Newspaper Page Text
, ,r. t o look back upon f
:-u ‘ v ’ (he lights and the shades of
*he cliai C .! j\gain he leaps from the pri-
H' sftiar T>w again he rushes for life \f hile
fill thick around him, anc s the
.the blh r, - s pursuer strikes fearfully o a his
,raOP Min he wades the swanTp & t reads
ear — hit life and warmth tiior e are
recollections? /
in? 1 ’ .’.time is embellished with ‘several
1H- %^ noP gst them is a miniatif e like
f]^ s V i lr Crosby, taken from life. He
c?S V't we shnuld “call “a long 1 leaded”
‘ ril ‘ | j )€ certainly stood in n< od of a
u!i ‘< 1( j during his revolutionary services
i !, = ; js grave, honest, and si? nsible. —
about seventy eight yt ars old—
lie. ,s . comfortable circumstances, culti
fc® ~ sr “ sma !i farm, and enjoyinf a hale old
nVl "\\o is universally esteemed , and bears
*’ ’ t t <xrtnpl ar y character. ■
die many interesting scenes des
! ibis book we select the follow
in?’ t ffSS a t a retired habitation, that the
**• .'firmed company of u >ries were in
libit of holding their sea, et meetings.
t e ‘Z'ro accordingly, nnde his arrange
-o, r ,h u have the v bole c orps, himself
f m "'j' e d taken into custody . Unwilling,
f‘: ver ’ to trust himself again in tho
of the rangers and aware that his
t’ nce at the time of the capture, would
’; ,. pn t u e suspicions of hi, i less fortunate
!lradcs, he applied toCol. melAlorel.ouse,
resided in the vicinity , and requested
kjs'aa-aperation. This gs ntleman had 110
h-Hnediaie command, but promised to as
ip'rnbYe and arm a sutheieu t number of men
for th* s occasion. . ...
Accordingly, at the title appointed, the
. r ; o c ah collected at their usual ren-
two of the mem hers hastily enter
ed with some degree of consternation de-
B ; c tpd in their faces, one of whom address
ed the Captain.
“ Sir, thero is a com’ pany of armed men
eollactiiig at Colonel f lorehouse’s. V\ hat
rin be their object V 9
“Are we betray* d!* exclaimed the
fantain, looking sternly round the compa
n 1 “ Can it be pm sible that we have any
traitors among us I
“ 0 no, ’ replied the Lieutenant. “ The
probability is, that’ the lower party are com
j,.j on to “drive til s d—d rebels off; and
Ijjat Morehouse lr is collected this company
to oppose them.”
“Some of you go out and reconnoitre,’
jail the Captaif j ; ‘and if there beany
appearance of danger, give us timely no
Five or six immediately sallied forth,
rhile their co nrades remained in anxious’
suspense for t heir report. This suspense,
however, was not *f long duration ; for the
challenge of “ stand ! surrender l* soon sa
luted the ears of the whole party, and threw
them into a st ate of consternation, dismay,
and confusion, which it would be difficult,
if not i.npoM iible to describe. Some sprang
from the windows, and attempted to con
ceal themsehres by plunging into snow
banks; others ran to the top of the building,
and secreted themselves under the eves of
the roof. ‘Crosby retreated to an adjoining
room, and crept under a bed; but was soon
dragged 03 t, when he learned to his secret
joy, that st arcelv one of the party had suc
ceeded in or,king good his escape. Seeing
kis fellow captives undergoing the process
of being b ound, our hero was immediately
seized with such a severe lameness in one
of his limb %as rendered it utterly impos
sible fur hi D to walk.
“I be j that you would not bind me,’
said hetc-the Colonel; for in attempting
to escape I have sprained my leg in a most
shocking 4 jannex, and am notable to move
a step.
“Goyt>u shall!” exclaimed the Colo
nel, preparing to mount his horse. “Lame,
•r not lamo , dead or alive, to prison you go
frith the r<3 st. If you cannot walk, vou
*hl) be canned ; here’s a good horse, that
•ill <*rry tl ruble, and you shall be tied to
the crap per.
So saying the Colonel mounted, and or
dered two ( f his men to raise up Crosby
and sent him , straddle on the crupper be
hind him. The men instantly obeyed,
wiThout mut h tenderness for (lie sprained
H, of whir h the prisoner bitterly com
The wholif) cavalcade, horse and foot,
Row took up the line of march, with their
prisoners tied together in pairs. On ap
proaching th 9 place of confinement, the
L ionel dropp ed in the rear, and in a whis
per gave Cros by the proper directions for
Scaping. The escort halted in two lines
between whi* h the prisoners marched into
Rebuilding. While every eye was fixed
L J>on die procession, Crosby slipped from
CotewfV; horse, and disappeared ; nor
Was his abst nee noticed for several min*
ctes ; so that all search for the fugitive was
•tfidered uni vailing.”
Culling himself James Rogers,
1 and professing to be one of the engineers
||be Delaware branch of \tw Philadel
canal, has been ‘‘running up h line” —
‘ Jt of canal routes, but of bills, at the tav
ris in Northampton county, that would
***** credit to a foreign ambassador,
‘hereever lie came, ’ says the Eastern
“every servant was in requisition
‘•jattendance on Mr. Rogers. When he
fora meal, the mahogany tables
°nld groan under the weight of luxuries
or him His purse at length get
: Jn a ' V ’ was °hhg e d to go upon tick
„ n ’ c * Consequently, whatever debts he
were charged to Mr. Rogers
•fSH) tavern and $5 aUanotlier;
, e,n g against ‘Mr. Rogers, the engi
’ Wao drew $4 per day, they were
safe “
r *)il ,* en . e,b a report of the habits of this
reached the eaii of the real
Pn,ii n l^,e v *inity, who beingsonie
the n ° re 1,f1,,1arl ,fl,,lar^a hle for their attention
*■!*'* s Ca na), than to ihvw alimenta
*| S | Pnt ‘h to examine this pre
u was Sound—but not recogmsed
as a brother, ana consequently safely
housed for 30 days—w here he must have
some body to open a lock before he can
proceed — U, S. Gazette .
Insurance Business in Boston —There
are at present eighteen Insurance Compa
nies in this city, the aggregate capital a
mounting to $3,500,000 which, for solidi
ty and safety, is not surpassed by any stock
of the same description in the U States ;
their capitals are generally entire, and in
many cases will command a premium, the
mode of investment is restricted by the Le
gislature, and the amount is limited to ten
per cent, on each respective capital; these
restrictions have a tendency to give un
bounded confidence in their security and
the liberality which has always character
ised their business transactions, in the
prompt payment of claims, cannot fail to
draw business from all parts of the country,
thereby proving a mutal benefit to mer
chants, and stockholders at home and a
broad — Boston Gazette.
Brunswick, Me. July 23.
A young lady by the name of Sampson,
was buried in Greece on Saturday last,
whose death was caused as follows. In
company with another female, she had re
tired a distance from their dwelling to es
cape danger from the blasting of some rocks
near the house* As they were seated, ap
parently in a safe retreat, a fragment of the
blasted rock, weighing about 12 oz. des
cending from a considerable height frac
tured her skull, and caused her death in 12
Balloon Ascent. —Mr Green fully re
deemed his credit on Thursday, by a fine
ascent from the Bonhay, at the western
extremity of this city. The balloon was
filled in a yard behind the Gas-works, and
about half past four was removed from
thence to the Bonhay, in order to avoid in
terruption from the adjacent houses. About
this time, there was a iieavy fall of rain, but
the atmosphere soon cleared. The car was
then attached, and Mi. Green having taken
his seat, was presented with flags by Mrs.
Measor, and Col. Ross of the 4th Dragoon
Guards. A gentleman on the ground, Mr.
George White, was very anxious to join
Mr. Green in the voyage, and seated him
self in tne car for the purpose ; but the gas
was not sufficiently buoyant to convey two,
and he wais reluctantly compelled to relin
quish his seat. At a quarter before 5, the
ropes which confined it were loosened, and
the balloon rose majestically, amidst the
cheers of a numerous concourse of specta
tors It took a south easterly direction,
and soon attained an elevation of about a
a mile and a quarter, but continued insight
until Mr. Green effected his descent, about
five o clock, at Coombe Park farm, be
tween Woodbury and Honiton, about ten
miles from Exeter At first he got entan
gled in a tree and threw out his grappling
iron, which unfortunately broke, but extri
cating himself from this premature resting
place, he alighted in a field, where the bal
loon di ifted a considerable distance; luckily
two men, who were at work in an adjoining
field, ran to his assistance, and secured the
balloon. As soon as the balloon ascended,
Mrs Green set off in a chaise and four,
and joined her husband at the Globe Inn,
Woodbury, about an houi after he had
reached that place. Mr Green returned to
Exeter at eight, amidst the cheers and con
gratulations of an immense crowd. Mr
Green has been requested to make another
aerial voyage on the 18th of June, the anni
versary of the battle of Waterloo ; but he
has not yet decided on accepting the pro
position. Eider (Eng,) Gazette.
The Philosopher's Stone. —The follow
ing curious circumstance occurred a little
time since at Tottenham:—A person who
had misspent his time in search of the phi
losopher’s stone having left his laboratory
open, his servant-maid took the opportu
nity to attempt discovering the object of
her master’s study. Her attention was en
gaged by the furnanee, in which were se
veral substances. Her curiosity induced
her to stir and try to bring out the materi
als with a very large spoon, which was al
ways used at dinner. To her confusion
ant! surprise it melted and fell to the bot
tom. Terrified by the.circumstance she
flew from the room. Her master soon re
turned, and, on extinguishing his chemical
fire, was delighted to find a mass of puro
silver in his furnace. Now he imagined
he was successful in the great object of his
past life, and that he should soon realize a
fortune by converting the baser into pure
metal; ard, on the strength of this idea, he
invited a large party to dine with him the
next day, for the purpose of communica
ting his good fortune. He did not sleep
all that night for joy. The next day he
saw his table decked with the most costly
viands. His congratulated him on
every side. In the midst of this triumph
; ho missed the large silver spoon, and asked
where it was. The servant now confessed
she had been induced to try to extract the
materials from the furnace with it, and that
it bad melted her hand. The poor
philosopher turned pale ; the harmony of
the day was disturbed; his friends retrea
ted, and he still lies in a disconsolate state.
Eng. Paper.
At a meeting of the Executive Committee of
the Savannah Union, held on Tuesday, the 12th
instant, it was
Resolved unanimously , That this Committee
view with pleasure and gratitude the favorable
effect already produced upon this community, by
the exertions of this Union ; and recommend to
the members thereof, the continuance of a pru
dent and temperate method of procedure in fur
therance cf tho great and good object for which
they arc associated.
Extract from the Minutes,
Acting Rec. Secretary.
lt The lands in question belong to Georgia, she
must and she will have them.”
[Report in senate Dflc. 5, 1827.]
Convinced that the claim adva need on behalf
of the State to the country ir habited by the
Creek Indians, has no foundation in justice;
strongly impressed with the opinion that the
completion of the views of tho *3 politicians who
advance it, will justly entail /upon Georgia the
odious charges of being faithless; covetous; un
grateful; and inhuman. /
Faithless —Because we hjve treaties with the
Cherokees defining tho present boundary; up to
which boundary we have full and undisputed pos
Covetous —Because or j present territory, near
ly fifty thousandjjsquare miles, is out of all propor
tion large for our popr >ition—so that for centu
ries to come it will nc,t be properly cultivated.
Ungrateful —Beca use upon a late emergency,
a number of the a warriors of that Nation drew
their swords in our behalf with conspicuous ser
Inhuman —l o’ight to say Barbarous —because
in modern time j —in civilized countries—there is
no instance of expelling the members of a whole
nation from t’jeir homes—of driving an entire po
pulation froi a its native country. The notoriously
disgraceful partition of Poland involved no such
stigma of oruelty.)
Convinced, also, that if the territory could now
be received with honor, it would be impolitic to
receive ;t—our true policy being to hold the Uni
ted St-ites bound to us for the equivalent of its
value at a distant period—
Believing likewise that the people of this State,
if made properly acquainted with the subject, are
too religious, too honest, too honorable, to sanc
tion claims so irreligious, so dishonest, so dishon
orable—and which, if enforced, will result in such
deep disgrace to themselves—such enduring shame
to their posterity—under these convictions* and in
this belief, I intend to offer a Memorial to the next
General Assembly ; and desiring that this Memo
rial may illustrate and enforce these views with
ability and energy, I hereby offer
A Premium of One Hundred Dollars,
for that production, which in respectful language,
shall, in my opinion, most perfectly accomplish
that purpose.
The manuscript written in a legible hand, to be
left at my counting-room, or forwarded to me
here, free of expense, before the 10th day of No
vember next.
Savannah, August 14, 1328.
Sexton's Report of Interments of Persons who
have died in the City, for the week ending 12 th
Died of , 1 aged 37 years*
“ Intermittent Fever, 1 “ 68 “
“ Worm Fever, 1 “ 11 u
* At the Jail, supposed of fits.
Notwithstanding the great degree of health en
joyed by the citizens at the present time, and the
statements of this Board to that effect, which have
been published, it is with surprise and regret
that the Board of Health perceives that attempts
are making abroad by the circulation of rumora
to produce different impressions. In the Charles
ton Courier, of tho 11th instant, a report is men
tioned that the Charbon, a kind of plague, had al
ready reached this city from New Orleans. This
Board deem it due to the character of the city, as
w r ell as to the feelings of our citizens who are ab
sent, to say, that there is no truth whatever in
the report; and that the pity is as free from dis
ease of any kind, as at the most healthy periods of
the year, ©r as it ever has been.
By order of the Board ,
WM. MOREL, Sec'ry.
In New York, on the Ist inst. Nathaniel B.
Weed, of this city, to Adeline L. Osborne, of
the former place.
At Staten Island, (New York.) on the 28th ult.
Mr. Andrew Brown, of this city, aged 37 years
Schr Atfred M. Gatlin, Toler, 14 days from E
denton, (N. C.) with 3500 bushels corn, to R Ha
bersham. -
Schr Othello, Johnson, tor New York.
On Tuesday afternoon, steam boat Georgia,
Norris, with tow boat3 Nos. 11 and 17 for Augus
Passengers per solir for New York—
Capt Congar, capt. A McLean, W Rankin and C
At New York, 4th instant, ship Lafayette,Fan
ning, 6 ds.
At New York, on the sth inst brig Agenora, S
At New York, on the 6th instant, schr Excel,
The ship Envoy, from this port for Liverpool,
was spoken on the 25th June, lat 53,10ng 6, by the
Mary & Susan, at N York.
OMces of the Meccury Gazette ,
At anchor in Bulls—schr Billow, (of New York)
Whipple, Havana,7 ds.
Cleared—Spanish schr. Balsain,Quintana,Prin
cipe and St. Thome, (Africa)
Aug. 12.—8 P..1/.—Arr. this day, brig General
Gadsden, Aveilhe, Havana, 96 hours.
Went to sea this day—Spanish schr Balsain,
Quintana, Principe and St Thome, (Africa.)
Gazette Office.
Arrived—Brig Columbia, Ritchie, 15 ds I'm St.
Below —Brig Bevan, from St. Thomas.
Cleared—ship Lewis, Blunt, Rum Key ; schr
Joseph, Bassett, Halifax.
NEW YORK, Aug. 4.
Cleared on Saturday—ship Georgia,Smith,Liv
erpool ; schr Excel, Heliker, Savannah.
Arr. since our last—ship Edward Quesnel,Haw
kins, Havre, 16th June.
Ship Mary & Susan, Candler, of Boston? from
Greenock, 22d June.
Arr. thi9 day, ship Lafayette, Fanning, 6 days
from Savannah.
August s.—Cleared, Barque Octavia, Prince,
Genoa ; brig Jufia, Patrick, Havana.
Arr. Schr. Bruce, Cook, 12 days from Xibera,
Brig Julia. Bailey, 6 days fVom Charleston.
Haytien schoonei Elenore, Taubau, from Aux
schr. Mary, Blake, from St. Barts.
Cleared, ship Covington, Holbrook, Valparaiso
and a market.
,4rr. schr. Della Costa, Gallaga, Angostura, via
Margaritta, 15 days.
WARRANTED to be good, offered for sale
Druggist, Young’s Building No. 13.
july 28 28
Savannah, Friday, August 15, 1828.
British Dry Goods , 55 a 62’ per cent, adv
Bacon , 6i a 7 cents per lb. dull
“ Hams, 10 a 11, scarce.
Butter, 20 a 25 cts. per lb.
“ Northern, inferior quality —none.
Bagging, Dundee Inverness, 22£ a23 cts.
“ TOIO, 19 a 20.
Brandy, Cognac, Otard, Dupuy 4’ Co's, brand, $1
50 a 1 60.
other brands, $1 a 115—dull.
Cotton, Uplands, inferior to prime lots, 10 a 11
“ ** selections, of prime,—none
“ Sea Islands, 23 a 30, and above for fine
Corn, per bushel—retailing from stores at 45 a 46
cargo, 40. *
Candles , Northern Mould Talloio , 11 cts.
“ Georgia, 18
“ Sperm, 28 a29
Cheese , a 8 cents per lb. —scarce.
Crockery, 30 a 35 per cent. adv.
Coffee , Havana Green, prime, 15 a 15| —scarce.
“ Other qualities 13. J a 14—plenty.
Flour , Philadelphia, Baltimore, Richmond and
Alexandria, sales ; Canal, $6.
Gin, Holland, 100 a 115
“ Northern, 33
Hay, prime Northern, \st quality, 62 1-2 —sales.
Hyson Tea, $1 6 a 1 12$ per lb.
Iron, Swede's $5 per hun.
Lard, 7 1-2 a B—sales.
Lumber, yellow pine Ranging Timber, $4 a 6
Steam sawed Lumber, a 18
River Lumber , Boards , Flanks Scantling
sl2 . j
Quartered 11 inch flooring Boards , p’4
White Pine Boards, clear, 17 a 18
Merchantable, $9 a 10
W. O. Hogsheads Staves, sls a 18
r o■ “ ‘‘ 10 a 12
Shingles, rafted , 2 1-2
“ boated , 3
Mackerel , No. 1, $5
“ 2, $4 50 ’
“ 3, $3 75
Molasses, IV. India, 32 a 33-plenty
“ New-Orleans —none.
Oznaburghs, 9 1-2 a 10 1-2
Pork, prime, sll a 11 1-2 per barrel
Mess, 14 1-4 a 14 i
Porter , $3 a 3 121-2
Rice, s2i a 3—scarce.
Ruin , Jamaica, 100 a 110 *
“ West India —none.
“ N. England, 35 a3B cts.
Soap, yellow, 5 a 8 cents per lb.
Salt, Liverpool , 55
Sugars , Havana, white , 13 1-2 a 14 1-2— Brown ,
9 1-2 a 10.
Muscovado, 9 a 9 1-2— St. Croix, 10 a 11
Ne w - Orleans, —none.
Refined Loaf, 16 1-2 a 18 —Lump 15 a 15 1-2
Tobacco, Kentucky, Georgia , fyc. 2| a 4 cts.
“ Manufactured do 8a 30
Tallow, 9 a 10
Whiskey, 20 a 27 in bbls., in hhds, 25 v 26.
On England, 8 1 a 9 Darien Bank Notes, 1 a
New- York, 60 d's 1J a 1 1-2
1$ d't. N. Carolina S.B. Notes ,
N. York, 30 d's 5-8 a | 8 a 10 dis.
Bank Checks do $ prem State Bank of Georgia ,
Philadelphia “ payable at the Branch-
Baltimore u es other than Augusta
Bankof Macon, 1$ p.c.d II a 1 per cent. dis.
Bank, U S Bills, I a $
Liverpool —none. I New- York —l 25.
France —none. J Providence —none.
Cottons.—The quantity on hand, at present, is ]
small, and as there are no purchasers in the mar
ket, prices remain much about the same as our last
week’s quotations.
Rice.—A sale of middling to good, for the West
India market, has been made at 2$ to 2J —Prime
is very scarce, and would readily command $3. {
Groceries. —The demand is principally for
town trade. There has been no alteration in
prices of any consequence.
Corn. —Several cargoes have arrived during the
week, and prices have declined. A cargo \vas of
fered at 40 cents, which could not be obtained.—
Retailing from stores 45 a 46 cents, dull.
Flour —Meets with ready sales—fresh is sell
ing at 5$ a 5| canal $6.
Bagging—ls rather dull, at from 22$ a 23.
THE annual election for Officers of the Hebrew
Congregation will take place (agreeable to
charter) on MONDAY, the 18th inst. at the Syna
gogue, between the hours of 11 and 2 o’clock,
aug 15 36
‘ • 1
THE jCopartnorship heretofore existing be
tween the subscribers, under the firm of 8.
M. Allen 4* Cos. at Savannah and Mobile, is this
day dissolved bv mutual consent.
Mr. G. D. Swef.t, Savannah, is authorised to
receive debts due the concern.
New York , August Ath, 1828.
aug 15 36
THE following are the drawn numbers in the
Union Canal Lottery, Class No. 8:
34, 31, 26, 13, 28, 41.
Holders of Prizes will call for the cash at
Lottery and Exchange Office.
aug 15 . > . ______
Union Canal Lottery, Class No. 8.
34, 31, 26 13', 28, 41.
Holders of Prizes will call and receive the cash at
Lottery and Exchange Office.
aug 15
65 27°Tiercos | Muscovado Sugars,
20 Hhds. Molasses, landing from brig
William, from Matanzas, for sale by
august 13 35—i
A Red Cornelian BREAST PIN, set round
with Pearls. The finder will be liberally reward
ed by returning the same at this Office,
august 4 31
O BOXES Cheese, landing from schr Othel-
O 10, and for sale by
aug 11 34—c
Darien bank stock, at
august 8 Exchange Office.
RUM GIN, &c.
Qfk HHDS N E Rum
OU 50 bbls do do
50 do Fox Point Gm
20 boxes negro Shoes
For sale on accommodating terms by
aug 11 34—d
The fast sailing coppered ship EMILY,
F. Huntington, master, having all her
cargo engaged will meet with immediate despatch.
A tew passengers can be handsomely accommo
dated. Apply to Capt Huntington on board, at
Anciaux’s wharf, or to
aug 13
■jf Pint and Quart bottles, receiv
m ed per ship Chancellor ; together
with an assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Slices,
Perfumery, &c. For sale by
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Building,
july 14 *
MTHE Dwelling House now occupied
by Ralph Ketcnum, Esq. Possession
can be had on the Ist November next.
Apidv to £LIAS p EED
may 26 Id—tw3m
RAN A WAY from the Sub
scriber, in May last, a Mulatto Fe
male Slave, named JANK, about
/ eight een years of age—s feet two or
mmamJaefr three inches high—stout and wc o
made—a pleasing and intelligent countenance*—
long jet black hair—the right front tooth b-oken
out. She is very fond of dress, and and
cleanly in her appearance She formerly belonged
to Wm Law, and recently to 1. K Tefft. \v .h
give the above reward for her apprehension, and
an additional reward of One Hundred Dollars : r
proof of her being concealed or enticed away :y
any white person.
AVERY desirable Horse for a family; he :3
very gentle, and well broke to the saddle nc
harness; perfectly sound, and in good order.—
Apply to A. PARSONS.
Will be disposed off a Gig and Harness,
june 6 6
barrels fresh Baltimore FLOUR, just
. received, and for sale by
june 18 11
T HREE Hundred pieces prime Baltimore Pa
eon, Hams, Shoulders, and Middlings Fcx
sale at low rates, by
july 18
IN a dry goods or grocery store, or to trike
charge of a set of books. Satisfactory refer
ences given. Apply at this office.
July 23 2S_
MESSRS. Wilson Fuller and Edward O Con
nor will act as my Attorneys during my ab
sence from this State.
july 30 5t—29
P* BBLS Plaister, landing from brig Magnc
lia, and for sale, by
june 18 H
hhds prime St Croix Sugars
X 100 bags prime Green Coffee
Just received and for sale by
june 4 5
200 Casks Thomastown Lime,
20 bbls. extra Canal Flour,
landing from Ship MACON, and for sale by
July 14
THE subscriber being undw the neces
sity to be absent from thv city of Sa
vannah 101 a few weeks, Benjamin Sheftall, Esq
will attend to the duties of his office, and Mr.
Hanford Knapp will act as his Attorney.
july 25 lw3w—27
VISITING Committee for August—William
Taylor and Moses Cleland.
Attending Physicians.T>rs. Coppee and Screven.
aug 11 „
p* /A BBLS Prime Pork
60 do do Reef
20 do Mess do
30 do Canal Flour
10 do Holts’ Crackers
1000 lbs excellent Hams
For sale by
june 11
O/A iA/A Bushels prime corn, free from wea
* vils, at a reduced price, for ©ale by
PALMES & LEE, Exchange Dock .
300 Bushels Oats,
100 Do Cew Peas,
50 Do Rough Rice,
100 Bundles prime Hay,
1000 Bushels Turks Island Salt,
80 Kegs Lard,
75 prme HamJ, it for families.
Apply as above.
augusst I c 30
THE following are the drawn numbers in the
Rhode Island Consolidated Lottery, Class
No. 6.
9, 8. 31, 33, 54, 38, 19, 10,
Combination No. 9,38, 54, a Capital Prize, was
ordered at this office.
ZjCtteru and Exchange office.
jftly 28
IT is deemed necessary, for the information of
all persons that the following extract from the
Sabbath Ordinance should be publisned:—
“ And be it further ordained, That no person
whatsoever, shall publicly cry, showforth, or ex
pose to sale, in any shop, store, warehouse, or oth
er place, any goods, wares or merchandize, fruiis,
herbs, or any thing upon the Lord s
Day, or any part thereof—nor sell or barter, he
same, upon pain that every person so offending,
shall forfeit the goods so carried, shownforth. or
exposed, to sale, and be liable to be fined in a sum
not exceeding Five Pounds.
july 30 F. M. STONE, C. M.