Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, May 10, 1803, Image 1

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SAVANNAH— puelished ov TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, by SEYMOUR WOOLHOP TER STEBBINS, on the BAY, at SIX DOLLARS pe* annum, Payable Half Ytarty. [Vol. VIII.—-No. 20. For LIVERPOOL, The faft failing, copper bottomed Ship HOP E, Henry Dawson, master. Having one half of her cargo engaged, it is expcfled Hie will (bon oe dispatched. For freight of the rem inder, or passage, apply to the capt. 00 board, or to GEORGE ANDERSON. WHO HAS FOR SALE. ecoo Impels LIVERPOOL GROUND SALT ICO crates ajforted EARTHERN ■ WARE 2000 STONE JUGS,from t to 3 galls. Anril 12 “ 12 * For LIVERPOOL, ~ ®The British ship ftßUNl WICK hi a'calm Ken cctxciaiiser, burthen three hundred loss—hot two thirds, 0; her ca-go ensured — wit; sail u; latest by the *o tn of April ■ • Fot freight of *OO baits Os toften, nr ioj hogsheads of tobacco, ehp'y to Mein, Mackay & Cos. March t* , fr r-iTi'bk NEW-YUr.K, ’ Ths Ftt fa Pine; eopp.’red HAPPY COUPI S, J >* ir...kir, to fil on ci tff >re'l uefiav ri;xt. th ■ 10th hiCsnt Ft. frrsght or piffle, having g..0<3 accoa.tnodi tiara, apply cn board, cf to TAYLOR & SCARBROUGH Who bavr r'reivrd per said brig, and offer i >r fa!e, on low tfitri*-—. ithptoofCOGNIAC B^tAvnY bar iron & share moulds : Ca'go and print: POltK. and BbEF, &r JK av 3 _ gt i3 ©T'or NEW-YORK, The good (loop FRANK LIN, A. Hammond, mailer, —for freight or pafiage, ap ply to the Captain on board, or to SWEET-WILLIAMS. April 10. 14 . The hri, GERES. John Burnham, mailer— Will fail in ten days. For freight or callage apply on b ;ard, or to GEORGE ANDERSON. Tor sale on board ih? brig Ceres, RAISINS ih boxes Half barrels bell B-es Butter—Lard Gin Cases Pickles in pots Smoaked Beef Ship Bread—Hay Amends, &c. &c. Apiil 76 17 ‘Tr-T~ , FOR . NSWIYOR K~ t “the briy DE AN T ANARUS, Cpt and For f'tirht or prffigo, h viug S good ac/omm.ida i„ni, apply to ff r lhe matter on board, or to 3 MACH IN & MACINTOSH. _ April *6 16 Forß VLTIMORE, ~ Th: fohooner SYLVIA, E •HAgixAk Ham Lite, wiil fail in a {ex'- ■HM&k • >y*. F:r fteight or paffjge, apply oh board, or to ApiT'.q 4 l ,7 hunter & Mint;. Wanted on Freight, •- -Tppfx ■ to mart iNiQtre, A veil el that will about mmfgLjp* 60 or 70,000 feet of lumber, fefeil ROBERT MITCHEL. May 3 18 For PHILADELPHIA, 7he fatt far line fUop *N eyfgpL, DE PF l 4 DENC £, Cooftn> Woodman, mailer; to fail Cnf/lIL, *”* ew c *y* tor freight iiflSSr °r pttfftgr, apply to the mas. ter on b -ard, or to , DENNIS - WILLIAMS. April 5 ’0 . ’ Tor EkligHt or charter, p-L. THE rew and fall failing fcl ,*t RAMBLER,T Pitcher, matter. for particulars ap -ply on board, at Auciatix’* wharf, cr to SWEET & WILLIAMS. A pr~T o 12 __ TANARUS, M, Woodbndge , HAS JUST RECEIVED, North-East Corner of the Exchange, ON CONSIGNMENT, 30 hhds. firft qtrality Sugar. 10 pipes 4th proof French Brandy. io f.hds. MOLASSES 50 bbls. pickled Fish. 50 kegs excellent Butter. IO tons afibrted Bar-Iron. 5 hhds. 4th proof Jafnaica Rum. g pipes North..rn Gin. 5 tons assorted Cordage. *SO barrels fuperfine Flour. 200 kegs Crackers—with a variety of OUT GOODS , All of tthich articled he will fell low for cafit. April tg 17 Nankeens . coo pieces just received and for sale by THOMAS SCOTT. April 5. 10 WANTED, A p<*rfon to attend • Dr?v—a white perfot Would be preferred. Enquire of the Primer* March *9. (8) (Kolttmliiatt JWuftttttt W Sauaim a!) Sf&uertaer. For LIVERPOOL, ®The f.’ft failing American ihip MISISSIPPI, (coppet.fheathed and bolted) •AMrs Pstacs, mittrr, to oe quickly difp'.uhed, having l\vo- Hiitd* ot her cargo engaged ; for freight of the balance or paiTage, apply to Capt. Peirce, or to GEO.ANDFRSON. Vi” fi , o ®i or Cape-Francois, The schooner HENRICO, to fail in a few days—For passage, having good accom modations, apply to the Cap tain on board, lying atGor d \< ! f May 6. ‘ IQ ior Til i L,. \UE L P tit A, To fail in a few days, the /]p'L \ Schooner JOSEPH,. p ft D. Chafe, Maftev, 4 —(he has the principal part of her freight already en gaged, for the remainder, ap ply to the captain on board* or to John Slcsnjan, 1 at Mr. John H. Dubelt’s store. Ip ho bar for sale, at said store, the fol hnising articles Bar lion. . Glaret in cases of one doz. each. Brown Soap in boxes. Mould Candles in boxes. Heavy black Pepper. ArplcS in barrels. Windfur* Clisirs, firft quality, Oats. Whifkv. Opium. Columbo Root. Mv 6. • , ts , IQ f* v'x For Bil turn tie, f The packet ‘orig BETSEY I End PEGGY, to fail in, five | Jays—For freight or pafiage apply or, board to cspt.Dpr k’ e, or to ■ :. CUMMING & HARMAN. Bfay 6, , .. 2t 19 For BO rON, ‘■ ‘ ®The regular packet brig DISPATCH, Elijah Adams master, will fail as soon as pofiible ; for. freight or paf iage, apply on board, or to Loring, Scaver & Cos. fvf.-* o 1 q lUTTfY..!■ fredeßTcks-” Pp. EURG, Or any port rgiUiin t ; e TGiiM&ljf Can-*, a* f r i- ht ma* off-r, the iiT&fpk, * Lftfailing fclih VJLUJra.KR, Phiiir. Ky. ni-ftcr F.-r freight pfffage apply to the Capt or STEWART WALLACE. Who effrra fo’ fair the cargo on board said fcho n-rj tSoo bofhels Virgil i-> Corn 100 barrel* l'ipc:f. >e Flour 8 bagi p-att - , aud 5 00 lb. frefh Lard, for ca!h or note* at 60 dayr, h* t> v A . . t q CHErijt* CALICObd), . MUSLINS. THOMAS BUTTS, GOLDEN EAtL,VVHITAKER-ST£ET, Has jufl received per the brigs Dean and Ceres, from Neva-York, a large as sortment of the mod fapt enable LONDON CALICOES Mufiin and Cambric ditto Book and Printed ditto Mudin Shawls, colored and plain Black and colored Crapes Black English Lutdlrings Silk Gloves Bell Kid ditto Mens and Womens cotton and silk Hole A few pieces Irilli Linens ALSO, A variety of Ladies and Childrens Leghorn & Dunftable Bonnets Two dozen of elegant Popped split Straws Two boxes of Artificial Flowers and Feathers With many other articles, which he will fell low for cafii, wholelale or retale N.B. 20 dozen of Straw Trimmings for Edges April Z 9 17 Hu mb urns 6c Nankeens JUST RECEIVED, for sale by Samuel Howard, Two Bales HUMHUMS,’ Three ditto YELLOW NANKEENS. Atril 2* . 15 THe'subscrjbek Os FEES for sale on very moderate terms, and if required, a lengthy credit, for approved paper, a quantity of the following articles i: Bell Inverness COTTON BAGGING Ditto ditto Flaxen Oznaburgs 2od Nails tod ditto 6d and $d Cut Nails Crown Glass 12 by 10 Ditto ditto Bby 10 Linked Oil in Jugs Yellow Paint White Lead Iren Pots aflbrted Stone Jugs ditto Black Pepper Dip’d Candles 3 qr. calks Lisbon Wine 1 ton Iron, and 80 crates well afiorted Crockery Ware WILLIAM BELCHER. May 3.8 t >1 REASON and TRUTH impartial guide the way. TUESDAY, May io, 1803. LANDING, ? Andfor sale per schooner Sylvia , captain Hamlin, fifteen puncheons high proof JAMAICA RUM* HUNTER A MINIS. April 89, : . it , <7 .... Nankeens, 500 pieces Nankeens, for Alex’r Lawrence. April it). ~ , 17 India Nankeens, 500 pieces just received, and for sale on low terms, by Burroughs sturges. . _]Ma> 3. ■ id s’ THE SUBSCRIBERS, Have thii rfay opentd a chrft A HYSON FLA, of the fii 11 q ta ii>-, and intend to keep a couftant fuppiy of frrfii imported TKAS ISSIT end WILLIAMS. Lete E Yatasl, Market (quart. April to 8: 7 Prime Ureen. Coffee. Five Thousand weight, hhding this dy from the sloop Ranger, ant* Inrfaleby 1 BENjAt.IiN MAURICE.: ,Mav 3 41 t> Coffee ; irilh Potatoes. NOW LAHDINO From on board the sch -onrr Joseph, from Charleflon, and will be fold cheap if ap< pli cl for toon, 2500 lbs. Green Coffee, in bags. 200 bush. Irilh Potatoes, WILSON - KNOX, Wayne's wharf. May 3. i v /- 18 Samuel Howard , HAS JUST RECEIVED, AND Tor sale, *0 barrels No. 2 Pork 7 Cables, 6,7, and 8 inch 1600 htdhels l.iverpool Salt 30 caffes Claret Wine 8 and 111 MBaga ditto A few bundles H <y 14 talk* Naii* 41, jd, aiid 61 io tons Rufiia Iron 1 case Paper Hangings 2 Piano Fortes 1 elegant Looking Ghfs 2o ditto Coutucrpai ts A-few baies coarle Broadcloths Ditto India Humhiims Ditto boxes m >uld Candles Ditto ditto.Glafs 8 by to Ditto Beds > 10 hoglheads Barbadoes Ruta 6 ditto Demarara do, 400 p -uni Rotten Stone in boxes A few roams WrjppirgaiHi Writ ing Paper 500 pieces Nankeens A tew pipes Gin 1 bale of Bow Clwth, & a few Grintl ft meg. w March 29 8 The Subscriber, Offers for sale ly the piece or package, ‘ on very low terms, par -cap, or ap ptoved notes, or in batter Jor produce, At the (lore formerly occupied by Aitxander Wait h> Cos. Comm rcc Row; FLAXFN and tow Oznaburghsbrown and whited Hemp and Flaxen Cotton Bagging Dowlas, Sheetings and Linens, various yi’idth3 i Humhum9 of a good quality Oznaburgand colored threads dTorted Dimities, Jeana, Cambrics, Mifims, &c. affirted , India Luteftringa, Sattins and Muflms Calicoes, Shawls.and .Handkerchiefs An Assortment of 1 : English Saddlery, Stationary, Hard ware, Shoes, &c. &c. t, ALSO, London Particular Madeira Wine Sherry & Porte do. dc Cherry Bounce Old 4th proof Peach Brandy in demi johns Cogniac Brandy and Holland Gin Lcndort draft andbcttlid Porter New-York and Philadelphia do. do. Chocolate, Soap, Candles, and Fresh Hyf -n ‘I ea, and Anew London made well ton’d PI ANO FOR'l E. GEO. MATHEWS. April 26 16 MAY. &c. Just received by the Eleanor from Boston, 26 bundles Hay 1 pipe real Cogniac Brandy. Which will be fold at cost if applied for immediately. . Also, on hand, $ tens Ircri , 20 barrels N. E.. Rum 40 kegs Boston Butter 12 boxes No. 8, 9 and 10 Cotton Cards 10 casks London Brown Stout Porter 60 gallons Efitnce of Sprue? 1 Mahogany Poll Bed Head 2 ditto Eureaus 60 low pric’d Sadales 15 casks Raisins INDIA GOODS, Sec. &c. S. L. BULLEN. April 26 16 “ FOR SALE” ~ 6000Bcfl 20 Bbls. Havana SUGARS. Which vi>l be fold ioyt for ea(h. . March 11—3. DIMAS PONCE. FLOUR. 600 barrel* frefh fiipeifine Flour, just landed, far sale-at the Coffee-houfe wharf. Apply to STEWART WALLACE. April tt if For sAIL 15 puncheon* Northward RUM. 4 pipe* 4th proof BRANDY. 3 do. ill quality GIN. s bales coaifr India MUSLINS, A quantity of finall Iron POTT3. Johns tot:, Robertson Cos. Arril *9 ‘4 TBOS. gj JAivlLs BFGGS, IN coniuntßion with 5Mr. ALEX NDER BOYD, having rented that Wharf and Stores formerly belonging to Alexander Wart, dccealcd, offer their services to their friends and the public, under the firm of BEGGS and BOYD, : To receive, (lore and forward produce of all descriptions to any port in the United States, ur to Europe. They fjattsr then.fslves that the convenience and falety of their stores will be a re commendation Cos them as a place of fc (ure deposit, and they Rifo folii.ii the. patronge of thrir friends in the FACTORAGE c? COMMIS SION BUSINESS.. Hoping by ftiift attention end punc tuality, to merit their approbation. April 5 tp . PHILETUS HaVENS and JAMES’ BILBO, . Having entered into copartnership under , the firm of,- Havens & Bilbd\ Offer their services to the planters and .others in the FACTORAGE & COMMIS SION BUSINESS. For which purpose they have taker, the wharf, and i part of the stores lately occu pied by Belcher and Dicfeinfon, where any i'pecier. of property entrusted to them lor sale, can be fufely stored. I hey have also purchased Meliks. Belcher and Dickinson’s remaining STOCK of SHIP CHANDLER7\ A General Aflortment of and GROCERIES , Thify intend keeping.- April 19—14 THE SUB SC RIB 1£ RS HAVING t,akrn into partr.frlhip, Mr. RO BERT SCOTT, their tmfme!* will ia future oe carried on under the firm of . Scott, Fisher i?.Scott. GEORGE SCOTT. ROBERT FISHER. ROBERT SCOTT. fsvgnnah, jsn. i, 1803. qt FACTORAGL. Tha fubferiher having convenient SFORE? ■>n MOOR’* V.’HARF, (formerly occupied by Cirprnter and Havrr.i) otters liia fervicei to thr Planter* and other*, in the FACTOR AGE £i COMMA*SIOJf BUSINESS. ■ •’ EEENEZER STARK. jiine n. • tg Copartner Blip. , THE fubferibers give notice, that they have formed a csnnefiion, fir the'pur pofe of tranfailjng (COMMISSION BUSINESS, which wiil in future be carried or. Undei the firm of . SARGENT cz. HILLS * SAMUEL G. SARGENT. THOMAS HILLS. Boston, }att. jt, 1803. t JObLRH KiCL, V’etch-Mektr, HAS just received a variety of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, a Reueral affr.rtnrat of Plated Ware Sv/ordi, ditto Cane* arid V/nipi, Pocket Book*, W/ellcvy, Ac. Also, a few feta of Elegant China, brulleli and Scotch Carpet* Tha whole are offered 00 refon able term*. |?nuarv 14 91 * A HANDSOME NEW NECRO WENCH, who ha* been in this coitntiyoae yaar, part of which time she ha* been employed a* house servant, fold for no fuu t—her pnefent owner intending to leave the fbte. ’ Ap-Dlyto - JOSEPH ARNOLD. A Vo, a NEGRO FELLOW, fuiubie for thehoufe or field Apply a* above. April 15 1 13 . FUR SALE. ~ . A Child's handspme Coachee. Apply to J. ARNOLD, ... April t. if Comr.euc-BCw. Andrew Lpw, AT T!IE 1(0 N .0* TJt* fjcti’l II I'D, Has just Received front ‘Philadelphia A quantity* of black India I allrings Ditto - . ‘ . ditto..ditto Tsffities 300 ptcet3 handforft't Paper Hanging and Bordering. r, iIE HAICS PANPr , A GOOD ASSORT MENTOR tamhor ahd.coUinade Muslins Cambric Prints .and Calicoes Dimities, and Mufiinetts 4-4, I and { Iri/h Linens and Long Lawns • - r-df and 4 4 SJieetings L>dies kid and Morocco Shoes Ditto ditto ditto Boots Also-—just Opened, t chest Hyfon Tea t ditto Young Hyfon ditto ■ ICO loaves Loaf Sugar. K9* The above Article* will be fold very low for cash euiy. rApril Z* [Whoje Np. 7.} 8. j SALE OF ! Elegant Furniture. THE fubfeibers ‘prefent llate of health rendering a sea voyage and change of climate itidifpenfably necefiary, and hts business calling him to England, in tends leaving Georgia for thence about 1 die Jaft of May, with his family, and in order to avoid the risk of fire, as well as the expence of honfe rent; offers for sale 1 his FURNITURE, among which are j many hancifottle and elegant PIECES, i recently made for him in London, and ) purchrfed Piuch lower than that of au inferior duality is generally imported at, ’and which he will fell at very xn derate prices. ‘ Among other things the fol lowing beautiful PRINTS, elegantly framed and cnarncltl, executed by the only perlbn ir. England (an Italian) who can Jo the enameled part in such s man ner as ‘o be ‘ rendered durable and not fufteptible of cracking or pealing oft", And being calculated both in number and uniformity to decorate a large hand some room, they ought not to be fepc jrated { —l ~ •• . . Battle of Bunker’s Hill, J With Index’s Death of Gen. Mont- f by Colonel gomery-, f Trumbull. Sortie of Gibraltar, J The Waflrir.gton Family. • ■ . Portrait of General Wafhirgton, Stewart. . Conjugal Affe£lion. Refurredliomof a Pious Family. Such is the Kingdom of God. ; ! • Spirit.of a- Child in the prefencc of the’ Almighty > The Exalted Soul. ‘ , Portraits and pcifeift Likencfies of the celcbiated Ornaments of the Britifli Stage,;Mr. Kemble & Mrs. Siddons. An elegant Mahogany Secretary an<f Bock Case, with Silk Curtains. A valuable co’leflion of between two S< three hundred volumes cl BOOK S, forming a complete Gentlemen and Ladies Library, all new and elegant ly bound. . ■/. Two pair very handsome Looking Glaf fesi ( • A pair elegant silver mounted Knife Cases, with silver mounted Knives and Forks, of beautiful woikm.ti.fhip and newefl falhiotG A Ladies Drawing, Writing and Work Table, very handsome and complete. A Mahogany Cooler, brass mounted. A pair Mahogany and Silk Screens. Three lets cl Chimney Ornaments of the beautiful Derbyshire Stone, con fining of Balkets and Plates, of Fruit Vases, Pillars, Urns, &c. &c. A variety of handsome arid fafhi.onable plated Ware, confilling of an Urn, a complete Brfukfalt Set, set Callers, Egg Cup Frame, Liquor §tand, Salts, Sidaboard Lamps, Cake Balket, Can dle Sticks, with and without branch es, Tumblers, Sec. Sic. Sic. &c. . A Mahogany Cage with a Bird, and Globe with Fish in it on the, top, the Fish and Bird appearing at little ditlance to be together In the water. Avery handsome Brass mounted. Maho gany Copying Machine, and Writing Dofk, with paper and ink complete, neverufed. ; . . A pair of .large and handibmely engraved . Fire Irons of Queens Metal, with Brass Shovel, Tongs, Poker and Sup porters to match. ;* : - An excellent toned Fiano Forte. An excellent. Roasting Jack, (never used) on the mpft simple, of course belt, ccnftrudtion. ... - A ftt of handsome London made’ fine Chintz Curtains, complete for a din ing. or drawing room. , IJandf-me Liquor Cases with Satin Trimings and Bottles decorated with burnt filed gold. - A handfonje Satin Wood.,Tea Caddie. A Hand Organ that plays eight tunes. Fine green Broad Cloth Table Covers with yellow borders. Carpets, Tables, Bureaus, Cloths Press, Chairs, Steel and Steil Mounted with Brass Shovel, See.. Fenders, Chin* and Glass Ware, Block Tin DifH Covers, and a variety of other articles—all of which may be feeß by applying at the rtfidence of S. WALL. Atsd* A HANDSOME Sc EXCELLENT Saddle HORSE. April 26 , f 16 ChrifVr Gunn; TAKES this m*thod to infprrii hit friends and the jmblic gfcrierally, that he hat declined keeping a Boarding- House, and Removed to Thunderbolr, Where he has -opened a HOUSE or EN TERT AINME N TANARUS, for the con, venieoce oi Ladies and Gentlemen who may visit that place, & where they can be ‘accommodated withCcff:e, Tea, &c. at the (horteft notice. ipy Mr. A. FRENCH will remain at the former: place of refideuce, where the Stage-(face for the Charleston and J Darien Stages will continoe to be kept,- {under the diyedion of C. Guniu * 1 April 2s. \S