Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, October 17, 1814, Image 1

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PUBLISHED os MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, by PHILIP D. F/OOLHOPTER, near the Exchance, at SJJUDOLLARS per annum— HALF in ADVANCE. Vol XiX.— No. 65] Marshal's Sale. United States — Distrift of Georgia. By virtue of a decree irom the honorable Williams Stephens, judge of the and ill riel court of the United States in and lor the ft|id district, will lie fold at Bolton’s c< n <ral wharf, on Monday, the 17 th instant, at 11 p’clm k. - The privateerFOßTUN E WAR, with her tackle, apparel and furniture, arma ment, &c. condemned as prize to the naval force commanded by commodore H. G. 1 Campbell. Conditions, calh. JOHN EPPINGEU, 1 Odober 10 63 ~ _____ New Goods, Ulack, f :iwn ’ _. „ > BOMBAZETT 1 Tight & Dark Greeli ( Mazareen • * J Cotton Shirting, CaJiicoes, \ imitation Shawls, various and elegant pat terns, ) Whke, ANN ELS > Yellow and t Red, J. E. WHITE, & Cos. Oa. 6. <-> the Bay. _ |u \ Received, on confix no ent, ■And for sale at the residence of Mr. Samuel Howard. near the late Ei na ture, a supply of BLACK CAMBRIC, Os a very durable texture. Oa. 6—3 t—-As— -As • FOR SALE. * Tlie Sukscriljer offers fir tale, his PLANTATION and trad of LAND, whereon he now refiries, containing five hundred and eighteen acres, old lurvey, with the present crop, confining ,ot Cot ton, Corn, and Potatoes. On the premi ses there is a good Cotton Machine. A!sq * iix iur irod acres of Pine Land, well tim bered, not having been cut; within three mill sofa good landing on Savannah riv er ; and tlie Pine Land within miles of the above Plantation. Terms will be made accomodating. THOMAS WYLLY. Effingham County, Oct. 10 63 fPIP pip m * jfc Just Received AND FOR SALE BY’ JOHN DOU lASS Gibbons 1 Building , A frefli fitpplv of Ladies’black morocco SLIPPERS. Oftober 3 61 Choice Articles. - At retail per quart,gallon, demijohn tfo. One p'pe excellent old Madeira Wine, fir the rich, or tick or convalescent, as the jrAce and quality will denote. Also, old Cognac Brandy, Jamaica Rum, Shrub, Gin, JCoflfee, and as many other s|ood tilings as the times permit, in *>e Grocery line. .Among those are fitlh Teas, and white Ilavanna Sugar; all of which will be fold at reasonable prices to perfitns of the following deferipfions, who have always fioorl upon the lone touting. lft. Thole who purchase for calh and Require no credit. 2d. T hole whodeal largely upon ac orunt, under contra<fts, and have never failed to dole their aicounts latisfa&orily, within the piefi ribei4*time or when re * aired. i- • 3d. Those who have running accounts fipon the fair charafter, which thev main tain. and have not failed to fettle them within an, don able tint". But the above articles cannot be recommended to tbofe hereafter described. 1 ft. Tnofe to whom public opinion has attached any lufpicion in regard to their Sitegtity or ptruftn day, for they have keen “ ted and found warning. 2d. Tltofe af fair character, who have violated their comra&s, or walked one §reet in-preference to another, that they jnav not oe teen. 3d. Tsiofe who have worn tip rogue’s flhield, vu'garlv called die alleviating ad* ’ WILLIAM CRAIG. Sept. 2 ) —6O Library. Tu futu re tlie hours of delivering books wifi t< from- 12 to 2 o’clock every Tues iy, i f.nrWay and Saturday. OEMLER, Librarians Sept. 22—est Just Received, Afinr aflortnunt of DRY* GOODS. FOB SALE BT R. RICHARDSON. July 4i STATE OF NEW-YORK. Board of Health Lo.tery SCHKME. Boils. I Prize of 40,00® is 40,000 1 do. 20,000 20,000 I do. 10,000 10,000 1 do. 5,0 00 5,000 1 do. 3,000 3,000 1 do. ‘ 2,500 2,500 2 do. 2,000 4,000 1 do. _ 1,500 1.500 6 dc. I,coo 6,000 14 do- 500 7,000 50 do. 200 10,000 80 do. too . 8,000 100 do. 50 5,000 200 ■ do. 20 4,000 it,goo do. 10 119,060 12,359 Prizes. 22,641 Blanks. Less than fire Blanks to a Prise. The drawing will commence in the city es New-York, on the firß Tuesday in De cember next, anJ will continue to draw ! 50® tickets each day, until finifhed. Pri zes payable 40 days after the conclnfion ®f the drawing, fubjeft to a deduction of 15 per cent. Tickets in the above Letter}', for sale by the ilibfcr bers, at 10 dollars, each. Prize Tickets received in payment. Niarquand,P;itildrngßc P; field July T4 —38 The Subscriber OFFERS FOB SALE, 100 kegs Cut Nails 6 calks Hoes 30 boxes cotton and wool Cards 4 do. straw Bon wets 12 reams demy printing Paper 50 do. blue medium do. > too do.wrapping do. * ■ 20 pieces Oznaburgj 2000 yards-up country Homespun i 100 boxes Filh 13 do. Candles 60 reams foolscap and poll writing Pa per 6 lbs. Wafers 4 kegs Gun-Powder 30 barrels Flour 60 lbs. Shoe Thread 1 cask Negro Shoes 20 dozen Webster’s Spelling Books JONATHAN BATTELLE. Augult 45 Office FOR THE SALE OF NEGROES. The fubferiber offers to families and others, a number of valuable HOUSE SERVANTS and FIELD HANDS, a mong them are— A girl 18 years old, r, good seamstress, washer, ironer and cook, better fuised to the Country. A wench 22 years old, wafiier, ironer and plain cook; very prime for the field. One other, 290 r 30years old,excellent wafiier and ironer, very smart and active, better suited to the-country. One other, about 38 years, very Beady and tolerably capable ofhoufe work, gen- J erally ; and would suit a Tamil: living in the country best, as Die has been in the field. { Two very prime fellows, 24 years old, ; field hand** Bout and likely, j Two ditto, 30 years old; and fevera prime Fellows that would suit to work on ; a wharf, at machines, and any drudgery, i Also, a Fellow 24years old, a bricklayer, and an excellent-workman* Alfo,-a fellow, of fame age, an excel lent house carpenter, and would be ex . tremely valuable to any ferfon reGding in the country. I Negroes will be thankfully re | c. ived at my office, as usual, and every exertion used to obtain fair prices and ef fect speedy Tales. l) iVID POI.OCK, Auguß 25 —50 Near the Exchange. Caution. MERCHANTS and others are cau* tioned agamß. purchasing the two follow- cj Exchange, which have been 101 l it; the Pocket-Book of the Subscriber, ou the road from New-York, viz : One Bill for £706 9/. 6 d. Jierling, drawn by Samuel Grvy. One for £924 ferling. drawn by Samvel Gray, Sylvanus Gray, and William Kay. I Both BILLS drawn at thirty days fight, on Samvel Williams, London in favor of William Gray, and endorsed by him. THOMAS H. WART). If the above Bills, or either of them ffiould be discovered, it is requeßed that informti-m may be given to the Subscri ber, at Bojlon, or Goodhv*. 8r Ward, Nt>, 44 ‘-vouch Ureet, Nc’w-York. Fortlie Pocket-Book'and its contents, a reward 01 One Hundred Dollars is offered. | CT* Ihe Editors of the Montreal Courant, Quebec Gazette, and Harfax Gazette, arereqneß-d to insert the above advertifenient lor three Weeks, in their res- I peflivtr papers ; and he coB of insertion 1 will lx 1 duly paid by Mr. Ward to their order. ■Boston, Se£t. 3, 1814* — 3W — SB RSASOT AND TRUTH IMPARTIAL UUIDh THE WAY. SAVANNAH: MONDAY, October 17, 1814. Removal. Taylor, D wiks A Taylor, have re moved their compting house to Bolton’s | upper wharf, where thev continue to uatis- ; a<s! Factorage ts Commijjion Business, with their usual attention. Augufl 1 42 The Copartnership Os mall A- M‘Nisit, is this dav dis solved in confrquence of the and ath of Ro bert Small. All persons indebted to tlie late firm are earnestly requefled to come forward and fettle their rtfpedftive balan ces, and thole to Whom they are imL bted are*requefted to render tli-ir accounts for settlement, to JOHN M’MSH, surviving copartner. Who continues to carry on busind's in his own name, at the counting Kouse for merly occupied by Small & M‘Nish, on Smith’s Whkrf. Jne 27 33 Boarding House to Let. That well known mm ‘ n ‘dty of Savannah, at present 1 1 Occupied bv tlie fub •’fKl'a feriber, large enough ISi'illiiiß! 1 accomodate from 3o to 40 boarders; with an txeell in STABLE that will hold 30 borfes. Any p,'rlbn wishing to rent the above, can be lurnifiied vlitli Bedding and Furniture oi every defection, on mode late tcims for prompt paynent—pofieffion given any time between tYis and Ift day ot Oiflober next.—For terms apply on the premises, to 1 JAMES WHITE. ICT* For sale, a 1A ond handed CHAIR and HARNESS ; and an excellent fami ly HORSE, warranted. ; Sept. 5—3 xv—s3 I— i— ! Croppy is Missing Stoh-n or llrayed from the fubfcnbei’a yard, on Thurfdar night last, a large dark ’ chefiiut sorrel HORSE, cropped tars and . blaze face, canters, trots and paces, but ne. veriu a luirry. A suitable reward will he ■ given for his delivery to ANDREW KNOX. Offober 34: 61 Sheriffs Sales. On the full I'uesday in November next will lit fold at the court house in M'ln tofh County, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock. One tract of land containing one hun dred and leventy acres, near South New port Bridge ; levied on as the property of J mms Mulryne to Tati sty an execution in favor of Edward Swarbrick. Property pointed out by the Plaintiff. Also, one traiSt of land containing one hundred acres, or so much thereof as will latify the taxes of Henry Myers, for the years 18 ii and i < ; amount due, dolls. 3, 13 cents, and costs. R. FOWLER, s. m. c. October 3 61 Sheriffs Sale. [fill he sold on the first Tuesday in November next , at the court-bcuse in the town of Jefferson, the follovs ing NEGROES , viz :— Juno and her child, Chloe and herchild; to fatisfy an execution on the foreclofure of a mortgage bt Andrew Hannah, Exe cutor of David M‘Credie, dec’d. against James Caflieu. Conditions of sale, cafii. D. G. JONES, s. c. c. Sept. s—iaw—-535 —iaw—-53 ——————— A Premium of One Hundred Dollar s. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, ex clufiVe of the usual hire, will be paid for the FIRST WAGGON and FOUIV HORSES, competent to transport three thousand pounds weight, having a faithful driver, which’ shall attend at the Court- House in Savannah, and take the Records of the County to sur.h place as may be de signated, in c ise ot an alarm from invasi on, that may require their removal. By order of the Hon. the Inferior Court, , ilk JOB T. BOLLEo, Clk. Se PL *5- 5 6 Notice. All persons having any .lemnnch against Joseph Turner, late : ’ of St. Simons’ Isl and, Glynn County, deceased, are respicti ed to render them mi according to law, and those indebted to the eltate, to make im mediate pavment to . Tames Whitk, 1 _ v Joseph Turner, f Executors . Bcc. 30 88 t -*T- - * - # ’ Notice. Nine months after date hereof, applica tion will be made to tlie Honorable tlie In ferior Court of Chatham County,for leave to fell the real est ate ot William Elliott, Esq. dec. for the benefit of the heirs and creditois of said Estate. ROBT. HABERSHAM, Adm ‘or. I . April 21 lamgig 14 Jbr Sale, A heaTtny, sound young NF.GRO J BOY’, abpi t iQ-ye irs of age, well qualifi ed fir the field. For re mis apply at this Office. OcL 10. 64 ts 1 Sd.clii ■ v — 0 A PROCLAMATION. STATE OF GEORGIA. By his Excellency, Petk n T.arlv, Gov ernor and Commaiuler in Chuf of the A1 my and Nivy of this date, and of the militia therebf: W hcreas ax extraordinary occalion has occurred for convening tlie general ass in bly ol this ftbte, at a period earlier than * that prelcribed by law, I have therefore j thought fii,.nni by viriUL of the poxvi r in 1 me Veiled by the Coiiitiuivion, Ido hereby require the members of each house .ft the ‘ general aU’cmbly of this (late to convene at the state house in Millcdgcville, on ; Monday tiie feventcenth day of Oclobcr ’ next, then and there to deliberate and ile cide on inch matters as tlie public w; lfare may render neceffiiry. Givi n under my hand, and fealof the ftate* at the state house in Millt dgex ilk-, this ‘ twenty firft day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, and of the inde pendence of the United State*of Amer ica the thirty ninth. By tlie Governor, Peter Early. Abner Hammond, £6°] _ Secretary of the State j Committees of Council, j Committee of Finance. —Aldermen I Bulloch, Jones, Mack ay.* Guard Committee. —Aldermen Read Charlton, Nor-is. Goal Committee,^* Aldermen Chariton, ’ Harden, M ( lntoMi. Bump Committee. —Aldermen M‘ln tofh, Fell, Hersman. Street, Lane and Tree Committee. — Aldermen Joqjrs, Burke, Duke. Health Committee. —Aldermen Read, Jones, Mackay. Exchange Committee. —Aldermen Harden, Mackay, Roe. Lamp Committee.— Aldeymen Duke, Norris, Hersman. Committee of Defence. —Aldcrmeu Jones, Mackay, Harden, Read. i Committee of Vigilance.— Alderrtten Charlton. K<)e, N orris. [Attest.] D. D. WILLIAMS, G. C. I S ——s 6 Assize of Bread. The price of FLOUR being seven dol lars per barrel, tip- weight of bread for the prelent month, must be as follows, viz : lb. oz. 12 J- cents loaf must weigh 2 11 6 l - do. do do. do 1 Os which all bakers and fellers of bread are required to pay due attention thereunto. J. PETTIBONE, c. t. , Sept. 12 ,cc | Notice. All persons having any demands agaipft the estate of Richard M. Dimon, de ceased, are requested to present their ac counts duly attested, and all indebted to 1 make immediate payment. ASAHEL HOWE, j August 4 44 Adm’or. Notice. Nine months from the date hereof, ap plication will be made to the honorable the Jul Vices of the Inferior Court ot Bryan County, for leave to fell all the Estate be longing to the late Mr. IVilliam Butler , in order that the fubftriber may be enabled to pay the debts, and carry into effedt the Will of the deceased. THOS. F. WILLIAMS, syah Ex 1 or. Feb. lamgm Public Notice j Is hereby given, that the fubferiber will, after the expiration of nine months from ! she date hereof, make application to tire j honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham ‘ county, for leave to fell the folloWiug de- ‘ scribed property, being part of the real estate oi Saul Simons, Esq. dectafed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of j said estate. , To wit, one lot of Land on the South j Common, of the east of Savannah, adjoin- ’ ing John Currie’s lots. Lot No 4, Franklin ward, in the city i of Savannah. Part of Lot No. 3, Beletha, Tytbing, Heaihcote ward, 20 feet in front, oii York street and 90 feet in depth, bounded on one fide by lot No. 2, on the back by a ; lane, op the other by the remaining’ part , of lot No. 3. Subject to the file estate : of Leiun. DAVID LEION, Adminiflrator with the util annexed. Notice. All person: having claims or demands against the estate of S*uT Simons, late ot Savannah, esq. deceased, will pleufe exhi bit them legally attested, and those indebt ed to laid estate, ere requested to make pay ment to the fubferiber. D. LEION, Admini/iratcr with the <will annexed.' 1 Jan. 31—: —97 [Whole No. 3015. Auctons. On SXTU^IUV, inil be sold at the Store of Mr. Fiatif cis liouvicr. Gibbons ’ bv'Uding. ‘1 lie whole of rtm ining l ck in trade, confilting of Dry G*ods.ind Gi ‘( ries, together with all his Houltliold and Kite lien FUHNI I'URE. ALSO, On a credit cf Sixty and iys for approved endorsed paper , 13 piece- Bath-floating 4 do. 1 )rab Cloth 2 do. Black do. 4 do. Marseilles Qffilting, and 1 trunk Stocking* Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, D. WILLIFORD Auctß* ‘ - - - ON TANARUS! !U,< vO vY, 2 th Will be sold at the d'.veiling house of* Air. Thomas Gun. A quantity of filhumahlo FI RNL* . I'URE, among which art Dining, tea and card Tables* • Candle and wash Stands ; Mahogany and fancy Chairs I Side Board, chi lls drawers Bedfti ads, feather Beds and Re ddinjj 1 Brazils and 3 common* Carpets Plated Candlclticks, .‘-nuffers and Stand* 1 Fenders Anti-Irons, Shovels and Tonga Cordial Stand and Caftors Looking Gtaff s, Crockery and j Glals Ware, Kitchen Furu.iiurt, Src* Jerms Cash. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock , ! D. WTLCIFORD. :üß’r._ Jud Received, from amelia, The following Dry Goods, which are oft ; fared for sale on reasonable termfy fer cash. Fine white Flannels Ditto bluak and colored Bombazettfc [ AlTorU'd Stockingn-ts White and colored Veiling oil k and cotton Stockings . Checks, Dimities and Cambric j and J Irilh Linens Supeiffine blueClotli, Ac. WAY & BAKEIte Oiftober 13 64 Fresh Pearl Barky ! For sale in tincafei,fuitable for family ule, by LEONARD BARL’OW, & Cos. October 13 64 For c ale A valuable Plantation in Wafldngto*- enunty, Gtorgia, on the Oconee river, (mouth of Be.ffaloe creek) twenty five milt* beiow Milledgevitle, containing about i 1500 acres, partly fwamp,and partlv liiglj . land, inhabit*/or the culture of cotton and torn; 150 cleared and under fence. 1 here is on the trail a grist mill, rure* ning two pair of Hones, and a law mill run I ning two saws. j ‘lTiis place is eonfidtred remarkalJy , hea-tliy. Tt will be fold a great bargain For further particulars apply to STURGES & BURROUGHS. Also, a Houle and Lotin pleasantly lituated, formerly eccupied by , Governor Irwin, j Odober 13—64 > Neiiro P-prs L : quoricr, 30 boxes and 10 half boxes Negro Pijps| 1 35 do. Liquorice 16 cases shaving Soap. For sale by STURGES & BURROUGHS^’ 1 Odober 13 6t 64 Notice. Nine months after date, applicatloa will be made to tlie Justices of the Inferior Court of Bryan County, for leave to sell a tract of Land in said county called WcfocL . ville, containing fifteen be i longing to the estate 01'RalahE. El ’ liott, deceased ; to be sold for the benefit ! of the heirs and creditors. STEPHEN ELLIOTT, Ex'or. \ March 11 38 j GEORGIA- CHATHAM COUK’I Y. “ { fsy Sainuei M. Bond, rle> kof ihr court of • oidiuary of Cr.atfiam Couo'y—To aft whom { it tnay coucnh. Vv her..s,Louis tVi'lomsatidCa hnint Wil— liams have applied for Icucriol admimflranon jon the tftute ol George Hall, laic a foldicr in j Jic I*, rvicc ol Hie U. States, dec. as principle j N’ow, therefore, arc t< cif Si admonilb all and lingular, th- k pdred and creditor of . the said George Hill, to fi e ihcir objcfliotts(if j anv they hive) in .my office, on or before Hi® In(l Monday ol NoV. next, otherwise, lett-r* | r.l adniinifiration will be gianted to the ap. pbcaius, GivenUflder my hind and fra I of office, lho ‘3© hos Odtobrr, ,8 >4 , M. tOND ’ (6.3) c. c. o. CEORGIA—CHAIHAM COUNIY. ■ By h*. truei M. Bono, c’eik oi tne court of oicJn ai y, ot Chatham foun’ —To *|l ,vbocj it, Whorras, Al.-xaode/R. Low, hat pp:ied or Icnor* of adnnnittrrtw n, < n the tftjtc jE llaar Frarki, dec. as p.iuv'ipai 1 red ter. N*w, therefore, thrf are U*cwear and .n ----all and sinjrular, ihe -uidied and 1. rro• ors ;of l?id Uaac Fiasjk,ro fsl-. their objett ns( f , any tliry have) in my nftic , on 01 V for. th fii tt Monday yf hkovctAbcir nrx , otherwise i:: i ter'ot admioUiratioo wtU kegtn:ed tp thtt gpplicanH. C.iveu under my hand at* feat of office, at | Lavannah, the jgthrUv ol September. 1014. ,L. <!.) XAMVEUM &CKSO,. ii. 64 ,• % *