Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, November 24, 1814, Image 1

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j * PUBLISHED on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, *bt PHILIP D. WOpLUOPTBR, near the Exchange, *t SIX DOLLARS peh annum— HALP In ADVANCE. Vot. XfX.—No. 7 6J ’ Frig- ilfiel, sale. I*J*'""S~ V N - The handsome fast sailing ARIEL, built in 1813: .jH~ iT^tlqFii i d'-mrnfmn- ; 98 feet long, •24 feet 7 inches heani/ 1 o feat 9 inches bold, 231 tons burthen and pierced for 16 gunsjfcconipletely floored, and has a small armament. Shi is well calculated for Ae present times. ,* ALSO, Schooner ECHO, I Burthen 106 tons, carries a large car-) go, strong and well found. For terms,. aff'y to STURGE3 & BURROUGHS. 1 6t . 70 Scotch and SVfccabaii Snuft. ’ . Just Rrc?ivEt>, Frosh Scotch and Macal-au Snuff Soft rhelied Almonds. For file by / ‘ - P. Mpßl^l “Nov. 17 6c 74 ■ ■ A—— ■■■ ■ ~>!■ .. . in . Exchange ‘ On Ncsv-Yortr, l\:ijacMnhia*nnd Balti more, at flior? fight, for fide by : - WHITNEY & PARKMAN.S ’ %% 7 •’ 3* ‘ 74 An Atlas. ! A yetr since, an ATLAS was taken from the fulTcriber’s office, pubiiflted by Matthew Carey, Philadelphia. Five Dol lars will be paid for it, and no qu-'llions • *fked- Wm. BELCHER. ‘ Nov. 17 * - 74. A short Proclamation# Whereas, it hath, been- declared by the Calender for the year 1814, that Chiift *ias will come on the 25th Deoitnber now •nluing, and knowing that the wants of ♦be citizerts will be great to make merry #n*the occasion, I have thought fit, by and with the advice of Council, to, issue this my proclamation , forwarding all persons * who have felt, or more properly, core un der the last of former notices, not to ap- Jlv for any good things, for that day, un ffs they Ihould previously find a ride for their cotton or rice. And I also forwarn all persons of the above d-'feript ion not to make any further application for any cre dit whatever, not even for loan of money, Until law and jufiice ryfuine tlieir due eourfq. undisr my hand this 14th Nov. in the year 1814. Wm. CRAIG. ‘ |C7* In fome few cases when physicians wish their patients to recover, they “are ad ‘vifed to firengtli'en their frail system by drinking good Porter. Notice-ris hereby given to the public, that, they'may now lend their floan jugs for good l,ondon Por ter, provided they’ fend even change, and as soon as the bottling system is accom plilhed they maybe supplied by the dozen, in a Rile suitable to Con vial feafts, * WILLIAM ORAIA. . *? —74. , , •, The subscriber Respectfully informs his fritec’s and the 1 public, that he has removed from Brough ton fbeet to the sign of the golden jaorter, Market square, where he has opened a fiefh’ ami complete assortment of DRUGS and ,M EDICINES, which lie otters for sale on reasonable terms for cash. . Having devoted the greater part of his I life to the .acquirement of knowledge in his bufiness,’ he hopes with constant assidu ity to merit a (bare of public pasronage. EDWARD COPPEE. Oft. 24 —awßt—67 “ , ■ Copartnerfhjp dissolv’d. The copartnerlhip hitherto exitting un , der.the firm of Hqwe & DnfoN is diflolv e-d in consequence of the death of R. M. Dimon. All persons having demands a gamft the said firm are reqnefted to present (he fame, and those indebted to make im mediate payment to . . ASAHEL HOWE. Nov. 10 * 72 The Subscriber Respeft fully informs his friends and the public, he has taken that large and commo . Sion’ Itore cn the Bay, two fcioors below the Cuttom House, where lie will continue die AUCTION & BU SINESS as usual, and hopes bypuriftuaii ty and Brick attention to bufmels. to merit a of public patronage. ASAHEL HOWE. Nov, to 72 fpr* A mao, with a small fa-, roily, capable of taking charge of a small hoarding house, with’ geed recommenda tion willmeet with encouragement. Ap ply to JAMES WrilTE. - October 24 qt 67 •""-*** “ 1 “k 1 ~—- Notice. Nine months afterdate hereof, applica tion will be made to the Honorable the In ferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to fell the real estate ot William Elliott, Esq. dec. for the benefit of tV heirs and creditors -of said Estate. • ROBT. HABERSHAM, Adm'or. - April ax 1 am9* 14 ‘A ‘ * -.<•[>* jjg Negro Shoes. r A good assortment, for sale by , JOHN DOUGLASS. I Nov’r 17——74 ‘ I—7 ■ 7- 7 Just Received, 16 baps black Repper 5 barrels refined loaf Sugar 12 bags buck Shot 30 ditto patent Shot, assorted sizes 5000 double barreld gun Flints 1000 rifie gun do. Togo pifiol do. For sale 5v - JAMES H. FRASER, ‘ Nov. 10 6t 72 AMrkctSquare. May & Lewis, , Have just received anew supply of DRY GOODS/ • j AMONG WHICH ARE , Blue, black and green fuperfine Cloths i Blue, brown and grey mixed clotl, ad • quality * and Stockingnets Toilinets and Marfelles Vettings White Flanneh, Bombazetts * plain Cartlbric, figured Mnfline- plain-and twilled Cambrics •f Handkerchiefs, for cravats > ■J dark plaid Ginghams | light sh iped ditto Calico, long Clotlis Dimities, Hiimhurns , White and brown Platillas Shawls, Checks, Crapes Silk and cotton Hosiery . - Bremen Rolls ’ Nov. 7 7 1 83” death of John Caig, renders it absolutely necnipify that liis debtors, and those of the fubferiber, and of the different firms in which thev were con cerned in S.rAnnah, flfould make immedi ate payment, as no longer indulgence can be given, and their creditors are defined to give in their claims for iVttkmeuu ROBERT MITCHELL, Nov. 7 71- Survivor. • ■ , ~ v William Belcher’ Has removed to the (lore on the Bay, last occupied by Kowe & Dimon, where lie intends continuing the-AUCTION hn<A COMMISSION BUSINESS. He will have regular fide davs .on Mondays and , Yhursd iys, and will be thankful for tire 1 fiirflleft favors. Nov. 3 70 The Subscriber* • | Returns his sincere thanks to his friends j and the public in general, for the liberal; support he lias met with from them, in his [ line of business ; and informs them, he ‘ still continueMiis HOUSE of ENTER-- TAINMENT, for Man aiid Horse ~ r and 1 as he intends to devote his tinie to t’ue bu siness of the House alone, he hppes From ‘ his sirict attention to business, to merit a share of public favor. J. WHITE. N. B. Cash will be . given for good CORN BLADES and HAY. . Nov 3 , 70 > * -.-■■ - - New. Goods. Blarkj ~ Y ‘• U g “"’ & p a ,V Grec „ ? bombazett Mazareen 3 Cotton Shirting,- . ■ Callicoes, * * r ■ ■ < Imitation Shawls, various and elegant pat terns, . • J White, FLANNELS S Yellow and \Red, J. E. WHITE, & Ci. Oft. 6. On the Bay. The Subscriber OFFERS FOfi SALE, 100 kbgs Qit Nails . 6 calks Hoes 1 30 boxes cotton and Wool Cards 4 do. straw Bonnets 12 reams dmy printing Paper 1 50 do. blue nat-clium do. ; 100 do. wrapping do. . 2o pieces OznabnrgS * 2000 yards-up country HBmespun 100 boxes FifH 13 d6. Candles 60 reams foolscap and pofi writing per 6 lbs. Wafers 4 kegs Gtfh-Powder ‘ •’ ‘ 30 barrels Flour 60 lbs. Shoe Thread 1 cask Negro Shoes * id dozen Wcbfiei ’s Spelling Books JONATHAN BATTELLE. August 8 • 45 reason and truth impartial guide the way. SAVANNAH: THURSDAY, November 24, 1814. Just Received, And fur (ale, lotpfcbr catti, LONDON PORTER, in hhds. LISBON WINE, \n half pipes, HYSON TEA not jnore than four months from India, luperfine BROAD CLOTHS, and a quantity of SALT. HAVENS & BILBO. Nov. 7 71 - ■■■■!■■-* The Subscriber, Refpeftfully mfoims the mhabitantsNof Savannah ana 4he public in general, that by the late arrivals froln and St. Mary’s, he has received a choice collec tion of GOODS suitable for-the app/oach ing season, which he offers for sale at a low advance, amongst which are * Superfine blue and black CLOTH Do. do. . do. Caflimere Do. green, white, rta, yellow, black, and blue Flannels - - 6-4 Second Cloths Twilled Bath Coating Brittol and Rose Blankets 6-4 Linen Checks ’ Cottpn and Linen Platillas j Superfine Irilli. Linens . Fine and coarse Cutton Cambri#6, 4-4 and 6-4 Sprig mull mull & Jaconfet A • Hair Cord and barred * f Fig and plain cambric { Sprig and plain leno I i 6-4 twilled cambria, / Ladies’ elegant worked Robeg . v 6-4 and 8-4 muffin Shawls , do. [ ... Twilled Cnmliric, reck Handkerchief , Sfik Shambries \ Calicoes and Chintzes, of different patterns and qualities Furniture and corded Dimity Velvets and Garde rdy . ‘ \ Malabar and Madras Handkerchiefs ALSO, i casedancy GOODS, which is now o pening, containing White \ * | Sky J - Pink f G'rev > Soft Sating Yellow -.1 */ Pink figured I | j .'Lavender J I j White, piiik, green and,iky’ Sarsenetts ; Black, figured arid coloured Barcelona | Handkerchiefs j Rich Damask -Shawls j Superfine Bombateue :• “, I Silk Scarfo : Black and white A Crape 1 Sky, pea, apple, prim role, pea-green, pink, •buff & yellow ‘colored Grapes > SarsKnet Feathers, edged Ribboii Rich loft satin do. * Feathers Bfpigade. • • do. 1 Ladies’ and geutlemen’s t e gant silk Stock- L r in S s I ; AND, . • A liandfome assortment of Haberdafliery t And by Waggons on the Way I Which'he in the course of this day #r to-nicrrow, * London fuperfine Chintzes Worked and fpriged leno Muffins Dark and light Stripe f-fuperfine Ginghams White Jeabs and Jean Stripe? Sujwrffe white and colwAj Marseilles Ladies’ and Gentlemen's fine Cotton Ho siery, and nnnv other fancy articles. v : SAMU-bl. RUSSELL. Qciobec 17 65 - at— The Copartnership Os Small Sc M‘Nish, is this day dis solved in consequence of the death .of Ro bert Small. All persons indebted to the late firm are ehrnellly requelled to come forwaiff and fettle their j'efpeftive balan ces, and those to who\n they are indebted ar-e itquefk-d to render their accounts - for fettlemeut,-to . JOHN M‘NISH, .surviving copartner . Who contipHs to carry on business in bis own jiame. ar the counting house for merly . occupied by Small & M‘Nish, on Smith’s June 7 33 i Noti9c. A small sum of money was found a fbort time since on the AvJguila road, by a Ne gro. The owner can rtc-.K-e it on appli ; cation at this office, by . paying for the ad vertisement and making a realonable com pensation to the finder. November 14 ‘, 73 ■ ■ A Premium of ORe HundrecT Dollars? ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, ex clusive of the usual hire, will b paid for the. FIRST WAGGON and FOUR HORSES, competent to transport three thousand pounds might, hiving a faithful driver, which'(hall atterid at the Court- House in Savannah, and take the Records of the County to such place as. may’ be de signated, in case ot an alarm from invasi on, th&t may require tlieir removal. * • By order of the lion, tbe Inferior Court.- , * JOB T. BOLLES/fUk. Sept. .15. 56 Blanks, Os various lendsyprintedat this Ojjfc*. j'. Way Baker 1 Have removed to the (lore recentlyoi;- cupied by J. J. & F. Blanchard, wliere they offer for sale a general assortment of ; GOODS, suitable for the. season. j \ H?” An elegant assortment of Cloths 1 and all of winch will- be fold on •. reafonablfc terms for cafli, cotton or appiov-, ed acceptances in town. November 7 - 71 Fresh Pearl parley | For lale in tin cases, suitable for family ! ule, by . LEONARD BARTOW, c Cos. Oftober 13 * 64 t * Offi FOR THE SALE OF NEGROES. Yll* fubferiber offers to families and others, a number of valuable HOUSE SERVANTS and FIELD HANDS, a mong them are— - A girl 18 years old, a good feanjffrefs, waflier, ironer and cook, better fulted to the country. * A wench 22 years old, waffier, ironer and plain cook; very prime for the field. One other, 28 or 30 years .old, excellent wallier and ironer, very fniart and aftive, better suited to the country. One other, about 38 years, very Ready and tolerably capable of house work, gen erally; and would suit a family living in the country bell, as flie has been in the ’field. Two very prime fellows, 24 years old > field hands, (lout and likely. Two ditto, 30 yea s old; and fevera prime Fellows that would suit to work on a wharf, at machines, arid ariy drudgery. Also, a follow 24 yeaiwl.d, a bricklayer, and an excellent workman. .-Also, a fellow, of fame age, an excel lent house carpenter, and would be ex tremely valuable to any ggrfon refidingin the country. gC?* Negroes will be thankfully re ceived at my office, as usual, and every exertion* used to obtain fair prices and ef feft fpetdy sales. DAVID POLOCK, August 25—50 Near tbo-Excbange. Important Discovery. A i> item has lately been obtained for the purpose of diflilling and boiling by a me thod that is for luperk>r to any thing of the kind that, has been invented. It is,j ftefted by communicating heat by a Glol>e and Pipes from Irfinall furnace to waodfii vessels ot any capacity—a tub or calk cogfcining two hundred and fifty gal j lons may he let to boiling in one hour and a half. The above patent has been retted for dittiling Spirits and the boiling of ma ple.Stigar, and there is no doubt but it will ii/wer equally as well for boiling the Sugar of Cane, or for boiling Salt.— The great utility of the above patent in point of dispatch of biifiijds and eheapnefs renders it an obje^,worthy ‘ot public at tention. Globes and pipes with instruc tions to use them, will. be and ready for sale, by the lad of Oftober en luing. For further particulars apply to ANDREW KNO L, OR STEPHEN HALL. , Oftober 3 .’ - 61 ■ ■■ ■ ■ 1 * ■■■■ . ■ . . , ■ In Cdtincih 15th Nov, 1814. Resolved , T hat the SI’ALLS in tlie Beef Markets be exposed to sale on the 26th info, at the ulual hour bf the City Marflial, under the uin ftion of Aldermen Fell, Roe ajnd All), agreeable to the ord nance regulating the fame. ExtrcfSl from tbe minutes. , D. D. WILLIAMS, c. C. 1 |C7 3 In conformity to the above reso lution of the pfe Council,! Ihall,on Mon day, the 26th'mff. at 10 o’clock, a. m. proceed to fell laid JStafls in the public market. N. W. GLEN, c. M. Npv. 17 74 hle&ors of Chatham County, l am a-Candidate for the office of Re ceiver of Tax Returns, at the eiffu'mg Jaquary eleftion ; as there are no Cotfrts, and of course fio fees, I trull you will aid me in tire present application. JOB T.^OLLES. November 7 71’ Notice. Afl persons having any demands agaiaft Joseph Ti/HNBn, late of Sk. Simons’ Isl and, Glynn ffueeased, arejespieft ed to render them n. according to law, and ♦those indebted to * the estate, to make im mediate payment to J.WE, i Exauw,. Joseph TußNEaj \ ; - ■, dec.. 30 88 / Notice. F . . All persons indebted to file Tttate of John Thomas, late of Glynn County, dec. are-earnestly required to make immediate pay ment, and those indebted are requested to render in #ie fame agreeably to-law,to JONATHAN THOMAS, 1 Administrator M’lntolh County, Sepu 6 gs f Whole No. 3026. 4000 bufliels CORN^ For sale by Taylor, Davies & Taylor. Nov. 21. .75 For Sale, Freight or Charter, I'he sass sailing and well found Schooner DULL TIMES. Apply to D. WILLIFORD. Nov. 21. 7j .... w . i ■ Coffee, Cotton Baggifjg, &c. 40 prime COFFEE 50 pieces Kentucky Cotton Bagging 25 do. do. Tow Cloth 24 crates Crockery, assorted 25 dozen Webster’s Spelling Books 7 bis. refined Loaf Sugar 30 lbs. Shoe Tliread •ia reams Writing P.,per. For Saif iff JAMES -H. FRASER. ** Kov> 2t—61—76 Market Square. Wanted Immediately, An OVERSEER to take charge of 9 rice plAitatipn,’ ne*r Savannah. Enquiie of’ tlie Printer. Nov. ±i_ 75 For Sale, ’A, healthy, sound young NEGRO BOY, about 19 years of age, ’well qualifi*. ed for the field. For terms apply at this Office. Oft. 10. 64 ts . Notice. \ All persons to whom Ja Mgs Jonas, late of,St. Peter’s Parifli, South Carolina, is in debted, are requeued, to render attested ttatements of their claims to tlie lubferihers, on or before the Ist of July next. CARNOCHAN & .MITCHEU Mny 9—19 ■ , .. < ■ _ 1 To Rent, And immediate possession given,. carjp yenient DWELLING HOULE near the Exchange, with the exception of one rerm';) it would suit a fmnil family, or a genteel I association of Bachelors j either can be ac. i commodated with a proportion of lioufe i hold fnrriiture and an usual fufficiency df i kitchen furniture, with a good cook, wash er and ironer*—Appty-to the printer. November t* •* 7* . Committees of Council. Committee ptf Finance. —Aldermen Bulloch, Jones, * Guard Confmtttee. —Aldermen Read Charlu 1, slorris. Goal Committee.-*- AWertrinn Cliailton, Harden, M‘lntolh. Pump Committee.-—Aldermen M‘ln* tofli, Fell, Hersman. ‘ 1 “ Street , Lane and Tree Committee Aldermen Jones, Burke, Duke. Health Committee^— Aldermen Read, Jonesy Mackay. Exchange ‘ Aldermen - Harden, hfackay, Rot-; Lamp Committee— . Aldermen Duke, Norris, Hersman. ‘” Committee of Dejencc*— AMermeo Jones, Burk*, Mackay, Harden, Read*’ Committee of Vigilance—-Aldermefk Charlton, Roe, Norris. [ Attest. J D. D. WILLIAMS, C. C S6pt. 15.. 56 .*•■/...: — ■ 2.0 q Dollars'Reward, umt be paid in the following nrannep, for the apprehending of a runaway Negro, named SAM, generally called old Sam, and fomttimes caiis himfelf SaM Gibbs. He is a (hrewd, artiul, eklerly fellow, perhaps upwards of 50 ; is very plausible ‘aml jctnarkably intelligent.. H don when he left tlie liibrcriber, a brown homefpuri coat, and white overall:, also sm old straw hat ; lie will be found felling fiffv (befog a great fiflierinan) in Savannah market, or Ikulking about Savannah ;‘proba*bfy may c.mtraft with fome fiflierman to fell for him. Being a fellow moll artfully, .and mischievous, and evilly disposed, and jfrom a, well tried knowledge of his attrociousand villainous disposition, tbe fafety town n. Savannah is by nd means secure, while Sam fkolks about* it. I'he following fosns, will, without any difficulty be paid on his apprelienfion, as follows 1 1 st. One hundred and twenty Dollars, will be paid, on his being lodged in any Gaol in the United States, informatiort being made to the fubferiber at WellWPost Office; with p-.oof'.fufficient of fiis being harbored, by any white man, on his being convifted of the*offence. • 2d. I’wenty Dollars on the above being dyne in the apprebenfion, with proof foffi rierit to convift auy-fnee’ man of harbor ing him,’ or fpeAfcing to him, while absent from his employment. t 3d. Ten Dollars on such informatioOj font me to V r elUs Poll Office, as will ena ble’ me to take hirq, and proof to cqnvift any Have ofnarboring, or being seen Hi at while out of my Cervices. 14th. Fifty Dollars on hisbeing delivery ed to me at Well’s* PofT’ Office, South- Carollha. ‘. WILLIAM HUTSON WIGQcC iAuguft 4 j flaw3l4 44*