Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, October 03, 1814, Image 1

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* v x (JC'OX 1 lltttj Ll St iilll v-p/ Saptmnajb ddvetiiser: PUBLISHED on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, bt PHILIP D. WOOLHOPTER, near the Exchange, at SIX DOLLARS per annum— HALF in ADVANCE. Vol XIX.—No. 61] Marshal’s Sale. United States — Dis'riß of Georgia. * Bv virtue of a decree from the lion. Wm ; $ Stephens, judge ol the dillricl court ofj the United States, for the said diflridt,! will be fold at St. Mary’s on MON-’ DAY, the 3d October, at 10 o’cloek, | p. iAThe brig E REDERICK,i VT with her tackle, apparel and fnmitnre ; and her CARGO,* conliiling of levcral thousand bushels of SALT —condemned as prise to tlie Unit ed States’ naval force under Commodore Hugh G. Campbell- Conditions, cafli. 1 JOHN EPPINGER, Sept. 26—59 Marshal • Marshal’s Sale. \ United States—Dijirift of Georgia. By virtue of a decree from the Hon. Wm. Stephens, judge of the Dillricl Court of tne United States, in and fer the laid dillricl, will be fold at the store occu pied !>y Minis & Henry, on MONDAY, tlie 3d of O&ober, at ten o’clock, The following GOODS, captured by tlie privateer Harrison, vi2:— 8 packages linen and cotton Cambric 5 do. printed Calicoes 6 do. Britannias ‘and PLtillas 8 do. mull, figured, and japan Mu din a do. Dimity % do. Ginghams .5 do. Salamanca and Japan Shawls 4 do. cotton Stockings a do. silk do. i do. do. Chambrays 4 do. Bourbon and Check Handkerchiefs 4, do. Broadcloths, assorted Jean, Qieck, Bedtick, Ravens Duck Beaver, lilk ahd willow Hats, Twine Blankets, Mu Hard, See, Conditions—all funis under 1000 dol lars, ca(li; over that amotnit, approved I notes at fixry days, with bank discount added. JOHN EPPINGER, Marjbal. Sept- 19 57 Crockery & Glass Ware The fubferiber has removed a part of bis {lock to Augusta, where country mer chants may be supplied with well assorted crates and calks at the Savannah pi ices, on application to Messrs. Barrett S’ Sims. ABNER WOODRUFF. ’ - C Vpft! -4t o') ** 1 Library. n future the hour3 of delivering books wijbe from 12102 o’clock every Tues ,daj Thursday and Saturday. , OEMLER, Librarian. * Vpu 22—58 Subscriber Has just received , *6 pieces hiper one blue and black Cloth 40 do. uo. blue and black Caiinnere 40 do. Yorkftiii y Cloths, fit tor lervsuits 30 do. Bristol Rfankets Io do. Batii Gating Which wilL-bi fold at reduced prices, by ,/SAMUEL RUSSELL. Sept. 22 6t 58 Just Received, A fine aCbrtment of DRY GOODS. for sale by R. RICHARDSON. July 25 4* Just Received, Y case fine Irifti Linens 1 do. Cotton Cambrics “T 2 pieces firft quality Verting. For iale bv SAMUEL RUSSELL. Sfcpt. 8—54 4-4 fine Irish Linens and 6-4 ll Cambrics. JUST RECEIVED, T case fine Irifti Linens i trunk 6-4 Cambrics ad Ciotlis. For sale for cafli by WAV & BAKER. 12—55 The Subscribers .Have this day l entered into Co-partner fliip, under the firm of IVAX is? BAKER, . *nd offer for fa!e (at the llorc latelv occu pied-bv William Way) a variety^af Ar ticles, suitable for the present and ajv ( s profxhing feafoh. i rJfill received, a lew pieces Superfine j j BKOADGLO'I HS axdCASSIM ERES. j I IQ* ‘All ]> ribila having demands against j | Willi am Way, or the J ate firm of A. IBa ker and Cos. are requelled to present Ktlie fame, and those indebted will makeim- Rvaediate payment. & * WILLIAM WAY. A. BAKER. Atiguft 27 , 51 if* * Removal. , Taylor, Davies & Taylor, have re moved their corypting house to Bolton’s upper wharf, where thev continue to trans act FaSlorage Commijjion Business } With their usual attwuoiu * 4 4 % - 4 ? , | On Tap, One cnlk of excellent (iluret, at lcafl 3 years old, very little inferior to Medoc,to be Ibid at the low price of 1 50 per gallon. Also, for sale , Frefii Syrup of Lemon at 75 cts. pr. bottle Led white Havamia Sugar at 5 lbs tor a dollar Do. real Jamaica do, 6 lbs. for a dollar Strong wine Vinegar, at per gallon Sharp cider do do. Doubled difiilled Rose Water, 75 cents per quart bottle Double difiilled Orange Water, 1-dollar per bottle French Brandy, ? 50 per gallon Cherry do 250 per do. Preserved Ginger at 50 cents per lb. Bell Martinique Cordials at 75 cent3 per bottle Frontignac Wine, Mace, Cinnamon, Nut megs ‘ ‘• Cloves and Allspice, Carmine, Prussian Blue Indigo, Wrapping Paper, Pewter Candle Moulds Befi Hyson Tea, Twijje, Macabeau Snuff EflVnct* ot Lemon and Bergamote, Demi johns Cork;:, &c. Candles bv the box. Every article whole price is not fixed, will be fold under cost. Apply to P. MORIN, Oppofte to Mejfrs. Dufore's. Sept. 26 59 The Subscriber OFFERS FOR SALE, 100 kegs Gut Nails 6 calks Hoes 30 boxes cotton and wool Caleb 4 do. draw Bonnets 12 rj-aujs demy printing Paper 50 do. blue medium do. .... 100 do. wrapping do. 20 pieces Oznaburgs 2000 yards-up country Homespun 100 boxes Fifti 13 do. Candles 60 reams foolscap and poll waiting Pa per * 6 lbs. Wafers 4 kegs Gun-Powder 30 barrels Flour 60 lbs. Shoe Thread 1 c.isk Negro Shoes 20 dozen Webfier’s Spelling Books JONATHAN BATTELLE. Atigufi 3 Vaccine Matter. THE Subscriber having been appointed by the Prelident of the United States, Agent for Vaccination, hereby gives no tice, that genuine vaccine mat ter, will be fund (bed to any Phylician or other citizen of the United States, who may apply to hivufor it. The application mull be made by pofi and the requisite leu (live dollars) in the current bank paper es any of the middle (fates, forwarded with it. When required, such directions, &c. how to use it, wifi be furnillied with the matter, as wil* enable any dilcreet perlbn who can 1 read and write, to secure his own tam'dy ! from the Small Pox, with the greatest cer i tainty, and without any trouble or danger. All letters on this fiubjeft. to or froui the undersigned and not exceeding half an ounce in weight, are carried by the Uni ted States’ mail free of postage, in confor mity to a late aft of Congress, entitled “An A <sl to encourage Vaccination.” JAMES SMITH, U. S. Agent Jor Vaccination , Baltimore. fCT” Editors of Newspapers within the United States, are requeued to mferWthp above for three weeks, and to forward a paper containing it to the Agent for Vac cination, who will remit payment for the fame by pofi. Sept. 5 53 i Office ; FOR THE SALE OF NEGROES. 1 The fubferiber offers to families and others, a number, of valuable HOUSE SERVANTS and FIELD HANDS, a mong them are— A girl 18 years old, a good seamstress, walker, iroher and cook, better suited tq the country. A weqch 22 years old, walher, ironer and plait) cook; very prime for the field. One other, washer and ironer. verv (mart and active, btttei suited to the country. One other, abont 38 years, very Ready and tolerably capable of house work, ‘gen erally; and v/ouid iuit a family biving in the county btft, as (lie hiw vii iu the field. V‘ ‘trio Li- Two very prime fellows, 24 years old, field bapAs, llout and likely. Two ditto, 30 years old ; and fevera prime Fellows that vvoufd luit to work on a wharf, at machines, and any drudgery. Also, a fellow 24 years old, a bricklayer, and an excellent workman. Alio, a fellow, of fame age, an excel lent house carpenter, and would be ex tremely valuable to any person residing in the country. ? Negroes will be thankfully re ceived at niv office, as usual, ahd every e-Xertion used to obtain fair prices and ef fedl fpetdy sales- DAVID POT.OCK, August 25—50 Elear the E^ban^e. k. Pr : ; , v.*.\ REASON AND TRUTH IMPARTIAL GUIDE THE WAY. SAVANNAH: MONDAY, October 3, 1814. | Crockery Ware, &c 15 crates white and blue edge Plates &c. 1 case Sadlers Ware ■ 1 calk Carpenters fools 1 40 cherts negro Pipes j 3 calks Card Wire 6 kegs Lead Balls 200 Cutlasses 80 kegv fioring Brads & Nails j 3 kegs bed Flint*’ For fate by SI'URGES & BURROUGHS, May 19 2 2 Ho 9, Boltons Range . - 1 ■ ■ # ■’ ‘ The Copartnership ; Os mall Sr M‘Nish, is this day dis solved in conftquence of the death of Ro bert Small. All persons indebted to the late firm are earnestly requested to come forward and fettle their relpeftive balan ces, and tnofe to whom they are indebted are requested to render their accounts for fcttlenient, to JOHN M‘NISH, surviving copartner. Who continues to carry on businels in his own name, at the counting house for merly occupied by Small & M‘Nish, on Smith’s Wharf. June 27 3^ Caution. 1 MERCHANTS and others are cau tioned again!! pnrciiafmg the two follow ing Bills of Exchange, which have bpen 101 l in the Pocket- Bpok of the “Subscriber, on the from New-York, viz , One Bill for £jp6 gs 6 d. Jlcrlipg, > drawn by Samuel Gray. I One for £924 Jicrling, drawn by ’ Samuel Gray, Sylvanus Gray, and ; William. Hay. Botli BILL'S drawn at thirty day Slight, i ■ oil Samuel Williams, London, in favor i of William Gray, and endorsed by him. ‘THOMAS H. WARD. I If the above Bills, or either of them I fliould be discovered, it is requested that information may be given to_tbe Subfcri- | ber, at Bcjion , or Goodhue & Ward, No. 44 South-llreet, New-York, For the ■ Pocket-Book and its contents, a rewaid ot . One Hundred Dallars is offered. ’ | Cj“ 1 lie Editors of the Montreal \ Courant, Quebec Gazette, and Halifax . Gazette, an- requested to insert the above adve rtiieinent for tliree weeks, in their res- j pe&ive papers ; and the coll of infection will lie duly paid by Mr. Ward to their order. * • Boston, Sept, 3,. 1814. —3W —*58 A Piermum of One Hundred Dollars. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, ex clulive of the usual hire, will be paid for the FIRST WAGGON and FOUR HOUSES, competent to transport three •; thousand pounds weight, having a faithful driver, which fliall attend at the Court- House in Savannah, and take the Records ■ oi the County tp such place as may he de* [ figyrated, in case ot an alarm trom invasi on, that mav .require their reiioval. By order of the lion, the Inferior Court, JOB T. BOLLES, Clk. * j Sfpt* *S- 5 6 | Assize of Bread. . * _ : i | ‘ Tlie price of FLOUR bdrlg ft veil dol lars per barrel, the weight of bread for the present month, mult be as follows, viz v 1. lb, oz. 12 j cents loaf 11111 ft weigY 2 11 / 6| do. do do., do 1 5J Os which all bakers and fellers of bread are it |uired to pav due attention thereunto. \ J. PETTipONE, c. t. * Stpt. 12 55! I Boarding House to Let. and in the city .of Savannah, at prefect !'%pllw£^^K|, occupied bv the sub- JBSSSK feriber, large enough mmm to accomodate from 30 t Q j with an excellent STABLE that will hold to • ; horses. Any person wiflung to rent the , above, tan be furnilhed with Bedding and , Furniture of every defcriptioil, on mode rate terms for prompt pay mebt—poffeffion given any time between this and ill day. of Odlobcr next—For terms apply on tl.o pmuix'cs, to ! JAMES WHITE.’ ICF* For iale, a tecond handed CHAIR : and HARNESS; and an ext client fami ly HORSE, warranted. Sept. 5 —3W —53 I ~ To Rent, ♦ <■ And possession given the sfiday of 051. THAT large and convenient House present occupied is tlie btft.adapted |T LWjf i_> 1v G of any in this city, to ‘'"fr* JOHN AN4SSON. .Sept. & 54 * j | * ,4 & x ‘J* ‘ % dualltt*.* v y&L ‘ . * ,** i r “ * Factorage, No. 17, BOLTON'S WHARF) The fubferiber having returned to this place for the purpose ot re-comuu ncing tlie above BUSINESS, refptfffnllv tenders \ I his services to planters of Sui:.;.-CaiN lina . i and Georgia, with affuranees of uureinit- . etl exertions to promote the of all j who may favor him with their confidence, 1 as well in the execution of orders, as the j dilpofal of any Ipcti- sos property commit- j to his care. JOSEPH A. SCOT T. Nov. 23) law 79 sTaTEOF NEW-YORK. Board of Health Lo tcry. SCHEME. dolls, i . ’ I Prize of ,40,000 is 40,000 I do. 20,000 20,000 1 .do. 10,000 10,000 1 do.- 5,000 5,000 1 do. 3,000 3,000 1 do. 2,500 2,500 2 do. 2,000 4,000 t do. 1,300 1,500 6 do. 1,000 6,000 14 do. 500 7,000 50 do. 200 10,000 80 do. 100 8,000 100 do. 50 5,000 200 do. 20 4,000 11,900 do. 20 119,000 12,359 Prizes. 22,641 Blanks. # Less than two Blanks to a Prize • The drawing will commence in the city of New-York, oh the firft Tuesday in De cember next, an! will continue to draw 50* tickets each day, until Unfilled. Pri zes payable 40 days after the conclufioq es the drawing, lubjcft to a deduction of 15 per cent. Tickets in the above Lottery, for sale by the fuhfcribers, at 10 dollars, each, j Prize Tickets received in payment. Marquand, PauldingScPerifield. ‘ July 14—38 i Notice. All persons having any demands against the cftatii of Richajid M. Dimon, de ceased, are requested to present their ac- 1 counts duly attested, and all indebted to ; make immediate payment, v ASAHEL HOWE, ! August 4 44 Adm^or. Notice. All persons having any demands against Joset-H Turner, late of St. Simons’ Isl and, GJynn County, deceased, are request ed to render theui : n according to law, and those indebted to the elfate, to make im mediate payment to Lues Wh.te, Exccu , m . JosarH luBNEII, i Dec. 30 88 Notice. Alt persons indebted to the Estate of John Thomas, late of Glynn Cpunty, dec. are earnestly required to make immediate payment, anti thole indebted are requested to render in the fame agreeably to law, to JONATHAN THOMAS,. Administrator . M‘lntofh County, Sept. 6 ‘55 Notice. Nine months from the date hereof, ap plication will be made to tlie honorable the Jufticesof the Inferior Court ot Bryan * County, for leave to fell all the Estate lie longing to the late Mr. William Butler , in order that the fubferiber maybe enabled 1 to pay tlie debts, and carry into effedt the I Will of the deceased. ! ThlOS. F. WILI JAMS, gyal.Ex’or. j Feb. * lamgm Notice. , ‘ 4 * j Nine months after date, application will be made to the Jußices of the Inferior Court of Bryan County, for leave to sell a 1 .trad of Laiid in said comity called Wood- j ville, containing fifteen hundred acres, be , longing to the eflate of Ualah E. El liott, deceased ; for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. STEPHEN ELLIOTT, Ex’or. March it 38 GEORGIA ) BySAwuti. M.Bonb, Clk (\ s ] Cos the Coun o* O'dinary of S.M. Bond. ) Chatham iheStato a- ; forcaaid. To all to whom the*e pt'e*it ftiall come ;Gieiißg WHEREAS, Jee Newu>n hs -radc arpli cation lo me tor lettc'l ot athninifliaiion on ‘the eftare and of Mauiioe Gilbert, d< c. on behalf 0* the heir*. Tlie*e ate theiehne to cue and adironlfr all andlitigular'lhe kiudred and ernditor. o! said deeM. to fik ***** objeflions (if ariv they uyfff6cc, on or belote the fi*ft Mon &y in Nov. nest, otherwiseletter* <4admin- Uttiiiotl will be (tia*terf. <a 1 G'vert.undtfr my hand and fcal, thi* fu Sept. 1814, and <aßih of American Indepen dence. r ‘ EW - r ■■■ -r ,- r - I- <- ■ -■ 1* ‘■— ’ Blank§/ 1 kinds,printed at tbl? Ojjfice ‘WKT’ - ‘ ‘ V%’ t -dfe V ‘ ■ i tlt f > I ’T. [Whole No. 3011. 23j) 3utl)orttP. A PROCLAMATION. STATE OP GEORGIA. ’ By his Excellency, Peter Early, GoW* ! eriior and Corfimander in Chief of tl>* | Artnv and N nry of this rtate, and ofth* • militia thereof; I , Whereas a extraordinary occalion has j occurred for convening the general aflcin bly of this IDte, at a period earlier than that prescribed b> law, I have therefor* thought fit, and by virtue of the power in me verted by the confthution, I do hereby require the members of each house of the general .iflembly of this Hate to convene at the rtate house ill Milledgevillc, on ! Monday the feveuteeiuh day of October next, then and there to deiiber .te and do. cide on luch matters as the public welfare may render necessary. Given under my hand, and fealof the flatfe, at the rtate honfe in Milledgeville, this twenty fir ft day of September, in th year of our Lord one tlioufand eigjgf hundred and fourteen, and of the inde pendence of the United States of Ames, ica the thirty ninth. By the Governor, Peter Early. Abner Hammond, (60] Secretary 0 f the State* J We are authorised to announce. Col. Tlrbmas M. Berrien, as a candidate for Lieutenant-Colonel of the firrt class of tlia militia of the state T>f Georgia. September 15 56 C hoice Articles. Aj retailper quart,gallon, demijohn One pipe excellent old Madeira Wine, for the rich,or Tick or convalcfcent, as th* ; price and quality will denote. Also. old Cognac Brandy, Jamaica J Rum, Shrub, Gin, Coffee, and as many • other good thingsas the times permit, in . the Grocery line. Vmong those are frefh | Teas, and white Havanna Sugar; all of ( which will be fold at reasonable prices to v persons of the following deferiptions, who have always stood upon the fame looting. irt. Thole who purciiafc for caih and 4 require no credit. ad. ’Hiofe whodeal largely upon ac* count, under contrails, and have neve* failed toclofe their accounts fatisfaftorily, within tlie prescribed time or when rr quired. 3d. Those who have running accounts upon the fair charadter, which they main tain, and have not failed to fettle then* within a reasonable time. But the above articles cannot be recommended to tuofe • hereafter deicribed. ill. Tnofe to whom public opinion has attached any'fufpicion- in regard to tlia* integrity or punctuality, for they ‘Tiav* been tried and found warning. • jd. Those of fair character, who hav# their contrails, or walked one ( rtrtet in preference to another, that they • may not be feen# 3d. Those who have worn the rogue’* fliield, vulgarlv called tie alleviating | ‘ WILLIAM CUAIG. Slept. 29—60 Notice. The Direftors oftlie Planters Bank will, on WEDNESDAY, 12th O£lober next, elea an Assistant Clerk, in the room of Mr. W. G. Swan, resigned. Applicants niurtleave their letters with the undersign. ed, in which two lecurities’ names mull b* (fated. JAMES MARSHALL, Sept. 29 60 Casbiet* In Council, Sept. 26, 1814 Resolved , That council will on Mon day, the loth of O&ober next, proceed to the clttftion of the following officers for the enfuiug year, with the l'alaries and fee* thereto annexed. Recorder, with lists. Trealurer, with dolls. Bco falanr and fee*. ’ Physician to tjie Gaol,dolls. 200 and fees. • Clerk of the Council, dolls. 600 and feci. City Marshal, dolls. 800 and fees, j Messenger, dolls. 250 and fees. : Keeper of the Grave Yard and dolls. 200 Hilary and fees. City Surveyor, with fees. Ordered , Tliat the clerk publifli said g ieiftiotis in the Gazettes of the city. ExtraH from the minutes . D. D. WILLIAMS, c. q. Sept. 29 ♦ : 60 , * — *— Marshals Sale. United States—District of Georgia^ By virtue of a decree from the Hon., William Stephens, judge of the dfitritf ‘courtof the United States, iS and for the said did rift, will be fold at St. Mary’s, oq TUESDAY, UieVftof October, afr ip o’clock, . f v*” Eighty-tfiree rolls Ribbon?, Cambrics, §cc. Condemned as fqrfeiud to tlie Uni-. tl States.. Ounditidbi*— caft<. i JOfTN.mTNGERy ter** v w.- iV. -w ::