Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, October 28, 1841, Image 1

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" tilc t aifg Clftwck h SentineL * , J. mmmmmiiwmwmmm mmam mammmmmm ——j— mam ■■ m „ * - ... V ULu V>dߣiflK.'* ■‘iibii-her* ol'th« Laws of the l.'uiou. Tin* Weekly Chroiiide & Sentinel In PUBLISHED AT I*l,rets Dollars |»«*r annum, in advame, OK 10 V R AT THC EXI> OF THE YEAR. ,-U So. 290 Kroud street. IMilv paper. Ton TOollais per annum, in advance. 7 ri- Weekly paper, at Six dollars in advance or Seven at the end ol the year. (£!n*omcif rc ScutmrJ. i \ V G l S T A . FRIDAY MOUMNIi, OCTOBER 22. “ l»r\D him or Dir.” —This \v-i< thi* rcvolulioo upon which tftpt. .‘-oils and his patty left ( i'l'ith*'* lot the WJnt i- the r i hey have ** headed ” themselves, and if the election* are lo he taken in evidence, they are ‘‘dead. Madisonian. li t ic Madisonian, which is row regarded, the of the YdriiinUtration, be a correct index of I the sentiments of the Pro: idea* and the t ahhiet, i j I- veiy clear, fro?u the above they j r\o]f at the result of the Isle election* *» sfe*a! , «.f the Stat «: and the conclusion iv by i • me* ns | < r lllicult to ? rive at, horn the tone of the c'itoir's j which have ,ec v’ly ap»>cared in (hat nape*, ■/'*' ,e e^^or desire , ‘*y indirect *oeaaf,to place lurn- 1 a,| d tl, e Administration in the rank* of the pre thefx* ‘Ri LucofK #iu ly. This is apparent, from the — _ 1 > NRi,y u ,\ o*e fully confirmed by a notice i’» lie *■ jA"- paper. « f the result of tb.c election ofvG. in this Mate, in winch the editor at:empty, tYiher .tom Ii .noranci or *!os:£n, roimpos? upon hi* leaders, hy alin., that (iov. McDona’d, ** th*\pnii-bank can .. .Wf," i- rt-cV.-tod. Apart from the fact, that i -e election did not turn upon the question ol the back, and cannot be considered ary index to the >• ritirdeiiC' m tii*' people of Geor. la upon that i .••‘lion, it is well known in t»coi^i; that Governor .-.•Donald has been, fr-.n his urst entrance into I ;l>lic Ufc.adctid d and open advocate of a United Mates Bank, both upon tin* ground of constitution . Uty and expediency. This lad the journals of t .ii* Legislatuie of Georgia >u conclusively csl'ib • • , that no man conversant with public men il « *oij£:a- who values bis repution for veracity, will b-ve the hardihood to deny. Tint Gov. loyalty to ius party, inton<o«;uenef of his ambition f.M othcc, may hive changed his views ia relation i the expediency of r. Gunk, i* alloqflhc r probable; « ; ifhas rot changed h.- views, he has not had i idepeii.lci.ee enough to ;• vow recently those sen ti nts which he was known to c:;tea^mfe rrncr!y. •* Au/i-Oani: (undid■ Ut/' 1 Such .i is v. ell calculated iu Gcor,'*a to excite lac • tics, not unaccompanied with a of every i .telligcnt man in the Slate. Su lias be I 11: idenlii.ed with the Hank while i . the of G* uniforrmy opposed ♦ «-ry measure \\ savored of opposition i a National was his ignorant /cal cause he at.veiled in a • h made iu in i ry, a local millions capital. Veiily, ! •>* upon* the principles of ■ i did in eonectifiiC an error into which iTTe New Yoik Courier Knquirer had i alien, with regard to the Governor’s hurabugrr.es s ige, to deny his being a Dank man. To show that we are not alone in our views of * c character and tone of the editorials of the Madi •''■nian, wc subjoin an urtic.c from the Fclersburj J iteliigcncci on this ia —U (*:.(- aiili-B.iiik the McliJir.tM us "ihe |j_ )) i>on; j n m H ■ ] m the few moons agt\ f I: i"4>f44t I.Vh- -iiigular ?!. •: wlii i’ -jv,.rirT?Fr • t-.silv . ri has done iiotliing to the the editor of tlie oliieiai organ should chuckle over | * tl.e triumph of the most liioroiigti-breu Gocofocos. | ■ i.juk at hi?* comments on the result in .Maryland j 1 —observe the /h/nss which he is ma- \ 1 h ng ,. I ■■ u w i> m i. \ r. it I. >! I:ci:.. .V.idsMfiia-1 * r' »•' i’_• lu -ih-s t jploycr. li.e i > r<-~uir-ui ; i lie .Madisonian w -*3Ui t; «• //on i s a- ins jui-.Ci v/iilj. I ee . (by prtfffiHon) is continuallythe | NVhig party, as to their duty and policy. We 1 deny the authority of the teacher, and the wisdom * ut his lesions. The Editor of the Madisonian ’ v. -.s brought up in the wrong school, and his be haviour bespeaks his education. He belongs to ibe Li o Eocos. W hi!c he was acting witii the Whig jottr he doubllesM tell him ell out of place. 1 1 was n<*- » whit mo r out of 1 .t'-: • ill.* horororo RksluhecnovisTs.— The Port ! f.’.hson (Miss.) U’orre>por..!-nt says that, afior Mr. Tyler was Langetf and buried in eiSgy at that place, a few weeks ago. some of the I.oro fitcus dug up i!ie body :»l night and x{o/c kii 1 ehthfa. The Hocofocos ami Mr. Tn.r.a—- i’he way the Loco foe o i are honey-fuggling Capting ’i’yler leiaaiuds u« i»f a courting a:.ecdote. •* Mammy, ain't Dill Jones a courtin’ our Sal?” | “ No. what makes you think so. sonny U* “ Why, every time h«- comes whar she is, she korler leans !•• him, like a pig to t warm rhimbly jamb.— \-Hche.z C*our,*r. Frv-h the Cfui/ieiton Courier. Groat i ondagisition in Geort'ehuvn. The (»rorgc!own Mail of yesterday morning, L .light us the distressing intelligence that a large portion of that place was destr on the preceding day. 'l ’he following of letters j^e*al I the particulars we have ® to obtain : •*OeA««etow.v,Oct. lb.—The ot our town i«*destroyed l»y lire and by an in* i diiry. The work, was commenced at the resi dence of Mr. C. A. -Mauill, at about f oijijrk ih.c, morning. The bend (ml his re .r of Mr. >1 amu.N sh-'ji. tin- ol the street, and the consequence is *U.»e prorniiienl business part ol the town is in l ir--2»>- “fiwiß'itTowA, Oct. Hi —Our town was vis iled with a dreadtul lire last night, supposed, and 1 have no doubt correctly, the work of an incen diary. The lire commenced near Mr. JJkaj a mix Kim/s wharf. i€ll the buddings from the mar ket to J. Cf. Hemmi nu «V (In’s, wharf, are des troved on the water side of the street. The pnncipal sufferers arc: estate Wm. Chapman. B< tijamm King, K. Friable. J. C. Purler. John Kalston, 'i*. Kirlon, Colwell <Jk Lathers (J. C. <*k V . J. Munro, Jacob VVi|yne, L. Farrow »V Mans A. Magdl, Berry T. Cutlino, and M. Kenzic. ft k.: jqjpOHSible to say who arc ami who arc not Ji)?>uted, (jor what amount of lose, a* all ia cotifu mou to-day. ••Vuit will be to learn the Bank is in uu way implicated.” “ Oeohoktow C., Out. 19. I am pained to inform you of the destruc tion 0 f the entire range of Htorc«| brick, granite and wooden, below the M irkcMiouse/ by lire. The lire l»rok«* out about o’clock hist night, and before H was known and any assisuuce could he rendered, it had made scuh rapid strides that it was impossible to slop its progress until it reached the store formerly occupied by John Ralston, at the extreme end of the building owned h\ >!.»• estate of Kharkelford. M«. Uodbuld hucctedeu iu saving Mr. Robertson’* hooks and as» w goods, lire rest a total loss, with all tho outbuildings; unfortunately, his new goods just anivtd and opened are ateu gone. Mr. B. Kings store bouse, hooks. Ac., all lost ; as well as KirhonN •tore, hooks, papers, The whole range, hut yeslthe soul end hie t)f linium, presentu a sad spectacle. It was with great clilliculiy that ih • ll al rootowelling ol .Mr. Koherisrii wus havud. We looked every moment to seethe huildin r take fire. \ great deal »t ineiit ih due l>r, Voung. Gilchrist and W. I.eater, for the ueli\- pari they took ia keeping the house wet with water. The loss isesum.md • Rout; i tow x. S. C. (Ki. (9. Dear S r; 1 have just t ime to »iy that ill oui htiMircM portion of the Town. I i>;a the Market lif tho lower corner, occupied by hivself w hen you was here, is m ashes. ‘ g ••Knlor. hiiblosi nil, Colwell mid Lath'crs, and Mr. i t iers arg heavy losers, iiuiei - are partial losers. 1 anfJhuppy to suy my i(S* Vflknot ck C'i'd :U the utmost. . , K ” I'heie was so many vacant Stores, wf are all supplied and nearly arranged alreailv/' Another extrac* ut a letter, the fo!- lowiug as the houses burnt iTiJi L.-iate ot A listen, occujaed l>. King, oteupied by f'uttmo; King, occupied l»v | Fnsbic; MeNulfv. occupied i>y Kmon; JZ*ttilv ol 1 '.athrop, two stoies. occupied by K.i.\ Porter. J m.d J Rais*«>n ; store owned and by I Rupert and Dickerson; stofeownciT by Farrow, ( unoccupied; store owned and occupied hv S. Far j two stores owned by estate of iS(|fekelliml; , om occuf|ed by McKenzie sailer. Tho tailor j shop, wb.e e the lire com(neoced, owned by Me j Nolly, and occupied by C. A. Magilk” •♦ Fi o;‘i i e Aeg* ; «.V(Mav PiCuyunt, of the HUH % ■. li% U|| xi. . * VVe arrived frru» JbilvcrCui* i board the V^)|i*X. l^-H ,1 4v ! i vumc U'-'n inC OflCr-STtfl- »\tjA*fritx,,• i r - The Elxctions.—Old Sam Houston is cl *c ted President of the Republic by a majority ex ocoding o.IMIO. Burlesiou. a* Vice President, is elected by « majority of over 2^)00. Nothing of the Santa Fe expedition. 'lire war-vessels Ausijn and \\ barton xyere preparing to sail l.’r Yucatan, and were merely awauing the arrival of Commodore Moore from Matagorda, with <hc war-schooners Ban Antonio and S in Be nard. i’.donel Peiaza, the \ ucatan Minister, unci suite, are al Ga!vc»tou y awaiting u war-vessel to return to A*ucatan. A conclusive treaty, be it undcrslood, often si vc I and defensive, has been agreed upon by the go | vernments of Texas and V u cat an. iiio cutton crop is large, and is coming in ra pidly. On the night of the (Jib. Colonel George C. Childless, of Nashville, Tenn., committed suicide in Galveston. The weapon which he used was a Bowie knife. A darhiajohbery was committed «>n the rus* tomhouseiHCialvcstoi on the night of the 29th ult. the amount of 000 was taken from it. h exeJTment having existed in the onto individual. ddig>-nt search was made minis premi es—his wife, being unah c to keep so Important a secret, informed the collector where her husband liud concealed the cash, and it was at once recovered. The name of the rob ber is Everett. He is now in prison, and the case was being investigated when the sloop Washington left. He all'eeltJ ohe an ultra-re ligious character,, and had, a few days before, subscribed $l£)0 uward the building o! a church. *J’he Washington encountered head winds and rough weather during her whole passage. On the 12th. Racoon Point bearing E s>. E., distance three leagues, al 4 P. M.. fell in with the bones of some enormously large fish or animal aground in fourteen ?etl water. The Captain made the sloop fast to it and sawed oil* a part of it. A Can!. TO TUF. WHIG PUULIC. I wili in a f*w days, issue a Prospectus to the Whig Public, disclosing die grounds on which I propose to conduct a new Whig Journal at the city of Washington. My object now, is principally to say, that the appearance of that Journal will only he delayed until the re assembling ol Congress, on the Ist Moucay in December —possibly, until after the | Christmas holydays, until which lime Congress j does not usually enter seriously upon the dis- i charge of public business. I have also another object, which is to as.-ure the Whig Public that Mich a Journal—intended no other, but to aid & the mainten- i -<wac« o’ -Wo o* r ::iciol*v. sanctioned by the voice *• - »'• ■‘■■U ■ 1 * Wwm, n ebamelessly transgressed and disregarded ( in' into who owe every thing to the generous Kpniidcnce of the Whig parly, and whom the dc- | pee id Fate has enabled, for a short peri..«l, to | ri»l*»y *h® tyrant—will certainly go into operation. 1 cann t permit the r t ; ortunity to pass, how- i ever, without congratulafing the Whigs oi Vir- > ginia e-j rciailv—lor, \ irginia, heretofore so Joy- ; ai principle, has supplied upon this occasion, j n ariy all the traitors, upon the very contemptible ■ impression made upon their ranks, by the defee- j •inoi ii mitts of s »me ct l< ’■ rity am mg them.— I Few men knowing the State better than I do, or j -having better opportunities of i irn ii g a judg- • B:ent of the current of public op,nion, I have not ! fcl heard, certain.}’, of the first Wing who had ! ■Tergiversation by one President of the United States, “by the (trace of God,’* t!:ree inernhersof Ci ngress, two Judges, and two Prnfes-ors ol William & Mary College. The Whig lead ers may tell th< ir principles for jiluce , present or prospective, or for the vanity ol ruling, or what in some men s estimation is equivalent, the repu tation of being supposed to rule the ruling pow ers—but the Whig D. mocracy. the rank an I file, 1 whom vanity does not dupe, nor arnbhion ccr- I rupt, and whose singte purpose is the honor, ! prosperity and liberty of their country, stand now where they stood in November, IS4O. Never I treason carried over so hale accession of strength ! to an enemy, or so little injured the party betray- j ed. Arnold went over to King George alone, and ! they who have betrayed the Whigs, have intiina- \ ted iris example in tins as in other respects. The f or bath the Vetoes, are | u iiiMiiu •pb^^^^^^Vby tlii'sr whom they h™ trusted *ol cd by the very imagination, that they could be I seduced from the.r avowed principles, and made I the humble and obi dient instruments of eiecu* I timz the ambitious designs of a Cabal of trading pot:ti< i »n*. Let Ihr - noble spirit prevail, and neither Irca- i ; s n. i <r Prosi-Jeniial blandishments seduc- ■ i tiV*- ii.lluence of power, can avail de- i | uro ii.t d will and the now inflamed resentment | lof ?’:r Whig parly. Let us, who hoped lor re pc<r *.iic-r so arduous a campaign, resume our ar:r . determined not to yield our lib . v to rniaiulc. yet more resolved that j .•*! ~ mii cireumvrnt or sell us to an opponent ! v i vi* had sign tMy vanquished in fair, opt ri i • = • ‘i; eoiobai: and it «c must surrendi r , jt • ' - —!• *us prefer a thousand times, the | 1 opt : and avowed antagonist, even Benton him- : sell, to the radcr in politics, who has attempted I to barter us for his own aucandizernent. 'J’he prospective between Mr. Gal laher ami myself, was dissolved at f»r reasons vvilh uh«' h the Uuoiic con cern. J N (LJLIJL E 8. Gooch la xd, Oct. .'I i i/ N Na tional Intelligencer a patent has been secured in tin (.dice al I li. Griffin, E q . of Alabama, for an improvement I in the ot t ansporling cotton to market by I ales of coiion are made mlo rafts, anchor this purpose cases of water proof canvass are provided tor ear Ii hale, which shall cover its bottom and feur sides, and these are to be furnished with aVW/ol the same material, which in periods of wavy rain may he made to cover the lop or upper pari ; also provision is made f or binding torse ba!**g together, bo as to form a rail of any desired dimensions. In narrow passed they may be arranged as not to have more • ban two halos in width, and where the channels admits of it, the width may be increased to any • xtent. A well-packed hale of two feet in height will not dtaw more than hi inches of water ; and shouiJ the hales ground, they may he HoateU oil without injury. Boards me to he loosely laid upon the bales to facilitate the walking upon the ra-l. 'i he envelopes wni last a number ol years and willhoort repay their Hr hi cost. jTJie Mobile Reg ster remarks that “ibis inven tion; of course, would do away with the use ol steamboat ain transporting cotton, and probably Bngbt l»c extended no a.- to envelope passengers i in water proof mail, and thus every mart might ■ travel on his “own hook.” Al all events, one object wili he attained by it; namely,security from I the bursting of steamboat hollers.” But we doubt it these rafts would come down the Mississippi as our boats do. ut tho rate of i -even teen miles an hour? **H|*eed and a maiket,” ia some’.imen better than “('owes and a market.” ; —CN recent i’ity, 1-- # A farmer at the North has a line, lat, h'oodttl call, that he c ills “Fanny UlmUr.” The run I tint fill*' hurt.s ought to go by the mime o! u Ami t lean Public.*’—€Lemu/ Ctly. % it V Speech \vorTli limning. I. | v TAcd^i lowing whrrh ia u pon, d t.» i*. : j been tUßrorail by a Senator in the Illinois L : gtslulure, wc pubh«hed # s»Tno considerable tin ■ ago, hut it is one »»t Ihosst rate Kprcimeus '• " rn eloquence that will well bear lepul.i i . iition. ••Mr. Sj.raker, 1 ukc, tir, rant to inako n tq»ee< i ; —ivcjijp\tking is not inv trade, hut in tell t! t | lritt|(TTid “’PljJNhaf I am foment them aldioug i j.l hale rudro uiH as any man on this yeanl a good reason to hate tlioin, x < t I -ha 1 j vote ogam repealing fliem hekase all my const 1 | tujfnyroq l|)is Videos the liver hoilacioudy fi ■ lor tl/fiA and hvgood many on the other side to u laci, Mr. Speaker, [ know vrr i little alvnik railrtmds, but I guess I know as iniir qs *0(110 other lolks do. W e have had a rail-roa in Chntou lor some w*ar.«, across the bottom thei ; . li \ ( -Wiidc and one over Grooked Greek holtoni in !ilarioiiVar.il inlenuil ioa«ls heponghricef : the Kt atef—g* ntlemen may labch— j ~ul K’s tioJoke—my constituents h.ue Inf, it 1 j the •• ni ol breakage of eggs, sir a Aland j some fortune. Scott who keeps tavern injjarlish j tin*! a »alo tavern loo; iiut*itno of your Spring licit j greaseves. but a light jam up chicken liter I tavern, fold me that no moils! man cmihf tell Ui< j l ’Asß a !^ ,al 4 11 !»rokeii, iu bringing tin in to yiar« | ket, across that irfernul railroad, ami 'i'ullv sok] ; me tho •>an»u tiiingexaclly about Crooked j railrootl —same eiMbbinging «»| eggs. You kJEI Hucv, Air. Bpeuk<T? I wish \ou cnuld beam I. tey.eurse.the lime hiscarnaefb wasjJß I u crossing this same ra^Rra^ |’. •’ vs ‘ Speaker, unable any longer to* c»qjtr«-l 1 "Jkv- s d !“ cu ß* ej . laughingly ufluerved/ i^e ■ him«)lf l« thr quistiob, ;Ot «V ml -I I was seying; e cust, and he cusi and he swore, j aii'l fairJy snorted ag ti. hut Still, he’s for railroiffls. j These «r. my ncibns. Mr. Speaker, and 1 could ! not sit hew without belching it out; Here the orator turned hjs head umj»in an audibly voice | addressed a senator to hisjright— 4 Uncle Peter, what's the name of yourjtoU i*i!l T ’ i.iit receix ing no apswer, he theinstropfvning again addietst u the As font now op. Mr. I will give you my notions on Uncle’s woif hill—[Here the | Speaker interrupted him again, by reminding him ■»gjin that the ico/f question was m l bef.uu the •SefTate. ami ihetelore ns merits be dis cussed.] You are tni>takenan. Mr. >]>eaker: s.ng w*df Senate ! r '1 ! 1: • hi! hea*l am! .n go it. sir. on more thing MV. Speaker, and I’m done—l!;e gentleman fiom Shamrock county—l don’t think that’s the n«m* exactly cither—but the ton* headed gentleman overjlhere said the other day—[Here the Speaker assuming as much gravity as possibc, called the gentleman to order, and ieqi ested him to take his seal ] After looking tho Speaker stead ««;ly in the eye for ai least twenty seconds w i:h a wink of askance, he said—Are you in rale yearncst, Mr. Speaker? if so he you are. vour’e mtu me about a feet, I s pose you think, but sii look out —I warn you. sir, to keep a skm’d rye lor ter rapin traps and moccasin tracks. 1 have rights, nr, ns the tow headed gentleman over there, pointing to the gentleman from Hancock] said the other d y, that shall not he treated with dis corn—l’m dune, sir,— I would however, before 1 sol down, say to my friend from Union, not to look so serious, when he tells us h. shinny stories, in his speech, hut to give us a sort of smile, as I do. w hen he comes to the nub % oi laughing pan, so that we may know when to laugh too. I have now got all I was arter. Mr. Speaker, and 1 uil conclude this speech. The following striking anecdote is from the Democratic Review for October. Its authentici ty is vouched for ; The First Meeting of Jefferson ami Bi rr —The following anecdote was re>ated by Mr. Jefferson lo the writer, while on a visit to Mon ticello, in the year 1522. It was told in illustra tion of an opinion advanced by the former in re j lation to nhysiognomy. that although it was but 1 tolly to fnetnpt a system of judging character i from any particular conformation of feartircs, yet j the eyes w.»s an unerring index of tho soul, and no trading on the part of its possessor could pre vent it from disclosing his true moral nature to ! a skillul observer. I will endeavor lo repeal the j the exa-1 w irdsotTbe uliutnuus uar- Duntrg my attendance on one of the earliest i sessions of the (’onlinenlal Congress at Phila- I delphia, said Mr. J., 1 chanced iodine one day at I a public house where several distinguished gen ; tlemrn Ir an abroad ail entire strangers to me, j bad just arrived in the city. Among these was ; a gentleman who became seated directly opposite I to me at the 'able, and soon attracted my ob?er i vation by his peculiar and remarkable rounte • nance, and especially by iiia singularly restless i and subtly quivering eye, which to me threw off I an expression extremely sinister; for I bad ever i noted, that an eye of tli’scbaractod indicated tnor -1 al obliquity ol the heart, and this kind of a heart j he possessed in a more eminent degree than any I had ever seen. Fo strong, indeed, wre my im precslons in the case, that 1 felt no hesitati. n in making up for myself a decided opinion of the true (diameter of the man before mr. as before mentioned, then unknown to me, even by name. Alter retiring to the private room of the friend at whose invitation I had dined there, he asked me, with air of curiosity, if I noticed the gentle man who sat opposite so me at the table w« had just left, and ii so, what was my opinion of j 1 replied, that I had not only noticed the man j hu formed a decided opinion of him. and that j was, that his true character might he expressed | :r. thre* words—coldnes. cunning,and perfidy. “ VV hy, »ir. ’ saiil my friend, in surprise, “you i cannot know tho man of whom you are speaking , —it is Mr. Burr, the greatest lawyer in New Votk.” i “ I will not alter my opinion f.)r all that,” i : remarked. “ I have never known such an eye jas Ins in an honest man’s head; and whatever i r»e his present eminence, and fair reputation, , 1 will venture the prediction, that he will yet be i known as a villain.” • In after times continued Mr. J. to me. 1 had ! to retail rny first impressions of ra r t(• r mmm d i*. t. i rninmuntiy is more severely taxed not lor the ■ pu'. I.c, I ul for individual good, than newspaper j puMitdiers. The New York Commercial sets | torn ’he case in the following article—every word ; of v. h:ch is tru- 1 . t t ill etcitol-.v AnvEßTisiNo. Every body kuc/. s. t,r ought lo know, that the publishing hu | .-.in -■ is on* ol large ex pense—employ ing a great ! mi v;r of persons .«nd an extensive c pilal. | ev; v j»aragiaph setup costs a certain HimoJ | !.!•• \ in the composjtui or setting up * f thety j copies' u ccriain space whichvought V } ytt;d it* proportion o< income to ihe [»r.»pin toS I Every body must know 100, that the mam sou™ J “I this income is the portion of the sheet devofetn to advertifsernentF, an I that to ask the g atuito.is intcr'ion ot an ndveriisement. or a commurnca* non, or an editorial to serve in the place <»f one, is literally asking llie publisher to incur an expense of one dollar or more without making him a Grilling in return. It i* lo all intent* and purposes asking him to lake a sum of money fiom his pocket .<nd present it to the applicant. Ycl this thing is none every day and many times a day; and that too I*3' men who have no ear.hly claim on Ihe charity of Ihe publisher, ami who can much better a(T*rd to dis burse the money—with ut to the fact Hut the object of the advertisement or communi calion, is to pro:nolc their interest, and not that « f the publisher. There ;■ c scores of persons who would never dicam of walking into a tailuUs shop and asking for the gift of a waistcoat, or into a flatter’s and begging to be favored free gratis with a hat, yet can see no iinpiopnety in calling upon the pub lisher for the gratuitous announcement of a course of lecture*,or a patent fly Lap, or any other notion, in Ihe bringing of which beloie the public they happen to have an interest. Disasters nr the IStokm.—A young friend '•f ours, observes the Salem tinzette, who is rnus ter of more leisure than we coTi find, has examin ed B»e accounts of diMa-ters by' the laic storm ' ami finds one hundred mid iwietifdwo vessela reported us injured by that dmslrous tempest. ‘ Doubtless, there are some which have not imported, and others which will never come t« light—all vestiges thereof being 44 in the deej I bosom ot the ocean buried.” • B a run lt Great El* — 44 We are pleased toper I ccive, bays the Montreal 'i’iines, m (hv list o i* Baronets, created hy Her Majesty on the 23* n ult. tho same of Isaac Lyon (’oldHinid, n gentle man ol tin; Jvwi-h long ami ndvan ii ugeously known thioughout England ami ih f * ’onlmenl; and distinguished for his attainment ill literature and science. This is (he first in ” stance of on individual of the persuasion allainin to the honor, and we hail i. ns a proof the at vuncing liberality of the age, and of the gra lu» *1 dnt tpiHNirance ul pn judices, which liave long n it tic :te<? tlifecrodil on the Christian communit; i- Mr. (inidsinitl is the natural uncle ot Samit I iiarl, Esq , ol th a city.” SATURDAY MORNING, OiTOIIKII 23. H\r ' The Sherifiiilly. iin- By reference l*» tho subjoined note from M “■ ; Howard, it will he seen that hi* declines being , * l ' j candidate lur the uflico of Shenll. 'J’hi* circum >t ,j. j stance inipoM** on our friends the i.ccessily « ih«* 1 making a Hc|yctiun l»f aomo oilier individual, os l ’!* j eiindidutv Tor the office, and we will suggest th a |j j importance of prompt action in Ihc matter. Hi- | Messrs. Editor^: —llavi„g unJcrslo .d tlm He ■ there is some diffsnHp fad ion existing in the mind rv I KOme °^ oUr friemlss, in relation lo my nouiina cii Gvm lor the office ot HberiM of Richmond county ad hi»l feeling desirous that the parly Khould huv* u ‘ tin*- exercise of it* free choice, in the selection o Ha 'Candidate. 1 take this method of request!in; __ j voir to inform Ihe public thro* your paper, that J in arm ivo longer a Uamlidatc for (hat office. *1 *1 (4 Respectfully. Id I _y WM. H. HOWARD. •n HjWougusta, Oct. 22. 1841. le itf* r .to pii'vious nuticc, a portion of Ih of Columbia county assemble,l at tin- Comt on Saturday, the llitli October, 1841, for W tlio purpw-e of pacing a tribute of respect to the • Apciiior, ut ilieir esteemed fellotv-cilizeu, Vueiir.H I Vv.irv, deceased. ,| On motion, I»r. Thomas il. ftawson was called c *° the Ch air, and Abnctsf’. KobcrLsou appointed I, laecreliry. ■44lV>trvA «**» tiio *• | explained its object, \villiam H. Tarkersly, Km|., [\ moved the appointment of a committee to draft a preamble acid resolutions. The motion having been atiopccc!, the Chaiiman appointed the follow r. ing persons to compose that comrmßee, to wit : > William H Fankersly, Nathan Grawford, Jshn Cart ledge* Richard H. Jones, ami Geo. Magrndcr. Ti.e coramittee bavin;.' lolirtd for a short lime u » e reported lliiough their chairman the follow ing pre m amble and resolution?, whi.h were iir.aimnou*-!v e adopted. mar cftnimittce beg leave to report, that it is j with fefdinzs of profound regret, liial they are p | mailed on to perform so melancholy a duty. That s *hey haw learned with sincere emotions of grief* r that tfip dispensation of Providence has deprived u«-*»t our r enalor elect, our neighbor, ami cur 4 iriend, Yucher Avar*, whose uncompromising ( integxif >•, ami ulino * candor arul fii nkness, rraik ed his cha: actor through all his varied relations of ii life. As a husband and parent, be was alfcction r ate ami kind; as a master ami neighbor, he was •’ indulg* nt and obliging; ever hcarKcnii glo the 1 claims of charily, ami esteemed hv all who knew ; hin. Therefore, be it ii j f hctOttiu, '1 hat ia testimony of our gratitude for e j the many services he hi« rendered his fellow-cili l ! zen-, our respect for his many* virtues, ami I high hancter, we will wear the usual badge of “• ; mourning for thirty’ days. J 1 That this meeting deenly sympathize w♦ wsdoxv and ch:*.:!u-jf of the »le- Hi*: pr*;(ovt!:ug4 o{ thi> mtetii.g be Chairman and Secretary, and that a copy* be forwarded to the widow of the deceased. , i e j that these proceedings oe published. [ THOMAS 11. DAWSON,Chairman. | Abner P. Rcbertson, Secretary. e I Ohio Llectiox.—Tho whig vote fulls ofl’one thiid t»» one-haif in almost cverv county. The Senate consists ot 3(» and the House 72 rncm . hors. Os tho 18 Senators who hold over, there are 9 whigs and 9 lotolocos. S*> far us heard trom the Senate stands, wings 15, locofucos 13 t The House, w ings 2G, lorofocos 24. The whigs r arc said to be sure of 17' in the Senate, leaving t |*> doubtful. In the Hou* 1 the result is douolful; | but the popular vole is said to be still decidedly j j u big —Charleston Courier. • -- —— biMno. JuwLaTtfuiiT. Esq. is at \V ushing nm. Tku aCatemcntbf H? ; to Government has been greatly exoggerated. It is t believed he will he aide to liquidate ail claims a : gainst him. —Sew Votk Times. . ; The Philadelphia Inquirer .-ays; It was ru ■ j mouied ht Washington on Saturday, that Mr ! Webster intended to resign his scat in the Cabi • 1 net. Doubtful. The Albany Argus of Saturday says: 14 We l I v.’ltl in error yesterday in saying that McLeod • i parsed through this city on Thursday’, on his way’ | to Boston, via Hudson. He came no furthur ; than Schenectady, taking the cars from that place . jto Ballston, and no doubt thence to Canada.”— • j But the Boston Transcript says, that M* Lend I• , J actually embarked cn board the steamer Acadia. 11’ . • which is confi;raed”ti«:ough Mr. Hamden’s ex -1 pre«. - t j The steamboat Troy recently made a tup from l New York to Albany, in S linurs and -IS minutes. 1 ; | Commonwealth vs. Sim mem.—'The prisoner 1 I in this cause who was iiho ated on his giving ’nail in the sum of 25,000, failing lo appear, m dis ’ | charge of his tccomzance, at the present term of 1 the Superior C'„urt©i Albemarle no v m Session, his default was entered on record and a ru*e *n- i f j against him and the securities re urouble at i I the next term lo shew cause why the recogniz- i ancc ol hail should not l-.e presecuted to a judg * | men* — Charlotisvilie Advocate of Saturday. j j From tke Kingston (C. C.J Chronicle j j- Attempt to destroy our War Steamers on j Lake Krie —W inentioned triifly in a recent i nurn er *.f' thi« paper, a desperate attempt which j was ma eon the morning fine 17iii ult., lo dr— j I s‘n»y IL M. steam vessels Minos, | i then lying at < 1 dluwing : ? • ularsrnay u«j strictly cjoirect. e j .»» about 10 miioies before 3, A. M„ the sentry ri on the foiecastle of Ihe Toronto s»a w a light ap s J pioa yiiitZ the vessel, apparently three liun- J j died; ahead. He hailed it Twne, but te | ceiv* t no answer; and was m the act of calling the alter):<>n ol the seigeanlof the watch, when itex * ph:d» d w»ih a tremendoiM noi«c. slukm*; the ship t.i lu-t mitre —and as it ;if erward appealed, break-^ 1 in several hou-es on shore. As I'-.ui'! -way hl'm! 'Sll'. * -t ' 1 • ri * • ' x ‘ l< ' r ‘ ' '>»■■/ i.( *■ ' tl.e I.C.M 111!- ,1 ■ took place. On exatnin dion it was " to t:c full *»f powder, ingeniously lilted into a kind of platform to make it fl jat stealily, ami !• with a fuze half burnt, fixed in the tamg-hole. To c thecas - ; were attached several fathoms of whale r line, by which it must evidently have been con nected wiih the one that expoded—a id the use of which was no doubt to t ike across Ihe bows of »hc vessel, so as to bring a ra>U .m either side of hci 3 as they floated down w ith the stream. On the arrival of Commodore Jandom,ou the 23 1 ult., on inquiry by a board of inagistiatcs took 1 place, and -eveial depo-itious of parlies w< ie taken; c >h , » only circumstance ol nnjiorta'icc that was cli ’ cited, was, tiiat ou the same morning a farmer on Grand island, in going round ms fields, found four * men lying a-leep in a shanty,and a boat fiaulc*! up on the t each ciose hy ; themenweie aimed, and one of them he km w to Ue from Uuff.no, an ! an accomplice oi liic notorious Lett—who ha* since openly cxpieased his regret at the failure of the 1 attempt. The barrel bor' the mark of a brewery in llulfalo, and contained upward of 100 pounds of gunpower. A .nu-ket shot was fired from the up -0 per end of Navy Gland, at Ihe Toronto’s boat, as she passed in pursuit. j From the Savannah Georgian. Interesting from Florida. i. By the Ktcamer (ten. Clinch, Cupt. Bhooum, ii. the Editor* of the Georgian have received the | M auhjotned letter from one of their attentive cor t. respondenta. us also the St. Augustine Artra of n Friday last, whence we make some extracts ; io East Florida,Oct. 17. q, Dear Him:—The gratifying intelligence has reached this place, (hat Alligator (from Arkansan) ha* arrived at Tumpa Bay. On Ihe Kami; date, a ir- young Warrior ol TigHrtail’s band, also arrived at *d I'ampa, sent in hy him to Bscertain if bia cousin, Id Alligator, had arrived. This warrior repotta that le- nearly all I'igerlail’a parly was together at Annut n- tuhga. patiently wailing Alfigaloi’s coining to fie givu them some acr«»unt ol Arkansan. If it it* is a go.nl account (hey will conic in inline ii- Jiatclv. Alligator is confident that he cunj>riiig ng m Tigerlail In u whorl ti..»o. Il lie Miened*. the »»!• setlleineid* will ho relieved al once, from the op jai pM HHion of the savage*. te- Army Movements.— G. Company,3d Artillery ly. commanded hv Capl. Gamer, ordered from Pico uel luta to gaitltfoti tin* poat. B. Company, 3d Artdleiy ejauuandad bj , Uapt. Vmtnn, ordered binymaio 1 J Pierce. New rtrnyrna to Ini almtnfoned. E (’oiupanv, 3d Artiltefy, comnitndcii I - Lieut. Bragg, ordered from ihU post to f u Pierce. |ll# Uecniite.— By General Orders, No. SG. 8, 25. tin* superintendent ut tha toeruiting %er\ i* directed lo d«“patch, u* toon alter'(t>a>fiilt ( i a aw practicable the niimhor ofrcchiii* montiui below to reinforce the regiment nr Florida. 2.1 infantry, ut Fort King... i 3d infantry, ut Fort ul Glh infanlrv, at f'edarKeys 0 U 7’lh infatiiry. at Fort VVaccay*uaM 140 a -800 y* j Tho <-ummandii)g officer it Carlisle harrac j dire. Ted to put in march 120 recruit* for I *•! live corn|>.inieH of the Ul re; unent of dragoons | Fort Leavenworth. *« I i j Worn the A'. V. Spiri qf the Times. for g 45,000. huMToxXjiUrr isr tmi houses iji the J \ WOMLII • V. i* pvc desired to puhlii i the following cliu hy amn* Long the ov i n« r of* nt tho dinnrof the fAlexandn 1 j(D C.) Jqcki% Club, on th 81h in*}, being ts 1 | *!.*y on which 80-lon walk I over for the purr * j trlLred for Four miles heals on the Mount Vei t . j non Coureo: H | ”1 will run rny Loire Boa ti % Four Mile Heat uga nst unv tq}i horses in iht World, for TWEN TV THOU.SyNDDOLL/ is mb hem. Tha d iw, 1 will run I* *%ion one hfc r agniust one ot th J two horses thaf may be m tphed egainst him while the * * '*»n«ht* v able; and nn | there he vhu/r'O faX'ivt'hri ’’ j se« aghinst B»*lou hfctl-e a | heat. To secure the Match. iWii* run it o*« i c any course StatcaYhe opposite par - tv mav designate, and I will aN Ml them FIVF THOI saNDDOLLARs MfUL that Bo*i«h „ wins the Match us two heals.” 11 will be the report f the Alexandra » Meeting that Ae Jockey ("fill Purse for Foil " miles heats le Colon, id! the «*the; Y j eiitrns for it liaving been ithjiuwn. 'J Ih ! wcitlier being Orntpleasant, the flul> did n**ltvct s i require that 44 Old \Vhilenost\bmi\d he led « u p ■ on the course; on invitation gieii pub icly Iron : the Judge** stand, the Flu's audit* guc>te visile* him al Ins stable alter dinner, pe'ious which ’ ’ h iwever, Mr. Long, withcharaiytstic hlieraiity J prer-Mcnted a puts** of 5300 to bum t >r. al Fou r mile heals. It was announced as *• The Boston , Burse” and was won hy Mr. Gibon’r Dandridgr A well known lurfmun who hard the ch.dlmg* and who visited Bo lon the »an* Jay, writes u lo the following effect: -I h ive hod the pleasure of sr-Ong • ()!»! Wbi’e a nose” once more. He lo dis quie himself uzam p if anything altered I think lit inis rather tin proved in appearance, and nioskiwuredly he i now ready to match anv horse lave. Mr. Loi l is very de>irous lo obram a race with h.m. IB ‘ reinnikid to day in hn» usual i«ill', s'raightfor ward style, (aft.-r giving a Iter |ur?e to he rut 1 lor, four mile heats) that the papers. Idler j writers, dec., had been rnak ng ajreut fuss abort last horses, las*, racing and tie quick lime a N**w-o<leans and other places. Now, without lh« ►lightest mention of ban lenng, or of culling in question iL* merits of th horses named, or of reflecting up»n iket-ecliona ; partialities of any gentlemen, lie Wi»ild at lie l j same time be g a*l to run Boston, four mile I t at.- ( vs. any two horses in the world,for £2O ('DO ui • each heat.ai d £5 HOI) more that fce made *a sh«»r i rub’ of it. That is to say, he wuuld run Bostoi | vs one borsch* fore the other was brought on th . course; after cooling off the proper lime, K wou d start in the second heat against the frrsl * | horse, secure furli a match he would run r ; over any course in the United Stales.” - i Match vs the Time or Eclipse.—Withii , j the two Ijr* years more than one attempt l a j j been made to get up a .natch on the Union (’ours Long Island, againfti the time *-! Eclipse—7 37 7.19—8.24. As shouthern gentlemen aflVcl t' < regard the match of Eclipse and Henry as no greu r iilfiir after all,” and as there will be assembled a Baltimore next week, a majority of the moat dis i tinguisht d horses in the Union, we fioj*c some on r may be induced lo accept such a match, wind I has be* n offered hero a thousand If Bo lon, or any other horse, can beat the lime c Eclipse, he can carry off £50,000 from this cilj alone ! n - h»al ut o.irr/ujiin»£H xr.h T Mo for Mibdlb.—The c* •wpondenl of the Free 'J’radc: gives an account of the Trial fd th pontons charge*! with the murder ol th*- Driskailc John and V.’illiam, ham which wc q vc the fol lowing extract? : The September Term of the Ogle Circuit Com has just close*!, and its session lias been market by a trial, which, in the number of the accuse* tried in one indictment for the crime of murder, i without a parallel. One hundred p.nd twelve mer were indicted for the murder ol John Di iskail am William Dn-kall in June last, near Washiogtoi i Grove, in this county. About one hund.i d plea* not guilty, ami were pul upon their trial. Judgr 1 j Ford, whatever might have b:*n his feelings (the accused were nis neighbors, Jude* 4 F. liviiq j in Ogle County) exhibited on th© I i nch a sten ; de;erminaii‘»n that ihc accused should be lullj ' and fairly tried. However, tfic* very fact of th* i great confu-ion orca?io*,«d by so many names ii ! the indictment, lelt th* accused with* i>t any evi j deuce to contend against.—TS.c two or three firs ; witnesses, whose names were endorsed upon th* 1 indictment, (and by the laws * I the Stale none except those who are to en*!ors*d, cat | be called t«* prove the substantive part of the accu satioo) on!; knew ••oine of the preparatory step taken whl: •» lt d la the >*q p »*<d offi i.ee. J The fa.- is con it* c * v l . wr.li the killing of lh< i Drisk:d!s are stut»d as I dl.»ws : 'J’hal the Dn.-k | alls w* a part of an organized gang, embracin' ' a large numiKT *H persons in the county of Ogl* ; and the ailj.ui.ing counties, who earned on a ays temutized .-cheinc of operations against the 1m , and proper yof the inhahilan’s. That murders rohbt rics and larcenies had been carried on bt them number of years; arid that, owing U the extent and perfection ot their combination it had b come impossible lo convict by the ordi i nary process **f law. Perjured ! gang swearing to alibis or such *iJ^HKs # u« r* I adapted for the occasion, bad, l"f a long lime, dc : tied and defeat* d the courts of justice. 'J'hat t few days previous to the execution of the Drnk alls. .* Mr. (?am)*l)*^a cjtu* the highest re specfahilily had he* n wantonly »hol in his *»wi y ard. It his presumed cx* rti«»ns against g'!<u*. that sutfic enl m|d« -ijft (* It »v»- no rca that the plan I n* *1 •'! incited an«l-probahiy |*opcftjnrfl Ins mur d* r. Further, that the Drisaalls ebre h: ! 1.1 >-t d.uigertni* of the gang i’luN w*r* . . r a^..-x.i ruination which feati.-fied severa 1 ! ; i\ of the rn*»«t respectable cttirxi- **f (» ifr t * adj.» I’.ing count!*s *>f the Iruth <• I % ii.« ,foW* going* tact# * The case was fuhmittc■*! to thejm’T, » ho, with out leaving their seats, rendered a verdict of No Guilty. This verdict was given partially from : want ofevidence, ar*d from what the jury consider e*l the absolute neciashy of the The write says the lairs could not protect the rommunit* where the banditti committed their man. error mi ties—the occasion was 100 urgent to wait further uncertain amcndmdU nnd adaption to the enter uoncy—individually they could not protect them selves—mob law they repudiated—they therefor* resorted to a counter orgurnz ition. o*darn>*! new rule- of evidence, and a new mode ol proceedtni such, ami such only, a» in their judgmen* w. r* effectual lo protect them. There may ho ih-**■ ' who are disposed to cavil, perhaps to condemn The judgments and perceptions of such, w aul* he essentially invigorated, could they have duel for a short lime here, and suffered the murder ci their friends, the burning of their dwelling] and the plunder of their property ; and, whet they call* d on the law lo redress these wrong** 1 too see those whom (hey knew lo he the perpr tntors, escape with impunity. Ri.ufllion. —The ladies of Rochester, Nc; York, have adopted the motto, 44 otal Ahslinenc , or no Husbands.” So it seems that there arc la 5 dies who consent to make their toilets without I glass. The papers speak of a Light house lately mad in London of cast iron. Is it not rather a hear a hou*e?— Sidesman. ) “Iron ically speaking it u,” says the Uichmou a Star. t Uikt Orders—A bravo veteran officer r )t connoitering a battery which il was consider* t . unpenetrable, and which it waa nocraaiiry 1 n storm, laconically answered the engineers wl |( were dissuading him from the attempt. “Gei B . tlcnun, you may think what you please: ul. know u that the American flag must lie hoist* *»n the ramparts 10-aiorruw moriung.y’or /ha the orders in my pocArt. I 'I he Irwin Foundry aad ?«*4uuuiaci«*fy of M«-s..i J. V. Hams a Co. at Richmond, were destroy “* | liy 4 me ou Sunday morning. Loss m machine j and fixtures $ 10,r‘00, oo which ilitrrtx m»uiaa jy | lo tho amount ol £4,001). MCNI'AY MoUNINO, ()C rOBKH IT,. I , UAnk ul Aukuklii. I'd F.Po*. E-<j., Cuhicr, bi. bean »l« j «••!, by (I). IW.I of Dirnlor,. f'rt.jj.nlof | 1 Hank us Aoru.lji, »„-r Joh.y Mooui, Fmj rr, 1( , DI. » ,,J J *'"< VV. U.yiK. (',«hier. j Tb« village of Hockpo.i, r U .i»i„ e ,l „ •cnou. injury by lire late norlh K ,| Errurtcn out oil hr .irirrn ,r..rl. „ wil ed tb ‘J’*,roJ"'J. »i«l 'bo wbolr .mount of .t..r a ii tf d , u .oout #40,000, VVe *ee that tl I’bilKiiitiropic citizen, of Ilo.ton, Salem, Hr.rrl j ' tc - * ro Uuin *{ mro.urr. lo orJmmi.ut relief i 8 111 i the sufferers. IHi i ». * ftlcLzun,—Thi. noted paraonage. wa lean ‘■am* down from I tica je-terduy the ,f lr , nii.iri tram, and touk p«..n K u in the Kuckland Ic liudeon, on bi. way. probably, to Boatun. wber We 1>« embark, for England— AlOm, ,al- Jromlt'g Macon Meuenger us the 2Uf. tie , ' ire f rac j Al " i,uut 3 °’c!i>ok thia morning, a lire l.roki ar- “ Utlr, , ,hK ••“bl- occupied by Wilry Wagnon A 11 bur "' '"'7 “‘owly with pe.bap. not o.e, ta, hf, y •l* c *atoi», many of w hom were .iranaer, \ ! loWßtlh 1,, ‘ P»08"““- n const (pjrnce of Ih. ia| • W ant ot a. i.tance to .lay it. progre... the ,i* !«.■ J ul "ins clement coininuuicaied to ih. 0 „, | vynh a population of fivw ilianaMiO pSSBCan II * mfre bnHHtnr was aaffirred to born down in the £ heart of our city, without keip enougti to #.f§y t»s |»r*'gn*!..H. A small market bell, with -n oc < dfeici'ut tuvem bell, was the only alarm to he heard. Hud timely assistance h**en rendered, iher** was no apprehension ol any hud ling being burnt except the stable in which ihc lire origrna- led. Aflet our citizen* wee assembled ihey worked most manluliy. but ihe want of water, « t hooks, ladder*, rope, and in lu> t of every re qursite tor the emergency, rendered t'.eirtflor.s ‘ unavalir.g. Atu r some time wasted, powcer was j ohiiuutlUrora the Magazine, and ihe hlowng up » l tfi* 4 It suran *• Bank of f-o umbus. and the / Gcmulgtc Bank, which haiidtng would under any circumitaii: es haw been bun.?, saved the cn [ ore upper part of ineCity, which I»» ng built ot wood nilist have been destroyed. We haw but one efficient Fire Engine, and that »■» m u ng ** practjcuSde, was w* 11 manned, and d.d good scr vice. \'. .* all siiffeitd !i iwrver lor the wuril *»f Management. .*nd druch projn-ity wuu!J have | he ri saved, had ilicre been any thing like system, ’ ! method or order. Ad h iwever ws« confurfion and d:-o«d. r, with lh j many '.vdlmg n> obey, but none to order or direct. But when n.oniing dawned, and « ur cii:z*-us (oruc 1 out, every exertion was to s»av the progre?s of the fie; in tlidin under FrovtJence i wc are iudehud for our pr‘servat:.*n. By sheer jt ’ i manual exertion, and th energy of our citizens. lli*» upper part ot Macon has Ie» n prteervtd.- ai W e are at a loss ourselves for word* lo express ' our grateful hearts lo the si enuous and sue*ess* j loi exerrione made !.»save our otfice. presws anil ly[c’. 1 o *»ur fell'/W ciliZt i s one atid we owe a Bating debt of gratitude which can newr , he discharged hy n*. From our hearts we thank, and will ever hold them in grateful remembrance for their help to us in the lime of need. A train collar cieJ with two kegs of powder, pUr« d in our I office l«» blow ii up, was tw ce laul and once ig- I (< niter!* and after burning some mornmis waa ex- tmguishcd, with ihe hope of saving the building jt (which hope was realize*:) and it n*»w stands a i lone *>n this section ol the tquaro. As far as we can user tain, the following ;s a correct enumen< lion of the buildings is dtsfroved. Da Second ami Cherry streets, arid ihe a!!ev, —two large livery stables, occupied hv VV*. Wag non *k ( •). |(> •Several stores, occnpie-) By Mr. Walker. Esch j A Z.mmerman. D.C. Hodgkins, and Wm , ■ B. V* aits, alt owned bv Musim <sl Moil, not HI | insured. [je ; A large i uilding on the corner of Cherry and •'Second streets, occuf.-ied !*y Mrs. Curd, :>« a boarding house, own* J bv \*» m. Melrose.——not insured. t 1 he f'olumbus [n.-unnee Bank owned hy the Company. The Ocmulgee Bank, adjoining our office, :v up A ol out bsvldings in rear^tTJ^^v&r* ( * ; Bank, used a» stahleg. store house** for sail and >r heavy gro< • ries, occupied hy J. N. Seymour, A. Is, j R. M’Laogliiin.and Martin Hall, jj. The S'a!»l* k an«l Km Im ms in rear oi the Wash in gum 11 j !!. *»wi.rdt»y C. A. Ells. Mrs. Howland, an«l John F. Waiha. ,rl Most *>l the goinis groceries. &c. &r. in ihe 1-i ! seveial -lores mentioned above were destroyed. The books, money and assets of l!»c Banks were * s saved. >n \\ r h »ve no doubt, from lads ascertained, that this lire was the work of an incendiary. We jn ask of iheciiv authorities a vigilant and watch lul police. There is danger waich can be as certained by inquiiy, if the proper authorities 1 choose to ic*t. Upon enquiry of the Officers, we learned that rn neither of the Bar k?. the Insurance Bank of Co d’ lumhuE or Ocmulgee Bank, su-tained Ihe least ?** 1 !•*-- cither ill their books, papers or money, du- I, 1 ring the fire this morning. «- C . eiti, onatnee ij Commercial Airrt^er. • e Destructive Fire. ie. Rocutster, Oct. 17, (Sunday Eve.) in Between 7 and 8 u< lo* L this morning ihe large h- flour nidi in this city, owned by your neighbors, ps •YL '-srs. William and John James of South street, was uiSj.*»» ri don fire, <«n*i although everv oxer ic : 'w» was made by llie well organized tire depart k- men! of lhi**ify. ten thousand bushels of wheat, ijr valued *l more than £U»OUO. were «le s tr«>y*d. le besides a considerable *juan!it\ of fl »ur, the ex v- a * amount o! whicii I could not learn. The is gra rr and flour were the pr*q**ny *>t the occu pint Messrs. K-iinaJy, who were only insu e»! iv I tor Ot)t): If is !*e|ieved that the budding nnd to machinery were insured by the owners in N* w i-», Vork. Ii- I be walls are left standing, and perhaps arc of ir suite *»nt strength to stand ; the machinery, from re the 1. ngth us lime the tire burned, 1 suppose i t- j eftiit r deslr. yed or l*n» much td !*» he I es a senrial tfcrvne. I never su mu* h smokers k- , =• • r .»m any one building, nor did I • vrr $«• -» e-- • a display a- it presented, us volume slier ruJ* ,, um* 4 V»llo*up lo .«n immi r-*» fierght. Its va- MP r <*' a y * T*r;nr was l*rsiii|tul, looking * onetime* lo In..- In* cataract ot N'l ig iru. and Itiffi when ih* n- >i - hurst lorlh. mining ah.if I. ancy to ti.c *.#•!,* might called I he el ** !t« '• v. JjjTo** n*»J d r.‘ie orrem ol re • ; ' it c »u!*l uoiliirveUviiM! on ti-v i v al ■ 1 • : . • * ■- nt j j v >.mcl. — Ihe e*d Wim'ci rift iQI. n.v opniion one of the grrsteat charms. This l>l ah nice of iioLcis peculiarly *o« thing l«> (he mind 3 ; and disposes it to coniemp aiion. 1 locked out r ‘ i from my balcony last n ghl, when ifio g and < r tanai reflected a thousand h*itinnt stars on its *y water, turbid though it be; and the lights si ream mg from the windows on each side, showed like ~r gohirn streams upon its bosom —(Sotulola alter r * gond da glided along, from some of which sof* !l " music stole on the car, and sometimes their open rp windows revealed some youthful coup! • wnn w flierr guitars, or some more matured ones, parts !K king their light repas ol fruit rind cakes; while re * not unfrequently u solitary male figure was seen *•* 1 reclining on the seal, shsorded in the perusal of 11, I some book.—'l’hc a rne realtz* *1 some of the des- I captions of Venice read years ago; and except h j (hut tho good liters were small in number, ami I ihe lights from the h«ms**s few and Ur between I k*. could have fancied that no change had occurred since the descriptions I referred io were written. ! H The morning light reveals the melancholy altera lf* l:oii; and a-1 stood upon the same ralcony to day, and saw the muddy can.il with a lew* straggling , w gondolas gliding over it. the defaeed and rnutllatcd palaces, ami the reduced populuttou. ail brought c ® out mt*) distinctness by the bright beams of the la- *uu. I could hardly believe it was the same scene a * that looked so well last night. M umlrght is a j great beaulifier. and espcciadj of all that has been i touched hy the linger of decay, from a pa'ace lo de |—a woman.—lt softens what is Uir. and disuse* i y | the mind to a tender melancdoly in harmony with i all ground. nd The endlesa vaiiely in the architecture of Ve , nice pleases me. It liMksns it the natives of ma • ny hinds, and us many ages, Had congregated lo re * 1 build dwellings and churches according {g lb* to the massive piles and thg ro;, n d arches of remote * 4 ’ lime, the ItOt-M'iC and grotes*)ue style of the 1 , Olid*"a ages, the richly decorated Saracenic, utu! the slal'dy buddings whose trouts are enerus’e* " ■ wiih fine sculpture ihat even still retain theii JVL pristine beauty. Whom, hni at Venice, could there l*e foun* I * rowtlcd tiigetlier specimens of the Greek, Bo ye.i 'Hun. Gothic, and Siiacenic styles, blending ml* rrv itch masses, render mg this city a place where *v ucsr * 4T v traveller, may find some remembrance of ht 1 home “ The Hannahs," Robert FhiU^. [ J fiorn Ihr knUkttb.iktr far Vctotrr. American RrMaichet la lu»l,. rcl- j ~ the ' Tl **° ••“*«« •» * un roi I roar or OAMT*. I"' _ T “ th* Udilurr of the KnirkcrUrktr W|« I'ernm rat, through ih« pagn of yot ' Magazmv tA rail ihe aUenliun of lha public I ■ln. the learned and elegant reaer< bea in Europe < -r, oneuf our country men, Mr. B. H. Wilde, of Oi lorrnrrly a inernlier of the lluuae of KrjireniAi . Alter leaving Congreae. Mr. WiH, ie <«*» year* amceapei,i about eighteen m'.nltaii ly, 'revelling through diflerent pail, ol Europe, an to L * atetionaiy for a time in Tuacaut Hero he occupied hio e. il with reaeerchia eon corning the private Itle of l aaeo. whoee n.ya-e in, ricut and romantic love for the Prince- l.tono rr- 't*. hia roadnea, and inipnaonnieol, had tvcrolli Ur 'ho theme of 11 literary coutroveray, no yet ended ; cunoua in itaclf, and rendered an) ■re more cunoua by aomn alleged tnatiuarnpu of thi >l/ P^»‘- brought forward by Count Alberti. Mr Wilde entered into the inveatigalmn with th< enthuKia. m of a poet, and ibe patience and aeeu racy of a ebaae-hunter; and haa produced awori now in (he preaa, in which the •• veird qua* le tiona concerning Ta—«, are moat ably diatuaaed V »nd light thrown upon them by hia lelleia, and tr by vanuua of h;« aunnete, which iaat are render •, “ into Engl,ah with rare Itltcny. While Mr 10 w ilde wa. occupied upon tin, work, he (•came t- acquainted with Signor Claro Liverali, „t..l , j ol conaiderable merit, and —pecimll. well veraod ~!. >n the aouqutitea of Florence. Tide gentleman incidentally one d.y, i„ the Cv u,- of irf atm t t r hfc la. .* J a r wprw. ***% t j omm 1 * a’t which . )4«ct « tM'ii-, . 'I. ncj, bad covered w r ' [ ! while-wash. Signor Live rad mentioned B i circumstance inertly I o deplore ibe Km» of . ( precious a portrait, and to r« gret the almost u*vci ’ iiopdesKnesa of Um recovery. ' As Mr. Wilde had not as yet imbibed that en thusiastic admiral inn lor Dante which posse*** cl all Indians, by whom luep. et if almost worship I»ed, this conversation made but a slight K j aion on him at the tune, ftutwqui-mly. lien- j ever, his reiearchcs concerning Ti*s«o iw-iog «n t j tied, be began to amuse hi- leiaure hours wnu p j attempts to translate sou.e specimens A Italian | lytic poery. and to compose wry *llOll I» og'aph leal sketches of (be author* In thrivespecirn*i.» i which «n yet»ztat oiny in manus:i*pt, he ti«« , shown the aarne critical knowledge of th» liaran language, and admirable corn man-J ol the En glish, that churaclemt hi- trun.la ions of Tas»n . He had not sdeanetd far in ihe*e etneon r '■ when the obscure and cou<railicio y accounts ol ! many lucid main the hfw ol Dante canard him I much embarrassment, and *oie.y \ qued his cu 1 j riosily. About the same time he ine »• J tb o’ the courtesy . 1 D»n Nrn del Pr.nctpi Coraim. what he hud I mg moat fervently de-md. » p» r misai* n from the (jrand to purru • h • in* , veatigations in the stcrei archives of Fiorenc*-. , with power to ohtam copies tljerelrurn. 1 hts was a rich and almost unwrought mine of htei aryresiarrh; for to Italnns Ihr him I a. a-w*!i B ias to foreigners, their achiews t-r the most pan have been long macces-tb'e. For twnyear* Mr Wilde dev* led himself with ind»la:igibir ar j..r to explore the records ol the republic during 1 c r tune of Dante These being written in las i rous Latin and semi (sothic characters, on paich rnent more or less disc-loud and mutilated, with ( irik sometimes faded, were rendered still more r illegiole by the arbitrary a tbreviaiicns of the nr t.tries. They rtquire. in fact an tape tal sluoy, lew even of the officers employed in the " Ar , chivio dcllt Rif>rmagione” can read them cur rently arid correctly. Mr. Wilde, however, persevered in hi.« lahori r o*ts ias«k with a patience severely tried, but invin cible, Being without an index, each fie, each book, required to be examined page by page, to • ascertain whether any particular of the immor tal poet’s political hie bad escaped the untiring industry of bis countrymen, 'i bis tod was nut wholly fruitless, and several interesting facts ob . scurely known, and others utterly unknown bv the Iraitan? themselves, are drawn forth bv Mr. j \V ilde from the oblivion of these archives. , hile thus engaged, the circumstance of the , I*»st ol Dante was again brought lo M . VV ride’s mind, but now excited inten-e interest. . ; In perusing the notes of the learned Cananico Moreri on Filelfo’s hie of Dame, he found it stated that a portrait of the prot bv Ciiotto was former '; j ’ na! drawings of the old masters in the imperial ; and royal galleries, had made, several yean, pre viously, an ineffectual ttempt to set on foot a project for the recovery of the lost treasure. Here was a new vein of inquiry, which Mr. Wilde fol lowed up with his usual energy and sagacity. , He soon satisfied himself, by reference to and to the still more ancient and decisive author- j ity of Filippo Viilari.who lived shortly after the p.>ct, that ((lotto, the friend and contemporary of Dante, did undoubtedly paint his likeness in the , place indicated. Giotto died in 1336; bu: a> Dante was banished, and was even sentenced lo . , be turned. 111 1303. it was obvious the work . must have }»een executed before that time ; since the portrait of one outlawed and capitally con . vicled as an enemy to tne Commonwealth. would never have been ordered or tolerated in t the chapel of the royal palace. It was clear, then that the portrait must have been painted between I COO ami 1302. Mr. Wilde now resolved in his own mind the possibility that this precious relic m pht remain j undestioyed under its coat of whitewash, and might yet l>e restored to the world. For a nun • menl he felt an impulse lo undertake the enter prise, but feared that, in a foreigner from a new . world, any part of w hich is unrepresented at the Tuscan coart. it might appear like an intrusion. He soon, however, found a zeal, us co-a>‘jutor. . This was one Giovanni Aubery Brzzie. a Fird • j montese exile, who had long been 3 resident in Fngland, and was familiar with r.s Ssnguuge and • literature. He was now on a 'isit 1 * Florence, • ! which liberal and hospitable n y 1- always optn ! lo men of merit who lor political reaitou* have i oeen excluded from o:her parts »>; Italy. Mgi t.r Bi zzi partook deeply of the enihusia-m of bis countrymen tor the memory of Dante, and sym t pathised with Mr. Wilde in :s t •g-rne -t 1 rr. 1 neve, if possible, the loss ponr.ur. T:» •. had • several consultations as to the means to lv adop ted to effect their purpose, without incur 11 g ibr . barge i f undue «*tli |\» li f-rn any *>!»• • jeclions that might occur, th* y rr-.-l*dto a?k ’ J*»r nothing but |>ermis-ion to i-rarc f.»r ih- It* co painting, at their own eijnii-c; snd should ■ «py remains of it be f und ibeu 10 pr q use i.« the nobility and gentry ot Fl >rrncf an sae-h uiion lo» the purpose of completing the and «ffr-nually rec venng the lost I For (he-arn*> reason the aJ dcessed to the G and Duke was m Ihr name <! Florentines, among t , m ; . S gnor P «.* o I'. run .»t of that name, who has exhmiud 1 talent for panning, and Signor Ga*papui. al»o t | •* t«wl. This petition w..* u-ged and -upport j ' ih! with indrfat'gab e zeal by 5* gn- r B* zx ; and . feeing warmly countenanced by C'oui l IS. tit ».d . j other functionaries, met with more prompt cu. . j cess than had Urn anticipated. Signor Mann*. 1 a s , iilful artist, who had succeeded in simu.-r 1 operation*, was now employed 10 remove the , white-wash by a process of his own. by which 1 l'®ny t(csco punning that might exist beneath •iViiuid Ih* protected from ifiiury. ilesettowo k palientlv and c.iuUou-iy^SP ll a abort time be met 1 w rth rvplenco mr of the fresc o I From under • j up(»earance. and wav t j pronounced ol Giotto. j Ihe ncJw prosecuted with in [ cteux d ardor, rifnnths were expended \ I j 'jp *l»e lH>k. I uncoveredhey \Wre all painted ml*:eseo ' ' n:t h ole hi-:.. \ ]i| tho M . v moiling her convTifiou, jH and he* , bea!iliiatii»n. I lijgu however. w» e ail j njos h of san ti. ;md anielgr no hislancal poitiaitv t Havj* yet ls»ri» doubts began ?.* cnterlulned iWere anv Sull t , I ol work of iiiolto's « i considered ampUj few.ird for anv toil . 11 i niff the ministeri al grande duke, acting , under |fi* directmhs. asstßied on hi* U hall the » ! pajl thurges and iSianagemeiu ot the cy. I, P *• H l | ’ n K , li, on limpotenng of l!ie fourth walk tne uinUnikiD** r crowned with com i- . I'leto success- ,oi historical fifutes 0 i "Cl u hrouglil to 1 11 y.; them ih*- un • doubled likenessmg|)antc. Ur was represented d| ui full length, in gatb of the time, with a book le } under hut asm. probable lo repa ir sent the * k*/«» .WiiviMor ihe '('oniwlii was d I 1 1**1 vet compiled, and to ail appeal slice (i\*m •d thirty lo thirtv-tive years ol age. The lace was ir in profile and in excellent preservation, excepting _ that ul some former period a nail had unlorto id 1 uately Iwu driven into the eve. The outline o: o- j Ihe eyelid was jH-fe» l. s\» that the injurv c. ulo to j easily t*e lemeUud The counlenauis l*a» ex v- trendy handsome, vet bore a atroog irsemUia*** •« • j to the jH*rtiaits of the |k»«i i tkvn *#»•• *" It ;* not ca»v iiinriani' ** •** *‘ ,r „ . deughl ot Wild, uid bit eowljatura it Uu. truiaip|tet t«- •alt of ib*if rtMucb*. ; bar tbe wi uddSmv ducw, Hat m.iri, iu FiurmMc. bat „ *7 lb« of* .Miutlc pum.il 0 t v.m», ia lb* prim* as bi. <*•,.- It KM Kat ,ucfa wnx.tiuli u would bt fioJmtd m Eo«Und by tbe .(kitUn <3meo.nj of > perfect!, mMt „ Uwiainicd Uk.uem of SbikJpcu* ; Ki'h a dif mr ferrnca in inlenmi, piupuniutMd to Lb* .aprrior J® aoMiu.cMM us ib. (uUaai. J®* Th« rocor.rjr us tb« portroit of tb* ‘d.rio, h “» ucc.uiwd frrSi mqoirj into ib« on,ia ■ of tbe mmOs Mud lo U»* burn mid* boa, cm ,*! of bi. Itct taken .tier dntti (j u , of t b, M "V DUb. iu tb* puaMMoo of tb* as Ta*. D * ri*nm, baa been pronouwad u cawsral* tb. y* •eriginal. Hpremi in,*, of bi,b ul* n t bn. concurred in thi. opmton . uuunz tbawr mtj b " J"' tb*-6m tnfn.tr iq Fioranec , »*,. • n>o«f Kndop.E»fj. » pafl»tatad« l U<|o«r, ; y oar own cuuntfj!„»n, f o». r», wbow pmu, b» ill mtJ ' “ ' rr * •pp-eefelcd by Uw lui “ He fmn» tba accompli.bwl pan qf L f '* rto . ' l ' UTr -emui. ib« aow of lb* Mt'qtma, ami wbo I. adranuc-oa.ljr known in ihi. ruocili, J , trua> ha.iu* bar, an aceoao l us tha. J cunutia ar»d ralaablc rrlie, which bat bare apw.rd of a century m Iha [/ warmup of bu «bt-ald Mr. WiiJ*f.o'.b bia Uacrapbical work ' cunoarnibK Dame. wbK?prowa.i u> b* apr«uf j •cbicraroen! to Amcn ui biarrure. ba micnd, * undcr.tami, to apply lor adraimun to bate barf | j j )‘k*r>*m* copied. itn.J idiauld cwru iwtaaca. k.*- j | rant th* rzproM la oar* (heat n* t>m| It, q,. t ' ,r r ':!*"■ w * Uk '* ba<a Ca feaiow, j 1 1 of bfe ka fer;i a. ,t j JJ* 4HjSrß||ipsj!X a *tj. fj k<s !.zli quipt. *od sentences, »t.<j these pvpex ' j built I* of Uit Lrsiii awe x su*u frum cauer ot 1 ! h** fiumor uaks. - THE MAS Os MOjr&B. Tbe clo»h was drawn, the wmeaod denser! were j put on. sr.d Frrderui* U iliis, t alrd at the bead • ■I his ia*t;r to krd *.fi ss a-erry s »et ol le.iuws a-ev-r w. re round man gany. i fit i timer of tfi** fis*l was twrn so ye*'# j of ige, and po**»s**d Is.ct . • n.snyf (h-uaaD>' j pound? a** he nuuibe rd ',eArs. Tohey* ung pleasant enough—{*ut to i*e u#tb y ung and t*ch I ■ i-ex r r*me h*ppto»se. 'lhc u.l.er . I F*e<J#-nffe • 1 V\ iiiii fi„t truly ga*r fits »*>u ife out t**que*in*o : him money tn ugh io e* j>v Ji!c Lit *>e unlaw ful io pfsv tur the sou >f »uch a lather, il u # * ureal dtfi'.itnry in ihe U uirnan'. re.’ g-oa snd a -sd demai to grateful Lur*. A '?»y rairoiisl I mode ol g'au.uUe itad*«-d it .» to t-«*k if: you .oiiuy d**tiry. :.d rpinl*ct;y *p« o«J «i e ro *r**-v ; hut Mi ol a-'ofitl tihdlMD I-* h** d nor n. il-aveo i- gracelui and g-nt's-mauiy L can do y<*u is* , harm arid wtio know# what go*xi it may d you • i *ur rich uiic!e rnav r< p:r*srd. V ied.-r,. k W !.i« laid hoi ia e y t. gun bis ca r**er. Ti.t tjr tie had pfocer /rd wr.ft m<<*l«*r*tiOCl and g-i U sr-isw; hut a danger th'ea>en» him ltd* evei.fiig. On his righr b-r>d i# s* Captain Fi z Dshome, a new \ made a*.quamlance, and oi.e ioi very rredital’e. • CspUiQ F. z Oshorne w as a lai! arvf *iOwt mvn. Hu c mnit nance was comical y irr*i</us N«- >ure ha i intend'd bi n lor aio *1 only—but l.« bad succeeded, by n.uc s’u y #i/d pains, io #o ■ lie burly He ad a loud voice, a swaggering “'Jit. an imp* i <us <s>. and a Urge and well-dy d pair ujgMftk muauctnoi. which fie t.ad a ha ».t of rwiriing with Las thumb an.! lore-finger. Tie was a soldier by pro- and a earn.-era- an amateur. He could not live on bis pay, and he thought *kxtenty in play as ei-y arid cred* abUr away of incresain-j nr** ;i.come as atiy The result proved bis judgm*nt correct. ILs purt-e ilmu sriKl stored, and he wu received without scruple into the beri society. Ju»l a *out this time, however, •u?picioo* were whisf*cred aivout. in a very loss tone indeed, that the gallant Captain wav mare indebted lo his fi nesse than to Lis dexterity or good for une for h:s and that in fad he sn little bet’er than a b.ackieg. As these suspicions * ere whis pered in bo low a i ne, ihe Captain of cou'*c was nol obliged to Dear .Lem; but though be be traved io cognizance of such J sagreeable re ports Le was :oo we i aware of their circulation, ai d f*lt lhat ihe lime had come for a grand coup dr main, and ret ire man I t’jm play. He marked out Frederick Willi* as the victim, i : l 'r~m lb, haada j that it would he no diffieol: matter to transfer ' ibis snug fortune lo llie custody of one who well knew iu value—even Capt. Fill Osborne. He contrived lo gel introduced to young Wlilts, *nd soon after he contrived to las*? ta him no less t . sum than three thousand pound*, it was after r dinner, and much champagne, at the Captain’s : own lodging®, that lhi- artful locs took p.sce, and Fitz Osborne could scarcely forbear laughing as he saw Willis depart m a delirium of joy at bis first successful >:r ke in gaming. Tbe Captain was inv;tr*i by Wiilu in return. 7’wo or three ; Iritnds. he said, w uld meet him. but tb - would not prevent h;m frciti giving bim kis revenge.— FiirO»lvarße sMected to this t'rar. gement cheer j fully. He made up hu mind to !o-e again, but to a small extent, so as not to excre attention in those present: then, with another quiet evening a: hie own lodging*, he calculated on finishing • the bus'nesv it was escenuai lo be p"*njp;; lor '.bough Willis, hr trusted, had cot yet beard the , report!* to hi* prejudice, there wa* every danger i that he would J.* so before long And now the second even.ng of this wen-ar ranged series was in p ogres*. Tr.e cloth wa* drawn, tbe wine and doer I were put on. and af ter dinner had commenced. Jest, laughte'. and song followed At ias* ap pear* J c*ff*e. an*! Frederick, knockirg on a p ate with the I a mile ol a fruu-kmle. by w«v ol ub- ; i tali'll g silence, -aid : “Grn emen. if you f !eaae. we will adjourn to the drawn g r.u ;i.. where y.-u w. ; !j«»,i *• J ta- Jes. che*>- aM* s. and a!i l..er s- rl . I ist »s M▼ friend :b< Cap’am is *v» entm< u'rd oi the ? -ouud «*t a ui*r-b» if a be is n*. i»ed lo hear ‘ i tor f ait art h. ur or w in ronq anv with • —. otigh I imor . m *>e stbrf evti .t une n<u»i t - ave l»r« n anv ihlnj ; u*. pteasai t to j in n. 8 air n# at, each tu h*s vocati- n** A shout of sup oval wi* she an-wer The ho-l and gue* » d«sert>ng :br *1 n . g- o it ’n a t* w hh> ..eii!a wrre **a»d»trs*da -t whatever • * her amu-emrm ihev p'»leff#d F I rve «nd YY ill- ti ok up shtir )»o*au»*o si • »u.a I Ist le .•v i emselfra. The'e were two thing-that r»o-ed :oe Cap'a.Ti *om•• rrg f C. He had iak> n r*ih»r !»► much a , w;ne. and Wi n* had n. t f#k«■?. qutfr <n>*utb. i 4 8:i.l affjirs weiil on pro*jM»i»u*!y. He U»*« aid VN 1 11 1 • won as hi* i ad iniri d* *■ ; hut h» »»u‘J * *»l mcci‘ u l l**r a quiet, pstcml>c »• Had-mi e•* irh 4 'ie deiecteal on* r or iw ire * n l!.e * ounn nar ce a I ns aiitagami*!. srul whi. fi *eri».e»l vr% u; ke the y ..nr#>t*aint'd expression of aiiamph hr had «* n- | r I when ;! ev la?t played I. gr- hri \k h*tet r | •v i* throwing and cogisa’.irg F adnuk >ua',*Ki aaidrr->ed him : w, .S • How mu.'h have I won, Capia n r s»krd :ie. , • Oh. my i!ear fella)w .* »• ?** repH* d f.t| Oa ‘K*rn. 4 *Tw.» hundred a' r tber* tboute . but I mean ' io wm it back. I can ir.l y. u • 1 play no more.’ exclaimed Y' I h*. throning him-* il bv* k :n hi* * hair, ana! told mt hia arm*. “Oh. a* VaU pVaar—a* vou p eaae. ceiiainly. r •nd F»U o*lH)ft»e. -Bur whv tvulk Va»ur Somme, when y. u have ii all fourowo wav*’* Y •I tx lieve I woo ihrr# u*ar J fs>ui-d» i l vou >n \Y’oafnr*a ay cvernnw’” «Dd F «drrtck. not at- 1 | .« ndmg to the Capisin’a di*mle«itd inquiry I' ••\’e*. mr dear friend, atv'U'. ihal.” «a d F I Osborne, lacking rasher iii»s«ik«i. “But what ! . means all Un* ?” I *• There ia ihe money.” *a*J Fredencg. present ing l-' uv batik note* “ft e two hundr%i pounals. j 1 which I have just son. I decline lo rrevive.' ii •YY bal doc* (hi* mean, n exclaimed she . t aptaiu. ih a lone which betrayed the alruggle t Ivlwill fra: and anger. •It mean-. *!' lhat I ha«r discovered vou: de* 1 ; vrr little plot. ’ replied F edenck snuiiug ca>n- temptaoU'lv. “The.»nlv shmc r vquirrd lor auc- v ifa# was. that 1 almuid be a* great a l.vi a* Va u j thought me. vou .wt purpowvlv. and i%' doubt, when vou hail excited me enough. v 1 wa* lg pav at lea*l a thousand per erti . lor • the loan. >tr. 1 bad i.ul l>eca aeated wuh ya'u 1 five mit.u’.ea t:u* everin*:. whqn I aia*.wcrvd plain v that v 4 u wet* cheaung me.” , Capt. F«tS Cklvrtie alow!v frvvm h:teKa;r. ' , twirled ht* left and then hi# nghl. mualacbio.’aH-k . ed fiercely and detymgly a the I vstan.irra, and ‘ turning la> Y\ rialaiiurd m a laud ».•»,♦. j • Yo U shall repent thi*. air. I 4a* a man ol hon- \ . or. and whdst I have au arm. no roan aha 1 quo* t - non that honor with tiupuuuy. Yost ah*ll he*: ► trow me. air. •1 am u*» duelliat. ’ repl e*l \Y . “Whal. air. are vou a cow ad. a* aa a -landerer, * exclaimed fill Ntvui* atiutlu* up * ‘ to Will** and wowliyg le*x fcu re- 1 u*e lo mefl a** 4 ait !** * X Ti?T e lv> ahvKvl you. or I w allot bv vou.’* ...I*, “though, indeed. *(W Jea,ed*ng *• gambler. I might well go * hllU lowe:. and 1 aecome a JorlUat. Still robfcwry »a Ultei than muruar. and whiUl I aw«*t i* rwinct the my k like m»T t€«l u. tiM - Uaad '" 'trimiUjtd Will*. iMtof t¥kMK ii mm. hi* <h«k *~*—f if -You am a rwiadWr, waiaM kaawr.* * «4n ktwnnift I L — ,_ j bow. air —Hd lh« word Mlm* **w • - *i<h wm*. mmSX CO old inUibit of— juMt to MUM, h« Ah* r fanMrff ob bw torfy aMQforilM m 4 m m MMm bod bora* him u> *■ r« imm I —do a draprat# rtWyllQBOBlIl ■ M—d—- I but to hood «t> arms* i, tore cpM ky M I fu»«, red rrrdfrvtk WtUto. 1 m Im da i b«U up Hor- tfca pa of «fl a toadai dM. C«|M<b Fi>» (Mum ,a*y M *. M I U BoofcfM. He lin t >-aw ■to Mteß I ration*. iWjb UM DO loom to too an., •Itoodt all lha billiard foots* i*mk) to b* oo liar paint of mum w* M i brirre* frets Bk<o—bu»y sl_i _JJ Mi mMt ha* toff# fd*£k rhm*. *-- r rrtodii to faWixaaM* awiot, asd atnat -‘ ii im, to to* tow of hot or. •nn. . toto ■ KofSta tr-d fo->i* foafd Ltor kawr by . Mat ir.p.aod.pfmr foM. tore tocWaeur red *■ ttotoct truat Uw lofty tamer of— moot toto Eowasa* rat Uaur fauu. Tk* mami jQ’y >«tt#fu*» ref- mod foor vo* Mb Edward* the fr« tfoaocw. awd to* CnWfTwS • rraifo hue t,p..0 -*bof tons g| #l»»re o’dtoa. H» aa sow oe« as Iko mm m iractaoe liocaof tteaday. aed nwwMafr to i mtotoaa draw a rrowood Um.-> V M. uU. of Ike \Hh. jift < 'f ’*• naaliii to «bm & I ii »«» *« *■*"<■••• «*ii| [CSlfcrhA^rows s % iAm t«d» a fewr/w Ortaiar. «■ hnttof Mr iaiUf (mi. ■<r HHVBCkOU Attf t »r xii. it Dr a m. ii*(9ifir ( Fu»‘ Wjlh tee fiO > deed* It Dry * .if ’* *->*»: p*ie t A Ur# .-e r peer u-i #i.tw Uwd. ' * >#!j, -t#rc •#m, W #i« «u.:. ' with m ic? Dar*. jews, i' « c -e. ;f o; * a*u» »; ;e-an I:, sl •. J r~he 'ded deep . -A i v*. * . tsHof _af Un >I ;' ,T ' * &r,#l ward.wi ,>r»b(k r,* o .»teiS c:#«; ; ‘ " :» a «•Tartxy tn.^u. J a# 3*o* « C ! d • fly m #r» !*at! I l:*.t Ctor- >r.*/ a«*rii£« Ar. 4 #• v..r.*f. ’aos itocata!**! tm lr f#3f a *1 Ux M«;roM. M.M Uto#f m L A ; •i » » -to Je i'. f' tl -f | I *<•«■#; ilf *lie#f &9VI. a fv* T;« \ X -ftoj liL >1 *cu]^t’-r ? d r Hr-Mliicrij fKr, Atd to-C»?* XL J Arid ?r*c*ir, j.-kt n [«!'§ Isncr'd roima f.irt. * t/. r.i fa: &]«; «p* aea »««£, A*d ‘Delia -r>e **• t> £ w*>r, L.>e f trM#t C<-c?aii;ed tow "d tito# IbCai r «, Ar d n:.e Cbtir k-p to i! a painful «»2ht to I run Atiboblcrd »o t T-'. cUaMnf *• WU, Ar d fna«?, m ol Ate t ineir ierd I ** # ‘.imp. C • r » aw vw ,-ifi And throejf < >be6«flt io tky wLi. Tr.at fas: domain Fr:»fii •tateij ;oof io ttmaoi.: t Bo? d*d*»t t tm* :iT»h p4j T rve ctuj. id at caused Vo T :# r ear: V: looc ocr THro’ Me wom x f r I me, ir>e lamp u»«p#nt The re. Tie ina:r : ui oro<r fair; Yet none of a'.] thy i St > -uxj ix rnosc lordlj tail* a psaoe Thtr tlj «oj, is .axdi Led UiUi.r on Lx> aaruai :l *j, AqJ unabor'd ao4 < *- Tbe bi‘U:r of tr. v toii fWj .dbikw tfiainlAtak ipeao, Atd ce*ft:v cf pnoce Wdd p*e X , AdJ troaii c.ariQcre. w 4 U Hirer Axd hunting-tom cf t^order-, U hat »e:e »ucd p.d u> me ' >'*r.-e dear xai Uer- ote uzcpk From *Jie»e lit wr*d To Scotia’s rrte. Ye: ote* there ti<, it buxt#e rcll, A retaitex. lore aad ciai. Who of the joQth Teaemher’c w e J ADu rr.aD t a j ♦ lur • 1*44; ALd pride, upon her faeo.’ h cct ftrarrrib w i it# trvrk.etf te*x. As rrenii. rj from its cro»ces? p .ace f-r.ti ic c-ee; recorded trace The I:>.hoods o.« >i: Orpcicted cut. w.!b trratusf hatui. Where er*: :h» r»; Jet-seat caf roJ 1 , WaeLtTvto re*-rr.‘D ::«« tras# satz. Wrapr'd i:. Mb p a*d ard pa..e ;*i« ItU*: fix re a. . vacant e e. For >:#:c ;.id aiu tie ;„uu Os meatai vj„ a drr Ah what aval •.with c.at* >»« To « :e«t the tropt e* ot' ax ho«r. f>DC sretrett «n!c w.tx »;erk I i*r tits w ca* ei Imjxr’* hp, And j teW. tae text, a t rofcra mM, To earth, tu »* f« wxi to cu#L Ard cow. fare»e;:. tbcu. who dtod‘it fwm§ A«it. the datrp* of »fr« deep Ard i..». with w c. . ■rrma; itnue, Tie h.»rp of c ba.r> airiix Thv u. «f;»» d»d‘?t a ike, f.z rvif tx B tanU e-h«x:a * a a. •r.ta*x* bo*:, • Her fc we U*e* :v**<zr ‘ : t«e»tx i tc khsde. Her kheep losdi dr *td cVr Me g eoe, He* *. .«. w i:d r„* IV £ ion z, Theprrfuf e ts he: Jv atber tiewa, F»rvi ;a a* he.r r a .»e cea I o difler.r*.:. !<• ■ Ci.*’xz' xe:T Fairk t ar. -rd —c d SCwtwj l * caie ‘‘hal. kt*p “ ce n.kjrr : e«:_ ai/d ;a*; j Kr-.:»k t - * »e 1 he 'h.to-jei.c of he: tuiefu. c.«e. • •he • 4 w sci Mr. L.i .•»; .• be fee See I ■ kdwc ’, r.fc the ; :en *o k s * : NMtmkeH wk * . n to j tj a.*ec: o. . »t ne* cl ih« 4k es kiln ** i* re witer tu* re w.r. I:ctr. ;:»»« M Cka icewt. h ’ - *n l ./ lao a.f.toat J.-VW4*. t fever hi' « cved bi e , vet. itrap tW it It. *o ‘Ott are the fee . fs J cheuvk So.- ‘We, Ir at thw » c«il ol Md B«nr >} to n » voni.or me:# tu*»e >i wen i i he* comr e’er rj . .ti»: .: ?cv aen. rhe» evcvw .ike the ** sta tx*i i«Bm Ht 2k>eer>— “kV i«'ldv>‘- to If nlist «f t -.to*- -• mw- j-.- . like ta*i 9 * ‘ car eel he fr>erd*ftir. »* «rw( he Veee i > rt 1 knew the sweet fee *c< .rwte frem ahetei Kitt! k « Inxn c.> S>k - we pentc* i t me, \ el add* ' r*. the ; #ewerwt es tWee j her m» » !'. the r»o i. avi r. : Wlk aeraetL i! i* war. at the inl, ar J os. « ;«rt Ikaz the kieCl K't tt r ear! wa#., near tkee wi a> atl y a dove. Vet it carao( le fnfßdtiif, it c*x&>: e w*a it mme r.a't part. »et vs ‘rd c a'tw » wr t'owthls l*ke ore otareal w ul TTiI, Ac.* a t »hcu i rr.\ s-. he the Lest w uried. \> tea aw u heaven 1 * . paced ?.c mb Ltttkd i A- d “ ' voter, that haih iX;u.‘d wec.ca* tow thee no ra. ir. Vhe! t» *r -vs w .11 sir*! i rvm As xuu« W kJS, Tv € o*l thv K'eucn a; d Let ia Maa. Thoa ns»> St wlutpc; hat thvw mV oak dr ;m: t I d iVe K't r»f u> the Sdi«m *» kail; A.c ihet i»:. krui .% drepec tWa yy coy *w, V\ «'» Si' the tee I rWnik fw thee Thou raaSt tat t \i,* . !.m weie be Wy N ut d. Sweet ntemenes !di »rr'.xe » (vari thee yvmf • K d wat heis * ihey U keep each ietnaitm away, A i hold ihee utv captit# ty aok ky by. * i « # e alieast roe vweel lee aueh become aa omn * a dir t*e cal» veath of the toixvtDi iewta ; \tl ah it iHe isp;» wil my pa ay era, The f o'# *>l out lives will t-e bit i aa ikwir* \i ». »>' ms deaifc- jviiix* our Uwabyia rt ual mmAa ii ;.s#y *il ttnatle my *ptnc with that ol my frveod. I cur rv i Now they way m«m earth's lure, t or. tbvufh paitedi'i. ran.H, well he mkak Ii Ik skiea. i alt it. M4BIIID, «‘o \Vrdar».*iy r'»# og. th# JtSk »eaC .ui lute county, ty Ji>kii K uoidou. Mt. JiaaF. Ha w\ . . I Huikc. to Mw Miu AsnCiMUSU. ol i o um’. ta voiity. On the -Ath in»!a-.1. In *4Kk veer ot bet Mia. yxWHBg, WkKfflt )vhii Lawn,huwd jSm**' % » x .1”