Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, March 06, 1798, Image 1

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Executive Department. Ljuj'Vilie, February 8, 1798. A concurred resolution oi the Second initaut, being prefeuted and read, as fol lows : In the House of Rep refutatinjeSi Friday, the zi Feb. 1798. The house proceeded to take under coniideration, the reioiution moved by Mr. Wat Kins, on the 3lit ultimo, poin ting out the method ot tilling vacancies that may happen in the ensuing conven tion, and the Same being read, is as follows : Wnereas a just and equal representa tion is inieparaole, trom the idea of a free government, and the rights and happinels ol no people can oe Secure vvichouc a due apportionment oi Such re prelentation : And whereas no provi -11 an has been made, whereby Sucn just and equal rcpreientation can be accurate ly mane, aicertained or apportioned ; tor remedy whereof, Be it xifolvtdy That it (hall be the duty of the captains or commanding officers of the militia throughout the itate, to make out fair and accurate lilts of ail free white perions, as well young as old, residing within the limits ot their refpeCtite company diftnets; and they are nereoy required to return the fame duly certin ed under their hands, to the Cieika of the Superior Courts in the feverai coun ties, on or before the rirlt Monday in April next ; and it lhali be the duly of the laid Clerks, to tranfmitby the hands of the members of the convention, ail Such returns, under Seal to the president of tne convention, for the information of that body. And whereas no mode has hitherto been pointed out tor fining up Such va cances, as may happen by the death, re signation, or other wife, of the members returned to represent tins state in con vention, Be u Liejolvedy That his Ex cellency the Governor, be fully autho nicd and empowered, and he is hereby required to ill’ue writs ot election for rilling up Such vacancies, provided that no election lhail be held m any county without ten days previous notice there of having been Set up in writing, at three or more oi the molt public places in tne county ; and ail Such elections Shall be held and conducted* and the re turns made, in like manner and form as is preScribed by law for the election of members of the Legiilature : And on the queition put to agree to the fame, it palled in the affirmative. Ayes 2^ — Noes 19. Ordered , That the Clerk do carry the Same to the Senate, and requeit their con currence thereto. Rxtrad from the Minutes , JAS. M. SIMMON b, Clerk. In Senate, 2d February, 1798. —Head ana concurred in. Wm. ROBERTSON, Secretary. Ordered , That certified copies thereof be transmitted, for publication, to (he fruiters in Savannah and Auguita, tor the information ot all whom it may con cern. Jutjl. Thos. Johnson, Sec. e. and. 102 51. BROKE from theTFederai Gua., the 30th November, 17971 Two N E- GavoEo, one named 9 incites high, thickiet, haa a downcatt look, had on when he went away, a round biack. hat, Ihort round bme jacket, aud black ureeches, ipeaks but lime Engliih, a native of Guadaioupc ■ the other named John Louis , about 3 leet 5 inches high, rather ofa slender make, l.adon when he went away, oznab.ig trowfers, a ihort blue round jacket, and round hat. ‘l’ wen ty Dollars rewaid wi.i he given to any perion that will apprehend imu Negroes, and deliver them at the Federal Goal, or at the common Goal ; and One Hun dred Dollars to any person that will in form ot their being narbored. All mat ters ot vefleis are cautioned againtt car rying oft or employing laid Negroes. MATTHEW MOTIZ, Keeper of the Federal Goal. _ January 30. n.96. Twenty Dollars Reward. ABSENTED himfrlf fincc July or Auguil last, a NEGKOE LAD ot a yeilowilh complexion, named f RANK, well known m the city of Savannah, and on both Tides of the river. He formerly belonged to James Moore Esq. he is artful and plaulible, very fond of quicuinghis hair, rather grum when spoken to, aud inclined to be impertinent. The above reward will be paid to any one fccuring the said fellow in Savannah Goal, and giving infor mation thereof to Thomas Gibbons, or Wm. Neyle, Efq’r:. either of whom will pay the a bove reward. JOHN A. CUTHBERT. Soutk-Carolina , Prince William ) Parijh , Sept. 28, 1797. J Columbian jHufcum & Tbbetttfcr, Extra. T UESD AY, March 6, 1798. For Sale, A LOT of LAND, htuate inSunbury, and diftmguithed in the plan ol laid Town by tue No. sb, with the buildings and improve ments. Apply to SAMUEL P. BAYLEY. Feb 16. i-irn mo To be Rented, Andpojfjjion given on the firjl day of Ja nuaiy next, A Rice Plantation, In Mclntoih county, ot about too acres of Rice Jof Provmou Land, all under fence, and planted this year. On ihe plantation, is a good dwelling Houle, Barn A. Machine. The preient years crop wiff oc lold to the tenant if dcltred. For lurtner particulars apply to the iuulcrtbcr on the plamatiou. Wm. iviciNTOSH, Junr. November 14. n.74. Notice is hereby Given, PH A i John Cunningham , late of X Savannah, merchant, who lately removed to Great-Britain, did on the fifth day of January lait, by deed of ai fignment duly executed, transier,# ailign to the lubicnber, ail mortgages, judg ments, ipeciaities, notes, books ot ac counts, and otner evidences of debt, due to the laid John Cunningham, and to Jonn Cunningham Sc e,o. tor the pur poie ol paying and iatisfying a judg ment obtained in behalf ot Sunpfon Sc Oavijon , of London, merchants, againlt the laid John Cunningham, in the Cir cuit Court ot the United States, for the diltrict of Georgia, in the term ot April 1796. Ail perlons indebted to the laid Cunningham, or John Cun ningham Sc Cos. are requeued to make payment to the iubfenoer, before the tirit day of April next, at which time suits will be commenced indiferiminate ly againlt thole who tail to comply with this requiliuon. CRAWFORD DAVISON. Savannah, January 25, 1798. ng6. .1 I .1. mmm mm mm m m rnmmmmm. m .11 - . . ■ 1 . 1 ■—. 1 1 1 ■ ■ ■■—■ Tax Collector’s Sales. To the Proprietor r, Aleuts, or Trujiecs of the following Tiach and Lots of Land, Jituate and lying in Camden County—Will beJola on lutf day the \\ih day Augujl next, at the Court - House in the town oj St Marys, in Jaid County , Jor the faxes duejor 1790 & 1797, oil. 15,000 Acres Fine Barren, Land, granted to George Ogges. 15,000 Acres Pine Barren, granted to George Nailer. 15,000 Acres Pine Barren, granted to T. P. Carnes, tax 114 Dollars & Cents and colls. 25,000 Acres Pine Barren, granted to Aoner Mitchel, tax 45 Dollars Cents, and colls. 89,000 Acres Pine Barren, granted to James M. Holmes, tax lfaz cents. 50 Hammock, on Cumberland iiiand, of the fir It quality, granted to Angus Mackey, tax 4 Dullais, 9b Ceuts, with colts. Lots No, 30 Sc 26, in the town of St Mary’s, originally granted to Richard Cole, deceas’d. Lot No. 31,10 laid town, originally granted to Nathaniel Aihlv, deceas’d, tax 3 Dollars, 25 Cents, with colls. R. McGILLIS, C.C.C. February 8, 1798. 11.102-bm. Tax Collector’s Sales. Will be J old on t'hurjday, the 12 th April next , at the Court house in the t own oj it. Mary's, m Camden County , Tne tol lowing Tracts of LAND, situate in laid county ; to fattsfy the taxes due for 1796, and 1797, and the aricars of Taxes up to laid years. 14,000 Acres Pine Barren Land, grained to Richard Cai nes, and trans ferred by said RichardCarues to George Barxcr. Tax 20 dollais 21 £ tents, and colts. R. MGILLiS, t. c. c. c. February 8- toa rbt. To be Rented . A RICE plantation, near Sapello bridge, in Mclntofh county, containing near 203 Acres ot Iwamp, under dam, and 30 Acres of provilion land, all under tence. Tne rice lields command three large reservoirs ot water ; on the Planta tion it a dwelling house, in good repair and pretty well fiuilhed ; a water beating machine with twelve pellles, and other out buildings. From three to four hundred bulhclsof corn and peaie on the Ipot, will be fold to the Tenant it denred, and alio will be given, the ule ot a itock ot cattle, and the furni ture now in the dwelling houle, together with the Plantation tools, poiieUion to be giv en the firit day of January or February. For further paiticuiars enquire of the Prin ter. November 14. n 74 t-f. Fo r s a lI SEC O N D hand Rigging fit for J unk, and a few thoula.ul Spauith Segars, cheap for Cash, opposite tne Coftee- Houie, by Wm. HARDING. January 16. tf92. Thomas Callaghan, AnClAux’s Wharf has jtjl Received, EAST-INDIA lugars in bags, Jamaica do. in barrels, Havannah ditto, white and brown, in barrels and boxes, Frelh teas in elicits, Old iherry in qr. caiks, Tenerifte wine in pipes, 4th proof Holland gin in ditto, French brandy in ditto, Northward rum in puncheons, Ginger, pepper, and alilpice in bags, All elegant aiLrtment oi glass ware, Falhionable Queen’s ware, General alfortment ot treih groceries, ‘Fin and japan ware, Soap in boxes, Carolina and Georgia ALMANACKS tor 1798. (fT Produce received in payment. December 22. nßs*tf Daniel John Greene, Informs his Friends and the Public, that he has commenced the Vendue Gs Commiflion BUSINESS, On Morel’s Wharf. HAVING convenient Stores for the recep tion ot Produce, folic its employment, and will exert himfclf to give falisiattion m the dilpoial ot property placed in his hands. HE HAS FOR SALE, Rice, Cotton, Indigo, Coffee, French Bran dy, Weft-India Rum, Boots & Miocs—a fe cund handed CHAISE—AIfo a compleat sett of CREANING BLOCKS, with iron theuves and Fall, fitted to the Blocks, which he will dilpofe of cheap for Cash. Novemncr io. n.73. Oifabaw. THE fubferiber offers for sale, one third proportion ot the above ‘Hand. Its nuia. tion, &c, are well known in this ilatc. But for the iatislatlion ot thole, who may with to be intcreited, the following information is of fered, viz.— That tor iituation in point of health —for lands adapted to the culture ol cot ton, indigo or corn—for the quantity and quality ot live oak timber, in its woods, and lor excellent and extensive range, tor itock of all kinds, there is no island in the State, elteein ed luperior. The bell titles will be given, and the mode of purchafc made easy. Poffcffion tube had on the ill January 1798 —Apoly for other information at Montgomery, or on the North part of laid island, to BRYAN MOREL. Montgomery, May, 7th 1797. 20. n~ j Tice” Henry & Margaret prichard, who moved from the State of Delaware, about 20 years pall, into the State of Georgia, or their representatives, will hear of foinethmg to their advantage, by applying to the iubieri ber in Savannah, or JolephHadglon, Eiq. of the city of Washington. JAMES ALGER. June t 6. 13. Pitcher G? Dagget, u ave just arrived from the Nonhwaid, with a few ot their warranted RIDING CARRIAGES , Which they now offer for sale, at Mr. Hogg’s square.—Also all kinds of CARRIAGES, re paired and painted in the ncaielt manner. February 27. n. 104. FOR SALE , A HOUSE FRAME, 36 feet by 18, a flory and half, and 10 feet in the Jlory, will be delivered in any part oj Savan~ noh, aoovethe Plujf, by the ujth of this month—Al so, PL Alii LRIHG LAT Hi, thick LYPRLiS PLANK, and Twenty Thousand UIINCLEi. And, a few barrels 01 KiCE. J. 1. LAfVRANGE. January 8. n<yo. BILLS, On LONDON and BOSTON, For sale by Hamilton Hart ridge . November 7. nja-tf TOR SALE, TL’ ARTHEN ware in crates, -1-a Sugar in boxes and barrels, 1 flirty hhds. of heavy tobacco, A quantity of up country cotton, Also, Bills of Exchange on Liverpool and London . GEO. ANDERSON. December zz. nBS-tf Landing this Day, At Hunter's Wharf, Jrom the Brig Sarah, George Nonal, Majler, 92 Hhds. Havannah MOLASSES. And For Sate by McCall cs? Miller. November 17. n *7s* Writing Paper by the Ream or iguire, for Jale at the Mujeum Office . J. B. WILKINSON, fc? Cos. Has Just Received by the brig Ceres, from New-York, on coniignment, the following Articles ol Mahogany Furniture, made by Thomas burling and bon, which they will difpoie of at coll and charges. 2 plain bureaus with 4 drawers* 2 do. do. 5 ditto, 1 ir.laid do. 3 ditto, J do. large ditto, 3 ditto, 1 plain cammode do. 4 ditto, 1 inlaid do. 4 ditto, 1 lide board crofs-barr’d with purpl wood, 1 do. with 1-4 fans, 1 do. (plain square J r do. inlaid with an arch for cooler, 1 secretary inlaid, witli doors. Rice, Cotton and i uuacco, will b • received 111 payment. January 12. ngr TUITION. IN confcqurnci oi nonce which I fome time a go gave, ol iny School cont.nuing at the Houle oi Luke Mann, Elq. in Bryan county, the preient year, anu that 1 would accommo date a few more Scholars than were at that time engaged, I received foui : But ihc notice being cli(continued too loon to give perfuns an opportunity ot applying, I ikw give notice, that I have room lor four or five more, and will receive them as soon as they can be lent. Any person who may wilh to fend, may ue informed of the terms of board md tuition, or any other particulars relative to the kiiool, by application to either Doftor Benjamin Tut nain, Janies Jones, 1 hoinas Nethercuft, Hen ly Putnam, Luke Maim, Llqrs. or to inyfcif. RICHARD DAVIS. Bryan-Bounty, Fenrnary i. 11.98. Fifty Dollars Reziard. RUNAWAY lass night, from the fubferi bers houle, the following Negrot s Sharper, a counuy bom fellow, about thirty years of age, lull lix feet high, remarka ble thick and itiong, yeilowilh complexion, pleasing countenance, Ipeaks plain miglilh, walks very upright, commonly wears his hat inclined to the right fide wi ins head, ex ceffible artful and handy at any work.- NANY, his wile, a country born wench, a bout the lame age, live and a halt feet high, black complexion, finning countenance, ve;y heavy with child, Ipeaks plain Lnglifh, and commonly wears a handkeichict Lied lotmd her head and neck.—JOE, her child, live years cf age, nid JOHN nis brother, two and a half. They carried away their bJanKeis, many articles of cioattiing, and fome puvi. flans. i hey were completely dreifed wilh new suits oi dark London brown Ba h coat ing. It is fufpe&ed they have gone to lome of the Carolina neighboring Plantations: where Sharper has a great number of relations .nd acquaintances. Any perlon that will fcr.urc them in the common Goal of Savannah, fluff be entitled to my warmell thanks, and Ihe a bove reward. EMANUEL RENGIL. January 5. 89. it The S übfenbers having entered into co+ partnership, under the firm M'CALL & MILLER, Are now opening at their Store, No. 4, Commekce-Kuw, An Elegant Ajjortment of SPRING GOODb: Received by the lateit arrivals froa London, via. Charielton, whicli w’iii be exposed ior Sale, on moderate terms. John M‘Call, Joseph Miller. June 12. n 30. I rujl Lot for Sale. THAT valuable Trust Lot, situated ia Johnston’s square, known by the letter C. i2Gfeetin depih, and lixty feet in widff), bounding to the north on St. Juiian-ftreet to the south on Duke-street, and 10 the we ft on Whitaker-llreet ; is a moft elegant fituauon for a Dwelling House & Stores, having the advan tage of fronting three llreets. It will be divi. drd into two Lots, of 60 feet square each if required For terms apply to JAS. WALLACE Cos. August . n 47. NOTICE is hereby given, that the fubferiber intends ieavirg this ci ty ffiortly, he requeits all those to whom he is indebted to call Kr yaj ment; and those indebted to him are requeued to inakefpeedy paymem, to enable him to pay off his juit accounts. Those who attend to this notice will prevent fur ther trouble, as he intends having all his bufuiefs lettJed before he quits ilie place. GEORGE FA KIES. December 22. nbs-tf LOS TANARUS, BETWIXT Mein’s and Mackay’s Wharf, and the twelve mite itone, on the Augulta road, a red Cornelian Seal, set if. go and, device a coat of arms, motto, “ Pro pacria.” —l he tinder re turning ii to ihe Printer’, will receive Five Dultm reward. Januar) 30. * 96.