Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, November 03, 1814, Image 1

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PUBLISHED on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, bv PEILIP D, WOQLEOPTER, nhas tux Exchange, at SIX DOLLARS PB3 axnu*i— HALF IN ADVANCE. Vol. XIX.—No. 7©] Just Received, And fur sale by the Subscriber:. 135 barrels TenmlFe, Sherry and Mala* ga Wine, foil qßality 119 quarter caiks do. 7 pipes do. | 2 halt’ pipes do. 32 bags Spanifli Merino Wool lbs. Cork Board Sherry, TenerifFe, and Malaga Wine, by tlte gallon. PROCUREUR & GAUJJRY. October 24_ 3t 67 fpb A man mih a small fa mily, capable of taking charge of a small boarding house, with good recagjqienda woii will meet with encouragement. Ap ply to jAMEv WHITE. October „9 l ______ The subscriber , Respectfully informs his friends and the | public, that lie has removed from Brough ton Ibeetto the sign of the golden morter, Market square, where he has opened a firelh and complete assortment of DRUGS and MEDICINES, which he offers for sale on reasonable terms for cash. Having devoted the greater part of his life to the acquirement of knowledge in his buintess, he hopes with constant assidu ity to merit a share of public pasrotibgea EDWARD COPPEE. Odl* 24 —awßt—67 The Subscriber, Refpecfffully informs the inhabitants of Savannah and the public in general, that by- the late arrivals from Amelia alid St. Mary ’s, he has received a choice collec tion of GOODS Ratable for the approach ing season, which he offers for sale at a ‘loy advance, gmongft which are Superfine blue and black CLCTI H Do. do. do. Caffimere Do. green, white, red,’ yellow, black and blue Flannels ffi-4 Second Cloths ‘ , < ‘ ; Twilled Bath Coating BiiftoFand Rose Blankets 6-4 Linen Checks Cotton and Linen Platillas j Superfine Xriih Lineiis Jpine and coarse Cotton Cambrics, 4-4 and 6-4 Sprig mull mull & Jaconet A Hair Cord and barred f Pig and .plain jainbric VMoslins Sprig anti plain leno i 6-4 twilled cambric * Ladies’ elegant worked Robes 6-4 and 8-4 muffin Shawls Salamanca do. /,. Twilled Camty-ic, heck Handkerchiefs Silk Shambvies’ Caliches and Chintzes, ofdifit rentpatterns and qualities Furniture and corded Dimity Velvets and Corderoy ‘ Malabar and Madi a? Handkerchiefs Also, • I case fancy GOODS, which is now o pening, containing Wlrfte Y Sky I , . Pink f Grev > Soft Satins Yellow .1 Pink figured 1 Lavender J White, pink, green and sky Sarscnetts Black, figuied and . coloured Barcelona Handkerchiefs Rich D.unalk Shawls, Superfine BtmibaZene Silk Scarfs Black and white. £ Crane Sky, pea, apple, primroie, pea-green, pink. ■ 1 buff H\ el low colored Crapes Snrsanet Feathers, edged Ribbons / Rich foft satiftY .. do. Ferthtrs brocade v '-cfo; / • * Ladies’ and gentlemen’s elegant silk Stogk , ings ‘ - AND, A handsome- assortment of Haherdafliery. And by Waggons on the Wy Which lie expects in the eoiirfc of tliid • day r to-uftimnv, ‘ London fuperfoie Qiintzri , r , 1 Work ‘d and I’priged leno Muffins Dark and lightSrfti e Afupcrfmfe Ginghams WUice Jeans and Jean Stripe* Supcrfoie white and colored Marseilles vLadiesr and Gentlemen's fine Cotton Ho lier)-, and nifov other fancy articles. SAM UEL RUSSELL. October 17 ■’6s For Spte , A valuable Mentation in Waffiington oounty, Gforgia, on the Oconee river, (Jnouth of Buflaloecreek) twenty five miles beinw Milltdgeville, containing ? about; 1500 acres, partly swamp, and partly high land, Uiiuthle for the culture of- tton and cNn 1150 ‘cleared and under fence. ’There is on tfie tra<ff a grill null, rmW tttng twopair of ffonts, and a law mill run ning two Taws. , This place is corifidered remarkablv healthy. It will be fuH'a great bargain. For further particulars apply t*V SPURGES & BURROUGHS. ‘ Alfo* a Houle and Lotl M:Hedgeville, jfieiffaatlv fuiKtled, fomnrly occupied by Ocfooer 13— (.4 Tresh Pearl Barley For lute in ..tin calcs, Ratable for family ule|by - , LEONARD BARTOW, & Cos. October 13 ‘. 64 ; New Goods. niaA, v Liglit'fc Dark Green > BOMUAZyTT Macareen j Cotton Shirting, > ! Callicoes, Imitation Shawls, various! and elegant pat term, . . Wlme f ‘ FLANNELS J Yfcllow’ and \ Red, “J. E. WHITE, & Cos. OSt. 6. Oil the Bay. i ~il j Negro Pipes, Liquorice, &c. j 30 boxes and iq half boxes Negro Pipes ; 35 do. Liquorice > 16 cases shaving Soap. For sale by { SPURGES & BURROUGHS. October 13 1 6t 64 For Sale, A healthy, sound young NEGRO BOY, about 19 of hgt, well qualifi ed for the field. For terms apply at this Office. OSt. 10. 64 ts The Subscriber OFFERS-FOR SALE, 100 kegs Cut Nails . * 7 ‘ 6 calks Hoes 30, bo'ies cotton and wool Cards ’ 4 do. ftravv BomgetS , 12 reams demy printing Paper 50 do. blue mediuni do. d>’ 100 do., wrapping do. , 20 pieced Oznaburgs aopo yards-up country Homespun - ipo boxes Fiffi 13 /do. Candles ... . 60 ‘reams foolscap and poll writing Pa. , per x ■ ■: , . 6 Bjs* Wafers 4 ’Tegs Guii-Powder % ■ 30 barrels Flanr 60 |bs. Shoe ’Thread 1 bask Negro Shoes . go dozen Webfler’s Spelling Book; I JONATHAN BATTELLE Augull 8 45 Office FOR THE SALE OF NEGROES. The fubferiber offers to fanulics and , others, a number of valualfie HOUSE ! SERV AN TS and FIELD HANDS, a- ; inong them m e—, . ■ • 5 A girl 18 years old, a good feamflrefs, I waiter, ironer and cook, better suited to ; the country. * | A wench 22 years old, waflier, ironer and plain cook.; very prime for the field. One other, 28 or 3.0 years old, excellent Waflier and ironer, very Rnart and active, Ijetter suited to the country. One other, about 38 years, very Ready ;and tolerably capable of boufe Work, gen erally ; and would lint a family living in tte country bell, as (lie has been in the field. Two very prime fellows, 24 years old,! field hands, floilt and likely. Two ditto, 30 years old; and fevtra Fellows that would snit to work bn a wharf, at machines, and any drudgery. Alfer, a fellow 24yeZrsold,a bricklayer, aud an excellent workman* Also, a fellow,’ of fame age, an excel lent Übitfe carpenter, and would be ex tremely valuatit: to any perum refidiiig in tte country. ttj“* Negroes will te thankfiillv re ceived at ‘dny office, usual, and every exertion uß’d to obtain fair prices and et feil Ifseedy Riles. ‘*■ : . ; DAVID POLOCK, Augnfl i's. —50 /V ear the Exchange. ” ■■ ■ Caution. MERCHANTS and others are can* tinned againfr purc'nafiiig the two follow ing Bills oj Exchange, wl.icli ’ have been lofl iu the Pocket-Bonk’ of the Substii'oer, op fhie rtad from Ne.w-York, viz One-Pill f0r.£706 9 r. CJ. Jlerling drawn by SamurL Gray. Qse \ v ‘furling, drawn- bye Samckl Guay, Syi.vanus Guay, and William Hay. •>. Both BILLS drawn at thirty days fight, <in Samvel Williams, London, in favor of VVilliaJs*Gray. and endorsed bv him. ” H. W ARD. Y If the a 1 ove Bills, of either of them ffiould he discovered, it is itqilefted tbit ‘rnay be given to the Subicri ter, at tkjton, or Goodhue & Ward, * N’p. 4*4 Sourh flrt-et, New-E&rl. V-For tht; Pocker-llook and its contents,‘a reward oi j One Hundred Dollars is yficruD j: IC7 1 ie Editprs of the Montreal I Couraiit, Quebec 1 Gazette, and Halifax Gazette, are lequeflecl to tlie above |dveitifrraent. for tFiAe weeks, iu'thcjvres !pt flive pepeisl and the toll of inftrtion ,w ill lie duly paid by Mr. ‘W*rd- lo their . order. . -• f • f; Bestow, Sept. 3, dr* . ‘>*•’ ‘ •'"‘'J? • a"'. * T i ' i b>‘ *: .• if.. REASON AND TRUTH IMPARTIAL GUIDE THEr WAY. SAVANNAH: THURSDAY, November .3, 1814. e i Notice. Savannah inanOfadlured CANDLES', of ah excellent quality, will be retailed by *he fubsciilfer. j also, i Engliffi Pftrter, Ale, and Clirgie, prize Gin, Brandy, Wine and Cider Vinegar, Soap, Coffee, Tea of the importation of t 14, an elegant - China und Glass, and generallv Tucjrgoods as are to be found in a,Well Gro cery. ALEXANDER SfrfegE. Odlojber 24 67 i m -’9 ’ — — ytTTrr- Just Receive^ FROM ‘ y Tlefoll orAng Dry Goods, which are cf , sered for sale on reasonable terms, for cash, ‘■ Fine white Flannels • * Ditto black and colored Bothbazette [ Assorted Stockingnets j .• j White and colored Veftiig I Silk and cotton Stocking Checks, Dimities and CanbiTC iVy ’ ■f and | Irilli Liuens 1 Superfine blue Cloth, &ci \ WAV & BAtER. Oflober 13 64 Just Rciei td ’ J / AND FOR P A LE BY j JOHN DOUG! .ASS Gibbons* Buildt . >. A frefh fupplv (i'lLadiea* 1 ack morocco SLIPPERS October 3 / 6l Etimoval| Tayt/ir, D.Xi£s & Taylorhave re* moved their qompting house U) Bolton's upper wharf, where they continue to truns ,a& FaHorage pofnitoffion \ Businets, . I with their ufualuyfcntion. . { i Augull 1 J 43 The Copaitnership Os Small 45cnV|tNisM, is this day dis solved in consequence of the-deatii of Ho- | hert Small. All perfo/T i late firm are earnestly rcqnefted to come / forward and fettle they refi t *ive balan- 1 !.ccs, and tnofi to wboif-ttey are ihdebted are requeued to reiiderkheir accounts for , fettlenicnt, to JOHN M‘NISH, j surviving copartner. Wiio continues tocarrv on biisincfsin j his own name, at the cdur.ting house ipr- j nierly occitpied by Small & APNish, on Smith’s W iiarf. Y^ une a 7 33 m FoiTSyULE. , I’he Subscriber off rs for iale, his PLANTATION and trad of LAND, whereon he ndw resides, containing- five j ’ hrihdred and eighteen acres, old lurvey, i wiih the present crop, co.,1:1 ling ot Cot- 1 ton, Com, and Potatoes. On the premi- j its thereis a good Cotton Machine. Also j fix hundred acres cf Pine Land, well tj/p- j bered, not having been cut; within three ‘ miles of a good landing'on - ‘ er; and the Pine Lind within miles of 1 :lig above Plantation ( .ms will be made accomodating. THOMAS WYLLY. ■ Effingham County, Oct. 10 63 * , ‘ : —“'7- “ - | Sheri/Fs Sale, | mu ke.sold on the fir in November next , at the court-house in the town of Jefferson, the follow Junoaiuf her child, Cliloe and hercfijld; to fatisfy aft execution eh ‘the foreclußtre of a mortgage'ot Andrew Hanpah, Exe cutor of David M^Credie, dec’d. again 11 James Cafticn. Conditions of fale,’ caflj. D. G. JONES, s. c. c. Sep<rjA*iaw~s3 I w it |I ■*..■■■ ■ y,... -y*,- I I 1 y/-T - r A Premium of* One Hundred 1 • Volhis. > s >’ • ONE HUNDRED 1101 LARS, ex clusive Df tlie usual hire, ,wilT be paid for the FIRST WAGGON and FOUR HORSES, competent to transport three tbousapd pounds v eight, having a faithful driver, which fliall attend at the Court- House in Sapnnah, and take the Recpirls of the GiUftty to such as may be <**- fignated, in case ot an alarm from invaii* on, vfmt may require their removal. By order pf the Eon. the Inferior £onrt, . ‘ V , . JOB T. BOLLE3, Clk. . t S 6 —— ; Notice. - Ad persons having any demand* against the estate of Ricbatiji ‘:JL Dimok, de ceased, are requeued to p'-esent their ac counts duly attested, ana all'indebted to make iunsediatt payment.’ ‘ * ; ASAHF.L I-20WE, AvpA 4 44 Adm’tr. I’ ‘ .*■+ i ;V* ‘*r.Y * Auction & Commission BUSINESS., The fubferiber having returned from the Northward, offer! his bcfl f#rvice* to 1 Iris friends and the public iff tte abovetine and hopes by his aitemion to pleafif. T. A; SCHOEDDE. Oilober 27 6t. 69 Just Received AND FOR SALK, A quaniity oPbest • A •, ENGLISH SALT PF.TRE. J. B. BERTHEI OT, Oct. 27— —68 , Oh the BaJ. ; Lost A Gold LOCKET, f t with hair. , A reward of Five. Dollars will be givet^jof l the value of the Trinctart. . Apply at thia Office. ‘* O 7 68 | Sheriff’s Side. \ On ‘(hie fitft Tuesday in Dtcainber next. • wiil be sold <it the, court-house f h Intosb County, between the usual hours. v£ One tract of Land in the county afore* Slid, containing acres,called ansi known , by the name of Clark’s BlufF, to fa tisly the . taxes of the ClLtt of William Mflutofh, tor the yeare tßio, u and ia J taxes due, 83 dolls. aiij 43 cents. >\f. :ff. ■ Also, one tract of Land god improve ments thereon, called Cottage joining Mr. Henry Gignilliat and Mrs. Wesey, l ately occupied by Not! Ham ming, dec. under, and by virtue of ftindry judgments; this situation is not only hand., fome but embraces every otlit-r advantage, as toi; tealtli.good water, be sty inexhausti ble fiffierv adj cent to tte dwelling, fee . % FOWLER, s. u. c. i Octrlier 27 68 -rf-r:* —t-- “ k.i— •-1 iii •>., Chatham Academy. Persons having bufinels with the fuoferi ber aSTYeafiirer of the Chatham , Acude-j my, during his abfi nee, will pleale apply to Johs Lawson at his office H Broughton Street^ | Tlie exercises of this inffitutioirwill re- • j commence'on the *ll ot Noveimer next. | ‘ On Monday the 3ill infi. awl on the j 1 fi of Novtmtel, tickets of adniilfion will be.delivered br twfen the liours of 9 and f 1 2 o’clock in the’ moniingf :uvfi m the afternoon. Rates of tuition—iff rials, 7 dolls.— ; 2d tlals, 10 ddjlars; 3d class, 13 dollars 50 cents. , . CHARLEd DUNHAM, j OA. 24—ts 67 • Treasurer C. A. | ‘'’ # Library. | Tn future the hours of delivering books : will be from 12 tn 2 o'clock’ every Tues- J day, Thurtilay and Saturday. OEMLER, Librarian. Sept. 22—58 Choice Articles. JAt retailper quart,gallon, demijohn Uc. ! One pipeexcellentaffd Madeira Wiiie, ; for the rich,or lick or. convalelcent, as tte \ r price and quality wdi denote. / ‘ j/.i|A.lfo, old Gogngc Jamaica 1 tffin, Shrub, Gin, Cofifee, and as many ter good thing! as the times permit, in’ i the Grocery line. Among those df\ i .fit Teas, and white Havanna Sugar.; all of 1 which will be fold a,t< leafonable prices to ptrions of,the following delciiptions, who ; have always flood upon tte fame ‘footing. 1 ft. ‘Thole- who purcliafe for cash and Teqiiiie no credit. ; I 2d. Those whodeal largely upon ac | count, under contrails, and have never failed toclofe their accounts fatisfaiflorily, 1 wJthin tte preferited sane or when’ re j j { ’ 3d. Those wiio have running accounts r upon tfee fair cliaracier, which tWey ! tain,-and have not foiled to Utile them j within a reafyijiiWe time. Bnt tlie above articles cannot be recommended to those hereafter-rie : bribed. 1 It. ‘Thole to whom public opinion has Rtt -.hed any fefpicion in regard to their integrity or punctuality, for they havfe, teen tided aiid fotmd wanting. 2d. ‘Thofe of fair char aSjicr, y:\io have violated tteir ccntrajftsj or walked one fiieet in irreferCnct tof another, that they may not be seen. ■ 3d. ‘Thofe who We worn tte rogue’s ffiield, vulggrlv <!alle(l the alleviating aft. WILL!A?M CRAIG. * Sept. 29—-60 M -y . geq£gia~- dnATHA M countl Samuel M. B<md, cltrk ot >bt curt of ordinary of stiff county.—To all wbout it may concern. v ‘ •... ‘ 3tj . WHEIU'AS RobrrjS bAfm haiappll ff ** ie for tetters of. afftytnitt;ati- 0. otetjie Tte U are thtr efife its cite aijff tidationffh H *bd fioguiar th 8 kinder) ted creditors of .lie fa id dec’d to file their objection* (if ivy they have) lo my office, on or before thr#. ft Mott day in otberwire tettyr* of , adndnlitraffon Will be g.anud r> the applicant. Ofvrn a ruler my tend * oft fr| ni office, at Savannah, tiioiffib day of • .. i<> 7J S M. BOND 4 -c . Blanks, Os various binds , printed at tbit Office• [Whole No. 3020. STATE OF NF.W.YORK- Board of Health Lo lery *. SCHIiME. nottv.', i Prize of 40,00 ft is 40,000 .* du. 20,000 20,00a t ‘ do. 10,000 10,000 f fto s>°oo 5.000 i do. 3,000 3,000 1 do. 2,spo 2,500 2 . do, 2,000 4.000 1 do. 1,500 .- 1,500 6 1 dc. 1,000 6,ocft *4 do. 500 7.000 jA 5° ■ do. i 2oo> ‘ io,ftoo‘ 80 do. 100 8,000 too do, 50 5,000 200 . do. 20 ,11,900 do. ‘lO • 19,000’ —f 12.i59 : Pritses. i2,6v1,. Iflanks. Less than fwo’ Blanks to a Prize. The draw bjg will comniiAiw in* t&f eity of Nvw-York, oti the firfl ‘Fnritlat m f)&. cemter next, and v.,1! i*6|>tbite m.iw 5° a tekets each and anrii.'fi.-miied. Pri- Ilvysbh 40 days .ifier tin- coiirinfion of the drawing, fubjecl tb .1 ikthiffiibft us 15 per cent. , . c f ‘Ticket* in the above Lottery ‘for sale by the fobferibers, at iq dollars, tsch. Prize Tickets received iii payment. Mdrquand, Pauld i % &C Pc iifiv id. July 14—38 L-"; Notice. All persons having any efemtmda Joseph IVhteen, late of s&Simons’ IsU and, Glynn County, deceasdcfi kCc n queff* ed 50 render them jn according to law. :uid > those indebted to, the efface, to make im mediate payment to ‘ . ■ James White, i v ■ . Jos.p'a i Mentor,. Dec. 30 88 Executor's IRaJe f By virtue of On %tder,(f ts 6 IxmbrahU the InfeHobCourtfcf Liberty tcim ty, will be sold by Public Auki'n on ■the firfl lues day fin January next, between the hour/ often and three o’clock, before the Coujrt-il.use in laid County, f All that J race hi LANI),- fujip,)S< dto contain :iboiu tyff thousand ~m 9 by the name ; bomidr-l 0 0 the ijorthb/tabf^(il tht cllafe -of Jolm BakffranftgamA Giahum; on die e.fff by - rr-Vtya— * ‘ gidlt'ftate/pf4WUli.iin F.. Way; on ffie fouth^bv’la**ds of David CA Huim-js ;,ndL effpe ot John, an! on tin well by lands of John “ lacy ; ii being p-art of the real efface of Hsymoiid D; meri- deceafi and, and to be fold for the 6 befit of tte heirs and cmliiidi sos laid elfote -. JOSEPtI UAHFRSH4M, fj ■\ ~ Ex’or ts the eßale K. Demerei Oclotei 17 65 Executor’s Sale. IVill be sold at St. fdary’s ,o>< the firji of December next, between tbl it not ■ bouts, tbefolloyiitg Nfgi(,e,<. belong* big to the ijimb of Isaac Wheeler, ‘ jlec. viz. \ . - ■ Cato, Morris, Era'll, Jeffity, Gi orgft, ’ Hird Mary i with a few articles conliffing >of one Saddle and Bridle, a,few Tools, and 1 a lot of-old Iron. ’ i>vn.- henry Sadler, ‘ l 7 Ex’or Sheriff’s Sales. On the firft I ueaday in November next < will be fold at the court houft* in MAsm toff) Count), between the boors <sf io aud 3 o’clock. 1 One of land contaiitlng one hun dred and seventy acre*, near South Ncw , Purt Bridge; levied on as the former prop erty of J.iniei \lulryte and now tte proa pert) of E. Wainberlie; to fiitisfy an exo | cation in favor of Edward Swarbi u,k^- > Property pointed out by tte Plaintiff. | Also, one trail ,of land containing one j hundred acres, or so much ttefteof as will fatify thf taxes of Hetuy My ers, lor tte years 1811 and 2 j amount due, dolls. 3, 13 cents, and costs. a’ ; ; T p i, K. FOWLER, s. m. c Oftober-3 61,’ y.f\ “if Important Discovery. Apatenthas latelyteen obtained for the purpose <>f diffilling and boiling by a me*, thod that is for fffpeiW to any thing of tte kind that has been invented. g , .It is effefted by communicating beat by j a Globe aitd Pipes trom a small furnace to j wooden veffefs of any capacity—a tub or ‘ case lons may te let to boiling in one hour and a half. ,‘ Tte above patent has been tdle4 for diftiling Spirits and the. boi{ing of ma ple Sugar, and there isno doubt but it wijfll anteer equally as well for boiling tit, ) Sugar of Cane* tat for boiling r TJw great Wility of tte above patent in poire of difpatcb of buftyefe 2nd dieapnefe renders St an objrffi, worthy dt public aft. tention. Globes and pipes with inffruc* | tions to nse ttem, will be fomilhed, and ■ ready for fate, b/ tte last of Ofloter f&tmr. further pa r G c ' , ’typlf *9 ” ANDREW KNC^,o|T **?■? STEPHEN j ‘*l’ ‘ ‘