Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, November 07, 1814, Image 1

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PUBLISHED on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, bt PHILIP D. WOOLHOPTBR , neas the Exchange, at SIX DOLLARS pee Apruuit-— HALF in ADVANCE. Vcl XIX.—No. 71] Brig Ariel, for sale. * ► The Irandsome fast sailing ARIEL, built in 18x3 = dim<nlinn* J 98 feet lotlg, k 24 feet 7 inches beam, to feet 9 inches W bold, 231 tons burthen and pierced for 16 guns, completely tioored, and has a small armament. She is well calculated for tile preseut times. . , . V , ALSO, Schooner ECHO, Btfrthen 106 tons, can-ies a large car-) go, strong and found. , For terms,, apply to . • • { • STVRGES & BURROUGHS. * Nov. 3 * 6t 70 - ” -- ■ 1 ‘ ‘ ; ~ i “ ‘ “ ‘■ Auction & Commission BUSINESS. The fubferiber having returned from tiie Northward, offers his belt isrvices to , bis friends and the public in. the above line and hopes by his attention to pleafe.’ • T.M SCKOEDDE. Oißoher 27 6t . 68 # gpr* A man with a small. fa anily, capable of taking charge of a small hoarding house, with good recommenda tion wilhneet with encouragement. Ad liyto James white. October 24 9t 67 * . The subscriber Respe&fully informs his friends and the fublic, that he has removed from Brough. On ftteet to the ligti of the golden morter, Market square, where lie has opened a jfrefh and complete assortment of DRUGS Sand MEDICINES, which he ofters for gale on reasonable terms for cash. Having devoted the greater part of hi? Sfe to the acquirement of knowledge 5h kis business, lie hopes with conftaut assidu ky to merit a lharf of public patronage. ’ EDWARD COPPEE. ‘ OdL 24-rawßt —67 * ■ ■’ * The Subscriber, informs the inhabitants of Savannah and the public in general, that by the late arrivals from Amelia and St. Mary’s'; he has received a choice collec tion of GOODS suitable for the approach ing which he offers for fate at a loW'ad^' e Hj?mongft which’ are SuiaS/ 0 black CLOTH DoA* 1 do. Calfimere Dp. green, white, red, yellow, black and blHe Fi.iniiels ‘" : * .;Vf .6-4 Second Cloths V’ Twilled Bajh Coating Brtflol and Rose Blankets ‘4? , • 6-4 Linen Clicks r / - y 'V Cotton and Linen Platillas Superfine Irilh Linen* - •>. ,L. Fine and coarse Cotton Cambrics, 4-4 and 6-4 Sprig mull mull & Jaconet “j Hair cord and barred r Fig and plain cambric VMuslins Sprig and plain leno i 6-4-twilled cambric / Ladies’elegant forked Robes v 6-4 and 8-4 muffin Shawls Salamanca do. -w ; > Twilled Cambric, neck Handkerchiefs Silk Shambries Calicoes and Chinttees, of different patterns ; and qualities £ ‘ ’ Furniture and corded Dimity : ‘ ; ./ - ‘Velvets and Corderoy - Malabar and Madras Handkerchiefs “A L S O,’ x case fancy GOODS, which is now o peping, containing -i ’ ‘ ‘A . • . vV'ite % ‘ ‘ ■ Sky ‘ I • Phik ’ I'//’, Grev > Soft Satin* Yellow • 1 Pink figured 1 lavender J : : , > White; pink; gre and sky Sarsenetts Black, figured and coloured Barcelona Handkerchiefs , Rich Daroalk Shawls Superfine Bombazene Silk Scarfs ‘ , Black and white * Crape Sky, pea, apple, prim role, pea-green, pink, buff & yel low colored Crapes * f ...... Sarsanet peathers, edged Ribbons Rich foft satin do. t’f. ’ i Feathers brocade do.’ Radies’and gentlemen’s elegant silk Stock • an£>> ) !>; r:C X handsome assortment of Haberdashery And by Iff argons on the Way Which lie expels in the epurfe of this day r to-mefrrow, - ■ ; London fuperfine Worked and fpriged feno Mullins bark dnd light Stripe Ginghams White Jfcaos and y r, Superfifie white and colored Marseilles ladies’ and Gentlemen’s fine Cotton Ho siery, and rti3ny other- fancy artjdes. SAMUEL RUSSELL. OAober 17 65 j Blanks, ■Qf vartzHJ kinds,printed at this Qjfiae* Fresh Pearl Barley For sale in tin-cases, suitable for family ule, by , LEONARD BARTOW, & Cos. October 13 64 { New Goods. Btek, J IS’sd,*g} BOMBAZETT Mifeareen J Cotton Shirting, * Calicoes, * v ’ e j ImjtaVton Shawls, various and elegant pat- I terns, , 7 White, FLANNELS. >Y e llow and l Red, J.E. WHITE, & Cos. oa‘6. On the Bay. b—— .1 ■! U • ‘ ‘I ‘ ‘ Just Received AND FOR SALE, A quantity of best ‘ ENGLISH SALT PETRE. J. B. BERTHELOT, Oct. 27——68 On the Bay . For Sale, A healtliyf sound young . BOY, about 19*years of age, well qualifi ed for the field. For tertns apply at this j Office. Oft. 10, •64 if The Subscriber * OFFERS FOR SACE, 100 keg? Cut-Nails 6 calk? Hoes 30 boxes cotton and wool Cards 4 do. straw Bonnets ®2 reams Boroy printing Paper 50 do. blue mediurh do. 100 do. v, iMpping do. 20 pieces-Oanaburgs aooo yards-up country Homespun 190 box*-% Fish * 3 do. Cjmdles ■ fio reams foolscap and poll Writing -Pa per v ’■•'fy ‘ ‘ 6 lbs. Wafers 4 kegs Gun-Powde* 3® barrels Flour 60 lbs. Shoe Thread I cask Negro Shoes ao dozen VVebfler’s Spelling Books JONATHAN BATTELIE. , August 8 45 } Office FOR THE SALE OF NEGROES. The fubferiber offers. to fall lilies and others, a number of valuable HOUSE SERVANTS ahd EIELD HANDS, a- ) mong them are—. A girl 18 years old, a good feamflrefs, \ washer, ironer and cook, better suited to the country. A wench 22 years-old, washer, ironer and plain cook; very prime for the field. . One other, 28 or 30 years old. excellent I waflier and ironer. very fffiart aud aftive, J better suited to'the country. One other, about 38 years, very Heady , and tolerably capable bf lioufe work, gen- 1] erally; and would iuit a family living in j the country befl, as file has been in the i field. Two very prime fellows, 24 years old, field hands, flout and hnJy. Two ditto, 30 years old; andfevera prime Fellows that would fult to work on a wharf, at-machines, and any drudgery. A1 so, a fellovl 24 years old, a bricklayer, and an excellent workman. Also, a follow, of fame age, an excel lent house carpenter, and would be ex tremely valuable toauy perfou refining in’ the country. ICP- Negroes will be thankfully re ceived af my office, as usual, and every exertion ufea to obtain fair prices and ef fect speedy sales. DAVID POLOCK, 1 August *5 —.50 Near the Exchange* ■ Caution. MERCHANTS and them are cau*| tioned againfl pmchafiiig the two follow ing Bills oj Exchange, which have been loftin the Pocket-Book of the Subscriber, on tlie road from N’t-w-Yoj-k, viz:— One Bill for £706 9/ 6 d. Jlerling , drawn by Samui l Gray. ‘ > One.} fr £974 Jlsrling, drawn;bv S’A*4ifEt; GAy, Sylvanus Gray, and William Ray. Both BILLS drawn at thirty days fight, on Samcf.l William?, London* ia favor of Willi ah Gray, and endorsed Iby him. s f; . > ‘ Thomas, h. ward. If the above ’ Bills, or either of them ihould be discovered, it is rtqueftW that information may be given to the Subscri ber, at Bojion, or Qoodhuk & Ward, No. 44Soiitb-llreet, New-TorL For the Pocket-Book and h contents, a reward ot One Hundred Dollars is effored, lO* ‘1 lie Editors of the Montreal Courant, Quebec Gazette, and Halifax 1 Gazette, tc requested to insert the above aidvei tifement for three Weeks, Ju their res- . pfcftive papers; and tie cost of insertion will be duly paid by Mr. Ward to their order. f'u"’ Boston, Sept* 2, 1 814,—3W—51 REASON AND TRUTH IMPARTIAL GUIDE THE WAY. SAVANNAH: MONDAY* Novemukr 7, 1814. Notice. I Savannah manufaftured CANDLES, of an excellent quality*will be retailed by the subscriber. ALSO, English Porter, Ale, and Cheese, prize j Gin, Brandy, Wine, and Cider Vinegar, Soap, Coffee, Tea of thjp importation of 1814, an elegant double fete fff Table China and Glass, and-generaliyJ'uch goods as are to be found in a well afforttd Gro- * eery. ALEXANDER S. ROE. i Oftober 24 67 m - rr* f Just Received,. From )■ Thefollowing Dry Goods, which are of fered for sale on reasonable terms,’ for cash, ■ f Fine white Flannels Ditto black ahd Bombazette Assorted Stpckingncts r , White tficl colored Vesting , .* Silk ana cotton Stockings • P Dimities and Cambric Irish Linens . > te blue Cloth, &c. WAY & BAKER. / Oftober 1 a 64 ^ ——- j— ——-———- Just Received 1 \ AND FOR SALE BY ‘ ‘ JOHN OOUGI>ASS ! Gibbons’ Building , A frefh fupplv of Ladies’ black morocco SLIPPERS. Oftober 3 6t Removal. > TayloX, Davies & Taylor, hive re moved their coropiftig house to Bolton’s upper wharf, where they continue tu fi'ans aft Fa&orage if Qommijjion Business, \ with,'their usual attention. ‘ - August 1 43 1 * . 11 1 . “ t 11 The Copartnership Os Small Sc M‘Nisa, is this day dis solved in consequence of the death of Ro ll, rt Small. All perfplis indebted to the Ijfte firm are earnestly j requested to come forward and fettle their refpefttve balan ces, and tiiofe to whom tliey are indebted are requested to render tlirir accounts for settlement, to . JOHN M‘NISIJ, surviving copartner*. Who continues to carry on his own name, at the counting honse for merly occupied by Small & M‘Nish, oO Smith’s Wharf. June 27 33 FOR SAVE. 1 The Subscriber offers for lale, his PLANTATION and trad of LAND, whereon he now resides, containing five hundred and eighteen acres, old lurvey, with foe prefeiit crqp, confiftiag ot Cot ton, Corn, and Potatoes. On the preml fos there is a good Cott|n Machine. Abo fix hundred acres of rme Land, well tim bered, not having been cut; within three miles of a good landing on , Savannah riv er; and the Pine Land within miles pf the above Plantation. Terms will be made accomodating. THOMAS WYLLY. Effingham County, Oct. 10 63 ~ Sheriffs"Sale’ Will be sold on the ffitst Tuesday in November next, at the court-house irt the town of Jefferson, the follow ing NEGROES, viz ‘ Juno and her child, Oloe and herchild ; to fatisFy an execution on the foreclofure, of a mortgage of Andrew Hannah, Exe cutor of DavfoLM'Cafdie, dec’d. against Janies Caflien. Conditions of sale, ,cafii. I>. G. JONES, s. c. c. Sept. 5— iaw—s3 1 jfr-. t A Pi emium of One Hundred , I}i dials.. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, ex clusive of the usual hire, will be paid for thu. FIRST WAGGON and FOUR HORSES, competent transport three thousand pounds weight, having a faithful driver, which iliall attend at the Court- House in fetvannah, bud take the Records of the County to Eudr place fts rriay be de signated, in case ot in alarm irotn invasi on, that may require their removal. By order of the Hott* the Inferior ‘Court, \ ‘ JOB T. BOLLES, Clk. Sept. 15. 56 Notice. . All persons having any demapds against the eftafle of llicuarD M. Dimon, de ceased, are requested to present tlieif ac counts duly attested,* and all indebted to make uporadiate payment.* * A • , •, f- ASAHEL HOWE, August 4 ‘44 if ; Jldm'or* • fS Library. In future the hours f delivering books will be from 12 to 2 o’clock every Tues days Tburfday and Saturday. OEMLER, Librarian, Sept. 22—.yfi Choice Articles. At rctadpecquart,gallon* demij bn j • One pijx*exccljeiit old ira- Wine, - for the licjc or oonvah icent, as the i 1 price and quality will denote. ; Also, old Cognac Tumaica ; Rum, Shrub, and -4s many other good things as the,times permit,*lh j ■ the Grocery line. Among thofeifo fiiefb | Teas, and white Havanna Suga/;. ril ’ofj which wifi be fold at reafimable xp J *perfcns of the lolluwing dcfcriptiynt, v,ii,> < have always Hood upon die font- footing.” iff Thole qfoo purchale'for calh and require no credit. whodeal ‘largely hyon ac- • co vHpw>'er coat rafts, and have never’ faiftWbclofe theiraccom ts fatisfaftorily, within the prclcribed time or when re- . quin (L - j 3d. Those who have running accounts apon the fair ciiai after, which they main tain, and havy not failed to fettle them Within a realbnable. tithe. But the above articles cannot be recommended to those hereafter deferibted. * N i! • T ill. Tnole to whom public opinion has attached any suspicion in regard tO their : integrity or punftoality, for tliey have berii tried and found wanting. 2d. Those of fair cbaraSler, who have violated their conti-afts, or Walked one street in preference lb another, that they may not be seen. 3d. I’liofe who have worn the rogue’s fliield, vulgarly*called the alievhuing aft. WILLIAM CRAIG. fSept. 29 —60 . - j STATE OF NEW-YORK. Board of Health Lo. iety . SCUinh. noctf. * Prize of 40,000 is 40,000 l ."do. 20jO<So‘ aojooo .; * dfo 10,000 jd,ooo K do. 5,000 5,000 , 1 do. 3,000, 3,000 1 do. **soo 2,500 2 do. 2,b00 4,000 1 do. I*soo 1.500 ; 6 dc. 1,003 6,000 *4 do. 300 7,000 .50 do. 200 10,000 80 do. ’ 100 8,000 too do. 50 5,0t)0 aoo do. 20 4,000 11,900’ d O . ; 10 119,000 12,359 Prizes. f 22,641 Blanks* ‘, | Lest than two Blanks to a Brize. The drawing wjll commence in the city of New-York, on cite firft Tuelday in De cember next,- anJ.will continue to draw 50® tickets each day, until finillied. Pri zes payable days after,the conclusion •of the drawing, fubjeft to deduction of 15 per cent. , Tickets ih the above Lottery, for sale by the fubferibers* at 10 dollars, each* Prize Tickets received in payment.’; Marquand, Pduidmg&; Fcnfieid. July 14-38 , ‘ Notice. All persons having any demands against ; Joseph ’Turheb, late of St. Sinions’ Isl ] and, Glynn County, deceased, are request- 1 jed to render them ; n according to law* and those ilult bted to the eftatie, to make im mediate payment to -fJ 1 ’ i • ‘ j •’ James Whitk. , ) v . > Tv BEb , ( ettcMOT,. ! Bee. 30 88 I Executors Sale. ; ; By virtue of an order of the honorable the Inferior Court? of Liberty Cotin * ty, will be said by Public Auction, on r tbe ‘ jirfi Tuesday in January next, between the bouri of left and . three o’clock, before the Court-House in said County, All that Tract of LAND, supposed to contain about two thousand acres, known j bv the name of Hall’s waft; bounded on j the north by lands, of the elfote of John 1 Bakerand James Graham; on-the ealt by , j lands of the estate of William Norman i j and ellate of William. j£. Way; on the ! ■■south by lands of David G. Holmes and i estate of John Crqpt, and on the weft by l -laijds of Jolin Stacy ; it being part of the j I reaj estate of Raymond Dr.mere. deceafiaad,n and, ■ and to be fold for the benefit the heirs! band creditors of.faid efl-rte. ; j ; * ‘ JOSEPH HABERSHAM, l . Ex’cr of the (Jlatc-R. Demcre * ’ Oftober 17. 1, 65 ’ Executor’s Sale. Will be sold .at St. Mary's on the firjl cf December next, between tbe-u ‘ual ’ * hours, the following Negroes, Mong ing to the ejlateff Isaac Wheeler, dec. vi. x j Cato, Morris, Erab, Jeffrey, George, * and Mary ; with a few articles consisting < of one Saddle and Bridle, a few Tools, and a lot of old Iron. . . . < ‘ HENRY SADLER, Oft. 17 65 !• ffix'or* ’ t [Whole No. At private sale A capable Negro WOMAN, cook, washer and irmer. Her owner’s uni/ objection is intejnperanee—to be in the Country, she would be Very serviceable— price 300 dollars. WILLIAM 15El.CHER. ‘ Nov. 3 < .’ jt - 70 ——— ~ - T .~ f i : i For sale, * 1 box Wool (.aids 400 pair lined and bound Shoes, suithblf for soldiers 200 pair'wonnu’s’leaflier SJaps ami I'l.-s. ‘• YW-TfENEY AUK MAN. 1 Nov 3 7 o . William Belcher Has removed to rlie (lore on the l ift occupied by .’-owe tic Dirt.on, where he intends.continuing the AUCTION iu\d COMMISSION BUSINESS. He will. bW regular fide days on Mondays arid - r nVirsd ys ( and will be th.nkl'ullor the ; fiiiafteft favors. Nov. 3 70 I Fwe Dollars Reward. i 111 subscriber, a few evenings „go,.lmd his HORSE, vitha Saddle and Brkje li, svolenriut of Bay Horse lias since the saddle and or idle 1 ! have nt. The above reward, will be paid ’ for disc weringthe thief. . Tl-e saddle and i bridle i att fifty dollars. , JACOB MOR DECAL Not) 3 70 . . The Subscriber, Retirns his simaru thanks to his frir-nd* and tfo public in gt neral. for the liberal support he ha3 met with frjpm them, in iris line ol business ; and informs them, he still c kinqes hi% HOUSE of t TAlb MENT, for Man and Horse ; and .as he .intends to devofo his time to ths huv j sincss qf the * House alone, he liop.-s from Iris strict .ittemiou to business, ty merit a share 0 public favor, j . , M ;j- WHITE. ’ ‘NCasli will bfc givert for good CORN! BLADES and HAY. Nov 1 3 , 70 Sheriffs Sa : es On the fitjl Tuesday In yan;:ary ‘next, mil sold at the, hi Camden comity A..Wm* the hours of 16 and i ' o'clock . . i •’ Four hundred sad 1 igty tw<> and an. half acres Lund, on ‘ wifi, ijjc the cnnuy of Camden, or !o,touch ti&reof as will fnt ij£y the taxes yf J'>lm Gorman, f u rite. >ears 1808. 9, 10, and n ; amount due, 16 dollars 9a cents, huid coffsi- Also, all that tract of Land, called Prince’s BluJ},on Crooked River, in th , county of Camden/containing acres mote or less, or so mudi tlitrCt fas •• ill fatisfy the taxes of Edward, *he:irv ; f fen. for the years 1805, 6, 7, B’, 9. 10. tytdjt it; amount due 365 dollars 89 ten4/.mil colls. Also, 6070 acres Latid, in the county of Camdep, called Colcrdin , as’alsio 7.0,0 ayres on the fomh end of Oumb.-itJaiid Isl and, prfo much thereof as will fatisfy thd taxes of theeftate of James St igrovu, for ‘the yews 1803, 4,8, 9. ic, and 11; amount due, 1539 dollars 58 cr i>t4# and colls. D. £. JONEjj, s. c. c. Nov. 3 70 jpvTr Sale ~ A valuable Plantation ih Wlilfimgton county, G’ orj'ia, on the Oconee river, (motith of Buffalo*? creek) twenty five miles . beiow Mil ledge vjlle, containing’ about 1590 acres, partly fwutnip,and partly high’ land, uitable for the culture of cotton and corn; 156 cleared and under fence. There is on thtv trad a grill mill, run ning two pair of (tones, and a law mill run ning two fawj. This place is confide red remarkably healthy. It will be fold a great bargain. For further particulars |>p)y to STURGES & BURROUGHS, ■ Also, a House and Lot in Miiiedgeville, , pkalantly fit tuted, formerly occupied by Governor Irwin. ■ ‘ October 13—64 ■! 1 .■■■l—.... . ......... I 1 I ■■II , ‘ Important t Disco very, A patent has lately been obtained ftirtbe’ purpole of difiilling and boiling by a me thod that is far superior to any thing of the kind rhat has been invented. It is cffltfled by Communicating heat by a Globe and Pijtes from a tmatt furnace to wooden veflels ot any capacity—a tub or calk containing two hundred and lift) gal- • Idris rtiay he lit ro Wiling in one hour and a half. The above patent has been telied for (bUiling Spirits and the boiling of ma ple Sugary and there isnodoubt but it will anfWr equally as well for boiling die Sugar of Cane, or for boiling Salt— ’ The great utility of the above patent, in point of dispatch of birfwuf's and cheaptiefa renders it oil objtdl worthy ol public at j tention. Globes atid pipes with ihflruc- 1 ■ tion.-. to use them, will be ftmiiihcd, and ( ready for sale, by -lie latl of O&oher suing. FOl further particulars apply <H? ’ \ ANDREW .KNOK,s>h ,r ; STEPHEN HALL, - D&ober 3 t 61