Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, October 27, 1814, Image 1

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(Mgllffltfat ZXX^ANm&mwma/jddv&ilser. PUBLISHED ox MONDAYS ams THURSDAYS, by PHILIP D. IVOOLROPTER, seas ths Exctusor, at SIX DOLLARS res axsttm— HALF in ADVANCE. Vgl XIX.— No. 68] In ft Received, And for sale by ibe Subscriber:. ij; barrels Tt neriffe, Sherry and Mala ga W ine, firft q*> i l7‘ ti 4 quarter calks do. 7 pip s do. 2 kalf pip s do. 32 bags Spin ill) Merino Wool ■*ooo lb?. Cork Hoard Sherry, Tent riffr, and Malaga Wine, bv the gallon. PROCUREUR Sc GAUDRY. October 24. 3 t ,67 | A man with a small fa- . capable of taking charge ol a Imall | hoarding house, with good recomnmnda flion wilinitet with encouragement. Ap~ p l y to JAMES WHITE. Octoher 24 9 1 The subscriber Eespeftfully informs his friends and the public, that he has removed from Brough am (heetto the sign of the golden morter, Market square, where he has opened a i- e (h and complete assortment oi DKUUb and MEDICINES, which he otters for aule on reasonable terms for cash. _ Having devoted the greater part of Ins Tile to the acquirement of knowledge in his but mess, he hopes with conflant assidu ity to merit a fliare pamo^ge. } f.dwar i>co epee. Oft. 24 —aw3t—67 _ . The Subscriber, RefpecU'uily informs the inhabitants of Savannah and tlie public in gt neral, that by the late arrivals from St* Mary’s, he has received a choice collec tion of GOODS suitable for the approach ing season, which he otters for tale at a low advance, amongll which are Superfine blue and black CLOT H I) n . do. do. Callimere green, white, red, yellow, black and blue Flannels <5-1 Second Cloths Twilled Bath Coating Brithil and Rose Blanket* 6-4 Linen Checks Cotton and Linen FI at Mas Stqwrfine Irilh Linens yine and coarse Cotton Cambrics, 4r4 and 6-4 Sprig mull mull & Jaconet T Hair cord and barred r Fig and plain cambric VMuslims Sprig and plain'leno V S-4 twilled cambric J Ladies’ elegant worked Robes $-4 and 8-4 muffin Shawls Salamanca do. Twilled Cambric, reck Handkerchiefs Silk Shamb'ies Calicoes and Chintzes, of different patterns and qualities Furniture and corded Dimity \ Tel vets and Corderoy j Malabar and Madras Handkerchief*’ , • also, 1 case fancy GOODS, which is now ©- hefting. containing [ 1 White \ \ 17 Sfcv I Pink I Grev > Soft Saties Yellow i Pink figured 1 Lavender J White, pink, green and sky Sarscnetts Black, figured and coloured Barcelona . (| Handkerchiefs ! Rich Damalk Shawls Superfine Boiubaztns Silk Scarfs Black and white “J Crape Sky, pea. apple, priinroie, pea-green, pink, hutF Sc yellow colored Craws Sarsauct Feathers, edged Ribbons Kach foft satin do. Feathers brocade do. j Radies’ and gentlemen’s elegant silk Stock inga AMD, A ha no feme assortment of Haberdathery And by Waggons on the Way lie txpefts. in the courfc of this dr. • *r to-morrow, ‘ Loudon iupeifuie Chintzes b Worked and fpriged leno Muffins I Dark and light Stri-e 4 fuperfine Ginghams ft White Jeans ar.d Jean Stripes ft-Superfine white and colored MarfeilltS ■Ladies’ and Gentleim n’s fine Cotton Ho siery, and many other fancy articles. SAMUEL RUSSELL. K Oftoher 17 65 k ‘ For Sale A valuable Plantation in Wsfhington Htoontv, Georgia, on the Oconee river, ■mouth es Puttaloc rrtek) twenty five miles Hteiow Milledgeville, containing * about Rjco acres, partly swamp, and partly high Bind, luitable for the culture of cotton and Horn; 150 cleared and under fence. K There is on tlve traft a grist mill, run- Bfting two pair of flouts, and a law mill run- Bping two saws. l m This place is confidercd remarkably Healthy. It will he fold a great bargain. Bor further particulars apply to If STURGES & BURROUGHS. p | Alfo,a House and Ixit in Milledgeville, ■ealantly situated, formerly accupitd by Bftovemor Irwin. I rj 64 Fresh Pearl Barley For sale in tin cates, suitable for family tile, bv LEONARD BARTOW, & Cos. October 13 64 New Goods. Black, T T Fnwn ’ „, 0 > BOMBAZETT Light Sc Dark Green f Mazateen j Cotton Shirting, Callicoes, Imitation Shawls, various and elegant pat terns, ) White, FLANNELS > Yellow and 7 Red, J. E. WHIJ E, & C(T. Oft. 6. On the Bay. Negro Pipes, L’qoorice, &<\ 30 boxes and 10 half boxes Negro Pipes 33 do. Liquorice 16 cases shaving So, p For sale bv STURGES & BURROUGHS. Oftober 13 6t 64 For Sale,^ A healthy, sound young NEGRO BOY, about 19 years ot age, well qualifi ed for the field. For tern s apply at this Office. Oft. to. 64. ts The Subscriber OFFERS FOR SALE, 100 kegs Cut Nails 6 calks Hoes 30 boxes cotton and wool Ok 103 4‘dc. draw Rennets 12 reams demy printing PSpev 50 do. blue medium do. joo do. wrapping 1 do. 20 pieces Oenalnirgs 2000 yards up country Hptaespun 100 boxes Fi!h 13 do. Candles 60 re ires foolscap and poll writing Pa per 6 lbs. Wafers 4 kegs Cun-Powder 3©/barrels Eiqur 60 lhs. Slice Tnr<*ad 1 cask Ntgro 20 dozen Wcbfter.’s Spelling Rooks JONATHAN BATTELLE. Augufl 8 45 Office FOR THE SALE OF NEGROES. The fubferiber offi rs to fnmili. sand others, a number cf valuable HOUSE SERVANTS and FIELD HANDS, a mong them are— A girl 18 years old, a good feanOrefs, waflier, ironer and cook, Better foiled to the country. A wench 22 years old,, ironer and plain cook; very prime for the field. One other, 28 or 30vears old,excellent waflier and ironer, very smart and aftiye, better.fuited to the country. One other, about 38 years, very fie ad y and tolerably capable of house work, gen erally; and would suit a family living in the country bt-fl, as flie has been in the field. Two very prime fellow-;, 24 years old, field hands, flout and likely. Two ditm, 30 years old ; and Ever a prime Fellows thru would suit to work on a wliaif, at machines, and any drudgery. Also, a fellow 24 years old, a br'cl layer, and an excellent workman. ’ Also, a fellow, of fame age, ‘in excel lent house carpenter, and would be ex tremelyA'aluable to any peTlbn rtfidirgin the country. - Negroes will (x‘ thankfi U\ re ceived at mv office, as ufunl, 2nd every exertion used to obtain fair prices arid ct fedl fpetdy sales. DAVID POLOCK, Augufl 25 —50 Near the Exchange. Caution. MERCHANTS,and others are cau” tinned againfl purchaflugthe two follow ing Bills oj Exchange , which fcjve be* n 101 l in the Pin ket-Book of the Subscriber, 011 the road from Now-York, viz:— One Bill for £706 9X. 6 d. Jlcrling , drawn by Samui l Gray. One . for £924 for ling, drawn by Samuel G k ay, Sylvanus Gray, and William Ray. Both BILLS drawn at thirty days fight, on Samuel Williams., London, in favor of Willi ak Gray, and endorsed by him. fIHOMAS -H. W r ARD. If the above Bills, or either of them fliould be discovered, it is requefled that information may be given to the Subscri ber, at Bojlon , or Goodhue & Ward* No. 44 South-llreet, Neiv-TorL For the Pocket-Book and it? contents, a reward 01 One Hundred Dollars is offered. g Cj m Ihe Editors of the Montreal Courant, Quebec Gazette, and Halifax Gazette, are requefled to infVrt the above advertisement for three weeks, in their res p. ftive pa;ters; and the c< II of insertion will be duly paid by Mr. Ward to their 01 de r. Bssttn, Sept. 3, 1814. — 3W —58 REASON AND TRUTH IMPARTIAL GUIDE l IIS WAY. SAVANNAH: THURSDAY, October 27, 1814. Just Received, FROM AMELIA, The following Dry Goods, which are oj -1 sered for sale oh reasonable terms, t for cash , Fmr white Flannels Ditto black and colored Bombazettc Aflorted Stockingnets White and colored Veiling Silk and cotton Stockings Checks, Dimities and Cambric | and | Irifli Liners Superfine blue Cloth, At. s WAY ft BAKER. O£lober 13 64 . Just Received AND rOR SALE BT JOHN DOUGLASS Gibbons’ Building, Asp fli (apply of Ladies’ black morocco ! SLIPPERS. , Odloixr 3 61 , Removal. Tayloß,Davies (k Taylor, have re moved their counting hotife to Bolton’s upp* r wl;arf, where they continue to tratis afl Factorage b’ Commission Business , with their ulual-at’.ention. August 1 43 The Copartnership Os 4>iai.l ~*r M'-Nisn, is this day dis solved in cojjfLqtytnce of the death of Ro bert Small. A'l n. tfonss indebted to the are “arnt ft!y requefled to come ! forward ami fetth- their r* Ipeiflive balan j ecs, mvl tb'/le to whom they are indebted | are p quefli'd to render *h. ir accounts for | fettier-.ent; to JOHN M‘NISH, survfo’ing copartner. | Who cent-rues tc-carry on busi'.efs in ; In.-; own | rievly ncrupied by Small & M‘Nish, on Smrih's Wharf. Tune 27 33 FuK SALE. The Su'sciiber ff-rs for lain, his PLANTA'I ION and trad of LAND, ; wnereon he now resides, containing five | Intncir.d ind eighteen acres, old lurvty, f with the prefert crop, confining ot Cot i ton, Cv'rn, and Potatoes. On tfie premi ses there is a good (Tot’on Machine. Also ; fix hundred acres of Pine Land, well tim • betfd, not having been cut; within three j miles of a good landing on Savannah riv er; and ti e Pine Land wiUiiu miles of the above PlantHtion. Terms will be made ; accomodating. THOMAS WYLLY. Ejfingbitn County, Oct. 10 63 Sheriff’s Sale. ! Will be soli on the first Tuesday in 1 November next, at the court-house in the ‘.own offcfifcrs .n, the follow ing MEG HO El, viz: — iunoand her child, -Chloe, and hrrchiU; to l’ati fv an execution on the t’oreclofore iof a mortgage oi Andrew Hannah, Exe cutor of Dm. id MV.redie, dee’d. againfl James'Cafiien. Conditions of sale, calli. D. G. JONiES, s. c. c. Sept. 5 —law.—53 \ Prerpium of One Hiindred Ij. ih:s. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, cx dufive c l the usual hire, will be paid for the FIRST WAGGON and FOUR j HORSES, competent to transport three thousand pounds Weight, having a faithful driver, which fiiall attend at the Court- House in Savannah, and take the Records of the County to such place as may be de fiprated, in rinse ot an alarm from invasi on, that rnay require tfieir removal. Py ‘order cf the Hon . the Inferior Court, • JOB T. BOLLF.3, Clk. Sept. 15. 56 ~ 9 * r 1 J ‘ * • Notice. All persons having any demands againfl the effate of Richa rd M. Djmon, de ceased, are reqnefted to present their ac counts duly attested, and all indebted to make immediate payment. ASAHEL HOWE, August 4 44 Adm'ar. Notice. • Nine months after date hereof, applica tion will be made to the Honorable the In ferior Court of Chatham Connty,for leave to fell the real eflate ot William Elliott, Esq. dec. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said Eflate. ROBT. HABERSHAM, Adm'or. April 2i iarngni 14 Blanks, Os various Unds, printed at tbit Ofice. Notice. Savannah manufactured CANDLES, of an excellent quality, will be retailed by the fubsci iber. * ALSO, Englifli Porter, Ale, and Cheese, prize Gin, Brandy, Wine and Cider Soap, Coffee, Tea of tlie importation of iS'4, an elegant double*fett cf Table China ind Glass, and generally such goods as are to be found in a well aflorted Gro cery. ALEXANDER S. ROE. Oiflober 24 67 Chatham Academy. Persons having bnfinefs with the fubferi ber as Treasurer of the Chatham Acade my, during his absence, will please apply to Mr. John Law3ow at hit office in Broughton Street. Tlie exercises of this inflittition will re commence on the ill ot November next. 011 Monday the 3 ill inlh and on the isl of November, tickets ofadmilfion will be delivered between the hours of 9 and 12 o’clock in the morning, and 3 and 5 in the afternoon* Rates of tuition—isl clals, 7 Hoi Is.— 2d dais, 10 dollars; 3d class, 13 dollars 50 cents. * CHARLES DUNHAM, Oft. 24 —tf—67 Treasurer C . A. * Library. ’ In future the hours of delivering books will be from 12 to 2 o’clock every Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. OEMLER, Librarian. Sept. 22—58 Choice Articles. At retailper quart,gullon, demijohn One pipe excellent old Madeira Wine, for the rich,or lick or convalescent, as the price and quality will denote. Aii’o, old Cognac Brandy, Jamaica Rum, Shrub, Gin, Coffee, and as many other good things as the times permit, in the Grocery line. Among those are frelli Teas, any white Havanna Sugar; all of which will- be fold at reasonable prices to persons of the following dtferiptions, who have always flood upon the lame footing. ill. Ti; le who purcliafe for calli and require - - eredit. 2d. < ’ fe wliodeal largely upon ac count, .oder contrasts, and have never failed to ciofe their accounts fatisfaftorily, within tlie preferibed time or when re quired. 3<l. Those who have running accounts upon t!*e fair diarafter, which they main tain, and have not failed to fettle them within a reasonable time. But the above articles canuot be recommended to those hereafter delcribed. isl, Those to whom public opinion has attached any suspicion in regard to their integrity or punctuality, for they have been tried and found wanting. 2d. Those of fair character, who have violated their contrasts, or walked one llreet in preference to another, that they mav not be ieen. . 3d. Those who have worn tne rogue’s ihield, vulgarly called the alleviating aft. WILLIAM CRAIG. Sept. 29—60 Public Notice Is hereby given, that the fubferiber will, after the expiration of nine months from the date hereot, make application to the honorable thr Inferior Court of Chatham conntv, tor leave to fell the following de scribed property, being part of the real eftatri of Saul Simons, Esq. decealed, lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors ol laid eflate. To wit, one lot of Land on the South Common, of the eafl of Savannah, adjoin ing John Currie’s lots. Lot No 4, Franklin ward, in the city of Savannah. Part of Lot No. 3, Bcletha, Ty thing, Heathrote ward, 20 feet in front, on York street and 90 feet in depth, bounded on one fide by let No. 2, on tlie back by a lane, on the other by the remaining part of lot No. 3. Subjeft to the life eflate of Hannah Leion. DAVID LEION, Adminiflrator with the will annexed. Notice. All persons having claims or demands againfl the tflate of Saul Simons, late ol Savannah, esq. decealed, will please exhi bit them legally attefled, and thole indebt ed to said eflate, are requefled to make pay ment to the fubferiber. 1). LEION, Administrator with the will annexed.) Jan. 31 97 .1 GEORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY. Samuel M. Br,il. cle k >f the ci urt ot ordinary of aid county.— 'l o all whom u nay concern. WHERPAS Roberts GihGn has appli ed to me for tetter* of adrniriftrati n .-n the ctUtc of R|chaid Turner,, late of C futham County, planter, diccafed, as next of kin Tbrfe ate therefore to site and admcirfh a.l and fn yular tha kindted and creditor* of >he said dte'd to file thiir objections (if ary ’b< y have) io my office, on or befo'e ;he fl.ft Mon day in December next, otherwise let'er* of adiriniltration will be granted ta the ar qlicanr. Giv< n under n>y hand and feat ol office, at Savannah, the 17U1 day of OAt brr. 1814 | 1 67 J 8. c C 9* [Whole No. 3018. STATE OF NEW-YORK. Board of Health Lottery. SCHBME. not XS. I Prize of 40,00* is 40,000 1 do. 20,000 20,000 r do. 10,000 10,000 l do. ’ 5,000 5,000 T do. 3*ooo 3,000 1 do. *>S°© 2,500 2 do. 2,000 4,000 1 do. i*5 c o 1.500 6 dc. 1,009 6,000 14 do. 500 7,000 50 do. 200 10,000 80 do. 100 8,000 100 do. 50 5,000 200 do. 20 4,000 11,90 c do. 10 119,000 1 2,359 Prizes. 22,641 Blanks. Less than t*vb Blanks to a Prize. The drawing will commence in the city of New-York, on the firft Turfday in De cember next, nnJ will continue to draw 50* tickets each day, until finifhed. Pri zes payable 40 days after the condufiou of the drawing, fubjeft to a deduction of 15 per cent. Tickets in the above Lottery, for sale by the fublhribers, at 10 dollars, each. Prize Tickets received in payment. Marquand* Paulding &Ptnfidd. July 14—38 Notice. AH persons having any demands againfl Joseph Turner, late of St. Simons’ Isl and, Glynn County, deceased, are requt ll* ed to render them hi according to law, and those indebted to the eflate, to make jin mediate payment to James White, 7 w Joseph Tm,,, j S ““ ,or '- Dec. 30 88 Executors Sale* By virtue of an order of the honorably the Inferior Court, of Liberty Ccun* ty , will be sold by Public Auction, on the firjl 7 uesday in January next , between the hours often and tire a o'clock, before the Court-House in said County , All that Tradt of LAND, (opposed to contain about two thousand acres, known by the name of Hail’s trail; bound*;! or> tiie north by lands of the eflate of John Baker and James Graham; on the eafl by lands ot tlie eflate of William Norman and eflate of William E. Way; on the south by lands of David G. Holmes and eflate of John Cropt, and on the well by’ lands nf John Stacy ; it being part of ths real eflate of Raymond Demere. deceafni, and to be fold for the benefit of tlie lieiis and creditors of laid eflate. JOSEPH HABKRSTA.M, Ex’or of the eflate R. Dcmcrc. Oftober 17 65 Executor’s Sale. U r tll be sold at St. Mary's on ’be M of December next, between the uniat hours, the following Negroes, belong ing to the eflate of Isaac IVheeler, dec. viz. Cato, Morris, Erab, Jeffrey, George, and Mary ; with a lew articles confining of one Saddle and Bridle, a few Tools, and a lot of old Iron. HENRY SADLER, Oft. 17 65 Ex'or. Sheriff’s Sales. V On the firft Tuesday in November next will be fofcl at the court house in M‘Jn* toll) County, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock. One tr-ft of land containing one hun dred and fevelity acres, near Sjouth New port Bridg< ; levied on as the former prop erty of James-Mulrvne to fatiffy an xc> cution in tavor of Edward Swarbiick.—- Property pointed out by the Plaintiff*. Also, one traft of land containing one hundred acres, or so much thereof as will fatify tlie taxes oi Hrnry Myers, for the years 1811 and 12 ; amount due, dolls. 3, 1 3 cents, and colls. R. FOWLER, s. m. c. October 3 61 Important Discovery. A patent has lately been obtained for the; purpose of diflilling and boiling by a me thod that is far superior to any thing of the kind that has been invented. It is effefted by communicating heat by a Globe and Pipes from a small furnace to wooden velfils ol any capacity—a tub or calk containing two hundred and fiftv gal lons may be let to boiling in one-hour an.i a half. The above patent has been-tubd fordiftiling Spirits and the boiling of ma ple Sugar, and there is no doubt but it wilt answer equally as well for boiling the Sugar of Cane, or for boiling Salt— - The great utility of the above patent irj point of dispatch of bu lint Is and cheapness renders it an objeft. worthy ol public at tention. Globes and pi|jes with instruc tions to use them, will be furniftied, ar.d ready for sale, by the lall of Oftober en- v suing. For further particulars applv to ANDREW KNOK,ur STEPHEN HALLe OiOaber 3 61i,