Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, May 17, 1803, Image 1

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SAAVANNH— published o* TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, by SEYMOUR WOOLHOP TER STEB3INS, on the BA f, at SIX DOLLARS pbr annum, Payable Half Yearly. [Vol. VIII. — No. 22. For LIVERPOOL, The fKip UNION-ISLAND, Captain Milrea, 384 ton* burthen, copper bottled and (heathed, un- Stfr^ er American color*, hat in her a heavy freight, and will fail in Chtee week*. For freight of 300 bale* cotton to fill up, or pafiage, having moft fapcrior ac commodation*, apDly to MEIN, MACKAY & Cos. Miy is v ■ For LIVERPOOL, ®1 he British ship BRUNSWICK Malcolm Ken. ccrmttandcr , burthen three hundred tuns—has true thirds of her cargo engaged—will sail at latest by the toih of April. For freight of 100 bales of cotton. or iOj hogshead) of tobacco, apply to • Mein, Mackay (S’ Cos. March te 6 For UV lift POOL, ®Thc tafi (ailing American Ihip .MISISSIPPI, (copoer.fheathed and bolted) }ame* Pcircs, niafter, to ter quickly difptched, having two third* cf her cargo engaged ; for freight of the balance or pafftge, apply to Capt. Peirqe', or to GEO. ANDERSON v May 6 , . 19 For LIVERPOOL, ~ [ a The faft failing, copper’ ;> Henry Dawson, master. $ Having one half of hetj Cargo engaged, it is expe&ed she will soon be dispatched. For freight of thi remainder, or pailage, apply to the capt. on board, or to , \ GEORGE ANDERSON. - WHO HAS FOR SALE, tooo bujhth Liverpool ground * salt too crates assorted E ART HERN WARE . £OOO STONE ‘JUGS, from V to 3 galls. April 12 12 ~ For BOSTON, ®The regular packet brig DISPATCH, Elijah Adam:.; matter, will fail as (bon as pciliblc ; for freight or pas sage, apply on board, or to , Loring, Seaver&c Cos. Mayo ’d FOR NEW-YORK, “ .(MbWr- The bri K DEAN * Capt. Akerly. Foe freight or palfage, h.viug acccmmodatiom, apply to ‘ the matter on board, or to MACH IN k MACINTOSH. Apiil *6 6. >!SS< For NEW-YORK, ir The S FRANK- I 1 LIN, A. Hammond, mailer,; % —for freight or paflage, ap ply to the Captain on board, . . SWEET hf WILLIAMS. ! April 19. . . , 14 ” New-York, *2jgl|Sikft- The brig QERE S, John Burnham, matter — will fail in ten days. For freight or tiaflage apply on board, or to.’ =•’ . , GEORGE ANDi v HSON. For salt on board the brig Ceres , RAISINS in Half barrels best Beef Butter —Lard Gin Cases Pickles in pots Smoaked Beef ; Ship Bread—Hay Almonds, Sc c. Sec. ■.• ’ April 26 ty ‘ Wanted on Freight, rsTjfyL K TO MARTINIQUE, A veflel that will carry about 3mfmMu>Co or 70,0 qq feet of lumber. ROBERT MI rCHEL. May 3 ■ ,18 FOR FREIGHT or CHAPTER, r-iT"THE new ard faft foiling fcl.’r RAVBLKR,T ; Pitchei, uniter. Fqr particular* ap • ply on board, at Anciaux’* wharf, or to - ‘• ‘ ’ ■ SWEET & WILLIAMS. ■ April *0 - 1 7 For NORFOLK, FREDERICKS fti;URG, or any port within t • Cane*, a* f eight ma- offer, the f.-ft tailing fch’r VOLUNTEER, Philip Ky. matter For freight or p-fTige apply to the Capt. or STEWART WALLACE. Who offer* for file the cargo on beard laid , fcho-n-'-i sfioo bufiicU Virgiifix Com, 103 barrel* fup< . Flour a s \ . r g bag* peafe. and 500 lb. frefh Lard, for cafn or note* at 60 day*. May 6- 19 LANDING THIS DAY, From on board the schooner Jofeph,frorr. Philadelphia , and for sale by the fub feriber, on Moor s wharf, , .• f 3 pipes real 4th proof Cogniac Brandy 6 calks Buriingtift Hams 4 hhds. ditto ditto 24 boxes Mould Candle*/ ifi quality 30 kegs Lard, frelh Windsor Chairs, fire*. ON HAND, 4 elegant large Feather Beds, complete 4 tons American Bar Iron i ton Is weeds Iron GEO. H. DAVIDSON. May G 19 Columbian MGffin 8 Skaim. FELL’S l a. . .. ‘ •. % 5 ; , t millinAry wars RC6M, ST. JULIAN STREET. Mrs. Fell respectfully informs, the LA DIE s, she hat received per the ship > Misissippi, SUMMER Hats and Bonnets Sewed Chip and Slouched Hats . ] Ditto : . ditto Bonnets Ladies Breffed Chip .ditto Children’s id, do. > ditto Black and White Crapes White and Colored Persians . ‘! An Elegant Variety of • : AkTIFICJ AL FLOWERS. May t3 j. 21 , JUST OPLJNLD, And for salt , at No. 2, lf r oodho use’s Row, 1 second door from Seymour &J’ IVoolhop - ter’s Book store, ■■■> \ , A VALUABLE COLLECTION OP BOOKS. Being fqme of the best publications on Religion, Physic, Law, History, Voy-■ ages, Travels, Novels, Romances, Wit and Humpur, Philosophy, Natural His tory, Arphiteflure, School Books, See. Also Best Enfelifh Quills, Bonnet Boards, gentlemens and ladies Pocket Books, Writing Paper, &c. , Here, the religious Wan of politician of whatever fed* or party, may be ac commodated with Books to his taste.: The mechanic, the phiiofopher, natural or moral can be fcpplyed. The lover of the fair felt may come in for his share of chaste Novels and Romances, with pqe try to enliven the fair one’s fancy. Par ents will find an elegant assortment of books for children, and the country mer chant will find it in his account to be early in his ipplication, as thct.p.roprietor does not cohtemnlate tarrying long in the Hate. ‘ * V HOFF. . S'ubfcriptions for a edition of PLUTARCH’s LIVES, in fix vol umes, bound and lettered, at only 6 dolls. cts. are received by the public’s humble servant, j. HOFF. May 13. 2i. ANONE & Cos. Carver*, Cildcra, P fture Fume Maker*, and Lint heller*, B.tumeter and Thermonie-. ter Manufacturer*, from London, SKLL all kind* of Looking;, They esp Cl'ully inform die j u.ilic of thi* city, hat they have for sale, anew Oolleftion of Drawings and Patntinga.on Veilum, Italian Drawings and ai.d a variety of - viewa taken from Mature. Also a Collection ot m .tt beautiful and o'heir. Engrav ing*, from ill parti of Europe, by the moft eminent artift* of ‘he Globe; Likewds, a great vatiety of Rorder*, Medallion*, Shell*, and Drawing Rook.* of all deferintion*, P t tern* foi Fire Screen*, Italian Vellum for Drawing, &c. Ac. ifiT Barometer*, Telefcope*, Fire Screen*, Ac. clear.ed and repaired ors teefpnable term*. N. B M il,* Auone &Cos are about to leave thi* city and will fell,their fteck at half’ price. >.y Mav 13 3- *1 ‘7~Wanted to ru <..n,vt, GEORGIA AUDITED,CERTIFI CATES,. • Apply to • * . DENNIS Cf IVILLIAMS. Ma” is > i: w. *m 1 *0 T 6 HIRE, ‘ ~* — B-Y the year or otherwise, afmart NEGRO BOY. about 14 year* of age Apply at thi* ,'fii - May'l3 ‘ r; 1 ju o I r- RhCuT^Ki57T* M *~~* And tor sale at the Book, store of .. SEYMOUR and WOOLHOPTER, CN Tit E SAY, ; The Frank!m Primer. Containing anew and ufcfcl fel ftion of MORAL LESSONS Sd'irncd with a great varieiy of Elegant cuts—calculated, to ftriltc a lading impicfTion on the tender mind* licntldien. M.y o HAY, 6:c. Just received by the Eleanor from. Boston, 26 bundles Hay 1 pipe real Cogniac Brandy. Which will be fold at coll if applied for immediately. Also, on hand, 5 tons Iron 20 barrel: N. E, E.un 40 kegs Boflon Butter ’ 2 boxer No. 8, 9 and ;o Cotton Cards 10 calks London Brown Stout Porter 60 gallons Eftence of Spruce 1 Mahogany Pott Bedttead 2 ditto . Bureaus 60 low pric’d Saddles 15 casks Raisins / > . INDIA GOODS, See. Sec. . ? S. L. BULLEN. April 26 16 Frelh per line Flour. 10c barrel* frefh SuDnfine Fleur, just reciv , ; ed, for sale by . , , : JACRSON & HARTSTENE. May 3 r 8 kiumhuiris<& Nankeens JUST RECEIVED, FCR SALE BY Samuel Howard, Two Bales HUMHUMS, Three ditto YELLOW NANKEENS. April 21 15 ~ TWO ‘ Wrought lion Chests, F r Sale by HAVENS it BILBO ?y fi . u Nankeens. -00 pieces Nankeens, for sale by Alex’r Lawrence. April 29. 1 7 REASON AND TRUTH IMPARTIAL CUIU. THE WAX. TUESDAY, May 17, 1803. Rhode I {land Stone Ii ne, Nankeens, China, Sdc. Just received per the schooner Dispatch, from Providence, and for sale by GEO. H. BURROUGHS, Moore’s wharf. 300 casks Stone Lime ‘ 40 boxes China, containing . Soup Plates, Cups and Saucers, Tei Sets, and haiitifome Breakfatt Sets. 2 boxes ditto, containing two full Dinner Secs. [. 100 India Window Blinds 2 dozen ditto large Umbrellas 2 hhds. Northward Hams & Cheeks 7 firkins Butter 1 box Lampblack .. > 4000 feet white pine Boards 6co pieces India Nankeens. (entitled to drawback) Also, if applied for immediately,. A Bill on Charletton for 150 c dollars. Ditto on Bollon for 350 dollars. May to 20 ~ JUST RIiCEIVFD, : By the Bttjet and Peggy front Baltimore, SUPERFINE FLOUR ; Manufoftm ed Chewing Tobacco Ironaffirted ‘* Gun P.iwdrr F. and FF. in keg* It t-t lb*- and quarter c. ski e Indigo Knive*—And un hand, Alum and Hominy SALT—for sale by . GUMMING & HARMAN. Muy to. 4t *0 NEW COPARTNERSHIP. THE fulilcriner* have thi* day entered into copaitnesf*nip under the firm of FAIRCHILD and COOLIL.GK, and take thia method of informing their friend* and the public, that they have on hand and will continue to keep a generu afibriment of . k ‘ DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, I KONMONGRY and SHIP CHAN a .. DIERY, : Wnich they will fell on the mod reasonable term*, by the whole file or retail, for calh or. produce. . . - LEWIS FAIRCHILD. HENRY J. COOLIDGE. Mav r\ to I OR saLK, BY THE t'JBSCa I.hEX*, . ‘. 1 ‘ . 100 boxes Spanish SEGARS, of the very .bed quality. FAIRCHILD (A COOLIDGE. : Mav 10. . ■ ‘co JUST RECEIVED, , - And for file at J. ARNOLD'S Store, 10 c; fk fi it quality London Porter j 5 qr. enfk Madeira Win* * half piper do. ac. 6 hhds. N. E. Rum 30 barrel* pickled Herring May io *0 Nankeens . 500 pieces just received and for sale; by THOMAS SCOTT. April ;. ■■ . 10 R. & I. Bolt on, Have just received, per tkt Missisppi ,, from Liverpool, 8 cases Hats suitable tbrfurnmer wear 14 pieces Ladies* Cloths and find light CWimeres $ trunks MuHins, plain white and* . black figured, and Handkerchiefs *OO pieces bell cotton Bagging I cask pewter Bafons, plates ar.dcan dle Moulds £ cases Irilh Linen, 1 doz. bell curled hair MatralTes 12 bales Oznaburgs too calks Nails flit and fiiarp.point Striped and Sjl.k Nankeens Quiltings, Dimities, &c. Colored, white ahd black Cambric Kegs white Lead, Yellow Ochre, and Spanish Brown, , t Frying Pans, Hair Brooms Carpenters Tools Cutlery, Ironmongery Portmanteau Trunks Gentlemens Saddles Plated Chair , Servants Glazed Hats. May 6 19 “LANDING From the brig Hiram, Iro.m Barbadoe*, 14 hoglheads MOLASSES and 1 puncheon RUM. For Sale by AMBROSE GORDON. May 6 Fugar and Molasses. 20 hoglhrad* Sugar, and 10 ditto fdolaffe*. t Landing from schooner Luerrtia, captain Cutter, from Trinidad, aad for sale by . SAMUEL HOV/ARD. May 6 >9 Flaxen Oznaburgs. A quantity oj FLAXEN OZNABURGS of the btfi quality, received per Jhip Misstuppi, Capt Callaghan, from Liverpool, end for fate on rea /enable terms . by p t TAYLOR & SCARBROUGH May 6 Ot 13 MLiN, MACKAY tsf Cos. Have For Sale, SCOO bulhela prime SALT, received from Li verpool, per (hip Daphne 7000 ditto coarse ditto, received from Cadis, pet (hip Brur.fwick 13 puncheon* Jamaica RUM, per Catherine And a feu Barrel* SUGAR and bag* COFFEB. a LO, *0 puncheon* Charltftou RUM, which will be bartered for Tobacco or Upland Cotton, March 8 * BILLS on NEW-YORK, FOR SALE BY JAMES T. COIT. April 15 8 T. M. modbridge , ’ HAS JUST RECEIVED,. North-E/sst Corner of the Exchange , ON CONSIGNMENT, 30 hhds. firll quality Sugar, io pipes 4th proqf French Brandy. 10 hhds. MOLASSES 50 bbls. pickled Fi(h. 50 kegs excellent Butter. 10 tons alTorted Bar-Iron, 5 hhds. 4th proof Jamaica Ruiiii. 0 pipes Northern Gin. 3 tons alTorted. Cordage. 150 barrels fuperiine Flour. ... 200 kegs Crackers—with a variety of . DRV GOODS i Af] ol which articles he will fell low. for cash. . April -eip x 7 ihe sutssaUirtTUsT • HAVE JUST RECSIVED, A quantity of THREAD LACE Ditto India Lulfrings Ditto . ditto Satiua ~. \ : AND Tlflir ;H Avk ON HAND, Black 6-4 9 8, 4-4. wide Cotton Cam bric Ditto 9-8 Mnflin . Muslin, ..Cotton Cambric and Lappet 1 Shawl* ~ - Cambric Prints end Calicoes, (elegant > patterns) .. . Marfeills Quilting, Jean Sc Dimities Colored ana Nuns Thread Tambcurd Sewing. Silk .. Sheeting and Linens, various width* Fine Humhtims , While and yellow Nankeen*., Hosiery, Linen and Cotton Check* Brown and vt'hlte Platilla* , ALSO, just op lit ID, A case containing about pieces ele gant Englilh Paper Hanging & Bordering. ISSIT and WILLIAMS, > ■* Market-Square. May 6 30t . 19 THE SUBSCRIBERS, Have thi* day opened a chest of HYSON ; TF A, of the fiift qua ity, and intend to keep a constant fapply ol frelh imported TEAS. ‘ ISSIT and WILLIAMS. ■ Late E Yarnal, Market square. AprK *q ,8t . 17 tHF; subsckTßEß OFFERS for fall on very moderate terms, and, if required, a lengthy credit, for approved paper, a quantity \ of tlhi following ay tides • I Bell Invemcfs COTTON BAGGING Ditto ditto Flaxen Oznaburgs ’.ad Nails tod ditto j od and.;d Cut Nails. Crown Giafs 12 By. 10 Ditto ditto Bby 10 f inf.ed Oil in Tugs Yellow Paint White Lead Iron Pots aflurted Stone Jugs ditto ( Black Pepper Dip’d Candles \ • , 3 qr. calks Li/hon Wine i ton ro , and 1•. . <• • 80 crates well ulTsrted Crockery” Ware WILLIAM BELCHER. May 3. Bc. 18 Samuel Howard, HAS JUST RECEIVED, AND For sale, 30 barrels No. z Pi.rk 7 Cables, 6, 7, and 8 inch 16:0 buftirls Liverpool Salt 30 c*fki Claret Wine 8 dilt > M*Jaga ditto A few bundles Hay 14 calks Nails 41, 51], and 6d to tons Ruflia Iron 1 Paper Hangings 2 Piano Fortes f i elegant Looking Glaf* 20 ditto Counterpanes . . A (cvV bales coarse Broad cloth J Ditto India Humhums Ditto boxes- mould Candles Ditto ditto Giafs 2 by 10 , Ditto Beds. 10 hug (head* Barbadocs Rum 6 ditto Demarara ~ do. , 400 pound P.otten Stone in boxe* A few reams Wrappingand Writ ing Paper 500 pieces Nankeen* A tew pip-* Qin. * bale of Tow Cloth, Sc few Grind. ft pr%. March 29 8 India Nankeens . 500 pieces just received, and for Lie on . low terms, by BUkROtJGHS (A STURGES. -Mav 3. 18 Copartnerihip. THE fubferibers give notice, that they have formed, a connexion, for the .pur pose of tranfa£ling COMMISSION BU-'INESS, which will in future be carried on under the firm of SARGENT & HILLS . SAMUEL G. SARGENT. THOMAS HILLS. Boflon, Jan. 31, 1803.. i A few prime Negroes for Sale, AMONG which aie, field h*ndt, house wenche* and waiting boy, A only to J. ARNOLD. April ij. *| Mwtf - [Whole No. 750. SALE OF Elegant Furniture. ‘■ THE fubfeihers present state of health rendering a sea voyage and change of climate irtdifpcnfably necelfary, and his buhnefs calling him to England, in tends leaving Georgia for thence about the last of May, with his family, and in order to avoid the rilk of tire, as well as the exnence of house rent, offers for sale his FURNITURE, anvng which are many hanofome and. elegant PIECES, recently rtvade for him in London, and purchaltd much lower than that of an inferior quality is generally imported at, and which he will fell at very moderate price*. Aroopg other things the fol- . lowing beautiful .PRINTS, elegantly framed and enameled, executed by the only person in England (an Italian) wh.o can do the enameled part in such a man ner as Cos be rendered durable and not fulceptibje of cracking or pealing and being Calculated both in number and uniformity to decorate a large hand fune room, they ought not to be fepe rated , Battle of Bunker’s Hill, F With Index’s Dea(h of Gen. Mont-,( by .Colonel gornerv, j T Trumbull. Sortip of Gibraltar, ‘ The Wafljington Family... Portrait of General Washington, by Stewart. ‘• Conjugal AlFcftion. Refurreftion of a Pious Family. Such is the Kingdom of God. Spirit of a Child in the presence of the Almighty .• The Exalted Soul. * . Portraits and perfect Llkenefles of the celebrated Ornaments of the Britiflx > Stage, Mr. Kemble Sc Mrs. Siddons. An. elegant Mahogarty Secretary and BookCCasse f with Silk Curtains. A valuable .collection of between two & thrte hundred volumes of BOOKS, forming a complete. Gentlemen and Ladies Library, all new and elegant ly bound. ~, . Two pair very hanafome Looking Glaf fcs., ~ . , . l. A pair elegapt silver mounted Knife Cases, with Hlvcf. mounted Knives and Forks, of.beautiful and newest fafhion. .* k A Ladies Drawing, \Vriting and Woik Table, very handsome and complete. A Mahogany Cooler, brass mounted. A pair Mahogany an:! Silk Screens. Three lets of Chimney Ornaments of the beautiful Dcrbyfhire Stone, con fiding of Ba.ikets and Plates, of Fruit Vases, Pillars, Uras. &c. See. A variety of hatitiioine and fafhionaLle plated Wane, Con filling of an (Jm, a complete Break fa It S*t, fei Caftors, Egg Cup Fraiftle, Liouor Stand, Salts, Sideboard. Lamp", Cake Balke*, Can dle Stick?, with and without branch es, Tumblers) Sic. See. See. See. A Mahogany Cage with a Bird, dnd Globe with Bifii in it oh the top, the Fiflr and Bi-dap,/ r'ng at little ciiftance to be together a the water. Avery handfi me brass m .unted iVlatio ganv Copying Machine, and W iting Del k, yvith paper and ink complete, 1 never used v . Aipairoj Lrgeand handlomcly engraved f'ire Irons of Queens Metal, with Shovel,. Tongs, Poker and Sup* porters torn a tek,.. An excellent toned Piano Forte, An excelling Roalling Jick, (never uftd) on the moft ample, ofcourfe best, conftrudlion.. A set of handsome London made fine Chintz Curtains, complete for a din ing or drawing room, Hands me Liquor Cases with f|a;irt Turnings and ; Bottles decorated with burniihed ,|oid. ~ A handfqme Wood Tea taduie. A Hand Organ that plays eight tune?. Fine gr*ien . Brt>ad.Cl ;th Table Cover3 with yellow bdrdcrs. Carpets, Tables, Rureaqs, Cloths Prcis, Chairs, .Steel and Steel Moun cd with Brass Shovel . T ongs. See. Feeders, China ahd Giafs Ware, Bio* k 1 in DilH Qovers, and a variety >f other •fticle —dl of.which m y be leeii by applying at the reliefs ice of S. WAI L. ALSO, A I.’ANDSOKt Sc EXCELLENT Saddle IIORnE. April 26 16 Chrifl’r Gunn, TAKES this method to inform hi* friends ami the ( uolic generally, that be has declined keeping a Boarding- Houfe.and Reiuoved to Thunderbolt; Where he : opened a HOUSE ;*f EN TF.R r .1 N MEN TANARUS, for the c* rt venience O! L*. (•'* and Genti* men whtj may vijfit that pi**c*-, & where thjty can f e accorrmwlated wtiii Coffie, Tea. &c. at sh 1 * (hofteft notice. £3* Mr. A. FRENCH will regain *■ tne torm.'r place of rtfideuce, where iTe Stage ffice f. r the v haihttton .nd D.irien Sta. es will cyntir net.)he under the di.-eiiion ot C. Gur.n, April 29*