Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, December 01, 1814, Image 1

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till t wmS(7Ptz?i?i6ih *yldvfflHscr. PUBLISHED os MONDAYS 4sd THURSDAYS, bt PHILIP. D. WOOLHOPTER , ne an the Exctiangg, at STX DOLLARS per Anktj^— HALF is ADVANCE. Vox. XIX.—No. 7 S] Marflial’s Sale. United States — DiJlriß jfGervgia*. By virtut of a decree froifi the honora ble William Stephens, Judge of the Dis- - triA Court of the United in and for tlie fakl DiftriA, will lx* fohl at Bob 1 ten’s centra! vv.hart on MONDAY, the 19th of December next, at eleven o’clock, .rOy. The brig ATALANTA, with her tackle, apparel and furniture—condemned as a prize to the sloop of War Wasp. Condi . tion3, cafb,JOHN EPPINGER. Nov. 28 77 yiarsbdL Marshal’s Sale. 1 United States—DiftriSt of Georgia, j By virtue'of a decree from, the honors- ■ ble William Stephens? Judge of the Dis-, jridV Court of tlie UniteJ-Siates in and for ■the said Diftrift, will be fold at St. Ma-1 >• fy’s, on TUESDAY, thp 6th of Decem ber, at i o’clock, * Six bags COFFEE, one Canoe, Plaid and Handkerchiefs—-condemend *s for feited to the United States. Conditions, call.. JOHN EPPINGER, Marjlnd. Nov. 28 77 Bills'on New York, For Lie b v STURGES & BURROUGHS. Nov. ( 24 —3t —76 Highest Prizes IN i Hfc BOARD OF Health Lottery of Ne v-York, 40,000 • 20,600] io,ood. Begins to draw the first 1 uesday in December- when the Tickets will advance;. Persons wishing tickets had better apply Socr., to A/ IRd'UtfD, PAULDING V pENFIELD. , Nov. 24 76 Factorage, ‘ No. 3.1, Exchange Doch The fubferibers having formed a con nexion, on the .1 ft inst. under the firm of SCOTT & F:\HM, For the pufpole of attending to the above bulinefs particularly ; offer thtir best Cer vices to the planters’of South-Carolina and Georgia. J. A. ‘'KOI i, J. FAHM. Nov. 24—76 Coairoiss op. Ware-Hjusea, AUGUSTA. the Subscribers, H WING IMPROVFD TH> lB WARE HOUSES, And added thereto, are now prepared handsomely for tlie reception of all kind* of PRODUCE, particularly CO ETON and FLOUR—and the most punctual at tention paid to the interests of thetr friends -and customers. LA ROCHE & VAN SINDEREN. November 24 * 6t 76 •. Silver Dollars For file bv Wm. BELCHER, Nov. 24—31—76 . r; ■ Broker : 4000 bulhels CQRN^. sale by T iylor, Davies %z Taj lor. Nov. 21. 75 "'■■■■ 1 . 1 ‘ - For Frrif/ht or Chartej, The fall sailing and well found schooner DULL TIMES. Applvto D. WILLIFORD.. Nov. 2T. 75 Coffee, Cotton Bcc 40 bag3 prime COFFEE 50 pieces I&ntuckv Cotton Bagging a; do. do. Tow Cloth 34 crates Crockery, affbrted . Weblb-rYSp ljjng Books 7’ bis. refined Loaf Sugar t 30 lbs. Shoe Thread 52 reams Writing Paper. For Sale by JAMES H. FRASFjR, Nov. 2T—fit—76 Market Square. Way & Baker Have removed to the store recently oc- Aipitd by J. J. Pc F. Blanchard, where tb- v offer for faL a general assortment of GOODS, suitable for the season. fCT* An eh gant affnrtment erf Cloths and Veiling, all of which will be Wd oni terms for calh, cotton or appiov td acceptances in town. * November 7 71 Scorch ?.r>H M xaSau Srmft. Just, Pr -sh Scotch and \Tncabaii- Sniff Soft flielkd Almonds. For fide bv . t p. mocin # Nov. i.y fit _ 74 A short Proclamation Whereas, it hath been declared by the Calender for the year 81 4 that Ctirift rras will come on the 251)1 December now enluing, and knowing that the wants of the citizens will be great to make merry on the occasion, I have thought fit, by and with the tdvice of Council, to issue this my proclamation, forvraruing all persons who have felt, or mord'properly, come un der the jaft of former notices, not to ap ply for any good things, for that day, un leis they Ihould preyioufly find a fide for their cotton or rice. And 1 also forwam all persons of the above defeription not to iftake any lurtht*- application for any cre dit whatever,, not even for loan of money, until law and justice resume their dtip coorfe. Given tinder my hand this 14th Nov. in the year 1814. • Wm. CRAIG. IC7* In fome few cases when phyftcians wi.'h their patients to recover,- the . are ad vife'd to strengthen their frail fyflem by drinking good Porter. Notice is hereby given to the public, that they may now lend their ftoan jugs for good ,l<oncion Por ter, provided they fens even change, and as soon as the bottling fyftein is jiccom pliftied they maybe supplied by the dozen, in a stile suitable to convial feafts. WILLIAM CRAIG. Nov. 17 74. “**” Just Received, 1 o baps black Pepjier 5 barrels refined loaf Sugar 12 bags buck ’■'hot 30 ditto pjtcnt Shot, aflbrted sizes 5000 double barreld gun Flints 1000. rifle gun do. 1000 pistol , do. For sale bv • * .JAMES H: FRASER, Nov. 10 6t p 2 Market Square. May & Lewis, Hive lust received anew supply of DRY GOODS, # AMONG WHICH AHE Blue, black and green fir.ierfiiie. Ciotjis Blue, brown and grey mixed ftoths, 2d quality Caflimeres and Stotkingm ts ToiJiuets and Marfelles Vt~flings W hitt- Hsrmels, Bombazrtts A phainT-aifnbric, figured Muffins A plain and twilled Cambrics A Handkerchiefs, for cravats dark plaid Ginghams light llriped ditto Calico, long Cloths ‘Dimities, ilumjipms Wliite and brown Phtilla; Shawls, Checks, Crapes Silk and cotton Hosiery Bremen Rolls • “Nov. 7 -71 w- 7he dt*ath of Joiin ‘Caig* rend- rs it absolutely n'ceflary that hi s debwars, and those of the fubl’criber, and of the different firms in which they w- re con cerned in Savannah, flionM'make immedi ate pav m nt, as no longer can he given, and their creditors are defiled to give in tbeir claims for f ttlements ROBERT MITCHELL Nov. 7 71 Survivor. J William Bclchcr Has removed to the Acre on the Bay, lift occupied br Howe & D'-mon. w here lie intends continuing the AUCI'ION and COMMISSION BUSINESS. He will have regular sale da vs on Mondays and Thnrsd ivs, and yffd be th -nkful for the smallest Nov. 3 70 Fresh’ Pearl Barley v For lale in tin cases, suitable ftr family ule, by LEONARD BARTOW, & Cos. O&ober 13 . 64 v An Atlas. • A year since, an A LLAS was taken from the fithfcriber’s office, by Matthew ( arevt,Phtladelphjp. Fivk. Dol lars will be paid for it, qm-ftiftfls afM- - Wm. BELCHER. Nov. 17 74 jf The Subscriber OFFERS FOJt SALE, 100 kegs Cut Nails’ 6 calks Hoei , 30 boxes cotton and wool Cards 4 do. draw Bonnets 12 reams domy printing Paper 30 do. blue medium do. 100 do. wrapping do. .20 pieces Oznaburgs . 2000 yards-up country Homespun , 100 boxes Fiih <t 13 da. Candles 6* reams foolscap andpofi writing Pa -* • per >,6 lbs. Wafers * 4 kegs Gun-Powder 30 barrels Flour 60 lbs. Shoe Thrrad I Cisk Negro Siloes 20 djren.Wifoffer's Spiling Books JONATHAN BATTELLE. Augult 8 ‘45 REffSOW AND TRUTH IMPARTIAL GLIDE THE. WAY. SAVANNAH: THURSDAY, December i, 1814. * Just Received, j And for lale, low for LONDON PORTER, in hhds. LISBON WINE, in half pips, HYSON TEA not more than f:*ur months from India, luprfine BROAD CLOTHS, and a quantity of S A LT. * • . HAVENS & BILBO. i * Nov. 7 , 71 ; The Subscriber, 1 Resp Xfully informs the inhabitants of Savannah and the publican general, tliat by the from Amelia and St. Mary’s, he has received a choice collec tion of GOODS suitable for tlit- ajiproach ing season, which lie offers for sale at a low-advance, atnongft which are Superfine blue and black GLOFH Do. do. do. Cajfimere Do. green, white, red, yellow, blask and blue Flannels , 6-4 Second Cloths ’ Twilled Bath Coating Bviflol and Rose Blankets 1 6-4 Linen Checks [ Cotton anc! Linen Platillas • Suprfine It i ill Linens , Fine and coarse Cotton Cambrics, 4-4 j and 6-4 Sprig mull mull & Jaconet J Hair Cord and barred / ; Fig and plain cambric > Muslims * Sprig and plain leno W - 6-4 twilled cambric J Ladies’ elegant worked Ro’ys ; 6-4 and 8-4 muffin Shawls J . | Salainanc* do. j Twiiitd Cambric, neck Handjkercbiefs j Silk Shainbries Calicoes and Chintzes, oft! iff rent patterns 1 and qualities - \ I Furniture and corded Dimity 1 1 Velvets and Corderoy ’ . j Malabar and Madras HaydkercVieff ALSO, ‘ ! 1 case ffancy GOODS, which is now o pen’fng, containing 1 1 White V • \ Sky I j Pink F l I Grev . > Soft Satins i | Yellow I Pink figured 1 , Lavender J t 1 ‘ White, pink, green and Iky Sarsen#tts * .; Blacki figyral and coloured Barcelona Handkerchiefs . * 1 Rich Dam Ik Shawls S Supei fine Be mb izcne ! Silk Scarfs v [ white ‘ t Crape i Sky, pea, apple, primrose, pea-green, pink, Itoff fe yellow colored tlrai'xs t Feathers, edged Ribbons i Rich foft satin’ do. | FeatlidN brocade do. Ladies’ and gentlemen’s elegant silk Stock- Wg AND, A handsome assortment of Haberdafliery And by U'uggonS on the Way ” Which he eXpedts in the course tf this day *r to-morrivv, London fupeifine Chintzes - Worked and l'pyiged leno Muffins - Dark and light Stri.e -'’fupei fine Ginghams Wh’v.e Jeans and Jean Stripe: Superfine.white'and*colored Marfeillcs \ Ladies’ aml Gentlemen's fine Cotton Ho siery, and man . other fancy aßicles. SAMUEI, RUSSELL. j, Octotrer 17 65 v The Copartnersbip •> Os Sv sIL 5c MLNitm, is this day dis solved in cdnlt quence of the death of Ro bert Small.* All perform imieirted-to the late firm are earnestly rcqtieffed t 6 come forward and fettle their ‘ refpe<Sti r vg balan ces, and those td whom they are indebted . a-e requested to render their .accounts for ; fettle men t, to JOHN M'NISH,. surviving copartner. ) Who continues to carry on businds in f hrs cum name, at the counting house for j merly occupied by Small & M‘Nish, on ; Smith’s Wharf. June 27 23 Notice. A final 1 Aim of money, was found aflwrt time finee on the Arigiifta road, by ft Ne gro. The owner can receive it on appli cation ajktbis office.Jry paying for the ad • vertifemetit and making a rcafunkble com penfttion to the fiiiffer. ’November 14 73 A Premiuni of One Hundred , Dollars. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS', ex clulive of the usual-hire, will be paid for tl* FIRST WAGGON and FOUR HORSES, competent to transport three thousand pounds weight, having a faithful driver, which (hall attend at the Court- House in Savannah, and take the Records of the to such place 3s may be de fignat-Jj m c ase ot ail alarm fcoin ifiVafi j on, that ma’ require tbeir removal. By order of the lion', the Inferior ; . Court , ;• • JOB T- BOLLES, Clk. Sept. 15. 56 For Sale, ; A i calthy, sound ymme NEGUO j BOY*, abo t 1 g year* of ag-, well qualifi j e; 1 f:rTue field. For terms apply at this ; ttftite, Oft. p. 64 ts i • New Goods. Black, Y SgA Dark Green BOMBAZETT Mazareen j Cotton Shirting, Callicoes, , Imitation Shawls, various and elegant pat i terns, ) Wbre, FLANNELS }Yellow and ’ Red, J. E. WHITE, & Cos. Oft.*6. On the Bay. The subscriber Respeftfully informs his friends and the pyiilic, that lie has removed from Brough ■ ton ftieet to the sign of the golden, mot ter, Market square, where lie has opened a frefii and complete assortment; of DRUGS and MEDICINES, which he offers lor sale on reasonable terms fjrcash. Having devoted the greater part of bis life to the acquirement of knowledge in his buiiness, he hopes With conflant assidu ity to merit a fliare of public pasronage. EDWARD COFFEE. Oft; 24 —awßt-s 67 - Gopartnerthip dissolv’d. The copartnerflilp hitherto exifling un der the firm of Hgwe Sc Dimon is dissolv ed in confi-quence if the deatli,of R. M. •Dimon. All persons having demands a gaiuft the laid firm are requested to prefi nt the lame, and thole indebted to make im i mediate payment to • ASAHEL HOWfi. ‘ Nov. 10 .1 .72 s ). ‘ The Subscriber Respeftfully informs his friends and the | public, he has taken that large and commo dious ftorS on life Bay, two doors below; the Custom HoUse, win-re he will continue tfie AyCLION & COMMISSION BU SINESS as usual, and hopes by plmftuali ty and ftrift attention to bufmefs. to merif a fliare of public patronage; ASAHEL HOWE. Nov. 10 72 Chatham Academyi THE public are refpeftfully informed, that Mr. Fylcr, th principal, has ed with tiis family, with a view to a per manent residence >n Savannah, to fupefin tend this inflitution. i The feniale scholars in the Academy, in their.refpeftivi?’ classes, are under the direftion of Mr. Fylerj Mr. Harrison and Mrs Gm reneau. The other departnu nt3 i are attended to by Mr. Wild and Mr. j Willson ; it will be übferved though, tlfat J :J1 the dalles derive the benefit of the gen eral fupenivtendance and attention nt the priiuipal Mr. Fyler. , The inflitution is notv furaifhed with ; the fir ft ‘rate inflruftors in tfie. different 1 branches and more in proportion, than the j number U scholars. ! fi Every indticenient is tbereLre held oqt . to eiuuuirage parents and guardians tin pMt-’ j ronize an eftablilhm-ut of filch import- S ante. j Mr. Fvler will accommodate scholars with boarding and lodging iivtlie academy. CHARLES DUNHAM, Now 4t 76 Sett’ry. c. k* 1 SOK THE SALE OF NEGROES. The fubferiber offers to families and qghCrs, a number of HOUSE SERVANTS and FJELD.HANDS, a ntong them are—■ _ f j A girl 18 years old, a good Jeamftrefs, J washer, ironer and cook, better iuited to the country. • * A \yendi 22 old, waflier, ironer and plain cook; very prime for the field. One other, 28 or 30 years old,excellent waflier and ironer, very smart and aftivc,, better suited to the coufitry. - One other, about very steady and tolerably capable of hoyfe work, gtp , orally; and would fiiit a family living in • the country belt, as flie4itis been in the : field. j Two very prime fellows, 24 years old, i field hands, flout and likely, j Two ditto, 30 years old; and feVera ’ prime Fellows that woukl suit to work on ! a wharf, at machines, and any drudgery. I Also, a fellow 24 years old,S bricklayer, 1 and-an excellent workman, j Also, a fellaw, of fame age, an excel lent hoirfe carpenter,* anil nouhi be ex* j tvemely valuable to any peribh re siding in the country. < r . * • , j * UG*’ Negroes ‘vilf 4 le thankfully rr • ci iyed at hjy office, as nfml, ar.d every exertion used to obtain fairjirices and es . feft speedy Tales. * dav t d.polock, * Augufl 25 —50 Near uhe Exchange. Electors of Chatham County, I am a Candidate for the office of Pe } ceiver of Fax Returns, at the enjuirg ’ January fleftjon; as there are now no Courts, and*f course no fees, I trust y<B •will aid me in the prefert application, , JOB T. EOLi St r j November 7 71 [V rc i t her to 8. M % ■ ; gktp Just Received, By Lind from New-York, by nvay of Align't.u . ; ‘*AND NOW OPENING, and Fin SA£a BT ..JOHN DuUt? AS^ A complete assortment of SHOES of very di ioiiptiop. Nov. 77 Bills on Faltimorfc And New-York for sale by caiTmociian & Miaaiii^L Nov. 28 * .*■ 77 For Sale. Tue f.iyit OAK, lying a£ Smith’s wlwrf. Apply to R. &. J. JIA3ERSHAM. - “Nov. 48 “77 Kentucky Bagging; •, Bine NEC.RO Cl.Oi H and CARPETING, ‘ Fou Saw. by T. A. SCjHOEDDE. November 38 4* 77 ’ Gold’ .1 An advantfe will be paid in bank Tilt# for GOLD, and Specialties negri dated by WILLIAM Eli, ‘ Nov. 24—3t—76 Broktiy 4 In Council, 25. h Nov. .814. ; , Returns having been made hy.the alrlcry men apjaoirfted to afeertain the dflVctjvft laboring force in each ward of the -Sty. . Resolved, The wards of this city bgj divided into fix djvifions’, viz. Decker and Washington, rstdivifion Warren and Darby, ad divilion Anson and Franklin, 3d divilion Percival, Liberty & Ehiert 4th divifioit Healthcote and Reynolds, jth divifio* Green, Columbia and Oglethorpe, 6th And that thffaid wards thus divided be, and they are hereby,'rfeqtiffltd td turn out. their able bodied population,* white and * black, in fuccdliop, accordin', to the- divi n<w as above deflgnared for the pnrpole of laboring in the fortifications .of this city, v jit if ordered, That tin Mayor ‘apd •Aulennan Fell be appointed for the Ist” divifjori.’ , • Aldermen Mackflv and Alhffbr 2d div. Aldermen Roe and Harden 1 w 3d div. . Aldermen Read andOhailitrii for 4tli div. Aldermen Jones ;ygd Nonis for sth div. Aldermen M‘lnto!l. and Ilerlhtnan for 6th division. • Be it further resolved , That the faiif divisi-msAb wik in {licrifllum tinder the fuprrirttendaiu > of two aldermr n ; the firfl division to coninie'nce bn Tuesday, next at fun rise; anil tlie place of aflenibfag'e for eath division dial! be :/t the court beiife ‘ fqpare. from whence they are to proceed each laborer beingturn’(bed with a spade or fhevcl, to the fortifications, wbere.worlc/ may be laid of tor the n). *. Extraß from tffe minute's, D. D. WILLIAMS,c. c. • Nov. 28 yp £3* Taken due of .the Sub scriber's pocket on Sjimday morning la ft, in the Market, a red JVJcrocco POCKET BOOK, .with 153 dollars, and atfier pa pers in it—ilie 100 dollar Bill was North Carol! <a. A reward of Ijvf ntt Dnd- Ea.Vß.will be given frr the thief or money, by WJI.LIAM HART. Nov. ?R jn . ,* ’ A New School Will commence tgi Vdtdrtefilay next, at ffit? hotife formerly occupied by Dr. Macliir, next door to the inrift Chnrch, where will be taught at the following rates—reading at dolls. 450 per ijijai ter; writing, arith meticygrammar at dolls, 5 50; and the higher branches of niatlfematics at 7 dolls. ‘l i e teacher will pay Uriel attention to the morals of his Tifc usual hours of febool from 9 o'clock till 12, and from 2 to 5 P. M. ~\ . An evening fjbool will commence mi Monday next, where will be taught ready ing, writing, ftritlifeietir, grammar, fiirvtyv ing and navigation. J. F,. P ARSONS.’ NOV# 24 Jj* 76 Notice. * A1 perkins indebted to the Eftnte of Jo!m Thomas, Rite of Glynn County, dec. < are earnestly required to make immediate pay ihent, and /those indebted ate rtquehed to render in/b* fame agreeably to law.ti* JONATHAN THOMAS,;*- { ,I‘lntoyi County, Sept. % 55 T . r \ *■ j Notice. ; Nin*- motirlis after date hereof, applies tion w ill be made to the Honorable thelrtr fevior (ours of Chatham Countv, for leavq to fell the real t .ftate ot Wit-UAif Et.t.ioTT, Eirj. dec, for the benefit, of heirs and crijklitors of ERarp. ROnT.-IIABERSIiAM, Adbi^r. April at f 1 am 91a • * •*4