Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, February 23, 1798, Image 1

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(folumbanMufcttm 8 @^aima|3fiietttser. SAyAN N A H— — Pu BUSHED ON TUESDAY ANn Fri na v bv, PTTD nn\T r crvw/MTn P..C..0, I.t.lJo.kC V.° “u” O ,L ,r” PHILIP D ’ WOOLHOPTER ’ GRATEFULLY RECEIVED, AND ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH ACCURACY AND PUNCTUALITY. VOL. 11. The Subscriber hasjult receiv ed from New-York, by the Brig Dean, Capt. Schermerhorn, the following a: tides of FURNI FURL, which he will fell low for caih or produce, 4 Plain and neat mahogany SIDE BOARDS, SECRETARY* 3 Mahogany BEDSTEADS, * Sets DINING TABLES, Tea and card TABLES, And a number of other articles of Furniture. Samuel Laurence. Feb. 20. nioa Just Arrived, And for Sale, on board the Schooner Martha, the following Articles : 40,200 Weight of India Sugar. 5 Toils of lluffia Iron. 5 Tons of Swedes Iron, 100 Pieces India Cottons. 150 Pair of Womens Slippers. For particulars apply to the Mailer on board, lying at Messrs. Johnston aud Robertlon’s Wharf. Feb. 20-11 20-3t;* CARPENTER & HAVENS Have received by the Skebherdefs, and now opening bOR SiLE, a Large Assortment of DRY GOODS , IRONMONGERY, GROCERIES SHIP CHANDLERY, & c . AMONG WHICH AR E : SUPERFINE cloths and caflimcrcs, • Yorkshire and coarse ditto, Coatings, claftic cloths, Blue ilroud, White plains, London duffil and rose blankets, Marleiiles, fwanfdown and printed cafßmcrc veil lhapes, Thick sets, Woriled, beaver and fur’d leather gl aves, Humhums, Spi tgg’d book and jaconet muslin, Check and plain ditto, ■Spngg’d aprons, Muflm handkerchiefs and shawls, Bandanoe ana black (ilk handkerchief’s, romal linen duto, Printed cottons and ell wide chintzes, Thicad. edgings, black laces, Mens nik, cotton and worllcd hose, Cotton ;-.nd woiftcd do. Youths ditto ; —worllcd locks, Ladies blank beaver hats, Mens ditto, coarle ditto, An alfortment of ladies and misses Morocco flippers and sandals, fluff do. Mens bell cjtrlity shoes, coarse ditto, Youths and childrens ditto, Negroes ditto, 3-4, 6-4 and 10-4 diapers, 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 cotton counterpanes, Linens, checks, B ack bombazetn, Colored durants, calimancocs, Bl’tk rnlfel dimities, Brown Holland, Pack and mix’t pins W. C, needles, Shoe thread—hedticks, Dutch epulis—cotton bagging, Ruflia feather beds, Roll and pot pomatum, wash balls, Shaving ioap, raizors, drefling cases, Shot belts, powder flalks, Tea cannillers and caddies, ‘Tooth powder and bruftics, Ivory combs, comb hrufhes, Plated and ivory top callors, fportfman’s,pen Sc cutteaux knives, A large aiTortmenc of table knives and forks, Carving do. oyller ditto, Steel, hlver and bials thimbles, Morocco pocket books, thicad cases, Fashionable plated buttons, Double barrel guns, rifles, fowling pieces, Sportfmen’s tools, japanned lamps, iron and brass candleflicks, Backgammon boards, furniture hrufhes, ferubbing do. hair brooms, Lathing hammers, trowels, coopers and car penters tools, oil (tones. Hatchets, broad and club axes, iron squares, files, gimbiets, knob, elofet, desk, chest and flock locks ; coffee mills, Beaver traps, gridirons, Waffle and water irons, frying pans, Plated bits and spurs, Loaded whips, whip thongs, I utanag spoons, tea urns, brass tea G’tles, Coinpnfition do; fire dogs, brass head andirons, chafing diflres; cotton cards, sd, 6d, Bd, iod and 20d nails; barr iron, Hyfon tea. nutmegs, crackers, Powder, shot, bar lead, Loaf lugar, kegs railing, fait petre, Coffee, ginger, niuftard, Barrels pitch—middling and ship bread, Ditto prime beef and pork, ditto Buckwheat meal, Puncheons Jamaica rum, Ditto Northward ditto, Ditto apple brandy, Pipes Holland gin, Ditto, French brandy, >0 cjr. calks lherry wine, 1 5 casks pairit, Lamp and train oil, 30 barrels potatoes, December 8 nßi-tf Writing Paper by the Ream * r •Zj l,r '> for fate at the Mufum Office. REASON and TRUTH impartial guide the way. I* R I D A Y, February 23, 1795. Edzv. & Clement Slebbins, Are this day OPENING FRESH GOODS. They havejult received a handsom e assortment ot Goods, which they offer at a (mail advance for cam or produce. WANTED, 300 barrels of RICE, for which Goods will be giv.n in payment- Feb. 13. wi co Just Landing, From on board the brig William, from Jamaica, 20 pipes of Madeira WINE, 14 puncheons Jamaica RUM, COFFEE, nUG All, MOLASSES, & COCOA. Atfo on Hand 20 puncheons Windward Island RUM, Liverpool and allum SALT, &c. All which will be fold low lor cash or produce. Alexander Watt. Feb 9. n 99 LORING and SEAVErT Have received for Sale, lfio barrels Frcfh FLOUR, 150 barrels ditto PILOT BREAD, 200 kegs ditto CRACKERS. And are opening, in addition to their former alfortment of Mullins, Shawls, Chintzes, See. Jaconet and book muslin handkerchiefs, Tamboured neck cloths, Plain, tamboured and spotted book muslin, Plain, tamboured and spotted jackonct do. I amboured, jackonet, and book muslin aprons Muslin sh awls, Chintz ditto, Common purple ditto, Light and dark printed cotton handkerchiefs, Do. do. , do. linen do. Y\ itli a variety of Copperplate Furnitures, which they will dispose of for cash or produce at as low an advance as they can be purchased for on the continent. Feb. 13. moo Marfhals’ Sales. Will be Sold at the Court-House in Savannah, on the firft Tuesday of March next, between the hours of 10 and 2 p. m. All that Plantation or trad; of Land in Mclntofh county, containing 200 acres, withal! the improvements thereon, (aid to be the property and now in the occupancy of Henry D. Stone, and adjoining Lands of Richard Leake & James Calhen, Sc the niarfh es and creeks of Sapelo river. Levied on to fatisfy an Execution of Ancrutn & Doughty, Merchants, Charleston. O. Bowen, Marshal. Savannah, Februajy 5 , 1798. n. g ß. Sheriff’s Sales. To be Sold on Tuesday the 6th day of March next, between the hours of 10 & 3 o’clock, at the Courthoufc in the town of St. Mary’s, A trad of LAND, contain ing 200 acres, on the waters of St. Mary’s riv er, bounded on all Tides by vacant lands at the time of survey, granted to Richard Stephens, fcized as the property of Henry Conklin, un der and by virtue of an execution. Also a Negro fellow, named Will , pointed out as the properly of John & Anaminta Dilworth, by John Jamiefon, attorney for James Jackson, to fatisfy an execution againfl John Dilworth at the luit of James Jackson. Conditions Cash. J. M. LINDSAY, S.C.C. December 24, 1797. n.90. City Sheriff Sales. On Tuesday the 6th March next, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, at the Court- House in Franklin Ward, Will be Sold, A Sulkey and Harness, aifo an elegant bay Gelding, fit for the saddle or chair, taken as the property of Jacob Cunes, pointed out by the plaintiff—alfo, two years lease of a lot of Land in Yamacraw, together with the improve ments thereon, taken as the property of Tho mas Mitchell, deceafcd, pointed out by the Plaintiffs attorney, PETER S. LAFFITTE, s. c. s. Savannah, February 1, 1798. 97. BILLS of EXCHANGE On Bcjlon,for fate. Apply to If m. LAMB. ‘January B q-tf URGE Nr and PARKErI Are Opening foi Sale, on low terms for cash or Produce. Furniture calicoes, Light and dark printed cotton hdkfs. Ditto ditto linen do. Plain, tamboured, fpt igged, japanned Sc fattin workjaconet muslin, Tamboured coloured aprons and dresses, Plain, spotted and tamboured (prigged book muslins, White and colored tambored book dresses, Jaconet muslin handkfs, Book do. Tamboured neckcloths. Feb. 16. ntoi For Sale, LOAF Sugar in Hogsheads, St Croix Rum in ditto, Wmfhip’s bell Beef, Warranted genuine sherry Wine, Cotton cards ; cotton bagging, Ready made bags for cotton, Mens coarse and fine fliocs, Tobacco, rice and cotton, Schooner NABBY, 46 tons burthen. ROBERT WATTS. February 16. n ioi. To be Sold at Public Auction, On FRIDAY the ill ot March, ii not previous ly disposed ot at private (ale. The PLANTATION on Hutchinson’s Island. containing 202$ acres, old survey, with 3a NEGROES, belonging to the ellate of the late Mr. Baillie, formerly poffelfed by Sir G. Houftoun. Conditions raih, appli cation may be made before the day ot laic to the fubferiber. JAMES MOSSMAN. Fc'b. 13. 11100 For Sale, Three as likely young Negro Men as any in the fate ; Jold for noJautt whatever. For terms apply to TAYLOR & MILLER. Feb. 13. moo For Sale, LOT No. 8, IVafhingl on I Hard being a corner Lot on the liny, with the improve ments thereon, For terms apply to William Belcher. Feb. 13. moo-6f 100 Barrels bell Baltimore Superfine FLOUR, FOR SAI. F. B Y Gairdncrs bz Mitchel. February 6 n.98. Opening by GEORGE RALSTON, A handsome assortment ot printed, tambour’d, and plain M U S L 1 N S. Also, lately received, two Cases of Ladies, Gentlemen’s and Boys BEAVER HAT S. February 2. n.97. Landing, From on board Cutter BEE, Capt. Thompson, 30 Tie B r^ dS ’( llavannah Molaffcs. Also from Sloop Minerva, Capt. Willard, 40 Boxes Havanrta Sugar, tor sale by Richard Dermis. February 5. n.qfl-flt. Just Received, By the Schooner Polly, Capt. Shaw, from New-York. Lrefh Superfine FLOUR, And For Sale by Carpenter & Havens. February 2. n 97 JuJl Received per Brig Hippy, from Turks Ijland, 3000 bushels Allum SALT, which is now Landing and for sale by PUI NAM and FLINT. Who will give indisputable BILLS on New- York or Charlcftown, for Rice or Tobacco. February 2. 97 FOR SALE, 6o Hogsheads prime TOBACCO. fyO Bhls. and half bb!s. Fresh FLOUR. 60 Barrels RICE. Samuel Laurence, Feb. 6. n 9 B Bolton’s Wharf. FOR SALE, Lot No. 18, Washington Ward with a convenient Dwclling-Houfe, Kitchen, See. thereon. For terms apply to Wm. Nor inent, Esq or the fubferiber, on Wilmingtcm- Island. S. COWLING. February 16. n.lOl, Jamaica Sugars in Hhds. AND Rum in Puncheons, landing from the ship Aurojra and Brig Nancy. For Sale by Gairdncrs Mitchel. February 20. n-tO2. ncTtTc e. THE fubferiber will be abfcnt from bufi nrfs a short time, informs his customers and the public in general, that Mr. Fair child, will attend to all orders directed to the fubferiber. GEORGE ENOF. | February 20. 102. I.ORINt; is SEAVER, Have received for Sale, Light and dark Chintzes, Chmu <Sc muilm lluwls, French check Pullicats, Striked Mail in, Tamboured fprig'd ditto, • . Coloured primed ditto, Coloured tamboured uiulliu Drefei, Chintz Mullins, Coloured Muilm Aprons, Coloured book Ipngcd Mullins, Plain book ditto, Plain Juckonct ditto, Checked ditto, Striped ditto, Spotted ditto, Coloured (potted japanned ditto, Sutun Work ditto, t? Ladies and Gentlemans Hats aborted. Which they v\ ill led per piece Sc dozen, at a very moderate advance, tor Laili or Produce. And hiFVt atjo luhty received , Callia, Mace, Red Lead and Coidagc. January zj. n 94 v ■ seixTncTT)Ff\ _ The Subfiriier offers for Sale, for (ash or Pro duct, confide/uf/y under the ujunl prices, in this t by, his remaining flock of D K V GO O D S : Conjjhng principally of SUPERFINE, and Iccond cloths. Callimeres and Swauldowns. Role and dullil blankets. White and yellow (lanuels. Scarlet and bath coating cardinals, vlarieilles rjuiUing ; dimities & mudinet*. Mullins arid canibricks; 11-4 counterpanes. b-4, 7-R, 8-4 Diaper table cloths. 10-4 Danialk diao. A large allot tinent ol men’s <Sc women’s c >lton, thread, and liik hohtry. Stript and clouded nankeens. Brown Irish Infill 6c brown liielias. Huckaback 6c diaper ; calimancoes & durants. Thicksets, corduioys, velvercts & Indians. Silk bandanocs, linen 6c cotton handkerchiefs. Calicoes and chintzes. An elegant allot Uncut ot ladies kid & moroc co iandais ; leather 6c caliinanco flippers. Roys and girls leathci Ihocs; mens llrong Ihoes. Hair powde r ; haul Sc loti pomatum, dec. IRONMONGERY. Broad hoes ; 4d 6c 8d cut nails. 10, in. & cod wrought duco. Patent lathing nails. Whip and crolscui laws. Steel plate hand ditto H.aces with 18 and 24 hitts Files, augers, gouges, chizcls, ferews. Sad irons ; brals lnedogs; green wire fenders. Rials knob locks ; brals and iron candlcilitks. Rials kettles; iron pots ; Ikilleis; trying pans, dialing dilhes ; chair and cart boxe*. Skimmers, ladles,Uelh lorks & mincing knives. Currycombs, tnaions trowels ; binges & bolls. ALSO, French Brandy ; old Jamaica Spirits. Sherry and Malaga Wine. Loaf Sugar ; Colicc. Hylon and Souchong Tea. * Muicovado Sugar oltiic lirlt. quality. JAMES GASMEN. February 13. 11.100, i or Sale by the Subscriber, A At AT ASisUJi TMt.Ni OF D K Y 1; O O 1J s, Suitable to the teaion--Alfo the very bell Os G Ro c E R I E S, Cheap tor Calh, at his itore in Duke- Itreet, next door to the figu ol the ship, market-square, LIKEWISE, 600 Acres ot land, on the forks of ftriar cieek, in beriven county, well timbered, and cunlidcred as good as any in that county. 500 Acres on Ruck heath 12 miles from Way netborough, part or 1 it culti vated. 400 Acres in two different trafts, a bout halt a mile from the other. 150 Acres, about 12 miles from Way netborough, part cultivated, well calculated for a tavern. 600 Acres prime tobacco and cotton land, on t ithing creek, ro miles from Wathington town, W ilkes county. 400 Acres prime tobacco and cotton land, j 5; miles from Wathington, on the road leading from there to Creenlbo rough. Also, a pair of very elegant black Hories, and one excellent chair Horfc, and one saddle Ilorfe, and 2 Clocks,and 1 fofa, and a tew windfor chairs. H. Murphcy. January 30. n.y6. LOST, ot intentionally taken away in this aty about two or thiee weeks cuy, a GOLD RING with a jcfatire /npazjlone It having been 1 long in the family of the owner, 1 ciders it of more j value. W hoever will deliver it to the Printers of i this Paper, /hall lc liberally towpciJultd. j january , y . No. 103.