Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, September 29, 1814, Image 1

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wSammaZ Mwfisek PUBLISHED on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, by PHILIP D. IVOOLHOPTER , near the Exchange, at SIX DOLLARS per annum —HALF in ADVANCE. Vol XiX. —No. 60J Marshal’s Sale. Vn't ltd States—Dijtnft of Georgia By virtue of a decree from the Hon. Wm. StepH; ns. Judge of the H - ' tried. , Quirt of t .e United States, in nvl ‘Or die i 1* id diftrift, will be fold at the ft ire occu pied by Minis & Henry, on MONDAY, the 3d of October, at ten o’clock. The following GOODS, captured by the privateer Harrison, viz:— 8 packages linen and cotton .Cambric 5 do. printed Calicoes 6 do. Britannias and Pf.tilias 8 do. inull, figured, and japan Muffin 2 do. Dimity I j do. Ginghams < do. Salamanca and Japan Shawls 4 do. cottoa Stockings 1 do. silk do. 1 dp. do. Chainbrays 4 do. Bourbon and Check Handkerchiefs v- 4. do. Broadcloths, afibittd Jean, Check, Bedtick, Ravens Duck Beaver, fiik and Willow Hats, Twine Blankets, MufWd, &c. Conditions—all sums under 1000 dol lars, calli; over that amount, approved notes at sixty days, with bank discount added. JOHN EPPINGER, Marjbal. Sept. 19 57 Just Received, A fine affertinent of DRY GOODS. FOR SALE BY R. RICHARDSON. July 25 * 4i* Just Received, 3 case fine Irifli Linens do. Cotton Cambrics Xi pieces firft quality Veiling. For fide by SAMUEL RUSSELU Sept. 8—54 _ 4-4 fine Irish Linens and 6-4 C.i mimes. JUST RECEIVED, i case fine Irifli Linens t trunk 6-4 Cambrics %o pieces 2d Cloths. For sale for cash by WAY & BAKER. Sept. 12—55 Tne Subscribers Have ibis day entered into Co-partner fiiip, under the firm of IVAT & BAKER , and offer for sale (at the ltore latclv occu pied b> William Way) a v .riety of Ar ticles, iuitable tor the preient and ap proaching feai'on. Juil received, a tew pieces Superfine BROADCLO I HS and CASSIMEKES. |0“ All perl’ons havingdemafius againli Willi am Way, or the late firm of A. Baker and Cos. are requested to present the fame, and those indebted will makoiiu weuiaan payment. WILLIAM WAY. A. BAKER. Angufi 27 51 S 1 ATE OF NEW-YORK. Board of Health Lo (cry. SCHEME. uoiu. I Prize of 40,000 is 40,000 i do. 20,000 20,000 1 do. 10,000 10,000 1 do. 5,000 5,000 1 do. ‘3,000 3,000 1 do. 2,500 2,500 2 do. 2,000 4,000 I do. *,500 1.500 6 do. 1,000 6,000 14 do- 500 7,000 50 do* 200 10,000 80 do. 100 8,000 ico do, 50 .5,000 ”2co do* 20 4,000 *1,900 do, 10 119,000 12,359 Prizes. 22,641 Blanks. Less l ban two Blanks to a Prize. The drawing will commence in the city ©f New-Yolk, on the firft TuefdaVin De cember next, an 1 will continue to draw 50* tickets each day,until finilheu. Pri zes payable 40 days after the conclusion et tiie drawing, iubjeft to -a deduction of *S per cent. Tickets in tiie above Lottery, for sale -by the fubferibers, at 10 dollars, each. Prize Tickets received in payment. Marquand, Pntiiuing 61 Penfield. July 14—38 The Copartnership Os Small & M‘Nish, is this dav dis- ! siili cd in confequeo'"” cf the de jili of Ro bert Small. All pfiions indei ted to tiie late firm are ear;.t Illy requested to Come forward and fettle iietr-rdpedive balan ces, and triofe t.v rv:.*. n they are indebted are r-q-itftAi uni’.-. th-ir accounts f.a settlement, to JOHN MLnISH, sun icing Copartner. Who continues to carry on business in his own name, at the counting house for irerly occupied by Small & M’Niali, on Smith’s Wharf. Juie 27 ! On Tap, j One cifk of excellent Ciaret, at leafl 3 1 years old, verv little inferior to Medocyto be fold at the low mice of 1 50 per gallon. Also, for sale. ; Frefli Syrup of Lemon at 75 cts. pr. bottle Bell white Havaiina Sugar at 5 lbs for a dollar Do. real J .maica do. 6 lbs. for a dollar .Stiong wine Vinegar, at 62] per gallon Sharp cider do 374 do. Doubled dillilled Rose Water, 75 cents per quart bottle Double dillilled Orange Water, 1 dollar per bottle French Beandy, 2 50 per gallon Cherrp do 250 pel* do. Preserved Ginger at 50 cents per lb. Bell Martinique Cordials at 75 cents per ; bottle Frontignac Wine, Mace, Cinnamon, Nut-, megs ! Cloves and Allsnice, Carmine, Pruflian ‘ Blue Indigo, Wrapping Paper, Pe'Wttr Candle Moulds Bed Hyson Tea, Twine, Macabeau Snnff Essence ot Lemon and Beiganiote, Demi johns Corks, &c. Candles by the box. Every article whole price is not fixed, will be iold under coll. Apply to P. MORIN, Oppofue to yiejfrs. Dufore's. Sept. 26 59 The Subscriber OFFERS FOR SALE, 100 kegs Cut Nails 6 calks Hoes 30 boxes cotton and wool Cai ds 4 do. draw Bon wets 12 reams demy printing Paper 50 do. blue medium do. 100 do. wrapping do. 20 pieces Oztiaburgs 2000 yards-up country Homespun 100 boxes Filh 13 do. Caudles 60 reams foolscap and poll writing Pa per 6 lbs. Wafers 4 kegs Gun-Powder 3© barrels Flour • 60 lbs. Shoe Thread J 1 cask Negro Shoes 20 dozen Webfler’s Spelling Books JONATHAN BATTELLE. Augufl 8 45 Vaccine Matter. THE Sublcriber having been appointed bv the Prelulent of the United States, j % Agent tor Vaccination, hereby gives no tice, that GENUINE VACCIN E MA T TER, will be furnilhed to any Physician or other citizen of tiie United States, who may apply to him for it. The application inull be made by poll and the requilite fee (five dollars) in the current bank paper of apy of the middle Hates, forwarded with it. When required, Inch directions, See. how to use it, will be furuiflied with the matter, as will enable any difereet person who can read and write, to secure his own family from the Small Pox, with the greatest cer tainty, and without any trouble or danger. All letters on this fubjedt, to or from j the undersigned and not exceeding half an ounce in weight, are carried by tiie Uni j ted States’ mail free pf postage, in confor i niity to a late ail of Congress, entitled l$ An Adi to encourage Vaccination.” JAMES SMITH, U. S. Agent Jor Vaccination , Baltimore. • SO 0 * Editors of Newspapers within the ‘ < United--States, are requ.fted to infi rt the j 1 above for three weeks, and to forward a ! paper containing it to the Agent for Vac-j ! filiation, who will remit payment for the j fame !v poll. Sept. 5 53 Office FOR THE SALE OF NEGROES. The fubferijaer offers to families and j others, a number of valuable HOUSE SERVANTS and FIELD HANDS, a mong them are— A girl 18 years old, a good seamstress, walher, ironer and cook, better suited to the country. A Werch 22 years old, waftier, ironer and plain cook; very prime for the field. One other, 28 or 30 years old,excellent walher and ironer. verv finart and active, better suited to the country. One other, about 38 years, very Heady and tolerably capable of house work, gen- f erallv; and would luit a family living in the country bed, as (he has been in the field. Two very prime fellows, 24 years old, field hands, flout and likely. Two ditto, 30 years old ; and fevera 1 prime Fellows time would luit to work on ] a wharf, at machines, and any drudgery. * Also, a fellow 24 years old, a bricklayer, and an excellent workman. Aifo, a fellow, of fame age, an excel lent house carpenter, and would be ex tremely valuable to any perfoiyt-fkling in the country. ; gCT® Negroes will be thankfully re-* ceived at niv office, as tifual, and eve y exertion 11 fed to obtain fair prices and- ef fect speedy sales. DAVID POLOC.K, Augufl 25—50 Near the Exchange. REASON AND TRUTH IMPARTIAL GUIDE THE WAY. SAVANNAH: THUR>D\Y, Septembkr 29, 1814. Removal. Taylor, Daviks & Taylor, have re moved their tempting house to Bolton’s upper wharf, where they continue to trans act Fa&orage 65 s Commijfion Business , with their usual attention. Augufl i 43 Crockery Ware, 6cc 15 crates white and blue edge Plates &c. 1 sale Sadlers V\ . re 1 calk Carpenters Tools 40 chefls ntgro Pipes 3 calks Card Wire 6 kegs Lead Bails 200 Cutlasses 80 kegs fforing Brads & Nails ! 3 kegs bell Flints For sale bv STURGES& BURROUGHS, i May 19 22 ifo.9, Boltons Range ; | * —7 j Caution. MERCHANTS and others are cau tioner] againfl purciialiug the two follow- ; ing Bills qf Exchange , which have been ! loft in the Pocket-Book of the Subscriber, on the from New-York, liz : One Bill for £706 9/. §d. furling, drawn by Samuel Gray. ! One for £924 ferlins drawn by t Samuel Gray, Sylvan us pa ay, and William Kay. Both El! LS drawn at thirty days fight, on Samuel vVilliams, London, in favor • of A illi vk Gray, and endowed by THOMAS H. N ARI). If the above Bills, or eithir of them j fliould he discovered, it is re uefled that ! information may be given to he Subscri ber, at Btfion, or Goodhuk!& Ward, No. 44 ‘ouch-*tlreet, New-Yotk. Fortlie ; ! Pocket-Book and its conteutsJa reward ot One Hundred Dollars is off) red. j ‘t he Editors of till: Montreal 1 Courant, Quebec Gazette, nd Halifax Gazette, are liquefied to insert the above ‘ advertisement for three week], in their res pective papers ; and the coll of insertion j will he duly paid by Mr. Ward to their [ order. I Boston , Sept. 3, 1814.— 31V —58 i IA P entium ot One Handled Dili's. ! ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, ex prlufivc- of the u-mal ! ire, will be paid for the FIRST WAGGON and FOUR HORSES, competent to transport three thousand pounds weight, having a faithful driver, which (hall attend at the Court . House in Savannah, and take the Records of the C untv to such place as may be de signated, in c ise ot an alarm from invasi on, that may require their removal. By order of the Ron. the Inferior Court. JOB T. BOLLES, Clk. Sept. 15. 56 We are authorised to announce Cos Thomas M. Berrien, as a candidate for \ Lieutenant-Colonel of the firft class of the militia of the Hate of Georgia. September 15 —--56 i Assize of Bread. 1 The price of FLOUR being seven dol lars per barrel, the weight of bread for tiie present month, mull be as follows, viz : n lb. oz. cents loaf mull we igh 2 U 6U do. do do. do *5? Os which all bakers and fellers of bread are required to pfv due attention thereunto. J. PETTIBONE, c. t. Stpt. 12 55 Boarding House to Let* ‘That well known Stand in the city of ■ Savannah, at present occupied by the iub fenber, large enough . to accomodate from 3 o to 40 boarders; with an excellent S TABLE that will hold 30 liofj'es. Any person williing to rent the above, can he furnilhed with Bedding and Furniture of every defer ip t ion, on mode rate terms for prompt pay merit—polfrlfiou given any time between this and Ift day of October next. —For terms apply on the premises, to . JAMES ‘YVHITE. JO™ For laic,a iecond handed CHAIR and HARNESS; and an excellent fami ly HORSE, warranted. Sept. 5—3w—53 I / To Rent, And possession given tbe \Jiday of 03. TIJAT Jarge and / 1 convenient Hou* 0,1 the Ba) ’ fev J Si Sr l present occupied by r * a:ire> ’ if lhe E - - 1 KT-idl ior an exctniive lO.akDING house of any in this city. ’Appjv to JOHN ANDERSON. Sept. 8 54 Library. Tn future the hours of delivering books ! will be front 12 to 2 o’clock every Tues- j day, TlnirlUay and Saturday. OEMLER, librarian. Sept. 22—58 -A. The Subscriber Has just received, 16 pieces fupu fine bine and black Cloth 40 do. do. blue and black Caffinine 40 do. Yorklliiie Cloths, fit for fervauts 30 do. Bristol Blankets 10 do. Bath Coating Which v>ill bt- fold at reduced price., by SAMUEL UUoSELL. Sept. 2 2 6t 58 Ail ; erso s lu>ciiy dr- I linWs again!! tin: ellate of Mrs. If. Y. i Morel, are requested to render them in | properly attefled, and those indebted to ! make payment, to John P. Williamfoti, ; Eiq. PAT. HQUSFOUN, Sept. 22 —58 Adm'or. | A'iniimflrntot r s Sale, By permission of tie Cdurt of Ordina ry, ’will be sold on TiIKSDAY, the \ nth October-n e xt, at the late dtvell- | ! ing bouse of Mrs. Harriot Y. Morel, j dec. all tbe Household and KUcben FUR X ITU RE cf said dec’d, consist ing of ! Sophoa, Side Board, dining and card ‘ Tables, Bureaus, Chairs, IV ds and Bed- | Heads, dining and tea letts China, Silver | Plate, &c. ALSO, A few BOOKS, a four wheel CAR RIAGE, and one carriage HORSE. By order cf tbe Administrator. 1 Terms, calli. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. WILLIAM BELCHER ,Auß'r . Sept, 22 58 \ •~~ l - y ■ | Notice. All perfoas having any demands againfl the eftats of Richard M- Dimon, de ceased, are requested to present tlieir ac counts duly attested, and all indebted to make immediate payment. ASAHEL HOWE, Anguft 4 44 Adm'or. 111 ,mm - ■ \ 1 ■ m \ mum ■ Notide. All ]jerfons indebted to the Ellate of ; John Thomas, late of Glynn County, dec. are uarriellly required to make immediate ! payment, and tnofe indebted are requested to render in the fame agreeably to law, to JONATHAN THOMAS, Administrator. M’lntofh County, Sept. 6 55 Five Loilars Reward Eloped from the iubferiber’s employ, on the morning of the 3d mil. his indebted servant, WILLIAM BROWN KEN NEDY, a black fellow about 25 years old, 5 fee: ii inches high, free spoken, insolent, and extremely talkative, a Bar ber by trade, and ailed as Steward in the Midas , Alexander Yhompfon, inafter, the ; cruize before the lad. All -persons are ; cautioned againfl harboring or employing the ab ve Have ; upon proof thereof the law (hall take its due coivrle. Any person delivering laid fellow to me, fliall receive • the above reward- JACOB MORDECAI. Sept. 12—55 Notice. Nine months from tbe date hereof, ap plication will be made to- the honorable the J offices of the Inferior Court ot Bryan County, for leave to fell all tbe Ellate be longing to the late Mr. IVilliam Butler , in order that the fubferiber may be enabled to pay the debts, and carry into effect the Will of the deceased. THOS. F. WILLIAMS, SbiaI.Ex’or. Feb. 13111910 Notice. Nine months after date, application will lie made to the Just ices of the Inf- djr Court of Bryan County, for leave to sell a trail of Land in said county called Wood ville, containing fifteen hundred acres, be j longing to the ellate ol Ralah E. El liott, deceased ; tube sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. STEPHEN ELLIOTT, Ex'or. March 11 3& Will be Sold, . On Tuesday, tbe -2stb• Q3ober next , at the Plantation of Thomas Dovers, in Glynn County , all tbe personal Property of Jims Thomas, late cf said county . deceased—corfifiingof Two Horses, qpe Saddle arid Bridle, four head of Cattle, a fine liead of Ho?>s, Household and Kitchen Furniture, &e. for the benefit of the hei* and creditors of *tid dece i-sed,—Conditions calli, on the day of sale. ’ JONATHAN THOMAS, Adnt'uTr September 12 ‘ [Whole JS°* 3010^ Crockery & Glass Ware The fiilfi riber has removed -a part of his dock to Augusta, where country mer chants may h: supplied with Well assorted crates and calks at the Savannah pi ices, on. application to Messrs. Barrett & Sims. ABNER WOODRUFF. Sept. 26— 4t 59 _ Marshal's Sale. United States—District cf Georgia. By virtue ol a decree Torn the lion. Win. Steplwns, judge ot the diilr'ufl court of the United States, for the find diftridl, will be fold at St. Mary’s on MON- D \ Y, tiie 3d October, at 10 o'clock, ‘The brig with her tackle, apparel and jgsjjiWrr lh initure ; and her CARGO, confiding of ffveral thou land buft.eU of SALT—condemned as prize to the Unit ed States’ naval force under Commodore Hugh G. Campbell. Conditions, calh. ‘ JOHN LPFINGER, Sept. 26—59 Marshal . University of Pennsylvania. THE MEDICAL LECTUR F.S in this Univerfitv will commence on the first ; Monday ill November next. > j AnaToMY— Bv Casper Willar, M. D ’ Theory & PraC itce of Physic— Byr B. S. Barton. VI. D. ; Materu Medic a—Jßy N. Chapman, ! M. D. i Chemistry— By John R. Coxe, M. TANARUS). ’ _ By PhilipS. PhisicM. D. Surgery- j. s . Dor3cV , M . D. Midwifery —By T. C. James, -M. D. *,* The editors of the following news ’ pa]x:rs are requelt.d to publilh the above 1 notice till the fiiltof November, and fend their bills for payment to N. Chapman, M. I). Dean of the Medical Faculty:- Telegraph and American, B Itimore ; Na* tioml Intelligencer and Federal Republi can, Diftridt of Columbia; the Gaz'tte, Alexandria ; the P. triot and Enquirer, Richmond, Va. ; the Peterlburg Intelli gence! and Republican, Pettilburg, Va. J Ledger and Herald, Norfolk ; the Win ’ theft-r Gazette, Winchester, Va.; the Wilmington Gazette, Wilmington, N.C.| j tin- Federal Republican, Newbern, N. C.; ! tiie Courier and Times, Cliarlefton, S. C. ; j the Museum, Savannali, Geo.; the Augu> 1 ta Herald, Augufta,Geo. ; the la-xiiigton I Reporter, and the Kentucky Gazette, Lex ington, Kentucky; the Clarion, Tenues ere v the Wiftern Spy, Cincinnati, Ohio } tiie Ohio Federalill, St. Clairstille, Ohio } 5 rht Evening Poll and Columbian, Ntw- Yorkj tiie Albany Higifter, Albany, N. Y.; the Connedicut Courant, and the { Connefticut Gazettee, Hartford, Conn ; Providence Gazette, Providence, R. I.; the Centinel and Chronicle* Boston; the Portsmouth Oracle, Portsmouth, K. PI.; the Trenton Feder?lid, Trenton, N. J.; the Wafliingtonian, Windsor, Vermont— the Pittlburg Mercury, and tire Pittlburg Gazette, Pittlbyrg, Pi.; the American Watchman, ana the .Delaware Gazette* Wilmiijgton, Del. Sept. 26 59 Sheriff s Sales. : On the first Tuesday in OStober next, •will be sold at the court-bouse in the city of Savannah, between the hour <* of jo and 3 o’clock, 411 the buildings and improvement* (on the lot in Weft Broad Street, belong ing to the estate Shick) or so much there of as will fatisfy the taxes of Janies Platt for the year ißi3,amountduedolls. 46 38 gild colts. Also, all that Lot and improvements No, ward, or so much thereof as will fatisfy the taxes of William Rolls tor the y£ar 1813, amount due dolls. 451 , and cods. • Also, 228 acres ot Land in Chatham coun ’ ty, about 4 miles from Savam#ii, bounded to the east by the Glebe Land, and to the north by Savannah river,or so rmichthere > of as will fatisty the John D. Montallet, for the year 1801 ; amount due, dolls. 67, 50, and costs. The above to be sold at the risk of the former purcha ser, wlio has not complied with the terms ’ of sale. Also, a small tenement House at the corner of Abtrcorn flreet and, Bay Lane levied on as the property of James Eng land, to satisfy John Beck. * J. B. NORRIS, s. c. c. September 26 56 Sher ff’s Sales. On the firfi Tuesday in Oclobtr nexi t •will be sold at the court bouse in Mlntosb County , between tbe bourr of 10 and 3 o’clock. One trail of land containing 456 acres on the high point of SapeJo Iflaud, or so much thereof, as will fatisfy the taxes of John Montalet, for the years 1810, 11, \ and 12; amount due, dollars 300, and ; Cofls. ; Also, one trail of land containing 170 acres, near South New-Port Bridge, levied on as tlie property of Janies Mtilrync, to fatisfy an execution in favor of Edward Swarbrick. - R. FOWLER, s. M. * September 3 . 53