Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, October 20, 1814, Image 1

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v yr > < ; 2 4 : & its finite TwS^P^??7y{2l?^4uvotls^ PUBLISHED ox MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, ey PHILIP D. WOOLHOPTER, wear the Exchangc, at SIX DOLLARS per annum— HALF in ADVANCE. Vol XIX.— No. 6b] Auction. ON THUR>O VY, 20th inti, i .Will be sold at the dwelling bouse of Mr. Thomas Glen. | A quantity of f.ifhionable FURNI j U R E, among which arc Dining, tea and card i ables dandle and Wash Stands [Mahogany and fancy Chairs Side Boat J, chells drawers Uedrtcads, feather B. ds and Bedding a Brazils and 3 common Carpets Elated Cmdit iticks, Snuffers and Stands | Fenders. And-Irons, Shtivels and Tongs Cordkd Stand and (iartors Looking Ghiffes, Crockery and 4i!als Ware, Kftclien Furniture, &c. Terms Cash. Sale to commence at tr o'clock. L>. WILLI FORIJ, auei’r. i just Received, i From ameua, Tic following Dry Goods, which are of feted for sale on reasonable terms, for cash. line white Flannels Ditto blank and colored Bombazedse AiForted Stocking net# Wl nte and colored Verting Silk and cotton Stockings Checks, Dimities and Cambric 4 and 7- Jidh Linens Superfine blue Cloth, &c. WAY & BAKER. October 13 6.t Fresh Pearl Barley F >r tale in tin cases, i’nuahic for family %U, by LEONARD BARTOW,&Co. October 13 64. New Goods. Black, } ¥iwn ’ , ~ ; BOMBAZETT Light & Diux Green t Mazaieen J Cotton Shirting, Callicoes, Jfnitation Shawls, various and elegant pat terns, J White, FLANNELS Yellow and f Red, J. E. WHITE, & Cos. oct. 6. On the Bay. Ncyro P*pfs. I_. cj’joricc, & 30 boxes and 10 half boxes Negro Pipes 3- do. Liquorice ib cases shaving Soap. For fate by STURGES & BURROUGHS. October 13 6t 64 For “'ale A valuable Plantation in Wartiington county, Gi-org'.a, on the Oconee river, (mouth of Bull'doe creek) twenty five miles lieiow Millcdgeville, containing about 15&0 acres, partiv iwanip, and partly high land, fumble for tire culture ol cotton and eorn; 130 cleared and under fence. There is 0,1 the tract a grist mill, run ning two pair ot stones, and a taw mill run ning two laws. This place is considered remarkably healthy. ‘ I* will be fold a great bargain. Tor further oarticulars apply to * STURGES & BURROUGHS. Also, a Houle and Lot in MiltedgeviMe, lituated, ionnerty occupied by ‘Cove.runr Irwfn. OftolXT T 3 -64 For Sale, A healthy, sound young NE >RQ BOY, about 19 years ot age, well qualifi er, for the field. For terms apply at tins Office. Oft. 10. 64 ts l hoice Articles. fit retail per quart,gallon, demijohn ZCc. One pipe excellent old Madeira Wine, for the rich, or fit:lf 1 or convalescent, as the price and quality will denote. Alfb old Cognac Brandy, Jamaica Bum. Shrub. Gin, Coffee, and as many ether rood ti the times permit, in the Grocery line. Among those are frelli Teas, and v,Fite Havan mb Sugar; all of which will lie fold at reafonahlc prices to ■^ersons of the following defcriptiQtis, who have always flood upon the fame footing. irt. Ihglt wlk> pure hale for carti anti jvqtffv no credit. id. ihr fe wliodeal largely upon ac odnrit, under contracts, and have never failed to dole their accounts i’ tisfaclorih, within the preferibed time or when re uired. 3d. Those who have running accounts neon the lair cha: atier, which th-v main tain. and have not f ailed to fettle them within a realornble tina -. But the above at tit Its cannot be recommended to thole hereafter eleferibed. ill. Tnolc to whom public opinion has attached an, lufpicion in regard to >htii iptegritv or pun•*tnali.v, for they have been tried and found warning. 2d. Thole cf fur character, who have violated their c- unaCY, or walked one (Diet in prett-ence to anotiier, that they jjihn not he leen. 3d. i hoiV who have worn the rogue’s flheld, vulgarh called the alienating act, WILLIAM CRAIG. Sv 4 t. 29—60 S TATE OF NEW-YORK. U'j ir.i of Hraltb Lo tcvy SC HEM L. dous. i Prize of 40,000 is 40,000 i do. 20,000 20,000 1 do. 10,000 10,000 1 do. 5,000 5,000 1 do. 3,000 3,000 1 do. 2,500 2,500 2 do. 2,000 4,000 1 do. 1,500 1.5 00 6 dc. I,coo 6,000 14 do- 500 7,000 50 do. 200 10,000 80 do. 100 8,000 100 do. 50 5,000 200 do. 20 4,000 11,900 do. 10 119.000 12,359 Ptizes. 22,641 Blanks. Less than two Blanks to a Prize. The drawing will commence in the city of New-York, 011 the firfl Tnefday in De cember next, and will continue to draw 50® tickets each day, until finillicd. Pri zes payable 40 days after the fconclttfion of the drawing, fuhjeiSt to a deduction of 15 per cent. Tickets in the above Lottery, for sale by the subscribers, at 10 dollars, each. Prize Tickets received in payment. Marquand, Paulding & Pcnficld. July 14—38 The Subscriber OFFERS FOR SALE, 100 kegs Cut Nails 6 calks Hoes 30 boxes cotton and wool Cards 4 do. Itraw Bonnets 12 reams demy printing Paper 50 do. blue medium do. xoo do. wrapping do. 20'pieces 2000 yard S-up country Homespun 100 boxes Filh 13 do. Candles 60 reams foolscap and port writing Pa per 6 lbs. Wafers 4 kegs Gun-Powder 3® barrels Flour (, lbs. Shoe Thread 1 cask Negro Shoes 20 dozen Webfler’s Spelling Books JONATHAN iIATT ELLE. August 8 45 Office FOR THE SALE OF NEGROES. The lubferiber offers to families anrl others, a number of valuable HOUSE SERVANTS and FIELD HANDS, a mong them are— A girl 18 years old, a good, learoftrefs, washer, ironer and cook, better fuittd to the country. A wench 22 years old, washer, ironer and plain cook; very prime for the field. One other, 28 or 30 years old,excellent washer and ironer, verv smart a;id active, berter fuitfd to the country. One otter, about 38 years, very Heady and tolerj(sfy capable of lioulb work, gen erally; and would suit a family living in the country best, as file has been in the field. Two very prime fellows, 24 years old, field hands, Rout and likely. Two ditto, 30 years old ; and fevera prime Fellows that would suit to work on a wharf, at machines, and any drudgery. Also, a fellow 243'earsol:l,a bricklayer, and an excellent workman’. Also, a fellow, of fame age, an excel lent boufe carpenter, and would be ex tremely valuable to any ptvfou rtfiditig in the country. SCj 1 * Negroes will be thankfully re ceived at my office, as ufuai, and every exertion tiled to obtain fair prices and ef fect (needy Tales. DAVID POI.OCK, Augufl 25 —50 Near the Exchange. Caution. MERCHANTS and other* are cau tioned ueainft purchalutgthe two follow ing Bills cj Exchange , which have been 101 l in the Pocket-Book of the SubscriUr, on the road from Nt-w-York, viz : One bill far £706 9 s Cc!. Jlerling, drawn by Samubl Gray. One for £924 Jlerling. drawn by Samui l Gray, Sylvanus Gray, and William Ray. Both 11 L.I.S drawn at thirty days fight, on Samui l Williams, London, in favor of Williaiv Gray, and endorsed b\ him. THOMAS H. WARD. ; If the above Bills, or either of them Ihould be discovered, it is requdled that information may be given Ui the Subftri ber, at B,Jlon , or Goodhuk 8c Ward, ! No. 44 South ftrett, New-Ycik. Fertile 1 Pocket-Book and its contents, a reward o| One Hundred Dollars is offered. SO’ she Editors of the Montreal 1 Courant, Out bee Gazette, and Halifax Gazette are requtui and to udert the above advertifi ment for three weeks, in their res pective papers ; and ilte coil of insertion will be duly paid by Mr. Ward to their ord’ r. 1 boston, Sept. 1814. ——5S j RF.ASOM AND TRUTT IMPVRTIAL GUIDE IHE WAV. SAVANNAH: THURSDAY, October 20, 1814. m fev’ - i h:: iflef.’ ■.•saL Just Received AND FOR SALE BY JOHN DOUGLASS Gibbons’ Building, ! A Frelli fupplv of Ladies’ black morocco i SUPPERS. Oftober 3 6r Removal. Taylor, Davies & Taylor, h*ve re moved their conrpting house to Bolton’s upper wharf, where they continue to trans act Factorage sis CommiJJLn Business, with their ufuai attention. August 1 43 1 “ ♦ 1 —“” —■■■— 1 The Copartnership Os Small St M l Nish, is this day dis i solved in consequence of tl>e death of Ro bert Small. All persons indebted to the late firm are earneilly requested to come forward and fettle their respective balan ces, and thole to whom they are indebted are requested to render their accounts for . settlement, to JOHN M‘NISH, surviving copartner. Who continues to carrv on businel’s in his own name, at, the counting bouse for merly occupied by Small ot JVPNish, on Smith’s Wharf. June 27 33 FOR SAUL The Subscriber offers for lale, his . PLANTA TION and trad of LAND, j whereon he now rdLles, containing five , hundred and eighteen ,acres, old lurvey, with the pref. nt crop, coufifting ot Cot ton, Guru, and Potatoes. On the premi- It s there is a good Cotton Machine. Also lix Hundred acres ot Pine Land, well tim bered, not having been cut; within three miks ol a good landing qo Savannah riv -ler ; and the Pine Land within miles of • the above Pl antation. Terms will be made accomodating. THOMAS WYLLYT. \ Efingbam County, Oct. io 63 | Sheriff’s Sales. ) On the firft Tuesday in November next will he fold at the court house in M‘ln tbfti County, between tile hours of 10 and 3 o’clock. One tr.d of land containing one hun dred and leventy acres, near South New- Port Bridge; levied on as the property of James Mulryne to fat iffy an execution in tavor ot Edward Swat brick. Property pointed out by the Plaintiff. Yilfo, one tract of land containing one hundred acres, or so much thereof as will faiity the taxes ot Henry Myers, for the years Bii and 12 ; amount due,dolls.3, 13 cents, and colts. R. FOWLER, s. m. c. i October 3 6t ! Sheriffs Sale. Will be sold 011 the first Tuesda in | November next , at the court-house i in the town of Jefferson, the follow \ ing NEGROES, viz : ! J’-wo and Iter child, Cliloe and her child; I to fa tidy an execution on the foreclofure of a mortgage ot Andrew Hannah, Kxt> ‘ enter of David M'Credie, dic’d, againlt Janies Gaflien. Condiii<#s cf sale, calh. D. C. JONES, s. c. c. | £<-p- 5— -law—s3 i A P crnium of One Hundred i D li ;s. : ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, ex clusive of the usual hire, will be paid for : the FIRST WAGGON and FOUR j HORSES competent to transport three 1 thousand pounds weight, having a faithful driver, which shall attend at the Court- House in Savannah, and take the Records ot the County to such place as may be de figni.ted, in case of an alarm from invali on, that may require their removal. By order cf the Hon. the Inferior Court , JOB T. ROLLER Clk. j Sept. i S . 56 Notice. ! All persons having an)’ demands against tlie ertatu of, RichardM. Dimon, de : ceased, arc requested to present their ac counts duly attested, and all indebted to make immediate payment, i ASAHEL HOWE, j August 4 44 Ad in ‘c r. 1 j Notice. • Nine months after date hereof, applica tion will be made to the Honorable the lu ff. io;- Court of Chatham County, for leave to fell the real est ate ot William Elliott, Esq. dec. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of fail Estate. j ROBT. HABERSHAM, Adm’ar. | April 11 lamjtu 14 In Council, 15th Oct. 1814.. Resolved That an eleffion will lie he’d on Monday, the 24th inllant, to fill the vacaucv occasioned by the death of John Petti bone, Esq. I Treasurer eleff. ExtraSi from the minutes. D. D. WILLIAMS, c c. October 17 i 65 Executors Sale, By virtue cf an order of the honorable the Inferior Court, of Liberty Coun ty, will be sold by Public Aucli.n, on the fir jl Tuesday in January next, between the hours j often and three o’clock before the Court-House in said County, AH that Tract of LAND, supposed to Contain .iff >ui two thousand acres, known by the name of Hall’s trad ; bounded on the north bv lands of the ellate of John Bakerand Jamts Graham; on the tall by lands of the ellate of William Norman I anil ellate of Williartt E. Way ; on the i south by lands of David G. Holmes and i ellate of John Cropt, and on the weft by | lands of John Stacy ; it being part of the , real ellate ot Raymond Dmiere deceafi and, * and to be fold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of fa id ellate. JOSEPH HABERSHAM, Ex'or of the .flute R. Denier e. Odober 17 65 : Committees of Council. j Committee of Finance.— Aldermen ; Bulloch, Jones, Mackay. i Guard Committee. —Alderien Read ; Charlton, Norris. Goal Committee. —Aldermen Charlton, Hard< n, MTntoUi. Pump Committee.— Aldermen Mllu tolh, Fell, Hersman. Street, Lane and Tree Committee .— Aldermen Jones. Burke, Duke. Health Committee. —Aldermen Read, Jones, Mackay. Exchange Committee. —Aldermen Harden, Vlackay, Roe. I.amp Committee.— Alderm n Duke, i Norris. Hersman. 1 Committee cf Defence.— Aldermen Jones, Burke, Mackay, Harden, Read. Committee cf Vigilance. —Aldermen : Charlton, Rqe, Norris. [Attest.] D. D. WILLIAMS, C C Sept. 15 56 Notice. All pereons having any demands against Jgsei’h Turner, laU: of St. Simons’ Isl and, Glynn County, deceased, are rcqnelb ed to render them >n according to law, and those indebted to the ellate, to make im mediate payment to James White, ) „ Joseph Tvhiner, C Exeeut °rs- Dec. 30 88 Notice. Nine months from the date hereof, ap- I plication wiil he made to the honorable j the julticcs oPtlie Inferior Court ot Bcyaii County, for leave to fell all the Ellate be longing to the late Mr. Williem Butler, in order that the iubfcriber may be enabled to pay the debts, and carry into effect the Will cf the deceased. FHOS. h. WILLIAMS,’or. Ftbi lainqui Public Notice Is hereby given, that the lubfcriber will, after the expiration of nine months from the date hereof, make application to the honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham county, for leave*to fell the following de scribed propei ty, being part of the real ellate oi Saul Simons, Esq. deceased, foi the benefit ol the heirs and creditors of laid ellate. lo wit, one lot of Land 011 the South Common, of the call of Savannah, adjoin ing John Currie’s lots. Lot No 4, Franklin ward, in the fcity of Savannah. Part of Lot No. 3, Beletha, Tythibg, Heathcote ward, 20 feet in front, on York ftrutt and 90 feet in depth, bounded on one fide by lot No. 2, on tlie back by a lane, on the other by tlie remaining part of lot No. 3. Subjeft to the life ellate of Hannah Leion. DAVID LEION, Adminifirator with the v/t# annexed. Notice. All persons having claims or demands against the ellate of Saul Simon*, late oj Savannah, esq. deceased, will picnic exhi bit them legally attested, and thole ind-bt. cd to laid ellate, are requested to make pay. ment to the fubferiber. I). LEION, Adminifirator with the will annexed Jan. 31 97 t.rORG IA. J iiy 1. Ait j clerk of [t. s 1 f. t’ c mart <>t ordinsrrv for the I. .V ) epun-y of Glynn, 4! .d the ifaic afore laid. WHLP LAS, Luke ttb.uht a(1 plies for let■ f ri <>■ adm.niftrstt! non the ciGtc o* Aarou Blciuut ‘•.Hrnr r County, Ths< ar therefore to cue and rc!mot 4. all at.d, the kind, -d ard crt4|torsol fa:d d< c. o file ilit ir objedtions (h any th y It-vt } tn toy office, ot. or b fore the 17th Novembt-t noxi, otherwise, letteisof administration will be ft 1 rived. Given un >r my Viand and ‘calofoifire, this 2/01 day ol Ocf. inlitcen hundi-d ttid ir.or teeo, and tlie 48.11 year of Amt rlr m loda- (64J [Whole No. 3016. [ The Subscriber, Refpt ctfully informs the inhabitants dt Savannah and the public in gener I. that bv the lave arrivals from Amelia and St Mary’s, he has received a choice collec tion of GOODS suitable for the approach* ing i'eafon, which he offers for sale at & low advance, ainongft which are ! Sutxifiue blue and black CLOTH Do. do. do. Calfimere Do. green, white,jrfsd, yellow, black anil blue Flannels 6-4 Second Cloths I willed Bath Coating B illol aid K sr Blankets 6-4 l.inen Chicks Cotton and Limn Platiilas Siqx 1 fine L ,;b i-incus Fine and coarse Cotton Cambrics, and 6-4 Sprig mull null & Jaconet \ Hair cord and barred / Fig and plain cambric MusLUfJf Sprig and plain leno i 6-4 twilled cambric J Ladies’ elegant worked Robes 6-4 and 8-4 muffin Shawls Salamanca do. Twilled Cambric, reek Handkerchiefs Silk Shambries Calicoes and Chintzes, of different patterejj and qualities Furniture and corded Dimity Velvets and Corderov Malabar and Madras Handkerchiefs also, 1 case fancy GOODS, which is now cty pen ing, containing W bite v Sky I Pink I Grev > Soft Satius Yellow I Pink figured 1 Lavender J White, pink, green and sky Sarsenetra Black, figured and coloured BarccioUfl Handkerchiefs Rich Damask Shawls Superfine Bombazene Silk Scarfs , Black and white 4 Crape 1 Sky, pea, apple, primrole, pea-green, pintjj. buffik yellow colored Crapes Sarsanct Feathers, edged Ribbon# Rich foft satin do. Feathers brocade do. Ladies’and gentlemen’s elegant silk Slocl% ings AND, A handsome assortment of Haherdaftiei-j# And by Waggons on tbe JV :y j Which lie experts in the couife of thift t day n to-morrow, London fuperfine Chintzes Worked and fpriged leno Muffins Dark and light Stri e 4 fuperfine Ginghantf White J eans and Jean Stripe- Superfine white and colored Marseilles Ladies’, and Gentlemen’s fine Cotton Ho* fiery, and manv other fanrv article^ SAMUEL RUSSELL. Gdlober 17 65 Executor’s Sale. ! WHI be sold at St. Mary's on tbe sirs? cf December next, between the usual hours, tbe following Negroes , belong ing to tbe efiate cf Isaac Wheel.r, dec. viz. Cato, Morris, Erah, Jeffrey, George, and Mary ; with a few articles coi,lifting of one Saddle and Bridle, a few Tools, and a lot of Id Iron. HENRY SADLER, *7 65 Ex'or^ Notice. Nine months after date, application will he made to the Juffites of the Inferior Gom t oi Bryan County, for leave to sell a tract of Land in said county called Wood ville, containing fifteen hundred acres, be longing to the ellate of RaLah E. El liott, deceased ; to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. , STEPHEN ELLIOTT, Ex'or... March 11 38 cf.orgid- Chatham loi/REy. Hy Samuel M. Bcmd,c!e.k of the court of ordinary , of Cratiiain it may concrin. WH<aj,Lom* Will Min* and Caihaiint Wil lisr s liiivc dpji|i( cl for i, (r rsot admi'niftratioit op ii i effdu of rpr Hall, Jate a foldiei in he f iviec ot die U. S ..tcs, dir, as principle dec: tots. IS ‘ *w, tiirrcfoie, tin f- arc tocio &. admonish a laud thf k.ndred and .reditorof • i'C std G-.oift- H.ll, mfi'e dicir objciiu ll(i5 ■ ‘hey have) in my office, on or heloie thd fuft Mueday ot Nov. next, oilier wife, letters '! adruiliiUration will he grauten to ihc ap. ol • ants, Gwen under my !>m and and Tea! rif'offirc, djjg 33 ho! October, 1814. S, M. LOND (!-• s ) 163) c. c. o. CEVRGIA-CHAJIIAM (OUS’J Y. B. Smuel IVS. Bond, c <‘ik <>t the court of n.inary, ot Chatham Count —To all whom it nvj> conet rn. “ Alexander R. Xrow, has app'red Irders i.f aduiir.iftirtioi., , n the iliaieof_ ivzc. Frai k-, dec. as piii t rpal errdm r. , hs*w, thrufi re, ibde a:e cue and admon ish all and Ctigular, the ind ed and cr. dt.or j o’ (aid Ifjat frat.ks, to fil> their ebjiffi/yufif. f'V tiit v bay?) in nr. • Bdtll 4111 or b firft Mnndav of Mev ts. &c. Fir C-ivfn iiTdci mv iiojttr iind I av muii, the tjciic'.S )uars old, tolera- I s -) i*irr. Terms ChOu l 6 s f Ay at \\ o'clock* DKD, AuSi r .