Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, December 23, 1796, Page 342, Image 3

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Vol. 1* 1 Tree, which (hall not immcdiatly bc- I ?,„,c common to the other party. The 9 of the United States having I h -the treaty of London, facrificed to I England the freedom of their flag, the I property of the enemies of England, and K f a val (tores ; France, by her treaty,, is 9 juthorifed to claim the fame advantage, 9 to make use of it, and the United States 9 !,., vS no right to complain. 9 (To be Continued.) I William Robert Mein, B™ EGbii'fto inform their friends and the public, that they have crested a Store, on ■ , ;lC lot formerly occupied by Melts. Kr.NF.DY I and in addition to their former as -9 jortinent, per the Harmony, from London, they I have received by the Tryall, from Glvigow, 1 j g rPa t variety of Jackonet, and Book Muilins, j and Pullicat Handkerchiefs, which they will I jell very low for cash, or fnoouci. } December 23d. 84 I, Received on Consignment, And for SALE by the Sub/cr tiers : j 10 Hhds. Earthen Ware, I Will A for ted — J!fo, J London Bottled Porter. I BEN EDI X Sc Cos. I December 23d. 84. I Advertifemcnt. THE Negro Fellow 808, advertised by Mr. Edmund Bellinger, as run away the I (kli of July latt, was taken up about the laftpf I aiuguft, and delivered into my custody. Mr. I Bellinger was written to early, on the fubjed ; I but no person has yet called for him. Ihe I owner may have him by applying to I RICHAR U GIR ARDEAIT. I Strayed or Stolen, ON Saturday the 3d inst. from the fubferi bers yard, in Broti*htoii-ffre't, a chcl'iiur j iorrel Ilorle, 141 hands high, clean trimed, I with altar on his back. Whoever willd;- I liver the laid Horie to. the fubfcrfbcr, a: Mr. Lc- I m Sheftall’s, (hall be. handfbniely reward and. I BEN JAM IN JACOBS. I 1 Dec. 23. 84-31. (pp Five or fix lingieXrentle men, may be accommodated with’ Boarding, apply to LEAH MINIS, Brougno.n-icrcet, Op posite to Mr. Dechencaux. December 23. 2f* A large KEY lb and, SUPPOSED to belong toast Ironchelt.— The owner may have it by applying at this Office. Dec. 23. Ift Found by the Subfcribor, (low ed away in a hollow Hump in the woods, a bundle of deaths, supposed to have been Stolen during the late fires.—The owner on describing them, may have them, by applying to LEVI SHEFTALL. . (Fir LOST, at the Firjl Fire, a Brown cam blet Great Coat, lined with green raize, ulmojl—lt was taken from Mr. Win. Belcher’s Fur niture, on the Say, by a Centleman, jvfb'fed t h rp rujlakt. Whoever uni! deliver it to the fubferiber, Siail h dve Twoi Dollars Reward. W. Blocg To be Sold, On the 23 d of January next ; All the Houlehoid Property of the Eflate, and at the House of the late John Houstoun, Esquire. Conditions Cash. . December 9. 80. F O It SALK, A NEGRO MAN Servant,'who is complete at Honfe-work, and am excellent manager ot Hortcs - Apply to the Printers ’ FOR SALeT” A Chaise and Sn key, Enquire of the Printers. ‘December 13. n.Sr. NOW LANDING","” On BOLTON's Wharf, Front on board the SHIP PEGG Y, from New- Y ork ; And for fair, by Carpenter & Havens, PIPES French Brandy, Do. Flo Hands Gin. Do. Country, do. Do Madeira Wine. Puncheons Northward Run. this, good quality Cider. Do. Prime and Cargo Pork. Do. do. do. Beef. 17,300 Bricks, Tons Sweeds Iron. Bales 0? nahurgs. Do. Pina and Twilled Coatings. Do. White Plains, coloured S urges, and Napp'd Cloths. Boxes 7-ftths and 4-4 ths Linens. One Trunk Romal Handkerchiefs. November 15 74-ts ASSIZE OF BREAD - Savannah, December 23, 1796. FRESH fuperftne FLOUR, mav be purcha s’d at 13 Dollars th- Barrel; therefore, Ihe 7d. Loaf mud weigh, tlb. 5 07..0 7.. O drams. Ihe ditto, Olb. 1007.. 8 drams, yld Fine and Superfine Flour, at to Dollars. Jhe 7d. Loaf mull weigh, lib. 1502. 8 drams. J' n f dL Loaf, Olb. 15 oz. 12 drams. , w bich all Baker* and Sellers of Bread arc to due notice. WILLIAM H. L-\\’GE, CityTrcafurer. .SALEM, Nor. 2 r Sailing of a- Spats y.b fieri. Cape. Muciord, arrived hereon Sun oay laif, from Cadiz. J| c fatlsd the | 2bth hept. in company with t. Spanifu ; fleet of 22 fail of the line, and 18 fri ptes an( l of war, reported (o be bound to Carrhagena. it was also laid, that at Carthagena they wcie to be joi ned by 7 fail of the line, and to fail for J ouion. ihe Admiral’s lhip carried 152 guns. Vt iiiic Capt. M. lay ?.t Cadiz, two Portuguele drips of about 500 tons each, from the Brazils, were lent in there as prizes. They were very valuable, and vycrc captured by a French privateer fehooner of 16 guns, said to be in part owned by Capt. Barney. Os the CAPTURE of ADMIRAL JARVIS. Capt. Pedrick, of the brig Fox, ar rived at Marblehead on Sunday lalt, from Lisbon. He failed in company with Capt. Myrick, of Boston, who brings the important intelligence of the capture of admiral Jarvis's fleet, cNc. Pi e have sent two gentlemen of veracity from Marblehead, who conversed with Capt. Pedrick, and made tire usual in quiries for rews on an arrival, and he did not e ven mention the important re port brought by Capt. Myrick. He was not aiked particularly the question relative to the capture of Jarvis's fleet, because at the time, the report was not iu circulation—but it is certainly very Angular that Capt. Pedrick heard no tii og oi the important intelligence, or if he did, and made no mention 01 it. vVe mult wait patiently, for the ar rival of the Hoop at Bolton, which was to fail the next day after Capt. My rick, for a confirmation or contradic tion of this highly important report. BOSTON, N ox:ember 22. Probable Consequences of the Capture of the British Fleet, with form remarks. The intelligence brought from Lis bon if authenticn'of which there seems little room for doubt) is the greatest blow ever given to the Britilh navy. The greatclt number of (hips which we remember to havemeen 101 l in the Eng liih hiitory and ies not exceed 4or fail of the hne—But here is a powerful fleet qonlifling of 7 fail of the line, befidesfri gates destined for an important expedi tion, with transports full of provisions and troops, taken at a time when the loss is irreparable, when if their place is sup plied, the channel fleet is weakened, and England, Scotland and Ireland, laid op en to a deTcnr. At the lowed calcu lation theft- funs of war and transports required rO,OOO seamen to navigate them, arid if they had on board, as we are told, the troops withdrawn from Gorflca, they could not have amounted to ids than fix or seven thousand men ; here is a fleet and army loll—now let us look at the consequences—England has loll: the commerce of the Mediterranean, consequently all her influence there Gibraltar (to reinforce which this fleet was deftir.ed) is left unprepared fora liege—-her funds mu ft feel a depreflion that will render a bankruptcy almost in evitable, her naval reputation will be funk in the estimation, and by a junc tion of the French, Spanish, and Dutch fleet ; her Channel fleet will be out-num bered. The alarm spread over England by an event unparalleled in the annals of ‘naval affairs, will terrify the moft intrepid administration, the whole plan of the minuter will be deranged, in fad the consequences are incalculable. NEW-YORK, Nov. 29. The following is published for the information of the Merchants, See. of the United States, by the desire of Sir John Temple, Bart, his Britannic MajcUy’s Consul General to the Uni ted States of America. His Excellency the Governor and Commander in Chief of the liland of Martinique, has notified that, all foreign vefiels belonging to the fubjeds of aiiy power or (fa re, in amity with his Majef- I ty, laden with provisions of every kind (excepting lahed beof, faltcd pork and butter) (hall and may be admitted into the ports of Bort-Roy?l, St. l’ierrc, Trinity, and Maria, until the lirft day of February next. The importers thereof, paying the Colonial duties and no other, and lhail be allowed to take Rum and Molaflcs in exchange for their r cfpcdive cargoes. CHARLESTON, Dec. 13. Early yesterday morning, a fire was difeovered in an out-building, adjoining a houlc in Moo redirect, occupied by Mr. John Loveday ; as soon as the a larm was given, a number of citizens attended, and by their exertions the flames were prevented from communi cating to the dwelling-house. Columbian flTafeum, &c. SAvAN NA H, Dec. 23. Y e are authorifed to inform our rca deis, that on the 21st inst, the sum of feyett hundred and three dollars, was re ceived by the Committee in this place, from An drew Innfa, F.fq. of Au gulhi, as part of a Contribution from the Citizens of that town, for the benefit of thefufferers by the late fires. DIVISION ORDERS, D-c. 20, 1796. IN ronlequcnceol general orders, of the i.j:h I nil am, one half of the Militia of Bryan. Liberty, and Effingham Counties, will be h-Id in readme Is by their rcipedive commanding olliccrs, to march for Savannah, at the (hortrft notice 5 this order to continue in force until, and during the C!iriim?s Holy-days. In case °f <* march the officers will receive further or ders from the Major General. The flridell patroles will he kept up for the fame period, u the aforementioned regiments. The late calamities attending the City of Savannah, will induce the officers o’ the lit if or City Battalion of Chatham, to be extreme lycareful, and particular in the molt calm hours, at this period of the year—vigilance has been deemed requisite, and is surely much more neccflary, at a moment like the present, when the late diftrediug wants, are not certainly known whether to have proceeded from acci dent or dciign—if the latter, there is no al'cer t.aining how tar it might extend. One third of the country or ferorul hafalon companies, of the Chatham Militia, will in iuccdfion, be conlidered on pat role dtuv, every day wiihin their refpeefive dift.ifls. until the lecond dav ol January nest 1 hoodicers com manding ltd h town and country patroles in Chatham, will report to Major Mitchell, on whom the command of the regiment h'de volved, and the Major will report to the Major General, who if necelfary, will iifue iurthet orders. In caleof fire during the period above nv’n | iioned, t'ic Dragoons will parade at their alarm poll- and fend patroics on the leading roads to town —they and till other patroles, will be care ful not to injure or mifulc any pevlon or prop - erty—to examine lulpicioiu diameters, try perhaps he proper, and to apprehend Haves without tickets, or lonic token of being in their mailers employ, will he a duty. Major Mitchell, will be pleated to ifiuefuch dire#ions refpetling the Town Companies both with refpetl to patroles or cases of Er as lie may deem proper—and he will take th necelfary Heps to have the second Battalion, again arranged and infpefled, and a return thereof made to the Major General. By orde r oj Major General JACKSON. I. 11. MAXWELL, A D G. The foregoing, is a true copy of division orders, which are to be refpefc -d as they relate to the different corps in the firll Brigade. Ed. WHITE, InJ'ptdor, ijl Brig, ijl Dhifon. INCOU N C I L, SA V A N N A H , December 9, 1 796. COUNCIL proceeded to take under consideration, the relblutions of the citi zens, palled at their meeting held on the eighth liiltant. Whereupon , if is Rifolved, That the ordinances of the city, reipedling lire Companies, and Exti.iguilhmcnt oi Fires, be revised ; and tiur three citi zens lor the Ealle in, and rbr.-c for the Weftem diftriit oi this city, be appoint ed as Fire Wardens, who (hail have au thority todireft such measu res, as they may think neceflary, for the extinguifh ment of any fires, that may a rife in their refpeAive diflrids, with the advice and direction ot the Chief Mag id rate of the city, when present, and that Joseph Clay, fenior,'John Haberfhani and Wil liam Hunter, be appointed for the Wes tern, and Robert Bolton, Alexander Watt and Goodwin Wilson, be appoint ed for the Eaitern district. Refolded, That Robert Mitchell, George Woodruff, Lemuel Kolicck, William Belcher, Joseph Roberts, and Alexander Watt, be authorized as a committee of the citizens, to make dili gent search throughout the city, in all dwelling houses, ilores and out houses, tor property 101 l during the late hres. That they be di reded to deposit all property, which may be found, in the Guard House, in charge of the Captain of the City Guard : And that they be authorized, to make enquiry into the’ fltuations ofall fufpeded person's, having no visible means of living or occupations. Refolded, That the said committee, be dirededto examine and make report of all Chimneys or Buildings, which ajppear to be dangerous, as exposing the city to fire. Refolded, That fail committee report to council from time to time, the pro gress they may make, IN COUNCIL , Savannah, D. <,-. 13, 1796. COUNCIL relumed the coniidera tion of the recommendatory resolutions, palled by the citizens, at their meeting on the eighth inifanr, Whereupon, It is further Rrfolved , That Aider men Young and Moore, be a commit tee immediately to contract for, and su perintend the repairing of the Wells, n jvv out of repair, so that they may be rendered lit for ui'e, as fpcedily as polii ble : And that instead of wheels and buckets, the committee cause Pumps, with proper oh f i K , placed in thqfe Webi. And that it dull b- to, 1 o lame committee, to fee that • -f lhclters be procured iu rat FT gine.% and Buckets, in t proper parts’ oftheeiry, f>r .Tpoflrb 9 **c fame. Rejoin: and, That ten LaduC/’s, each thir ty feet in length, wit: projter hooks at enc end, four F te Ho-.-rs with chains, anil a iuflicicnr of, :;;.d twenty Axes, be vv.nvv-utely provided (or the use ot the city, as directed by an order of the 7thinUant. R.Jotnsed, ’i’h'ti it will lv* the duty of .the City Council, so soon as the prelent leases on the public docks and itreets, leading thereto, flial) expire, tocanfe the buildings ereded thereon, to be remo icd, so that the laid ft reels and public docks, be kept open and clean to the wa ter’s edoe. o R jr-i’ and, That ior two months after the paffmg of this rcfelution, no retailer ot lpirituoualiquors, be allowed to keep open Ills or her (hop, aider the hour of fix in the evening; ami that it Ihall be the duty oi the City Mailhal, aided by the Con'.tables and l’atrolcs of the city, to carry this order into efibet ; nod that any person kcepiug open hi- or licr ftiop, as .-dorefaid, alter the hourol fix in the evening, fn.dl fur each offence, be fined m a fuin notexceeding ‘J'weatv Dollars. Rrf lu.d, That Mefl’rs. Gibbons and Way no, be a committee to 12 v ;fe the or dinances in force, refpeiting the preven tion an 1'.hment of tires, and that they report 10 council such amend ments thereof, as appear neccflary. R fofv and, That in purfuar.ce of the ’ recommei.dac'on ol the citizens, at ihcir . needing a fare laid, a c ‘nmittec be ap p.iinted, to examine the act.; by which, this board is corilitutvd, and that they report in what respects the\ r confider the •powers of the City Council, under the cxificivig laws inadequate, either to the objects lecoiuinendedand pointed out by the citizens at their find meeting, or to thefafety and proteHion of the city in general : and that Messrs. Gibbons and be that committee. Extra i front the minutes, THOMAS PITT, C. C. IN COUNCI L, Savannah, Dc. 5, 1796. Mr. SHAFFER, one oi the J uft ices of the County attended, and informed , Council, that feverai French Citizens, resident in the houle of Mr. Poullcn, in Drayton-ftrcet,carryi ;g cn the Gimdt.g of Cotton, at aiatchoui of ; night, and tliat the Citizens in that parr ol the Ci ty, are in much danger, and are much ‘alarmed, left the Cotton lhouid take, lire. This informati ;n being taken un, it is the unanimous opinion 01 Council, that no Gin lhouid be worked within ( the limits of the City. If i.r re upon Rifshd, That in future, no Gin (hallbe* permitted to work v\ ith in the limits of rtic City, under the pe nalty of Twenty Dollars, fir r every of fence. And ike Vk’rfaa; ft...a1l at*any time, with the aiUitance of the City Guard, Hop the working tl any Gin. Extract from, the annul s, THOMAS PITT, C.C. IN COtl NCI h, . OAVANN AH, Di cumber 19, 179 C* TH E extreme fatigue of the Citizens, since the 26th ult. makes it necclfaty t!;at they be as mltdi as pollible relieved, during the approaching Holy-days. It is therefore, Refolded, That no Ne groes from the Country, (hall walk at large, from the 24th init, to thefiift of the nexth month, within the limits of the City, without a Ticket in writing front their Mailers, or Overfccrs, which Ticket, Ihall expreft that such Negro is sent for fupp.lics, <u u and fc.all set forth the nature of ti.e supply wanted. Phi prelent lituation of this City, makes it. neccflary that ftrifit order be preserved. • Whereupon, RfAved, That it be re commended to the Cjtizi’ns, to refrain from firing of Gum, in or near the City, during the approaching Holy-days : And that the Capt. of the Guard and the Marshal, do report to Council, the names, of such persons, whp do net sub mit to this recommendation. Extract from th - Mmu Ns, Thomas Pitt, C. C. fil-arnulTai-'fu. / EX l L R F. 1) IN W A HD. Skip LoviG, Clark, Jamaica, 13. Schooner B-lfy, llarvcy, do. 13. Nymph, iliil. Charleltuiq 3* Lion, D’nnall, ■ St. Bart!io!bin , *ws, Andrew, Cation, Pliiiacielphta, zOi Sloop Nancv, Sherman, N w-B-iltord, zo. 6 LRARF.D OUT. Brij RufTell, Dulcomh, fharlelloii. Nancv, Sherman, New-Providence. Sloop Me intha, Ilamtnond, Sunbury. f Tf LOST, during the nirht of the flip Fhe, a d.rnble Barrel Gl ’X, rath grooved Pa>a—Any perfjn deliaring the fame at the- TnnVng-Ojpte, will b:gent'fujly rei urdtd. 342