Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, March 04, 1841, Image 4

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Speech of .Mr. Nesbit, ol Georgia. tin the Treasury Tiote Hit'. Delivered in the House of Representatires. January --ZJ, IS4I. Mr Uiaimmii < —l voted during the list session 1 of Congress for the issue of Treasury notes, i was then satisfied of the power of the Legislature to eontract a loau upon tins plan. I am still con vinced of the power. I ran note sec no constitu tional objection to it. Having then presented ray views upon this subject, to that argument 1 have nothing to add, and from it nothing to subtract. 1 was willing then to exercise the power, avowing that, because ot the seductive. ea«y, and deceptive character of ol raising money, it should be resorted to with great care, and onlv in cases of extreme necessity. Such a ease, I believed, was then presented. The (loverunicut, as was con ceded on every hand, upon the verge of bank ruptcy. She could not wait for any less rapid measure of extrication than the prompt one pro posed. 1 was constrained to come to the rescue of the Treasury,and relieve it from monetary ami po litical dishonor. Tin* obligations of patriotism, irrespective as ail party views, icquircd it. In a like case of emergency, my conduct will boos like character. Whether therefore, 1 shall rote for the bill now before the committee, depends up on the necessity which may be shown now u> ex ist to raise live millions of dollars at once. It is not questioned that the llovernment will need this sum in addition to the revenues which w ill accrue Irom all ord—lary sources during the yea l is it, TheChairmaVi of the Ways ami Means i'.Mr.'.Tones) admits that there w ill he adelieienrv, iwi calls it temporary, and assures us that it’iT In- rcirn- I’urscJ in the last quarters income. The Set v tiny of the Treasury takes similar grounds. In deed the very proposition of theotileers of finance to borrow money, assumes both the waul and the inability ol the usu.il resources to supply it. To justify my support, however, I shall require the gentlemen to show that the exigencies el the treasury arc so impt*rious that they cannot await the process of a penuanent and wise system of revenue. This they will scarcely be able to show: lor however deeply the Government may have been involved by the absurd anti temporizing ex pedients and experiments of Mi. \an Bmen and his iriends, I believe it mav be relieved without resort to a measure of always doubtful oxpedien ey. Mr. t h airman, 1 do not propose to discuss I lie Imoncial administration of the parly nov expiring. 1 do not intend to show up its errors of theory, and its infidelity in practice—to demonstrate the existence ol a national debt —the amount, or the mode of its origin and augmentation. 1 do not propose to anah/p th t > my sic -and oracular report ol the Secretary, whose external aspect i* fair, and whose secret meanings are so various and preg - nant. Other gentlemen have done all this. Ih u the Government is iu debt is a postvlatt—the o;.i> mooted points are the amount, and the mode of payment. Ihe amount has been variously estima ted irom Sto lb million dollar'. It i* to t:;o man ner in which the money should be raised to dis charge this debt and also for rise usual mnpusc** of the Government, that 1 propose addressing myself. This inquiry is important, b«vau*e it in v olves the permanent fmaiicrai system of the coming admin istration; and to Southern statesmen, the vita! question, how far and iu what form the revenue is to be raised by duties on imports, idie tarili’. the compromise act,the rights and feelings ol the South *re therefore brought into the di'Ciissic-n. I pun the question of a revison of the tar it)*, nor a* to the origin, effect, and maintenance of the act of -d March, 1533, known as the compromise, would 1 have said one word, but for the course of argument and remark indulged in by my friend from South I Carolina,(Mr. Rhett.) To him 1 hope to be able IB to reply successfu! Iy. Sn , as a member of the Harrison party, 1 would discard shifts and tin incial subterfuges. j am for i doptiug, in the very onset of the new administration a system which will pay the debt entailed upon the Stale, and keep her out of debt; a system that shall be equal to a stippiy in a uniform way of all tire wants of an economical administration. The reliance of tin-Government for revenue is upon Ist. The public domain; 2d, direct taxation: and 3d, Should the usage of the Govern rnent for past years, in relation to the piiblia lands continue to be its policy toy years to come, and | hey should be brought into market on the most ■Havorable terms, reasoning from the j ast to the three million dollars must be the extent of from that quarter. The expenditures u s the ovemmcntca4»ot fall below twenty millions an- V very small part, therefore of the an- wants of the State can be realized from the 1 domain. Rut sir, how lone shall v,-e receive J ■ >is small icveu u from lands 3 Who shall tell the vast territory of the Cnion Who so w<?ei- j a- to predict its disposition 3 A few year* witness fht total h* s ,»i this eul mine ■f wealth ; scattered to the winds, drssij itedto the aspirations of unhallowed ambition; a o’er which the mad /ea/lots of party light; Bi mtcresi which we may live to see ■ >/<! to !>uv bauble, tire Presidency, t * amtin* i r a m Micr't ■ ne some sailed child of power. H i’he new States claim it even now ■-.* their own, i threaten to seize ii with the st.ong arm ol Mr outnumbering representation, under t .•• m*\i s H 4 »«u«. Mid leaders of parly, u.i at least would ■ Mediate t'. * Warwick power of *ctt;ng up am; down President-, by suxMactially giving it a.*ks, am. transferring the title to these to the ne v States in which they lie, alleging a reason, that it we do riot give them the land ; y n hav< the power to Uk< tbent; thun a liu*t. to avoid a i*»'. . c;p. Or this itch ; HiV’} ol the old Mates, either _iv« n ia th«*ir n.i;- i >'f with tin ir blot 1 :*nd treasure. be quanderei! by :« speridtiuifi trustee. in i -en ; tio ; p::\ih-t sto foreign .ml*; m- | ‘ democratn cupidity 1 r jHiwer, l . camp ( Mils, and paid out of a fund, not its I up upon "Mi *y*teni either the impul- | revoiMtionaiy nubs, or lire do-putism : Z the fidelity of the Govcrptm-i I ia the cat i 1 l’ ■ t.ii't fund, all char- - upon it eti paid, will divide it . proivi.;*, j* they jbt I selves, ;ot n* v, Mr. Cnairnia:., pause todi* u*i have dene, the .1. tribution Mil of .Mr. itfiei *nt t . the day wul Pi- the duties it ! u th»* puul. land', tor the sale purpose • ; | that f:» i them wo i.;« ■ no *. r|runty of | . vwrue to any amount whatever. iof the .. gi who ha-» approved i.tl t »n-; lie - altnc in this regard. hi* usual in cp adotice ami is venturi d t. recommend direct tare«. f indirect taxan .n by duties on itnporl*. Ins system i revolting to the iin_r- of *eople. I'hty lia\c, and will ever utterly it. Th‘*v aid.t r it. with ail it* odious and tlnonz ui it* l.xecutive , it'expensive e'e« ution, :;mi its cruel It ib true, that ir may he p'ausihiy sai 1 it is the only plan of appmiomng taxes henutical eqiraiiiv amont'li.e -euple; tnat Hut, Mi, however lair may a pear the lof i’.s fiica«Js, when «lrawn out with id ! * figures, it i* 'till true, that, m a polili il * 'Cherni has the etle».t of v a-itly auitmeat ixc* of A and H a_;an.*t then * ■»n «*nl ami shin? those of < and L>, which, ui* le; • system, they pay willingly. Paxafion, ?s i 6 a voluntary system to a great extent: iaqaj-itiun. one of • »r straml. Tin- for es it- coatimutiou* u|xui «- nsumpiiou Steal or «mall accoidios to liie mean of ?n, hi* whim or caprice, his luxurious •in* necessary wants. All the tax which ii pays over and above id* necessary roa , i« paid voluntarily; whereas, the tax e la.v directly lev;e-, mo-t be paid with f p»eare. were in principle, ii would i to attempt if* adop f ion. lou a* et I» stamp lej<ro>y upon the body pin <l - therefore, Mr. C’irairman, we need, ey to defrav toe ne«f- rv e\p4-:i r< oi nmerit, we must resort to impo-ts. Tin ent, vv* li-approved • :• -ar.*-, adopted by ti.«- er* ot the eonunonwealth, :-nd p< r-« . c;cd ry administration, from V* ad.ia;' -m 1 / to. Gentlemen decry inr.c .-< ' . d itii Stale rights tenet*. Mu ytry t iJI ' id vainly, a- 1 believe, strive to stir up the S‘ ir, t h r. « liberal yum: device, lo*t its jo. n uth. Its day has by; we have be. ui u'tomed to the • •■Mraor-.inaiy er. ( ; political leaders, that they are held pret tier if course (-'or my* ■ ' , and haply fei-J able t » run », fly on rnv .nut. Nor is my Sl..te, sir, in the le id;n*ir f any self-constituted dire* tor. she . her opinions as the winds of her own i*, an*! steadfast a- their granite founda -1 show sir. I fro t, that I advocate no ■ protection , iju the crontiary, that tne ie* otnuiend* d is the best «.i:»rarity people who will me here arc, a- they e be* n, utter v opposed to a tanlF for pro liiatopposJi.on is stern,unthnehin^,and I,and in r iiiit to come vvi.l know no a! ate- l So one Irom the South lias advocated prole* lion. My able friend fr*»m Sous. j (Ge 1, J'hompson j ha* yn ld«-*l no anli-l iriti , and I arn at a los • to jn-reeivr why ail about an« « tarili'. If it be to aroti-e m ; pub.i*: indignation again ■ duties on in cvmue, am: thus forestall lit*- pirdir 1 ; !. - , irn ire i.iat *ll w .il wholly i.nl t.j B* I. My * uMilui-iil- a! le:* I, Ii t.« discrtminatc between !">v dull*- l<»; d In/linut • ■ lor prole* r.on. 11, *ir, a *lii< t « oiisli »i*.ii"'ii t —« ;*t»/ '* /« ' j 'U'Goor —a l iian *• ol th*-I‘har» v * <•• II ' right principle' I pr*»l* -- • e t.een bi«»* .1 the fierce ••-.trava :am:n '*l n.'ia j As by maie ex{»*>«;n I* d, they occotn • i impracticable, and it »: a.I avail ibi* . rnak* j em of Government too feeb'e. It 1* the \ one distiuifiiisbe 1 name, t*> brin_ al* ■•» in ol a coriMitulumal doubt, an 1 I ifv .t- ifidipt j. if e mi. No one . • mb.:* lalnl“ vv ii. *• 11ij*’. * edt Jbv 'll*- | thifi wi oar lirni’- they lay , l<; the Gem Sment, m purcl. i-ed . rioiida a , wiln the comuion finel*. In rn**-1 ol i I* ol cession, it i- ’tq ulat, *1 Ih 'f lb*- 1 apf.iied to the jiavnn n» *»f tin N;i --: an 1 '.vlien that h *ti * !i \i r - d, shall In Horernm' rs /• r .*/ *• i/f thf I'nitf l • the tieaty ol res*ion b* tween *.l'my'ia vcmifient, of I-IJ2, by wfnc.i •he ie|m vast territory whi* h c«n«lituf**H ti»p • *»f Alabama and Mississippi, it j* p* - lie lauds -nail ,»e charged wi'h » * , rl JoO,u(Ki, an* I Ihe *-•»•» of a f.-n •hail then be h* 11 for the 11 eof l;c her elf nu '•///* /. So that, according pact , pirticularly that of (ieoiyia, (he tie land being satisfied, it i* the Government, if ihmirht advi*ab!e. j iG pi*icet*ls anion? Ihe ‘states. All 1 however, an to the power of < onjfre* • 1 .itoryof the I ruled States, u to mv j jf* \ by the Constitution ; which in words t - with th* power to di« po*e ol the 1 Jfd j the 1 mted States. u tains himself with more dialectic ability; he decks his sophistries in the beautiful robes of genius, and give* to them emphasis and impressiveness by the fiery sroai of hii advocacy, fie is still an unsafe leaders, because the past ha* proven that, with the same masterly ability, he ha* sustained the most antagonist policy. He is a channel in", and lias Hie infirmity of being unconscious of it, or the hardi hood to deny it in the face of the most demonstra tive proof. His qourse is still a blazing track in the firmament of politics; like the meteor having no established orbit, but wheeling madly athwart the firmament My idea of State rights is, to deny to the Gov ernment all powers not expressly granted ; and to exercise fearlessly and freely those that are. Nor am I willin", with metaphi*ieal subtleties, to refine upon the conceded power* until their utility 1* rea soned aw* ay. I’hen, sir, the power to lay impost? is express!v granted. lam now ready, under tin* restrictions I propose to suggest, to use it. Before entering upon this branch of my argu ment, allow me to digress but fora moment for the purpose of say ing that the wasteful cxpeiii.ilme* of this administration a.c to be attributed, in part, to .1 careless,. . n<; ?ly partisan, s» lection ot dis bursing agents ; and that Ihi* G fully proven in tne va*t sums expended in the conduct id the Semin ole war. The prdxitnity of my own State to the Florida line, and the part her cili/en* have borne in the stilleiing? of tiiat di*a»lums and doomed con flict, constrain me to know and condemn ii> man agement. My own Male has not been exempt from savage incursion; her villages leave been rn some instances burnt, and her household* butcher ed. To us the parent Government has extended no protection, flurov.u chivalry has repelled the 100. Vs to Flori«la, after years ol sutlenng, she is still the victim of Indian cult and cruelly ; of federal 1;c •::*.potency or carelessness. Her lands zro mi ttiled,mid her tropical fields yield no Hints. Ihe war-whoop wake* the slumbei ol inlaucy unto •loath ; manhood and femality are alike dcu-ueele**. 1 he cottage ot the woodsman and the palace ol ? li* rich planter crundne before the torch 01 the in cendiary. The blood of the l rave*t and best ha* mingled with her yet imcouquoied soil. And >till the Vemassee warrior linger* in his lair, 'fhe >cm ino'e hordes still roam *»'»•! her plains, o« *knik in her everglade*. The war still rages, and the j eo ple Miller. Thc*c sullering* air *0 common that they seem, of late, to attract no attention, and com mand no sympathy. The complaint* 1 f 1 londa reach not the ear of power; her agonic* touch not the heart us her rulers. Money enough has been expended iu toinjueiing these n»a;.■edma savage*, to clothe the I cuitory in the b!c • a and beauty ol art, science, and religion; a richer doom than that which a geui ii climate lu . : • 11 ' ht 1 vvodds «ud fields. 1 make thr*r it 1 ik*, *ii. not alone to record my eon vinuation ot ih» ; a*i, tint, if possible, also to euli*l sympathv for the future. Assuming that there is a debt •*'. the Govcnum nl T* be paid, and that the income is not equal to the . wauls of tin* Gov finuic;* it is o.v »' aviclion lo.'t 4* re*ort must’bc had to /1 incie.r-c of flutics niton j luxuries which . y rin* compromise act, are net*, rn bear a less rale Di duly than ‘2O percent. >in*i»an increase vviii not be in violation ol that act, hut m compliance w itiv one of it? expre*- stipulation.*. I do not make void, lul establish the e unjmcnhc. And the great reason why I w ould thu* cash* • am nieuec the iuqKWtioa ofdulit* i*, that 'be ael ot i v 33, not merc'y until it* ovv»i limitations ?>hal! repeal it, but through generations to come, ia ali it* conservative stipulations, may bec*»:ae Uie jmm inanent policy of the country. Before proceeding to show that an iac.e i*e 41* du ties i- provided lor iu the act of 1>33,1 beg leave to say, rhu I consider that act in Hie light of a compact, and that .southern inline-t*', more if pos sible than Ni libcrn, require il lobe *•.» lield.antl as such religiously maiut uie«2. Il is an agreemeut founded in conn sion. ltp:*ovi ie* guaran-.ee* in be half id. the fiee-tra*ic priueiple? of the South. Il originated in an imperious political necessity; it was devised in wi*o and patriotic counsel* ; and il< result was the am*; of civil strife in it s inciinency. ! need not recite its iiisluxj, depict the evils itpre vented, or aggravate the danger* Ij our I nion which it avoided, me passions of t it day have cooled down; and vvemay look l ack upon it, with reason'* tine loaded eye. ihe theu de; n cloud of war, and the fog* and winds and lighming which il engendered have passed away ; and we now see. not darkly, but truiv, th ; * political heaven? and earth. That was, inf ct. a ?ri is. Allnusa ieH il \r> be so. And in its nvm-.M' n utmost and most fearful interest, the master *■ i - ? of that day came to ns. the bird of ivcom i. ma, with the olive ! Dough in !i* beak, ine f:* i * ..d proud sj.irils o; ! the South . ted the overt 1 »ny; and j ibi? act w • the result. It i* an agreement, sir, j not l • subsist for ii*T !->» of Ic4: nrtive being only, Z >- ro.— The gentleman vviK»lia.*ji ; t-*ken his *cat.(.Mr. Rhotld denie* thu il i- «»b]igat >ry upon us. He >ays, an ! *ays truly. t’:.it ii-- Go gig-- of 1533 eouid not bird that of lS4i ; and liiat the act i* now j subject to r«p al. Sir, 1 ; row oneC 01 g;»-*, by a siatiou, < tlier, geiitleii.au is iz.itti-z /. Hat, * ir. the act or •i> 1* t lading in ;• h-.iut v «-vv c.f ll.e *ubject. It i* aecoidi.;g to a*i the retpiirements ui guvid faith, honor, and *.one;ty. In what ligiit d’« i the men of that day \i: vv i! ; Did not the Nu* liners 01 South Ca • .1 :• satisfa tory - Did they not haul down their palmetto banner, rescind thei ! . -1 rce? \ndso it was - rent cons era ;ti ;01 • iiciwisf, they aie open to lire imputation j of a: in.ioiiiu'recreant;v the lofty ground thevhad ! t.ikin. ■ !*• It l.t-ie r. mark *4 that Mr. Calhoun j a vow* .1, at the I;mc ul it* p.issag*-. that lie di i not j j h;«M the act 0f‘3.1 so far obligatory as not to be j *i:: ie* t *0 repeal orniodiliealion.: I*. .*!:atle;* not. sir; he acceded it, and .0 did i iu» Gu* i* ; and they have acquiesced in it* pro tiiat day . —.. sir, except my I riend, VI r. Khett. He, I know*, never did ac • ep- He, n o a phrase peculiar to a man at ibe other •-•"■! • 1 this r apitol. * *o!it:»iy and alone, ■ e*isjeu, 111 the midst of hi* friends, the re*rludimr the * elebiale.l ( .loima ordiuauces. He i*, there fore, now consistent. \ icwing it, then, ;.s a compact, one of its MigUr I a lion* is in tin- fullov. ing t<i vv it • ■'•Pr.tr, | • . i it nothing herein cootainc d shall be socon ! tnitl a- Ij picvent the passage of any* act prior Ito lire both day m June. I s 1 ip the eenliugeiicv . : 1 »*\* .•*- or de!ie«*‘iicy *.f revenue, altering the rates ■ n • . . said a. 1 ol : Hit July, l'*bd, an* -iibj.'et to ales. late of fluty li:aii k«» j. r cent. a«l valorem, in such manuta* not to *\e ed that rate, ami a* *0 ud ri*l the r**veii'.:c l*> **ither ol said contingencies.” —See see. 0, act HSbb. Jlu 3t)th June, i* the lime at which the compromise, act expires. Before that ti;u c, you perceive, sir, that provision i- nude for uttering the rate of duties, in the eon lingcucy of*exc< delu . ; ofi ■ e; is, if before the 30th June, lik42, the wapts of the iloveniment *.iou. 1 nxjuiie more money than v.tml 1 he j:iisc«l wndtr the act, provision i* nuae for up| !y in • ll at v ant by tin tfi! -.i doth Not only s<>; but the act itsell pre- \ »en:*e* the --rt; •.• sup.m wliieb the • ■aie. shall be impose.;, ami u. :ts ;i 1 c th*- r-mtrart. I; e eontingemv anticipated ha*, in ; fact, c* eunvd: l «-.e i* a cieheieney oiieve*iue; U»ed< oft ■>v rnment c not be paid. In deed, indeiiendeiil of nv debt, the ordinary wants 01 an economical administration cannot he supplied by tie revenue whi**h 1* forthcoming under the act. 'I lie ii.?ome ol t.’ic (jovennnent i* still to be n diced by* the necessary operation of that act; In— caii*o it cut* down ali duties, by b ”.:i June. 1542, to . jiereent. Kach following y< ar, the defieien < y vv 1 ii;<t*m*c :»c :e *arily 1. *•!•*. Aiu,,ma kiag al vam - lor inen ed I ' l-.ave n > idea but that the dcf.tioney, in both'4l and Md. will he vt ry great. Now, *ir, il i> to sup ply this deficiency, and pay the national de t, that I would lay new dutie . \re vve not permitted, nay. *ir, la it not one of the impbrative obligation* of the **• impact, Jo do so. Wh it becomes, men, of the idea •.! gentlemen, that we interfere with the compromise ; These demonstrations, 1 apprehend are designed only to excite an nninfonned opposi tion to what I tru-l will be tire policy of th.- tl.tr ri n party in relation to revenue. That policy, 1 b*-.;cve, or.glit, and will be, to raise the money ne ee-sary, by imposts ujioii luxuries that arc unpiu tectod, in addition to the amountlii.it may comm* in. according to the minimum rate?, under the art "I l v b.f It would *eem, sir, that the manufactur * j* themscive*, if any body, ought to complain of a disregard of tiie compromise ; yet they complain rot. H. complaint eomjs from the alarm; is of t;i« .'*«>uth. That Houth which, lam prepared to v huvv, hold? a deeper stake in the solemn guaran tees of the * mipiorni-e tiian any other section of tie! nion. Bv the *ecti«m of the act of *33, which i have read, you will perceive that the articles made du tiable by new legislation, aie such, as by* the act of ■ fdit f than iiO j 1 r i . ad - - lonia. I pou no other article* can you lay dutie*; j and it i v only upon tnem. or nthcr principally* unon *u h article- ;e bear no */u/i/, that a duty is piupe sed to l»c laid. Os coin -e, no free 'article i pro- T<< ted,noi are such ;•* bear a duly oilers than 2i> p*-i rent -. for it i admittel that even twenty per rent afford* no protection. If, therefore, you tin-> «lary read jufet the duties on thi* * ia- of article*, you pass no tanfl act for protection; and such rale ! •»f duty a* I am willing to lay, such a* would raise arnph revenue, Would not at ail ailed even the irnjKirtatioTi, j 'i hose articles up n which it is pio|»o*ed to lay I ; ■ utie.s, thre *i « ■ and wine at *! some other . being • . fin imjiortalioii of 1 Iks from France I I 1* very g **a*. T /«•* averag** mipurt* from France ; 1 ;»:»«! !:er\Vefl India dtj»<mdencie*.annually amount t fill/WMi . rids 11101 mo 1 00 tax. It would •■•■•m Siiit i« a*<>iia! ;«• iriun ll.: j ’ouice to r. ;. ,/e r venue. But it is *aid by the .1 :.thman from >otith (.'aioliiia,( »Ji. ibhelt.J l.hal a •duly 051011 ilks would injuri tire South. His ar -1 z ' nt 1 »;ieil> thi*. v duty upon poodsimpar i *cd It r. a I": «■ t t’e ."lei ui.i 1. .v nex ;>ort‘ •’* j 1 ttj.it Mate, l»> 1 ••liu mg them. I r iri>-*- maik* l I 1 f-u the I ottoii ot the S*.;ilh, Whic Ii she p-.jy . for t»y ! 1 -ending 11 hri -ill.- aiid vmtic .; ii -,\» i.j- v j lf r, ;*• sl lvs and vvines it v. ill "perat*- a* .1 lax upon the j export ol cotton, ai \ thru by ii-duee the amjunt •»l it. 1,, to- 1 .*»’k io!o tiii* a 1 ;;• . fit. :ind ~ |, oW , ;it 1 tin piin 1; I* a 011 m 1 b* iHK , and ho.v f.u it 1* :,p- J.he-.'fle to the trade !.* ; vei n the I ui’cd Sv.l*.* i 1' I 'liri*. I ■| '• i!i 11. 1 coi.-t ive, ,ir, |, j i.l i" two **>• ting* n* i. ll ll.e *1.1,4 , u,.,,,, j 1 : ,:.rr- II l-i;..e ;•' to ai.,..«jnt tuu pi..hi!.i;iuii, ll ' conceded at ou« •■ that it wi |, in oiduiary ’ • • • ' tit * • portatimi; 01, if the exports ahd I . .*.« equal to ‘die I.Xteilt Jjul the dull di mnii !u t..e mqanlati »i», hy I. o-umg the con mi i:; ti'.n, will o-mi;though by n.# means n**- t•■ *atil\, I' du'e 11. * spoil. N-»w I.u* argument ol the Z nlle i. in * -med to ~ nn,.: that we pro po e1 • I*o *o a • uty ••!! -iluv as vvomd amount :•• .1 pjohdiilioii and upon that .«nmptioi« there ml (ht ha f< 1 ■ in it, B 1 tOl o;ti9one ha dream* * ■ 1 rah ofdu) gr ted b.v any "lie 1 twenty per cent; and I be lieve half th it amount would be sufli- ient. 'i b** gentSman ha wiioily l oledlowhow that *u< h du- would all* cl at ..il the oiiMiniption oi .-tiki in { If*e I nite*l Sial* .No 11; a model ate duly would not affect lb* - import, ■• :ui-c tin e(in .uinptioo 1 would be mi : »»si 11 * (*•••!. Our belle* and be a ulhi-, I our •lame* and tbeir«l:iiightei , wifi till flourish in ■ Ho*jn*i*s, furbelows, and silk*. Tfn* wealthy, who I are tiie eoasumer*- mainly of- ilk go nl*, w ould no'. regard a mall in* leree of priee. J*nde, fashion, 1 and vanity .|Wouhl still abk th«-u supplies, and t*ake liO denial. If the gentleman will lay duly on no article ♦hat is paid (01 n» whole m in par! by* American cut tous, vviiy then lie will never lay rmiq hispOlltUm, will drive him nece?saiily from imposfe to direct taxetion; for he knows well that cotton, in our commerce with the world, pays, m some degree, ami indeed in great part, for all our imposts. VV hen asked by liis eollengne (Gen. Thompson) to name an article that was not *0 paid for, mv friend was wisely silent. . Nor, sir, are the import* from and exports to France, *0 nearly equal as to endanger our cotton trade. On the eonirarv, the balance of trade i* largely against us. And this sac t must demolish wholly the aigiimenl of the gentleman. The en tire export Irom the I mted States to France, cum |kmc<l principally ol cotton, rice, and tobacco, amount* lu about >I‘MHM'.OO(» ; and the importa tions lioin 1 ranee and her Wet India depenfleii eie*. f*» about >33,000,000; leaving u balance against u* ot >1 1,000.000; which !>aianee 1* pai l bv an export ol spivie. Now , sii, bclore'it ispossildq lu a licet oui cotton trade with France, Hie con sumption, and consequently the impoitntlou ■ • her *ilks and wines, ic., mu*i he reduced mure than >14,000,0H0. No rate us duty that I shall ever consent lu iui|iot>e. and none that an economical administration may demand, can ever thus lessen the importation .*1 French goods. Again, sir. tlifrottun which vve send to Fiance 1* ioiisiime*) by her own people* principally, and that demand mu-I eontinuo »rre*jH*elive of any foreign .hm«and for her *ilk* and wim And conceding.only tir the .ke of the :n iinient, that a du.v a* proposed wouid le>*en tin* eonsiimption of silks. 1 believe i t the same ratio would il in. crease Ihe consumption **f rollon fabiit s. U *i!ks aiv excluded, cotton w*ll become the appaiel •>! the rich, as well 1* the poor. W e are under no obliga tion either, sir,of commercial tointesy to I ranee ; lor she levies a duty a I her own port* u;k>u Amen e,«n eoit'Ui* —and that a disorinuuatiiig duty, it being more than she levies iqsm F.gyptlan cotton. Now , sir, inasmuch a> the Gov«*inment is m debt,you must cither pay iU obligitions honestly, or continue them by loan*; to pay tliem, the present and prospective ineonu- 1* inadequate. Von mn-i theielore open up new sour- ts 01 income. W nal will be your r # *si*rl * Houbtle** new duties u|mu imports; ai.d it driven to this, y*o« are to deter nune whether you will imjH>.*e them upon luxuries, which aie free, or in ere :*e them upon necessaries, already hea\ i!v burdened. I hat is, wbetliei you will tax the rich or the poor. W ill you grind the pi*oi man * lace by y our legi*lalem, and mollifv llte sleek 1 lueek ot wealth with tin* oil of exeni|»- ti.m • s ".. 1 never have rai»cu s!:o;:t* to pjveilv, enlisting »t* ho;;e*l /. al m behalf of either men or measure* —decrying j*, imaginary oppressions, and alienating the different *uder< of soeietv. 1 have never labored to arm the poor »gaiu*t the ;uh, to army vice against vntu .aml ignorance .011*1 k? o a led j* Ihu vc coiisiih-iod. a diversity ol e*late at* m;a voidable coiulilien of ««l social or ganization, and tint one cl the highest obligations G"f patiiuti nn 1* t«* nn; love-all grades, and, if po*- I ?iblr, to harmonize ail orders ol men. I have ever claimed, sr.i ! -hull always claim, tint Vmerican csti/ens in >qinU unrrr ii,* lav. It was said in triumph in France, at the adoption of Iwr amend ed constitution, “ail i ienchn.cn arc equal under Ihe iaw." it vv a not the fact. I doubt if Frame ever realizes so almost drv ine a consummation.— We, sir. with more propriety, claim foi all out lality. W•■ piacticc, u iiii near er ' to ti ••thf»ilnc*>, the sui•lime doctrine* of civil « quality ; and et, we have not atlaimd to this high stale of political pcrfeC.ibiliiy . Oi*r people are unequally taxed. Theb irdensof Gov ernment are not equal; nor art the benefits. 7\r Uu ut i-< *>t f r/* /, mnuu rs fhrm, pay no •'uty, irhil.tt thev " •<•*■• :rit of th*poor art nil torc-l. By t‘ie tarirl* law? of thi* I oion, the silkcr. drapery vTliich vnvei-.'ps the gorgeous eon- Ir of the rich man. pays uu 11\; vvhii*t the cold thin mal!ra«s, and -cant blankets 01 the )»uur, bear a heavy duty.— Strung, >ir. yet true. I have always eon*i.!ered the exemption of Luxurie . a* one oi the aimino lies of republican legislation; and have wondered —often w mdcreti—how so much m practical op pression rouhi have been .*0 long tolerated. It is now time to araend, if no; alone, for the error* of the past. Gentienen talk •>{ reform; we invite them to the wor.c here. Tht y are tiie fiiejuis of the poor; now i* the lime most gloriously »o signalize their regard. W\* a>k the poor man s friend to attest the'iueerrl • of his professions l»y his deeds. The wine that gladdens the heart of wealth, and maketh merry the heard of In* festivity*; the *i!ks whiclr high-bred women wear, and rue spices which stimulate the *ated palate of The luxurious gourmand, are now pro|*osed to be moderately taxed. Si;-, you must do this, or raise your from tire overwrought muscles, the hloo.l and bones of laborious poverty. We shall see, sir. vviio are in truth the friends of the poor. The rate of duly* will be regulated by the amount of money required. 1 have already Mated i that 1 am opposed to a!l duties but fur revenue; and 1 now *ay I will vote only for so much reve nue to be i;:i*t i a* will pav the expenses of an economical a !ministration.* The expenditures us ihe government ought /id I hope vvjii 1 reduced. We are not now tailed upon to *.ule any specihe amount of duties; tire propo*iliori i*, that tiie C'ornntitUe of Way? and Mean? be instructed to rvjwrt what amount may* be required. >ir. when ever this bill 1* brought forward, I shall not sup port il ii i ; •;*ns one dollar more than will jury the national debt and *;:*tain t!ie Government.— The public debt mint h»* first ascertained, and the estimate? of expenditure fiimishcd. lam there fore pic ’g 1 to 't.i poit no billwh!- h docs iml fall w ithin t re p isitious 1 now .•-sum . i i'iu- member from South Carolina remarked that lie was ala loss to know the reason why duties were now* proposed to he laid, until he hear! it al leged in tin Semite, that more le venue would be necessary to *u s i ; >'y the deficit in the public in come, uoeasioned by ihe distribution of the pri»- eeefls of t!ie public lands. For myself. lam influ enced by no such reason. lam a Ware that ii is said, and reiterated daily, that high tariff* and pi"* fuse ex}*e;:di' iv*. each begetting the otiier, will be among the leading measures of the new' ad- ! mmistra’ivTii. For one, 1 do not beliqye it. — < Whetoer the d--tribntioa measure pu vail <•; not, il i* appar. nl to all that the Government must have more i.n .:.*. Tiuit necessity ought to i e,hy candid men, i o.'ider-. d a*. *utircienl reason for a revision of our impost laws. Mr. Chairman, I have been greatly surpri*ei to find leading Southern statesmen so .vßimg t »relax the obligati ;!.* 01 tiie eomprornisc; obligations *0 essential f«» Southern interests. 1 remarked before, inth • meal, ■•:•• to be foun Ith strong est guarani; »•* agaic>l protective duties. !i i' are stipulations con*erv-aiive of Southern principles. \\ iie her il was originally* just to the S »nt:» o. not, it i* useless now to inquire. She ha* •« quiesced in it, and »» have the ;siam:fartiK» i*. Interest* nave j grown up under it which vve may not now rightful ly disturb ; the benefits provided for the North have been secured. The manufacturing interests, lam induced to believe, are satisfied with the prolee | tionit alibi'd? tin :i ; they desire no ehange. And i l!i“ time has arrived when tiie conditior.sfavorable *<• the Souta are b<*ginning to !u* op**, fliv e. Our guarantees are now ?t> be available; and shall we ca*l Tliem o?l, by animhug the compact * No, sir; ratlie. let u* ra':i . ilam vv, by now acting under ;(* pi iria ns. What are some • f those « ervat guarantees I call your attention to one, sir, of v/*t moment, which, if failhfnliy observed, vvill quiet foreveiglhe CM itiug and dangerous topic of proUetive duties. One of the covenant : of the con tract 1 . that “ until tin- 3Ul’r. June. ! v 12,the duties iin;M>*cd by cm mg law*, us modified by t!:i* act, -hall remain and continue to h«* colleeief ; nu-l/nnn nndt.tfte.-r t'.r day i i tresnid.p'Utli duties >!o:t! he laid I for the purpose of taisias? such rt venue as m<ni f > n*r‘ **■'.*/ y loan t-ronuiiiitai admin’.strut ion oj •Ine Gorerniiv/it." See 3 I see. ael 1533. TNovv, sir, you perceive, that by viiture of tho compromise act, il i* the solemn pledge of the par lies thereto, that, from and after the 30th June IS J 2, no dutio- shall be laid but for revenue. Not only so : tn that the amount of such revenue shall be hunted to the wauls 01 an economical adminis tration. The principle of protection i* discarded. No one can ri*r* up after id and a- k for piuteelion. 1 tie North is esloped. The South •an point to the agreement, and demand that duties shall be limited to purposes of revenue: not only so; but that the revenue shall not exceed the limits ol a Just econo my. A p.ivverto lay dutie? for revenue never has bi-cn il an .l t<> I mg'.ess. It was agam*t a ii**rvcr i jii of thi* power, *ii, that my oh ti sj.i*e and all the >otit}i rebel id. It vv.i* lb* <|o« t ine of protec tion. a* held b. the nianulaclurcrs and those wiio reproM-nlefl tlien..that stirred the ire olmy constit uents and aw akened the burning eloquence of such men a* Go' !< an*l Crawford, McHulin* and ilayno. S'ippo-e, ir, that these principles siial! prevail; that the eompioinis*- i* observed ; tiiat duties in times: to rojin hall be laid only for revenue; where 1 i-* the politician *0 fastidious as loeumplain * Will I not pea* e rub in our councils and fraternal feeling penadt all sections : If, sir, economy in public allairs, w 1 i n shall confine appropriations to consti tutional objects, and revenue only for the public wants, are the gui ling star of the Ilarri on admln istration, lei u«i ui 'n fear that * ship ol will not sail o’er prosperous seas !»• neath benignant 'kies. \r ■.rrntlemcn prepared to yield theobliga j lory power th.* a- ’of ’33 I o yield in the mo ment of victory* the fruit of Hie w ar, to open again j li.t* tonntain* m !:it<* ; to loose the elements ot ! commotion, now hippily tivl up; and invite the j storm -.it: !«< it tin- U injiesl * Now i* l!»e time i for the llurn-on party to identify itself uithtiic t, i 11 \ li mid be 1 ■ /• alfli n ! • !-. wrought to • eommited upon tliem. And the most eb- .'J.l.i.dc "iTdi-ntiSication, is to tail *>ur reveiiU' /*■ *'i*lio;i to its pii»vi-i"n*. ! v lay ing dotie* now on nnpiutc* led articles. Now i- ibc linn 1" -tereoly |»e the compromise. |o avoid apKitec live tarisl', it i* nece san to • ■itnlcfim 1 1 helot c lb* • miq>rotui*e expire-. I would prurbiihi it !•» i!«c p< iiplt- oi my own Stall . j I ih.siif it to be known a! 1 1 1 unit) 11 | fioio hci mom,inn* In |!n *«•;*, * j«.«t now i- the lime to ;rl upon t'.i* *i» a! qn* Imu». (i was *:»n| [ in tiie lab-canva *, tha*. ihtnixm, the honest, \ .1- | iiant, an*! sue*-*-- mi whig candidate, was a lanti" man. lln icply w * n»ai!c sir, v\a* lual he was in lavorol the principles settled in the eonipromise. I * on thi explatialim vv * tiiumpoed. And now wiio -hall object, wlii'ii Ih * oiiliii:i» what vve then ‘•aid ol In.n G| li,* lii, mi*, in>one;of hi- ene mies of con 1 c all. \\ »; *buuld not wait until alter June 'I J to ai rang*- the revenue, I-realise then ii will be said, the comproiiii-** having « «•:)•< 1! !>y il- own liunla *mn tin whole *.j!ijc' 10l protection is open. At i<m; ■ limn to lay i iijwi-1 -,and \on enc-oiniler Iti** • oiifl niter* is oi tin* wh*>le I nion. IN cry “li*’b ol dome tic in.miitactutn will demand pro «••*'‘li'ui; capital will wield it* might against liei Bid* ; citi-lmc* will clamor for legislative boim lie*-. I M-• riiiiinate then you must. Angiy pas sioiu will again mingle in yom councils; Male authority may array itself against Federal iaw ; tin* cannon ol the Lnion may again he poin • ' • wii t o ••*■ So (them city, and there may he nom* -o potent as torommand the jailing elen’cnts ini" ja* ace. Ni w \• 1 hw, Febmary 23. # /• / nr. —.’anal flour remains at f- I’oftnu. —Tne re has been iran * ly lime yet to »m --certain the elfecl of the new* by the Bntamaon our market. A little tieltej feeling, however, is manifest (bis morning, and holders appear in clined to demand higher prices. —Commernal Ad vert 1 sir. * ml■ i | front th- I'ouru- 1 \ f'n*fuiret M 5499« v frmn IFirr/tpr.' — j" ahui\ \i. 01 tiik sn.4 >1 i.;i iuiita vxi v. This steam-hip arrived «f Doaion yeMercUv morning urn! this morning we receive liy (fie sicuui boat liom I’rovidenee, the intelligence , brought by bee.-—These dale,; arc from Liverpool ■ 10 the llh. London t ■> tin* 3rd, and Pam; U the l„l instant. 1 lit* British Parliament on lb<*‘2(Mli ult. uml w«s opt‘ni*tl I»v the (*ueeu in prrs<in. Der speech on tins *ca*»ion in more remarkable j l«>r what it dm . Tin alwucc ol all alluvion to j • lit* Nlulo ul tin* i* ration hfUvr.ru England and I’ entire is Ihf *>mi—ion i«* whirl) wr luvii roler fllff- It IS staled ill flu* French p.ipiTH lli.il thf English mini tryf had inserted m the original draught ol ihf •jM-rrii a friendly paragraph |«*. vvards 1 ranee. hut llial a Irw liouis Indore the t'JM’liuig ol Parliament uu urroiiiit ol two projects ol law presented (o the Lhainher «»| IlmutiiN, th,< ono ralliir: fin a If y ot mi,(Mill i-vimts, and tin other providing fin I In* ortMiii/.ition **l an army j ol reserve had hroii received and xv as tin* cause ol , llif studied sdriiff observed in ihf sJH'ffll. i hr debate i*ii Iti»r(dii*uti(iiis ol Paris in ihf t hainhfr **t hcjiiitiiHul 7 ranee. had been veiy animated and lad mil \rl 1. miniated. '1*1).- «igU position to thr (.iij/iii .'idiiiiiuniiaiioji continue* tierce and tinieleniim'. Ihf n Hairs of Syria air d. Tmitivelv >• tiled, oiul 11 has hffii nn «*unt*i*d hi Parliament that the j Turkish ih-'ft has Ihtii given up t.» Mchcniet Ali, • and I Ilf Sultan has granted » !**• hereditary j sovereignity of Egypt to the Pacha. ThtTf are no lurlhrr accounts from I’litiri. thf latr-* appear Imv.ev* rto hf gen.i dly credited. f < >ur privaif correspond** i.v fiom London is lull and entered im* on the'atcol commercial inonerary att’iir-. < orrr'S'ionUi iH't nj th*■ I om it r and Fuiprirrr, London, January 11. I*ll, I send o\ tiie* Uoveins, tram Liverpool a eOnfmii* im aiiou which may is- lulls expected to arrive out ivlorr I.if -V i.t -hip ol llif t-xirlh of ihf ensu ing iiioiiili. The pa* kei ships Toronto, S-SoTueid find York have all iiruM'd—the latest dales being to the *2nth ult.. Inmight hv flu* Now N ork. 'Thf ( message o, the I'resident ol the t niled Staten has j arrived by lion' pat Lets aial has hjea rfpublish* I fd in all iho Loudon journals, hut without ev.t*. ing the usual interest tin* annual dii -.-i^ 1 of »,.•#* chief niftgistra’f o?'th« rfpiioii*'—as thf pn-se .1 , message is prin-iv. .1 to h* piim-ipaily offupicti 4 with a m ism-s ot tin- polifv ol all. Nan Huron, { which is now fon~idfiid to useless and out ol 1 all place, ns the nation has overwhelming declar ed him as unlit lor foo'.muanco in the Presiden tial chair. The paragraph in ;hf messatre r» ft nimr to (he prospects uU ■ ;i-lactoiy selije*»;'d «• \.irth Kastern IJouudary Line—— hn\i l*«*eu noticetl ,js important, because the jiro-je- s *>| that oueHtion lias been WitiioiO explanations for sonic liine past and irener.dly to** do-.-iimcnl : s received as disen hing a sound and pa itic » .million of generul mercantile, mom'u*.. lin.m.:al and poi:ti**al afiairs. Since the depart me the .\orlh Aiiii-rii-.in, the weather :u 2'neiand ha- been ex.-eediugiv severe, and h;: u s j, o- been urea?U imputed hy thatcireinusiama. and by the flosmg of the rivers and canals. The mon*»y mar!;e? of London has hei n at h-nelii suhjccu I t » tlie intlacnce of the lon- an ticipated paynit nis of ?Sie on tdeiiiK* on the Fund which commenced on tiic 11 tit hist, which re sults similar to those which some parlies had predicted in consequence of the low .-late of the bullion in the pos.-t ssion of the Hank of France the day previous t<> tin- fo.-mm-neernent of the payments lo the public—the monfldv of ficial return of the assets and liablities of the \ Hank ol Kngland appeared in the t*’ j/elte, simu ing that the am niut ui hniiion was only jLd.- 557,000, and the securities to the amount of V-*,- 362.000—a di-proportion more unfavorable llian in the proceeding m mill, and which immediately created an opinion that the would he ' obliged to use every elVort lor the continuati »n > ot the payments to the public of the dividends which were due to so an amount. This ! has very chariy prov-J to l»« the tiuc position j of affairs—f«»r con«ols. foreign stock ai d shares j arc all lower th<ui on the lliii. and in lh** place of file e\i>ectfd rapid r.se in the prices,the whole I money mark*u ha-* l>een in ast -te ot depression which can only hf produced hy the s*vr«-t ctiiirts of the Hank, .x con-i«icrablc portion, of the dividends is rc-poited •-> have gone iri the form of I discounts of hills which have been sent in nn- | usual mas-is f * tin- Loudon bankers a!!;i «»ill hro- ! kers from ]janca>hire and \ ork<hire, where an ; extensive revival has taken place, and pric* - !»oih ; of raw and manu t.ictri *e«l go nls hav, risen ra- j pidly since the intellizen- • of the re opening of « the Cliinese narkef. and l!u recent favorafu'e accounts of the i o oect-of the American tiade. —This is nnJouoicdly a l»* iter appropriation ol money than in ]*o:idoii in specula.ive op rations in the ui nds or: haic?,l»ut still the above ace.rur.: of the monthly report of the wide disproportion between the assets and liabilities of the Hank of i England is such as t» render uncertain flic con- : li nuance, of reviving prices in even the best foun ded hi m. ho ot* dor-** -;ic or foreign trade. Since the cornnu nc< merit ot the change of the agenev of tie* H uvh.. i li.v L-rrrte-i >ta?e-; t.* the wealthy hoeof.Limes Morrison »\ >n. a much | greater amount «*t hnsincss i;-. I ik»*n p! «- e in the shares of the Hunk, the market having been ' closed at t!.. ; in* I » Ll 3 15s. —.mJ x1 I be- j ing demanded this jt'.crnoon. with every appear- | anee of a much g. Mtrr adva irr. In th< other American secmilie- ihere is no change rc|*orted in the <[Uotatioi:s. no: ii is the !»en» on an extensive .de. It nnv he pr :»«t I ) add to the account of tin new London i v ot the Hank ol flit* I id- ; led States, that .Mr. Morrison his been for some J lime past the largest European hohler •*! genera! American stacks, having .i capital invested to ! the amount «! nearly xinO.OHO sterling, which is i another gu iranna lor the prudent management ul tin* ageuc\ tin- H ink.j This gentleman is ■ also a member .*f I*c.i!i:i;npnt ami an assured j speaker in subj ’«*ts of trade. Since the arriv d ot the j*;ickel -hip id tlie 20th ■ the cotton inaihets of 1/iverpool and London J have been advancing at i rapid rale, in Lon- * don large sales .if lii«* India cotton have taken place at an advance of fully • per cent. Since tin* :«i *• d td the i>itellin nee from I*! *- ! na, the market ‘or teas has n revived !*• m the I crushing fall which tin u took place-—the quo tations lor Company's cargoes being no higher than 1 <»’, per l!». The severity *»f ihe v.. alher is very great, and numerous shipwr• rks and other dreadful dis asters have c'-currul. One of the most shock ing wrecks which h.a-* oe.iirre.l lor some years' took place on Fri.l iv la-* it the Scilly Lies, I ic ing that of the 'Ti»am»‘>. .t slcam-hip from Ire- | land to IjOiid-m. (hi? of <*o passengers only ; four having escaped--l»ein« three female- and one a seaman. The last lour A. w N *ok packi Is have all fallen in with wrecks and brought the crews safely to land. Another such **ceurrcnce is the fate of James Scott,the Aiiieiican diver, who perished on Mon- j day hy accidentally hanging l(inisclf in (lie ! jirescnce of llioM-.u.ds of spectators, on tin* \\ a- j lerloo I*ridge. 'J’h; - intrepid and truly e\*rM-*rd)- nary fellow, had jnev;ou-iy jumped oil bridges I and lioiii pre.iU-r heights fr.cu the rigging of ■ vessels—hL last teat having beets t » jump ••in Hlacktriars JLLidgc, :i!mul three weeks .-inee. on i a cold wintry day—plunging into tlie Thames with the gre.i?. * i.oi . .lance, and swimtniiig to land, and \v:dk.--l • *i* v.illi an appearance oI p«*rfccts:itisl;i(ii -n wit Ii the lev shillings wineli nad licen colli-ct* d h»r *.ion the f»ridgc. On Monday last, h« had i.oiomice l hy placards, that he should jump oft Waterloo Hndge at one o’clock—which drew immense crowds to the spot when >;im appealed with three poles and a rope, and though the Thames was crowded tvim masses of flouting icr. it appears that he was in excellent : pirils,':»nd before jumping off the bridge, *ahl that he would show the company an expcrinenl in hanging—wh ch proved !»y an ac cident to he the end of the unfortunate man. Hciug taken to the ( 'haring Cross Hospital it \va< tumid impossible t » revive him, and his fate lias can ed great sympathy with the public, ail tlie L.mdcn Journal* concurring in regret that he ■should have attempted a useless and dangerous experiment in hanging, in-lead of persevering in hi> exhihirtoti of (living, which ill some respects was useful and which he alone had the courage and dexfeiifx to pro lice in so extraordinary a way. L:>m>"\, Tehuary 3, I s 11. It is with considerable legret that thedefMrturc 1 ~f the strain ship fu-morrow lor liahlav and llostoit, Cv*m|»e!s me to send -•* lin>»ilisl.icfory, uncertain and indeed extraordinary a report of the present slate ol American inonetiny and men e mule attain; m this part of the world. * (in Monday morning last the London journals were unanimous in announcing tin* arrival al 1 (*ork of the (’ainhridge pocket ship, ol the Slh of 1 January which vcs-el was reported (o have land- ' ed one passeic-'-r by nunc accounts, mid Uv« or more pasHtim<*rs uccordn»g lo other leportx, I his passenger or these pa*sengern to have I brought one newspaper—a copy ol a Aieiv N ork paper ofllo* Kth of January—lhed *yon which < the t'amluidgc sailed—and from this newspaper, or pretended newspa|H*r, flic London journals • were supplied with an account ol a “ panic which was raging in \ew N ork. in consequence ‘ of the discovery ol the mahiiilv the Hank ol ‘ the Foiled Slates to resume specie payment* on • the Kith llm whole state the institulion bring • «l*«cribcd as a mass «»l insolveucy—millions ol I dollars ol expenditure ovei profits—according to ‘ the report «*! the dividend committee ol the Hank —and the shares fallen lo a quotation of 50, or a hill of 12 1 per cent, since the commencement ol i thi* panic so deerilied. ’This being \\ ednesday afternoon and the nerond train having arrived • Irurn Liverpool with no tidings ol (hu (Cambridge, there is nothing left to the English correspondents « ol the American journals than lo state that such 1 rcinaim»lh« pi-.,»tioii ••( tin hit* lh|;cnrr tnmi \r vv -▼ret; wild IhWTfs rflerl harTTiei n ~oTthe moti d» pre.i-sin;; dcHcnptum. 'The London Joiiiiiulnol Monday sending the • panic" through the king dom with all its mllncnct) on the value ol Amen can Hccutilie.-i and in every depurtuient <»f Ameri can tiudi. 'The probabilities ol the conecliit-Hs of ill*’ iiifrlhgence have Iwen weighed with all the nicety which rlumgA so important and un expeeled mu» l h‘* suppose*! to create m the public mind. It •* however, lo be observed, rope* ung the laiidiu ’ of a passenger or passengers, that the j name **r names *»l these parties have not l»eeii I further ulltnl* d l«» in the letters from •Liverpool, nor how prohuhle it may Ik* that only one news pu|H*r should Ir sent on here Irom the ( am bridge, without letters ol any description, although the intelligence was «d so important a character —not yet why the Cambridge ha* nut fioni Fii duy t»* NV • dn.-Kd-v been t n.diled lo in-at np Irom Cork lo Liveipool—adverse although Ihe wind very certainly has been. And ihe same new : p qrcr contains an a< count <d the wreck of lln | (liinick pxtket ship on rNiridv Hook—als»nt 1 which event wvcral ami lather contra dictory cin*Uin>tan« cs nre thought It* Is* peietaved —but against all w hich o» the n know (edged prohahihlv *»l stmie pari ol lit** figures given, i* • -peeling the po-aUon ol the Hank, being csireci -Although «ii -loiu d in in artful manm i against tin* ciedil ol the Hank ot ihr* I niled States. Such is the state of uncertainly in which the inlelli- J gene** has been involved since Monday morning last, anil llieettcct has been that Ihe whole mar ket i»l American Stocks lias been paralv/ed l*v the news. 'The shares ol flic Hank ol Un- Foiled Stales have been forced upon tin* market, and in ! sonic transactions have been wold at n* low a val ue ns Lll I Oh—although the market was remark ably firm at L I 1 2s. fid. a C LI 5* at the close of the hn-im *on Saturday afternoon. < 'There wen* rather iinpoilatil inv • slmeiils made in tlie S(at*’.s ol \» vv \’«»rk and Ohio on Friday and Satmday la I —one .-ale of f05,(100 **f .New N ork . r * per e*-nl. having been made at w.V. and >15,000 of OITm (i p«*r c**nl. nt 01. — I hiring tlie three days of (he pie-ml \\* ihe in leHigence received hy the Fambrid*.'**, h i.-, how ever. [Hit an **u ! to all transaction-* in the Slate j Slocks, and tin- enclosed list, alltiongh liiat ot a I most r*-f»i « tai.Je and iwqsuiaiit luck* . must h« I taken uh a v#;ry llif I#- more llian nominal—and • the Ame-i-un pitMie would pn*i*:»My d«» hsilt«r lo I -usperul an> important alftirs connecting with , England. I»*r lh*- few days winch int**rv«;iie he t tore lit* p.'esent steam-ship he followed hv the i l*re«i*lenl. winch is anuounc* d to sail on the Hih 1 of the present month. Leaving then, to the time of the deptnlure ol the next steam ship, the expkmations who'll are :mpossible f«*r the present vessel, it may he more prud. nl t*» avoid all lti:tlier spectilulioii on the fi nal influence of such intelligence; it lemniin* on ly tode*en-m* the stated English poltiical attaint (inritic the j>eriu<i whicli has pa—-ed «»mce your la>t acc-*i*nts. T trliamenl was opened on lh** 2tifh ultimo hv ■ the (jueen, hut Iho i*|M*ech frdn the ihroin- was ■if even :.n tniu-iiallv tnc.igre chann ler; nor has .tiiv tiling **f tfie .-lightest importama* taken place iu either of the houses up to t!rt* present day. The true nt:it** of all.iirs is believed to he one d uncertainly an to (lie stability of the present ad inin'ui.atidi—for the majority, so small during ! f!w* whole of the l ist session of Parliament, has li«ni tlunight lo l*e purposely hit !•* he di eided hy tlie result of several elections, which h*»Xa* <»c currcd in «onf*cqu«-nce of the deaths m nnunbers of the House <*t common? during the recess, par ticularly the elections lor the iroroughriot Wal sall and Fanlirbury, in which the excrii itis ot the lu* great parties have been put both, in eon sequence *d the greatness ot the slake supposi d i»*bed -pendent •»!» tin* event, and l!>** im|H»rtant i .imaounceinent lias been made this morning that both of these elections have gone against die whig candidates: hut the time does not allow of any notice iu this letter of any consequent party decla alien, which some persons imagine may be made in the (Tmmuii- in t!:t coarse of 1 the present night. . Fnless. therefore, to add matters of so com parative’s'trifling a character, as that the cliris j tening ot die. Princess Royal lakes ph.ee on the IMh in.-!, and drat the Earl ol ( ardigan lias i been arraign* d before the House of Peers lor sigh ■ ring a duel with F.-pt. Tucker, —there is noth ing to eeid yon on this oeea-ion hul aeconnts of die most undecided kind. The weather lies been extremely r-evere in England, md at lids lime the fr.>st i- niten>e. v \ run js mm is. ... Aiarmi’.ia •> per cent t>s f>.t Hitlo Stcrjing IHnH, A*. il.it* llhi->!> 6 per cent Hliil, Ac. «2.. f Indiana 5 per n*m l*Ml, tit*.(is Sterling i 1 nosti. Kerilucly ('• percent Im»s. six ;, loui-i uji 5 pc. H-iriui I w 11, . Massachusetts 5 per e. Lai, Ditto Sterling Lst*.**, 101 M ‘ la.id t» per cent I•*• t*, l*-. o jH*r c. sterling HSU, *• 1 New V«yk 5 percent 1856, s,’. 1 Ohio (» jkt ccni 1856, Ac. ♦0 J .,- , I Penn Ivania 5 per rt. / „ . Do s S ‘ • 1 S. i.'arolina 5 per ct. ct. IB6C, S S D-Xe '»S T* riaess; *l* per cent 161*8, s 2 N irginta t per cent 1851, .3d 1 New N ork 4’ity, iShi. 1 Ait unfortun :lc accident occurred at Hologno jon the lord of Jan. The Freneh -•* amcr from I. union I » Hologno not In-ing aide lo enter the ! bar or on ac■ >*utiV of i?s being low tide, -cveral persons uml nook t«* go ashore in a boat with the mail bag-, and am >ng lh*- re-* an \rmrican ruined Welisier, of Virginia :—anforlunattly ihe i boat swamped, nod Mr. WeliFter wa d own; h 'The steascer President was to sad *»:i the Huh ! with fid! freight, and a lurg* numliei of passen ! J?'*!’ 5 - ! 'The packet s!iip Shcttield carry ing out the Pre { -idenTs Me*-skge. arrived at Lsverpool on the l-lth j January. Devthoktim: Amj-.iih wfosu i. in Fuwer, i , —lu* don >im«lay evening January 31. in Paris j ; i-, in die yen of his age, ol tv plmid « xhans- ! | tion alter goul.— Daniel Hrent. E?q.. t’onsul of. • tl:e I 'niled ites of America b*r P;itif and agent j ol American claims. Terrible devastation hid been caused in v iri- ! ! on*- parts of England, and also on tlie comment, j j hy innn.hui.ais, resulting fr*»m sudden thaws.— \t Hrentiori the hank ami the locks of the (i rand Junction F.jiird g ive way, and the waters over i spr* a 1 the country, destroyin'' great quantities <*i properly aud several livrv*. At (Lecicvi. li lh, >l*cr»s were inimdatfd, and I th«* cellars were tilled with water. \\ mdsor al ; s.* was nv< rti .’.eJ. tin* destruction ot jToper ! ty f*r man» miles around was most extensive. \( \*. ailord the inhaltitants were* obliged l»> ' fake refuge m the upner rooms of their houses, lie accounts arc similar from Essex. V\ ill- - . Sunderland, and indeed almost all the midland counties. > iMmry Plain was swept hy the in undation. \t Sunderland great quantities of -hipping wer; (teslroycd. 'The llooii< extended a!- »!o >.'Oll;iiid, and similar accounts were re ceived from France, Ac. The voting Princess of England was to be j . liri-lem don tlie loth instant. The King nt the Helgians. the Puke of >.ixc (’olnirg and the Duke of \ were to he the god-fatln r- , and ihe i Duch* s.-es «>f Kent and Uloucesier godmothers. Tile iiam« - arc eaid to !*e Adelaide \ ictona Louis*, it wa- rumored that on the joy in t *.<•- , ca.-ion L.- d M.-lhourne would he created » M.u qiu- and L**td P.dmer.-ton an Earl. U* M«*u y. r* 11-iunri i. Accinr.vr 1 !—/ oiriirti 100 /. • «■ / ! !—Humors have been p-« v .a!ent i-i • .• a ’iib übood th .t «* i \Vidm*-.!*v l ist a mo? 5 ■*; - * i.imtlx hapj» ned «oi U ;i --i l!es«*y M* i -':»*• ice I ..caking, and. it is said, up ward# ol a hundied live- liein;; lost. Fiom in quiries xvc have made, we have reason to fear this minor is not without foundation, though v:» rions ;c|*o.-*s «rrii Continue.— < ’amhridgr \drrr finer tJ'Frfj. 3. l.j'fntordinary K.cjtrt>.* from Vuris. The Tinu s Oilier, Ft ft. 2. } Hall past !I o’clrtrk, A. M. \ The Hereditary l/iv> itfurrof if ran trd /> M*h'met .\h. \\ •* have this iionent received, hv extraordin ary express, the Paris papers of Simdav evening. The Momteur pnhlislic- the following ; “ N\ e have iiv« ive.l tins evening, hy mean of the ~an l.niuassy, nitelligem e ol importance troin tlie i lust. “‘t hi tin* 12tl. of.lanuaiy on* of the otticcrF **! tlu* Sultan left F«>nstantiiiopie for A1 xandrialh** (•carer of a firman, hy which Hi- Highness *<l)i ci.dlv accords t*» Ntehcnict Ah tin* hereditary p«*s- FCHsion of Egypt. •••( In tin* 1 Pli ..I flic s iriii* inotitli Mehrrnrt Ah i**siore*l the 'Turkish Heel.” I pon this important intelligence the Monitenr comments in these terms:— *• Tlie simple mention of the dales is sutticirnt to show that this act ul the Pasha ha- Ihtii en tirely spontaneous on his part, since he vva-th* n ignorant ot the di-liiiitive tnlcnliona ulTlie ;mi with rcgaid l«* him. *• thi tin* «»lh**i s)*le, the despatch *>l the iirman hv the Sultan p.*cedtng hy two duvs the restnr ulioii ol tin* licet, proves that nt (/onstnntinople they acted vvilli einrerity and good faith. •• It is the character of the two events vve an nounce which gives them above all importance. \\ *• ran conclude from them, that all th* dilli cnlticH which tliFlurh the pence ol the East jie definitively settled, uud as the peace ol the whole of Europe wa* ciumecled wuh the Folntion n| |li**hc ditliciilticH, lb* news which has arrived will l*e received every where with (lie greatest inter est.** 'The Message has the following : *• 'Tlie .SiiitHii has granted Meheinet Ah the h* - redilarv nivmliline *»l the pnshalie ot Egypt. “On the 12th of'January the Ottoman steam er Txiri-Ilahtri bit Eonatantinople. bringing tn Muaaloum-liey. the Envoy of the Hulun ul Al exandria, supplementary instructions, lovetbri with a hattiichenll. dated the aainr day, t'onlvr- .line uu l .u I's-.bu U.e b»u* *nta»v poOßeowum ot Egypt. 'This vev el probably reached \b v,*n dna on lb< Fah <if January s Amiiihan Ntotk; in Lomiiox.—The latest qilolutioim ll.al we. tind in our paper* arr du.se ol tin* London I oioniul Luxctte, <>l F*'brnary -id, vi/; Al unb.i (alerting;, 5 per cl. VH ; Indiana (Hieibng), I, *.»; Illinois ii, ,5, Kentucky <», 65 L.m».m odi. (.Sterling; .*, h, ; Maryland (i. S 2, eiu, (Sterling; 5. 100; New j V orfc, 1 ■ * Mno 0, '»i «i d.. Pi nn sylvaina .» 1 , S.hiUi (/'urulni i 5, '#n , 'JVnitea- MM ‘ 0, H 2 , I 'niled States Hunk. ML In the London >|. I .. of Jan. 3u I . S. Hank slock IS quoted I.t L IL Finn**. The P,*f|.; roiic pondent London Her ald -tales licit several lor/* d l»ckd- <d invitation to the grand ball, given a*, the Tmllenea, were b»- I brie.tied lor do j.nrposi- ol obtaining for evil-di**- ; posed person * the means ~f ar* cna lo tb« H**val j presence ; Irom which H wa* mlcrrcd dial a tresh attempt was to be rj. **!«- np .u tne hie of the King. I orlui.iitelv tin - plot wm. dis.’ov* red in firm*, and die p-dio* vv* *•- .«« (ivelv engag***! in pre venting do* inlrn-ioit <»i any mipnapcr per .n. into tin* I nibeiie., md in 1/ n *.nt the fmppo sed ottenderN. 'Tile Pans papers unn-.ijnce dn- death of Her trund Jturrere, formerly p»r;-i lent ol tin* National t onventioii in IVH2, and n >* iy a*t.ve parli. q.a- i tor m die politic d sirugglcn *d the last fifty y. «rs. | He was N-1 yearn of age. I here had been a great commotion in the poli tical circles *,f Paris, euuaed by tin* publication ol a certain correspondence alleged to have taken plaee between tin* King and Prince 'Talleyrand. \\ «• hav** no* yet Iwiru aid*; to find the letters in • •nr Lugliah files, bn! troin the noi-t; they made lltev must he /nyr/o/r/. Six of the paper*, die (•azeite dr I ruiice, die ('onlinerce, the Echo F rancais, t|».* .»ationul urnl bad lhtii sei/a d tor publishing them. A great do-.cn- -ion wits going on as to their authenticity winch was *l* ni *l by die government p ipers, i he treaty ot peace irelween France and Hue nos Ayri-s was another iiniUnl topic ot derla mutioii in tlie Paris paper*; whicli, by the way. were circulating a curious rumor that (iovernor Ho.-as wa t.» France, with Ins daughter, in one ol the French shipn of war. / i ont Hell's r o/ Jan. «0. New Wau Steamers.—Oi the live mw war s.earner, ot a large class which have been built in l:n Majesty s dockyards, and are lo be immediate ly Mte.l lor active servo e, the first has arrived in the river, an.l i-, now lying at tin* Isle of Dogs, w here on U < »Inesday ii«*r boilers were put on boaid. Shi- is a rno-t Tii.ije-ti* vessel, of the s ;i r fl «. , p,,, A « tin l < yelof.s and (i<»:gon, lately found so ellwctiv* m active service. She is to be fitted with two en ul 140 honw powerearh, nd her toi . ab- tii MOO. She :> named th** Drivei, and i- a! n * Jy * immi'-ioned.a great pail of the * .« w ‘ eing i iw on board a.-M,tmg toward her completion. It - t.d that 1.1 will L** fuiiiishe*! with two b po> ■ nd guns on her upper deck, working on mi ivel«, besides other guns of a large calibre on her lower deck. The steam power ol the Driver i- duo bor-e p.*w**r, cadi engine than the ( yclo,- ai d the toiigon; but the peculiar build of the \ -< 1 and the in provements in th** engine will, it h; ron a p< rfect equality w ith 1 . i -lea:ne. - ham the London Spot tutor ot Janu n ts 30///. II wa- _t-i * io.ily anticipated , .at the S;eeeh 1 • m !he ; .. ■ would >-*. *- , . .. : , favora ble effect opoii tne piu eof the Public Fund-, and several spec ilative purchases were made in anti cipation ot such a iesu!t. The \ rice uf('on«*uls consequently improved on Monday, and the quo tation wa- at one period of the day as high as b«. Icr money and ftnf lor acnuin'. 'I he bepcs ».i the sjieeulators fur tin* rue were, huwevei, d -appoiated ; and the ctlect produced upan tlu funds , i uesday aticruoon, when trie teiM»r ot t!ie - **eca became knowu, w *- the exact contrary oI * us expected, as .* LM instead of a n<e occurred ( • .»k*4M lot Account declined before fh«< eot ■- : n Ihe; ing day the d- rime continued, the price for ac *ouut being a-, low a- >[• •. and that I -r money .*> lowas^fbL A roactmii -me** occurred, of nearly \\ per '•cm! ; and i !iv I pri ..... for Account and f.r Money; but in the couim* oi the .f« n n, • me - i!e f Slock wt i« ni ide ; by parties known to ! *• connected with th< pi -■ •=c ; and a report w current that up '••• ■ •' **' the QueenSject i in - uris, . . • decline ol 1 ;■<•* . c:.r. Da*! occur red in th* Ikeru h 1 ' 1 :.*jia*l !.a- . -ii:equently b»*ei* heavv. L it-,L f.r ' 4 .urn * losing at >!i. a \\ ith Die iiieeting of Taiii in.ent rep »rt- of loans and fundinhave arisen : ai.d t -day, a leading brokei hax ■ d new ihret -it ;.. uU and laid out the prod *e in Exchequci .ills a m *noi w •- jmi . diitel. set ■ n fo< tr a * .... 1 »l to lake Thi .. ' ' ■ 1 ■ i funds in a j r* : | it . n stan ce . • »wr ■ S ■ s hua I'aii- I ; _ inU-li; jence ol" a • -• ■ . - ewed ne ■ fwl nous/, -la.clal irom s,(nto.no.> i 0 L’l.'. 1 oo.rM'n -leiiiiig. Jhe r;.cian >ii- in tin* I>.mk Mo* k market have b*>rne oot :‘.,* view sn our last report of td»* cao *■- t.iit Jut! pioduced the recent use m that ing, and is to- U:ry quoted :il Ic. tlm> ::i :iking a depi* --ioaof 7 l- i cent, hmu the l.ignrqu -iatiun—a decline that cciildrn i hav r ( > cirred ir ther. bad :t en anv i '-’.on i qUc i* . tl>* Lover• :st and the Hank Directors I. r ihe if : • -vv.il ol :i.e expiring charter. M“;icy i much easier, aiid the isle of eon*.mer jri .I :- 11 *■ f' may be -lale,i *r lio n-Jto •. per ct. j I lie t\* liasi.es as. he .vy, aial mo tot the current ; * ii< ■ • , fieri ihe 6o:tii \raci ire firm; Hueno • ••. • U I at . hug nn iia.mg occurn**! I >-iJav in Oiil..«n at t, ■>. I ’ .. Courier, Feb, 3. T\H I TRAIT. I. . nr.vr !*l xnnei 'vlxkket, .Nlo.m* w—T. - I dav t/fiv La- :•*■* a tiie :.»•-! rnaiket we have ha<t l tin-yen. 't he detrund for goods been veiv fair, vs-ih a ialher i.uinri .n- attendance oi buvers; ! l ist no improvement has taken place in pn c-. ihe i rosjx i! ot * long .*;id se.ere ai. ter has _i n- Ic: .liy ..m * i:.lluence isjoii fie Tiannel mJtket. ' T.'.cie »s icthaiige id the woo* market, eilhex in II ufi ix, Sxti ki xv.—'l her< ha eei in ll 4 itk< tto-d • v than* , |• .. i lur n.ucles are rather looking up. -o ne ra .* i ■;< ign ordi rs arc lersto d t.• 1 in ; town, and i»s • sohic fiu.ti th** I nit* J States, so ! that xve e\p* t a f-.iii l u-ine«s at improving pn, ,n. 1 Li ei*-, I i Esii w.— li. lire * o).»ie<l and white c >f!i hal -a very * •xten-iv r bu-ii.es- lu- been do ing. tlie d Iha _ at y exceeded I doction. The merchants i are very busy - and many workmen, win- l;av«* l.»ig l-cca compel led n* exist .hi wage- the ir-- .it ot -hort time, are no\» finding fall e:iiplo\' ment. i'KAinoiii*, Tin r dav —There ha-been a \*eiy g 0.,,! businc— doing this w« ek in our piece market, and if pice- hav*' not po.-niv<*ly advanced,they 1 closed 1 . . tally firm ■. previous rates. ( eat .■*> u: !en* e tlie manulaclurer- that letter times ; are at hand. In yarns the demand steady, and I spinner* .*;*• i taking mote money, ! i vv irkotil ob taining it. \V**ol —In Tin- article no derided change. Low combing wools in belter demand. In;! not dearer. In oilier sorts no uiange in v aii.v. 11 * i>oi h>* lELb, Ii im) xv —J he a«|tect of the mai net w a- *!**. ided.y lav*>nlile, there being manv buyer-, and dc-iiable good- changed hands freely at fair pru » The demand principally in low and middle qualities of pj *in and fancy woollen-, ! light check-, and other fancy g >L. In short ithen* »s coir-iilerable ouoyai: y with every pro-* p. cl of an advai <c of prices. Slocks are • ornpara- ! ' ■' , aud the operatives at* genera . employ ed. More activity prevails in j, . waxe- ! h. us*--. Winds are firm. Mw. i.ivim. Feb. 2.—Both yarn and goods i vveie quiet and n t mu h wa- done. H.ddoi-, ! bowevei, :*i.- im ami Mem .!* !es-..med. as far as | able, to h*d i on until the general shipping m a-..n | das ai.ne.l. ihei t!>an-m.i.iit to l.>w u rale . <»n the ct..- » he .! -liipjwi s arc . qually indisposed to ; • I 'i.«t it ■ . ♦ *•»! requiii •!. and • ecru ;. ■ !■., *! ‘ ■ ilnmst. I . ‘ *••*» v . . -l :.rated. >* lie .. . t *».f J l!i.ii it can ••ci ■ •littcici.i'o in !h«'coticii market . wiieiiier the I niled State- Hank / >e- down or not. ! as they have not interfered direi ly . . i attaii sin*e tbeii first *n i ii. oth* contend that, with its i *il prices must decline, iu oon e*iuence of tin* ?!io*k which will !.*• /.vcn t*» ronfideix e and credit. (Uir «*w n notion is, that the : vxorst has been anticipate : w iib regaid to this < vn . 1 cem. Iho colliers tvs* -till out in several districts, ; and -on.i* mills are • on-* ~..* ntly at .» sland.~ ! Manchester (".run/- U. Duii.ig the Wiuile of the pi-t week the maikel ha- piesent« d Hie same appearance of dullne— and want «f an mu lion that wa- apparent for two or *T liu re weeks picviousiv ; the general *!i-inchna fio:i to «!o an exteusiviM i>Ain*-s- lK*mg -o:n what mrieased t \ Ihe nnfavoi. >* .« counts oi the con dition the t inted Mate- Hank, which have reached this country through tlu- medium of a pass* Bg*i lande I*t « ~ in m the New No I* packet f amlmdgc. Ihe demand both lor »*hhl •and yarn xx-*. vety limited, and it wa- dillicult to tuak* .»!**- except at a tmlmg mluction horn the prices ol t!.c pre* edi;.: \ve«k. Loidei-, how ev •i. ! with ;ei»erally firm, and the umiu- don* « '»u t qu*-..:1y liilling.— ■ Vr > Fioan the l.ond in (... ‘r or h',h. (ITV. !.’ n’u.MK.— *he New \mk packet ship I has n*»i yet r*4*lud l.ix«T|Hml, !*e.ng kept luck l>* 1 the east wind, and xxr .lie iinahlc t . coit.niutiK ate 1 any l aithei particular- legardnig f}*« progrc*sot ev* nts Ihere, beyond the -canty icporl- t oitiajned in the pa|**i *•! the Ml* ol Jaiiuarv, of w Inch ex tract* wane given a few day - a***. Wr »rr now buik in ' tot w aid daily toi an *liiei ovet Uml de-p.it. Jj from India, whicli may |u--ibiy bring -<*in* thin*; deei-ive legnrding the di-putc w i.b u*e t luuetr II is li.qn .l that this may be of a ali-Uc.lorv rha i i* for.-•» a- t*» induce a speedy M'-iimption of on. evpoiljiado lo lt»e Ka*l, and thus counteract the nnuvorabJr impression eau-ed t v the late occm ionce- here. Moiny i- »orce, and Sl.*ck- arc heavv; the I , opening rate- were i'<>n-o)> km niotiev, -V \ t* sjf* ; and lor Necmnit, , \ew .! * # h j * f-. In ; I xehequfi Kill- I . |«» j, t m. I t rspnndmrr of thr Conanri < ».»/ I.'ir*.' . II v\mi , I cbruai vI,I Ml I Vinenran ( I'tUin* are r tan ieqnr-1 to-dav . md 1 pine* Miilci. Ihe intelligence tioni the iiileuoi * being vriy satisfarlorv, yarns and pud* having u notable aim*lunation The packet ship t ftca, with New \.ok dates to the till ult., b;** ju-t at lived. Vo political n« w’*of mtcn i The packet ship Koim**-a will sad after U* mor row. bein| dcUmrd hy uwap tidti. ' < n* mull ii. For to y he ,t path, iu du'c•» glooms, I heic ih -tar with bngbf • ear lav . Theie i- a flower that ever blooim. Ami iik<- a rose tree ’mid the tombs, \N *tb beauty glads our way. Ti» Woman tbe*l« -ofan a light • i***i* tin" weary pilgrimage. M t e is Ihe flower who-e beaut v bi»-- .t I ill • youth with visjons ot <l* iigbt. And gladden* sink in/ ag*-. In vain each thing may node around. No joy run be where »||f n not; Hot. wheie her angel furtn i* found, ‘I In w iMeines-t is magic ground, T! • d* eit a most holy pot. Addles* nt the opening ol ih« N.-vv \\ n>||. nig ton 'I hen l re. bn Morula y hnmtlprr 7, ontfen hy If. inn , * V a-s, / •/. us Hall tin ae, mui ipokrn by \trt Jlunhe*. j fi tends of the Drama, Tatrons of Ihe Ait :Vihu i* pa.ut-tbe i *ys and v.noa -of the heart, \*■ who delight o \ i Shaka|«eaie i page lu .'. .veil. And y itl i youi -pints to ri.tl.aolaient' pen To you, wlioo- heart will* love of i'*-iuu. !,urn. \\ irl* ('beeting hope ami rotifi Inue we luiu. lit hold Ihe temple whirl* we f lid? . I* ai \ml l «m would ola* * Ix-oeath vo* lei mg • nr. Oh let the Drama live ; ’li there we imd 'J‘!»e seciet ipiing- w hich rno . e Ihe oi.dy mg (it<nd, Ambition’s ifoijmlie-• wish, and a eel lon lent, ! Viilue*), pure e, and L*»ve s -oft i l indohn** oL I Devotion, fo;i .fancy, and wi.d De pan, 1 lli-e to the view m long u*ie--.»on tbeie , A fid all til ’ e. ent- *d ear h departed itefurn again to fife’- eventful »tage. («ladly ni fr* edom’seaute In- blood tu she.j \gam the I'atiml leave- t k, e mighty .< ad j Hroud mdiqxudeuce triurripor it. his lieaii, 1 Ntidbi ! lel an* eto the ly i.’ -dail.. 6ee tlie -teiti hero n t from g;«»iy, .a .. , And o’er !n« br ad the Hagr*f vi try wave , With dauntless valor * ! .-e hi m : ev *•• And smile at death where gboy js th* pn/. Ihe youtiiiuJ lover breath- Ins vow ag.io. And who oi K peats, the *end»-r strain, Jdi the fiijjd love tliat beam- m vomin •v. Mill* in In- pensive biea-*. the rising Mgb lieern n it the iiiama but an empty show It kindles xympathetir joy or wo, i Who-** influence long nirviv. tin ;.a ring h*.ui ( \nd sheds o’c r life its * weetly f oliong power ; ■ f)aikVic4‘of a l her flattering wile- disarm-, An i cloth' lair Virtue m immortal ehanr.-. Lo ! hen- -b .1 rruei Shyiuck meet bis d* oro. And tyrant Hnhaid hint his bloody tomb; Th'ac*ornp i-bed Hamlet here shad live a^ani. 'I o wreak 'em vengear.re on the u-orpine Dane ; lan Ibwalind -ball w an >r through the grove. An * Heatiice rail at Heoedir t, and love. Let riot th" -ad Ophelia weep in vain. And vl;ew t.er /lowers unheeded o’ei the plain , (>; gentle Deydemona itoplei-s sigh. And mail: n * an wenng tear in beauty ’- eye— llle-t aie the tear- of sympathy that flow I obidden o'er the melting talc of wo. The-e to the heait all eloquently -peak, Ar.d -pread an angel’< charms *» ei beauty ’■» no ti. Hark ' from the summit of you lolly dome. * t NN here Liberty ha? fixed her lasting home I iVhilc smik celestial o'ei her lentntM pia , , .Mel!.ink - I hearth*- heaven born grvdle* -- ~y , *• Heie, in the city *.f niv cho-en son, I ..#■ (.odrike tlie immortal NVA*mscro> t I.ong may tho act it- powerful part , To in-truct Ihe inind, and eU vate the heturt. Nought from my smile shall br.gbteved gtiitu* sever. He thi her home, with l.: : erty forever. ■ a T**iiiting to the I apit CO.MMI'UCI \i.. 1 Ij:test date from 1., i rrpool, f'thi uary 3 ; Xai.st dates from Hai r*, f-VOrvnry I DOMESTIC. From Ho M'fruey Ciixriesj Feb. 27. <s ttu/i. I hi' week, like the preredinz, exhib its very lift i*- ..in mat ion, buyers an*! holder- are quietly awaiting the next advices, to regulate then proceeding*. Thu- far rno-l of tt*e opera lion- wbu ii tran.-pired weic ala trilling reduc tion, and thv general tendency of the market *- dowuwaid. The hulk of operations hare been foi N .: •. I * iced th* etle qualities, at la-1 week’- quotation-. We report -ale- 31M ‘ ag-, a- follows r 34*» a r * * ; • (> / ; ; 217 ‘ • - - ; • 23 ~ l<* 4 ; lt7S, 11 ; 23, 1M ; 1 2*•, jI : - and 22 it II cent per lb. Lone; t'nflun. —Thi- aitit ie li2» not rnprovcdm price since our last, tne demand being very iri— . fling. D»7 ; ig- weie dis;iO-ed of, vn■; -4 \s it* at 2t* to .hi and upward; and '*3 -lamed al.Jti to 2 • j cent- per lb. Jlice. —The general features of t!»e Hire mar ket an* -iriiitar to th** record <*l out previous repoit though It--- activity prevail-. Prime qualities have dl-ap|K*arcd from market, and the aggngate stoeK in In-t hand.- i- veiy light. The principal operation- were toi Kni >j»ean port<, at former price. 2l< - liorcc- change- * hand- at -2 V t■ 6 per* wt. Flour.-— 5 barrel' * .* - .; -■ • Ohio at 6;»L j.) i Haltimore at *fs, - , and lOU N* w ; < )xlean- at 6 •. Suffer. —hods., various .piahties, Wr.e taken hv dealer-, viy.:—Attikapas :.t a t>f cent- ; N. Orlean- a: ri a 7], and lair Luba, at 7 t*> v cents per H». i'nffre. — ItH) tug- Cuba -«»ld at 1! * al2 cents. Mjlassc'i. —3“ tierce- New ••'*;» *n- at 2o j * nls per gailor.. and 40 hhs* fv 'fit 22 efcf- I , iitam. —About 3- “ua lit-heL t ..in arrived du ! ring t!ie week, and Ihe greater part wa- dispo-ed fat i ’ per I 1000 I i Pea--old at 00 to t.3c. A -mail supply of Oat s was reet .» We at 32c per ! Ufhcl. Sait, — Livcrpoal ground per -a k. 'pi,lo; j»er bushel 70; i i k - I - i .:. ■ i : ’ . i Huron. — 2(t hiids. N.t). side-, - )ld at . j Fr,/g/«/>.—To Liverpool J*L a 5-16 jvi lb. tor j sijuare Dale-; U» Havre, 1 [. rt. per Jo.; t(* V A ork j fin Coll*.ii per !»ale, 7 »a pi ; to Boston 61 ' bale ; fin Rice T j N. York. 7 ■*. per tierce, j Exchange.—i'ti England, a*« A per cl, prem. France, >f. l<c:a.»f, 15c. New York an i Bo .ton. Sight Checks 1 J; 60 day s! •!i». KichroOtid, 2 j*er rent *li?coiirit. Hank of t harm-ton ra>*- i*f K\!ic.iiig“ r on the North, — New Ark, 11 percent premium. Philadelphia,! percent dis. New Or'cans and Mobile, 0 a u. Savannah, • p*-r er i* discount. Columbia par, FarnAcn, 1 per *ei.t di-. Savannah Bank i nt s mi-h Ib -i xrr.'ir.vroi cotton. n him I fluid, i Stocl on 11st Oi 1840, 752 101 j Ret eived th w• • k 94.5 1971 *• . Prev. *u- y 632 s P 77-2 j -i 2-. 116154 , Exported thi-week «0 31-42 *• liev u'U'.ly 1971 7-760 - ... . 705 8001 2676 1H‘5.3 Stock on hand, 25651 Ni xi x* iiu in x, February I*. i'oltou. —-Since witr review of N\c !ne-J;tv :nor n.ng la- 1, our cotton market ha- regained former 1 puces; tlie market (dosing oa Saturday* evening I j with an active demand al iu>. prices;—’.*ul the ; opct.ing **t f e present week found it in a more | ' languid-tale. One of l!ie p nncqtal cau-e- o! this | i languor, i- .i rejort * f the iccnpi- oi t otlon in j j ill the ]*oit- •-i the Foiled M ile- up to tlu* Ist j Hist., showing a falling ot!’ of only •* bale- j j from tfie iv *eipt-* of the -a*ne pciuxi last y ear. I The -usjif a-mn of the Phdadclphiu, Haltiu-' re. ’ N rrgnua, ir»: North t arolma Hank-, added t • the ■ di-tre-s c.i i*u. Southeril !'uok geaeraily. i- nut j : witho t. it- niilueiice upon the market. NX mle j I there*- in* actual declsne i.i juice-.a g»n*ralun i willngmess prevails • *i» t(.»• part- of *':yci- to et Ihe view • ’ - * • • the n ( - k e:n »*-0 '• • ' a;«*'. fi civ ; ' * jolatll ;. • I- h :*: ‘a; 10 I < at i : .13 f \at !0* ;74 al lil ;4sat D .21-1 11 ; H at | Hri ; 11 M I!.— Jou. v! 4. n . February 2*. i',dt n. —4'wing to tlie great pressure in morn y matter- our cotton market i- d ill —.;* :*• liom Tu 10£ rents*—principal •Clio- at lo lo !<• ~ Mrs ! senger. Frorn the Shipping tuu: ( . o -cuil la*t. s\ \ - » ii. !'*•!■» uarjr, 26. ('.*//"—Arrived since I'Rb m-tant. 1.1 bale- | of I j land and »*23 bale- I. » '» .a id cleared ; .it tin saint ; iroe 133 ' ba - s. 1 ( ott m . leavuig .» ifteck on bai . inclusive oi , all on *lnp board not cfi»aied >u i * -**Xll in-', ot i 1 *.*22 Lai* - * jd.*: I and ‘2t us ? > * - ol S. I. * otton. ' The quotation- l**t I pland *»l la>lw» ek aic eoutm- j ued, : <ii it may be niaarked tl it !u ii / in* few day-there ha-been mou* iiiunt. v, and a tend ency to improvement. 11. Id* - gcnetallv ocliev - ing tin Mt amci- ac* nr! now «. w ill ’■*• nio:e J (avorabie. oiler their .sto«k- v - »ngly t*ie j -ale-**l the w *-ck aic only I’M. *•* v«. i.- »l **, lo a", I»9 at 10. i> at | ,12 1 , U2u lb ... at 105, 161 ic ' ’ . ' ■ » j v l at 11. In sea 1 -land mere « ontimie- lobe » good l'U-ii»e-s don cl. }*arlicnl.» - > i which »*.v. 1 • | tug- at 2•.» ■al J*. at 27 |. ar >. 3at 29, I fi' at 30, 2t» -it 0 4 . 10 ? t M ’ at m all. 2»E | hag- white, and 25 -la* ued al ll *1 .<> Kefeipt ■ * . » w Oelebei Ist. l*-»l .>»*• Le**»gia, Feb. 26. . . •** v I 10123 Soiilli l aivdin *. I rb. 1.9. . 11‘ I'* 1622D* Mobile, Felx, 17. .. .. lt»3 -77 * 221- I New (file An-. Hr! I*V I . li*7-»!T Florida, J&* t lU* * H I•» '! Noith i arilma, Jan . t>. 2.'6- -’7 It. N irgiina, tan 1.. loo* 64*xM S2-KHU 9195(17 1 hr following »•* a -tafeioent ol the k cl *» {- l**n on liMul at tlie r»"j»r« tl ve p* »*« - named -i* .. . i.iti . t*. F*- Sou'h I arvltna. Feb. 19. '• *-’ 5,, 7 Mediate, Feb. 17, 9-4».*. ..’93s Nru OrtekßA. i«’. 10, 462236 IIIS9S 5 irginta, Jan. I -- lovH> J Noith Cai'ohna, Jan. 30.-. • UNX» 1 mHI j Augusta X 11 amhiiig. Fe*. I, 21 I! 1 '* AhHH» Mmoq, F* 1 .11 5 144 Florida. Jen. 30 17.*21 .'*'*63 Philadelphia. F.*U 13 I 10»H» N. n \*.ik . Fr! . I 1, ,2A *-• l*AX>*» .973« I 3M-46 Hire lln der aaml continues lan at steady pn- ! ere. Ihe fPlrs v d the week amountfo 6,'»x> at i.’| ■ I »■ ■ I 1 -UR ; 3*3* pfif.' If'jll) *• rt •1 1 -J. ‘ U "•'>* • »«*rk m hr ' t /•'lntn Ihr I’l* Hi( tHjt kr| roi.tiliUC ,'MCI j J 'hr demand i« r tiil »•iiihi.rd to *m4 !1 ptr* eU for J * ily • uii-uinpfiun. Sa Jr*. ol 200 hut rr! Haard ■ Street on the w harf at f >y- * aiui al f*»*. I <iiit. —W e have oo cargo aule* to jejiort. *»»ir of t-WKi ;-n hr] I;or , Mofii and «tup>ho'iri| it •*> it j c#nt.. lifn rt i*%. —The tran- **Uoi ' in gr#Kcne*. of all ; ’i** • nptiooi i hmtlf'l to -mail parr# - »o vupply j jI hr imifi* Jute ■AU.I. of the trad* 'air- off offer | ,atl* </ I d y . f oba Moiton »t ’I. New Hr>an« I do at 20 rriA Whit* II i\>na 12, i'orlo Kuo and St ( /<o>. “ } a Jo’, Mu»">V4.w i a I* w ' ,l ' **i • *a* i, HeUut S |x>af I# a 1*», Lump i Ida Jl Hat on —-llarn* il 4 I 2. Should* »• and >idr«* 7 a ‘■i>uu, -Whivkrv, i* , gallon hi./J- and ; I - .Up , I.in, Northern ja r gallon ,'i Ja> i, I a I "i A J'Uanfrj —<;»» r ngUnd'»j aft* ja ; 'rot, pre.n | Izrail a» fc to ‘ t day* eight on ,x. i * «, 1 pe; * < rot. pirio, hr** t> I>, Lives pool .-)»>! I New Vo.k, fM*' ■■•l* - »ll‘l *I - • M-Ul» |*r : ..iji.l .... -V* [ *-i l.t- j ( , ri* ... Jir. tTATrifrnr u# cm.it t z>., ( (,IM- S (. I Kiw i <■ 1 )|,II|), MOl'C. I'.«J 7- iio.r |f«h a, t .It ) <;/,( K'*mrt |»ctu>Mrl> >,2IH . -mre ji.i, j. ; ,7 J , l | u|/ifVi.i-i) 1 101.’ 1:2/. 1 >2- ; i ! o'-ii 00l *i* «.e*! oil t«,uo J , \,, ■ » j -'r*. t ron V.t Joutr^tl M>*» n.*. urn, f - . 2 1 ' "* - • »** wraihn h»v,ng U. ru** favor- | tib.v dui.ng flit- {Air AO. loan pif.io-iy ire j i **f eip I • ol to** week an- ;*fr*'v far a.’/, i . to f,;y Uair*; 'hipmarot* I ‘ *•' ■’ I*' w *th 'a d. {*/•,•,’,{■. lalVf t > . */'*«* Uj: >* ;.Oi >ot, »i||- 4 | 4 t ,|JV ’.ipr- J r*Oi H/lil at )«»;. i olal in r , ! • ff». - * a • ..•■»./ bau- S3,M < p»i K on .. ao*i ~,,,, t ,i „ ( IK- , J * -mar,l j; »onw. talrt. ! Kr* fipt- f<i; If • wi *•• n. Jir / f » .1,1 Kerrived |itfvixii Jy.. . J’-.2 mf * « Total rrcr*p»«i i*»,l r. I ola} nhiprrxrol*. ... j - - Stork ou hand .. .b,2t 7 i.* < , Deli. irary tfii* yrar . j j ~ Knee* rolitioor ,*a ;f, *.f, #.f. '|. vaiMtion r..;n r ao) W»• , *. a* , 1o < os. »r/jiiron- of * ti* . j., < <r - t • •.« ~ - ■ •loci- te»«- il-’lwi-ifjtr rs f:, T* J» p| lr,f I a ■ w#-rk liavr oiot w hat aov itord to- ,„:> »t i- *a : j i* very more sn **.»- * . itr\ t. »• j MJUght. If*** r*v *• r;> fa - * rnu t:i i, . , n , r i . , „ ( 4 Ln< r urer. Li - IP L, f e’./i ~j v I’.. Kelr.'iu t/a< k •’* UM a. li of lor UK. ; v. e have 1 < f I .V •« .; < a ikr - f untile* i ued hnnaiid %U ady I*. ■» .»jt • r , • ,woeti | had then - r*-vjv ai of droiaod a;. . a 'tei- . I titfiiM Uy* f to whick tl .* • 1 w a- iO a ji* a! ' ,i a* ♦ .»■ ;jv i llif miikPt i>i*<4 vr;r 'aT ai*d I i*—,*'■ - j lali»<• *.< O'.:;** -p.kte - .•p*u ;«*l. -o ; ,it tr»r J lie-* a ' _■ '.j. aa; 1 17 a’ pm e- . a ; 1 he iovr i the hitr.e*: I t:.i TTii a. ! t-'An t.’.e li*- I kil l J'ltn oil. 1: • *■» e- lor few e« k . nded 1 O j ult. w*-.t »l,d'*'/ fa.* !«•: l:.k* •:.* : • . they we;e -I’-.. * aiel 10l I e v»h, * . j•• Lb! ■ a-» -. Id li.e .alter w# ,e i ; - . • •' i ’ —14,41 . ■ ... wif -oTie rire . y n, ; :a* " . - 14' Ala'-an.-a u <\ . .»■ -\ o a T ; . az. 1 v *-a I “la*. |at l.t a2 Id 7*e r j*,. for the four .ay* u» ia*t j evi o.lii T M- u I :«*'••• S7> r»u:*,a!e<l a’ * J *a,* *. a ■. fit 1 ' - day ’§ pOilton <<l Uie wa« w ... ’ - > j bair*-, acd nolle of it T. '[a'.u.*: la i . ! 1 I • a*r ': a* • .. ’ - 'el. _ ■ e ] Jjoin the . nited v *.aV*' ..f • ..-tirn-d . y ••> greatly n »• 1 ■ • : I the rr»)j . 1 * at ,M* - . ,e ter I.• r.o ♦ : hnd vent ivi t* it*! van. a! * ■ • |to the ri-« 10 t;.e raw • ati r.a -. .;. * , few day > to-.t n.arket in* ■.; w • • • . - ji »" t-.a.*. he! •;*■ I :.»• cf <- f. .. •• > j port mi the 1 • • • a * .t 3^i> aja.r • . I • * ( **ame j.en . ,- .e *■: k t \me. .'•J liin.oi u .non :t !h«;. »»*. I.ivrjLi . . J*;. 22. La-I wet k t..i . . ;r of < a". . *. . 3^ t s 32 package**; t mir»2 Up »1. .’.k ' f w ... : a,*-*. * a | «istm£ oi 13. mk> American: * Bat .a*, a:. 1 • ; >urat>, were t ; .. a*, u, it • • Jj a i.ai.'e . ■ • jOl \riieiuao; ‘: ai ;d •;. B;a/ii*. :- n '•_.ai<, . and very lull ;n.t- tor a.i otor-r kr : I week ; baic*. A:r._*iig w wer«- 44*.‘ ’ a l owed, at - e at *7O Sea ; . T.ln i KJv pUair' at .2 ;; . -a! * I ii ' *’d. ! The reduced r*!iniTte. ..f ii;e A rem an ci r ! have hai a c*>:;*; ierat .« f :!e< t du:.:j * pa-l ten ■ * ■ ■ . niairixai advan- • <u.re ihe Co.i.n.fifr « ; * , : •..»* , year; but luting : i ( ;riu: week, a.th . the ' t-uvuiess f .* tor. to a \* .y extent. ; . . American have n t any j.: .* . •a: j- Kaxiy i. the v. «-rk U.e uc. ; *.\ a- , ; th the sj ■ . . mg the ‘ : * thxee day* were w: . . . • . . • tes v ■ ... j speeuUt*!!'have h.en lu»mg * :i!y ! . .h 1 ex tent, and the >;>u;nt rs and d«a.» - rave: : ,-.»•» o takicu at >\< au aveiage«^aaoUly. ■* that ihe riikr kv i - * • wit I j . : decline In m !a** h «-d e n;a --1 *nty of holder* evime no lower :ate» thin the** w!., ! a.*: w re:: I, ur. 1 it t tar- . ; • * •L,. u , , Hta/tis an arelys.ifh tie;; t.», !. *:*. % ;.j . ;:•« itrvo.red deneie:»» v »:i < i ; : v * , I*.a.. j which an » ..a ... <uu; ;y » x't. . e •:» .aand. a u-cat ;• **l *;«ec-;a tic*n. but the rise :n t:c.* * *- .. :y r»*li..g.— I in Surat >e; * i! : .: ii:;T t:»» :af I day o: *•» Ik* * :.<»* ; o! speculator' am mt* : a* - : \\ enca: Kgyptiios ■ ■ : hale*. Kxportei? c :i(;nac idle i .r «l - ’k* ait f now* a* «* ui \:neucan I a*; j jri'i I. •?*,.»*.•'■; ox lia. . 21.' 1 aiiir* I ;- 1 . )of }'uy *• I'.- ‘ 3^a.l1*r 1» .i ;.. \\ i*: '.a. i'eruv::*n. \ i 2 ’ .-' ’ • I package' aja-..'t 2!'\*d. ' at t . * t. • * ~*t yea 1 Our ruaikct t*- :u\. t'.j :.; :r...f. ,u.< I. « *e ; j pretty -tra.l. y , an l r.c »ase* were »*■ •..*:* . ■ } about 4,i»• : ales. January 2s. I ■ •• • *i>. :■» 24. . ’ .« « i •’.» lemar-d ha» ;s t a * moderate extent, the t >.;»** dor« * r-arciy ian averad* \' rej .*-;. io «. \\r \t ;* .*»: * : \: ca • iptions by Ip the r*; y part of the week, when the «k » •v* * r a . j hei.iw ti e Is;: jKnr.t a: oct tr:. bav* a^<». ■ this reaction :** :u**t buyer- ; :w.t: ■ »»• .«• :.e» y j yt * , jv.w't -it lea-t 0.-■ w*.i lat i .* ■« ..:• prices,mi llw nai*.* t.* - I covered i*-i fin -cme measure; «till ;t u - j t nearly 1.- b under e rat- la.: . c .-.• t V\ i f Bow ed at j !h; 6 d n*.- the highest pm . * •; . tax. n.- lira/;!' axe fa-i* Jt ' ha* ! i- w eek. .i. .1 ... many iu-Unce* '»t . No * *■ .t : ' IS price! i\ . ether: t at t!u< r* i. iv. *by ... .c u -« *- '■• • - | .juirt ‘ isl the **les wen e*tn; * i! I Nothing ( i ... ■ . ex ■ mootb, t-.) *■* - »• Ahh-ii. 2v» l>a!..a«,aj . 1 >. | <ural-. \moTi-: the ■ x't > »i * '‘t a I-... at 1 • ,i ; * • ' \ew i .7 ' . I ' ‘ ' ; it 12. Kroniary 2. These ha> been a very fau mqu*:> r 1 cot tong >' * . •iv i Ihr mar art » 1 pretty \v» . *ii; ,n .;.i: . pr.,» - air \r;\ -tea. v • I r! :;:a, v t’wiug to l.t u:i«a*..«fa ti»ty a. ut* ie ■ .wil j from Manc'C'TtT. tlse cotton maikel ha* to- .a. I tier i; extra veil »‘ui .at t • * u, ; ;»» been ira.o e..litr > to t o trade, a; . ur.t I.* .» w -1 ly 2..HS* bag-. I hoi* i- no a* lua. ._c m jvicr-. 1 ! ..*. the maxket i- w« *. • ! . \>. . . . | »!r-cnp|ion-. I \-rtr.\fnm -< f ( ’ I i • » . \ rb. Within the la ■ • i 1 bale- at the tu:’. i.«!r-ut >-twees, j \ t i the lra<'r. i'ompaix. wit!: tho-r ct Jai ■ \ l,pi.. r* x r now about ]d a.! >* ighe s • luts. j ! * 4 4* lb lot the K'Wei ..uabtir- ol \me 1 an. a, • ,e-- the r*’.mate* 1 the on • on i -. :v i * ira-ed. - .one li ..< . rp.> v r. u , i.»> earn* patfd a- the -ea*. m *.{* . ..*« . -pu i.c . * nr; n;.'deratelr to* srd pic » • I, i-c. !- lor the -pimp trade aurg !»» « Out i'om market t«»nti, »•- -vab*. w b ; inmutum, lt»e demand 10. a »* ,t- -1 r* .. ■ ».: 1 an . 1 l»a-r- to -up, l .* I ■ w al.l nt ■r» e. no hr in nr ■ bate iieig!d'o(h%Hsl. I*he aim al* llw *-t n-*nlh. owe vet. bare nr: light, both from . . - t ■!. .-v.l t .- .*,c. duty preventu , tailor, r « -t • ; Km*!, *l*s-k- »»| both tier i. rr . e. %• he» us! Stour a.v , giaduail* irduring, that ot I’ r 1 ■■'<•* ’v.u • *’■ rnalnl a. Im*,«SS' .j;- .at .! ol lie attri at >' vM hartrU. Ol iHkUdeJ Vlnui t ■ *au - a.e * .“it TAX' ‘. aur - al I*»l a .’!•* ! atirl. lur * v> ' **d » . barrel. M*' *r. Januai > ; l. l s 4l. I '--/foa - Ibe -pe* uUt»*e apiril tl.it v* a* b p'ayed 111 i*ur ma*krl dtuutk a*' week. a»kW '. the imptowmeul m j-n.e-. Ja* t>een j'ivsiucliwr ■ a gennal frriutg ol conU -rnce .)« a,e;-. an in the earfy par! i>l the prr-ewl *» tune wa* » I ' girat 01 dux us bu*rr- I.' n t *■ -pinning and man ulaetuung drpailusrnt* Nn active demand w»* *. mMilt-alrdhut volty lot coniumplnu., I 7 1 ■ 1 l— i *!, ! a f’.lfhrr id* ■n- # * If a f f4* <%r \ meri' : 1 t* * Wsfh.-t ' d«y ueevrr, there exrrpi 1 n *«, vrnr lit*}* inquiry, i^u^ Iran•• art • ‘nt- iderxhiy dimu.tahed , pc^ ar* never f iff. and t. Wcm in general j a;*f-evr *>-. »• *i« lot? flhiff l/jior. the »vj» j there 1 * hu-iin-ia <V/he Jurma tni« month, the *ah hacmg »cno«ated to 4J2tOM ! afe- t oi w.i»rh J ».70f> were laker, -u »s*eui«tn** f as a pf'/grr»*i*e adva#,<e »xi pre** of I r.it»d «ta(*» 1 de«er»ptj«fiv, whicli a.** oow ahou*. "f. higher U*at J at ike end of U«t year. i j»e *ai«* from the 23d to 3) r Jaaoar>. were I 12. M 1 sale ff7‘c2 :.a.< New Oi.rai, V /.,< | <hf n I</71 ; I ill I plan 1 and TmruU, 77f .V '* ;i , 301 f'vrto ft. < 127 fV. /# K4»rf - 137 kea l«- | iafid 2101 ** 3"l* f : b)a/il /i li<f '*4 I ; Ihe imp'll ui f i»e week %a##e JA'i -*aie ■ "tOfh Jilt ,1. i'cMK I) Os W j A meirfaw. January .7. f oCuu jr iaim m ihe >ima »rti*e deiaand a* • .■if, ai? ■ ai. y •. v. ,‘.’wfK<ui Jricri{4it«a<, of whirfi af-o-il a>-i were divpcoed of, the greater j ait al lo ,1 'eoi*. hir*ee, a fr»*ri r»ae ha- fake* ; . aod A M.cm n.uit w. 3 u qut t» d 3o ti/ 4 » < enl*. yye f RKVN \KD.— tolen frem tt*e aub- *' j <er ii > .odafr ia*t, a r.egto £x// aa«»ei J\l ■ I',. He ha.! ot* 4 iy;.ae rloth drev# a >.l, ai*d o. 4 pair of rotUw. par.takocoM. aod a/. low n /wned, w*e»i oa’ ne ii *.f dark o/fc p.r&i/ti with hi ugh? eye oat. Hotter* w;«ro V ai ; -ur *pr»lie,*», air*' till l*p ( l*.-.- nd i» - ua*. »■ ,we . I or. r»< .. • « w*i 2/c At. eaat. f ifty j do.Ul« Will »'« pa*-'! for U»* of the Ife,4?’ a* htu- a. 4 tO# b**» 'Wetifj-tIU 1 .a •f r e boy. 11. NJ ALLILk. 4 n. < ,f «- r mif 11, 1• t - wk ;. . . , , n, Ij* •« */;, e/ . y JLU- UliOl- .jOil Hie f»f*l Wee* '»■>>» .a»*. n* •' ne/rv' U-* K*f HARD. He ,« A _ Hi-., .< pn of xc» i. >e lee* Ji a 1 re .rk >'»*« ‘ #f J *-**‘g I »)f',a«d * rat;*#,' a • repy k*e/i , «'.**e lee^n, j *peah* vtt/ , « a n tir- iar oat a *rry ••4.1 he • a ’ aoi b- /e -* feed -e»er>* f-aif*'»r* *aw t • left kre •e-rjue'x-ed hy t ? *e i‘e f >eg ft e »• K. * f><eel «.J s ... mU,OT .«• MrtM rt (M&7 I Kill f » ■ '■**' if* '• / the a >l*>„«.A ] . i ... . '/ IMI . ge*. '. 1. toai I hl'y 0 i.n d f*a 1W ‘ e ’ei- • 4 of I «I.U 7.a 1. p; . at’ to OJiltr* ) jao2l if fiAimis h MiLLr.k * a * » mao !t»e f.»-c»e of < L N k r.N e* '*l » ■>•!* i . a • . r . , I 4 • e ’ ’#• e I. I I : r - a'' a , 14' ■ k/2 '#-4 *• ; e; r ' -a* a t, 4a i*» a v-' fc * ■ -e* a • • !a. f . aak h*l. . »» !'»' ■ 2 u. : • k ai ra*' *. i *** . a free- pa- 1 t*r J»* art • .it 1* .very .* a. *.> *r. tl a# . /a* ie X. I ' H.lf iu’s, 1 • v , ,ar li* aCt tear 'A<a>bi«t, p o i ihek ay rtter >\ie N < le*e:u: *■ g.*e ••■. - « : . 411 v ;b( If* I hi* cdl.re, yx r- 1.1. e* S. il D. ha. a• « ke ly • - - -: .*t * la* i.ai&we r.,-*- ■ I- . ■ ’ 2■. *u; .• . ... u .-404 -e ..er, Ha- a a •u, £0 K . a- a a- 1 purr La* •.i, f» ret. . .£ Mowt; err * a. ■ ile Cat > We-t.il*JTb I > ktvo :***!'. a. e ;oi4 for ...» ax.-: ✓..ua • ttaeXil ii, any *>;*■ .1 | /et .1 e- , . t*«-org.a. t ? a *. , 'aaas -*Mi ' art _* 1 frb ROWLAND Ki.LN •ax ? l .r.W AF.D.—Kx 3«a« fr *Le ■ • ■k - - ax. a» ::,a-e. t - * . .aLf - • ’ • .a < * . v« ry * . . . •«* ■* 1 c.*a: • ci- L U . J* Jfj.N i! f. f, T/.L Lchingtoo L. li.. .t. • INK Ilf MIKH) iKII.I.AU* kf.WAfttll V, S ' M— l **”. *«•» %•* la tike mk a • -r . ■?w, »' . 1 wr. .. wa. au. 2, iw .rs . s* ea. 1 • ' * . Ht 1 ... a>t .*♦ e;* a -..re * .. aar.: u. .*g r a_. * y • . a .... *:.at a.*ae. -e« c -* . *.. *: t%c c. *.y t xa • -a . 'i .aaiu, nvex. one <& Naxr-” ? ». • • .- < •i. 2 : get. xijc iiexc, '< J a **<*.. ;..ai,r L; way r.ar e— ' • . . -c ..f.r*‘, -. r /'.» tu* I -e rewa. .w, .e fc-r * a>; - r-rr rr.*. a; 2 ue ■f. y : oar a: m* pUxuuc« u -■ 2--. - .Jii, - ‘ i a. get LJ». C. , ' WINKLER NOTH #•:. ves .' ■ ; * • 7* - • .r—k< , w:- hm%e • *.:a i M.v: . -ay *o Kvi«i; H * . I. ' ‘ :.•!*.i.a. He u:, *es. a, - I> ' ‘ --4 . - r..Lz :-w '-**.?** .kj airr ii < 2 - ’ *■« i Ju.y ,i '4 . gr*. *-g h. . cave T j* •■ to Wy’ : vu.*, Ftube*4 i tip'-., '■ t ■ of '.’-id «’a’. r beiety mjiLifi to n>nw f<. • '■ a- * lit w* . a, '.-_.cg :he .a» -.1 itig ■- v-: r J. H OTb. >. 11. TOM TI \ST\LL. v* -C • C . • .. 2 ....£ -a xr*-: a: b;- — • ti- h. > .. c... r.ut cx -:y . G*. A. J Nr' I hi MV IH ILL \UR ItLU < LVYKI Uoku JlftP r - LLI a- c ’.* •'•1 -1 v : • *•! \RK. rxthr: !a *r.2 - .x. • k years ■!. * :.el 1 bir u; * ;- '» x ■w: . pace- au; 1 ;i2e- w t i ea‘ j-.f rfvsr: .*. ; be give, f . defer ’• net*-.- '-‘in. , d g.ves :. the •u!*c;.bcr a! } . *l L--:cl ■y • ’ y .* :. :r - !.; g «... u grab : ; r , d KI "KL kHIAW ' (.AND. s ‘ 2* Ire I K. c Bwnv ‘a* vc ctf ■ ..ft he »;• • 1 * *• 1 . Hamptae. .1 r * *r: rr -*, ad ■ i-WiaK- _* om aer* :*• iei Spr •' - - vtaple Mtkc Lw ■iu.'r u *'• I<» a3**r : reefer* x& oppoxtun • • v. .* . ~a *-g e-rs mr»*t kpprr ved • w . c .- : ‘<*3 ’ * 1-.' a . Xitr : b • : 1 . ct f v • *-a:r _ .a: kT.’> ?Se -eaac. . and It* the tinnor. k r f pi; ra‘ . wit: be Till j\ : the ictusr *r.- 'anon's . a Man - sent Te b .and “e* wl e taken rir» ; *••:-. the r e -pp: ini ; -ar. a: ■- • • - -. k - a.- ten.. 2 thrr.i. 1 t.r .Tnai-ce- o*’ *-ar ' or the Tars. I*r wi kt a to require rr~<!ite*a here Hr e • i-ra .iiiul . ibo.’tnj bar. In hand- 1 inch kgft. 2v-: -* ::*. and nc - yre;k*: booe oad «• 1 wa- -inr :‘ y tx :;>«e. .t cf B<!*ey - . S \rrhy A cv• '”e* » be required t t paid de;. n» t. * . <- .«*e- tiw -tab c. Til V\'.» WALTON. \i-i> n ' 1. \MPkin let *’ ■ I : rr. \p : t : the Tkaara, N \ N’. :ri. 'b trg rr:. Cdiabi-. t>*.; w t~<"\ pi. >f. : * r • eek • I • * d tr.r. 1. cunt* !>: payment. V M»KI VI . \ j t r * r.t •- r»!-en a: tv u—A n.f. .- crK otrc. Ibr 1 «"ft ol »* £ - * v 1 s ' < 1- reel \r> rw « ,f a. }*a r I'ivtee. (boat 2a. - dav a.. a a —tot ©the: ** r' v s*. "h-* beet lud-.. ed I-' ‘ “> t V xri. ,% to "make as'ot •« «( is n it; :r jhr«i ! trxi.a ttw mg >f»v!i at h« vtabW «w the liaraptoa t : at whsS Hr *- -• * nmf ui N*gti he atk MM • 'v -• i r V e . . sic'nx: »-t e %< v w :h ’he N!*:e. w • u l-c -:i-- -v: :»>l w ‘ * 'r* ?'■ «*- -« CA-h. r t** c »‘f \r.d r• a* * * e* r>cer, tW • ,r 1 ?>e :r*t Kt - -*« the 1 . , ieJ a* owe of < r-t ’ ’*->*- •« ‘ » «*i» . - !-s» * < k»U«B U jisjuur 1 .-rtrnrat Herr. * Mast - *cn: *0 uti w.th h * w v -r wrl! ak* ca eof a*, c <r ;• 1 .!»* ‘ *k* 'a! sty tei , INr *rt< » . W the I. ’ > Ir. r- ‘ !♦'. •»! .’u * 1 x \s - • : n » « < \\ VKUI > MibKin > \u . WW* , : < -1 law-- a- *iv V... p v *r c v * ?S< t\ w • \\ , '*■<. the , -•- *. : * ;w f r ' r, » aoiaviy. \ . • yrii* !. in! N; K.ii KiUtO, 3 vra.- ‘o r.: a a- the ; \' t *. -*v-t* a ‘ ciLrage n 1 telurwabJe I • :• ,• j . i . . - * cv.;ct*. m ;***>« v *l TR * vfj % * -X \. - * I r\vj*r;ty «R*s^n«ted mi »»u! ntv* 'g*ir • *- : *.* '■ VMV.s || VLI. shevid 121 KKI rIII'KITK >U Kn. Rm ’ - * * a Ap. ft >V a* ar» i\ « 1* rn t: xy*v,x\ N\.»«l- us -air the follow u . * wit tkivr Negttv-. JaAb. Im* \ irrw » ■ *h.er *rar* ©Ki , and a Deg . c;.• 1i - 1 lie; I • m*saih» aM I e**ed a- the piopri.* *’i ! a<ne* iNitrli, Ut wtivftr a mortgage 1.1. iv*vied tuH s Kmke lnieiw»t i owrt. to la*w< .>4 I illirbut* Bur* h'- Ja.ne- ibinrll. \ Ia c Nr-.- oe*. hi « .i, Its Joe. a w uaia aa4 •'»’ ■VmM> •. »; UtiH «B| M|M Mflltl Ji I'aitse 1.0vr.!, te «altsi* a ’Mortgage «v U *«v»ed irvm Kuifer I “ not l*mit. in !**»». ot l( V. \ . Lhom v**'igowe-. f*. i‘a* nr I ove! I'-V.M Ml \, Sh*l| Jam at * 2'. IMI \ (IMI \ I'l K % rouv vtUL 11 T H 1 be —— * ’. >\u i tkUi%Uy. tkr 2v<S March f ▼ r\t. at Ih* mtwcnbrn rraKlruee m Burke e.'ui'ty , a Ibr letuhabl* jif.’jeitl bekmgvug tv Vj 1 *'fv. • Hr 'rer»*rd '• H\V.l\iPW IN Vrtttp't Admi t. Lc'iuar I-‘,IS4!