MADEIRA WINE, in Pipes. Do. Do. in Cases Jof 2 dozen each, at i; dollars per case. A quantity of Cotton Bagging. O/naburgs—lrifti Linens and RuHia Sheeting. December 23. n By. “tobilT, ease and, For One or Two Tears, if applied for In a | fnv Days. A valuable Cotton Plantation, within 30 miles of Savaauali ; there is I acres of prime Laud cleared, with every con- j veuient Building on it —Enquire of the Pr'n- I ters. Dec. 23. —11 By. 2t. I Tax Collector’s Sales. WILL be fold, on the 25th of January J’ next, between tlie hours of ten bud 1 one o’clock, at M-Intoish .Court-House, 1 the following tracts of Land, or as much as J will be fuffieieut to y>ay the tax annexed to 1 each, with costs rur the year 1796. 1042,000 Acres Land lying in Glyn County, granted in the name ot VVil- I liain MTntofli, Ferdinand Onral, and o.hers. I being now the property ol the Honourable I Junes Wilson, oi Philadelphia, returned by I John Currie, affing for (aid Wilson. Fx j lOyq Dols. 10 Cents, and cash. 350 Acres Land, on Sapclo Waters, Eagle Neck—Returned as the proper- I ty of John Montfert.—Tax 4 Dols. 97.4 Cents, l and cash. S. HARRIS, t. c. m. c. December 19, 1796. tw. I'v. James Girardeau, Adininil’-'j UPON petition of I trator of Jonathan Bacon, j the Plaintiff , as I vs. Admuv(trator nf I Lazarus Mallard, AdminiT- | Jouatnan B - I trator ol William Bacon. J con, deecajed, J praying the. Joreclofure of the equity of redemption I of two Negroes, to wit: Sambo and Ghidar, I the ifjue of the J'aid Cindar, mortgaged by William Bacon, deceased, to the Jaid Jonathan Bacon, (or I theJecuring the payment of a J'um of money men I tioned in u Bond, given by the J aid William to tie I said J onathan, bearing tvni date with the fatd I mortgage, and on motion of Mr. Woodruff , attorney for the petitioner : It is ordered, that the principal I interejl and cofls, upon the J'aid Bond and Mort gage, be paid within twelve months from the date hereof, or in failure thereof, the equity of redemp tion, be from thenceforth foreclofed And it is further irdered, that this rule be publijhed in one of the Gazettes, es this fate , orferved on the Mort gager or his .Utorncy, at leaf nine months previous I to the time, for the payment of the money of or es aid. I Liberty County, Superior court, Sept. Term, 1796. JOS IAH SLEW ART,’ clerk. December 23 d. //h'k I The Subscriber has received on Coniignment, London Particular Madeira,’ London Market, , Wine. Old Sherry, Virginia manufactured Tobacco, in I Barrels, Flour- Rifcuit, and 1000 belt Philadelphia Ericks. James Alger. Savannah, Nov. 22. * 76. Landing this Day, From on board Barque Albany, Judah pad dock, master, from New-York, & lor laic at Telfair’s Wharf, by the fuhlcriber, , M 8 Bundles bcfl Northern Hay. 10,000 good Bricks. j b Tons Bar Iron. 12 Puncheons York Rum. so Barrels prime & cargo Beef. 1 g Cases northern Cheele. 13 Crates Earthen Ware, aflotted. 2 Boxes Irish Linens. > a Barrels Lamp Oil. \ The above articles will be (old low, for Cash, ‘ or Prouduce, by ’ RICHARD DENNIS. Savannah, Dec. 13. Sr-4-t. U. Toblcr, HAS removed in eonfequcnce of the late fires, to Mr. Wni. Belcher’s Vendue (Lore, where he propofas felling oil his remaining flock of Goods, at .the molt reduced Prices for Cash. Dec. ib. 82. GEORGE RALSTON, Being favoured with part oj the Store of AJ ejfrs. Luring t3 Seavcr, under the. Bluff, HAS opened a number of uietuland icalonablc •GOO D S : Where he will thankfully terse any who vifh to favour him with their cullom. Savannah, December 8. 8o Received, By the fliipSoehalt, capt. Wolff, a Quantity of Coal and Salt, for falc by r HUNTER, PRESTMAX & Cos. Savannah, December 9. 80. GARDEN SEEDS, Lately Imported from Europe, to be fold, bv JOHN HAMILTON. Nov. 16. 75. EDWD. GRIFFITH, Has removed to Mr. Jone’s in Yamacraw, where his old Customers may find him. He lias loft a Case of Brass mounted holster Pi ft oh, and a green Dining Chair, aftrr being laved 1 from the fire, lie liai for laic, a very neat Ri ding CHAIR authentic. Translation of a note; Jrnm the MiniT ter of the French Republic, t h ‘the Secretary of State of the United States. Legation of V 111 add (hi a . (Continued from No. S2.J In vain will it be obiefte i that France having the right by her treaty of 1 to enjoy all the con'mtrcc and navigation, which the Uni-M State* have granted to England, is not injured by the Itipulations ot the treaty of 1-04. relative to contraband of war, as they oeccme common to her. But the right to cured to her by the second article of the treaty of 1778, docs nor at all ex tend to the allies whom the success of her arms, and the juit refen tment, in spired by the ambition es England, lave definitively given and lhali give to her m Europe. l nefe difpeditions change, uyrmg the course of the war, the fitua {JJon of the United Ftares, towards England and the Lc.iigertnt powers al lied to I'ratice : the intereli oi tkfc pow ers is common to France ; and front the moment is injured, France is inju red also. , After having allured to the Englilh t" e carriage ot naval ilores, the federal, government vvifhsd to allure to them that of mealsin a word, it defiled to have commerce only with England. Thus, it lupulatis by the 18th avtic.e, that the American vends iaden with grain, may be fei/.ed under the frivolous pretext, that it is extremely difficult to defir,c the rales wherein provifiens, and other articles which are generally excepted,, could be c lulled in the iiit of contraband oi war ; thus it stipulates in article i7, that the American veifcls may be arrell cd upon the iingle suspicion, either that they have merchandize belonging to the enemy, or that they carry to him ar ticles contraband of war. The United States, in their treaty with France, have made stipulations entiiely oppoiite to thofc ju it cited; whi lit her veilels of war are bound to refped the American flag going to Englilh poifdlions, the Englilh drag into their ports American veilels going to the ports of France; lubjed them to dcciiions more or leis arbitrary ; and often condemn them on account of the name alone of their own ers ; by which means, all the commer cial relations between the United States and France are entirely suspended. What American will venture to iend veilels into French ports ? What commerce will he venture to undertake with the .Tench pofteiiions, when it will be cer tain that his iunds, either in going to, cr returning from them, run the greatest ra.-ard ? Would he not rather preier trail'eking with a country, to which his veiieis might go without being exposed ro other riiks than those of the lea ? Would he not prefer Great-Britain to France, for Iris {peculations ? In virtue oi the treaty of London and by the course oi things would not the commerce of the United States pai's entirely to England, during the prelent war ? Alter having contented to such condi tions, the American government can not pretend to impartiality ; it ea rn it fay that it has maintained an equal.neu trality between France and England, iinee it has granted to Great-Britain ad vantages denied to France. But every .one ct these advantages granted to Eng land, was a real wrong to the Republic ; amd if it is not maintained, without sporting with all principles, that a go vernment may confidcr itfcli as neutral in granting to a belligerent power ad vantages which it rctuies to another, it is that the government of the U nited ptates, after having made its trea ty wi.'th Great-Britain, ceased to be neutrai-, when it opposed itfelf to the participation by France in the favors grantui to die Englilh. In coildequcnce, the undersigned mi niilcr plenipotentiary again declares, that the jexecutive directory has just or dered thlp vcffels of war and privateers of the republic to treat American veflels in the fr.ffne manner as they fufter the Englilh lo treat them. Were /the treaty of London out of the question j the meafurc the executive di redory ‘now takes would not be less con formably to justice. The underftgneil miniferV plenipotentiary has developed to the fe)cretary of state, in hi note of the 6th rTumaire last, principles which leave n<t> doubt in this refped ; and which thV ani'wer of the secretary of fate is far froto destroying, (No. 5.) But the ftipul.Uujms of treaties now come to the support 4pi general principles. The re public ciVIL for the execution of the ie cond article of the treaty of 17 7S, which lays thaA France and the United States, mutually Tngage not to grant any parti cular favo as to navigation or corn No 84.