Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, October 10, 1814, Image 1

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**V > ‘ i 4 # * PUBLISHED ox MONDAYS and THURSDAYS,i BY D. WOOLEOFTER , us/,r, the Exchange, at* SIX DOLLARS per annum —HALF in ADVANCE. Vol XIX.— No. 65] Choice Articles. jtff retailper quart".gallonMemijVan tl?c. ’ Oiic pipe excellent old Madeira Wine, lor die rich, or lick or convalescent, as the > price and quality will denote. Also. old Cognac Brandy, Jaryka Rum, Shrub. Gin, Coffee, and as many i other good things as the times permit, in the Grocery line. Among those are fielh Teas, anti white Havanas Sugar; all of which will lie fold at reafouabie prices to perl ons of the following deferiptions, who Lave always ltood upon the fame footing, iff. Thole who purchase for calh and, require no credit. 2d. Tliufe whodeal largely upon ac count, UHUcT oiul ■/ £iiled toclofe tlieir accounts ffuisfacTorily, within the prelcribtd time or when re quired. i 3d. Those who have running accounts Qpon the fair character, which they main tain, and liave not failed to fettle them within a reason bl time. But the above articles cannot be recommended to those hereafter deferibed, iff. Tnofe to whom public opinion has attached any lufpicion in regard to thur integrity or punctuality, for they have been tried and found wanting. ad. Those of fair character, who have triolated their contracts, or walked one street in preference to another, that they may not be seen. 1 3d. -Those who have worn the rogue’s frieid, vulgarlv called the alleviating a<&. ’ WILLIAM CRAIG. Sept. 29 —60 Notice. The Directors of the Planters Bank will, on WEDNESDAY, 12th October next, e!e& an Assistant Clerk , in the room ot’ Mr. W. G. Swan, resigned. Applicants muff leave their letters with the underfill ed, in which two lecui icies’ names muff be Rated. JAMES MARSHALL, Sept. 29 60 Cashier Crockery & Glass Ware The subscriber has removed a part of bis ffock to Augusta, where country mer chants may be iupplied with well assorted crates and calks at tlie*Savannah pi ices, on application to Messrs. Barrett Sr lims. ABNER WOODRUFF. Sept. 26— 4t 59 Library. In future the hours of delivering bocks will be from 1 2 to 2 o’clock every Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. OEM L ER, Librarian. Sept. 22—58 The Subscriber Has just received, j£ pieces fuptrnne blue and black Cloth 40 do. uo. blue and black Calfimere 40 do. Yorkfllire Cloths, lit for servants jo do. Bridal Blankets 10 do. Bath Coating Which will be fold at reduced prices, by SAMUEL RUSSiw.L. Sept. 22 6t 58- Jufl: Received, A fine alTortmcnt of DRY GOODS. FOR SALE BY It. RICHARDSON. J l y 25 Just Received, 1 caPe line Iriffi Linens i do. Cot-on Cambrics XI pieces firft quality Veiling. For tale bv SAMUEL RUSSELL. Sept. 8— 54 4-4 fine liish Linens and 6-4 / Camnrit's. JUST RECEIVED, I case fine Irilh Linens 1 trunk 0-4 Cambrics 20 pieces 2d Cloths. For falefwcaftiby WAY &. BAKER. Sept. 12—55 The Subscribers Have this day entered intoCo-parfcner fr.ip, under the firm of IVAT U J BALER, and offer for laic (at 11 it* llore iatclv occu pied b r William Way) a vrietytif Ar il tides, suitable for the present and ap- I pro: ching fcafon. | Tuff received; a tew pieces Superfine jj BKOADCLO'i HS and CASSIMEKES. | f.VT’ All perlbnshaving demands agaiiift I Willi am Way, or the l ee firm of A. I'Bakur and Cos. are r< quelled to present it” the fame, and thole indebted will makesin- Kineciiate pavment. WILLIAM WAY. A. BAKER. ’ • if, Anguff 27 51 Removal. I Tayv>b, DuViks f'< Taylor, have re pmoved their tomp’ting house to Bt dpviiL |Cju|jp, r wharf, where the v continue t> trans jpact Faßorage Commijion Business, jj/W’ith their usual attention, ft Attguff 1 43 O. , on „ T f| ’,. at l.a!l , One calk ot excellent U t 0 Medoc>to jears old, ver\ lutfe inft-ril -~r ti % be fold at the low price of } ,f° **’ WU t- n o Also-for c ts. pr. bottle rreff. Svrupot U*m at 7/ at , bs tor a Belt white Havanna Sugar 3 dollar ■■!?. for a dollar Do. real Jamaica do. 6 1 , , „ Strong wine Vinegar, at 6/ ,* ? Sharp cider do *■* Doubled diffilled Rose W wr * 75 CeiUs per quart bottle - , Double diffilled Orange Vs ’ per bottle French Brandy, 2 co per C / ° n i-nerry do •> r<- i ivJSTveil cjinger at 50 c 11 s per lb. Btff .Martinique Coidials aj, 75 cents per bottle Frontignac Wine, Mace, ( turnon, Nut megs , Cloves and Allspice, Ca ,ne, Pruflian Blue . Indigo, Wrapping Paper,. Pewter Candle Moulds Belt Hyson Tea, Twine, Macabeau Snuff Effoice of Lemon and Bcrgamote, Demi johns Corks,&c. Candles bv the box. Every article whole price is not fixed, will be fold under cost. Apply to P. MORIN, * Oppcfite to Mejfrs. Dufore's. Sept. 26 j 9 The Subscriber OFFERS FOR SALE, ioo kegs Cut Nails 6 calks Hoes 30 boxes cotton and wool Cards 4 do. straw Bonnets 12 reams demy printing Paper 50 do. blue medium do. 100 do. wrapping Uo. 20 pieces Oanaburgs 2000 yards-up country Homespun 100 boxes Fi(h 13 do. Candles 60 reams foolscap and poll waiting Pa per • 6 lbs. Wafers 4 kegs Gun-Powder 30 barrels Flour . -60 lbs. bhoe Thread 1 cask Negro Shoes 20 dozen Webster’s Spelling 800 .s JONATHAN BATTZLLE. Anguff 8 45 Vaccine Matter. THK Subfciiber having been appointed by the Prefideni; of the United States, Agent for Vaccination, hereby gives no tice, that genuine vaccin e mat ter, will be furnilhed to any Phyiician or other citizen of the United States, who may apply to him for it. The application muff be made by poll and the rrquilite fee (five dollars) in the current bank paper of any of the middle ftates,forwarded with it. When required, such dirtTions, See. how to use it, will be furnilhed with the nutter, as will enable any difereet petfon who can read and write, to secure his own family from the Small Pox, with the greateff cer tainty. and without any trouble or danger. All letters on this subject, to or from the underligned and not exceeding half an ounce in weight, are carried by the Uni ted Stares’ mail free of portage, in confor mity to a late a iff of Congress, entitled “An Act to encourage Vaccination.”. JAMES SMITH, j U. S. Apcnt jor Vaccination , Baltimore• toCT* Editors of Newspapers within the United States, are requeffed to insert the above for three weeks, and to forward a f pspbr containing it to the Agent for Vac cination, who will remit payment for the fame !y port. Sept. 5 53 Office FOR THE SALE OF NEGROES. Tlie subscriber offers to families and others, a number of valuable HOUSE SERVANTS and FIELD HANDS, a mong them are—- A girl 18 years old, a good feamffrtfs, wa'her, ironer and cook, better liiited to the country. * * A wench 22 years old, waflier, ironer and plain cook; very prime for tlie field. One other, 28 or 30years old, excellent waflier and ironer. very finart and atlive, better suited to the country. One other, about 38 years, very steady and tolerably capable of house work, gen erally ; and would i’uit a family living in the country btff, as flit has been in the field. Two very prime feffoyvs, 24 years old, field hands, ffout and likely. Two ditto, 30 year., old; and fevera prime Feilows that would suit to work on •a wharf, at machines, and any drudgery. Also, a f< How 24 years old, a bricklayer, and an excellent workman. Also, a fellow, of fame age, an excel lent house carpenter, and would he ex tremely \ aluable to any perlbn rt siding in the cruiutrv. §Cj=* Negroes will be thankfully re ! ctived st uiv office, as usual, md every ! exertion used to obtain tair prices and ef fect lix**-dy sales. DAVID POI.OQK, i Anguff 25 —50 Hear the Exchange, REASON AND TRUTH IMF .RTIAL GUIDE. THE WAY. -AVAKNAH: MONDAY, October 10, 18^4 I Crockery Ware, See 15 crates white and blue edge Plates &c. 1 case Sadiers Ware 1 calk Carpenters Tools 4oH. helis negro. Pipes 3 calks Card ’A ire 6 kegs Lrad Bulls 200 Cutlasses 80 kegs doling Brads & Nails 3 kegs heff Flints For file by * STURG I'.S & BURROUG HS, May 19 22 Vp.9, Boltons Range ] T he Copartnership Os ‘.mall & M‘Nish, is this day dis- i solved in confiqueiice •• 1 t h e death ofßo- ■ bert Small., All pel foils indebted to tlie late firm are eamtllly requefltd to come forward and fettle their riffleAive balan ces, and tnofe to whom they are indebted are requeffed to rend* r their kecoums for settlement, to JOHN M‘NISH, surviving copartner. Who continues to carry business in Ids awn name, at the conncini house for merly occupied by Small & I.l‘Nish, on Smith’s Wharf. k J une 27 33 V Caution; M ERCHANTS and others aje cau- j tioned agamff purciialingthe two Allow ing Bills oj Exchange, which havq been 1 101 l ih the Pocket-Book of the Subscriber, j on the ro id lrom New-York, viz J ■ One Bill Jor £706 <)s 6 d. Jierling, ! drawn by Samuel Gray. One Jor £924 Jierling, drawn by , Samui l Gray, Sylvanus and i William Hay. Both BILLS drawn at thirty days fight, ; on Samui l Williams, London, in favor j of \\ ILLIAK Gray, and endorsed by him. ! THOMAS H. WARD. j If the above Bills, or either of them j ihoulil lie discovered, it is requeffed that j information may be given to the Subscri ber, at Boston, or Goodhue & Ward, No. 44 South- ffreet, Nenv-Tork. For the Pocket -Book and its contents, a reward of One Hundred Dollars is offered* lO"* 1 lie Editors of the Montreal Courant, Quebec. Gazette, and Halifax Gazette, are requeffed to insert the above advertifemtnt for three weeks, in their res pedlive papers ; and the coll of insertion will lie duly paid by Mr. Ward to their erde r. Boston, Sept. 3, 1814. —3'v —sß A Ptehuuni ot One Hundred D lin-s. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, ex duffve of the usual hire, will be paid for the FIRST WAGGON and FOUR HORSES, competent to traiyport three thousand pounds weight, having a faithful driver, which (ball attend at the Court- House in Savannah, amd take tlie Records of the C unty to such place as may be de foliated, in case ot an alarm from im a li on, tint may require their removal. By order cf the Hon. the Inferior Court , JOB T. BOLLES, Cik. Sept. 15. 56 Assize of Bread. The price, of FLOUR being seven dol lars per barrel, tlie weigh* of bread for the present montli, muff-be asjfollows. viz : lb. oz. cents loaf mull weigh 2 11 6 1 do. do do. do i-- Os which all bakers and lellers oi bread are inquired to pay due attention thereunto. J. PETTIBONE, c. t. Sept. 1 2 55 Boarding House ro Let. nj^s7=f : -y%r>_ ‘That well known Stand in the city of mmt Savannah, at present ijiMKfIBP B ! 1 occupied by the fub immm ferUicr, large enougb Hijilllte to accomodate from 3 0 to 40 boarders; with an excell, nt S TABLE that will hold 30 bosses. Any |x.*iTon wilbing to rent the above, tan be furnilhed with Bedding and Furniture of eve r y defeription, on mode rate terms for prompt payment—-posse Ilian given anv time between this and ill day of October terms apply ou the premises, to JAMES WHITE. |C7* For lale, a lecond handed CHAIR and HARNESS ; and an excellent fami ly HORSE, warranted, oept. 5 3 w—s3 CIVRi.IA—L H l HAM CoUXI By Samuel IVI Bond Gleik ol the < <*urt i,f O dtuary of < County to all whom it may concern. Wherean, Marlin Hogan has applied tor let t ts of admiriftrat-'m “n the iitate ®t Anti Snii'b lat oi Savannah dec. on behalf of the hei.Saiiii credi ors. :\ w, thi ‘. fore sh fr V 1 ’ to clt-aridadmnn i-h ai ■ x‘ c fi.'gu a tin ki'-iirtil aid creditors of the laid die’ fin the objeffievs (o they have) in my r.n or before ih.: fi'il-f-'iou day of Nvrt I> r fiex . o'lre 1 wif-lei itr of ~and mi‘’iftrtli.u wi ll) gtantpd to the ai,pecant. G:v n o’ dei my hand v,d f"al of office at L S. Savannah, tbr fit day of Oil 1814, Blanks, Ofhariaui Kinds , printed at this Office’ JU • <M ‘ll Received AMU FOR SALE BY JOHfv DUUfil ASS Gibbons’ Building, A frefli fupplv of Ladies’ black Morocco SLIPPERS. Odlobcr 3 61 S ; ATE OF NEW-YORK. Board of Health Lo tcry. UChKM. . DOLLS. l Prize of 40,00© is 40,000 J 1 do. 20,000 20,000: 1 do. 10,000 10,000 i 1 do. 5 ,000 5,000! 1 do. 3,000 3,000 j 1 do. 2,500 2,5 ®o ■ 2 do. 2,000 4,000, l do. 1,300 1,500 ’ 6 dc. 1,000 6,000 ; 14 do. 500 7,000 50 do. 200 10,000 80 do. 100 8,000 100 do, 30 . 5,000 200 do. 20 4,000 11,900 do. 10 119,000 _. _________ 12,359 Prizes. 22,641 Blanks. 1 ,, Less than tvs* Blanks to a Prize • The drawing will commence in the city of New-York, on Hie firlt Tuei’day in De cember next, a 111 will continue to draw 50* tickets each day, until finilhed. Pri zes payable 40 days after the conclusion of tlie drawing, iubjtff to a deduction of 15 per cent. Tickets in tlie above lottery, for fide by the lubferibers, at io'dollars, each. Prize Tickets received In payment. ( Muquand, Penfield. July 14—3 Notice. All persons having any demands againff ‘• the effate of Richard M. Dimom, de ceased, are requeffed to present their-ac counts duly attested, and all indebted to make immediate payment. ASAHEL HOWE, * Augtili 4 44 Adm’or. Notice. All persons having any demands againff Joseph Turner, late of St. Simons'lsl and, Glynn County, deceased, are request ed to re nder them : n according to law, and those indtbtcd to the ellate, to make im mediate payment to Tames White, 7 „ jostw, iwi, [ teuton. Dec. 30 88 f Notice. Nine months from the date hereof, ap plication will be made to the honorable the Juffices of tlie Inferior Court ot Bryan County, for leave to fell all the Effate be longing to the late Mr. William ButlerJ in order that the subscriber may be enabled to pay’ the debts, and carry into died the Will of the tleceafed. THOS. F. WILLIAMS, ®yal. Ex’or. Feb. - lamqm Public Notice Is hereby given, that the ibfcriber will, after the expiration of nine months from tlie date hereof, make application to tht honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham county, for leave to fi ll the following de scribed property, being part of tlie real efface of Saul Simons, Esq. decealed, lor tiie berv-ft of the heirs and creditors oi said effate. To wit, one lot of Land on tiie South Common, of the tall of Savannah, adjoin* mg John Currie’s Jots. Lot No 4, Franklin ward, in the city of Savahnan. Part of lx>t No. 3, Beletha, Tytbing*, Heathcote ward, 20 it'd in front, on Yoik ffreet and 90 feet in depth, bounded on one fide by lot No. 2, on the back by a lane, on the other by the remaining part oflot No. 3. Subject to the life dlate of Hannah Leion. D/JVID LEION. Adminifirator uitb the will annexed. Notice. \ All persons having claims or demands agairft the effate of Saul Simons, late ol Savannah, esq. deceased, will pltafe exhi bit them legally atteffed, and thole indebt ed to laid effate, r re requeffed to make pay. laeut to the ffjbf, vilier. 1). I.EION, Adminifirator with the will annexed. Jan. 31 97 “•}, We are authorised to announce Col. Thomas M. Berrien, as a candidate for Lieutenant-Colonel of the firft cLL of the militia of the Hate of Georgia. September 15 56 [WhoJe No. 3013. , Croppy is .Missing*. Stolen or ffrayed from the fubicritiei Vl yard, on Hun Wav night Lft, alarged'aik chelh 11 r lorrel HORSE, cropped ear© and b. .ze face, canters, trots aijd paces, but invT verin a hurry. A liiitable reward will be giien for his delivery to ANDREW KNOX. October 3 4t 61 Tip Hulhcutiv A PROCI.AMATION. stats of Georgia. By lua I tullencv, Petkh Farly, Gnw t rnor .ml Commander in Chief of the Ann and Nivy of this ff ate, anti or mo militia cliereof: Whereas an extraordinary rocafion lias occurred tor convt iiHjg the genua! ylTeni bly of this at a period earlier than that prelcribed by. law, I have therefore thought lit, and by virtue of tlie jaiwer in roe Vt-fted by the conllitution, I do hereby require the members of each house of the general assembly of this state to convene at the state Iniuse in Milledgeville, on Monday the ieventeenth day of Ocrtober next, then and there to deliberate and de cide on luch matters as the public wrifai-e may render nt celfaryj Given under my hand, and fealof the state, • at the state bonfe in Millerfgeville, This twenty firft day of September, in the year of bur Lord one thousand eight hundred anJ fourteen, and of the inde pendence of she United States of Amer ica the thirty ninth. . By the Governor, Peter Early. • Abner Hammond, [6o] Secretary of the Stats Sheriff’s Sales. On the firft 1 uesd:iy in November new will be fold at the court houfi in M‘ln tolh County, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock. Out trail of land containing one hun dred and seventy acres, near South N :w- Port Bridg. ; levied on as the property of James Vulp ne to fatisfy an exc< ution iu favor ol Edward Swarhrick. Property pointed out by the Plaintiff. Alio, one trabl ol land containing one hundred acres, or so much thereof as will latify the taxes ct Henry Myers, for the y ears 1811 and ,2 ; amount du., dolls. 3* 13 tents, and colts. R. FOWLER, s. m. c. Oiffober 3 61 Notice. Nine hiontliß after date, application will be made to the Juffices of tlie Inferior Couit of Bryan Corinty, for leave to sell a traft of Land in said county called WoocL viilc, containing fifteen hundred acres, be longing to the effate of Ralah E. liott, deceased ; to be sold for the bentfit of tlie heirs and creditors. STEPHEN ELLIOTT, Ex’or. March 11 38 l i Council, Sept. 26/1814 Resolved. That council will cn Mon day, tlie 10th of Odlobtr next, proceed to the eleftion of the- following office ts for tht enliiing year, with the falarirs and fees thereto annexed. Recorder, with fees. Trcafurer. with dolls. 800 falart and fee Phyiician to the Gaol,dolls.2oo ands es. Clerk,of the Council, dolls. 600 and fet* City Marlhal, dolls. 800 and fees. MHfeuger, dolls. 250 and fees. Keeper of the Grave Yard and dolls. 2co salary and fees. City Surveyor, with fees. Ordered , ff’liat the clerk pubiilh said ledlmns in the Gazettes of the city. ExtraSl front the minutes • D. D. WILLIAMS, c. c. Sept. 29 60 Committees of Council. Committee of Finance.— Bulloch, J )o-s, Mackay. Guard Committee —Aldermen Read Charlton, Norris. Goal Committee .—Aldermen Chariton, Harden, M‘lntofti. Pump Committee. —Aldermen M‘ln. tolli, Fell, Hcrsman. Street, Lane and Tret Committee— Aldermen Joues, Burke, Duke. Health Committee. —Aldermen Jongs, Mackay. > Exchange Committee. —Aldermen Harden, Mackay. Koe. Lamp Committee. —Aldermen Duke, Norris, Htrsman. • Committee cf Dejence.—A\(\trn\en Jones, Burke, Mackay, Harden, Read. Committee cf Vigilance.— Aldermen Charlton. Hoe, ‘■-orris. [ Attest .] D. D. WILLIAMS, C. C„ Sent, 15 ——56 Notice. Nine months after date hereof, applica tion will be made to the Honorable the In ferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to 11-ll the real effate ot William Elliott, Esq. dec. tor the benefit of the heirs and creditors of laid Ellate. ftOBT. HABERSHAM, Adm’or., April 21 - lament 14.