Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, January 12, 1843, Page 2, Image 2

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s-WKassachusetts Legislatube.— I here hadbceu no election for Speaker up to Thursday, gidthe house has adjoumedto Monday morn ng. TV The New York Commercial Advertiser Maus that another mammoth steamer is to be buih immediately for the eld North River line. It will be 300 feet long. MJVRR IE D, On Friday evening, the 23d December tilt., by William Dovle, Esq., Governor Sion Elkins, " 61, formerly of North Carolina, to Miss Rachel Davis, aged 14, all of Richmond county . On Saturday' evening, 7th instant, by William Doyle Esq., Mr. William B. Stvrkey to Miss Thvuga Elkins, all of Richmond county. dfommtrricilj Latest antes from LivetpoolDecember 4 Latest dates from HavreNovember 30 AUGUSTA MARKET. Wednbsbav Evening, January IL Colton— Our receipts of Cotton for the past week have been heavy, and the holidays being now fairly over, business has again set in, an transactions to considerable extent are ai y made in our staple. Up to Saturday sellers con tinned firm at the advance obtained sincelhc , . , ~ „, ...reived, but since then Liverpool accounts wererecen , • ond sales are now dtffi- pnees have given way,l» nu cult to make at more than 1a }< ovcro< P 1 ' 1 ' ■ and from appearances to-day, this, we think, wdl not be long maintained. We quote Inferior to Ordinary 41 a 41; Middling to Middling Fair 5 a SJ . Fair w Gcx-xi Fair 6 a 6f; and Choice 7 cents Principal sal** of cro P lots at from 5 * to 5 * cents ’ Square ba,c3 always command jc over round. Sagging and Hope— With the renewal of bu siness, the demand for both these articles has re commenced, and sales to a considerable extent are daily made. About 50 bales of Gunny Bag ging have been sold at 17 cents. Flour— Canal Flour continues abundant, and can be bought, by the quantity, at $5 75 per bbl. Retail price $6 50. Good Country Flour is scarce and would command 36, as it is wanted by the bakers. Molasses— The receipts of this article have been very heavy for the past week. New Orleans, in barrels, has been sold from the wharf at 23 cents, and West India, in hhds, at 20cents. Bacon — Tennesse and North Carolina Bacon has been sold from wagons at 5 cents. Money— Checks on New York areabundant and dull sale at j per cent prem; on Charleston and Savannah at par a f per cent discount. The rate for Central Bank notes varies from 35 to 45 per cent dis. We can give no quotations for the oills of the other suspended or broken banks, as there is no sale for them. We have not heard oi any safe of G per cent Slate Bonds; we therefore give no quotation for them. New York, p. m. Jan 7. Cotton.— There was a great activity in the mar ket yesterday, and the sales reached 1800 bales. To-day,.almost 800 have been taken— holders have acceded to a slight reduction. Shippers have come forward very freely. Brices have gone back to the point they stood at before the rise. The sales have been mostly fair —ranging from 7 a 7} cents. Hour. — In the absence of all sales it is diffi cult to quote the market. Genesee can be had at 34,62; Michigan and Ohio $4,56 a $4,62. But little demand for Southern —Georgetown 4,37 a $4,50; Richmond county, Alexandria, Bal timore, Philadelphia—all range from 4,37 a 4,50. Express. New Orleans, Wednesday, p. m. Jan. 4. The sales of Cotton to-day amounted to up wards of 4000 bales. The market continues steady, and our advanced quotations are main tained. LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Louisiana and Mississippi.— Ordinary 4} a s|; Middling, 5.1 a 6; Middling Fair, 61 a 6;; Fair, 7f a 7s; Good Fair 8} a 8?; Good and Fine, —a —. Exchange is drooping,and the rates on all points have undergone a serious decline. We now quote Sterling 4 per cent prem; Francs 5 55 a 5 57A; N. York 60 days 2} a 2< per cent dis. Freights are very stiff at Jd to Liverpool, and l|c to Havre. — 'Fropic. Mobile, Thursday p. m., January 5. The market has been quiet to-day; the total sales only about 800 bales. Prices without change, the general features of the market being the same as yesterday. Exchange— Bill drawers to-day were rather stiffer in their pretensions, and the transactions were but to a moderate extent. Sterling bills brought 16, New York 60 days 10} a 11, sight do 12}, sight on New Orleans 14, and specie 13} a 14 per cent prem. Freights continue firm at the advanced rates. — The only transaction to-day as far as transpired, is a partial engagement at 13- 16d for Liverpool.— Advertiser. JOB PRINTING, " In all its various branches, neatly and expeditiously executed, at the office or the CHRONICLE & SENTINEL. Circulars, Dray Receipts, Cards, Railroad do. Hill Meads, Wagon do. Bills of Lading, Pamphlets, Handbills, Posters, Labels, Tickets, Notes, Policies, Checks, | Ac. die. Hit. Work requiring Ruling oi Binding, will be executed lu the Best style. B L A N K S, Os every vatiety, and of superior quality to any heretofore sold in this city, both as regards paper and typographical execution, will be kept constantly on hand, or can be printed to older at short fib 18 notice. ts Dr. JOHN MILLEN, Office No. 174, North side Broad-street, below thy Eagle and Plttenix Hotel. |nov. 16) GREENWAY, HENRY' A CO. ill PEARL STREET, N. Y., Will receive consignments of Cotton, Tobacco and Southern produce generally, and will give it the best attention. swllsljune oct. 17 J. ATWOOD, Portrait Painter, [from PHILADELPHIA. j jan 6 sw2w‘ Rooms in the Masonic Hall. WILLIAM DEARING A SONS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, oct 13-6 iii Charleston, S. C. University of Georgia, > Athens, December 30, 1842. $ T PHE Trustees of this Institution are I desirous to procure a Tutor, whose duties will consist chiefly in giving instruction in Latin and Greek, and in the police duties of the College. Services wanted by the 15th January next. Ap plicants may address the President or Secretary. jan 3 '' MOKE cheap BOOKS.—Tom Jones, or the History of a Foundling, > price 50 cents. Nicholas Nickleby, plice 50 cents. Jack Hinton, complete, price 50 cents. Oliver Twist, price 25 cents. Ernest Maltravers, byßulwer, ptice 25 cents. Rienzi, by Bulwer, price 25 cents. The Spy, by Cooper, in 2 vols., price 50 cents. Just received by THOMAS RICHARDS. Also, History and Plan of Education, being No 156 Family Library.Jan 10 AUGUSTA SHED STORE. SHAKER GARDEN SEEDS. Till IE proprietor of this establishment i JL has just received a large supply of Genuine ’ Seeds, the crop of 1842. lie leaves the Seed to recommend themselves, which they have done ever since he has deal! in them. The Shakers’ Garden Seed is sought fur by every person, and here they may have it genuine. The usual al lowance made to country dealers. Bird Seed, Lucerne, Clover, Marigold, WurtzeL, French Sugar Beet, Rye Gras.®, Blur do., Hurd’s do.. Hops, Asparagus Roots, Turnip Seed, &c., also Flower Seed. tapl dec 13 TVTACAULEY’ MISCELLANIES, IVJI Vol. 4.—Critical and Miscellaneous Es says, by T. Babinqton Macauley, vol. 4. Just p - JWved by CH AS. E. GRENVILLE & CO. _ * PIANO FORTES, FURNITURE, AND CHAIBS.—I HE U’Kll THAN EVER,. A. PLATT & CO. are disposing ) , of their stock of Furniture at extreniw low pl»ees for cash. We call the attention of tile public «<• puch rare chances of purchasing Fusnfr ture aswhey have had before. Our stock is and we Ifee determined to close it .lit at cost. oct 15 ’ RICK. — Afresh supply of new RICE just A’c’ivcd, and for sale in quantities to suit, by _wt2t>-trwif f.ARDELLEA RIIIND. [VI EW liH E—lo tierces superior 1 N quality New Rice, just landed, and will bie sold low by GEO. W. LAMAR & CO. dec 28 CKb.AiVt A LE. —20 bbls, superior Cream Ale. Just received. jan C GEO. W. LAMAR & CO; Iftt >ll SALE.—A likely Mulatto Boy, .1? about 23 years of age, a fine coachman, ei ther for two or four horses, and is also an excel lent house servant. A likely Mulatto Woman, (wife of the above described boy,) about 22 years of age, a most ex cellent seamstress and mantun maker, can be ex celled bv none. Tin above negroes are sold for no fault, as the owner is about'leaving the city and the servants are not willing to leave the place. Apply to jan 10 ts PLEASANT STOVALU . Cheap Advertising. Meicliats, Lawyers, Mechanics, and other business or professional men, car. have a Card not exceeding rot a lines inserted, in the style of the following, one year for FIVE DOL LARS, £3"alwavs in advance rs More than four lines will lie charged at the same rate. LAW NOTICE. YANCEY & HABERSHAM, Attorneys at Law, Ben. C. Yancey, Hamburg, S. C. B. Elliott Habersham. jan 10 Attorney at Law, jan 11 ly* Rome, Floyd county, Ga- JOHN IL STANFORD, Attorney at Law, Clarkesville, Ga. Will practice in the counties of Clarke, Frank lin, Habersham, Forsyth, Lumpkin, Gilmer, Union, Murray and Gwinnett, and in thetFederal Circuit Court for Georgia. jy 17 THOMPSON ALLAN, Attorney at Law, ap 19-mtf Clarkesville,|Ga. JOHN M. ASHURST, Attorney at jan 12-lym Eatonton, Ga. LEWIS F. E. DUGAS, Attorney at Law, an 19-nttf Clarkesville, Ga. JOHN A. TUCKER, Attorney at Law, feb 15-ly Clinton, Jones county, Ga. ANDREW J. HANSELL, Attorney at Law. nov2s-tf Dahlonega, Ga. HENRY J. LANG, Attorney at Law, je 23-ts Lincolnton, Ga. J. R. MAHONE, Attorney at Law, ap 12-ly Tuskegee, Macon county, Ala. IRWIN St WINN, Attorneys at Law, David Ihwin, Marietta, Ga. Wm. T. Winn, Cassville, Ga. ly jan 26 JOSEPH C. WILKINS, Attorney at Law, Will practice in all the counties of the Eastern Circuit. Office in county, Ga. sept 11 ts DAVID C. NEAL, Attorney at Law. feb 2-ly Wetumpka, Ala. PHILIP CLAYTON, Attorney at Law, Athens, Ga. Will practice in the counties of Clarke, Walton, Gwinnett, Hall, Jackson, Habersham and Frank lin. ts jan 31 E. Y. & J. HILL, Attorneys at Law', Monticello, Ga. Have resumed the practice, and will attend the Courts of the Octnulgee, and the adjoining coun ties of the Flint Circuit. ts ap 19 WYATT & WARREN, DEALERS IN Silks, Muslins, Laces, French Flowers, Linens, Cloths, Cassimeres, Carpeting, and Dutch Bolting Cloths. feb 5-ts No. 206 Broad-st. THOMAS 11. POLHILL, Attorney at Law', nov 26-vrly Louisville, Jefferson Co., Ga. G. PUTNAM, Attorney at Law, oct 18-wly Warrenton, Ga. ALFRED A. OVERTON, Attorney at Law, jan 25-tv Madison, Ga. ROBERT Y. HA It HISS, Attorney at Law, Waynesboro, Ga. Will practice law in the counties of Burke, Richmond, Columbia, Washington, Jefferson and Scriven. ly feb 12 G. WALKER, Waveiiouse and Commission Merchant, jy 22] Hamburg, S. C. [tf CRAWFORD & GUNBY’,, Factors and Commission Merchants, nov 26-ts No. 72 Bay-stL, Savannah, Ga. A. C. SCOTT, Will nractice Law in the several counties of the Flint circuit. Office at Jackson, Butte county, Ga. ts sept 5 jyjyThe Southern Recorder and Columbus En quirer will copy the above. STEPHENS & BURCH. Attorneys at Law, Crawfordville, Ga. Will practice in the counties of Taliaferro, Greene, Hancock, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, Warren, Elbert and Lincoln. A. 11. Stephens, jan 14-ly Robert S. Bviich, MURRAY & GLENN, Attorneys at Law’, McDonough, Henry Co., Ga. Will punctually attend to any business entrust ed to their care. Office at McDonough, Henry county, Ga. A. G. Murray, 1 ap22-tf L. J. Gliinn. FELIX C. MOORE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Crawfordville, Ga. Will practice Law in the Courts of Taliaferro and adjacent counties. N. B. Will also attend to cases in Bankruptcy. Office near Rail Road Depot. w6m jan 7 JOSEPH W. THOMAS, Attorney at Law, oct 19-trwly Warrenton, Ga. LUCIUS J. GARTRELL, Attorney at Law, Will attend the Courts of the several counties in the Northern Circuit. Business entrusted to his care will receive prompt and unremitting at tention. Office at Washington, Wilkes county, Ga. jan 5 w3nt U. & W. J. PEEPLES, Attorneys at Law, Gainesville, Ga. Practice in the following counties of the West ern and Cherokee Circuits, viz: Walton, Clarke, Jackson, Franklin, Habersham, Hall, Gwinnett, Lunikin, Union, Cass, Gilmer, Cherokee, Forsyth and Cobb. iieeeiiexces. Augusta.— Messis. A. J. & T. W. Miller, James Gardner, Jr., Esq., Hon. W. W. Holt, Hott. J. W. Wilde, Mr. Hays Bowdre, Col. If. H. Cumming, Col. Chas. J. Jenkins. Messrs. Hand & Scranton, Mr. John J. Cohen, Messrs. Rathbone A Baker. €An’ne.sTi//e.—Mr. Jos. Rivers, Jas. Law, Esq. d< <• 9 ly rjpo iTIRE.- Three Negro Boys, 15, .1 IS and 20 years of age. Three Negro Girls. 10, 18 and 24 yeau of age. Enquire of W. E. JACKSON & CO. jan II 4t EW CROP N. O. SUGAR AND 11 MOLASSES. 5 hhds prime Sugars; 10 tierces Molasses. Just received and for sale low. jan 11 GEO. W. LAMAR & CO. [AW NOTICE.—The undersigned Shaving formed a co-partnership in the prac lice of the LAW, in all the Courts of the Middle Districts of Georgia, will promptly attend to any business which may be entrusted to them. One of them may always be found at their office, in the Law Range, citv of Augusta. e. Starnes, m 13tf JOHN PHINI7.Y. Jr. Ol LS and Paints.—Pale Winter Strain ed Lamp Oil, Pale Fall Strained Lamp Oil, Pale Whale Oil, . Train Oil, Linseed Oil, in quantities to suit put chasers. Also, a general assortment of Paints, Window Glass, &c. For sale bv WM. HAINES, Jr., nov 1-ts 232 Broad stret t. NOT I C E.—All persons wanting WRAPPING PAPER, will please call on Mr. Robt. Austin. Druggist, whom 1 have ap pointed agent, with direction® to sell at my mill ; prices. The paper made by me is strong and of good texture, and niv prices in accordance with ; the times. B.F.NAJAH DUNHAM, dec 19-ts Grt enville, S. <'. M IGAZIM’.S. PERIODICALS, &c. J’AS. MASON. J\. Y. Iras sent me a few copies of his tar famed Foreign Repub lications, which are rich and rare, and may be had regularly every month at the subscription rates. New works of various descriptions constantly receiving, and ottered al th usual low prices. A reasonable share of patrons, re solicited. ■ S. A. HOLMES, Periodical and Book Agent, jan 7 Under U. S. Hotel. A CARD.—The subscriber most re spectfully requests all those indebted to him to settle their accounts at the earliest oppor tunity. He has considerable payments to make about this time, and must depend mainly on this source to meet them. Hi* accounts being gene rally small, are therefore easy to pay, and as he has a large numberof them, the aggregate amount is very considerable, and w vuid be of great help to him at this lime. He Itupes, therefore, that his friends will meet him promptly when called on, or if not called on. that they will bear him in mind, and call themselves at m early opportunity and pav him. This being the usual for settlements, together with the numberand small » ness of his accounts, will, he hopes, be sufficient excuse fur this public request. jan 5 THOMAS RICHARDS. J. ALEXANDER, Warehouse and Commission Merchant. INFORMJhis friends and the public, that he continues the above business at his eld stand, corner of Green and Campbell streets, and tenders his services in the storage and sale of cotton, receiving and forwarding merchandize, and all other matters connected with the Ware house business. The Warehouse being located in the central bu siness part of the city, affords every facility for receiving cotton by wagons, railroad, liver. All business entrusted to his care, will re < eive prompt attention, and his best efforts for ths interest of his customers. ts sept 16 THOMAS W. FLEMING, Commission Merchant, Savannah, Ga. RETURNS his thanks to the merch ants of Augusta for their past patronage, and solicits a continuance of their favors. He also asks from the planting interest of Georgia a share of their business, and pledges himself to use every possible means to satisfy all who may confide in him. References in Savannah. —Andrew Low & Co., John P. Williamson & Son, Cohen, Miller & Co., Mai. A. B. Fannin, Capt. P. Wiltbeiger, and Mul ford Marsh. In Augusta.—Porter Fleming, J. W. Whitlock*, Hand & Williams, W. A. Beall <&• Co. aug 25 w6m AUCTION & COMMISSION^BUSINESS, St. Mary’s, Ga. nPHE undersigned respectfully inform fi their friends and the public generally, that they will commence the above business on the 10th of this month, and hope through assiduity and attention to business, to merit the patronage they will strive to deserve. The senior of the firm, Mr. Hanlee, has long been known in the above line at New York, and will devote his entire attention to the business. Mr. Dawse will reside at Philadelphia, and attend to the business of the firm in that place; and cash advances will be made on any consignments of Cotton, Rice, &c., made at that place. They are prepared at all limes to make liberal advances on ; all goods consigned to them for disposal at auc tion. as well as at private sale. They solicit con signments. J. D. HANLEE &■ CO. * J. D. Hanlee, St. Mary’s, Ga. dec 17 ( M. ( ’. DftWSS, Philadelphia, Pn. w2m| TO THE PLASTERS OF GEORGIA. 1 PROPOSE to manufacture your in ferior Cotton into Bagging of any width and weight which may be desired, at 8 cts per pound ; the planter deducting 15 pounds in every hundred - weight sent, for trash, sand, lint, &c., which is the loss in manufacturing inferior cotton. The j Bagging will be delivered in Augusta to the order ] of the planter by, or before the 15th of August j next, or as soon ns the cotton can be manufac- j tured after*being received. Those who feel disposed to accept of the above J offer, will address me at Augusta, stating the J number of pounds they will send, as it is import- * ant I should know whether there will be a suffi- ‘ cient number to authorise the alteration of my * machinery for that purpose. I will take cotton ‘ in payment (for the labor of manufacturing) at the ■ Augusta prices. JOHN SHLY, Bellville Factory, near Augusta. ; dee 2 trw&w2m ‘ VAUUABLB LANDS FOR SALE. subscribers,-desirous of setting up 1 their buisiness, otter the following lands for sale, to wit: betw’een four and five thousand acres in Richmond county, lying on both sides of Spirit s creek and the Georgia Rail Road. The said land G has three or four first rate mill seats, within one 1 mile of the Georgia Rail Road, surrounded with J the best of timber and abundance of oak wood, ’ and within four miles of Richmond Bath. Also, eighteen hundred acres of land in Colurn- a bia county, lying on both sides of the Euchee creek, with a saw’ mill in operation. Most of it is * oak and hickory, with two hundred acres of clear- 1 ed land, in a line state for cultivation, within one € mile of Kirkpatrick’s. Any person desirous of purchasing, will do well ]. to call and view the premises. Apply to the sub scribers on the premises. nov 15-wtf J. D. & W. HAYNIE. 1 - () DRAWN NUMBERS of the Green and Pulaski Monument Lottery, Class No. * 9, for 1842, drawn in Savannah, on Friday, Janu [, ary, 1843. . ? 75 40 60 2 62 39 12 38 G 4 35 1 56 13 jan 9 , IYR AWN the Geor- | gia State Lottery, Class No. 1, for 1843, ( - dia.vn in Augusta, Ga., Thursday, January sth, . 18-13. L 59 14 69 47 8 5 34 58 24 1 10 62 64 4 J3U 6 _ ( STRAWN NUMBERS, .of the Gwen " Je & Pulnttki Monument Lottery, Extra Class . No. 65, for 1842. 61 37 35 63 78 54 64 10 13 12 52 30 29 65 J jan 5 ts Lff’IICKET 37 61 63, entitled to a prize .1. of SI2OO, in the above Lottery, was left on hand at the Managet’s Office for want of a pur chaser. DRAWS NEXT THURSDAY. , GEORGIA STATE LO'I'TERY. £ S-’ot- the benefit of the Augusta Independent s Fire Company. B CI.ASS No. 2, FOR 1843. rs To be drtr.vnfin the city of Au.qusta, Thursday, n January 12th, 1843. a SCHEME. I prize of. SIO,OOO I do 5.000 , i do 3,000 I do 2,100 5 prizes of. 1,000 JO do SOO ; •■tO do 300 Besides an immense amount of smaller prizes, e From 8150 to S 3. f Tickets ®3—Shares in proportion. r For sale by J. G. GREGORY & CO., Managers, Under U. S. Hotel. a Orders from the country promptly attended to. jan it) DENTISTRY. a 1 BENJAMIN DOUGLAS, Surgeon 1 5 Dentist, hr.s removed to the residence No. 242 Broad street, over the Watch and Jewelry store of Mr. G. C. Gordon. oct 13-ts n rpEACHER WANTED—A gen- c 9 tieman capable of giving instruction in all 1 the higher branches of an English education, will c meet with immediate employment by application ( at the Augusta Female Seminary. c A few vacancies remain to be filled in the board ing department of this Seminary, where young Jadi s will be under the immediate superinten dence of Mrs. Moise. jan 5 ts | The subscriber has on hand a choice 1 and extensive assortment of FRUIT TREES, which he has selected and propagated himself, and which he Will sell at very reasonable prices. I le has also on hand a choice collection of Green House Plants, to which he invites th.* attention of the ladies, (nov 26-trwtf) T. T. TOBIN. OURGESS NOVELISTS 10- JJ> Btt.UtY—Nos. 1, 2 and 3, at 25 cents each. No. I. Vivian Grey, by D israeli. ?.<>. 2. Romance and Reality, by L. E. L. No. 3. V< Delia, by D’lsraeli. Received by jan 3 ' CHAS. E. GRENVILLE & CO. CUiEAP AND FRESH GARDEN J SEED. A select assortment of Fresh Eng lish Garden Sued, just received, of the following kind.-: Early York Cabbage, du Sugar Loaf do do Drumhead do do Buncombe do Late do do do Globe Savoy do do Green Glazed du do York do Beans of all kinds, Peas do do Beets, Carrots, Cucumbers, &c. All of which are warranted fresh and genuine, and will be sold at reduced j-rires, bv jan 3 ts WM. HAINES, Jr. N’OTICE to stockholders. —An Election will be held at the Wharf Company’s Office, on Monday, the 9th January next, for a President and Seven Directors, to serve the ensuing year. Polls open from 9a m to 1 p M dee 30 C. B. MARTIN, Treasurer. GI TA VEG E l ABIEiS.— l AYEDR’S REMEDY FOR DEAFNESS- 4 SUPPLY of the above celebrated remedy fur DEA ENESS, kept constant ly on hand and for sale bv oet 11 ’ WM. HAINES, Jr. V[ E \V MUSI C . —The subscribers J_T have just opened an entire new collection of Music for the Piano Forte, comprising Songs, Marches, Waltzes, Gallopades, tec. Ac. They have also made arrangements by which they will receive, at regular intervals, all new and popular pieces which may be published. < ‘atalogues may be seen at our store. dec 20 CH E. GRENVILLE A CO. TITA.XTED.—A black or mulatto ▼ 7 Boy, about 14 years of age, fur whom a liberal pi ice will be paid, by j an 9 GEO. W. LAMAR & CO. 5 HA\ E this day associated with me in S the General Commission Business, my son James C. Dawson, and in future the business will be transacted in the name of Thos. Dawson & Son. THOS. DAWSON. January 1. 1942. jan 3 Office S- C. <’• *!C R. R. Company. / . Hamburg, January 2, 1943. ) IVTOTICE.—Freight on Square Bales ' ± X Cotton to Charleston is reduced to 25 cents . a hundred, Round Bales 35 cents a hundred. 1 jan 3 LB. STURGES, Agent. ‘ will copy the above. ALE. Ale. Ale.—Thirty bbls superior Philadelphia Ale. received on consignment, and for sale low. by COSKFRA DOW. GEOIG.IA It. HOAD Ck BANKING Co. Notice to the Newton county or Middle Uranch Rail-Road Stockholders. rpHE FOURTH INSTALMENT JL on the stock of the Georgia Rail-Road and Banking Company, known as the Newton coun ty or Middle Branch Rail-Road Company’s stock, amounting to Fifteen Dollars per share—making the whole amount paid SSO per share—will be re quired to be paid, at the Company’s Bank in Au gusta, on or before the 15th day of February next, in cash or in notes at six months with interest.— The stockhqjders who have paid less than $35 per share will be required, in like manner, to make their payments equal to SSO per share. Those stockholders who have paid SSO or more per share, together with those who shall exhibit certificates from the Chief Engineer, that they have contracted to work out their indebtedness to the Company, and are prosecuting the same sat isfactorily, will be exempt from this call. Bv order of the Board, J. W. WILDE, Cashier. January 10, 1343. wtlSfeb The Federal Union will copy the above weekly till day. LAW NOTICE —JOHN W. WIL SON and LEWIS POTTER having asso ciated themselves in the Practice of Law, will punctually attend to any professional business entrusted to them in the counties of Taliaferro, Green, Oglethorpe, Columbia, Hancock, Lincoln, Warren and Wilkes. Office at Crawfordville, Ga. jan 10 wtf MONEY-LENDE R. —Ab ED NEG o, The Money-Lender, is the title of anoth er gem in the literary world—by Mrs. Gore—first American edition. Just received —price, as usu al, 25 cents. Works on hand—Lcibig’s Animal and Agricul tural Chemistry 25; Susan Hopley 25; 'Die Neigh bors 25; Wing and Wing 25; Puffer Hopkins 25; Franklin Evans 12|; Life and Speeches of Henry Clay, 18| per No. Five and six new, important, interesting and useful publications given for 91. jan 11 S. A. HOLMES, under U. S. Hotel. COLUMBIA County, Georgia. Whereas, Peter Knox applies to me for let ters of administration on the estate of Edwin Walker, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given.under my hand at office in Appling. Jan. 11, 1843. GABRIEL JONES, Clerk. LIST OF LETTERS, remaining in the Post Office at APPLING, Ga., on the Ist January, 1843. Bland, D N 2 Martin, Toliver Boyd, Hezekiah Shanklin, Robert Bass, Dr Smith, Anslow Bo ware, Mrs Tvlartha IT Symmons, Lewis Barber, Littleton Smith, John W Clerk of Inferior Court, Shipp, Mrs Nancy Gibson, Lewis Southerland, Miss E Hartson, Benjamin Sturges, Alfred Holliman, Hugh Smith, W O P Hott. Miss Anna 2 Stanford, David Hanis, James W White, James W Jones, Isaac Wheeler, Charles N Jones, William Williams, H O Junes, Daniel Wooding, R E Knox, James Wellborn, Marshall II Milton, John _jan_llH. W. GERALD, P. M. Merchant mills for sale. . The subscriber offers for sale a valuable set of Merchant Mills in Cherokee county, Ga., on Little River, five miles from its junction with the Hightower River, running two prs. French Burrs, tour feet in diameter, and one pr. Corn Stones, four and a half feet. The stream is never failing, and affords water to drive an extensive Factory as well ;u» the Mills. They are within ten miles of the Western and Atlantic Rail Road, and within thirteen miles of that beautiful and thriving village, Marietta, surround ed by a fine country of land and a dense popula tion. The Shoal is a good one, and advantageous ly situated as regards health, being easy of access from both sides of the river. There are one hun dred and twenty acres Land belonging to the tract, with a great number of other lots contigu ous, that doubtless might be purchased (beiMh * n the hands of the drawers) on favorable terms.— Any person who may wish to purchase this pro perty would do well to call and examine, as a bar gain can be had. .Address, at Hickory Flat, Cherokee county, Ga. GEO. GUNBY. jan 5 rn4m KEMOVAL. —The subscriber would ' inform the planters of Georgia and South Carolina, that he has removed to Crawfordville, Ga., where he will permanently locate himself, and carry on the business of manufacturing COT TON GINS’. He is prepared to make Cotton Gins on various plans, though he would recom mend the Anti-fricthn Gin as being the best artir cle of the kind he has ever seen in use, and, from his experience in the business, he can say, with propriety, that he dues not think his Gins can be surpassed in th? Southern States, and in fully au thenticating what he says in relation to the mat ter, he would refer you to certificates of gentlemen who have used them. All orders addressed to the subscriber at Crawfordville, Tali.ifoiro county, Ga., will receive prompt attention. jah_3 S. R. CRENSHAW. €> 4 RE W AllD.—Lost, on the 2 4th Vv day of December last, between my house and Lincolnton, Lincoln county, a common size leather Pocket Book, tied with a blue string, and containing about three hundred and twenty dollars in bank bills, on different banks, and one dollar and fifty cents in silver, ami the following notes, to wit: One note on Ca«»h Willingham for nix hundred, and fifty five dollars and fifty cents. One on Peter Lamar for one hundred dollars. One on Thomas J. Murray for forty dollars. On? on Benjamin Samuels for thirty two dol lars twenty five cents. One on Watson for two hundred dollar?. Two n fas one agajnst Tilman Alvey, the other against William Reynolds— amounts not recol lected. Two due bills on B. B. Moore for fifteen dollars each. Three notes on Tilman Alvey, one for seventy five dollars, one for eight dollar?, the other amount not recollected. One on Thomas Tillerv for six dollars. One receipt of Robeit F. Curry for two hundred and twenty dollars. One receipt on James Lampkin for three hun dred and thirty nine dollars. One receipt for four bales cotton, in Augusta, a! Green ik Andrew’s’ warehouse, left there in December, 1312. Also many other notes and receipts, names and amounts not recollected. All persons are warned against trading forth? above named notes and receipts. Any person finding the said Pocket Book and contents and delivering the same to Isaac Wjl- Ijnghain, at his residence three miles from Lin colntoHj on the Petersburg road, or to Milus M. Campbell, at Lincolnton, shall be entitled to th? above reward of thirty dollars. jan 7 ISAAC WILLINGHAM. JIORK Xt’AV GODDUp | subscribers have just received a I variety of desirable GOODS, suitable for the season—among them are, Magazine Blue Apacca, Black and Blue Black Silk Velvet, White, Blue and Pink Tarleton Muslin, Black and Colored Gimps, Black Silk Fringe, Worsted and Silk Coat Bindings, Rich Velvet Bonnet Ribbons, Green Barage, Coal Cord, Ladies’ Plaid Silk Cravats, Blur Black Gro de Lyon, Gent Spitelfiekl Handk’is, Misses’ Slate ami Mixed Cotton Hose, Youths’and Children’s do do do mjx’d Cotton half do Ladies’ White and Slate du Brown Holland, Birds Eye Djiper, Furniture Dimity, Irish Linen*., Wool-dyed Black Cloth and Cassimere, Rich Prints, Mouseline de Lane Patterns, do Furniture Calicoes. With a variety of other article.®, together with their ctock on hand, will be sold very low for cash. WM. H. CRANE & CO. dec 24 trvv3t&w2t a CA DE M \ vr THE S kND j_jL HILLS.—The subscriber having been tbc ti d to the charge of this Academy, respectfully informs the public that it will be opened for the reception of pupils on Monday, the 16th instant. Instruction will be given in ail the branches of Engljsh and classical study heretofore prosecuted in this instimtion. 'I he price of tuition per quarter will be, in the Classics and Sciences, $10; in the common Eng lish Branches, SB. jan 4-swSl P. S. WHITMAN. STOP-READ THIS. JAR. L. LIN DOMAN, from Poland, most respectfully announces to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augulta, that, by a new and peculiar method, he extracts HARD AND SOFT CORNS, CALOSITIES, &c. without giving the least pain or making the blood How, in the brief space of ten minutes, so that the patient can wear right boots or shoes immediately after the cure is performed. Office at the Eagle and Phoenix Hotel—to be seen from 9 till 10 a. m., and from 1 till 3 p. m. Dr. L. will wait upon ladies and gentlemen at their residence. N. B. Charges moderate. 3t* jan 11 NO TI C E.—All Creditors holding bonds, notes, or other obligations against the late Robert Barber, deceased, are requested to present them to the subscriber, on the 20th instant, and receive a dividend. Jan. 11,18J3-U1 C. J. COOK. Adm’r. WORTH KXiriVLX.i -A A positive stay for the hair falling out, or to restore it in bald places. A certain cure for all Rheumatism and swelled limbs—nu exceptions. A certain and positive cure for the Piles in all cases. A warranted cure for all Bruises. Scalds, and other sores, and sore eyes. A positive cure fur the Salt Rheum. A beautiful Dye for the hair—will not color the skin —warranted. Each of these to be had at the Drujf Store of ap 5-ts ROBERT AUSTIN & Co. [RON CHESTS.—Two Iron Chests, . one of which is thoroughly fire proof, for sale low. (dec 29) GEO. W. LAMAR & CO. SW AMI’ IjA> I) FOR SALE. Swamp Land, in </ood 2 order for cultivation, lying within one and a half miles of the city, will be sold at a bar gain, if applied for during this month, either in one parcel or divided into parcels of 25 to GO acres, dec 2-ts A. SIBLEY. 1- I I I RIM II ' JLXI PROSI’fiCTOS OF THE PLANTER. HOWEVER tk&yalue of works devo ted the important sclitice of Agriculture may have been appreciated tK-former tirnea, the day has passed when it beanies necessary to enter into an elaborate delenee of the necessity and worth of such publications, and all practical men are now constrained to admit the beneficial influ ence which they exerciseiipoTithe Agricultural in dustry of the country as in the increased pro ductions of labor as in the general improvement of the soils. Inipif-ssedy ith these convictions, and the no less startling truths which are daily devel oping to the mind of every reflecting man, the ne cessity of diverting a portion to that labor now employedin the production ofour great staple, in to other and more profitable employment—the growth of Bread-stuffs, Provisions, Stock of all kinds—thereby rendering the Southern section of the Union, less dependent for all the articles of daily consumption, upon our Eastern and West ern brethren, and affotding a more ample field for improvement of our rapidly exhausting soils—the underslgnedhave been induced to undertake the publication of the Socthebn Planter, a work which will be exclusively devoted to the cause of Southern Agriculture, and whatever pertains to the promotion of the science, in all its varied ram ifications, extending as they do through all the Mechanic Arts. This brief sketch ofthe objects and designs of the work, will riduhless commend it to the favora ble consideration of every intelligent Planter who feels the necessity of such a medium of communi cation, and to such, without further remark, we make a direct appeal in its behalf, confident that the extremely low price at which it is offered, will place it within the teach of every farmer however limited his means. TERMS. The Southern Planter will be issued every other week; the firtt number will appear early in January, on fine taper and new type, (bought expressly for the vprk) in a form suitable for bind ing. Each numbet *o contain eight pages 9by 12 inches, which wlllfartn at the end of the year, a volume of 208 paits, and will be mailed to sub scribers at ONE DOLLAR per year, invariably IN ADVANCE. The CASH ptilciple will be rigidly adhered to, and in no case wl the work be forwarded unless the cash accconqlnies the order. Every citizen, yhetherhe be Farmer, Mechan ic, Lawyer, Docttr or Merchant, who feels the ne cessity of makingan effort to advance the great Agricultural and Jechanical interests of the coun try, is requested tl constitute himself an agent for the circulation of he Southern Planter. Post Mastqs forwarded all subscrip tions, free of to them. Other wise all letters anffcplßtMWtions must be post paid. J.V’ & W. S. JON ES. Augusta, Ga., Detemb.r 24, 1842. THE SOUTHERN SPORTSMAN, A NEW (PORTING PAPER, 7b be Edited by 7] B. Thorpe and R. L. Bren ham. On the first of Mar next, will be issued from the office of the New Ooeans Tropic, the first number of a new Weekly sporting Paper, to be called ' The Southern Sporttman. The want of suchfu paper devoted immediately to the South, has l|>ng been felt. In the South and Southwest is found by far the largest portion of such members ofour coaimunity as are inter ested in sporting matters. New Orleans is the centre of the great sporting circle of the Union, and seems to bi the proper and legitimate loca tion for a vehicle, of sporting intelligence. No doubt is entertained that a journal published in the South, pledged to advocate Southern interests to dojustice to Southern enterprise, and fairly represent Southern character, will be warmly and efficiently sustained. White the paper will be mainly devoted to sports of the field and turf, great attention will be paid to agricultural pursuits, and the strongest endeavors will be made to render the Sportsman of use and interest to the planter; carefully recordingall im provements in itis branch ofindustry, and zealous ly laboring sot the advancement of agricultural science. The publishers of the Sportsman guarantee that the literary chiracter and general tone of the pa per shall be such as will recommend it, not alone to the turftnar and the planter, but to the family circle. The editorial department ofthe paper will ; be under the control ofT. B. Thorpe (author of , “Tom Owen, the Bee Hunter,” and of many oth er sporting sketches of great merit) and R. L. Brenham, a wiiter of uncommon force and ability. The Sportsman will contain as much reading matter as any paper published in the South, and in its mechanical department will challenge com petition with any paperof its class in the country. The subscription price will be FIVE Dollars per annum. BRADBURY, McCARDLE & MF.RRIFIELD. “NO CURE NO PAY.” THE PHILOTOKEN: OR FEMM.ES’ FRIEND. nPHIS mediate may be resorted to H with confidence for the purpose of relieving pain anxiety, wakefulness, neartouin, nausea, dec. It allays initaton, and by its control over the nervous system, frevents those accidents to which all mothers ardexposed. It gives tone to the stomach, and by orrecting the morbid action of weak organs, restoes them to their regular and natural functions imptrting health and vigor to the body, and cheenilness and contentment to the mind. The nature of the cdnplaints for which the Phi lo token is designed, pffcvents the publication of some of the numeroui testimonials, or of that oublic description virtues, so necessary to oring any thing of v:we ifito immediate notice, or extend its usefulness But its reputation is con stantly increasing froh private recommendations of those who have usd it, and in order to extend its usefulness, and that the afflicted may have confi dence in ;ts efficacy, the proprietor has authorized his agents to refund rhe money in cases where it docs not five satisfaction. Price SI 50 per bottle. . Sold in Augusta iv HAVILAND, RISLEY & CO. J. B.|& W. H. TURPIN, NELSON CARTER, oct 26-li ROBERT AUSTIN. I MPORTANT MEDICINES I Maibitall s sarsaparilla is confidence offered to the Medical Faculty an! the public, as possessing in a great degree all lhe virtues of Sarsaparilla in its most concentratti form, being prepared by a new’ and improved ffocess over all others, which extracts all the aca’e matter of the root. This syrup is highly reednmended as a Fall and Spring purifier of the blooi, and will be found particularly useful in th? curebf Rheumatism, Ulcers. Scrofula, Tet ter, White Swelling, Cutaneous Eruptions, and all disordeß arising from an impure state of the blood, the puse of mercury’, &c. Physicians who prescribe |aishall’? Sarsaparilla, will soon dis cover such incontestible evidence of its curative pow’ers, asshall fully establish its character and superiorityuver oil others now in use. One eight ounce bottfi contains more of the active principle of \hnn a gallon of those mixtures usually sijd in the stores, and those who have been disapto'ntcd in the use of Sarsaparilla, -will Jiijd this at effectual remedy. VERMIFVGE—U recom mended tqntnses, parents and others, who have the car? oichildren, as the most safe and effectual mtnn-destoying medicine yet discovered. Besides being a safe and active vermifuge, it is so pleasant that no did will refuse tu lake it. It is equally cfficacioudin removing other disorders, such as buirel com taints, vomiting, and all complains to which chifiren are liable. HE YL'S AIR ROGATION, for Horses.— This valutble banbrocation has been used with great success 31 the cure of the most troublesome - diseases with a inch the horse is aflected, such as old strains,swilliugs, galls, strains of the should- < t rs, &c. It sd>» cures old or fresh wounds, cuts, | bruise®, &c. Jt is highly recommended, and , should be constantly kept in the stables of all per sons owning torse.®. } Sold at W.MARSHALL’S,(successorto (’has. ( Marshall,) No 312 Market street above Ninth. Philadelphia. also. Marsh all’sCumpound Syrup of Liverwort. “ Tonic Mixture, “ of Sarsaparilla, Cubebs and Copaiva, “ Extract of Buchu, “ “ Pind Root, &c. &c. For sale V J. E. MARSHALL, nov 29-w6ir Successor to Thos. I. Wray. N( i'l’H3 ---All persons indebtedtothe estate c Nancy Wright, late of Jefferson county, decetjed, are requested to make immedi ate payment. laJ-lhe creditors of said estate to render theiriemands in terms of the law, to the executors. NOAH SMITH, ) Fy’™ ELBERT HUDSON, ( r x r9> Decemhr 22, 1842. months after date, application will fe made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of hirke county, when sitting for ordinary pm poses, Or leave to sell the negroes belonging 10 the estae of Benjamin C. Mobley, late of said county, deeased, for division. ’ WASHINGTON MULKEY, Adm’r. Januaryl2, 1843. fAOUI months after date, application will ae made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Columbia county, while sitting fur ordi nary purp»ses, for leave to sell all the real oatytn of Luke F. Clark, deceased. JOHN G. TANKERSLY, Wr January 5, 1843. months after date, application will De made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Burke county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a negro boy, Fuhvood, belonging .0 the estate of Waller J. A. Hamilton, d< ceased. t E. A. ALLEN, Adm’r. January?, 18-43. * months after date, application n? wiU be made to the honorable, the Inferior Court of Taliafuro county, when sitting for ordi nary, purposes, for leave to sell all the lands and real estate of Williamson Bird,date of said qpunty deceased, far the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. A. H. STEPHENS, Ex’r. January 10, 1842. FOUR months after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Lincoln county, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, for leave to sell a part of the ne groes belonging to the estate of Jeremiah Blanch ard, deceased. GEO. W. LEWIS, Adm’r. Janva.yS, 1942. jan 10 months after date, application will be inade to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Burke county, when sitting fur ordinary purposes, for leave to sell al! the real and personal property cf H. D. Burke, deceased. January 3,1343 * B. E. GILSTRAP. Ex’r. GUARDIAN’S SALE —Ou the first Tuesday in February next will bo sold, a > greeable to an order of the honorable the Inferior Uonrt of Burke county, when sitting for ordinary ■ purposes, before the court housedoor in Waynes r («>ro, between the usual hours of sale, the follow r ing property, to wit: three hundred acres of land, r adjoining lands of Josiah Murphree, H P Jones, I and others. Also, two negroes, Randal and Han t nah. Sold as the property of Candis Leaptrot. JESSE A. LEAPTROT, Guardian. November 26, 1842. f OCRIvEN Postponed Sheriff’s Sale.— Will be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, before the court house door in Scriven county, between the usual hours of sale, one tract of land containing three hundred and forty ocrea, more or less, adjoining lands of A S Jones, P L Wade, and Savannah river; levied on as the pro perty of Ann Overstreet, to satisfy one fi fa in ■ favor es Alexander Kemp, guardian, &c. January 11, 1843. PETER ARNETT, Sh’ft.H RICHMOND County, Georgia.— Whereas James W. Davies, administrator on the estate of Eleanor L. Nesbitt, applies for letters dismissory. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Augusta. January 12,1843. L. P. DUGAS, Clerk. RICHMOND County, Georgia.— Where as James W. Davie§, administrator on the estate of John Nesbitt, deceased, applies for letters dismissory. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Augusta. January 12, 1843._L. P. DUGAS, Clerk. RICHMOND County, Georgia.— Whereas John P. King applies to me for Letters of Administration, with the will annexed, on the estate of Mrs. Eliza Walker, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they nave, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Augusta. January 3, 1843. LEON P. DUGAS, Cl’k. RICHMOND County, Georgia.— Whereas John Bones and P. F. Eve, exec utors of the estate of Anderson Watkins, apply for letters dismissory. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Augusta. January 10, 1943. L. P. DUGAS, Clerk. RICHMOND County, Georgia.— Whereas Win. H. Goodrich, administrator on the estate of John B. Williams, deceased, ap plies for letters dismissory. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they , have, why said letters shsuld not be granted. Given under my hand, al office, in Augusta, L 7 January 10, 1843. L. P. DUGAS, Clerk. RI C HMO N D County, \ Whereas John Bones, John P. Eve and , William Eve, executors on the estate of Osweil Eve, apply for letters dismissory. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, within the - time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any 5 they have, why said letters should not be granted. ‘ Given under my hand, at office, in Augusta. .iiiniiaiy 10, 1 '1 < ! . P. iri’i: \s. < Jletk. 1 Ir.Nt '< )Ix.\ ( *ounty. (i. ..I’i’i i- - j When-as, Nicholas C. Ware applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Robt. Ware senior, deceased: These are thert-fore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within s the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if Any 1 they have, why said letters should not be granted, j Given under my hand at office in Lincolnton. HUGH HENDERSON, Clerk. j January 2,1 12. • jan 10 JEFFERSON County, Georgia: — z Partin Tompkins, of the 77th district G. M., < tolls before me a bay horse MULE, supposed to be 8 or 9 years oid, about the middling size mule, no marks except some marks of the collar and gear, roach mane. Appraised by Jas S Clements and Wiiliam Tompkins to thirty-five dollars. Given under my hand, this 14th of Dec., 18i2. " WILLIAM CLEMENTS, J. P. . A true extract from the estrav book. JAMES L. CHEATHAM, Clerk. \ January 10, 1842. w3t j BURKE County, Georgia.—Whereas James Grubbs and Henry Lewis apply to j me for Letters of Administration on the estate of t John Prior, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show* cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. £ Given under my hand, at office, in Waynesboro, t January 7, 1843.* T. 11. BLOUNT, Cl’k. 1 j COLUMBIA County; Georgia.— i WJicicas Th>.nia- Blanchard and Uriah 1 B1 anch a rd, Ex e c iilor s~o r the will ot Lrfah’HM TT=~ 4 chard, deceased, apply to me for Letters Dismis sory on said estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my office, within the time f prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they I have, why said letters should not be granted. i Given under my hand, at office, in Appling. < GABRIEL JONES, Clerk. i January 3, 1843. J OLUM BIA County, Georgia.— • Whereas Thos. Blanchard and Uriah Blan- 1 chard, executors of the w ill of Uriah Blanchard, deceased, which said Uriah Blanchard was execu tor of the w ill of Janies Blanchard, deceased, ap ply to me for Letters Dismissory on said estate: Those are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my office, within the time j prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they , have, why said letters should not be granted. - ] Given under mv hand, at office, in Appling. GABRIEL JUNES, Clerk. January 3, 1843. ( BURKE County, Georgia.—Whereas j James Grubbs and Henry Lewis apply for Letters of Administration on the estate of Joseph < Madray, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, w ithin the time prescribed by lawy to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand, at office, in Waynesboro. January 7,1 h ■ T. H. Bl (MINT, Cl’k. UR KE County, Georgia.—Whereas y James Grubbs applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of McCuin Allbrit ton, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, 10 be andappearat my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under rnv hand, at office, in Waynesboro. January 7. I !J.’ T. H. BLOUNT.J Tk. JE F fi’ E RSO N (bounty, (leorgia.— Whereas Mitchell Waldon applies to me for Leiters of Administration on the estate of Sam uel AValden, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the lime prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, nt office, in Louisville. EBENEZER BOTHWELL, Clerk. January 5, 1943. fV[ < )TIUE.—AII persons having claims x against the estate of Williamson Bird, late of Taliaferro county, deceased, w ill please present them within the time prescribed by law, duly au thenticated, to the subscriber, and all persons in debted to said deceased will please call and settle same. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS, Ex’r. January 5, 1843. NOTICE. —All persons indebted to the estate of David Urquhart, late of Rich mond county, deceased, will make immediate payment to the executors, and all persons having demands against the estate will present their ac counts duly authenticated. JOHN GARNER, ) , DAVID W. URQUHART, $ Ex rs * January’ 6, 19-13. NOTICE. —Lost or mislaid, a note of hand given by Elbert Hudson, and made payable to O. H. P. Byne, for sixty dollars, due 1 first day of January, 1842, and made in the year ’ 1841. All persons are cautioned not to trade for said note, and the maker is forwarned to pay it to ’ no one but mysalf. WM. E. MOUNTAIN, dec 22 w’3t Vp O T I C E.—All persons having de x mands against Joshua Lazenby, late of 1 Warren county, deceased, are requested to render r them in properly attested within the time prt f scribed by law. and those indebted to the estate, ’ are requested to make immediate payment. > Dec. 5, 1842. ELIAS LAZENBY, Adm’r. “VT OT 1 CE.—All persons having de- L x mands against the estate of William Hunt, late of Columbia county, deceased, are requested to render them in properly attested within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment. LUCY HUNT, Adrn’x. December 9, 1812. NOTICE.— All persons indebted to the estate of Robert Lazenby, late of Warren county, deceased, are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those to whom said estate mnv be indebted, are hereby notified to render in their demands duly authenticated according to law. Dec. 15, 1842. JOHN HARRIS, Adm’r. VJ O T I C E .—All persons having de -1 xj mands against the estate of Mark Stokes, late of Burke county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having de mands against said estate, will please present them properly attested within the time prescribed by law. ' WM. MOORE. Adm’r. ' December 13,1942. ► PUBLIC SALES. WILL be sold at the market house in the town of Louisville, within tho usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in February next, one negro slave, named Paul, about seventy years of age, the property of John Piorce. bold for the purpose of paying jail fees. STEPHEN S. PERKINS, Jailor. December 29, 1842. AMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—On the first Tuesday in April next, will be sold, at the lower market house in the city of Augusta, Richmond county, within the usual hourj of sale, by order of the Court of Ordinary, one negro wo man named Sucky, and three Lots of Land and Improvements, containing two acres, lying and being in Richmond county, on the Savannah Road, about one mile from Augusta, belonging to the estate of Richard Mooney, deceased. Sold for the Ixmefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. GREEN B. RED. Adm’r. January 10, 1843. DMINISTRATORS SALE.—On the third Saturday in January next, will be sold at Cross Keys, in DeKalb county, one bud and furniture, one chest of drawers, and other ar ticles too tedious to mention, belonging to the estate of William Reeve, late of said county, de ceased. Terms of sale made known on the day. Dec. 3, 1842. REEVE, Adm’r ADMINISTRATOR’S I SALE.—On the first Tuesday in February next, will be sold at Waynesboro, the Medical and Miscellane ous Books, the Medicines and Instruments be longing to the estate of Dr. Walter G A Hamilton deceased. ELISHA A. ALLEN, Adm’r. December 30, 1842. DMINISTRATOR’S SALE —On the first Tuesday in February next will be sold, by virtue of an order from the honorable the Inferior Court of Columbia county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, at Columbia court house, between the usual hours of sale, seven negroes, to wit: Abe a fellow; Joe a boy; Netty a woman; Judy a woman; and Eliza a woman, and her two small children, belonging to the estate of Thomas B Wiley, deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known at the sale. Dec. 1, 1842. GABRIEL JONES, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—On the first Tuesday in February next will be sold, at the court house in Columbia county, the following tracts of land, belonging to the estate of James Blackston, deceased, one tract containing sixty-six acres, more or less, joining lands of Zachary and Clanton. Also, ninety-six acres, more or less, on the Lit tle Kiokee creek, joining lands of Chtrtton Smith and others. The above lands sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. WM. YARBOROUGH, > . . . W. P. BEALL, s J,dln r - November 26, 1842. ADMINISTRATOR’FsALE?— On the first Tuesday in February next, will be sold, at the market house in the town of Louis ville, Jefferson county, agreeable to an order of the honorable Inferior Court of said county, five hundred and forty-two acres of pine land, on tlu? waters of Boggy' Gut, adjoining lands of Turner, Kennedy and others, subject to widow’s dower therein. Also, the following negroes, to wit: — Frederick a man; Sophia a woman, and her three children, Sarah a girl, Maria a girl, and Gracey an infant. Sold as the property of Gaiand H * Tarver, deeeased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the dav of sale. BENNETT B. SMITH, Adm’r. November 30, 1842. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE—On the first Tuesday in February next, will be , sold at the court house in DeKalb county, under < the authority of the last will and testament of ( William Reeve, late of said county, deceased, twe negroes, to wit: one woman named Fan, about 50 years old; one boy Antohy 9 years old; for. the < benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. > Terms of sale on the day. , Due. 3, 1842. JAS. W. REEVE, Adm’r. ( ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE— On 1 the first Tuesday in February next, will be sold, before the court lionse door in the town of Waynesboro, Burke county, the following pro perty, to wit: one hundred and forty-five acres 1 of land, more or less, adjoining Benj E Gilstrap, i and others, on the waters of Rocky creek. Sold < as the property of Peter Applewhite, deceased. i Also, four negroes of said deceased, to wit: — Andy, Sicke, Bill and Rose. Sold for the benefit I of the heirs snd creditors of said deceased. | JOHN APPLEWHITE, Adm’r. 1 November 29, 1842. A 1 -ZTL the first Tuesday in February next, will be ■ sold, agreeable to an order of the honorable the Inferior Court of Burke county, when sitting for J ordinary purposes, before the court house dour in ' Waynesboro, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: three negroes, Rose, ' Tom and Phil. Sold as the property of Mary Chance, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the ’ heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms of ' sale on the day. HENRY CHANCE, Adm’r. November 29, 1&42. ADM IN IST R \ TOR SSA the first Tuesday in February next, will be < sold, by order of the Court of Ordinary, in Talia ferro county, before the court house door in the town of Albany, Baker county, one town lot, be ing known in the plan of said town by lot No. 6, in the town of Albany, Baker county, containing one-fourth of one acre, the propertv of Josiah S. —Tomia nf safe cash. Nov. 28, 1842. WAI. T. PEEK, Adm’r. SALE.— the first Tuesday in March next, will be sold, at the court house door in Waynesborough, Burke county, between the usual hours of sale, the.following property, viz: eight hundred acres of otk and hickory land, more or less, with all th® improvements thereon, it being the plantation of Matthew Albritton, late of said county, deceased, and sold as his property —sold at the first purcha ser’s risk. Also, two negroes, viz: Ned and Phil lis. Terms on the day. JAMES GRUBBS, ) , . , LITTLETON ALBRITTON, [ Adm rs ' December 20, 1842. 4 DMINISTRATOR’S SALE —By xJL virtue of an order of the Honorable the In ferior Court of Columbia county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold, at Lincolnton, Lincoln county, on the first Tuesday in March next, between the usual hours, Ninety seven acres (more or less) of River Bottom Land, lying imme diately above the mouth of Little River, on Little and Savannah Rivers, adjoining Peter Lamar, be longing to the estate of John Gray, sr., deceased, and to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors of said deceased. Terms made known at the Sale. GABRIEL JONES, Adm’r January 3, 1343. Admin istra t< >rs’s ile.— the first Tuesday in March next, will be sold, under order of the Court of Ordinary of Burke county, at the court house of said county, the following property, belonging to the estate of Jacob Evans, deceased, viz: one tract of Land, containing one hundred and fifty acres, adjoining James Godbee and others, four hundred and forty acres of Land, known as the Bargeman place; al so, the following Negroes: a negro woman named Ellen, Nancy and her two children, Harriet and Alien. Sold for the benefit of the. creditors.— Terms on the day. JAMES R. MOORE, Adm’r. ELIZABETH EVANS, Adm’x. January 5, 1843. A DMINISTRATC >R’S SALEa— By z virtue of an order of the Honorable the In ferior Court of Columbia county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold at Columbia court house, on the first Tuesday in March next, be tween the usual hours of sale, one tract of Land, lying on Little River, in Columbia county, adjoin ing Crump and Evans, containing two hundred acres, more or less, subject to the widow’s dower. Also, four Negroes, to wit: Anthony, afellow, Jim, a fellow, Aaron, a boy, and Eliza, a woman, be longing to the estate of John Gray, sr., deceased, and to b»* sold for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors of said deceased. Terms made known at the sale. GABRIEL JONES, Adm’r. January 3, 1843. WARREN Sheriff’s Sale.—WUl be th? first Tuesday in February next, between the usual hours of sale, at the court house dour in Warrenton, Warren county, the following property, to wit: Eight Negroes, levied on as the property of John Moore, to wit: Sylvia, about 25 years old, Arthur, 6 years old, Eugenia, 5 years old, Jacob 2| years old, Ella, 8 months old, Mary, 8 years old, Darcus, 28 or 30 years old. and Courtney, a boy, two years old, to satisfy sundry fi fas, vs said Moore, issued from the Warren fluprrior and In ferior Courts, in favor of Barrister & Lanneau, the J ustices of the Inferior Court of Warren coun ty, and others, vs said John Moore. Property pointed out by John McCrary. Also, sixteen acres of oak and hickory Land, on the waters of Childers’ Creek, adjoining lands of Edward, Ivey and others, levied on as the pro perty of Daniel Dennis, to satisfy two fi fas from the 158th District G. M.. in favor ot Thompson & McCarthy vs Daniel Dennis and Richmond A. Dennis, security on stay. Levy made and re urned by a constablte. Also, four Negroes, to wit: Juflrej’, a man, a bout 23 years old, Jenny, a woman, 37 years old, r and her two children, Martha, 2} years old, and her infant son, John, levied on as the property of Thomas P. Harris, to satisfy sundry fi fas from the 157th District G. M., in favor of Mathew 11. Hubert vs Thomas P. Hanis and George S. Al len. Levy made and returned by a constable. Also, eighty acres of Pirn Land, adjoining lands of John Fuller, Fleming Geesling and others, on the head waters of Briar Creek, levied on as rhe property of Joseph H. Colston, to satisfy one fi fa, James L. Dozier vs Joseph H. Colston, re turnable to the Warren Superior Court. Proper ty pointed out by plaintiff. Also, four Negroes, to wit: Dicy, u woman, 30 year® old, Mariah,,a girl, 14 years old, Mancrva, a girl, 13 years old, Emily, a child, 3 years old, le vied on as the property of Thomas Ivey, to satisfy two fi fas in the Warren Inferior Court, one in favor of Robert K. Moreland, and the other in fa vor of Neal & Hair, vs said Ivey. Property point ed out by defendant. Also, one tract of Pine Land, containing about four hundred acres, adjoining lands of Jas. Nor ris, and one Negro Woman, Kizy, and her child, age unknown, levied on as the property of Abner Norris, to satisfy two fi fas in the Warren Supe rior Court, one in favor of Neal & Olin, and ihe other in favor of Thomas Norris vs Abner Norris, and William A. Seals security on appeal, &c.— IThe land pointed out by Thomas Norrie, and the negroes bv the defendant. AUGUSTUS BEALL. SheriiC January 7. 1843. PUBLIC SALES. C”~ OLUMBIA Sheriff’s Sale— sold, at Columbia court house, on the first Tuesday in February next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: one Negro man named Aaron, about fifty years'old, and a negro girl named Anaky, eighteen years old, eight hundred bushels of Corn, more or less, two thousand pounds of Fodder, more or less, one Cream Horse and two Sorrel Horses, one One Horse Wagon, and eight head of Cattle, levied on by virtue of a fi fa from Columbia Superior Court, at the suit of Thomas G. Hall vs Daniel F. Hilt. Property pointed out by plan tiff Also, two Negroes, a boy named Archimides, 'six years of age, and Sarah, a girl, abo.ut ten years old, levied upon as the property of James M. Gartrcll and Nancy Culbreth, to satiety seven fi fas issued from the Justice’s Court o’ District No. 3, at the suit of Elizabeth Luke against the said James M. and Nancy. Levy made and re turned to me by a constable. January 3,1843. R. IL JONES, Sheriff COLUMBIA Sheriff’s Sale.—Will be sold at Columbia court house, on the first Tuesday in February next, within the usual hours of sale, 140 acres of Land, more or less, lying on the waters of Little River, adjoining Thomas Har den and others, levied upon as the property of Seaborn Winn, to satisfy a fi fa from a Justice’s Court, District 4, in favor of G. W. Lewis vs Jef ferson Winn and Seaborn Winn. The above land sold subject to a mortgage in favor of John Cart iidge. Levy made and returned to me by a con stable. A. STURGIS, D. Sheriff. 3, 1842. C COLUMBIA Sheriff ’s Sale.—Will be at Columbia county, on the first Tuesday in March next, within the*usual hours of sale, three Negroes, to wit: Ijouisa and her two children, Green and Emily, levied upon as the property of Burwell Richards, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa from the Superior Court of Colum bia county, in favor of Jeremiah Griffin vs Bur well Richards. Property pointed out in said mort gage fi fa. Also, one Negro Girl slave, Harriet, about sev enteen years of age, levied upon as the property of Griffin Tankersley, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa from the Inferior Court of Columbia county, at the suit ol Alfred J. Dunn, William Tankersley and John G. Tankersley vs Griffin Tanltursely.— Property pointed out in said fi fa. A. STURGIS, D. Sheriff. January 3, 1842. COLUMBIA Sheriffs Sale.—Will be sold, at Columbia court house, on the first 1 uesday in March next, between the usual hours ol sale, a negro titan named Alfred, levied on as the property oi Wm. B. Bealle, to satisfy a mort gage fi fa from Columbia inferior Court, at the suit of James W. Blackstone against William B.' Bealle. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi R. H. JONES, Sheriff. January 5, 1843. JEFFERSON County, Georgia. Whereas Susan A. Robbins and Thomas W. Battey, administratrix and administrator on the estate of Samuel W. Robbins, late of said county, deceased, appyl to me for letters diatnla sory from their said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand, at office, in Louisville. EBENEZER BOTHWELL. Clerk. January 5, 1843. JEFFERSON Sheriff’s Sale—Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in February next, at the market house in the town of Louis ville, Jefferson county, within the legal hours of sale, 1 two horse Wagon, levied upon as the pro perty of Thomas H. Polhill, to satisfy a fi fa issu ing from Jefferson Superior Court, in favor of George W. Behn vs said Polhill. Property point ed out by plrintifl ’s attorney. POSTPONED SALE. Also, two negro women, to wit: Leah, 35 years old, and Sealy 30 years old, levied upon as the property of John Morgan, to satisfy a fi fa in fa vor of the administrators of Paul Fitzsimmons, deceased, vs Mitchell J. Morgan and John Mor gan. Property pointed out by defendant, John Morgan. R. J. FARMER, Sheriff. January 7, 1943. J EFFERSON Sheriff’s Sale.—Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in February next, at the market house in Louisville, Jefferson county, within the usual hours of sale, the follow ing property, to wit: One line Buggy and Harness, levied on as the property of Thomas H. Polhill, and found in the possession of F. G. Lewis, to satisfy one fi fa in iavor of John W. Bothwell, and issued from the Inferior Court of Jefferson county. Properly pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Also, one Lot containing front three-fourths to one acre, with a good Dwelling House and Out Houses, and a good Garden, in the town of Lou isville, levied oil as the property of Bennit Craf ton mid Liddia Crafton, to satisfy sundry fi fas is sued from the Superior Court of Jefferson coun ty, in favor of Kerrs & Hope and others, and fi fas against Bennet Crafton alone. Property point ed out by Crafton to satisfy the fi fas against Ben net and Liddia Crafton, and by plaintiff to satis fy the fi fas in favor of Harmon and others. WILLIAM S. ALEXANDER, D. Sh’fT. January 7,1843. TEFFERSON S!terili'’s Sale.—Will t J be sold, on the first Tuesday in February next, at the market house in the town of Louis ville, Jefferson county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One hundred and thirty acres of oak and h ick ory Land, lying on the waters ofChaver’s Creek adjoining lands of E. Attaway and others, levied ■nn nt tile, unuwu-ty of Clhaifeii t.. sundry fi fas issued from a Justice’s Courtiin the " S4th district G. M., in favor of Alexander Lowry and others. Property pointed out by plaintiff.— Levy made and returned by a constable. WILLIAM S. ALEXANDER, D. Sh’ff. January 9> 1843, SCRIVEN ShnrifPs Sale.—On the Ist Tuesday in February next, will be sold be fore the court house door in Scriven county, be tween the usual hours of sale, one negro girl named Winney; levied on as the property of Ba linda Mond, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa in favor of Adam Brinson. PETER ARNETT, Sh’ff December 1, 1842. <J(’KIVEN Sheriffs Sale.—Will bo 1-7 sold, on the first Tuesday in February next, at the court house door iti Jacksonboro, Scriven county, between the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to wit: one tract of Laud, con taining one hundred acres, more or less, bounded by lands of George L. Jackson and Richard Jen iugs and others, levied on as the property ofThos. Reddick, to satisfy one fi fain favor of Bentley M. Blackbern. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, another tract of Land, containing two hundred acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Isaac Hodges and Robert Morelett, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Joseph A. Mack. Properly pointed out by Wm. H. Fames. Also, one negro man named Sam, levied op as the property of Paul B. Colson, to satisfy sundry fi fas in favor of Thomas It. Bernes and others. Lovy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, one tract of I,and, containing one hun dred acres, more or less, bounded bv lands of A. S. Jones, and Wm. Lombend and Streegles; also, one other tract, containing fifty yve acres, more or less, adjoining lands of W. J. Lawton and A. Kemp and others; onother tract, containing two hundred acro*vmtore or less, adjoining lands or Michael Wantness and others, levied on as the property of Jacob. Bryan’s estate. Also, another tract, of land, containing four hundred and forty acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Isaac Bryan and Jefferson Roberts, levied on as tile property of W. H. Nunnely, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Boston & Randol and others. January 3, 1843. PETER ARNETT, Sh’tt; rpALIAFERRO Sheriff s Sate oti -I the first Tuesday in February next, will be sold, before the court house door in the town of Crawfordville, Taliaferro county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One tract or parcel ot Land, containing twenty five acres, mote or less, on lhe waters of Little River, with a Grist and Saw Mill thereon, adjoin ing lands of Absalom Janes and others, levied up on as the property of Peter Bennet, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Honorable the Superior Court of Wilkes county, at the instance of John Ad ams vs Peter Bennet. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Also, one other tract of Land, containing 150 acres, more or less, in said county, lying on the waters of Little River, adjoining lands of Wm. Suggus, David C. Daniel and others, levied upon as the property of Henry P. Bowles, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Taliaferro Superior Court, at the instance of Robert McCart vs Hem v P. Bowles. Property pointed out by said Henry P. Bowies. Also, three Negroes, to wit: Bob, about 35 years old, Mal tha, about 12 years old, Lize, about 11 years old, levied upon as the property of Arch ibald Gresham, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Inferior court of Taliaferro county, at the instance of Daniel Allison vs Thomas Chaffin, principal, and Archibald Gresham security. Property poin ted out by said Gresham. Also, five negroes, to wit: a negro woman, a mulatto, about'27 years old, and iter three chil dren, to wit: George, about 1 year old, Emeline 4 years old, Emely, about 11 years old, and one other woman, about thirty years old, levied upon as lhe property of Thomas T. Towns, to satisfy a mortgage fi In issued from the Inferior Court of Taliaferro county, at the instance of Simeon C. Ellington vs Thomas T. Towns. Property point ed out in said mortgage. The property left in possession of defendant bv order of plaintiff GILCHRIST OVERTON, Sheriff January 7, 1843. 1^7 XECUTOR'S SALE.—(hi Thurs- S-J day, the 16th day of February next, will be sold, at the late residence of Williamson Bird, of Taliaferro county, deceased, a large portion of the perishable property of said deceased, consisting of Horses, Mules, Cows, lings, and other kinds of stock, Plantation Tools, Road Wagon, &c., and a large quantity of ('orn, Fodder, Oats. Ac., and various other articles too tedious to mention. Terms made known on the day of sale. The sale to commc nee at the upper plantation, and to icon tinue from day to day if necessary. ALEXANDER 11. STEPHENS, Ex’r. January 5, 1843. ■piXECUTOR’S SALR—6ii Se 0 Tuesday in February next, will be sold be fore the court house door at Waynesboro, Burke county, between the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing property belonging to the estate <9 Stephen Corker, deceased, five hundred and sixty-sevt n acres of land, more or le.-s, the same being pail of the plantation whereon the deceased lived. Also, three negroes, viz: Dandy a boy about 17 years old. and Lydia a woman, anti her child. Property sold in terms of the will, and by < rJej of the court of ordinary us Burke county, for the benefit of the heir.® and creditors of said deceased. Nov. 26,1942 J. W. C.4RSWELL, Ex’r. PUBLIC SALES. Lincoln swiss sales.— whilk' sold, on the first Tuesday In March next, before the court house in Lincolnton, Lincoln county, W ithin the lawful hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to wits-Two Negroes to wit: Stephen, a boy, eighteen years old, and Alcy, a girl, six years, levied on as the property of James Mahoney, to satisfy a mortgage ti fa in favor of N. G. Barksdale vs James Mahoney: property pointed out in said fi fa, and left in possession of defendant, by direction of plaintiff; Also, three Negroes, Charles, a man, fifty five years old, Alien, a boy, fourteen years old, Hamp ton, twelve years old, levied on as the property of Joseph Davis, to satisfy two mortgage ti fun in fa vor of Wiley G. Tatom, one from the Interior and one from the Sttperfor Court, vs. Joseph Davis. Property pointed out in said fi fa. January 3, 1843. B. F. TATOM, D. Sh’ff. 11NCOLN Sheriff’s Sale.—Will be J sold, on the first Tuesday in February next, before the court house door in Lincolnton, Lin coln county, within the lawful hours of sale, the following property, to wit: —One hundred acres of Land, more or less, in Lincoln county, on the waters of Pistol Creek, adjoining lands of N. G. Barksdale and othsrs, one Grey Horse and one .Sorrel Mare, levied on as the property of Jesse Willis, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Joel B. Sutton vs .Simpson Curray, his wife C. Cyntha Curray and Jesse Willis. Also, five Negroes, Frank, a man, fifty five years old, Mariah, a woman, twenty eight years old, a first rate weaver, seamstress, washer and iroiter, and her children, Nancy fourteen years old, Mary twelve years, and Felix, a boy, ten years old; two hundred and seventy acres of Land, more or less, in Lincoln county, on the waters of Soap Creek, adjoining lands of F. F. Fleming, Thomas J. Murray ond others; one Road Wagon, one Sor rel Horse, two sorrel Mares, all levied on as the property of John L. Trammel, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of John Cartiedge vs Thomas Lyon, John L. Trammel and Peter Lamar. Property pointed out by John L. Trammel. Also, two hundred and seventy acres of Land, more or less, in Lincoln county, on the waters of Soap Creek, adjoining lands of F. F. Fleming and others, the land whereon John H. Turner now lives, levied on as the property of Thomas Lyon, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of John Cartledge vs Thomas Lyon, John L. Trammel and Peter La mar. Property pointed out by John Cartledge. Also, fifty four acres of Lund, more or less, in Lincoln county, on the waters of Soap Creek, ad joining John Feurgusson and others, levied on as the property of Thomas Lyon, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of John Cartledge vs. Thomas Lyon, John L. Trammel and Peter Lamar. Property pointed out by John L Trammel. Janunry_3, £843. B. F. TATOM, D. Sh’ft. LINCOLN Sheriff# Sale.—WiH be sold, before the court hsusedoor at Lincoln ton, on the first Tuesday in February next, the following property, to wit: Two Bags of Cotton, levied on as the property of John ft. McCotd, to satisfy afi fa issued from the Inferior Court of Lincoln county, in favor of Peter Lamar, surviv ing partner of the firm of Lamar &. Bohler. Also, one tract of Land, containing one hun dred and forty five acres, more or less, adjoining Seaborn Mosely and William Runtbly, levied on as the property of William A. Caver, to satisfy a fi fa issued front a Justice’s Court, 182 d District G. M., in favor of Charles Kilgore, and also to satisfy sundry other fi fas. LeVy made and return ed to me by o constable. MILUS M. CAMPBELL, D. Sheriff. January 3, 1843. LINCOLN Sheriff’s Sale.—Will be sold, ®n the first Tuesday in February next, before the court house door in Lincolnton, Lin coln county, one Loom, four Wagon Hubs, Jersey Wagon Tongue and Irons, one Barrel, and lot of old Irons, one Bark Mill, one Hand Barrow, levi ed on as the property of Rem Remson, by virtue of a fi fa issued from the Inferior Court of Lin coln county, in favor of Benjamin Holland vs Rem Remson. ISAAC WILLINGHAM, Sheriff. January 3, 1843. BURKE Sheriff’s Sale.—Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in February n«*t, nt the court house in the t«wn of Waynesboro, Burke county, 800 acres Land, oak and hickory, adjoining lands of John Owens, James H. Duke, estate of Desebayes and others, levied ®n as the property of Jefferson Roberts, to satisfy sundry executions from the Superior Court of Burke county, one in favor of Stephen Blankenship vs Jefferson Roberts, one in favor of Philip Robin son vs Jeffersen Roberts, and others vs Jefferson Roberts. Also, ten bales gined Cotton, levied on as the property of Josiah Lewis, to satisfy one execution from the Superior Court of Burke county, in favor of Stephen Blankenship vs Josiah Lewis and Benjamin Lewis, one in favor of Thomas Wi liams vs Josiah Lewis, and others vs Josiah Lewis. Also, 1300 acres Land, whereon James M. Dye lives, adjoining lands of Dye, Daniel and others, levied on as the property of Uriah T. Lockett, to satisfy two executions from the Superior Court of Burke county, one in favor of Samuel F. Train vs James M. Dye andgUriah T. Lockett, one In favor of Wood, Johnston Browett vs Jams® M- Dye and Uriah T. Lockett. Also, 300 acres Land, adjoining lands of Apple white, James H. Duke and others, levied on an the property of Bennias Kilpatrick, to satisfy an execution in favor of Henry B. Todd vs Bennias Kilpatrick, William Kilpatrick and others vs Beo nias Kilpatrick. Also, 7 acres Land, adjoining lands of John Moxley apd others, levied on as the property of M. K. West, to satisfy an execution in favor of J. B. NethorlandvsM. K. West. Property pointed out by plaintiff . Levied und returned to me by a con stable. Also, KO acres Land, adjoining lands of E. Atta _wuy sod mlwrw, Uviud on mi Uw uwHMtfly of EU H. Moxley and M. M. Moxley, to satisfy two exe cutions from the Justice's Court, in favor of J. B. Netherland vs Eli H. Moxley and M. M. Moxley. Property pointed out by M. M. Moxley. Levied and returned to me by a constable. POSTPONED SALE. Also, one negro boy named Guice, levied on as the property of William 11. Hadley, to satisfy sundry small fi fas in favor of George Merritt vs William R. Hadley, and William Barron, security. Levy made and returned to me by a constable.— Property pointed out by James Moore. January 5, 1843.8. W. BLOUNT, Sh’ff. BURKE Sheriff’s Sale.—Will be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, in the town of Waynesboro, Burke county, between the usual hours of sale, SSB acres Land, adjoining Charles Whitehead, A. J. Lawson and others, le vied on as the property of Joseph M. Perry, to sa tisfy one execution from the Superior Court in favor of Jesse Kent vs Joseph M. Perry. And others vs Joseph M. Perry. Also, 93 acres Land, adjoining lands of Mrs. Harlow, Charles Whitehead and others, levied on as the property of Joseph M. Perry, to satisfy an execution from the Inferior Court of Burke coun ty, in favor of Jesse Jenhva Joseph M. Perry. Also, 200 acres Pine Land, adjoining lands of Middleton, Thorn, Jordan, Joiner and others, levi ed on ns the property of Hurvy Andrews, to satis fy two Justice’s executions in favor of Marlin Herrington vs Harvey Andrews and Gipson West. Property pointed out by defendant. Levied and returned to be by a constable. Also, 40 acres Land, adjoining lands ofcstate of Marke Stokes, A. Bpnnell and others, levied on as the property of Gipson West, to satisfy two small executions from the Justice’s Court, in fa vor of Jaeob Evans. Property pointed out by plantin'. Levied and returned to me by a consta ble. Also, 150 acres oak ami hickory Land, adjoining lands of Wm. Lusetter, H. Bell and others,Jevicd on us the property of Solomon Thompson, ae se curity for William Thompson, deceased, to satisfy four small executions from the Justice's Court, in favor of William Lasseter, executor on the es tate of Ann H. Dun vs Solomon Thompson, secu rity for Wm. Thompson. Also, 300 acres Land, adjoining lands of John Wimberly, Elizabeth Livly and others, on Briar Creek, levied on as the property of John T. Livly, to satisfy two executions from the Justices’ Court, in favor of Elisha Haymans, administrator on the estate of Moses Davis, vs John T. Livly. Pro perty pointed out by defendant. Levied and re turned to mt by a constable. Also, 300 acres Land, adjoining lands of Wm. Cox, Nathan McCollum ami others, levied on as the property of Wilson Burch, to satisfy two ex ecutions front the Justices Court, in favor of Jaeob Evans vs Wilson Burch, and others vs Wilson Burch. The above land sold subject to a mort gage. Levied mid returned by a constable. . ISAAC MESSEX, D. Sheriff. January 5, 1843. on the first Tuesday in March next, in the town of Waynesboro, Burke county, between the usual hours of sale, the following negroes: Jack, a man, Jim, a man, Randal, a man, Isom, a num, Fanny, a woman, Rachel, a woman, and Matin, a woman, levied on as the property of Jacob Evans,to satisfy a mortgage fi fa from the Inferior Court of Burke county, in favor of John Brip ham vs Jacob Evans. ISAAC MISSEX, D. Sheriff January 5, 1813. 81-RKE Sheriffs Sale— On the first Tuesday in February next, will be sold be fore the court house door in the town of Waynes boro, two likely negro girls, Emetine and Ellen, both good house servants, and one a good semp stress; one bay horse, and a cream horse; levied on as the property of Jonathan McCroan, to sat isfy a mortgage ti fa from Burke. Inferior Court nt the suit of Rhcsa McCroan nnd Eli McCroan vs Jonathan McCroan. Property pointed nut in said mortgage. IS,LAC MESSEX, D. Sh’ff 1),.-, ml.u-3, 1842. 2 Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first 1 f Tuesday in February next, will be sold at the court house door in the town of Waynesboro, Burke county, between the usual hours of sale’, one house and lot in the town of Waynesboro known in the plait of said town ns lot No. 13, joining lot No. l ion the north, fronting the court house rquarc oifmbli: square on the south, My rick street 011 the east, and Liberty street on the west; levied on as the property of Robt H Gray, to satisfy a mortgage fi in from the superior court of Burke county, in favor of William W Davies. Said property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa D.e. S, 1842. ISAAC MESSEX, D. Sh’ff.' A DMINISTRATOR’S SALeZTm j A the first Tuesday in February next, will be sold al the lower market house in the city of Au t gusta, within the usual hours of sale, agreeable to an order of the honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond county, when sitting for ordinary pur po-es a lot situated on the north side of Reynold 1 street in said city, on which it has a front o’s fifty 1 feet, more or less, bounded on the south by Rey t nold street, on the east by a lot late the property of Robert Campbell, on the north by the southern line of Musgrove’s warehouse lot, and on the w< t by a vacant lot separating the same from a f lot owned and occupied by George M Thew.— Sold for the benefit of the heir* of the late Wm . Bryson. HARPER C. BRYSON, Adm’r. November 18, 1842. 2