Newspaper Page Text
y MORNLV G - DEC*. 24, I §2B. •<
’ --r - *7 -’- - ‘—=-■* *
‘>‘ rf^^ir^ttentivC correspondent, the Editor of
fp® ° ur a Cour icr, we have received a slip
„ n ts' n ® 7 „ fll her which will bft found in sub
J , co lu*na 9 - ~
exC eption of a brisker demand for the
,V lht “ alteration has taken place in :
/.id 5 ’ nU Market, since our previous advices.— ‘
* C " U, ; n on foroign gruiu, in the Brit-
was expected, which had given ,
Crt, £o to,
eS ,ke theatre of War wo learn nothing of
ft° m nortan ce, than th*t the fall of Varna is
trciehery of Jffissuf who it;
e- 8 9 bribed by the Prussian*.
’ . to f Catholic Emancipation atill con
eTCite considerable Rsn?ation. The
% e measure, in Lomfcp, gave a splendid
to Mr. Sinr.L, as a testimony of their
for bt patriotic devotion to the cause Os
‘differing Ireland. Although we like to see
f*'’ r t paid to the services of distin
*TjJ individuals, we cannot help thinking, that
P use 0 j- iianianity would have been more es- ,
* dl • subserved, if the money expended at that !
r M betsn aitpropciated to the relief of those ‘
f . w |iich have .been so long the theme of
MW ,”* 1 Oratpr; j
Wo loom by letters from MiHcdgcville, that th J
... ii: t|.orisiiig tl e Governor to subscribe $4*1,000 j
’ the stock of the Savannah and Ogechee Canal, i
, both branches of thp Legislature- I 1 .
% doaht receive the signature pf the Gov- j
•wV)f, I
j, |j as been suggested by a correspondent, in ■
. reti eto some remarks of ours, in regard to the
, Vpn System in operation in this City, that if
fcetwa Sales are an evil, it i9 wise to limit them
j aw; a nd therefore, pur municipal authorities
a t wisely in limiting the number of Auctioneers, j
and imposi f ig a high tax on the license.
.Voir, wc think there is a fallacy in this mqde of
Because the limiting of the number .
4 Auctioneers does not necessarily limit tho a
jpunt of sales. But by limiting ifie nqipber all
(■petition is destroyed, and a monopoly created
jfirorof those who procure a license. Wore
dnumber of Auctioneers unlimited —could any
retake out a commission who pleased —the busi- j
Kj;v.'ouhl not be necessarily increased; but jt j
bo thrown into those hands who conducted
faiicst and most reasonable terms.
The only* ufode of restraining the amount of
die:, witli any regard to the public interest, is, in
opinion, to impose a heavy duty upon then;;
bi!to te&ve the business open to all who choose
Jennie in it- , The competition which wopjd
take place, among the many engaged in the
ftde, would protect the public against exactions
ik impositions; because each would endeavor to
m dH l hi 3 business, by the fairness and liberality
pfhis transactions. v ‘ ‘
V? learn by advices from St. Louis, as late as
the Htb ult., that the Grand Pawnees and Pawnee ’
l n p. insisting of 1509 wttrnors, had gone, cn
-ussc. on i war excucion against the whites: and
that their attention would be directed principally
tethe?unta Fo road, to intercept our traders.—
Should they fail in this, it is their intention to fall
n the frontier settlements On Arkansas and Red
liter. It is in this arijl V as * range of coun
try. that Cooper lays the scene of his interesting
live!, “The Praire .” Among our
traders, the Pawnees will find many a La L G Po
f.M ant twenty Gopernnrs all in a rote!
Die I’lriladelphia Aurora informs us. that twen
ty-two persons, including the present incumbent,
lave been nominated as candidates for the office
5? Governor of that Coinm'Qipy<?aUh- 3 fy e good
people of the City of brotherly love, arc as fond o
Ifautire distinction as our friend Panza> of Cer-
Tantes memory, was wont to be—they seem al
ftys to be thinking about ‘‘that island of
lirrataria.” Wo do not like to see this inordin.
ate lust for office —it argues a corrupt glatp of
iscicty. • j
Gibraltar dates to the 23d Oct,, have been re- j
-cived in New York. They announce a dreadful (
mortality prevailing in the former to j
that period lhe deaths amounted to about one j
hnmdf O 9 tpe leth there wore 40 deaths; and
fa the 23d , 1 6r
fiion TIIF, desk of grjl y dominie tjie deacon.
dud the children of Israel made to themselves a •
fioUeur Calf; and they worshipped it. .
My dear readers!—l am of opinion that the tjia- j
| ration to worship golden calves, has not beep (
Confined to the ancient children of Israel- *lf we
Permit ourselves to take a candid view of the sub
and look abroad .ip ttye world, we shall see
i* o i'le bowing down .to goiaep calves in almost
er } T neighborhood. .Sotnp indeed, bestow their
homage openly, publicly, and boldly; others again
“Ctship their idol in secret, but not the less de*
’ '■/• Perhaps soni£ of my readers, more j.p-
tbap others, will demand of mo, where
■trie golden calf, and where are the wors'liip
* J such I would say, look at yon purse proud
“* jr: > tt’ho carries his head so high and lofty, ami
,0 spurneth the poor as thyy >yjpro grasshojppprs
! Jeath hisj f ec t— ant j behold the crowd of
‘ J ' ,uQ ts and flatterers, who wait ppon hia steps!
” ? not these worshipping the goJden calf?
o *en we see individuals intept on schemes of
-‘Hh, saeyihcijjg honestly apd principle (or mo
*J’ °ppressiiig wid v w, fobbing the orphan,
b Ultiin b F down the face of the pnp,r, all for the
I% pose of adding another dollar to their hoarded ’
tuay we not say, tfiese eirp worshipping the
W* calf? •* -
again at yonder formalist! s.o staid and
in demeanor—so attentive to all the pre-1
r l>ts of morality: although a professor of the re- !
‘f mercy, yet ijis li3.nd nev?r opened to the
‘"l‘l'Ucations of ,the needy—his heart never sofi
!!t ‘ it the cries ot distress. Think ye not, jn se
*e 1 hows down to the golden calf?
my female ijtaders, are thorc no,
j oftho caif? Do uot they who
I CO ' el ®l* lcn-,d C.tly attire, and mag
l liitieenl establish,tienla, boiv down, in their hearts,
* ft) tlie golden imao-e? i
© j
And is there one among you ojl, who, in form
ing Lae most sacred connexion'ip life, has had
moro regard to wealth than the adornments of the
mnnl, or the charms of virtue—who has preferred
i ‘ef tc ■ o isdorn, wit, learning, or beauty?—sure
ly such,ap one is an open worshipper of the crold
on calf. °
Fiw\Hy, my readers, I would remark that tl\ib
kind of idolatry is peculiarly seductive, and its in
fluence steals upon the heart when-least suspect
. indeed there are, who enter the tom"’
pie of the Most High, and bow down in his sano
tuary but their aspirations reach no Ipgher than
the golden candlesticks 0.4 the altar.
Frqm Washington City papers of the lGth inst
we glean the following articles:—
In the Senate, yesterday, Mr. Eaton introduced
a joint resolution, amending the resolution of 1819,
relative to the election of a Printer to each House
of Congress, so as to make a majority, instead of $
plurality of votes, necessary to a choice. Mr. Sils
bee gave notice of his intention to introduce a bill
for the construction of a Breakwater at Nan
In the House of Representative?, yesterday, the
. resolutions laid op the tabic on Friday were taken
up and agreed to, but the hour having been nearly
coqspmed by the offering of petitions, very few
j new resolutions were The House then
; took up the bill making a further ql|owaqce of
drawback Sugar refined in the United States,
upon which some discussion took place, which was
, interrupted before any disposition of the bill, by a
i successful motion to adjourn.
Dq motion of Mr. Ward, yesterday, the petition
! heretofore presented froip the officers of the Army
in the late War with Great Britain for grants of
larpjs, referred to the Committee on Public
Lands- Opr readers will recollect that this was
the subject of a resolution offered to tfie House by
Mr. Ward on Friday, and rejected.
. * * -f ‘
I Avery substantial pole boat, said by many to
be the best on the river, destined to run be
tween Augusta and Savannah, was launched a few
days,ago by Mr. Caspar Nail and others, of Beach
{sland, and made her first appearance at our wharf
on Monday last. She was built by Mr. John S.
Willson, bojitwright, and will carry 800 bales cot
ton with 4 feet water. She is called The Amory
Sibity, after one of opi most enterprising m6r.c<h
gnU, who, in return for the compliment, immedi
ately loaded her with cottoq for Savannah.
Augusta Courier.
| A respectable mercantile house at Port au
Pi jnee, Hayti, writes to a gentleman in Baltimore:
! “We are very much, pf late, imposed op by J Use
money. A young map from Baltimore was detec
ted lately and tried, aqd was found with a groaf
deal of the spurious coin on him—he has bi,£jn
found guilty, and will bo shot, we expect, in a few
days/’ ‘ 1 r i
A yiiserallc pnd.—The boy r,amed George
Summers, aged seventeen years, who was convic
ted more tlptn a year of maliciously putting
out the only remaining eye of a pauper by The
name of Rich, [an account of which’ we gave at
the time] died in the jail in this town last Fri
day, where he has been confined ever since tho (
otlonce. —Rhode Island American.
From the Southron, December 17.
in tlie Senate, on Wednesday last, Mr,
Crawford, of Columbia, from the Finance
Committee, made a report upon the Finan
ces of the State.
Tile receipts into the treasury tip to the 31st j
day of October, 1028 amounted to the |
sum ot slßl, 15j 3$ |
Balance in the treasury, j
26diN.iv. 1827, 647,303 14
Total $818,438 52
The expenditures durr
ing the last political
year, ending op t
31st October, 1828, ’!
amounted tq 186,939 16
■ ■ ■ ■ 1 1 v
Leaving a balance in
the treasury of, $631,529 06
Tins balance in tire treat
sury cpnsists of
* Darien bills, 385,261
Current bills, 194 543 89 3-4
| Check on Slate batik, 50,680 361-4
Specie, f043 90
$631,529 36.
The bill in alter the 3d, 7tb, and 12th,
sep. of the Ist art. and the Ist and 3d sec
of the 3d art. of the constitution, was pas-
yeas 54, nays 14 The
sec. of the Ist art. of the constitution re
late to th§ composition of the Seqatn and
House of Representatives, the J.2th sec. to
the meeting ot the General Assembly.—
! The Ist and 3d sec. of the 3d art relate
to the judiciary department.
I A bill was passed to aipqnd the additional
J oath required by lay to be taken by all of
! ficers, civil and military, to prevent the of
fence ot duelling.
* The expenditures should amount $180,929 1G
to correspond with the balance in the treasury,
or tho'balance in the treasury should be $lO less.
Washington Dec. 12.
In the senate yesterday, Mr Hayne pre
sented a meiporial from the Masters and j
jC.ofpmand ers °f the United States navy,
complaining of the impolicy of the laws,
regulating the pay of the officers of the na
vy. Mr. Robbins intoduced a bill pre
scribing a mode of commencing, prosecu
ting, and deciding controversies arising
between States ; which was read twice
und referred to the Committee op the Ju
diciary. Messrs. Sanford, Robbins, and
Woodbury, were appointed members of
the Joint Library Committee on the part
of the Senate. A special t ComnuUee on
Roads and Canals was chosen T>y bal- j
the House of Representatives, yes
terday, a number of resolutions were adop
ted ; among others a resolution ottered by
Mr. Sprague, requiring the Committee on
Military Affairs to inquire intp the expedi
ency of prohibiting the sale of spirits to tne
army ; and a resolution relative to the ap
propriation of the produce of sales of lands
to the purposes of education, by Mr, *;n-1
on. A resolution ofered by Mr. Law
rence, referring it to the Post office Com
mittee to enquire into the • expediency ot
j prohibiting the transportation of the ui.n
on the Sabbath day was laid on the tabh
on motion of Mr Barnard. Mr. Bartlei
offered a resolution for the printing of 400d
additional copies of the Annual Treasury
Report; which on niqtion of Mi. M Duffi- ,
was laid on the table—*Ayos 81, Noes 56.
The bills relative to Drawback, orderei.
to be engrossed on V\ eduesday, \*ere red
a third time and passed. On motion of
Mr Vance, the bill to continue the present
mode of supplying the at my was postponed
t i \! Monday. A bill to authorise die Pre
sident to erect Military Store Houses at
New York and New Orleans, was acted
on in Committee, acpl ordered to bo en
grossed and read a third time to-day. A
bill relative tp t(je, Northern boundary of 1
Illinois was acted on in Cqnunittqe, ; qnd
laid on the table.
sylvania, and Virginia, through which it
runs, on the condition specifically provided
that the legislature pf pach of those states
“shall forever keep §uch portion of the said
road iu good repair, and shall collect no
to)l thereon that may be necessary for that
purpose.” Mr, Buchanan contends that
the power to impose and collect tolls is ex
clusive in the states; but we hope the op
portunity offered by the consideration o
this- bill for the introduction of*n protracted)
discussion on constitutional points, will not
be seized to th? exclusion of other busi
Dec, 13. * The house of representatives
was yesterday occupied on private bills dur
ing: the short time it remained in session.—
A few resolutions were offered and adopted,
but none of them were of public interest.—
The house adjourned ti|l Monday
A Smyth gave notjpe yesterday, that
he should asji the House, on ‘.’ ednesday,
to take up the consideration of the amend
ment offered by him last session, proposing
certain amendments to the constitution of
the United States.
We learn, since nur last, that M r - Wil
liams, Representative in Congress from
North Carolina, has been detained from his
seat by indisposition, having been taken ill
at fydifax Court flouse, in Virginia, on his
woiy hither. We are gfad “to be able to
state that, when heard from, he was con
Mr. Ingham, Representative from Penn
sylvania, who, it is known, is also detained
from tps seat by illness, is also said to be
on the recovery so as that it is hoped he
will he able before long to take his seat in
the House.— National Intelligencer^
Another Link in the Great Chain. —The
New York Journal of Commerce announ
ces the success pf their enterprise in mak
ing the Delaware ur,d Hudson Canal, across
the State of New Jersey—it being now
complete and in full operation. A sloop
had just arrived laden with the Lackawan
ock coal. We are told that it is found to
burn equally us well as the anthracite ot
Pennsylvania. Enormous quantities will
be brought into |he market’ next summer,
when |l wijl he afforded, as we have fl)e
best of reasons p> believe, at a rate at least
one third lower than that demanded for the
coal of Pennsylvania., The |saij Road is
i not yet complete, but it js far advanced.—
| Locomotive engines have |)een imported to
;be used ot) the road, and 3 or stationary
* engines also imported; are novy on their
sway up the canal, c
♦ - iMimin-nT-f-ir-1 ~T~T
f V ‘ IJE subscribers having associated themselves
S * together, |,n the practice of their profession,
respectfully inform Thoir friends, thgi they will
attend the Superior and Inferior Courts of Flo
rida. Also, in Henry and Dale Counties in Ala
bama ; their office will continue at Webbville,
, until the Court House for Jackson County be
permanently located. • J
October 14th, 1828. .0
Ip 3 The Editors of the Macon Messenger
and the Savannah Argus are requested to give
the above four insertions', and forward their ffil)
to this office.
oct 27 f - o 67
In the To>vn of Mariana.
| FT! HIS Town is beantifnlly situated , on an ele
! JL vated plain, at the head of navigation on the
Chipola river. It is the seat of Justice for Jack-
I son county, one of the richest and most populous
! pounties in the territory of Florida.
The L°ts in the above named town will be sold
; Without feserVe at public auction on the first Mon
I day in January next. Terms one-fourth cash and
the balance in three annual instalments.
Mariana, JVov- 1, 1828.
The editors of the Southron, the Macon Mes
senger, arid s the Savannah Argus, are respectively
requested to give the above four insertions and for
ward their bills to this office. ’ ‘
nov 1.5 H 1 ,
LORILLAR*DS and Riell s first quality Chew
in/r Tobacco is just received and ffifsalo by
’ A. PARSONS, Druggist,
d 3C 11 No. 8 Gtybons’ Range.
M ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘’’
The Howard, Insurance Company of
New- York,
C ontinue to take risques against fire on mode
rate terms.
j nov 13 *5. (J. Punning , Agent.
\ The Howard Insurance Company of
TTTILL insure cotton or merchandize on the
Savannah River and to Ch#tJQ s ton> either
bv steam or tow’ boats, on the most reasonable
terms:’ 8. C. DUNNING, Agent.
dec 3 ni||
-q HIIDS. Prime Quality— being she car-
J[UO go of schr. Trader, from N. Orleans.
For Sale , on reasonable terms, by
j (jlec J 9 v --
1 “ Prime New Orleans Molasses.
4 /A BARRELS N. O. Molasses landing, and
‘-I f I For Sale bu
dec 18
* Thomasiown Lime.
inn HREE hundred casks, landing from the brig
9 ‘ Charles Miller, and for sale low if taken from
j the wharf. HALL, S HARTER * TUT PER.
I ‘ doc 3
Ship MACON, D. L. Porter , Master.
“ STATIRA, Thos WooiL “
9 EMPEROR, 3. H. Bennett. “
“ RENRY, Cfeo. Moore, “
. “ F. Harrison , “
O’ The owners o( the Established Lint, take
pleasure in announcing to \he public, that it la
iL;ain perih nently completed with the
first class vessels. They are all New York built
ships f, of the best materials, having elegant ana
spacious accommodations for#passengers, and all
commanded by masters qf wel/'known experience
in the trade’ ‘ will clear ’from New York
every Saturday , and sail from tills once a week. ‘
I’his arrangement will be punctually adhered
to; and as insurance can be effected on shipments
by at the very lowest rates , it is hoped that
such a share of patronage will he extended to this
line as it ms,y merit, from the great expense in
curred in running it, and from its utility to the
Ilall , Shapter Tapper.
dec 4 ‘
fOR r ”
(established line.)
The regular packet ship MACON, D.
L. Porter , master , having two thirds of
her cargo engaged, and going on board, will be
immediately dispatched. For balance of freight
or passage, apply to
IIq.11) Shapter & Tupper.
dec 17 v '' ’ ‘’ -
vffia\ The regular packet ship EMPEROR,
T. JI. Bennett, ntidsfit, will have quick dis
patch. For freight or passage, having excellent
accommodations, apply to capt. B. op board, or to
Hall , Shapter & Tupper.
fi?c2 2 :
Thp fine new brig Cream
cr, masier, havijig part'of her ckrgo en
gaged: For freight of about 200 bales apply on
board, or to
dec. 13 Mongin’s wharf.
f ast siding brig ATLANTIC, W.
L. Nye, master. For freight or passage
’ applyto Capffiip Nye, on board, tp
dec 13
The excellent low-deck brig PI
-1 ZARRO, Budcrshall, master, two
years did, and 141 toqs burthen; will
Parry 100 rn. feet lumber, for which
•mSs&simmm she is well suited; and now ready to
receive cargo. Apply to
Hull, Shapter 6c Tupper.
dec 13
Combs, Shoes, Hats and Leather.
A l|
1 PQZF.N Brazilian combs
Iv/ v/ 30 cases mens beaver hats
4 do boys fl°
2 do childrens do do black aqd
20 do mens wool hats
20 pieces English broad cloth, fash
ionable aolors, and at low prices
10 crates crockery ware
JO cases t'qmblers
150 Pressed calf skins
100 sides upper leather
50 do sole do
Together with a large assortment of
which will be sold at low prices 'for mpney or city
dec 4 no Young's Building.
| JARS superior butter put up for table use,
xS 1 ! * iust received and for sale by
dec 19
TWENTY bbls Whiskey which will be sold
low if taken from the wharf
llall, Shapter 6c Tupper.
doc 3 1
-j HHDS. St. Croix Sugar.
X\f 22 bbls Coffee, landing schooner
Adams, for sale low, on the wharfT by
10 hhds. retailing molasses
20 do. New England rum
20 bbls. do. do. do.
20 do. prime greep poffee, for sale as above,
nov £9
JUST received a few boxes first quality Port
Wine, and for sale by
dec v 8
T W ENTY FIVE Bags old Java coffee, for sale
dec’ 9
FROM the car go of the ship Florian, one smajl
keg marked E S&co no 17. Whoever has
the same in their possession wiff plekse return it
to Hall, shapter & tupper.
dec 8
-g CASES, for sale low to close a consign
I ment. Apply to
pov C
Loip's Superior Perfumed Soaps.
THE subscriber has just received from the
Low’s emolient compound soap
“ Chinese musk ’ do
tl rose do
c * palm do
11 violet do
“ benzoir do
“ olive do
“ oriental do
t . \ “ vegetafcic do
il veihapular do
The real and genuine purified Upgpsh Windsoi
Flat and round case transparent soap
NapJeß soap in large and small jars
Splendid Lather Boxes and Brushes
For sale by
A. Parsons ,
nov 18 Druggist, No. 8 Gibbons’ rango
FIFTEEN hundred bushels of pr ime white Ma
ryland corn, for sale in lots to suit purchasers
on boaid'schooner May Flower. Apply to
Hall, Shapter 6f Tapper,
dec I?? ‘ - -
THE subscriber having removed his office tj
the building on thp Bay', one door w est of mi.
Elias Bliss’ counting room, offers his professional
services to his friends afid the He wil(
regularly attend the Superior courts of tho East
ern circliif. All business entrusted to liis cai€
will be faithfully executed. *• *
‘ * Charles S. Ilcnry.
dec 2
JU3T received and for sale by
’ dec 2 ni
O/A QUARTER C-asks Malaga (fine, lanq
ing from scli<>oner Adams.
$0 casps Hats, low priced
10 do. Shoes, do. do
20 boxes Whitlemore’s cotton Card^
ISO bags prime green Coffee
For sale by “ J. STONE.
dec 1 c
THE subscriber received, per late arrivals,
ilia Winter supply of very superior Carpeting
oftho latest patterns and most fashionable coloia,
such as s
Imperial , Brussels , Ingrain , Venetian and-
Stair Carpeting , with Rugs to match.
Also, Table and Piano Covers and Crumb Cloths.
This Carpeting is the most complete assortment
he has yet offered, end will be af reduced
prices. ;l 1 ‘ ‘ 4
Gibbo.ts Buildings.
nov 12 nm 89
ImptriGl Rater age.
MVASSAR’s double brown Ale, a superior
• article, just received for sale on draught at
City Hotel.
dec 3 and
Leaf Tobarcq.
4 HIIDS. fit for retailing, for sale bv
nov 29 Exchange Dock.
fpHE Proprietors of the CITY HftJEL havG
m. engaged for tio season, a competent person 1
(Mr, Turner) to furnish their Relish Room with
Oysters, yViiich will bp served up jfi any way called
ICP Orders from the country will be executed
with dispatch, and of the’best quality, having en
gaged an experienced waterman to supply them,
nov 19 ’ and
Hoots and Shoes.
A. & E. WOOD*
Have received by the brig
r“l William, ship Rising State., and
_ V J °tber recent arrivals, gentle: ms
fine calf Boots, Shoes and ]>ro
gans, sewed and peg’d ; tin Mo
rocco and dancing pumps; gentlemens
aquaro towed undress’d Morocco pumps; in ms
fine lasting seal skin, calf skin, and YJ-voccr sir es
—and, frbm their own Factory, 38 cases mens ne
gro shoes and broganfe, and womens lace m. <ti
a '’ •poyßs‘’ ‘ jl ‘ , •’
THE Copartnership of Gifford A t Bonnev
was dissolved, by mutual consent, on the Ist
of June last. All persons indebted to, the con
cern are requested to settle their accounts* with
out delay, with either of th undersigned. •*
‘ ‘• ‘ ■ jVM. GIrFORD,
G. &. C. BONNEY.
nov 19 .
yj Q BAGS Java Coffee
82 lihds. prime New-Oricana Molasses
* 100 Demijohns
’ For sale by
, i)ov 19 ‘ *
FIFTY barrels No. 3 Mackerel, for sale bv
dec 2
Just arrived in the schr. John Rugglcs t
from ‘l'homqstown ,
OAf | CASKS Fresh Lime
vsvF* * white pine Boards and Laths
For sale by
jpHE subscribers lraving entered mto co-part
nership in the (COMMISSION and FACTO
RAGE BUSINESS, under the firm of
, Candler 4- Davidson,
Will be thankful to their friends and the public
m general, for a share of their patronage. Their
bouhting-room and stores are two doors west of
A. Bassett’s Ship Chandlery, under the bluff,
Mongins 4 Upper Wharf-
nov. 3 ...
THE copartnership heretofore existing betwocu
the subscribers in tlie practice of the Law, is
this day dissolved by mutual consent
f ’ ■ Charles S. Henry ,
\yUliam Hogan.
Savannah, Nov 27, 1823, 93
LANDING from brig Levant,
22 bags, prime Coffee
10 hhds St Croix Sugars
25 bags Pepper
20 barrels Potatoes
10 do Beets.
nov 18
FIVE pipes Cognac Brandy, 4th proof, F Du
puy’s brand, imported at Charleston, anil
warranted genuipe
6 boxes Claret^’Chateau Margaud, Ist quality
6 do Gruau Larose, do.
12 do Champaigno do.
The above wines have been particularly selects
ed ir) F rance —f° r sa^e subscribers. . 4
A. Le Barbier 6p Cos.
dec 9 d'l wharf.
JAMES SMITH is now opening an assortment
of Furiiitgre) instore No.ii
Penfield’s row, and solicits a share Os patronage
from the people of Savannah and its vicinity.
dec 13 * ‘ 106
43 HIIDS. New-Orleans sugars, the balance
I *3 of schr. Frances* cargo, for sale’ low to
close skies. Apply to
Ha{l t Shapter &l Tupper.
dc* 12 ‘ ‘ f : -
F QVV'ENS, Surgeon Den
tist, will shortly be in Savarinah, and spend a feur
weeks fox’ the practice of his profession.
’ - dec 1 i‘
Q5 5 * A Mocking Bird escaped from its
cage in the early part of last week.’ If any per
son should have taken it, they will obligollle own
er by giving notice to the piiuter.
dey U * ‘ f