Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, November 17, 1814, Image 1

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— ■ ... - r* - , i,—, ‘ ■ 1 - - 1- 1 - r - ------ - - - • - ■ PUBLISHED on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, bt PHILIP D. V/OOLHOPTER, near the Exchange, at SIX DOLLARS ter akndm—HALF in ADVANCE. - • ‘ v Vol. XIX.—No. 7 4] Brig Ariel* for sale. r -j£” The handsome fast sailing btig ARIEL, built in 1813: dimenfcns ; 98 feet long, . 24 fort 7 inches beam, 10 feet 9 inches bold, 231 tons burthen and pierced for 16 guns, completely floored, and has a small armament* She is well calculated for riie present times. ‘ w ALSO, Schooner ECHO, < Burthen 106 t,ops, carries a large car go, strong and well found. % For terms* api'ly'to 3T URGES & BURROUGHSu Nov. 3 6t *7O. Marshals Sale. Unite* States — DiJlriS of Georgia. * E • virtue of a decree from the hoficca !i Ve W.iliam Stephens, Judge of the Dis trii\ Court of the United St.v‘;es, in and for the laid DillriiL will be fold at St. Mary’s, on TUESDAY, the 220 infl. at ten o’clock, T' ie lchoonej ALLIAN- her cargo, c<u* of eight calks Rnm, and, eight calks cut Nails. Condemned as prise to tire nnvaNorce commanded by ■* Commodore Hugh G. Campbell >■ Conditions, Calh. / JOHN EPPINGER, Marshal November 14 73 Marshal’s Sale. Umittd States—DiJlriSl of Georgia. * By virtue of an older from tlie honor able William Stephens, Judge of the D’l3- trift Court of the United States, in and . for the laid Di ft riel, will be fold at No. 5, Commerce flow, on MONDAY, the .21st inst. at 1 o o’clock, , The CARGO of the brig Atalanta, •cpuired by the Hoop of war Wasp* con- Utir.g of • • 100 calks CLARET 100 boxes do. 10 pities B;anJy 20 baiktts Annisced Cordial 15 boxes do. t .32 hampers Frontignac Wine 10 boxes white do. 2 do. Cambric 1 do. Leno 1 do. fine Ikin Glovea 1 do. (ilk do. 2 do. Sluwls and Handkerchiefs 2 do. lilk Goods 6 bales white Britannia? . 6 barrels Cream of Tartar 47 balkcts Olive Oil % 150 boxes Prunes 27 bags Almond*’ Boxes Fruits, Capers, Olives and An chovies Cologne Water, Vinegar Empty Demijohns, Bottles Gui>, and Munitions of War, &c. Conditions , Cash. JOHN EPPINGER, Marshal. Nov.” 14. 73 Board of Health LOTTERY OF NEW YORK , Begins to draw the first Tuesday in December; wbeh the Pickets will advance. Persons wishing tickets had better apply *onn, to I fMA.?iUAM t PAUL DINGS PEN FIELD. Nov. 10 - 72 At Private Sale. A handsome CARR I AGE, and elegant pair of HORSES. WILLIAM BELCHER. *. Nov. jo 3t 72 Copartnerfhip dissolv’d. The copartnerfoip hitherto gxifling un der the firm of Howe & Dimon is diffolv •d itvconfeqotnce of the death of R. M. Dimon. Ail persons having demands a gainst the said firm are requeued to present t Vhe fame, and thpfe indebted to make im mediate payment to ASAHELHOWE. Hor. 10 . 72 ; The Subscriber Respe£i fully informs his friends and the pnblfc.,’ he has taken that large; and commo dious (tore on the Bay, two doors below the Cuflom House,•where he will continue the AUCTION & COMMISSION BUI SIN ESS as usual, and hopes by punfluali ty and Arid attention tobufintfs. to merit . a lhare “of public pat ronrge. ASAHEL HOWE. ,-• Nov, to - ‘ 72 1 ~ < FOR S \LE, A quantity of RICE in th? draw. apply to ALEX. S. ROE. November 10 72 A. man with a fnuU fa mily* capable of taking charge of a final! boarding- lioure, with good- recqmmenda, tion will meet with encouragement. Ap ply to * JAMES WHITE. Qctobi’7 24. 9t * (s-f Blanks, v Ofvarious kinds > printed at ibis Office. Just Received, - 10 baps black Pepper. 5 barrels refined loaf Sugar 12 bags buck Shot 30 ditto patent Shot, assorted sizes t 5000 double barreld gun Flints 1000 rillegun do. 1000 piflol do. For Tale bv . ■ JAMES H. FRASER, Nov, is • 6t~ 72 Market Square. Just Received, And for (ale, low for cast, LONDON PORTER, in hhds. LISBON WINE, in lialf pipes, HYSON TEA not more titan four months from India, luperfine BROAD CLOTHS, and a quahtitv of S A LT. j * HAVENS & BILBO. j Nov. 7 > ’ . 7*l May & Lewis, Have just received anew supply of DRY GQOUS, * AMONG WHICH ARB Blue, black-and green luperfine Cloths Blue, brown and grey mixed cloths, ad quality Cammcres and Stockingncts , Tqilirjets and Marfelles Veflings. White Flannels, Bombazetts * plain Cambric, figured Mullins ! A plain and-twilled Cambrics 4 Handkerchiefs, for cravats X dark plaid Ginghams | light flriped ditto Calico, long Cloths Dimities, -Huintmms White and brown Platilias, Shawls, Checks, Cvapes Silk and cotton Hosiery Bremen Rolls Nov. 7 71 j death of John Caig, | renders it absolutely mceffary that his ■ debtors, and tlfofo of the fubferiber, and of the different firms in which they were con- i cerned in Savannah, fliould make immedi ate payment, as no longer indulgence can 2 be given, creditors are dtfiied to ; give in claims for fettle-,nents, 1 . ROBERT MITCHELL,’ Nov. 7 71 Survivor. William Belcher Has removed tp tlifc fiore or. u,e Bay, ; lali occupied by Howe & Limon, where | lie intends continuingshi AUCTION and \ COMMISSION BUSINESS. He will | have regular sale days on Mondays and I Thursdays, and will be thankful for the 4 smallest favors. Nov. 3 70 The Subscriber, { Returns his sincere thanks, tp his friends i and the public in general, for the bbtraf f snpjxjrt be bus met with from them, in his line of business; and informs them, he. still continues his MOUSE of ENTER TAINMENT, sq Man and Horse ; and > as lie intends to .devote his time to the bu- j sines* of tile House alone, he hopes from** hie strict attention to business, to merit a ■ .share of public favor. < J. WHITE. 1 N. 8. Cash will be given for good CORN BLADES and HAY. Nov 3 70 New Goods. Black, Y DarkGree. [ BOMBAZETT Mazareeu 3 • Cotton Sliirting* Calicoes, Imitation Shawls, various and elegant pat terns, * } White, Yellow and Red, J. E. WHITE, & Cos. Oil, 6. On the Bay. The Subscriber OFFERS FOB SALEj ioo*kfcg£ Cut Nails 6 calks Hoes 30 boites cotton and wool Caitk . - 4 do. ilraw Bonnets 12 reams domy printing Paper ‘ 50 do. blue medium do. 100 do.wrapping .do. ! 2o pieces O/naburgs 2000 yards-pp-country Homespun *• 100 boxes Fifl* 13 do. Candles 60 Aams foolscap and poll writing Pa per *" 1 6 ibs< Wafers 4 Legs Gun-Powder 3®’ barrels Flour • v fio lbs. Shoe Thread 1 cask Negro Shot* 4 20 ‘dOztn Webfier’s Spelling Books JONATHAN BATTELLE. ’ Atigulf 8 45 Found, A Red MOROCffCI POCKET BOOK with Surgical Tnfhumcnts— the owner of which may receive it, by cgllnig at this Office and paving for the advertisement. Novi IQ ‘. • ” ‘ 72 ■ j REASON AND TRUTH IMPARTIAL GUIDE THE WAY. ‘•- ± ; : i-- SAVANNAH: THURSDAY, November if, I*Bl4. The subscriber Respectfully informs his friends and tlie public, that he has removed from Brough ton (beet to the sign of the golden morter, Market square, where he has opened a frefli and complete-assortment of DRUGS and MEDICINES, which he offers for ; sale.on reasonable terms for cash. j Having devoted the greater part qf his life to the acquirement of knowledge-in his bufmess, be hopes with conltant assidu ity to merit a lhare or public pasronage. EfrWAUD COPPEE. Oct. 24—aw3t—67 The Subscriber, ReijTeftfuny informs tlje inhabitants of 1 Savannah and the in general, tha.t | by the late arrivals from Amelia and St. Mary's, be has received a choice cdflec ’ tion of GOODS suitable for the ing fe#fon, which he duers sor 1 sale at a j low advance, am ongll* which are Supcrfise blue andfblark CLOTH Do. do.r| ’ > do. (iaffimere Do. green, white, red, yellow, black and blue Flannels 6-4 Twilled B.itb Cbating Briflol and Rose Blankets 6.4 Linen Clieibs ‘ Cotton and Lintb Platillas Superfine Lifii Linens Fine and coarse Cotton Cambries, 4-4 , and 6-4 ‘*. • Sprig mull mull & Jaconet ] Hair cord and barred: / Fig and plain cambric VMulLins Sprig and plain leno l 6-4 twilled cambric J Lauies’ elegant workeff Robes 6-4 and 8-4 muffin ShawE Salan.ica (do. I Twilled Cambric, r.eik Handkerchiefs Silk Shambi ies ‘ ‘ e Calicoes and Cliintzd, ofcUffei'entpattems I and qualities f Furnitpre and conletj Dimity Velvets and Corderov Malabar and MadrJisjHandkerchiefs also, “ 1 case fancy GOODS, Which is now 0-. penihg, coirtuining \ <, White ♦Y\ ‘ • Y Sky J Pink I Grey f . V Soft Satiks Yellow ’ 4 . Pink figured 1 | Lavertaer- J White, pink, green and Gey S*rsenett6 Blatk, figured and; coloured Barcelona i'^didkerchiefs Rich Dainalk Shawls ■ Superfine Bombazene Silk Scarfs Black and white A Crajre Sky, pea, apple, primrote, pea-green, pink, buff & yellow colored Crajjes Sarsnnt-t Feathery, edged Ribbons Rich foft satin do. Feathers brocade do. Ladies’and gentlemen’s elegant silk Stock ings and, ’ A handsome assortment of Haberdalhery And by Waggons on the Way’ Which he expects in the codrlc of this day er to-movrow, ‘ LoiyJon fuperfiiie .Chintzes _ Worked and Ipi iged leno Muffins Dark and light Stri; e 4foperfiue Ginghams White Jeans and jean Stripes Supeifibe white 1 and .colored Marfeiilcs * Ladies’ and GenUemen’s fine Cotton Ho siery, and many other fancy articles. ( SAMUEL RUSSELL. W October 17 • 65 ‘ ~~ RnTsTLE. Tlie Subscriber • offers for foie, his PLANTATION and trad of LAND, whereon lie now relides, containing ftve and eighteen acres, old iurvey, with the present crop, confiding ot Cot ton, Corn, and Potatoes. On the piefoi fos there is a good Cntton Machine. A Iso fix liundred aeies of Pine Land, well tim bered, not having been cut; within three miles of a gotid landing on Savannah riv er ; and the Pine Land within miles of the above Plantation. Terms will be made accomodating. ‘ THOMAS* WYLLY. Effingham ojfynty, Oct. 10 63 ■” ■ 1 > . aii i.a—— ■■ A Premiuro of One Hund&d Dollars. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, ex clusive of the usual hire, will be paid for tfc, FIRST ’WAGGON and FQUR competent to transport three J thousand pounds weight, having a faithful driver, which shall attend at the Court- House In Savannah, -and take the Records of the County to such place as may be de signated, in case ot an alarm from invafi •n, \hut may require their removal. By order of tbe Hon. the Inferior Court , JOB T. BOIL£S, Cik. -Sept. 15. .s< . %Y > - — ■ • ..'-i. ‘i— ‘ For Hir<e, A likely aftive ‘NEGRO BOY, capa ble of attending on children, 01 of being mw u"n a boardiijf house, fy ■ terms, enquire artbis Office* / - f y’ -,,a Way Sc Baker Have removed to the store recently oc cupied by J. J. & F. Blanchard, Wiiere they* offer for sale a general assortment of GOODS, suitable for the foafdn. J ICT* An t-ltgant affortinent of Cloth? ; and Velliuc, all of which will be fold on • reafonable*.fernis for cafli, cotton or appiov ed acceptances in town. November 7 - Fresh Pearl Barley For foie in tin cases, fuifoblt for nmily ulc, by r I - LEONARD BARTOW, jSr fcb. iG&ober 13 64 1 ;• ; -f v For Sale, ’ A healtliy, linund young NEGRO BOY, about 19 years ot age, wtll qualifi •ed for the fields For terms apply at ♦bis Office*. Od. 10. 64 ts . .. 1 *•’’* ~■■ ‘ ‘■*— -r—■ s t **■ —>■ ■■ The Copartnership Os Small & M'Nish, is this d*<(y dis solved in confequcnce of the death of Ro bert Small. All persons indebted to the late firm are earnefily requeued, to come forward and fettle their refpedYive balkn ces, and ttiofe to whom they are indebted are requeued to render their accounts for fettledent, to JOHN M-NISH, ‘ surviving afipartper. Wlk> continues to carry on hvujiefs in ‘ bis own name, at the counting Ik>w for merly occupied by Small & ji‘Ni*h, pn Smith’s Wharf. June 27 33 ’ • # ‘ Just Received AND FOR SALE BV, JOHN DOUGLASS V Gtbbotu’ Building , A frefli fupplv of Ladies’ biack foorocco SUPPERS. O6lober 3 61 ” ‘ - T**.’ A ‘v>k : Office FQR THE SALE QF NEGROES. The fubfcrilx-r offers to families and Others, a number of valuable HOUSE : SERVANTS and FIELD HANDS, a-‘ j mong them are— ‘ : j A girl 18 years old, a good feamftrefe, * waflier, ironer and cook, better ft*sted to j the country. | A wench 22 year? old, walher, ironer ! and plain cook; very prime for the field. One other, 28 or 30 years old j excellent walher and ironer, very smart and active, better suited to tlie country. One other, about 38 years, very Heady and tolerably capable of house work, gen erally ; and would suit a family living in, the country 6eft, as flie has been ip’ field. V / Two very prime fellows, 24 years okt, j field hands, ftcut and likely. j .Two ditto, 30 years old } atid fevera * jlrinte Fellows rimt would suit to work qn a v harfo at macliines, and any drudgery. Alfo',a fdloW 24yearsold, a bricklayer, j and an exidjent workman. Alfo r 3 fellow, of fame age, an excel- • ■font house carpenter, and would be ex- < tremely valuable toany perlbn residing in ‘ the coujitrv. > / * Negroes will be thankfully , re- 1 ceived at my office, ah usual, ,and every exertion used to obtain fair prices and ef fect fpcedy sales. DAVID POLOCX, Augufl 25—-50 Neat tbe Exchange. Important Discovery. A patent has lately been obtained for the purpofeof di fill ling and boiling by a me thod that is far superior to any ‘thing of the kind that has been invented. * It k effeftedby.communicatirA heat by x Globe and Pipes from a final! furnace to wooden veffds ot any capacity—a nib or Calk containing two hundred and fifty gal lons may beset to boiling in on* Irour and I a half. The abdv2 patent has been tolled J for difliling Spirits and the boiling of ma- : pJe Sugar, and tliere isno doubt but i; will * answer equally as vyell for boiling tbe Sugar .of Cane, or for Ixuling ‘’ Salt.—. ; I The great utility of the’ above patent m j • point of of bulinefs and cheapness renders it an object worthy ol ’public at- , tention. Glides and pipes with ‘tr flruc- j tions to use them, will be ftfrnillied, and ready for foie, by the last of OGober en suing. For further particulars npply to ANDREW IKNOK, or STEPHEN HALUre- j .. 3* , J ■” ‘ fly ‘ftu P ’ , :w A Cold s e t with hair- A reward of . be given, qr rl e vdue V 1 Afldv at the r 4 *j *T a [Whole No. '3°“4* ■■ Salt. k 2000 bu feels Liverpool Ground Salt. Ffr Salk bv G. W. DENTON, Nov. 14—.3 1—73 M'Kinne’s <wji 100 Dollars reward, For aj-ireheudiug and profecutmg to convidjon, the thief pr thieves which 0* pened Store No. 9, in Bolton’s Range, on Wednesday evening _ Lid;. the abides miffing, are a plain Gold VVatdi, 01P. box of Segars, a piece of flout nibbed Prince's Cord, and Loaf Sugar... „ * S'ryRGES & BURROUOHS. November 14 >■ 73 - • ■ ’ 1 ’ 1 — r* Notice. A small sum of inm;cv was found .1 ffiort time fincion the rda3, by a No gro. The owner Cap fcck'vr it on appli j tptioh at this office, by pay mg'f >r the ,acfi vei tifement and making a reafunabk- conv penfation to the. finder. November 14 73 Notice. r An eleYion will be field .st *the coyir]|o ( bqilfe in the city of Savjunafo on r ‘ ’oiiday, the 28th Nov. infl. for ‘Fax Coffidl.) of - Chatham county for 1814, in ti e r?fon of i Chriflian Gugel, E q. cii-c. us which the C- * leftorscf said couinv ijj take notice. GEORGE JONES, c. c. J. P* WILLIAMSON, j. 1. c-c. c. MOSES SHEFTALL, j. i. c. c, c. ter T Ife feeriff or his deputy witfo one or more conflables, will attend die said m ledYion to keep and preserve order. Nov. ib .72 Executor’s Sale. Will be sold at St. Mary’s ott tbe frjt i, of December next . between tbe usual hours, tbe following Negrocs.felong. ing to tbe efate of Isaac W heeler j y sled. viz. ‘ ; , _•. ‘ ~ Cato, MoFris, Erah, Jeffrey, George, and Mary; with a lew articles confiding of one Saddle and Bridle, a few Tools, and a lot of old kon. V / * HENRY SADDER, . Od. *i 7 65 Ex'or • —f •• - Notice. All jiersons having ‘dirt l jiemnntla againfi JosephTußNEHilate of St. Nmcus’ Isb and, Glynn County, tlece.iseH, yr rvqut.-fl ed to render th.-m >naccording to law, ana. those indebted -to the edate, tp make inv mediate pa vnient to ‘;T‘ 1 r * j.ES Whitk, J E XtCutorjk k JosEPri I uriNEa, *1 “ i y Bee. 30 88 - ■ - - rrdy j Notice. All persons indebted to tbe Eli ate of John Thomajs, late of Glynn County, de&. are esu;neftly requirfed to make immediate . payment, and tlvjfe indebted are ffcqueQed . to render in the fame agreeably to law,to JON ATHAN THOM AS, > Ad minis tratot County, - ‘ Committecs of CouncijU I Committee of finance* —Aldermea ■ Jones, , , Guard -Committee^-AHterrtn Read . Charlton, Nonis. * Goal Committee. —Aldermen Charlton, - Harden, M‘fiitofli. • sf-f ‘ . | Pump Committee.-* Aldermen M‘lo : Fell, Hersman. . • r ; Street , Lane and Tree Committee.— , Aldefwen Jones, Burke, Duke. ; 1 Health Read, : Jones, Mackays Exchange Committee. —Aldermen Harden, Mackay, Roe, Lamp Duke, Norris, Hersman, i’ 1 Committee of Defence. —Aldermen Jones, Burke, Macltay, HEdrden, Rrad. Committee of Vigilance— Aldermea Charlton, Roe, Norns, [Attest.l D. D. WILLIAMS, C.C —S 6 * To Rent, , And immediate poflVlfion given, a con venient DWELLING HOUSE near the Exchange, with tlieexceptjon of one room;) it would suit a small family, or a gentei 1 aflbciation of Bachelors; either can Ije ac commodated with’ a proportion of ’ houfc hold fnmifure and an usual fufKciency of kitchen furniture, with a food cook, wash* r and hotter-*—Apply to tlte printer. | November to 7* ; Twenty Dollars Reward | Will be given for apprehending t mulatto hoy PETER, who ranawav ra the 1 6th instant. H i is Ut 19 years * old, middle size, ver)* fight color; he is an { artful rafral, can tell a plausible fiery, and willreport I limit to be free; hr/ wore cfT * blue bit>ad-c loth tout, wtiita marfeillvs Vefi, fltoe carried away a varie ty of homefiiun cloathing*. Dol lars, and all’ reafonabl* expenses will !*e f paid for delivering trim to me, or fecurinf him in tail, Washington County. I7 ■ WILLIAM HUEDERN7 I October aa, at ui*