Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, February 27, 1798, Image 1

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ukirin B Sawttn y U&tiertiser. 5A V A NNAH— Published on Tuesday and Friday, by GURDOV t awmiro “I ” _____________________________ AHJRACY AKI) I'UNCTU VOL. 11. £>tafe of Georgia. City of Savannah. B r To H N Glen, Mayor of thefaidCity. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS it hath been rcpre fentcd to the City Council, that ’ divers mifehievous and evil disposed per sons under cover of night, ni3ke a prac tice in a moil (harmful manner of des troying the public property of this City, both uieful and ornamental thereto ; in order therefore to bring the perpetra tor or perpetrators ol loch offences to ipeedy puniftiment, and to prevent a re petition thereof, I do hereby at the in firm ce and with the consent of the City Council, offer a reward of Fifty Dollars to any person, who will give information of any person or per funs concerned in such practices, to be paid on conviction : And it is hereby carneltly recommended to the inhabi tants, that they take proper notice of any future attempt of the like kind, and to give information thereof, as it is the duty of every good Citizen so to do. Given under my hand and the seal of the Corporation at Sa vannah, this twentieth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hun fL.S.J dred and ninety-eight, and in the tvventy-fecond year of the fovereinty, and Independence of the Uni.ted Mates of Ame rica. JOHN GLEN, Mayor. By the Mayor , Thomas Pitt, c. c. For Sale, LOT No. S, IVafbington Ward icing a corner Lot on the Bax, with the improve ments thereon, For terms apply to William Belcher. Feh. 13. fiiOo-6; The Subscriber, Ha? just received pom New-York and Bojlon, and for f ile ve r y low , JAMAICA, ) Weft-India & > Rum. Northern, ) Madeira, F Sherry Re. > Wine. Teneriffe j Hollands Gin, id 2d & 4th proof French Brandy, Black Pepper, Beef, Salmon, Mackarel, Pilot and (hip Bread, Soap and Candles, Cotton Cards, No. 8 & 10, Swedish and Russia Iron, German Steel, &c. Sic. William Belcher. February 23. * 11.103. NOTICE. ALL persons having any demands against the F.ftote of Matthew Crane, deceased, tie req lefted to render them in lor payment, properly attested ; and those indebted are cal led upon to make immediate payment. CHRISTOPHER IIALL, Executor. Savannah, Feb. 23, 1798. n. 103-41. For Sale, Three as likely young Negro Men as any in the ft ate ; fold for no fault wlutcveK For terms apply to TAYLOR & MILLER. Feb. 13. moo 100 Barrels belt Baltimore Superfine FLOUR, FOR SAL F. BY Gairdners & Mitchcl. February 6. n.98. Jamaica Sugars in Hhds. AND Rum in Puncheons, landing from the (hip Aurora and Brig Nancy. For Sale by by Gairdners Mitchel. February 20. n-102. TO LEASE, Ear a term of Three or Five Tears, THAT well known Lot of Land, fituared in Duke-street, freaking the Market-square, adjoining the lot on which Citizen Smith's new builings are ; apd also for sale, a valuable five acre Lot, situated on the Spring-Hill road, about one mile and a half from this city. For terms apply to SHEFTALL SHEFTALL. PERLA SHEFTALL. February 16. n.iOi. REASON and TRUTH impartial guide the way. TUESDAY, February 27, JOHN A*NDERSON, INFORMS his customers, that his wife hav ing declined the Baking Buftneis, hones ail those indebted, will call and fettle. He has for sale, fome excellent Philadelphia Superfine FLOUR, To be rented his BAKE-HOUSE. February 23. 11.103.2 t. hrelh Superfine Flour. 100 Barrels for Sale, by Jan. 30. n 9 6 P. CATONNET, & Cos. Echo. i3 Clement Stebbins. Are this day OPENING FRESH GOODS. They have just received a handfomc assortment oi Goods, which they offer at a small advance for cafb or produce. WANTED, 300 barrels of RICE, for which Goods will he given in payment. Feb. 13. moo Opening by GEORGE RALSTON, A handlome assortment of printed, tambour’d, and plain MUSLINS. Also, lately received, two Cases of Ladies, Gentlemen’s and Boys BEAVER HATS. February 2. nty. Landing, From on board Cutter BEE, Capt. Thompson, 30 Tierces^* 5 \ Havannah Molallcs - Also from Sloop Minerva, Capt. Willard, 40 Boxes H-ivanna Sugar, for sale by Richard Dennis. February 5. n.gß-Bt. Just Received, . By the Schooner Polly, Capt. Shaw, from NCW-York, Frclli Superfine FLOUR, And For Sale by Carpenter & Havens. February 2. n.97 Just Landing, From on board the brig William, from Jamaica, 20 pipes of Madeira WINE, 14 puncheons Jamaica RUM, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, & COCOA Alfu on Hand 20 puncheons Windward Ifiand RUM, Liverpool and allum SALT, &c. which will be fold low for cafb or produce. Alexander Watt. * Feb. 9. ng9 FOR SALE” Lot No. 18, Walhington Ward with a convenient Dwelling-House, Kitchen, &c. thereon. For terms apply to Wm. Nor ment, Esq or'the fubferiber, on Wilmington- Island. S. COWLING. February’ 16. n.lOl JuJl Received per Brig Heppy, from Turks IJlatid , 3000 bufuels Allum SALT, which is now Landing and forlale by PUTNAM and FLINT. Who will give indisputable BILLS on New- York or Charleftown, for Rice or Tobacco. February 2. 97 FOR SALE, 60 Ilogfhcads prime TOBACCO. $0 Bbls. and halfbbls. Fresh FLOUR, 60 Barrels RICE. Samuel Laurence, Feb. 6. ngß Bolton’s WaAxr. To J O H N W E R E AT, at Hardwick OBSERVING an Advertifenicnt with your signature, offering for sale a tratt of land near Hardwick, containing five hundred acres, I could not doubt from the description, of its being the land originally gtanted to John Reynolds, Esq. which you fold and convey ed to my father, and now pretend to claim ; to have negjedcd publishing a caution, would have been a tacit acknowledgment of your rieht to fell the lame ; the truths Hated in my advertiferrient, will be proven in their proper place. In the Columbian Museum of the 23d January, your dilpofition is conspicuously ex celled in language of revengeful and indignant ire, contrary to that diffemblingflatterv which thro’ life you have piadtifed (for plunder; to -1 wards me and your fitters family. Your great “ performance” tempered with inventions to mislead minds vulgar as your own, can 0 tit little injury. To defeend to low abuse hom your example, would be as unmanly as your condutt hath been unjufl. Shelter’d by con sanguinity and age, you may remain m con ” THOMAS COLLIER. Louisville, 14 th February 179 s - 1 he Subscriber has just receiv ed from New-York, by the Brig Dean, Capt. Schermerhorn, the following articles t FURNITURE, which he will fell low for cafb or produce, } SEtßE4'arY mal ‘ ogany S I DE BOARDS, 3 Mahogany BEDSTEADS a Sets DINING TABLES* Tea and card TABLES, * And a number of other art. 0 f Furniture. oamuel l^iiMrcucc Feb. 20. 11102 Just Arrived, And for Sale, on hoard the Schooner Martha, it. following At tides ; 40,200 Weight of India Sugar. 5 1 ons ol Rufba Iron 5 I ons of Swedes Iron. 100 Pieces India Cottons. 130 Pair us Womens Slippers. For particulars apply to the Mailer on board lying at Mcffrs. Johnflon and Robertfon’ Wharf Feb. 20-n.20-3t;* SARGENT and PARKER , Ate Opening lot Sale, on low terms for cafb or Produce. Furniture calicoes, Light and dark printed cottor hdkfs. Uitto ditto linen do. Plain, tamboured, sprigged, japanned & fattin work jaconet rnuflin, Tamboured coloured aprons and dresses, Plain, 1 potted and tamboured sprigged book muffins, White and colored tambored book dresses, Jaconet muslin handkfs, Book do. Tamboured neckcloths. Feb. 16, Bicu FOR SALfc^ By the Subscriber, at his Store on Clarke's Wharf: 17 Pipes Holland gin, A large quantity of hollow ware, 18 Boxes mould candles, An assortment of carpenters planes, b Boxes Left dumb fifh, 100 Barrels of potatoes, A quantity of balket fait, 200 Pair of negro (hoes, Ten dozen coarfc hats, 2 Crates of Crockery ware, well as sorted, 60 Barrels mess beef, 20 Ditto cargo beef, H. C. Jones, Who continues the FACTORAGE & COMMISSION BUSINESS, and has on hand for sale, Sea Eland Cotton, and a few tierces of Rice. January 30. n.96. JuJl Received by the SUBSCRIBERS, 50 Calks of N A 1 I- S, Say 4,6, 8. 10 & 20 d NAILS, A quantity of NEGRO CLOTH, OZNABURGS and COTTON BAGGING, which they will fell by wholesale and retail, at a moderate price, for Cafti or Produce only. Also received on consignment, a few thousand feet of MAHOGANY. P. Catonnct & (^>. December 8. n 81. ROBtn 6? JNo. BOLTON, Have received from New-York, PRIME and cargo beef, Loaf sugar per hogshead, 500 Pair womens fluffUboes, 200 Pair mens calHkift ditto, p. 2 Bales rose blankets, 1 Windsor fulkey, 3 frts brass mounted chaise harness, 1 Ditto filvcid do. do. do. And%n Hand, London PORTER pergroce or dozen January 5. nßg- ts EOR~ SALE, EARTHEN ware in crates, Sugar in boxes and barrels, Thirty hhds. of heavy tobacco, A quantity of up country cotton, Also, Bills of Exchange on Liverpool and London. ft GEO. ANDERSON. December 22. nßs-tf U a SLAVER,” Ihve Received For Sale , SOAP in Boxes, Mould & dipped Candles, Prime and Mess Bee r in whole & halfbbls. Madeira Wine, in Pipes, half Pipes and Quai ter Calks, London white Lead ground in Oil, Red Lead dry, Pepper in bags, Cordage, CafTia and Mace, “Womens, MifTes, Boys and Childrens Stuff and Leath*r Shoes. February 16. 101 • INSURANCE. PERSONS in this City who wish tu In Cure their Property in the Piulnix Injur, an 1 & Office, London, may have ii rtlett cd by applying to Meins U Mack ay. Savannah, F’cb. 9. nqn Just Arrived, lVr the Brig Peggy, Capt. Darrel, from Mai tinque, and tor sale on low terms, q 6 Hhds. excellent Molalles. JAMES WALLACE ts Cos. December eg. nB7. f Jamaica & Windward I (land RUM in Puncheons, Canvas, Sc a parcel of flicath ing Pape, & Nails for sale. GAIkr>NERS& MITCHEL. December 29 nS^J-tf * ‘ s— ■■■ - B TO BE a ERIED, That RICE PLANTATION, at Ogechce, known by the name ty Scdgrfield.— For particulars, apply to Mr. | U ncj, at Ogechce , or ARCHIBALD SMITH, S ]anuury 7. GEORGE LAMB, Has JuJl Received by the Eliza, from Bojlon, COTTON CARDS No. 8 and 10, in boxes of (ix dozen each ; an additional afloiu mentof HARD WARE and TIN WARE; a large quantity of PAPER HANGINGS; TRU NKS ; a consignment of SHOES in calks; GLASS WARE; 11 by 9 Window Glass; — Saddles, Bridles, and Saddle Bags. ALSO, By the above Vcjfel, and the Btllona and from New-York, , A large number of BOOKS. The Circulating Library , has received great additions, and iubfenbers arc invited on the following terms: iff. To pay 11IREE DOLLARS per quar ter in advance. 2d. To takeout two duodecimo, or one oc tavo voiumc at once, and no more, to be changed every day it required. Persons living remote from town and who cannot change books often, will be allowed double the num ber of books at once that town fubferibers are. No deposit required of fubferibers. iff A Catalogue will loon be printed and given to each fublcriber. * # * As loon as the number of fubferibers will warrant it, the price will be reduced. Feb. 16. 11101 No lice. THE Co-partnership of the fubferibers, un der the firm of Anderson Be Waynf., having this day expired by mutual consent, all persons having demands againfl them, will please ("nd in their accounts for icttlement, and those indebted t > the (aid concern, are earrieltJy rcqucflcd to make payment to cither of the fubferibers. GEORGE ANDERSON. RICHARD WAYNE, Junr. November 19. ts. 76. Notice. r I"' , IIE fubferiber having rented the Wharf X and Stores, former!} occupied by Andnr f>ll and Wayne, intends continuing n the COMMISSION LINE, and flatters hirril'lf from his attention to Bufuids, he will be able to give entire fatislaclion to those who may place their buftnefs in his hands. GEORGE ANDERSON. November 21. tf.76. Just Received, Per Brig Sally , and for Sale by Arnold & Tingley, 4 Pipes Holland Gin, 100 Empty Gin Cases, 300 Bars bed Sweeds Iron, 30 Bundles German Steel, 12 Coils Cordage, 4 Ditto Bolt Rope, 30 Fieccs Russia Duck, 30 Ditto Ravens Duck, 1 Bafkct Houle, Hr arth Se Clothe^Brufhes, 10,000 Feet Northern Pine Boards. Also, BILLS on Philadelphia, New-York, or Boston- February i(\ n.lOl. An Overseer Wanted. A Man of charafter and ability in his line, is wanted immediately, to take charge 6l i Tide Swamp Plantation, on Ogecliee river. Wm. ELLIOTT. January 23 , 0 7 To Let on a Lcafc, A corner LOT in Ewenfburg, tor fronting the city lO° ft in length. 1 in depth. lor oarticulars.enquire t Frb 6. ‘ JOHN Fl*’ No. 104.