Newspaper Page Text
£A V “lJu.shed ever) day, in Savannah, Geo.
WHlfc* P ll business season, ami throe times a
thc q ie s nmmer months, at Eight Dollars
f ,' P s’i VAN yAH MERCURY,
. -üblished every Monday, VWnokday,
fill If. ‘ . c'jj Dollars per annum. This sheet
, j c uo of the two inner forms-tf the
f'’ l ' c containing all the news, new foiver-
Dliiy-7 In
fjUB A.aStT5
frotn the Savannah Mercury,
IvJ ne . ‘ selection of the leading ana most
icn !- n a ) articles of the Daily papers. AJver
iiwres 1 ”*- .jl generally. excluded, and the
ti me!l< M b( J principally filled with reading matter.
,t ! * poiir Dollars per annum, or Three I)ol
.aid in advance.
ass ** P rt^r .„rvt.* wifi he published in hath pa
'■ ‘fnrff/n ts per square of 14 tines far the first
f’ rf ’ *! * ’ , ( j-rj rents for each continuation.’
iw ‘J- W y 6 (-,, „i ,mi nicotians respecting the business
o r “ r.-ist he addressed to thc Editor, post
ts da, ()j rc J
1‘"!\ <• lard and negroes by Administrators,
nr GuariM-ins, are required Ify kw, to
h ‘ ,> 1( , rs i, Tuesday in the month, between
( j,. i cl.l j‘. cn o >|ntfh in the forenoon nStd three
’ ’ U Jvr.-j>onn .aVt,:e Court-House, of the.'Odun
jr‘ - Tcfi ‘he ’Hoi erty situated. Notice of
;A-.V luvst*"iw*V ,v<m m a P nb Uc Gazette
1 ’, ’ a . s oreviotn to'tiie day of sale. ’ v -
!J \ ;fthe sale of personal property must he
manner, forty days previous to the
.tr if safe- , c
r {n the debtors and creditors of an estate,
,'J; he published fi*r forty days.
* Wicc'tliat application will he‘made to Court
f(Wnwr.v f*r leave to sell land, musthepub
re:& aws*
*Ti TVItn.IY MORXIXG, DEC. 6, 1838.
no- t
We have received nothirv of peculiar inlcrcs
£om Milled&eviUe hy the last mails. The legisla
ture hve been principally engaged in the discus
sien of local matters —such as bills for the division
of counties; bills granting divorce; bills to Icgi
<;iaste bastards, &c &c On these grave subjects,
l Toat deal of labor has been besto wed, and many
f.raiua of lodv eloquence becu exhibited ; which,
Shhough of vast importance to the speaker, are
j.iUo much so, to the listener or the reader.
There is much matter of serious import, how
ever! ettbre the different committees, and op the
taUe. xvhWe will probably he pressed for warp
lithe heel oftlw session, when members will say
nr tunj to any thing—no matter what—so that
they mav be relieved from a further view of the
sj -jecq aiwfbo enabled to get borne to a Christinas
It L *ail there will bo an attempt made by a
feu’interested speculators, to remove the Bank of
banes to Columbus * As the success of a project
of that kind vvfluid not depend altogether upon the
justice or propriety of Lttl'eie is i*a teLing xxhut
Wuv be the result.
be have received from correspondent at,
Muledgeviile, the Report of the committee on the
This committee has gone into the subject at.
onsiderable length ; they acknowledge that the
i/stem has failed; “the experiment,’’ say they,
‘‘ius presented little, indeed nothing, upon which !
to predicate a hope of future usefulness ; tiicy
taw* found the punishment endured incompetent
t'j the reformation of crime, and they fear that the
era vie! shave gone out more abandoned and reck- ;
~.®_ , ■ f i
*fcsstiiaa w-gy went in ; and they are not euro lha- v
.crimesof a certain grade have ijojt increased.—
hit pr.son does no* appear to he a. place of sut
ai. ’ penitence, hut rather a refuge ijerm the
ills of tlie outer world.”
They do not, however, recommend an abandon-
Pent of the system. “So far as the experiment
p'ts gone,” they t hserve, “it has riot proven any
“in? against the Penitentiary system of punish
wit as such, hut much against the manner m
Vinch thn fJeorgili Penitentiary is and has been
*PgulateJ.*’ Thai therefore recommend a conti-
of the system, under very important re-
Witiations. Among those are, an alteration of
Teiiitcutiary emlice so as to admit of solitary
friufiuemcnt, while the convicts are nat at labor ;
2‘uore rigid sequestration from tRi world ; pro
bibiiinw the convicts from receiving letters from
fknds, or lioldiiigany intercourse with them
•diatever; and greater privations in the articles
%1 ***<l eloa thing*
n die management of our Fp/ietentiary system
“ Pre i s a strange combinutkfc of extravagance
parsiaicny. r fhe system is established, os*
• ‘is.bly. to subserve the purposes of humanity ;
°nce established, its conductors seem to con-
Sl ' er 11 their duty to make it a money-making
•i’ ern—a matter of speculation. The Penilen
;r.’ c oiurnitteey in their last report, say—
Hi ‘?'* most likely to be the subjects of Execu
'e c^u >ei)cy, are those who having served long
to learn their trade/are most profitable to
‘institution. The consequence of a pardon not
/gently ip, the suspension for a time of the
n- 001 Wor k iitj which tlie ’Convict was employed.
Remedy ifiis difficulty, it is thought that no
i Jn ‘•houldbe granted, until six months notice
Untl asiVe,t 1o *‘ ie deeper, oflfee fact, in order
„ m S t*iake arrangements J.o supply the
jj ( Ue committee here seem tc .consider the re
6, , a * a sore misfortune—the jess of his labor is
V j fcM \ lie would imagine iliat it was only
iU rc ‘laticn to its capability to make money
P t ’ ,lie Report of the sub-committee on the
* ns tit nt,ar T> and appears that the expenses of that
‘‘ion the pa*t y&*r .over and &bove
tre “t receipts havs been $0,619 36. :i
in’t|.. s a tenant* in battering and driving
fcW 4. c< Va ” i > ln j u ring thp cornices, breaking
* / “ •V■’ V ,
-11 l m ’
AnrT’” ‘? n ° W befSr th C Lejisluiure of
Ut 4 r ul^U1 > to lnc °rporate ail the Banks of
et “ bn , e ? rAtl H>ecie paying Institution,
and tru. state to become a stackholder on the
same footing as individuals. It was expected that
tins subject would excite a long and warm de
bate. .
A;wf*tijrthm has been commenced in New
j ork. for the relief of the family of Mrs. Newtnan,
Inrety murdered by a man named Johnson, in that
‘3 ’ “ are said to be in very distressed circum
During the storm on Saturday the schr. Samuel
S. Wvkoff, Aikins, was capsized off Bafiiegat In
let, and it is supposed all on board Wtqres lost:
several bodies have drifted ashore. ‘’ i v,
The administrat ion of Affairs is about to
undergo a salutary reform. Governors Clark and
t ass are directed by the Secretary of War, to
prepare a report on the subject.,* to be submitted
to Congress. Ticm their intelligence and expe
rience on matters connected with the subject, a
valuable and able document may be anticipated.
Supreme Court —His Honor the Chief Justice
(says thc Boston Cmjrier) rfefqs-d to grant a con
tinuance to next term of the trill of the indict
ment, Couirtmnwealtk against, Tlreodore Lyman,
for an alledged libel on l ?aniel Webster. There
was a long cancel sat ion between the counsel of
the-different parties and the court, but we were
unable to hear much of it distinctly. The trial is
assigned for Monday, the loth of December next.
Key-Jersey —The Legislature of Nevv-Jersey
(says the Boston Patriot) has adjourned, to hold
another session in January, when a Senator of the
United States is to he elected; to succeed Mr.
Dickerson, whose term of service empires on the
3d of March next. It is believed that Mr. South
ard. tjie present Secretary of the Navy, will be
again chosen to the Senate, as his ? services in the
next cabinet will unquestionably he dispensed with.
Now-Jersey will do herself honor by this selec
tion. ! “ r
American fin. —Professor Hitchcock, of Ajji
herst. (says thc Ijoslan Traveller of Nov. 21,) has
obtained from a hitherto *■ known kind of ore
found at Goshen, in this slate, globules of well
characterised met dim tin. It conesponds exactly
with the genuine English tin, and no difference
was found in the results of different Experiments,
it is said tin !u;s rioi before been found in the U.
States, though diligently sought after; and in
this instance, the professor has hut a single speci
men, which very exactly resembles the tin ore of
Bohemia. . t
M’Garvey, (snys the Philadelphia Aurora.) the
man who. it is alltHgc*!. murdered his wife, in
Pine alley, some and tys sh;ee, was brought out yes
terday afternoon, nod on motion for a postpone
ment of his trial, r. s set forth i. the affidavits, and
arguments of his two counsel.'verging the excite
ment of tlie public mind from ..he recent occur
rence of the afiair, and diftercht contradictory
newspaper paragraphs, Ac. Ac. all of which was
overruled, and the prisoner ordered for trial this
morning ; in reference to Llio newspaper remarks,
his Honor observed “ that it u as part of thc bill of
fare always screed vp ou sack occasions,” amd
that the would take cue that the prisoner
should have a fair and i.upartidT trial, and tha.t lie
never knc.v a case in lii* state of Pennsylvania,
in which it was otherwise. % •*
Sernvr is y,ith sincere regret
(says the New-York Commercial Advertiser of the
2 >th ult ) that v f e have heard the following parti
culars'of an accident which bale! thb North Ame
rica steamer last evening, while on her passage to
Albany. !dho left, her moorings ct ifie dock, at
the usual hour of five last evening, with three
hundred passengers. She sprung a leak near
t'alu-vell'ri landing, and was run ashore on the
fids near West Point to save her. The Constel
lation steamer, which came along soon afterwards,
took ns many of her passengers as she could, and
pursued her way to Albany. The remainder of the
passengers were subsequently taken off A brought
back to ibis city by the De itt Clinton. When
the De Witt Clinton left her, it was near high
wafer, and the stern of the boat vvu sunk to her
guards. Jt presumed that the boat will be got
off. 1 ’*
’ Since the above was in type, we have received
the following. The North America -landed heir
passengers at thc dock at West Point, and the ves
sel was then hauled on shore, and the furniture
taken on deck are making to get her
aHoal immediately, it is supposed that the acci
dent occurred from the breaking of one of ihe
gla ruling pqcs that go through the Lotlom of the
boat. s
There are counterfeit Spanish Dollars in circu
lation ; they arc light, much projected on the
hyad side. Dates 1866 and 1808. Wc have seen
ujjo counterfeit half dollars purporting to boos
the United States currency. They are of
base metal which can he distinguished by sound
ing thmn One of the wings of the Eagle ex
tends into the “ U” of the words “ United States,”
In the genuine coin it does not. — Aurora.
Remarkable incident. —Last evening, between
and eight o’clock, a pair of horses broke
froh a vehicle in Hestcr-street. and Pujy full speed
to the avenue, keeping the east side-walk of the
Bowerv all the way, a distance of about tico miles
Considering the number of persons of all ages,
that this public-street, especially on a Sun
day evening, it is astonishing, but still a fact, that
: no person was injured, although the horses could
( not be discerned five paces off.— Statesman.
from St. Barts —By the schooner Alexander
Captain Hurst, arrived here yesterday from St.
Barts,’ the editors of thc Commercial Chronicle
have received from their attentive correspondent,
letters, prices current c. to the 30th Oct.
Our correspondent says, “ Our market'has been
; pretty fair of late, notwithstanding we have had a
‘ considerable number of arrivals from the States ;
; they w ; U4 range for one month back agreeable to
I quotations, and bid fair for a pretty brisk fall and
! winter business Flour has been sold by the cargo
!at 8 Spanish dollars per barrel; the last sale wa3
; for 700 bids, at $7 75, and more could now be dis
posed of at tj-ie same price.
“ We hate a ieport here that Curacoa is ceded
to England, as an equivalent for a debt due her by
tho Dutch.”
\V6 are also indebted to our correspon dent for a
St. Kitts oaper of the 24th October, ftdm which
we extract tho following :
On Tuesday last, the Danish brig of war Saint
Thom up, Capt. Klaumann, (Knight of the Order
of Dan arrived here from St Thomas,-via.
St. MartiiV’fe and was the bearer of despatches for
flis Honor the Commander in Chief, relating to
certain disclosures, involving some characters at
St. Thomas, elicited on the late trials here for
Captain Klacmann, we learjq, found at St. Mar
tin’s a privateer (alias pirate) brig, under Buenos
Ayrean colors, called the Aya&squo, Captain
Blaize. She is detained, at his instance, by the
Authorities there, until her proper character can
be ascertained^ —Baltimoie Chronicle of,Nov. 26~
From Brazil. —Letters were received yesterday
r<m Itio Q'O Janeiro to the 20th Sept., brought by
Captain Reynolds, of this city, vrho arrived yes*
erday morning via. an Eastern p*>rt, from Bahia,
which left thotiihof Octobcf Wo have hoea
m ■ v* *
politely favored by a commercial house with m
extract, by which we learn, that no diteratwn
V'.iatcrer had taken place in the nirtmrij^sptifx hat
at neither place had airy inteUigence heen reeeiv
. Buenos Ayres on the all important sub
jf*c\ of the tiefity—of course it was not known
whether its ratification had been confirmed or not.
r lour, at Rio, was dull at the last quotations. The
ship London Packet and brig Pacific, both hence,
had arrived, and the former landed about 400 bhls
nour. The brig Exchange, cf Baltimore, had
been sold at a low price, The barque Gen. Starke,
of Salem, sailed for Trieste on the 18th Septem
ber. Exchange on London 31 l-2d\ “ The As
sembly closed this day,” says a letter of the 20th,
” a, k the Emperor’s speech criminates the mem
bers for not having done more than they hava
done, and does not touch upon the subject of
peace, or any other matter of interest.”
At Bahia, Oct. 6, flour was dull at $lO, and
Exchange on London at 40d.
Tlie brig Galliano, Beach, from this port had just
arrived. —Baltimore Chronicle of Nov. 27!,
Ejectment suits have been commenced in the
United States Court, by the Hon. EdVard Living
ston, to recover lai'. ** in this county, claimed un
uer the late John Nicholson. It will be remembered
that all the lands conveyed by him to land compa
nies and individuals, after a certain time, were
subsequently claimed and taken by the state y and,
Commissioners were appointed to sell them. The
suit now commenced is intended to try the legality
of the state proceedings, and will be one of the
most important legal contests that has ever agita- ‘
ted Pennsylvania.— Carlisle Volunteer.
A curious case has arisen in New-York, hnder
the'Morgan law, making it felony for any person
to attempt forcibly te remove a citizen of the state
out of the same without lawful authority. A My.
Northrop was arrested by a deputy sheriff, for
debt, in Connecticut, but by some means escaped
from the officer and returned to Troy, his place of
residence. Lie was followed by the said deputy
and some assistants, retaken and lodged *r> Albany
jail, on the way back to Connecticut. A warrant
w 7 as issued by the recorder of Troy, under the
act above named, agajnst the deputy sheriff and
his assistants, and the whole were arrested and
taken back. Oil hearing, the recorder decided of
course, that the right to retake did not extend into
New-York. Northrop was discharged, and the
other party held to bail to answer thc felony at the
next term of Oyer and Terminer.
VVoodstock, (Vermont,) Nov. u*
Aav Fire Engine. —A few days since
wo had the pleasure of viewing anew En
gine, ir,venled by Mr. Asahel Hubbard of
Windsor—and from what we saw of it,
think it to be a very ingenious work—and
certainly preferable to any thing of the kind
tfe have seen. It is made chiefly of cast
Eon, and weighs about 56lbs. ’When work
ed with one man only, will dischaige a bar
rel through the hose in less than 30 se
tonds. With four pen to work h, it dis
charged a ! *i rel and a half in a minute,
throwing the water a distance of 120 feet.
Valparaiso. —We h ive received from
our correspondent at Valparaiso, a file of
the Mcrcurio de Valparaiso to the 3d Au
‘ 1 . ~ * t
Qn the 20? Ii July nn affray of rather a
serious character took place in Santiago,
between a detachment of the National
Guard } that city and a hotly of troops
under the command of Gen. San Fernando;
a considerable number of tlie former were
killed and wounded; but after several hours
of tlie greatest confusion and dismay, the
civil authorities succeeded in quelling
what was evidently a hi h-lmnded attempt
at rebellion. Alihodgh Tj;js distribution
has been settled for the present, yet our iu
telligen’ correspondent is of opinion that
there s ill exist numerous and powerful
fictions, who only wait for an opportunity
to re lie v t he'.r designs.
Extract of a letter to the editor dated
“Valparaiso, Aug. 3d.
* The American vessels now in port are
tlie ll jr.cine of Boston, the Benjamin Rush,
Guluurff’and Cybele of Brdiiniore. The
market for a general cargo from the IJnited
States is dull. Our winter is now, we ex
pect, nearly over, at least the season for the
strong noitherly winds—and I have the
pleasure to state, that not a single vessel
has been lost in the port the sea
son ’ —Baltimore Gazette.
Colombia. — The New-York Daily Ad
vertiser, has received the Bogota Gaceta
of the 2d and sth of October.
The enemies of Santander continue to
speak of him as a prime mover of the pict
against the Liberator, although SO far as we
have seen not a Get has been published as
ascertained from the evidence, which is
calculated to implicate him rn any degree.
Bi)Jivar has appointed Gen. Urdioeis
commandant general of the Department of
Ctmdinamarca; and Geu. Coid.iva Minis
ter of War.
The obligations to he emitted by the
Cdmmissio*.i of nattdnul credit, are, as here
after, to receive the signature of Jeronimo
Torres; A memorial has heen presented
to Bolivar hy the inhabitants of the capital,
expressing their abhorrence of the designs
of the conspirators’ He has received many
congratulations ; and the British Minister,
who was in the country, wrote a letter oi
that charactei to the Secretary of State.—
The British Consul General and the Mexi
can Charge waited on the Liberator, A
pastoral letter Jbus been written by the Arch
bishop of Bogota, to all his curates and
other priests, to inculcate from the pulpit
the importance, and duty of union, and
obedience to the government. G
It is known that our coun
tryman, MY,’ Sparks, in order to i Collect
materials for illustrating the life of Wash
ington a-jd Lie most important events of our
history, Lorn the beginning of the struggle
for Independence. In duly last he pro
ceeded*’ from Germany t JParis, und has
been constantly employed in that capital,
searching the public archieVes for papers,
diplomatic and military, resting to our Re~
volutriVij/ and the old French war in the
Colonist. As Paris was She eutre oral!
the. diplomatic coocerqs connected with
America, the documents are numerous, cu
rious and valuable. Mr,. Sparks has expe
rienced the utmost liberality and comity
on the part /! the ministers in whose de,
parfinents the papers are depilated, and
very earnest aid from French gentlemen of
eminence. A kindl\ feeling towards the
Untied States seems to he almost universal
in F ranee. All the correspondence of
Dr. Franklin with the French cabinet has
come under the eyes of Mr. Sparks. The
Doctor sustains, in every part of it, a dig
iiifiod, independent, and truly patriotic
character. We in ali likelihood, see
a full refutation of the charge or story of
pliancy to the wishes ol Vergennes, which
has been copied into the newspapers from
Mr. Cooper’s “Notions of a Travelling
Bachelor ” Mr Sparks wilLeturn to Lon
don to prosecute hts researched there. ?n
that capita), also, he is permitted to exa
mine the diplomatic correspondence and
military papers, and to make abstracts and
sclet :oua. Some of the Whig noblemen
in particular have entered warmly into his
objects. The Marquis of. LansdAwne,
whom ali men liNnor for his eulightened
rectitude and generous courtesy,"has opened
to him all the papers of his father (Lord
Shelburne) respecting the peace of 1733.
National Gazette . ,
Meclicgl. —A new method has lately been
adopted by some French physicians, of
introducing medicine into the rkin , and
t which they have given the name of
“ Endermic Medication ”
Review of the New-York Market , Nov. 26.
Cotton. —The market is still inactive and prices
remain the same. Uplands', 9 1-2 all ; Ncw-
Orleans, 10 1-4 a 13; Alabama and Tennessee.
9 1-2 a 11 1-2.
Domestic Goods. —Calicoes, blue, (Taunton) 1
alB cents per yard; do. fancy, do. 15 a 24'; do.
others, 15 a 28 ; -shirtings, brown, 3-4, 6 a 9 L-2;
do. do. 7-8, 9 a 11 ; do. bleached., 9 a 13 : do. 3. L.
do. 16 a 20; sheetings, brown, 1-4. 10 a 137 do
do. 5-4,15 a 17; do. bleached, 4-4, 12 al9; do do.
5-4, 17 a2O ; plaids, 10 al4 stripes (fast colours)
10 a 13; Fufctains, 16 a 20; satinets, 45 a 150-
checks, 3-4, lh al2 do 4-4, 14 a 25; cotton yarn,
No. 5 to 10, 22 cts. per lb. Veto, do No. 14,24;
satinet warps, 37 1-2.
Flour. —looo bb.s of western canal flour was
cold on the 24th at*sß per bbl. It is now quoted
at. .7 7-8 a 8. ‘ ,
‘GtCflJi- —Yesterday 150 J bushels of western 1
wheat sold at $1 62 1-2. One lot of western j
now in market, is held at 13s'.fofievern.1 parcels of ‘
southern in market is held at 12s! 6d. to 13s.
Provisions remain without alteration in prices.
Mess Beef, $8 62 1-2 a 9 25; prime, 6 37 1-2 a
6 50 ; cargo, 4 62 1-2 u 4 75 ; pork, mess; 12 50
a 13 50 ; prime, 9 50 a 10 50 ; cargo, 8.
Sugars —On the 22d, 75hkds. of Ncw-Orleans,
new crop, were sold*.t auction, by M. Hoffman &
Son } at 8 1-2a9 at 60 arid 90 days. On the 24th,
l3obbls. do 7 1-8 a 7 1-4, aqd 5 hhda. old crop, at
3L On tho 22d, R. R. Mintdrn, sold 36 hhds now
crop New-Orleans, at 8 a 8 1-2, 4 months.
Spirits. —Yesterday, 25 puncheons N. Orfoans
rum, brought 39 cents ; 10 tiercek, do. 41 cents.
’ *> .
Office of the Courier, Mercury and Gazette, }
Charlea Dec. 3—B p. m. j i
[By the Albert at Charleston ]
Havana, Nov. 22.—Cordage, American, ql. 8 a
11 ) pitch, 26a 34 ; tallow, 84 a 12; tar, 34a 4;
bread, 44a 6; butter, Am. yellow, 14 a 22; Can
dles, mould, tallow, 14 al6 0 ; do. sperm,34 a 354;
ccdfish, box, 2 6a 32; flour, Philad. and Balti
more, 17 a 17 2; do N. OrleansJl6 oaoo 0; hams,
Am. 13 al6 ; lard, Am. 9 a 10 0; pork, cargo,
none ; potatoes, bbl. 24a 3 ; rice, ql. 46a 54 ;
soap, 8 4 a 10 2; hoops, 38 a 40 ; lumber, Portland,
W. P. $3 a 24 ; other eastern ports, 20 a 22;
pitch pine, 26 a 28, dull; shingles, eastern, 3 2a
42; do. N. Carolina, 3 4 a 4 ; shooks, with head
ings, 9 a 14; coffee, Ist qual. none ; 24 v and 3d do.
50a 80; Triage,.3 0 a4j ; molasses keg.;of 5 1-2
gal. If a2; sugars, assorted, 3-sths white, and
2- brown 9 1-2 & 13>i a lOj a 14f ; white alone
13 a 15 ; brown alone, 9 a 10 ; Muscovado, none ;
segars, 4 4 a 15; hides, 2.4 a32 tobacco, Ken
cky', 6a 0 ; Cuba, 16 alB ;* wax. white, 84a 9. -
Exchange. —On London, 16 a per ct. prem.
U. States, 6a 7, prem. ; Spain 7 a 10, prem.; Pa
ris, 4 a 5 do. ; Dollars, 5a 6. Export duty on
Gold, 9 per cent and on Silver 2 per cent.
Freights. —To” Baltic, Lst. 5 per ton ; Bremen,
3- groot per Span. fit. lb. L. 4f per ton ; France,
100 fs per ton ; G. Britain and a market, 1. stg,
3a 4 1-4 L. per ton ; United States, $4 per hhd.
$1 4 a $1 6 per box, f cent per Jb.
A letter from Havana, per brig Plato, of the
24th ult. quotes Price at $5 1-2 a6, ‘ . • .
Extract of a letter, dated “ Liverpool, Oct. 2i.
We wrote to you yesterday. The cotton mar
ket was very quiet to-day, and scarcely 1000 bales
were sold, but there was no reduction in price.—
Our grain market was very dull, and wheal. 3 a
Cd per bushel lower. ;Tiie prices of rice are no
fifiaally the same, but there have been no sales.”
Prices at St. Barts, Oct. 30.—Flour, suporflne,
per bbl. $7 87 a8; do. rye, $4 ; corn meal, pun
cheon, sl6 a. 20 ; do. bbls. $3 75 a 4 ; corn, bush
el, 75 cts. a $1 ; beans, white, $1 25 a 1 50 ; peas,
black eyed, $1 a 1 25 ; butter, good, lb. 14 al6
cents ; lard, 9 a’ IJ4 hams, Virginia, 14 a 15 ;
beef, prime, bbl. $7 a8; pork, 13 al4 ; candles,
tallow, lb. 14 als cts.; do. sperm 33 a35 ; staves,
red oak, dressed, per M. S2B a 30 ; shingles, 4 50
a 5 ; lumber, pitch pine, 25 a 28 ; do. white p:zie,
13 50 a 15. The. foregoing articles are in Span
■lm. money, say dollars, or doubbxms at sl6 each.
Huai, incl. punch, per gal. 28 a32 cts.; molasses,
14 a 17; sugfir, lb. Muse. 4 a 4jf; coffee, If alO ;
hides, dull, at 11 a 14.
the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior
J Q Court of M‘.Jntosh county, sitting for Ordi
nary purposes ; . ’ . 1 -? *
To all to whoni it may concern.
Whereas, Patrick Gibson applies for letters
dismissory, as executor with the will annexed, on
the estate and effects of John Currie, dec’ji These
are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu
lar, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased
to file their objections, (if any they have,) in my
office, in Darien, in the terms of the law, other
wise letters of dismissing will be granted to
tha applicant,
Witness the Honorable Jacob Wood, one
of the Justices of aid Court* this 25th
day of November,.one thousand eight hun
. dred and twenty-fight. , ;
CEO. T. ROGERS, c.c, 0..
nev 20 •■ , ■ f ‘•. . *y>, = <*
Brig Pizarro, Baddershnll, TO days from Turks
Island, with salt pj Hall, Shaptb- *.UTuppsr.
r boat Hilirtining-Bnd, from Augnua, with
ofil bales cotton, to t andler A Davidson,
Taft <Sr Padelford, Kvj.qhum & Burr. ughs, Beers.
Booth & St John, G Thomas, andi Stone. *
Pole boat J homas Jefferson, from Augusta, with
270- bales cotton, to Candler & Duvudson, and J
Stone , ‘ . i
Offices of the Courier, Mercury, Gazette, )
’ Charleston, Dec. 3 —7 p. m; J
Arr. ship Helen Mar, Harrison, Philadelphia,
and 3 days from the capes. . 28pr ult. while lying
at Reedy Island, the ship Julias Cftsar, from Liv
erpool; barqud Wyoming, from Hamburg; brig
Happy Return, from St. Thomas/and ship Asi*
from C&ntou, passed up.
Brig Albert, Woodberry, Havana, 8 davs. 2otli
ult. o leagues east of the Mc-ro, Sf>oke brig iAew
PresciUa, llai t, 11 days from tffis port for Havana.
,Schr George 6l Mary, Gibbs, Providence, via,
Newppft, R. I.
Stearp packet John David Mongir., Dubois. fm>
Savannah, hs.
In the Oflirig,’ a ship, aid schooner.
Cld. ship Janies Perking Ceowell, Havre; briir
Gen Gadsden, A veilhe, Havana; schr Sciot, Man”
ter, Tampico *
‘tl t
Savannah, Friday, Dec. 5, 1828. .
British Ory Goods, 55 a i2> pc cent,
Bacon , ti 1-2 a 7 1-2 cents per Ik,- -■ .$
“ Hams, 10.
Butter , 16 a 20 cts. per lb.
“ Northern ‘ iff trior quality , 10 al3
Bagging, Dundee fy Inverness, 21 a 22 cts.
“ Tow, 18. • • . f .
Brandy , Cognac , Otard , Diipuy Co's, brand, 1
a 1 50. t q
other brands, $1 a 120—dull.
Cotton , .Uplands, suew crop, 9 7-e alO L 4.
a Scu Islands, >22 a .JO, and above for
Corn, per bushel—retailing from stores at 75 *
Cheese, 7a 8 cents per Lb. •
Crockery, 30 a So per cent. adv.
Coffee, Havana Green, prime , 15— none*
“ Other qualities 12 a 14—plenty.
Candles, Northern Mould Tallow, 11 cts.
“ Georgia v 16
“ Sperm, 26 a27
Flour, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Richmond end
Alexandria, $0 ‘ i,.
Gin, Holland, a 115
u Northern) 34 a36
Hay, prime Northern, quad. 62 1-2.
Hyson Tea, $1 6 a 1 12$ per to.
Iron, Swede's $lO5 a 108 per nun.
Lard, 8 ;9
Lumber,yellow pine Ranging Timber, $4 c t
Steam sawed Lumber, sl6 a 18 •
River Lumber, Boards, Planks Scantling
sl2 . *
Quartered 14 inch flooring Berras,
White Pine Boards, dear, 17 alB *•
Merchantable, $9 a 10
IV. 0. Hogsheads Staves. sls r 18
R. O. “ li 10 a 12
Shingles, rafted, ** 21-2
“ boated, ‘‘ and
Mackerel, No. 1, $5 75
“ 2, $5 25
“ 3, $4 50
Molasses, W. India, 34 a 36.
“ New-Orleans —
Oznaburghs, 9 a 10.
Pork,, prime , sl3.
Mess, 16 a 17.
Porter, $‘H
Rice, $3 50 a 3 75. nominal
Rum, Jamaica. 100 a 112 L
“ West India —none.
“ N. England, 33 a34 cts.
Soap , yellow, ’5 a_B cents per lb.
Salt, Liverpool , 55 ,
Sugars, Havana, white and Brown, none,
Muscovado, 9 1-2 a 10— £t. Croix, 10J all
New-Orleans, 9 1-2 U 3-4
Refined Loaf, 16 1-2 a 18 1-2 —Lump 15 a lc
Tobacco,. Kentucky, Georgia, fyc 2i a 4 cts.
“ Manufactured do 8 a *3O ‘ -
Tallow, 8 a 9
Whiskey, 31 a 32.
On England, 8 r * a 9 Darien Bank Notes 1 -
New- York, 60 d's Ha I l_o f ’ 1 C
N.- Carolina S.B. NotcS
N. York, 30 ands 5-8 a f 8 a J.O dis.
Bank, Checks do i> prem State Bank of Georgid
Philadelphia • 11 payable at the B ranch-
Baltimore u cs other.fltan Augusta
Bank of Macon, p.c.d 14 als per cent, dis.’
Bank , U S Bills, 4 a^ i! ‘
Liverpool, 11-16 jST. York $1 50
Uraiice,-— l4 a 1 3-8 cts Providence , $1 50
Cotton.—Since our last report there has beet,
a good demand for uplands and about 5000 bales
have changed hands at from 9| cents a 10 & 10-!
mostly at 9 7-8 to 10 for good fair quality for the
Liverpool market. Several hundred ba'-eg have
been sold at’,lo4, and in a few insiances .0 l 2 has
been paid for some small parcels of ex;ra prime.
The stock on hand for saje is light, notwithstand
ing the river has now been navigable for steaiis
boats for about’ two weeks, and the article
come forward.very, abundantly. We have Liver
pool accounts, by way of to 22d Ocf.
which state less activity in the market, but prices
fiifly, supported. •; ,
Rice.—ln the early part of he week some
sales were made at 3 1-2 for second quality, sincp
which purchasers are unwilling, to give former
prices and holders are firm in asking last week's
full raves—f-the article is much enquired for, bii£
we hear of no sales having been made for ona v>r
two days past. * . ,v
Groce,rje;s-—During the week Groceries have
been rather dull, and we have heard .of but, fe\p
transactions. Some small sales ofSt. Croix su
gar have been made at 10 1-4 a 10 1-2 ; coffee, 13
a 14 1-2; whiskey, 32; rum, 35 a 36 ; mojassee,
34 for West India, and 36 a 37 for New Orleans ;
about 8,000 bushels cait {the cargo of the ship Ce
res) we learh sold at 55 cents, the purchaser bay
ing the privilege of bonding. .., f,.*,.
Flour—Has declined in price ; some ealec have
been within a day two at $9, for the West
India market. * , •,<. .
Corn. —The quantity in market is very small,
and that principally held by one house ; it is re
tailing brisk at 75 cents. ‘No cargo afloat.
FREjqiiTs.—ln the beginning of the week 3-4d.
was frpely given for freights to Liverpool; since
which a decline has taken place and 11-11- is th*,
highest rates that can now- be übt ined. Several
vessels are loading for France at 1 5-8 a 1 1-2 cts.;
and within a few days the Frenc i ship Hrfcriette
has been taken up at 11-4 cen.s. Rice :>er t ierce
t3 a s‘3 50 cts. for France Cotton, to N©v/ Vorff,
1 50cts.; &&dtoßosWuand Provideaaorltt Lj
[N . 38.—Voi . 1. ‘