Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, November 14, 1814, Image 1

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PUBLISHED os MONDAYS a; o THURSDAYS, by PHILIP D. WOOLIIdPTER, seal: the Exchanoe, at SIX DOLLARS pea a*no*—kl’ALF w ADVANCE. .. .• , % S “ • “ ‘uj.-. .Al . t c* . *V .•* ■ . *’ . • ... . . L a . J- . v. --i.l .. *'.* ‘ ~. - V,,. ,w: 4'.'.. Vol XIX.—No. 73] Prig Ariel, for sale. ... The handsome fast sailing brig ARIEL, built in 1813: ‘tKniMifions ; 98 feet long, 24 feet 7 inches beam, 10 feet 9 inches bold, 231 tons burthen and” pierced for 16 ( comp e ely floored, and has a small armament. She is well calculated for the present times. ALSO* Schooner ECHO, Burthen 106 tons, carries a large car go, strong and well found. For terms, apply to STURGES & BURROUGHS. Nov. 3.6 t 70 Auction & Commission BUSINESS.. • v Tbe fubfcrjber having returned from lire Northward, offers his heft fie r vice*- *o T bis friends and the public in the above line *and hopes by bis attention to please. T. A. SCHOEDDE. October 27 6t 68 : \ man a'ith a Tirtali fa injfy. capabie of taking charge of a small. boarding house, with good recommenda tion willmcft with encouragement. Ap. ply to JAMES WHITE. October 24 91 67 # The subscriber Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has removed from Brough ton (beet to. the fignof the golden morter, Market square, where he has opened a frefh and complete assortment of DRUGS and MEDICINES, which he offers for £tile on reasonable terms tor Cash. Having devoted the greater part of his Kfe to tlie acquirement of knowledge in bis buiiness, he Hopes with conffaut assidu ity to jaerit a (hare ot public pasrouige.- EDWARD COPPEE. Off. 24—:aw8t~67 The Subscriber, Refpe&folly informs the mhulffiants of Savannah and the public in general, that bv the* late arrivals from Amelia and St. Maty’s, lie lias 1 ceived a choice codec tion of GOODS foUatfo for the approach ing i’eafoti, which he offers for fjle at a low advance, amongst which are * Superfine blue and black CLOTH Do. do. do. Caflimere Dp. green, white, red, yellow, black and blue Fflfoiels C | Second Cloths Twilled Bath Coating - • Briitol and Rose Blankets 6*4 Linen Checks Cotton and Linen Platillas Superfine liilh l.inens Fine and coarse Cotton CanAriss, 4-4 and 6-4 1 Sprig mull mull & Jaconet A Hair cord and barred f .’ -v Fig and plain cambric V Muslins Sprig and plain leno ’ 1 6-4 twilled cambric J Ladies’ elegant forked Robes 6-4 and 8-4 muffin Shawls - Salamanca do. ‘Twilled Canfojic, reck HandkefchicC. Silk Shaihbries Calicoes and Chintzes, ofdiffcrent.patterm • fttld qualities Furniture and corded Dimity Velvets and Corderoy and Madras Handkerchiefs * also, 1 case fancy GOODS, which is now o pening, contaiaing . White A Sky I •, -Jhnk f Grev V Soft SatiSW* ‘ Yellow • Pink figured I Lavmler J White, pink, green and Iky Sarsenetts Black, figured and coloured Barcelona Handkerchiefs Rich Dam .fit Shawls . Superfine Bombuzene , - \ Silk Scarfs Black and whjtc 4 Crape Sky, pea, apple, primrote, pea-green, pink, buff & yellow colored Cra;x s ’ Sarsanet Feathers, edged Ribbons . Rich folk satin do. Feathers brocade do. Indies’ and gentlemen's elegant silk Stock ings • TVV.Jd’ axd, ‘ ; t - y- _ A liandfofii® assortment of Hiberdafheiy And by IVlogons on the W:;y Which he ebuK'cfcs in tlie courfc of tfliS day or td-uion**, i'K , London 1 lUfxrfiue Chintzes tVorkod alid longed .Jehu ..Muffin# . Dark light Stive -Hup rfme Ginghams White jeans 9ltd J.-an. Snipe? ,j r . Superfine white and colored ’ Jfoui'tts’ and (hntlvnn n’s fine Cotton Ho siery, ail’d mam other f nicy article,;. Samuel Rt T *'sell. October 17 65 4 - vsy Lost- If Gold LOCKET, f t with fodr. A iywrd of Five Donors will \< given, or L v jut* of the Trinrket. • Apply at this . VdHcc. xj i( u 8 For Sale, 5 calks red Argot 5 do. white do# 250 Goat Skins * >7oc Lamb do. 150 Q Kid do. ‘ 1 b ile Rose Blankets t trunk Cambrics STURGES & BURROUGHS.. Nov. 7 31 7* f-.r-U T— — ■/ - < T .. ~1 ; ‘ Just Received, Afld for (ale, low for cadi, LONDON PORTER, in hhds. LISBON WINE, in j half pipps, HYSON TEA not more titan four months from India, (uperfine BROAD CLOTHS, and a quantity of SALT, ’ HAVENS & BILBO. Nnv. 7 71 I ! ~ -** m *~‘. Hive just received anew. supply of ! DRY GOODS, v AMOSG WHICH ARE j Blue, black and green fuperfine Cloths ! Blue, brown and frev mixed cloths, ad 1 quality - Cafiimerts and Stockingm-ts Toilinets and Veftings ‘ ! Vvhite Flannels, 1 Bombazetts 4 plain Cambric, figured Muffins |j plain and twilled Cambrics 4 Handkercliiefii, for'cravats dark jt).iidl Ginghams . light (iript-d ditto Calico, long Cloths DimitieS, Humliurns ‘ I White and brown Pjati^as’ Shawls, Checks, Crapes , 1 Silk and cottqn Hosiery Bremen Rolls Nov. 7 71 Jhe death of John C^ig, , renders-jt abfoluUly neceffHry that hia: ’ debtors, and those of the fubferibergand of j tliii different firms in which tliry w ’re con ; cerned in Savannah, lliould make I ate .payment, as no longer indulge nce can be given, creditors are defined to give in their claims for Otdements ROBERT MITCHELL., ‘ Nov. 7 71 Survivor. William Belcher ! Has removed to the (lore on tlie Bay, lafi occupied by Howe &-Dinr. .1, where lie intends continuing the AUCTION and COMMISSION BUSINESS. He will have regular fide days on Mondays and Thursdays, and will be thankful for the final fell favors. Nov. 3 70 The Subscriber, • i Returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general, for the liberal support he has met with from them, in his line of business ; and informs them, he still continues his’ HOUSE of ENTER TAIN MENT ; for Man and Horse ; and as lie intends to devote his time to the bu siness of the House alone, he hopes from his .strict attention to business, to merit a share of public favor. . V ■ ’ J. WHITE. ■* N. B. Cash will be given for good CORN BLADES and HAY. ’• Hoy 3 7° , I j ; ■New Goods. Black, ] gA fso^zjstr- Mazareen J Cotton Shirting, Callicoes, Imitatioii Shawls, various and elegaut pat terns, 7 Whi.e, FLANNELS J Yellow and * ; * Red, J. E.’ WHITE, iff Cos. Oct. 6. On tlie Bay. The Subscriber OFFERS .FOa SALE, Ifi too keg's Cut Naili v r 6 calks Hoei • f. ‘■ • **-. 30 byxes cotton and wool Cuds 4 do. straw Bonnets ,;> A : 12 reams domy printing Paper 50 A>., blue y . ,100 do. w/apping; i L-, • do. 20 pieces jboo yards-np couui.y t Home*pnu ‘ f , oo boxes Fi/ii i\ do. Candles “ . ’ 60 reams, foolscap aad poft’writiug Pa per •’ ‘ 6 lbs. Wafers 4 kegs Gun-Powder 30 barrels Flour 69 lbs. Shoe Thread 1 cask Negro Shoos’ • ‘2O dozeu Vfobßer’s Spelling Boflks JCaIATUAN BA'ITELLE. August 8’ 45 R'en)c>v^r’V l "i: Tavlob, Davids & Taylob, have-re moved their compting hotifiv to Bolton’s uppcr wltarf. where they continue to trans- EaHofage & Com tkijjiin BusiuciSf ’ with their ulual uticji tion. ■ j August 1 . . 43 REASON AND TAL'tH IMPARTIAL GUIDE THE WAY. SAVANNAH: MONDAY, November"l3, 1814. W,ay & Baker Have removed to tlie (lore recently oc cupied by J. J. & f Blanchard, will-re they offer foi laic a general assortment of j GOODS, suitable for tlie feafoiff JC?* An elegant affortmeiK of Cfoths and Veiling, all of which wifflK fold on reafonablc terms for calh, cotuino/appiov ed acceptances in towiu November 7 i * 7 1 Just Receive#, * FROM AMELIA, “7- Tbefollowing Dry Goads , wficb are,of fered for sale on reasonable iernu, ’ ~for cash, Fine white Flatinds Ditto black and colored Bombatette A fibrted Stockingne ts I -\Vlme and colored Vdling ‘ Silk a\ni cotton Stockings j Cliecks, Dimities and Cambrk . j A and | lrifti Linens v l Superfine blue Cloth, &C. j >. WAY & BAKER. I Odober i3 ■ 6 L Fresh Pearl Barley For Die in tin Cafesyfiuitable for family 1 “It,'by LEONARD BARTOW, & Cos. OHober 13 64 For Sale, A healthysound young NEGRO BOY, abput 19 years of age, will quahfi .ed for the field. For terms apply at this , Cilice. • Odt.lO. 64 ts • ; ’ ... Just Received and roß’ s’ale BY ‘ \.; JOHN DOUGLASS ‘Gibbons’ Building , • A frelh fupplv of Ladies’ black morocco , ; ~ SLIPPERS. J Ciftober 3 61 # The Copartnership Os Small & M‘Nish, is this day dis solved in contequence of the death of Ro-* > bert Small. All per funs in i. tlie late firm are earnellly requeued to come for urd and fettle their refpe'dlive balan ces, and tnofe to Whom they are Indebted ( are reqhdled to render the ir accounts for | fettle. V clu, w JOHN M‘NISH, surviving copartner . Who continues to carry on busiuel's iu his own name, at the counting house for merly o;\>:pied by Small & M‘Nish, on Sinith’3 Wharf. •’ h \ Juue 27 33 FOR S.aLE. “ The Subscriber offers for laic, his ; PLANTATION and traff of LAND, whereon lie now rtfides, containing five hundred and eighteen acres, , old lurvey, ( with the jweferit crop, conlifling ot Cot- \ ‘ ton, Corn, and Potatoes. On yfie prenvi- : 1 fes there is a good Cotton Machine.” ALo | fix hundred acres of Pine Land, Well lira* | bered, not having been cut; within thre-e • miles of a good landing on Savannah riv er; and the pine Land within miles bf: the above Plantation. Terms will be made accomodating. THOMAS WYLLY. Vi ’ Ejfingbam CountyyOat. 1© 63 A Premium of One Hundred s'■% Doliats. ONE HUNDRED 1 DOLLARS, ex clusive of the usual hire; will be paid for the FIRST WAGGON and FOUR HORSES, competent to transport three thousand pounds weight, having a faithful driver, which lliall attend at tlie Cotfrt- House in Savamuh, and take the Records -of the County to such place as may be de- ; fig n a ted, in case of an alarm from invafi- J od, that may rt-cgiire tb ;ir removal. By order of the lion, the Inferior . ■ Courty JOB T.’ BOLLES, Clk. • Snpt.'s- 56 ■ ..Executor’s lVill : be sold at St. Mary's’ on ibs ftrfl of December if nexH'between the usuu{ hours y the following Hegroet, belong ing to tbc ejiate of Isaac I’/beeler, j .ilea viz.'y ~„Y Cate, Morris, Erb,, Jeffrey, George, Mary | with a lew a.hqfos confilling of one Saddle and Bridle, a foVl ools, mw a lot of oldlrq^., , * , v v.*’ HLNttY"ISADLER; , oa. 17 65 Jfffj-y.f .Ex’or. Notice. ■ All perfonsto*whom James Jojies, lat of St. Peter’s Farifti, Souti) Carolina, is in- aie requetU-d to render at Ceded tlxir claims iubferibett, on ot before the it of July next, f CARNOCHAN & MITCHEL. j 9 Bills on New-York, ‘ For Sale rv JOHN MOR EHF.AD, j >. * IVb. 3. commerc Row* | Nov. 7 31 71 Office FOR THE SALE OF NEGROES. Tlie l'ubfcriber offers- to families and. others, a number of valuable HOUBE ! SERVANTS and FIELD HANDS, a- ! mmig them are— ■; A .girl i3 year* old, a good fiamftrefsi walhcr, irouiir and cook, better foiled Cos the country. . . A Wench 22 years old, waflieir, ironer < and. plain cook; very pyme for foe field.- • ; Pfic other, 28 or 30 years old, excellent wallier and ironer, very fiuart and active, . better fuitcdMo tfie conntry. <■* “* t ■ One other, about 38 years, “very Heady and tolerably Capable of houfie -voik, gen. erally; and would fulcra fuinily living in the Cooncry bed; at (lie has been iu the field. ‘ , Two very prime fellows, 24 years old, ’ field hands, ltout and likely. I . Twd ditto, 30 years oldand fevert J 1 prime Fellow* that woidd.fuit to work oh. 1 a wharf, at machines, and any drudgery. ( Also, a fellmy 24 ?ears old,a bricklayer, ( and an excellent workman. Alfo> a fellow, of fame age, qb excel- J lent house carpenter, and would be ex tremely valuable to auyYerlon refilling in A the country; gC/“ Negroes will be thankfully* re- > ceived at niv office, as usual, and every exertion used to obtain fainjiriccs and cf foft speedy foies. . * -, DAVID POLOCK, August 25—50 Near lbcEx.cb.fngt* ] i%i; —■- | Ij Important Discovery. t- A patent has lately been obtained for tlie purpol'e of Jiftilling and boiling,by a me thod tliat is far superior to auy thing of thekind that has been invented. , It iseffe&edby commuiiicatidg heat by a Globe and lflpts from u final! furnace to 1 vcffels ot any caparity--a tub or j Calk containing two hundred and fifty gai- 1 loiiji may he set to boililig in one hour and j 8 half. above patent has benn tested j fordiftiling Spirits and the boiling of ma- i pie Sugar, and there iinodoubtbut it will .anfiwer equally as well for boiling the ; * Sugar 6f or for boiling Salt.— | The great utility of the above patent .in j point of dispatch of bulintfs and clieapnefs i renders it an object worthy of public at tention. ’Globes and pipes with inftruc f tiolis to use them, will tie furnjlhcd, and 1 (ale, by the last of t)ftober en j suing. Fur fuijiter particulars apply to j ANDREW KNOK, on STEPHEN HALL. j ©iftqber 3 , •61 I ’’ a*- . .■' * r-ir “-"■*•***< ‘ l|- rt Five Dollars Reward ‘The subscriber, a. fi w evenings ago, had ! liis HORSE, v.itl; a Saddle and Brklle on, stolen out of Bay Lane—the horse has since returned—Jiut the saddle and bridle . have not- flic apove reward will bt-paid • for discov’ering the thief. Tlie saddle and , ; brklle-cost filtv dollars. JACOB MORDECAL Xov. 3 i f’ •’ Notice. •yj 1 All having any demands agai 11ft JosEvn'TyßNEk, laic of St. Simons’ Is!- ‘ and, Glynn County, deceased, are request ed to render them mi according to law, and ; those indebted to tin- estate, to make im-. rueduie payment to lames White, } r ‘ j Joseph fuMK*. } • • L ; & | Notice.-': . . i . „:7,‘A11 persons indebted to ‘the t Estate of John Thomas* late ofGlynn County, dec. j j are caiheftly,rtquired to make immediate j payment,’ and those indebted are requested to render in the fam<- agreeably 10 law,to , JONATHAN THOMAS, y 4 % • Administrator ] County, Sept. 6 5^ ... ™ V— - To “Rent, And immediate poffcfiion given, a con- 1 venknt, DWELLING HOUSE near die . Exchange, withtßeejtteptwff°fione room| j it would l'uit.a filiall latnily, or a genteel) association ofJßachelprST either can.he ac- 1 commodated with 4 proportidn of house-1 hold forniture and an uaunl fufficiency of. kitchen fumitnt |^M'ith s *good cook, wksh-l ’ cr and to. the printer. . Noveotber 10 72 A likely aftive NEGRO BOY, capa j ble of attending'on or of useful tii a- Diarding houy. Per terms, ’ i enquire at this Office. Nov. to sty I Blanks, ~ > I ’Ofvari out hi uds, printed all bit Office* ’ [Wkole No. 30.^ J• • • Vv : .p >’ , - 1 Board of H calth V* LO-TFRY ‘jN GF mir YORK, - Begins. to draw the first Tuesday December, wlien tin.* TANARUS;. **■ .s will a<Lanc*X Persons wishing tickets had better soon,to . . ‘ ‘ MAHQUAND, PAULDISC £? . NdV. 10 a At Private Sale. S A handlpmc CARHIACi£nd eteganjfi(l pair of liORSRS. I V WI4UAM BELCMt. \ Nov. ip 3t ‘ 4 Tu Just Received, 10 baps blayk,Pepper 5 l>air Isrefined loaf Sugar 12 bag* Luck; Shot • 30 ditto patent Shot, afihrted fizqs joftonioubic barrel- gun Flint, 1000 rifle giro do. 1000 piflol do. POl .Jc bv • kx. JAME? H. ERA’SF.R, Nov. 10 6c. 72 .Market Square Copartner(lii p dissolv’d. The cnpartncrlhip Eitlu-rto existing un der -t!ic firm of liowt. & Dim.'N is diffolv. rd iuconfequence of the dtath of U. M- Dimoii. , All (jerl’ous having demands a gainst the said firm are requeued to prefect the fame, and thole indebted to niakeAna mediate payment to .?* Ai J ,sj &■*'>; . ASAIIEL lIOWE, . Nov. io - r , 1 ,7a The Subscriber Uespei&fufly inforofs his'friends and the.W* public, he bus taken that large and coir,mo dious store on the Bay, two doors he Iqj vfi the f&ftom House, where he will.cotmod tlie AUCTION fc ‘COMMISSION B$ SIN ESS as usual, and hopes In puri&'mditxT ty and Urid\ attention to bjtifinds*, to rtiefsAll a fliare of public patronage. .** v fX) ASAHEL HOWE. Nov. 10 72 . . —— —— —*fclo. ■■f'r, \ ‘ FOR S lE, iCT’j A quantity pf IfICE in * the ftraW- j At-rLY to alex. s. uoiUrd November 10 , *2 , Marshal's Sale; United tales—DistriH of Georgia. * r ’ By virtue lan order liout the ble William Stephens, judge ofthe court of the United States for the said tridl,will be sold at Bolton’s mitral liarlH on Monday next, 14th infl. at > 1 oV fody. One Cable, 2 Anchors, 1 Jib anti a lot 1 ” of running rigging-taken tiom the w reck of the Tchooner Union—Conditions, taflu JOHN EPPINCER, Marshal, y > Nov. to , „ ‘>’■ -. 72, Notice. All ele&ion tyill be held at the court* house in the city of Savannah, on M onday, the 28t.11 Nov. iuft. for Tax, Coll* Apr of Chatham county for,. 1814,. in the room of. Christian Gngt l , E.q. dec. of which the fi- Udtors of taid countv will take notice. GEORGE JONES, /. 1. c. c. c. , i. E WILLIAMSON, j. 1. c. c. c. fOSES SH EFT ALL, J. 1. e. c.§A v |(Qr* theriffor his deputy with dUe or more conflablts. will attend.’befaid kiftian td keep and prtferve ordfcr. .’ * ? Nov. 10 ii •r*c - r !*jfr—f r*— “* •, ,'y >y* • ; Found, A Red MOROCCO POCKET BOOK with Surgical Inftrumtnts— the owner, of which may,-receive it, by calling at tlii* Office and jJayji'g for the advfcrtdement. Nov. i<3 ■ : 7* River Low Grounds FpR SAtk , Seven Inmdred acres, situated on Snan nah river, below Augusta, in Kxhmond county. The quality is prime, most, all fit for, cultivation, and is well timbered.,-*.* Also, an upland situation of. 35 acre% ‘ proved by.long experience, to be equal to ’ any irt, tlie state for health; has two ’Spi ings of excellent Water, isvery at a conyfiiient distance tpyaiid commanda . an entire view of the low grounds, ft will be sold Cash on afiperal .criuitjj orexchanged for nCgroes— andas it is rfot much improved, it g™* targaiii may hia ‘expected* UHcxqeptionable tiilei'tyill be ’ niatfo. ‘Fcr further particulars enquire at ‘ this office. 1 N ° v - 7 3 -’ V.-L^ ! Twenty Dol’ars Reward be given for appn iqiy. I mnfotfo boy FETfcR,,’ vd*) itjk infl;,nt. He is about 2® years qldi middle fi*e, very light color is au artfointfcal, fan tell a plausible Uotf, and foport himfeifto.befree; he wur^c2f a bliie brftkd-clotb coat, white fturfoillea , vest, ffioe Loots, and carried a varie ty of lirmKfpun cloatliing.’ fM , lars, ..and all readable exptihfri; wilt be Lpald fortWiyt ring h*']f> , to me, or ft curing i hid!iii juil. Washington fSothttv., 1