Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, November 05, 1851, Page 4, Image 4

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4 L : h I-. I> S Frcci the National tn r »ctr, .6 AWKH‘ CX S. MT AIS»s» TJ•’ * «<>>.: J'S INI VS R U iXHßlil'" LONI ON. W1 have She pleasure to-day nf C'-mninnicat in ito our reader* aud the public, ah* ° * •• Award, made by the Ro»"l Counn^H-ne™' > the American iontributora to tii" Iu • Exhibition at London- Thr. port was received from the ag nt Mr. 1 by the steamer which arrived at N • w > Sun av, and through the poht’iiess or M.' Km dt. Sectary of the Central oimiiiltye we are enabled thus promptly t • make it publ L«*apnff. Octoikk 13, T 8m: I b«g leave to hand y u my r- port hot; the Gent ExhtbitioTh” comm s-.on> which I was honored by lie Executive Com mitt , e of the • entral And ority oi me Stares, bear!- date the 1,1 larnv d n London, in pursuance o| the in strnciicii* vou had given me. on the 27th < March. The contributions shipped from ou country in th Si Lawrence hail bee i d--| on: ed in th»b’ii4ioff * few day* before, and othe convibiitmrw freighted by private vew la. we., dai’r ftrriring. No preparation of the divUitn ailoi’ed to our country men had been made he yond th t of i ere >hei:er f r themsrlv- a an their good*. In com non with other foreign eat-ona. it was expected that all expo- son n for properly a r miing and <ii*pl yi».- onr c •mribiiuou* to the Exhmiti n. a d h, •ecuri.ff can and safe’y to them while it shou . enntinu were mhe born** by ourselves N»■- •h-r coun»» r<, tablee, fixture*, nor plaif <nn» . nvith r ove ings. standards railings, nor deco ration*, had been ';tnvided Our go ds wer in the building under toe seals <>f the customs our con trib cor* w re many of them p-esent, anxious tor seine -t* ptn be tak»-n ' hich won r secure to th*tn the purpose for w’hich they h*r crossed the ocean ; our neighbors, the French Rii**itU4. a- d inh bitaota of she different com, t ies nf th? Zol -Verein. we e bu-i'y • ngae?< in forward! z the w. rk within their respective divisions: and *he Executive Committee of ti.«- Royal onimirsi n were urging speed upon ah so etgners. inorder that every ih ; ng shou d be in readiness on the dav of opening, the Ist oi May Under these circunwtam e#, after re ceiving the advice of the American Minuter, and with the full ap rob iticm of the contribu* tors, expre-eed in a formal resolution at a public meeting. I negotiated a loan from Gkorgk Pzabodt Eso., an American mer chant residing in Lond*.*n, for fifteen thous and dollar* The whole expense* to which the Com mission from the United states has been subjected I h»rewth enjoin No report of the Great Exhibition can do i’ full jiislic . No aggregate of repons, though that aggregate should comp>L*e the reports o •very l“cal cotmnia«ioner to the body v hich appo nted him. of every foreign coininisaio»-er to bis G -vernine nt. of every s e >ar in E«ir>‘p« te the society wh-rh furnish *d hi* credentials, of th juries tn no council of chairmen, of these latter to die executive commit ee of the exeru t re comm Lae to die royal commissioners. and of tbe«e tn her • majesty the Q*i er, together with all the docummls s brained tn scientific a»M ciations, agricuJtuta! «<»cie:ie*«, and literary in*t iGtions bf ih - abfex men living, could, allo ge.ber tbo.ighsu h a volume -ouldc main an extraordinary amount of tie fid inform lion, convey ny adequate idea of the almost exh uu le-s resoiirce* ol this storehouse *>| the world’s industrial products Least of all can this report, prepared in the midst of conutant claims, the moet adverse to scientific investigation. up»»n my time aud thought*. present to yon any true exponent of what th*> Great Exhibition really wa*. Indeed, it doe* n*»t claim ohea* y thing more titan a syn -p-'i* • f such information a* e »■ Id be gathered from cert tin portions of the Exhibit on in '’ hich. <tseemed t*» me. my c tin trynen would be moat interested |i ia to be regretted tn «t rhe interest in the Great Exhibition did not take an earlier hold »»f public seutiineiil in our com* try « what w< d 4 >«end which, nerording to die testimony cf ever* visitor from the United States, was u * adequate leproAentnUnu of our industrial eon diiimi—-we stood *ecx»»d tn no ooh of th»- three an.Mhiny auon® • smmbled Ibero either i articles of mill y, Uhor-savinx inveutions. or perfect ii’Schiuery Wh*»t might we >.ot have accomplished had every branch of lab *r. and every variety ofinterest over our widespread r nr, try. ben fitlv represented? The contri butors from every other con t-y. without a solitary exception, came loth* Exhib tin u der Governm< txl patronage Every facility for preparation had h*eu given them at home; every Ktinitiiu* to excrlien* e in their manufac ture* which profit and public h«i-nr and rivalry could give h’d b en applied; rve-y expense for outfit. tran«it. and t e most favorable exhi bi;i»»n of their go »Ka irhin the palace, h d b**en p«id from to pnbbepnr«e: and in many cases the fav. r *f he Go.ernnieut towards the most forward* fits exnihiters had amounted to an absolute • • n »s on the articles t ansuiitied. And yet, in t e fare ot these odds, acrordi'.g to the reports of the Jurors of Awards, to the testi n»»- ny of English jnimiah for the la«t nix week* of the E bibitiOn, and tn universal opmi n every where axpressed, there w.»s no divismn in the foreign department ofthe hiiildin from which h d bee Uk o fnr tne benefit *f tJrea’ Britain and o tiucntal Eii<«»peso touch that «a* novel, ingenious, a d practical in it* application to the sefiil arts sfromtha in which were dis p ave 1 the contnhut ons from the United Blates. In its reflux influence upon mir industrial condition. I regard t e exhibition as being far from useless. Gres numbers « f our pc pie have not congregated in London during the past season iu vain. Unhk what has brew the fart neretofo e the majority who visited England were practical nutu. Our agri« ul u risis were th-ro io compare the f rm implements which use, with those io use in Europe ;to study the pror ssew by whi h the waste moors of Engl id have htien made a garde/ ;tot« at firn experiments -ndlonru the results of chemical • gticulure: and tn ntroonce at hnma that wh ch had proved itself ntly sncc*es ful abroad. Our merhai.ics have not studied in vain the state aud n oducts of mechanical »k II s» they were rvhinit d in that great ware house of the world; and while they have had uo orca ion to oe ashamed ofthe show from their own workshops—save i • paucity of spreitn ns they h *ve learned much to encourage a* d improve th ir industry t home. Our mann 'arturera have compared proces vs « f labor in vestigated ne * introductions in machinery, familiarized themselves with recent inventions, le trued much in designs and a higher style of paturns, and prepared themselves teller for fur re competition in the market with foreign fabric* It would not perils, s be safe Io say that, to every practical or scientific man, a mo th spoof at the Great Exhibition was s<>u ca of more im rnvement at large than a year off reign travel would have hern; but it is safe an quite within the bounds of fact in assert that as an agrien lural. mechanic I. <nd Diauilf ctn i g peopl . we have gained more stimuli* that will be fob, and more kno ledge that • iii he UMliil. and more * ience hat »vdl be applied, in our onward indtulri I proge-s from what baa been seen the last aix nm .thein Lon ion. than w*» oh > old hwe attained other wise in twice that nu'nbe ofyears Agreeably tn am mine men in mv last letter, 1 herewith enclose you the Iwl of American awards. Ao 1 hate no*, received any reply from you at tn thia date of the intention of the Sec etary of the Nnvy tn wend for tie United Blstee .oods, I pr-» «nie in e*M» of receiving no meini hnru. to this effect, when the good* ere ready for •hip tern1.1 tnuet, or my ran respot sibili'y, charter a veeeel for tris pu>p«we ; a re-nit which 1 yet hope will nnt b*- imposed upon me. In taking my leave of th** Fl ciitive <’on»- Biittte 1 do»ire to express, through you, my grateful ar.ki;rwli*dgniento to tnem tor their cou te».a» ce. encouragement, and •npp» *t. Ia «o wish o make on -table me lion « toy e»jc. etary .N. 3 l>oi*a». Esq The valua hie assistance he has re* de ed me and the Am rican. contributors is eanneotly worby of your noli e During my temporary a sriice in the I niied B’ales 1 apn it ted him acting C minimi ner a* d t ne d nordly say I *as not n*iss«-d. such wm the a> le manner in w hich he co* d rted the business nf mi department, .-*nd th*- tiring weal he evine- dto bring our co;> tr<b timts fairly m*f* re the juries «*f awards. T him am i likewise ird* bled ;or the princi pal elements of ray report. I won’d also desire to exprese my sincere ac knowl dgirrnts to each member of the F.aecu t vt C«*n;r»n’-*e of th»- Royal <‘euKniseioner* for the kind eae. eon twy, and attention > have received at the'»r hand*. U»d now, i* conclusion. I w u’.d uy. that if I have diet harged my duties acceptably to it e co nun liter I represent, to the American con tributor* and my friends. my highest ambi ion is oh aii ed. my earnest wish accomplished. I have thehon> rtn be, eiy reapertfo.il . your obedient servant. I i?w r» Kiuin.a. V B I oip lose a list of appropriate » made by the cetera! foreign Government* represent ed at the Great Exhibition. T« the Hnn. J G. C. Kfwsbdt. Secretary of the Executive C mini Mow tor the Industrial Exhibition at London, 1851. ALhtetAwiki ; ’*4 StatesCoaHrt bu or- at the ’** E on of at .N'alieaa Ciae* I —/Vies ts do.*—A readac Mvq fc-ui ct> N Y •* %r '■•eel aa4 lw-; Mere , lw*» A <:-ra. ay, F «*elrsns New .tree l Et V.ri •» »ad **a«r.t Cwar.sy Xec veer, Irra W tPrwsklrhe) rf«*t **w tie pr*TM ; Tr*»Mi lr r C tap nv Iren I Une ctalny. ores. As Han>rab'c '*■ • *«• Ad»rrr*»ac * aratae ut'n* Co-* p»« .N. O Y -k • W ire*. IG, M**rro»l. btewsH A M F*»*» •***♦< ir»*. Merits, Jcme» & < 'etr.pnt. Bo Ur B r •* f l ** 11. evt il .Moial —Rsedew G ir gHE rp* •••»**’• c. z. ir».>br O’U pr z F rre* H M. A »enr. I, T S*. < R G* I' »e, I , M P » a v . b- bev • a*'o sb t D ft.- E. H ra . »p* J H f.v iW'aeea t'« -er * Fto <**’-•*• i «*• ; H*T'M F v., * «r la* ne. ; > htd *1 a en t«etiw e* th«ry ***•'*•• t Y’k K late Agti-e F«*«ry ■ C lre'iaa«fwhaato| R v*mw<l FeaatUr Fu< F ph K'S). Wnbin*.-® p t CavA«4'cli « b««*e«; Rrb*« [ by A F-w C aeiena i H. ne» b ( H r- • None - BiMte J*be, Ot sate |K-m n k tier** I * •» > Rr • *»er Pa?ia* , H e kiw», VA t»tOM V dl'e.le, . W’ CVUa (.aver-Ub I- a-ro; S. . r ‘ F-wev, F.eul. o* , T *, a < ev^aMJ* rebae-a; lbcma S Ca.aadt b*. » I** I** 1 ** c **«*>* Ca».ndwh w ■* . were- «*, . u wr < i„. II —sh n _* w „ 4 'V.i.k . ,1. // , , .Mc: u,.* * 8 *.rW«« ah., <kta V.— i ri» AM I W-rd «,. r , . O . t». . .1; C. . .•.**,* C-mtm. ~ ’ Fw» J. H . w~-> ; H„,i m W , r t< « ; H - n 8 r' k M H G A I. I* , mlm J w j.r.,1 * . c.-et < ksbrr. A M AG«p» wav; War r-xl W »■„«««; », n-a.-v il> as w axrf .nxl... . M,. tl , J H- ; F.tki.a A Hn**n » l- *.ara.» R.. 1 , • ; *•• <» 3 cvn*- ; F.m r’ a<.«h Haii'-«W* M<- *c. ; . (a, p R ! ; Pw>. c, •. . la, ’. F» ..,r I. dF un-. F. .... ...' ,*.da ; F-... F I»,<e A ; li.-.-d I. *<«. ; H liw*AA,M>t,l rd all; O. t eer. a. k *£»r*. Pr t, 8. J,, ; Tr... 4al-. Jaa A C" < U.,F. (a)—P ira VadaZa.—CbikX C, a ■M« -f tu ,<J •• (Mai.ad iMihaa <| 1 n on ■ »ery Hip»:ror <p lily. T-e whole w I->»•’ ip. an t J adyfiivhed; <n G. W., a spo.tmg w/go- » y f»e •} in ?P »■ a t,«sa * • Ceunci.’ Ma at Dick D rtr"«u w-icr e ' to l an » pr. > n r.d L-rrw S w>ng m’ch ne; r »ri, i VO <;.r-e rhi*u-; w«u«n W . «r<twjng r-g - v rfrp us ; ‘ owe I Machine Fhop, >elf sei g * s bs »a»i ow ■ toi.m; S’«ir. C., b» < bin r a bias; \*<ed*«»y.J P » wed i ianing, tor.gueng red irrsdns maeh ae. vil. Mt dal — Don Bridge Manti v. >ew Y r’x, iu«’del cf Ryder’s patent itofc bridge Class Vl’l.— Prizt M.dnlt.— National Inatifn • ,i oi »'arhmg’nn, uod i- of shi;e of w.’tr, an • • jre ii«er-han» vetse*® ; Ht. John. J R, nautical • VS’-a, pvrpn-t’np tn s’»ow th« pte?en~« of any VstiiTLin lo'eea upon b«» needle; and also to eho he atnnur «♦ ’ e •< fl *ti:> « resulmg from lb :•» 5 ess ll•narah-l M n - Celt. Samuel e ’• ’ n»f rfl-y and , t is; Pshner tv R s target fl ; '*ob»n* V I* wu’fi'e nr i r fl a ASS S X ('cuneil M>.d I— Met.o-m’.rk C i*RPin •ra ; - P’ w. Clam X —t I Midtd - Wi.'i m Ar '»i f•. <' *• iHvs’.ti nos a a w m >• nf n's* r ‘ ing rnoo ic.ai jbe' - m ra Ate. P ixi Mzoali ’a- he >. D, slsnee; B.atv. M B; Ihgur.r e<>- l*»s; ’’ur W. ■».. J’oar camp#**, xirveyina in i •n<?.ens; Efi won. J. r«a '#*♦, pnemu r A xarnee M M .daguf*'retypes; Si John J •<» , et»e- r empv* ’’ h'p ie, J . da/u»* ie- - i F* < f the mo Hti-rabk iWca'i n —M-tyal: . E., ph*” giaphs. LA 8 X .a Priza Vtda>, -*<’l i ker n?. J., . trcpiufr piunofore, .-njih» jur* t in* highly d th an<’ fl . e» ; ' • min-rr, <».. hr a J « th G rar •<t i- v«od'.. (r ( efl.. > >nd lor t ree other vi.d n*-, n*avt<da; M jer I frr tu • pan-forte ; Nunn- 1 lor-t ?•-ot*ve Xjuire ;»ixn.do-<». Hvli- n l -/- .Vf* tiOHH liphen dr Co-, fe» » piano «v h 4*l in aUacha-cii ; *ir C , 1”r ’hr i ce-cJ-.t .*• phcat-on of an w mi* riel ru - er; C-r tar. m-vufac ire of floe: H*w . G. f.x a »e pi<-of> ; P’»>. n, J. f* fc p.i'en -qi r»; .snofo.’e iWoney Awarrf.—Wood J. S. f r Che »*-• incurred tn con true*ing his p ano violin >SO. Glass XI ~ Pr xx Verfa/s—Am .skeag Manu »cturit<4 Go i in «*»: r’mrui of d diings, ticl*ior«, •-’hraiisgs and - cl’.on flac.n I. M ihmtnatic Du. k '4rn»>>-1”' n’ C’ co’ -n *sdc< th. ('LA *X I.—Prize W da f - Gilbert A Stt’rer* Mas*, fl :>•>’* esh b«l* by John on l.rw H & . Mtnlion.— Holden, B T & b blankets. XV— P'itt Medal— laurence Stone dt Cn T«r'.ns m d- firm native w- I. (.’lass XVI —Pz zc Merits Baker 8., light h*rn»«> oi-uperi-r w rkmans-bip; C awiord, H. M.,calf kins (atned in oak bark ; Hick*y ii Tull, •o »*jrtman : e?u-; Lr v A Ph Hips a cate of ha - i-re; W s.-om F in*el’A Mi«nan. rpeeimens n* •ur’ed hair, for furniture Hanor tb-c Mention * porta ’coddle. » LABS XVi» p .ze MerfU;.- Hpnriax, J. K. rp*riof reitnir o< ac-c< am v'kt; Wcwr. S. G.. o r h riders, si.g’-oly angular in fr » w bom espial*-, for th* bind, /{or,crab,c Mer 'khs. — Bradley. Hr d Jo . b-'< k ck-t-i b;a : mg ! »nd b!**'k g 'tna ; Ga**a’t H , fup*«ror r«d ng * , tccount b o ; M-A«iams J. <V W„ rn ed ac<cu».t ka sad circular is'iar ; Libel! & v ctt apcri. wees f account b*» ks; S<<rr, C.. bindieg woik* for the*, find, with thickened m*-g:n* »o rrerent be 5 tn bonis f from bein’ presse-i out; Walker, E. A * Gn., a Bible ' »»ond an I orrameoted, wi b 1 .re f<>' ' f mi ! < »egjs»er ms'de the co*er. r *‘Lisa X X Pr'zc v «£;/ —Albrn & H»yt, [•. fl-v»- .-.Ka /{'Ttor.ble Mention. — Lawreuce, A. r A. A. dr Co Carp I CXA'f XX.— Prix*! Meda'i.— Addirgfnn. VV ! H , -hoe» ‘er SBietoe ;urpo.«c* , H-ight, r». W,, Shift , Jefl*r». W. H , (the workman of l.a-’ie»' »<*> a sad shoe# notable mat ticn to * xb bit ««n ) //■m rablc Mrntior,g. Breed, N. A & Co. Cb:l * -Iren’s uhoes ; Jeflfofe, W. H., Collrcio.r of b«wa ted sh es, (prize medal to the workman); Mil B «• rd J a tim bi bone. Bonnets made of soitou » bra d. 8 CiAB- XXI •■•Pr'gr --Dr-“”rr» A f T'vMs; Morr.ft 'Vavns a ey he U*.« JScvht*’ ; bim i aon»-. L\ * U«., E-!<*•?*:»*. H-no?able Mention. H -A5 *t», A. H dr t •..T-<ls. C A s \X ’ —Prrxc Medah —A ’a-rv & (>. ' ank i .It ; Arrowsn i h G A P» r*'u»*ri.-n l -ek Ch;’am. R.L ha d*r« de O-»., air furnace; C-.v --nr tins de «?«., • han-i*i»er» Osy dr Ne veil Parau- * «»tr<c rertnutM’nr locks, t wrh special a p-ola on«; * H*rt«ar, 5. C , Safomander »-•»!•; Hftw».«nd, C., I B »ll r.fojrenb; Ve<»r»gcr I c»* l‘»fk Irk. //tjnorab'r L/ r.li/*n. —-Por.dtfc Cn., Cooking s’* ’*'. * Lieb XX V ••Prize Ated/4.-—Brooklyn Punt Gle'a • Class XXV! Mention. --eW e Ra ran, C -• n.-n-r**b«’»ng ehiir. ('lass XXVII — lt noridlr .L'awfwr’x —M*r'- . lan-t «f. ’mi* C*. F>r ar iefo* tn t • -f si-p. > eton-’; **•'• tr ***• r. W«t»«r v.«ie fthe Lri k c'*. . Cia<s XX HL—f\m: cit it dal - -O.xdy flfo In •* r-»r»* , *r. P/ize Mednl P<cr, Com?; H-vward R’.**-er <’o*w;niny India üb”»*r 1 shoes; L*ri’g, G.. Wster pill; Mou’tr.n, S In-la ra’.bt' good* : Prate, Jn ins &. Uo„ Ivory vnneer. CiAig X-X —-P iz« A/c?<l's.- -Bsnia Xavier dt Co., P.s*-v -«>’(••; Ha*at J, ’J'vls’ -op*; » o>ide< bv<*k M J., Pr«>*rv/*il .-naehe; ; Midland ffta*« of, C*’l*et‘o« “f pro-tur** ; S' Jchn, J. K , So p . T '■ e. H. P. A w. c.. T ifot »O*|» Class XXX - •Pr-xe MeJul - • r owera | Hiram, i Ststts of a Ur* k Slave in ** arble. L i Last Day of *h«* Orent RxhibMlon. I . > The World’s Fair at I ondon was finally cl -ved on the I-Sth i»«st., having been closed lo r the public ntveial days previous Nolwiih , staiidin* the great up tee devoted to the i le ter of Hr. Kiddle and il.e Anm-i« an awards 1 we cannot omit the f- llowing account given by ’ the Loimloii T/nr- of the c osmg scene: Am th* day wore on. a remarkable c-Hirentni | lion nf people »n the nave began I > be d »*<•<• n ible The side avenues aud court* were <!♦• | eerted, and from end to end of th** building nothing wah io be seen but a great «ea of hu man Brings filling up the centre, and agil itcd by • n thou*and diff rent rnrrrnta of ctiriOMiiv, which ' k«*pt th® num in n* lion wi hoot progress I Time p-vard, and the circuit tiou iu the transept * became rati sr impeded. The people aoetii d ii to b-ia ingup their position then, und the > I galleries, aafrras in« eye could roach, wereoc i j cupied by sped ion wh'». as they gaz**d ou : the vast rwaeuiblage beneath evidently appear ! ed to expect that some public deiDOiKlration , w«» about to be mad**. Tiie ergana, which had been play* d constant ly during the eady **art of the d y now ■ silent, and even that wande>ful man Herr Som mer, with his still more wonderful instrument, •ent forth n** longer tho»e a*t*>tti*hing volumes of sound which have rendered him, pi* rx rl •me . the trnmp**ter of the Exhibition No thing was to be h* ard but ’hat atrang* aud mv»«- tetioiiH hum ot voice* which, rising from all h g aswcfublagee, is nnpe-iug but which, in the * rvaUl Palace, swelling upward from more than fifty thousand p**op e. In «ves an imp ra id u upon the mind not soon to be forgo t, n. It waa drawing near five n’cluck, the wh.le av* »a-t a d west, the area of th* tr«n*c,it, and the •alleries. might be seen pack'd with a det se mass of black haw. through which al in terv *ls, a Hruggling feniale bonnet emerged here and *here into light The vast multitude had now lecome *ia •ion.iry and were • vidently a* afting.*an silent I ut intense exci etn« nt. the last act of a greit event, immortal in the annals of the niiieten h century. It wa* a solemn and afl’reting ace e. Mich aa ha* i.irrly been wi nenved. and for which an opportunity cannot soon aga-n arum. Words cnr ot do it matico, and r fall utterly to convey the mystery and the grandeur thus<-n.h«'died to the »ye. Let the t r ader fancy what it must have b> en to com > prrhend with one glanc** fifty thousand pen, le aaaetnbl* d under one rn f in a fairy palace, i with walls nf iron and cl *m, tho strongest and k the n»*»t fragile material happily and xplcndidly t combined. Lot him. if he <*<n. picture to hun „ M«dl'Uiat »«seu>blag»’m the centre of that e'i r fice. lied wiih epeciinene of human industry , and national ealth. from even civilized coni* j miinify and the remotest corners of the g obe. Let him tax hi* imagination to the utteriuo«t. . and Mill bey ond the mate lai inag»-ihce* cr of the r spec acle presented io him—let him remember r that the stream of life on o hirh he looks <iuw contains in it the intellect and the hesrt of the great* st inettopolis in the most powerful em pire in tho wor'd that strong ierlings s’.ch as rarely find utterance in a form so sublime, f are about to tin expre-ion from that mu’ti s tnde. and that in he-dhen (irnea. even when * hherty was still a new p wer upon the earth, t the voire of the people was h*dd to be the voice * of God. I Not only the days hut the minutes of the . Gro <t Exhibition were numbered, and the first sign of it* dkMMthitinn wa- giv» ii by Oder a . crysid fountain Ju*t before five o'clock strura. the feathery jet of w ier from Osier’s . ervsial fountiin snd.L nly rei*e ’ t and t r silence o« the vast assemblage he* «in • deeper and i more intense. *he no»ment at la*t rame. Mr. » Bradshaw appeared t the weH corner of the transept gall ry on the south side, bearing a f large red flag in his hand. This he d splayed » «s the rlnrk »t<uck. and insta- tly ait the organs - in the Building ware hurling into the ir the i well known not *nl the nno al anthem. M the same moment the awsemhled multitude un r covered ; a:d those who saw this act of loyalty • from an dv ntageous post ion e ill long re -9 member tar effort which it produced up n tiiei - J min is Where ju-t bes re nothing w a visible | but aiuass ot black batasUeirbing away until p lost in Kbe distance, hum diatel|thereappear- I : ed a gr ataea of u turned anno ted faces, and to the snlenm sileuce of ex. ectincv tuc eeeded a veduam of sound in whi* h the voices . of the peoo-e were heartily jni rd. Asa r® as tar anthem hid rinsed, (here arose ; suck ch* eis a< Lngiithme.. amnoknow how to . give, besr were for several minutes. r and when the I st o: them lied away therepas«rd ’ i over the entir budding, and with an effect I i to’ l *’!’ •‘•bli’tie. a tremendous rolling sound, like j r I that of t.:un ier, caused by thausauda of feet • * I stamping their toy » -y npnn t .» boarded floors. ’ ‘‘ Under this dem * «ra*i»»n every ptre of flic r edifice tr mb., d. and xs it swrpt from we-t to 1 east many an eye was Fused with anxiety to the * girders and ibar«. whirli iu long p<r-pecti e vv»r stretched out heroic them And <' ( • time bad arrived tor the d-xth peal of the • vui hiiir.n to be rung out. Some •nr hn g nut « from ths gallery ol tne transept a pi- ce of cd ir... on whicb was in*c ib'd the veR-knowu passage frmn S ak ptar s Tempest Ac.; •G'ar rsv®’* »cw are sad*d ; our actors, A® • ywi, wer? a’ *-p;r ts and Ar® i® ? mo rr, ivto Pia i r : And li<®rheb le«® i ■ bt»® • f «hi® vhroa, Th«eto*d slapped lowers, <b * gerpeooe Ih» e'en-i to ar! - , th* great <i > ®-|f _ Y-v,*l «bi hi t a-f* » a u-« 4«® Aai Ma® hv ua ut> Grital . agtar f faded L «r- wr ® a ® j A nrnule or two was allowed to el*pae before the fatal signa' w * given and during this brief interval the assemblage remained silent and motionless. At last it came, at.d a perfect st rtn of bell peals brote over the building. The committee seemed to hav- coiL cted all their str-ngth fnr a h<t effo t in this department of their duties. Mid we do hope that to the other • ati*t c» • f the great un 'eraking now clos d may at once be ad ’ed the number of tvmpa nums broken on th® final day Ireland has sen: th® nu*t powerful beU to the Exhibition, but tnese resources, ad. ed tn the b da of al! uat’nn*. were de med insutheient. an I Chi a .l?d to come o the re-cue wi h her gangs, and I ndla tn *titke up *nme hue sav age notes from her twwb-toraa. before the sign* of an in;«.nu -n ’«• Hep rt were uuurMakabiy »:>.a- -e*trd. 'in cettconrae es pe- |-ie fora long time remained massed tnge’be . as if no power could s« p-rate •«r f »*e theui; bnt at last small currents and , rippi ® of human ben gs m.ght be ►een selling toward u>e exit-doors, and these gradual.'/ in- creased in volume end rapidity as the shades of evening fell. One by one thfe gas lamps were ;i ued.and the building, divided between tiie • mp re of day and night, assumed an aspe t kU i’»u«|y in harmony wi.h it* defunct character The crowds flowed out f sler every minute, and first th \ western and then the eastern por tions of the nave beg in to show vacant spaces. In the mean t.me the ringing of the bells was occasionally suspended, and in the intervals hearty chee»s were gv* n lor Pr-n r e Albert, lor the Prince of Wales, for Mr. Paxton, for Mr. Fox, for the exhibitors, and upon various other grounds. An : Itempt, too. was made by some vocalists to get up a musical perform; nee. but their efforts were instantly drowned by the re vived energies of the ringer*. Some one pro posed a cheer for K »ssuth, but it met with j;o ri’spo- se. except some derisive laughter. The galleries and t- e eastern and western naveshad now been c««mpl- tely cleared, but a dense body still clung round the crystal fountain, inanv Ailing bmtieswilb water fr«-m it as a memento, aud others struggling i • vain t-» approach it lor that purpose. The p lice and the sappers ap peared on the scene, first in small knots, and then, when they had moved the people on a lit tle, in extended line. By gently pressing on ' them th. y at last induced them to go, but it was . »Prk and half past 6 o’clock before the building wa* completely cleared, and the bells finally ceased tolling. The Executive Committee. and tho chief members of their staff, met in the transept when it wa* all ov r. and many and hearty were the congratulations which they exchanged on the happy termination of their brilliant labors It i* rarely, indeed, that a body of men have as sembled at lh« clu-e oi any undertak’ng with more legitimate ground for fe» ling pleasure and satisfaction. The < ; reat Exhibition has been mainly the work of their hands and its trium phant success is naturally regarded by them as th* ir highest reward. Even the sappers parti cipated in the gratification which the event of Saturday inspired, and before the building was left to si'euce and solitude they made its dim and shadowy interior ling with three hearty cheers for the Queen. Coinmtriial. CHARLESTON, Nov I. We hive no Improve ment o not ce in business Ihe general (r- de of nor city has been very inactive during the week, and we hardy know to what cause to attribu'e this unprecedented Magna?ion in meet depaitments of trade, unleav it is that our community are suffering u der the stri stenev of a money pressure. Cotten. — This artk e was in fa»r request through, out the (receding week., and as the demand was ful- I. upto -he receipts, the market »aa not only firm, b it gradu-iPy acquired a di»’o--al str-ugth. andwhv.n we cl<wc»i t’br i'.-qui ic«, preparatory to our report of t e 24th it r.. (trieea lad decidedly advancing ten <l-n« y ; ’h' market si siained thi* position at the open ng of h-* week und r review. The tug the f >s : two days, viz: Friday and Saturday (•mounted tn ab'Lt 2000 lale». The unfivorable advice-, however, hr urht out by the steamer Paci fic. which came to h nd on Sunday, depressed the market, and there was subseque-tly a a oru deal- rs as to who sh ?uld obtain the ascenden cy. The bu’in**a of Monday and Tuesday vas il neo'i rather easier terms, although no dc’ided reduction ran be said to h»ve been established in prices On t'rdreediv the demand waa rather « live than o h t-wise which freely met by eel Lrs. who ger.noliy t-irnied more div cred to yield t«c»rc m* we e unable to control, and the rr-'n-M i ons in man# instances doting the day were made a’ a p-si ive reduction o f jc on ’he pri es cur rent «t the opertittg <.f (he week. Thursday was appiinte< a day of Thanksgiving and business may tic i#aid o have been appended. ‘I he market was we’i aUcn«fe<i yesterday nod no new feature pre ■TUd itself. T e translations, as nn Wed read tv, w**re n <m> centrally in fovor of purchasers to the extent -ecorde ' •' ove, but while we ndm t this fact, -e it u*‘ fnrdrer ad«i chi’ we do n-,t think it ydvisa b e o T»dnce ■u T qno<Bt : on*, an 1 therefore rcrew t ..*r «»♦ ct.e previous w*/*k Wry ii de ’as been on< in tue extreme rate* in ccn>equ- nee of their anil bvnee the ieahditv we later und' r in i>cf b'lntt able to yiv q nia’irns The business of he week *u n u 7.5 0 b*!***, a/a’nat the rece’pt io rhe same time of 10 314 bales The actual i «n»- ac’ione com-ri*-24 l»»-!*aat <i 105 at 61. 33 at 6|. fQatbj 29 ”6) 4a 6| <:0 .17 31 a7f 29 a7j 254 > 7j 63 t |. 3 7•» 7J. 6i at 7 13-16, 726 - 7j 30a 715 lb :430 nt 8 1676 at S|, 2166 at Bl sort 35 nt .9 5-lOc W- q tote *rdi ary to troid o denary i j , 7 ; mi dling t £<o l tn ddhng 7( a fnirt tliOi' fa r 8; and fiirFjnftfr. T emaik-t f.r all de-cri tiona •»» long C«»tL n bno been very q re* inc' om la*l report The iransac'ious, so far as we h»ve be*n ahl. , » toeseeita’n. have bsen lifoit ed to a etf-ali I t nf c a”.lees, at 30*.: aud 10 bgjka M-‘ine*. th'* first of 'he new crop that has reached the (■al Met, . t 30c. /?fce. - There has bena far demo'd for (hie article du*inv the week, and the rc.ei is, which c mnrsu ii re-a, h ?v»' nearly al be.-.n sold. The ma-It 'atrm• Ia- ' d nI j rice b>*e kuff-’r d ? v g’ f redi ? * a. ' nr »na*» »’-ii <<eg c*in»-hi*Creo **vt bi;sh< dor the ra<e. c irrenr this day we k. The r-cwcropb?g!n r focouieto market freely. Th*? CK'rcrueacf nb<:- have been 'mtn 2f a S2| for *h* oi l , an I ft. in 21S 1 to *3 1-16 for‘be new. Prime q’ alitiea will b ing Ir- tn 3 '.o >3} per hundred pounds. Cor i - -The demind from store has been quite I ndied for •' me time back, and 'hesupply is rx'h r he vv tor th#* scaion, our dealers generally having wore than sufh ieot to carry <hem into the imw <roi» Un te*-present circumstances curq ofot’ens n ust be con-rd<‘i’« d no® nal. Some 1 ’O'J but-hcla N--r’h ’tolina a ru : x< <! lot hove been i<ed and B<r»!'tvt6o ; and there w?s rI»o a ?ale of 3000 bu h e - M azyi-i <l tr« in • uro ar 6’c. Oa£-.-» I he* , e avebc« n no arriv Is s : nce our In <«?•• T< e * •«' sa'e was a' •0c ’ he arri s’s since o <r Ins - emhiaee pome I 00 bales Eflvtrrn, er.d ab*-ut 200 bzles North I v-r, the wh-» eof wh»«*h, witr the czcei fion of 3 o'j’ 100 b«i» s Eastern of common qua'ity, bus t .*» »•! I within die rar ee of pr* rer t quotations. Brt.n.- -‘•'idesend Shou ders have been entirely »e>i'ect*’tMa w ek. T’-e m ha- been de p. »-»*ed, and n ir«-c l>ave a d eiued downward ten drftev. Good continue scarce, and will iradity cumin.>nd our hiyher figure, and perhaps a price lov ■ it. Aam i| lot nf Sides was at IQ. N:o (rai>s ret ion •» tn report in Shout ere. l.a d.- -The n» ikot hue been very quiet thia w— k The only tra*si»*ficn that hi>s c- in •Ij our knowledge, we* the Fw eoff-O *•<.’»«»■ prime H.nhiircre ■it |’| We q de in Lt lv nominally 10 -t 10|c a d iu kerfs 111 • !l|o. f- l >ur, --W e hMve no change co notice i.i the For n*atket. ---fbe transactions since our Inst have been co 1 fin-d so’ely to Gunny Cloth, <( which about I'Obnle- have changed hands al prices ranging fro<n 3 to 13|c. Po e —The trarsa-lions have been confined prin eip -l y 'o small Im* at p ice* wnhio the of rre •rn’ q »’ta'icoe. The only sales of any extent were 2fto cods go*>d western, at 7| ; and 150 do. Phila» dt 'p »i «’ 71 cents. S U — There wno Uv rpro’ afloat. The latt sales were at 75 *n i 60- S- me 20 0 bushels Turk’s L land, re*** -rd h< re withi a few days, wrte unsold win n •« c closed our report. V ( ‘jT < —fhe market haa been very quiet th s week the traueactiona I aviug been limited to a few hundred baz« Kfo Tbe selections of a c*tri?o receiv ed «l s r»cr a h rt time since, have been celling at 8| ; aid about 200 t»*ya re-eivd coaetwire, q i lily not so brought from 8| toß| •. Mo’.sses.— ffiu transactions in *his article dating ’he week have been hn»il«d ?o small parcels f r retail p-irp-.»»•'*. and confined tnne Iv to ' üba and New Or lea s T**e sumer (rim i. «lly at 20c., and the kt ar from 35 ic 42 •., a» in quality. Sugflut.—The S gar tnirk»'t ba* been in a state nf *om|l' e «*avnation ’hrcugboit the week just e*oee Price* are no rin il. Donreatic Uquors — The trxnsactiors nf the week c« ii iet of atx u< FOO b' l<* N. <>. Whiskey from sio e. at prices ringirg *roiu 23) to 21jc.; 40 bbls. Providence hum al 27|«’ ; -nd |OO ' tls Baltimore •* h ek-y ircc ved since our la-t, al 22”. ler gal on. KxcA-inrrs — 1 il’* on >■ i g’ttn t 9| a 9j ; do. cn France 5 1 * j a 5 »0 ; < 'beets on ’he. Narib | prem. FrciKht, —V' e coni n lo quote io I iverpcol, G ittifiii qi fel aw's 16d., and io Hnvte |c To New York, ( otton, 50c., and to B« s n 25c. a sie. On Consignment. TtIBKCCO AND SF.GARB. <V7F. IIAVK in Store and daily receiving, ▼ » large lota of the above, of various brand?, amrnf which are Surue F ne Chewing TOBACCO, for e-le l»w by r* ’ w - G’B'9 Ar McCORD. .. s b 4 r, 1/ ’BILKS t’oih-n T rn ar.-! Oruaburgs, of the * Georgia P*ct<'ry. F< r ae I v 03l H A NO, ' r L’a MS A CO. riRB R.tCKEhS 100 BOXFS No * l f,recr * ckeks » fcr e3l 2 A F G D Fl K. . s-Ll e s>TUNE.—A bu.t ly ,u irei»ei i y I > . u v» m h tin r. &cw Uoik “ ZZ... " —. -ij . » HOB’S CAST CiKJUL4B AM) LOMi d \WS. su!>ecribers menutae me rout the best cast a. ete*i, CIhCUI.AK >A» k S, from two inches to five leei These raw* are eareiully i ar <i9»e«i sod teuii ered, au J are ground and finished by machinery desu’-eJ express:* hr the an i are there lure touch in tr un and uniformity ai eurlAce c th se gio n i in th? u?oai tn.H’rcr They r-quire les® ®r» Ir*. ; 'uer in i**e (hct.i ?»«> . *re not o *>®t'le o ‘ oc'tn j heated, end pro'uce a us timber. lh*y ahb> inanuta’ttire Cist S*c*l MU.i FIT and GRO"> ci I >A \v S a..,) u: LLE i W EBS, <' ru pen. < quality, alt o» w»r.« h tbr; b>vo or sale atthetr ware ruuras Nua. 29 sod 3.’ Grid street or they may te obtained ct th* principal Hardware aer ehan.s in the United Mates. R. HOE A CO„ Printing Pteev Machine acd ?aw Mnkers, 29 an 31 G<-!d street. The Wlowirg extract is frnm a report wade by a coQi Ai*t«e us •ci’-n’ific and practical gentleinea, ap po n *.i bv the American I Sinute. •• Your c wntnitte- re of unauirmras opinion, that is the apparatus invented by M r K. M. Hoe, for ?■ L'.jws*. h has displayed great ingenuity and •a t »n die adaptation u» macbi ery to he (reduction of )** :! • in ike <x aa itecturc ot saw®, which inav u n ! »xqrte:y . e deuo:ninaled the ne piuv Uctra ci 1 f -iblishers o r newsrsner? who wt I invert this ad • *ti -erueut three times whh tb s n«ne, and forward us a paper containing the same, wil! be pan' in f rnt in* material? Ly pureb3*n ® four limes lb- "mount ol their nh for the adverti-eirent. jy2<> whin lb H Gti I Y & Bi.ALL, COTTON FACT ks and commis SION MERCHANTS, Awgnstn Georgia, . CONTI VUK to tranicaet the rrvTT. £ <*> I W ARt- HuUSE and COMMO SION Bl >!NES" at their old m* *1 (Ftre Proof Lj uilai if s on J a** k sow- street, and are preparer? to gi»e lbe*r personal a: en’.ion .o eoaeikumenfo of Gotten sod o<l»er Produce, and to uripsh the sual ca-h facilities to their patrons. E. w. IforoaTT, William Amos L’ball. auiJ-w-im WHITLOCK & COSKERY, AND COMMISSION M ERCHANTS, Cami-bell-street,••• • Augusta. Geo. iv\' 't' THE under-ixned have enter l&Wg ed into Copartnership, under the s-oi c f WhitUjCk A Co* kb KT for the t** Reset on o( a General WAREHOUSE and COMMISSION BISINESS, and wilieecopy tb* and eat’r !y Fire Frxff Warehouse, for merly occupied by Cost er y. Janes Jb Co., Camp beM Mrert, and nearly ot*poeice the old stand of P e n jsg Wh A Ce. The. 'e?ve to say le the former pair ci Fl*miug. "o ! o*k ♦ Co., and Gmaery, Janes A Us . **.d ’♦'hers, who may send ne«e pt-dn**® s hat th**u- personal and undivided xt ~o;kw: wiM t»®.’ven •uicdy to their inerest. Or >r» ’« H«g k ing. Koi . and w her art foie®, wilt be ■rni.-h dji ib® oic*4 tavaratls • rict-a. They are -rvpared to mite literal a Wan-es a el! lira®®, on preuoc® to Seore. J w. WHITIOUg, JOHN COgKERY. Augusta, July 24, 1851. wjm 111 arc!)ouses, liCicPEiT C? BRYSON, (Z>ite fifth' firm o! lla/ier, Bryton >f- C 0.,) WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Campbell Street Augnsta* Georgia, cvyy xi ’ TV 1 LL store Colton and all oth- V : Produce consigned to him, in U J 7-7. >e ? ire Proof Warehouse of Whit ock & Coekery. His personal attention will be given io all business with waich he may be fa vored. # Orders for Bagging, Rope, &c., promptly attended to. Cush advances made ?n Produce in store. a <l7- w 3 m ~(UBBS - * - M’CORD, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION merchants, Augusta, Geo., » jr . CONTINUE iho WAREHOUSE If’ <> J and C MM'SSION HUS’NE-S atilmir Pue Proof Buildings on Mclntosh street Ail busincse et-Atusted to their care will have their S'rict pcrHMisl attention Tliev solicit a crnlinuance of the liberal patronage extended to them heretofore. Caeli advances will be made on Pioduce in Store, when requite I. Orders for Begging, Hoge, Salt, Iron auJ other Groceries, will.betaiilifullv executed. T. F. GIBBS, GEO. MoCORD. Augusta, Geo., Aug. 25, 185 L au26 w 6 m ~iIEARD & DAVISON, WAREHOUSE AFD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Mclntnsli street,-.-.Augusta, Ga., rrv-R CONTINUE the WARE. HOUSEendCOMMISSION BU -SISSI SI NESS, at tlicir Fire Proof Build mgs t u Mclniobh street. t All busine's entriuAad tn their will have their strict personal attention, They s. a cominut IL* >f the liberal patyemage extended Wfthem hereto «1<» Literal cash advances made, at all limes, on Col on or other Produce in store. Ciders for lagging, Rope and Mamily Supplies, promptly aud carefully attended to.? |>AAC T. HEATtD, JOHN DAVISON. Augusta, Auj 13. aul3-w6m ADAMS. HOPKINS & CO., WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Auguxta, G orgla. -ANl> F. T. WILLIS & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, tv*vvt\ THE subscribers continue ’w ✓ theUO.MMISSJON BUSI'EsS hESL:£ in the name of the above firms, at Angusta and Savannah, wher- they are prepared to give strict attention to the btorage and sale oi ' 'ot lon and other Produce, Purchase of Merchant! se, and Receiving and Forwarding Goods. Cash ad vances made cn produce in ?tore Address as above. JOHN M. ADAMS, , 1 ' LAMHETH BOTKINS, FRANCIS T. WILLIS. Argust 23, I?SL 6m WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. r TMIE undersigned respectfully inform [k\\\V\ 1 their friends and customers that, they jyjyM continue lo transact the W ARF-HOUSE KSiisiS and COMMISSION BUSINESS, at their <>‘d Stand (Fire Proof buildings,) Mclntosh street Augusta, Geo. By siric’. attention to thiir business, they hope to insure a continuance of public p-troitßge. au.’O-wlO BUSTIN' & WALKER. J. J. PEARCE, COMMISSION MERCHANT Jnckaon Street*-** Aeigußt«» Geo. tTAIf R this method of returning my thanks f r the literal patronage to ths late firm of Pharos 4 Simpson, and to in "tai my old friends, and the puttie generally, of Georgia, Svuth Carolina, Alabama, and Tennessee, that I fl til continue to transact the COM HUSI N E*S, 10 iu various branches, in my ownyfenmo, and will stor* ail Cct on consigned to my charge the ensuing season, in a FIRE, PROOF WARE HOUSE. I will give my personal attention to the soiling of Cott i and furnidhiAg r ch articles as my friends aud patrons m-iy order irmu this market, und will make ’• Pla fers liberal cibh advances on Cotton in Store, when requested. I eunfidesUy hope, frew my prudence uiid experience in the bxsiness, to have the cotiuu -jatfon of all my old friends, and a share oi public p-txonage. J. J. PEARCJS. Augusta, July 22, 1951. late firm of Pearce <i Simpson was diss >lvcd •■n the 16 h nf Jane* last; the unsettled GUK.HM of which w)ii be attended to by jy23 •<» lawA wfim J. J. P. BL FUiCP, BEALL & CO., WAREHOUSE A N D GROCERY MERCHANTS, Augusta,-Georgia. THE undersigned tender their hanks jLgMfrg tn the r trie nds generally, for the patronage so liberally extended to them (hiring the last s? ison and wauld respectfully iaiorm them thwtthey continue the s-me business at ti e same well known *i«n.J, doers above the Fraaklip House,) where ttiyy aie ceti-xa nt I y receiving a large and well se lected Sb>ck, comprieirg every article Visually kept in a Giocory Store, all <d which they bfl'er aa law as any h >uag in the city. They will remove, on the first of October next, to that desirable Aire Proof Urick formerly occupied by Fleming, WKi lock & Co., aud immediately in front of Adams. Hopkins & Co. AH Cotton coasigQcd to theta will be bo d free of comru'sHioo. t ibera) cash advances made cr. Cotton and other Produce in store when required. W. H. HI’PORD, W. M BEALL, iv?3-wfln J W. L. ST V’Al L. yITANTiGiNAC, EVANS A CO.. WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCILANTB, Augiixt*,Georgia, CONTI X<’E to transact busi> |S T_ ness at their Fire proof Warehouse, SL-.-_ .Ji near the Georjia Kail Rcaif UtqxH, where they receive Cotton per Rail Read, without cbargo for dreyage. Their OfT.cc a'id Sales Room is on Broad street, an.f nearly oppos'te th3 Globe Hotel. Buvtaees t trusted to them will meet w th rr '<npt alien ion, and liberal rdvancoa mads on pnxluce iu -lore. " *. M. D’xNihisao, G-ORGE W. EVANS, auT-Am WM E FV.ANH M. P. STOVALL, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Georgia, CONTINUES the business in all its branches, at h»s old 8t...3 a(an j (Fire-Proof corner of Washington and Reynold streets. He tic'pes, by ai-ict attention to business, to merit aeon nominee of the liberal patronage teretufore extended tc h-ui. Owivn for FAMILY SEPPI ’ES, BAGGING, lVc.,? promptly and carefully filled, at the fewest market price?. Libeial ADVANCES made on Fiodnce in store. jy3o-wtf DYE &. HEARD, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION M ERCHANTS, Mclntosh street,-Augustn, Ga., *VVV\\ AN “OUNCE to their former r-a’rone, and th* public generally, utoT.r S 'but ih»*y contihu* the " 1 R ; ' EBZIA HOUSE aid COMMISSION BUSINESS in alt its ■ raLches, al their Fire Proof B-hidings, Ea ts de of M in’o t. Hreet, where they respectfully robed • ontitiu.tnce of the patronage so iiberally extended tu them the past season. Ail business entrosted to them will receive their strict personal attention. (hdera fur Bagging, Rep'*, and Fami’y Supplies will 'die I at the lawest market prices. Libtrul Cadi nd aarcs ma ie on Cotton, and uiber Produce in Store. JAMES M. DYE, STEPHEN D. HEARD. Anrnr.i, Ang'i*t 14 ISSL su’4 if ROBERTSON A CROCKER, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION M ERCHANTS, Augusta Georgia* RBSPKCTFULLY lender IVTVVTX k l^,e * r lf,a,| ks for trie liberal share of y 7|xttronise extended to them during th< last sc s >n —and announce that they will eoniinue the at- vc business at their Old Stand, on Reynold street, where one or both can at a'l times, be found ready to attend to any business in (heir line Lk>e« ral C» aA made when desired, on Cottm and other pr.hluce it> store—and all orders for BAG GING, K< PE, GROCERIES, Ac., fihai with di?|-atch a» the lowest market prices. They ho}*, ty a sttict aUen’icn to tne interest of their custom er?, to mcii; a liberal share ot public parronaxe. E. D ROBERTSON, JOHN R. CROCKER. Auruatv A ’ ”'t 2, 1-51. I‘HLXIZY & CLAYTON, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Auguaia, Georgia. rvy\. CONTINUE the bnainess in jL,'. el! re t ranch’ sat their Fite Proof ‘ Waiebou?©, Broad street, to which tea -»i3B .bey devote tbeir entire pcrvenal ntieatien. Tney aie nt al tiia-s prepared to roike ad*a cevn Cotton o» i rnduce in Sure and eoacit a s‘ are nt public j«- tronas. F PHINZY, au 19 twA w4m E P, CI A TTON G. WALKER & bOA, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION .MERCHANTS Jackson street,Augusta, Ga. Avyvvv TIIK subscriber havmg taken ? a lea'C cn the well Known and A k2SZ3vor..biy located FIRE PROOF KSB v' AKfc.Ht>USE, formerly occupied by Walker, Bryson <& Go., lor a term ot years, begs leave to oiler his services m his frieo is an i the pub lic generally. Prom a long experience in the bom- u ♦-»»>, and h s de'-craußation to devute his entire at teutam to tkc interest ci hie cue omers, te hopes to receive a lib rai tia»e jf patronage which has c-eeo so liberally bee owed on the late firm. He inti nd? io c r nfine bimseT io a PI ANT ER’S BUStM’sS, and uj pa.ns or effort shall te spared to give faus-fac im. Special atrention will be given t» buying supplies for ‘is trieads at the lowest prices tLe trartel will afford. advac.ees made when required en Pro ! duce in More. I have associated my son, D. L. Waivsm, in busi ness with me. jy* -11 H. W ALKER. Fire Proof Ware House. WRIGHT, SIMPSON <fc GARDINER. WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ar.d Sales Room. Mclntash street, noar the Office, Augzisla Go. TUE UNDERSIGNED have This [iav awaoeiatea tbena*e<ves m the WARE m»USE and COM MISSION BUSINFSS, in ail iU branches; acd by this medium lender to the fries Dand patrons of each and ’hr public generat -Iv, lheir thanks for pa'rootee formerly bes’owjd, acd eerie'i.’v solicit a coct>M>a&ce of the sameOr th t ccnnectioc assuring a’.l wlio may fiver bi with their buj-iress, that lhev shill l ave our personal and ur.d;»:Jed t’.teotion, Feting that the in ter eat es the P awer * eqna sv the interest o> bi* Factor. Or'er? for BAuGSNG, R< ! PF, and FAMILY 'UPP. IES, executed on the most advantageous lei rrs. Lr era! CasA Advances mi de cn Cotion acd ether Produce in Store. SAM’L WR’GHT, J R. SIMPjKJN. JAS. T. GARDINER, Aug'ssta, June 24,1551. ie2s-dm public kinlcs. C COLUMBIA. SH WHIFF'S SALK. —Will t b«> sold, beh’re the Cour< H u e d or in Ap ling, Uuluinl ia county, between (hi usual hears cf sale, on the firs: Tuesday in DECEMBER next, the fol lowing properly, to wil: Three Negroet, Z ironey, n woman about twenty six years cf nge, a id b«*rtwo children, to wit: Nathan, about reven veara old, and Chanty, about five years el l, all levied on as the property of John W. Dougherty, to satiety one mort gage fi. fa. ir,suing from the Inferior Ucurt of said county, at the euit of Eleanor C. Ryan vs. John W. Dougherty. Property pointed out iu said rnnrtg”ae. GEORGE G. STURGES, SUIT. September 30, I 51. WA illlEn'Vil BRIFF’B SALKWf; he sold, before the C< uit Houaa door in War renton, Warren couLty, on the fiist Tuesday In De cember next, in the upuu! hour* us sale, two Negroes to wit; Henry, a boy, ab« ut c ght ye re of age; Caroline, a girl, about eighteen years cf age; levied ou I y virtue of a mor’sage fi fa. te’jirna’ lo to War ren Inferior Court, F« bruary Te»in/!F52, in f ivor oi George V. Neal vs. Jo eph T. Property pointed out in said niori;»'pc ft fa. S J JOHN S. JOHNSON, I). Sheriff. OcFbcr 2, 1851. OLUMtiTIA SHF ILIFF’S SALK. —Uni be sold, belcre the Court Boupo door in Ap pli»?g, Columbia count/, betw-en the usual hours o sole,on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, the following .property, to wit; One tract cf LAND containing one hundred rod thirty- ve acres, rnrrr or loss, adfoining lands of Rees, Benjamin P. Wiley, an i Thomas H White. Also, two thou sand pounds of Seed Cotton, more cr Io<b; all levied on as ihe property of Joel U. Perry, to satisfy oii in rtga efi ia issuing from the Superjo Ucuit <f said county, at the suit * f Colu • bu«> U. Richards vb Juel C. Perry; land poin't-d out in said mortgage, and Cotton by the Plaintifi. G’ ORGE G. STURGES. Sheriff. October 24. 1851. ADM IN ibTRA TO ILS'S a LeT- ByVmLe 7f an order from the HcuoVaLle Inferior Court cf Meriwether county, when sitting for Ordinary pur poses, will be sold, on the 27th day o.‘ NOVEMBER next, at the late residence of Nicholas Perry, deceas ed, all the Personal Propertv of Slid deceaved. bale to continue from day to day, if necessary.' Terms on the day of sale. JOHN W. SHEPHERD, ) A , , BISHOP CLEMENTS, $ Adm rß ‘ September 2fi l®sl. OMISISTKATUtts’ W lOTsoid before the Court House door in the town of Crawfordville, Taliaferro county, on the first Tues day in DECEMBER nex’, under an order from the Honorable the Interior Court of sai 1 coua’y, all the Land belonging to the estate of William Colclmigh, deceased, except the widow’s dower, containing three hundred and seventy-four (371) acres, about seventy-five acres in the woods, and fifty acres of bottom land, a good mill seat lor saw and grist mill, th? greater part of th? balance under fence, lyin’on the Ogeecbee Liver, about fire miles west of Craw for-1 viile, adjoining lands of Albert R. Taylor, Mur den, •nd others. To be old for the benefit of the h’irs of taid deceased. Terms of safo will be made known on the <ay > MARIAM COLCLOUGH, '? 5. . , ALFXANI'Ett GOJLCLOUGH, ( Adm rs ' September 30, 1851. “T DM IN ISTILAIoWs SALE.—By virtue Z m of an order cf the Honorable the Inferior Court of Warr*n County when sitting lor Ordinary pur poses, will be told before the Court House t'oor in Warrenton, Warren cotin’y cn the fi st Tuesday io December next, within the legal hours of sale, ’hat Tract or parcel of I and known as the E(hraiin ley tract cf Land, adjoin ng the Lands of .--dam Ivy, Sterling Ivy,’Edward T. Lynah, Samuel Smith and others, conteining tour hundred and righty-two (482) acres more or‘less. Sold as the property of William HiP, for the benefit of the heirs and cre’i ter*ofurddeceased. ROHFRT W HUBERT, Administrator wi h the wi l annexed. October 3. 1851 Administrator &» sale.— By vnueof an order i aased in Chancery, Morgan Superi or Court September T-rm. 1851, will te sold, cn the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, during the legal hours of sale, before (he Cour House door in the town of Madison, the followhiz prrpertv, to wi*; The Houses and I ot on the Northeast aide of (he Public Square, ccns siin? ol a ore st ry Store House, a two stcry Dwelling Houte formerly uccTp’ed as a Tavern, a Sadd'er 8 Shop, ? Kit hen, House ar.d Stabies, bought by David Feck from Henry H. Cook. A so, Let No. forty.two, (42) cn which is a Dwel ling House, at present occopie i by Gcnrad Martian, a G trrisge Sfco , l Shop an 1 Stables, ad joining (he Jail I < t, and frendng th* Livery Statics, at present occupied by Diomas H I i». Also, the Hcu’e and Ict at pure-1 occnpio I by Norman Ccnir*, fronting the Dwelling Hou ( of Washington G. Balia id, and Lrmerlv owned by Dr. Hu.'h J. Ogleby. A so, the t -'o story Dwelling House and Lot, at present cccuried by . A S. Roug»», front-ng the Doctor Shop of W. G. Bailurd, formerly occupied tv Dr. Hugh J. Ogleby. All of the above property belonging to the ee'ate of David Peek, deceased. Term?, twelve mon fas credit, with approved seeurPy. LEM ER MA KK HA W, Adm’r , de bonis ncn, with the will annexed. _Octoter J, 165 L _ A DM IN INTH ATOR’S S'l E.- WjllbesuM lIL ou the first Tuesday <n DECEMBER neit, at •he Court H- use in Ciawfcrdnlle, Taliaferro county, w’fhitillie legal hcuisof sal- in p irauan'e cf or der of tne Superior Goon of said couuty, at the ia-t September Terra, parsed in the case cf Gullen C. Alexande* administrsfer, die., with the will annex ed, of Clions A. Nelma, de-’.eared, ag.inst J;cl E. Mercer and others, in Eq :ity, the following (!• scrib ed tracts and lotscf • and in taid ccun y, namely ; 95 acres, more or let>e known a? the Kin* place, adjoining landsof Mrs. Bristow, and of the estate cf C. A. Nelms, deceased. 33b j acres, more oriels, known ar tLe Pitman place, idjoi .irg land of Hedge Nqnn, Asa Rhode?, and others 77 »crcs, more er le?8 known "8 Mercer’s part of of the estate of G. A. Ne!m« adjoining ianJs of Asa Rhodes and the oi’ate ol said Ncln.s. 6 acres, nmre or less, known as ihe Shackelford * ultieaulis lot, adjoin ng lands of Wiley Rhodes, M illiam Beall, and other'. 20S acres, inure or lors, known as <be Brantley place, on Harden’s Greek, adjeinrar land* of Absa lom RHcdts, Her.sen Bird, and others. 7 acres, mure or le s, of woad land, ad’*inm’ land* cl Gilbert f ent, and of C. A. Nelms, deceased. Also, 5 lots in Mid town of Grawfcr iviile kno«ii as Nos. 6,7, 22, 23 and 29 Terms at rale. G. G ALEXANDER, Ad-a’r. October 1, 18fil. A DM INIS i RATOR’* SAI E.—O , Tuesday tie Jd <1 ly of DECEMBER next, at the Ln - or Martel House in the city of A ug’Kta, w thin the usual Hours cf s-do, will be sol.l, the following NE GROES belonging to the estate us Laac A Hi! Icr, latecf (‘bsr'estoo, South Garofina (‘scraped: George, a good house servant and carriage driver, about z 6 years old. Aho, Mima, a bouse servant and nurse about 24 years old a d her iw • children, Arthur a boy about— years us age and a buy auout 7 mon baold. W M. A. WALTON, Adm’r. Ockber2, ICSL1 C SL VDHINISTRATOR’S SALE—By virtue of an order cf the In'eriur Couit ot Lincoln county, when sit iiig for ordinary purpo’ea, will to soiJ, at the Court Ho.i-n <1 >or of (raid ceur.ty, be tween the lawful hours of sale, on the fi.H Tuesday in DECEMBER next, trade of LAND, l ing in said county, on the wat-jra of Gray*e Creek, and adjoioingJands of W'eatlyre, Cirde Ige, and ih rs, containing One Hundred’Acres, more r r less, w I imj ravod. ar.d in g'od repair. Sold as the property of John Reid, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and crcditcrs of said deceased. Ttrms of ade made known cn the day. JOHN T. REID, Adm’r. Odober 3 1851. 4 DMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will sold, cn the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, in Warrenton, Warren county, agreeable to?a order of the Honorable the Inferior G< urt of said county, a h r 'n sitting for ordinarv ftll the LA NDS belonging to (he estate olFlilten L Braddy, d-ceased, consisting «f Three Trfcts, cne containing 2bo Acre*, one containing 15 f A res. and oni? 150 Acres, all lying in paid county. Terms will be ma e ktioun on the osy. LEWIS BRADDY, Ador’r. August 8, 1851. VDMIXISTRATOIVB 9 ALE. -..Wi1l be s id, • n the first Tuesday in DE f EMBER next, before the Court House door in Crawfordville, Talia ferro county, a certain Tract or Parcel of i AND, contain i g One Hundred «n f Sixty Vren, more or Ices, lying and bring in the county of Taliaferro, cn the waters of the Og’ecbot* River, about five miles south of Crawfordville, ad oi ing lands of J a me? Peck, Sr., and Dr. W i liacn T. Peck, and others, with a good frame Dolling Heuse, Kitchen, Fmoke Hcufc.andGin House, and o her Out-bouH*a So d aa the p opery of John Jordan, laic of Taliaferro ecun y, deceased, for the purptre of distribution among the Legatees. Terms will be mede known on the day o< sale. EDMUND JORDAN, Adm’r. August 22, 1851. A I MI VISTiI A 1 Oil’S SALE.—Cn (ho firs' Zw Tuesday io DECEMBER next, will be s« Id, before the Gcurt House dooi in Van Wert, Paulding cmir.iy, loar. order of the Cour cf Ordi nary of F”i>l enemy the fc»luwi;!j propei’y. ’own* LAND Noi. 1101, 900,752, 750 603 804, 874, Oifi, 977, 1024,672, SH/S. 945. each 10l contain icg forty aert-e. according to murrey, ail yiug in the 21st district of-he 3d se- ionol said county. Alsu, ! 1 acres eff cf the east ride of 10l of land N o 904 in the 21m district and 3d Fection,rnd 5 acres efl ot (hr northeast corner of lot No 917 in the 21st disuict an J 3d section A'®o. at the same time and pla-e, the following NEGROES : ALFRED ar an 22 y ears .Id; SA M, a roan ?8 vears old ; JAMES, a man 35 years old ; REUBEN, s I* y 19 year* old; P Ul, a boy 6 years dd ; VIRGIL, a bo . 4 years c'd ; a w.-men, and her infant cb ’ld; MALIN I‘A, a girl 11 years old ; M LI Y- & girl fiAwarr oli; M AH A H a giri 11 years old; OLI.Y. a wemao, and her child, and LY LA, a girl 3 years old. Al o. >ne yoke ct Steers, and one Ox W®gon; 200 bushels cf C rn, more or less; l?*tacta ol Pod Gr. Al*o, the crop cf Cotten in the seed, ’hat I*, on the r-utmises. All cold as the property of Win. T ’ler, lat<- t Paulding county, deceased for distribution emon » ths lega tees. TeiflMmv'e kn-wn.'s the day of sale. WOODSON HUBBARD, Adm’r. Sep ember 29, I SSL 4 DMINISTRATORS’ SALE.—By virtue of an order from th- Honorable inferior Court cf Meiiweth?r county, when ti.’.ing for crdinar pur pose*, will be ®oid a: Greenville, i > Paid county, on the first Tuesday in DFCE W FER next, between the law hours of sale. Th rteea SLAVES, and lets of LAND No 9. eoutii pa-t of No. b, ana went part cf No 25 in the 2d ••‘is*net of wd county, containing 354 7 lOtbs Acre*, property cf tbe es a e us Nicholas Perry late of *aid count v, dictated, e to continue from day to d<y, if r-ece eary.— Ter Jis on the day o' sale. JOHN W SHFPBPKD, J . , , Bishop glements, | Ada! M - September 26. 1651- Administrators sai e.---.Wih b su’d, on the fi s Tuesday in DECEMBER text, at the Gvurl House in Tabaferro county a Negro Man by ch* name of AIRAM, about tbirty-tbree years of age, a to'etal’e good Csrpenter. Su'd as th* property of Jona Jordan Ute of Taiiafeno coun ty, deceased, for tbe purpose of distribution among the Legatees. Terms made known on tbe day o> sate. EDMUND JORDAN, Adm’r. August 22, 1951 A I'M I NISTRi TOR’S SA* E. Wi’( be old, on rl. the first lay in DECEMBER next, b*- fore the Court H?use doer in Cobb ccu'ty. agreea ble to an ord--r grimed ty the J slices of rhe I fe rior Court of Lincoln coun'y. while sitting fcr Orli nary purposes Lot of LAND No. 9SI, in tne 17ih District of 2d Sectioo. Sold as the Real Esla.e ot Henry Evaaa, late of I in*oln ecuntv. deceased. JOHN G. BURNETT, A kt r. S'P'eaber2s, 185 < A DMISISTRATOR S SALE. W H b e Z* so d, at the late rest 'ence cf Lewis Chamblee, deceased, in the town of Curamrng. Fo'fy h c unty, on the first Tuesday in December next, betw*en 'he legal boureofsal®, all the per a. r»vi psope-ty b»?oc? irg *o said dee er. fed, cooviftrng cf he usoel h>uae* t -i and kitchen Fum tcre; cne Cow end Ci ; stock of F» ; a rock cf r<x> ®. cor ria mg ct Hat*, - hues. Tin Ware, U-rcckery Ware. v et i’cire*, Caderv end various other articles too tedious tc mention, sale to continue from day to day till all :■ scld. Terms cn the day of sale. JOHN CHAMBLEE, Adm’r. October 21, 1851. I Publk Saks. VIHIINLSTR ITOII’S SA bi-:.-Will be s I i at *he lower Mark* t Hou e, in the City rs Augusta, cn the fir-t Tuc--.’ay in Decombe< r next, wi'hiuir t e u uii houre of tale, agrecab'e to an order of the Justccs of the Inferior Court of Ri-h --iiiond Ccnaty, bitting an a Cour of Ordinary, an I for ordinary purposes, a list of Bad, Doubtful, and disputed accounts, nuj oilier cvid- nets of debt, <1 -c to (lie ertate ol Stephen Tillinm, deceased, rs up peats from the B oks of said deceased a list of which oan be bi seen < napplication to the Adminis trator. I.EON'P. DUGAS. Clerk, 02l Efdate of Stephen Tillman, deceased, fJMINI 8 J KATOIvZsA iTld. —hi p , t < encn of an older of the Inferior Court of El Lert court'?, when rettir y a* a C< art of Ordinary, will be sold before the C'urt p..»: e door of raid cnnuiy, ■ n r e firtt Tuesday in I \ : UARY next in the legal hnurs of sole, a tract of LA Nll, aboil* a a'f mile from the (• wn of Elueiton, c< munii-gone hundre I ano twenty a r r*s mnre or less, adi .i intj lands of riuinaeC Worrll 11-nry U. Bradshaw, Will am B. Ca•» pbell undo her* Al o, at the same time and place, a lot of LAN!-, conhiiint g fifteen acr»- , more r less, (m be divi c : into lots suitable for buiHing ) lying in the c*r cerate limits of the town o! Elberton, <j>;osite the reii dence of Dr. James Brawner. Sold a* the prnpery of Penajali Houston, deceased, for the benefit of the heir’ of said deceased. Terms —Twelve months credit. A. HAMMOND, Adm’r. 029 M irMTNisrKA TWF SALK —Wifi be la so'd, on the first Tuesday in J ANUA RY next, before the Court Home door in Appling, Columbia county, agreeable ti an ord -r of the Court of Ordi nary of caid county, the N FGIU *ES Lclong’ng ts the e ’ale of Ada'ine E. Finbree, deceased, consist ing of a man, <wo mn, and five chddrt n. Sold for <he bent fit of the heira of said decca °!. Terms cn the day of p de B. T. KE.'.S, Adm’r. October 29, l c sl. * D 11 N: HA rotfs tsAL.^—ttm be ; b. sod on the fust Tuesday in JANUARY next, before the Court Hou e door in Elbert county, agree* able to an order grimed by the Justices of the Infe riot Court of Elbert county, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, one unimproved l?’T in the town qf Petersburg, and one NEGRO BOY by the name ut Willis, bold as the property of the estate of Tho-. C Wilhight, deceased. Tunes will be made known on the day of sale. McAI PIN A. ARNOLD, Adm’r. October ?9*h 1351. 'dm lAINaAtA To tV 3 SALK.— WiU te ZxL. cold, at the Court House in the town of Craw fordville, Taliaferro county, on the fim Tuesday in J-NEARY next within the legal hour* of sale, agreeable to aa order from the honorable the Inferior Court of and county, when fitting for ordinary pur pose*, to-wit: The tract of land whereon Jut eph Evans resided at the time cf his decease, about five miles south of Crawfordville, containing six hundred and eighty ihree acres, more or less, a jointng lands of Jesse Veazey and Martha Erasure, a - oil one hundred acres us wood land, the balance under pre ty fences, with a good Dwelling Hoose, and all other necessary out homes. Also, at tl e same time and place, w”l be sold, seventeen likely young Negroes, consisti-ig of men, women and children, and gills and boys, of goottsize for flow boys. * Terms of sale will be made known on the day of sale. WILLIAM REID, Adm’r. October 25th 1851. A DMIKIrTHATOR's hALK« — be 2w sold before the court-house door of Rando'pb county, on the first Tuesday in January nexi, within the usual hours of fia e, ogteo bie to un order of the Justices of (he Interior (’ovrtol Richmond county, sitting as a Court < f Ordinary, and for ordinary pur poses. lo* of LAND, number one hundred and twen ty ■ tnree, (123) lying in the seventh district if Ran dolph county, coniainirg t wo hund.e I two and a half, (202|) acres, mere oi Ic-s. Sodas the property of James Moore, ’ateof Ri?lmmnd county Deceased. Terms on the div of sale. A' DREW F. WOOLLEY, Aim’r. October 21st 1851. A DMI NisT7l A TOii’S S \ a7i| be sold, on the first Tue ay in J A vUARY nxt. be fore the C'urt House doer in Wane-- ten Warren county, bv virtue of an order *■< th? ll.mnraLde (he Inforor Court of sa : d county, when silling for ordi nary purposes, A. Negro Pey by the name cf Wade. Sold as the properly of Rhoden Geeslinr, deceaed, to siti-fy the he rs and creditors ot said deceased. Terms cn the day of sale FELIX GRENADE, A ’m’r. Cotober2l, ISSI- 4 D MIN Ill'll A TOIL'S SAI E— iiibe*oid cn the firs! T».-e*day i? J ' NUARY next be fore the Court ILr-e door in Warn* don, Warren countv. un ler an or -er of the lion-rat I* the iofi.-ricr Court ( .if »ci ! enmity, when s ; ft:n-> tn: ordinary p-r --p *••«. the following property, Io wit; Jerry, a man about 40 years old; J. ne a v>. .-san 9 years old, aid her child, about 6 worth* old; Emily, a wo* nun about 19 years old j MilLra, a w>; >e:i eb-rjt 17 years old. Su’d as th* property of Henry Hi;ht, Ute cf said county, dccett-ed, to s-lisfy the heirs and creditors of sai i ceceased. Terror on the shy of Buie. JOHN, WRIGHT, Adm r. October 19, 1951 ’i> Fe.—Wh. i ,2’M. on the fiist Tii«s ; y *n JAM'AKY next, Le et re i sC'ir'. Hou n dorr in W.nrenton, W-rrni county, under an < r '» r of l ie Henri! le the Inferior Court cf mid c'-uii v, w!i*n for ordinary p*ir poser, « tract of I. n I belonging to the estate of Na* ban Simp’cn. de eased ccwaining cue hundred and ninety tier-!) acres, mor r les®, adjoining Thomas Kant, and oihute. Widow’s duwet reserve during her life then »o belong to the purchac-er oi the land. Terms on the day of ealp. Al DEN SIMPSON, Adm’r. October 19, I®sl. ~A~d3l INI STKATOiI’S SALR ut be XA w-ld, on the fi B-* fu» s lay in J A NU AP Y nex , at Apf-lin/. Columbia< o ;n’v. Ik f Bowing >.’c. r e«, belonging to the t.s ate of Mrs. Penelope M. Cui breath, vis. Hani'tt. 40 years <T age, and a splen did Cook | Sam, 30 years eld, and her child Ua brkl 3 years old ; and J . lius, about 20 years old. — Sold so the benefit of the heirr. Tun cash. October 17. ISol. L G. SPFF-D, < LJIINBT?: AT’.HVS SA 1 E -Wji L. Zold, tt the Lower M-irket Hou c. in he city of Augusta Ric J u nd cour fy, rn the fird Tuesday in January nevi, within the u.-uai ho-rs of va’e, agree able ro an crier oi ths Ju-’tices of she Ink-rim Court cf Richmond county, Hiiin/ ns a Court of Or hoary, and for ordinary pirp-rta F in Negroes to wit; n w man afoul 3d years nf n?e j Hullin, .1 tom about 22 jc- r• us ege; 11 uinab, a v irl about 12 year l of a e; Venus, a girl about 19 years of age. Sold as the proieity ol the e«tate of Sarah Wi/gins, deceased, or the bentfit of ‘be hairs and creditors of said decent d. i’erms at c ale. £ ABRAHAM bFGO, Adm’r. October 23 135!. * AD MINISTRATO It S S Al. E— iJ, vrtueof an --Her, ja-.-ed in Cinn*cry, M r»mi Superi or (’ -urt, S. ptember T»’rm, 1851, will I e sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, dining ti e s cgal h urs of jui!*, befoje the Court H<> i e doo* in the Own of Madison, the f > lowing property. »r- will Ono Negto Man by the name of Peter, abr.ut twenty certn years old, one Sh-t Gun, •i e Side Paddle, one Pining Tai !e, two high ju.-t Pe-bte *<!•, one large bnvKcu'e, tn ether with vari us other articles cf H use nld Furniture, belonging to the estate cu Divid Leek, deceased. Te«ms, twelve months cred.u wit i approved rtcur'ty. I.FS fFR MARKHAM,? dm’r. bor.jg non, wuh the v i i unnfx« I d. cr 1 ° it’s” *A t E ~ -~b 77i Sold, on -J fburtdiy, t e 27’h ol NOVEM it-R next ct the residence ut ‘■'ealoni Join- n, !a»c of Warren c >unty, decea<»rd, the f'llow f» wi’i Corn Pold* r, Vi heat. Celt »n, H j'/es*, He .*B, Cattle, lloii-ehol I and hit-hen Furniture: et'u-r art:c»s too tedious to ui'utii.n. Terirs ot m!e ma h known on trie day. WILLIAM G. SCRUGGS, Ex’r. <’ember I I, I? 51 XECUTT Ills’ > ALE —Will bu sold, at it.e I lie r»s d« nee of Winslow Rnu'Z' e, deegased, ia r ! -ert county, on Tuc day, tne twenty fifth day of Novetn er next, all the per shgble property Le- I .ng:ng to the e-tu*e of said d»erase L c ini- i j of Hordes, Cows, Hoge, Sheep, Corn, Fodder, Wheat, Wag.on, C.irt, ho s< h d »nd k ch n F 'rnttnrr, plar.ta'it n taels, and miry >t: cr ntic’cs net here me ti ned. Th-2 sale to < • rt’nue from day to d»y unti ail js sold. Tettps will be wade known on the day of sale. T lOMAS M ROW ZEE, ) r , Jt’IIN T 11' I.V.E, | l * rP " October 17, 155’. £1 \ EC'l’TO R ! s —On the f r-t Tuexduy J in DE' 'EM HER r» xt, wl| l;es- id, at th- House do r in M’.tri from, Were <•< un y, accordihg tn an order of the Court of (Jrddi-jry o, Lincoln county, lot r.f LAND No. one tin Ircd in I lrt:r, (101) in the fifh I strict of Ajpline, c n’ainin.• four Imrdred and ni ety acres, b- kn,.i* gto the estaie of hoi-ert W -.lt- n, I te of I iner-’u count. , deceased. S Id for the benefit of the heirs and cr- dit rs. Sept. 28, 1531. R I . WALT ’N, Ex’r. L'T XECU ‘ 6lC’^FsAl¥:~u’iiFbe7?l»t, at' the J late residence of John Swint, tr., lote if War« r«n county, deceased, on Wednc.day, tnc tweniy. sixth day cf November ipxt a'l the pcrronal prof er ty of said cie.'eased, cuDristing cf House* old and Kitchen Furr ; iure, of every de.'cript( n, Hor es, Mules, Cartie, Hogs, one yoke f'xen aid Cart, two horse Wugcn, me fire riding Carriage, retb’a. k smiih T •ole and a l the '>.rn inj Io i-. of aPdt'nds. 3 la , ‘ -o ton, C< r ; ci d Fodder, two U .‘ton Gi it and runr.ing Thias* »r and Fan. Terms on the dayo iVe WI LIAM SWINT, Ex’r. <>••'. I- 19'1. EX ECKTORS* SA I E'- wid and tesratEent« f Chark - H. Sanders, k'.e ci New on county, d • wl: i-e sold, on t .e first so bday in DECEd! FR next, at Co»'ngt ( ,r. in Baid eoun'.y, all tho LA A!) 1 n*ing to’!;* < ot Mtid deceased, crcept *h.jut Forty >4 ■') Azres otherwise d:?p sid of, consistiug of ab n’ a 1?t i; .1 Acres The :cn-.' is or pool <j u i:y. > large po.: on of it in the woods, and will timbered, and tie b.i’an e in a high -’a’e of cultivutcn ; all of which lies io the immiuix e Her i of Ox •r I and Civ. ington. It i"»xp rted it ui!- be divided into small Jot* tosnr porch .* r£; f'u of which wtH be made out previous to the diy of sa'e, which icay be Been by epp ication to th* Er» c / is. As >. will he d, fat ti •• same time a d place, a Hl’l'iE, with the sa’e » .n i atiac -ed »o it. ad in ing the Town o- '■ Gfdrd. kr.uwu as the Eti ory Hogs*. built for and occupied a-a Tavern several years Also, at'he same titre and | lace a Dew Dwelling and afore House iu Sand io»n. in eaid county. Termi of si'e, c e and two yeurs credit, w'th nop&end two ar. rev J sera iii*- .end i r gage cd the premisae, with i- ‘ercs ir< ro dnv r.f s.i’*. st? ph n --h;:? ». ) r , NMH\NTIr. Ni K, 5 x r? * S'ptemb-T 27. 1851. EXECUTORS’ SA LK.• i e-n| f, in Fib r on, Elbert county, oa the first Tuesday n DECEMBER next.’greea e w lint V, i e low Rowxce, deo'.kS* i. Ninette > or Tw-'.y N&- G’iOES, cnns's’in? cf Men, Wom-n, ard Giris, being a i be belonging to th*, estate cf f. id Wins’, w Rows* . <}©. eased Terms wi ite made known cn 1 e da*. of s-.iie. TH ’M. S M. ffOWZEE, ) P , JOHN f. HI’LME, x “ rs# September 17, 1 51. Executor** sale.— Win be s..:j, in FJberten, Eberle untv on the fir-' fu --lay n il.-.CEMBFK neat, agree be to ’h< »• ;j o f Eae t< n Fortson, deceased, one Tract of LAND, contain ing Six H ludred .Vrea, more or !“**-. <. the Beaver Dm Creek, adetoing lands f Ri-uar I Adama James C-rpct.’er, James H-Jmes. and 'h r rs ard three NEGROES. consi-ting of « ne Woman, ty he name of CA K GLI>E, art her wochi.drtn. Tertne will De mode known on t K e div rs sale. ROBERT HEBTE3, > r , UM. b. NELMS, 5 fc ‘ x IS September 17, 1851. £ EXECUTOR’S SALE.—W il te eci J, r n the J fir.t Tuesday in I'ecember n :xt, in tie town ot Wa>neeboru’, the Plantation whereon the is e Dr. John J Jenkin* resided, situ ata i B.nke coua ty, eiahl miles ‘rem Lcuisvitfe, cn the Middle-ground Savannah toid. ron's ning six'-’en bun Ired and eighty-two acre?, mere or lees, cf ctk and fiickory land, of which n.arly seven baudred acres are in forest, end a! remarkably level. It is a gordcotun plantation. The ovciscemn the premise? *4; sbow the land to any persons with; g to examine it.— Terms will be liberal, and aaJ*. known ua the day ol sale Also, on Tbor#ch7 f". whg, 4h December, a large supply of P. ••visio-;? Haises. Mui**, and other live St •<■*, together with F-.rxir.-g Ute. - s. a Car riage, 81. gv, u.-d c'her ?--re<-6a"v, w I ‘••e ?':J. ( HAKLES JENKINS Err. October 17. 1~51. 2awdawid Asgusta Constitutional st <t Republic and Savan nah Bep übltcao, will please copy. Public Saks. XEC U I” > it'S SALK*—We will posi lively sell, to the highest bidder, al pti - l c ou’ery, in ihe town < f Louisville, on the first Tu sday in DECEMBER nex', that vtlu-rble PLANTATION of the late Charles Cunningham, deceased, lying on Rocky Comfort Creek, in .teller - H'm c uu y, five miles fr.m Louisville, containing 3 697 acie*, which we will sell all together, or di • vide into three trac-s. The >'..i>ui'Je tract contains-••••••• 1,307 acres. The Gransor tract contains- 1,120 “ The Woodstock iraci contains 1.270 “ AII three of these tracts hive g'-od Dwellings er them, and a valuable Mill on one of the tracts, with U n, runuin 1 by wi'er. Terms— One-third cash, the balance on a ciedi’of onej two anil three years, with interest frern date, se cured to the sati-faction <>f Executors. JOHN HONES, ; WM. 3 EVE CEx’rs. O,\VEN P. FITZSIMONS, ) 029-wtd* j* E.\l, CUTOH’/SAI ifirstTu •• in DECEMBER next, at Troupville, Lowndes county according to an order of ibcCo .rtcf Ordi mrv of Lincoln county, Lot No. 30 \ inthellih district of o.iginully Irwin now I owndrs county, containing 4'JO acres, bti nging to the estate of Ro bert Walton, late of Liuculn county, 'eceaeed.— Sold fcr the benefit of the heirsand cr ditors. Sept. 28, 1851. R. L. WALTON, Ex’r. EXEC UToTvS SA LE. —< n the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, will be sold, a* Bain bridge, Decatur county, acc rd ng to an order of (he Court of Ordinary of Lincoln county, Lot No. 181, i m the 2lst dish ict o' originally Early now Decatur county, containing 250 acres, belonging to thee— 4u’e of Fobert Wdton, late of Lincoln county, da r.easeu. Sold for the benefit of ihe heirs and credi tors. R. L. WALTON, Ex’r. September 28, 1851. EX ICC CTO LIS’ SALE.—Ag eeuble to ihe last will and testament of Charles H. Sanders, late of Newton coanty, deceased, will be sold, on th* llantaiion near Oxford, and on the lots in Covington, belong ng to the es'ate of said deceased, on Thurs day, ihe fourth day of December next, and the days fol.owing, the perishable property of said deceased, not disposed of by the will, consisting of Corn, Fodder. Wheat, Oats, Mules, very hkelv, Horres, Cattle, Hoge, a large portion of which will be in gno I order for pork, (wo large Wagons, one two horse Wagon, one Raihoad Cart, Shucus, Cotton Seed, Plantation Tools, with many other articles n t named. Sale to commence at the plantetijn, T erms on the day of sale. Also, al the tame time, should the Executors think it best for the estate, the present crop of Cotton, consisting of forty to fifty bales, will be sold to the highest bidder for cash STEPHEN SHELL, > P , NATHAN TURNER, J t ' x 10 October 16, 1851. E’ XBCUTOiU’ SALE.— -Will be sold on Wednesday, the third day of December next, at the late residence of Fasten Fortson, deceased, ia Filbert county, a'l the perishable pr perty belonging to the estate of said deceased, consisting of Horses, Mules, Cows, Hogs Sheep, Oxens, Corn, Fodder, Wheat, Oats, household and kitchen Fi’rnrture, plantation tools, Blacksmith’s tools, Colton Gin, Running Gear, Waggons, Carts and a great m?ny articles not here mentioned. Sale to ccntinue from day to dey until all is sold. T.rms will be made known on the day of sale. ROBERT HESTER, ) p , WILLIAM B. NELMS, J ,s ' October 17. 1951. _ Exact) !OR S SAL.E'— Will be sold, < n tha firs' Tuesday in JANUARY next, with in the legal hours of aile, in pur.uunce of an order of the C”urt of Ordinary of Richmond county the f Rowing traits o! LAND, the property cf David Finley deceased, to wit : At the Lower Market House, in Augusta, county aforesaid, 29! acres, more or less, adjoining George c chley. J lines b rand <n, Laurence T. Shcpp, and Valet tine A' a’ker, being a part of the Spring Hill Tract of Land, formerly bel n ; ing to Freeman Wel ker, deceased. The improvemen.s are in good Or el, r. -nd there is a fine Orchard on the premises. Also, at th- Cour- House in Baktr County, Lot No 320, in the 11th District. Also a' the Court House In Decatur County, Lot No. 126, in the 19-h District. Also, at the Court House in Cobb County, Lot No. 702, in the 2d D strict, 3d Section. Also a the Court House in Union County, ICt No. 918, in the 11th District, Ist See iou. I HOMAS G. FINLEY. Ex’r. Oc*ober 18. ’B5l. 171 X EC CTO RSS A L e7- XVill be sold, on the _J first Tuesday in January ncx*, agrecnbleto the lust will of Jehn Swint ar., late of Wnrrcn county, dece if-ed, all that trset of l«nd, lying cn Rocky t) mfort in said county, the place wtierccn deceased lived ai d died, containing one hundred and fifty-five acres, more or less. Also, Five Negroes, namely, Livey, a woman, and her child, C»«ar, a boy, Ma ry a girl, Charlotte agiil. Terms ma e known cn the day of sale. WHLIAM SWINT; Ex’r. Oc'nber 15, 1851. S/l XK CL TO i: »S~ SALE Will bo soli, ’before IL J be • ’curt House de or in Warrenton, Warren c.. i «ty, un the First Tuesday in JANUARY next, a Tract f LAND, containing One Tbous nd (1,009) Acres more cr lees. Also, the following Negress, to wit: Uu.ljo, a man about 65 years old ; Andrew, ab ut 40; Jacob, about 35; George, about 40; Thomas, about 27; Nancy about 25 ; Molcy, about 21 ; J..ck about 7 ; Josh, ab mt 45; Edwnrd. about 271 Robert, about 24; Michem, ab< ut 19; T to, about 15; Washington, about 13; Airon, about 13 ; Charles, abcut 15; Lydia, about 23; Marii a’? u -27; Fanny, about 3; Macd\y, a* on* 1; Mmry, a* out 19; Greets about?; h tli rr.». •bo/ 6ra mih.- I I ; Harriet about 10 year.- old ; II mrah, about 8 ; Eli, about 4 ; Amos, abmt 2, and Juda, nb'ut 0. t ight or ten of the above n lined Negroes wid be sold for cash; the balance, toyetiu r with th-) Land, on i ere ii of twelve months. A! 1 of s- : d proferty o’d fcr the bentfi< of tin credi'ore and legatees cf Barnaid W. Pickling, late of w arrftn county de ceased. ARCHIBALD M. JACKSON, I? x’r. October 21, 1:51. UA RRIAN'S SALE. --Agreeable loaner- ST der oi the Inferior Court of Columbia county, while sitting as a Court of Ord nary, will be sold, on the firs’ Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the Court House door in said couniv, a negro man named RANDAL, the property of Mary Hannah and James Patrick William Dougherty, deceased. Sold for the benefi* of the minors. JAMES DOUGHERTY, Guardian September 4. 1851. 4 UiAKIHANS &ALE.—Will be soM, on the first Tv.es’ay in DECEMBER next, before the Court House door in Lexington, Oglethorpe county duri ’g the usual hours of sale, fire hundtcd and twenty-five, (525) acres of LAND, liirgou '.he waters of Broad River, adjoining lands of Am brose, Wilcher, Berrv, Hartsfield and others, in <>g!e*hcr;e county. Sold as the property of Peter R. G , : ?bcv, minor orphan of Peter R. GoohLey, Lite of Oglethorpe county, de'easel. Sold by vir tue f th* Inferior Court of the county of Heard, while sitting as a Court* f Ordinary, fcr the benefit vs sail minor Terms on the day of sale. WILLIAM M. S’MM3, Guardian. Septembe- 24; 1851. (i UA u DIAN* sSAI ’E W mbe 6old,'on the X fust Tuesday in Janu«ry next, before the Court House door : n Lincolnton, Georg a, by viitue of un order from the Inferior Court of said county, a Ne gro Boy, Tam aged about Twenty five yc :r», be longing to Virginis E. Lamar, a minor. Sold forth? benefit of sail ii)in?r. I ertns —four year’s credit— go d note with security, ir.f from dato. L. LAMAR, Guardian. October 39. 1951. / < UAIIDIAN’S MLV.--W ( || be «=• d, . n M, f . vs first Tuesday in JANUARY next, at the Court House doer in Warrenton, Warren county, under an order of the ii norable the Inferior Court of said county, when sitting fir ordinary purposes, sixty-six and a h>lf n». s of PINE LAND, lying in sa*d c» »nty, on the wa ers of Big G»cek, adjoining lands of J< hn Hollomon and others ; sold a* the property of, formerly Mary Martin, but now Ms*ry Brandy and Wi l am Martin, heirs of John S. Martin, deceased. So’ ! for the puqoieof distribution. T< rnnen me day of s*!e. cl 3 ADAM JONES, Guardian. VTOTICE. All persons having claims sgainst i 1. v Ethcldred Tarver, late of Richmond county, ’decreed, are requested to hand in - n . ccount of their de uands within the time prescribed bylaw; end ih.se in felted to fai I de'-eisM wll make imtnedt tiejeynnn-. SAMUEL TARVER, Ex’r. October ’6. 1351. Citations tetters 2Ununistration R.CII HOSJ COUNTY, GKO . Whereas, Bernard Fjgnon applies for letters of edminis tr turn on the estate of Dr. John E. Big non, late of sji-i coun.y, deceased These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, rhe kindred and creditors of saiti deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by I iv, toshow cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given un ’er try han 1 nt office in Augusta. LEON P. DUGAS, Clerk Oc d er 2,1F5L 18/aSrEN COUNTY, GEO—Wh-r 7, * » J itnes H. T’ ’d applies .or L t ers of admin is‘’f: non the estate of Jar-.cs Tcdd, ia'e of sail county, deceased, not disposed of in the last w J of s id -creased— These are therefore to cite and admonish, alland singular, the kindred and crediicrv of said i rcea:-ed, to Leandappear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why >id letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Warrenton. ADAM JONES, Clerk. 50 ■■ b-r t, 1851. INTERESTING TO COTTON PLAN- TERS. SR. PARKHURSTS Paten: Cotton Seed • GLEANING MaGHING constructed with out Saws or Ribs. Ibe Inventor o this Machine now has the ph a jure of answering the numerou inquiries from wn Planters, respectingtbe pcrfijrmauees and results jf this G-.n. I: uas been folly ?* Med by e’eaning it.e catire eropof a lan;e planter near Co; ’oibia. F. C , (a •ertificate imm whom is appended }ta anting the va lue of the Cotton one and a had to two cents per lb. 2ver that cleaned by any Saw Gin. Thia advanced price more than pays t r n Machine iu ene year’s average crop, the cost of it being only $250. b trns out equally as much or more, than any Saw Gin ; is more simple and durable, perfe tly safe tn he guiner, inasmuch as he cannot cut himself; and he great danger of fire, Dy fneiieu, in other Ma ssines, is entirely obviated. Arrangements are completed, to build these Ma chines in Augusta, for the S'ate of Georgia; and Cotton Planters le.-iring them, are respectiuiiy re* ] tested to send their orders to the subscriber. One of .he Gins may be oeea in operation at my ®team Mid. W. H. GOODRICH. Augusta. April. ISSI. ap!9 Cooy of a certificate from Col. Wade Har/ptcn, date I at Millwood. Nov. 4. 1850. .Mr. Parkhurst has been, for some weeks at my olantat’ n, adap’ins his (Jotton Gin, originally in tended for long Cotton, to short staple. The experi ment has been entirely successful. He Las one Gin in operation, which will prepare four bales, of three hundred and fifty pounds each, per day, end the qua itv of the cotton is fir better than I Kate ever :en. By this process of cleaning cotton, the staple i« uninjured, while al! the motes and false seeds are al.noet ee'. r- y separated from the lint, f deem this d-.-covery cf vict importance to the country, and I ’inestly hope that Mr. Parkhurst may be rewarded f * 5» vr’Q w’v W. H iwy. THE MONTGOfdERY MANUPAC TURING COMPANY’S IRON-WORKS, Montgomery. Alabama, > J ANIFACTVRE, in superior st vie. Hori- Ji z<-ntal and Upright STEAM ENGINES, cf all sizes; Steam BOILERS; LOCOMOTIVES; Cast iron WATER WHEELS; Sugar MILLS; Saw and Grist Mill IRONS. of every variety, (in cluding Hoxie’s ccntinuous fee: for Saw Milk; - Fn g ne nd Hand • ATHES; Iren and Brass CAST INGS, of all kmus, dto., Vc. / ii orders it e les' afeb. *r2.' GIN DR AT & C<» CIRCULAR SAWS a MANDRELS INDIA RLb r Steam PACKING, C n ecd S Hemp P.t king YARN, Purr p CHAIN and FISTUKES. F.OCK SA* T. 4e.. for sale bv olSiW&woLa CAR-MIUHAEL d BEAN, ■ii W-xM B b i 4' ? " ■ Llnr I- . : ii Ip l'L_ ■. -.-. L - CkiL--.' ■ • Important to Mill Owners and manufacturers. Unrivalled Improvement in Water Wheels. JTMIIE subscribers aiesole agents for makingnnd vending the best WaterWhecl in the world, known as Vandewater’s Water Wheel. We chal lenge the worxd to produce Its equal. It has but re cently been introduced to the public, and found to oc far in advance of all other wheels, both in power and economy in water, every drop being effective, and none wasted. This Wheel is not in the least af fected by back water. As we prefer them being pla ced below tail water in every instance, consequently we get every inch ot head; they being entirelv ci. cast iron, and simple of construction, are not lial le to get out of order, and are mere durable than a. y wheel now in use. We have recently put one in operation for George Schley, Esq., a’, his Bell ville Cotton Factory, to whom we would give refer ence. See Certificate annexed. All orders for Wheels or Territorial Rights, w!ll meet with attention by addressing the subscribers. JAGGER, TREADWELL A PERRY, Albany, New York. Or to their Agent, J. J. Kibbe, Augusta. ICKRTIFICATE.] Augusta, Ga., March 24,185 L Jagger, Treads bll Cfc Pkrby—Gentlemen: I have the gratification cf informing you that ycu» Vandewater Wheel was successfully put in epe ration at my Factory last week, and it worked tc perfection. ItssiropTcity,durability, and uniformity of speed, are recommendations alone; but above all, its highest encomium is tbesmall uantity of water it takes, as compared with other wheels, i have been using one of Reuben Rich’s Center Vent Wheels, o’ three feet and a half diameter, an I eleven inch bucket, the diechvrsre openings measuring 400 inch es. I displaced that and put in one cf yours of si* feet diameter, with discharge openings menruring 2’o inches, nd youi wheel run the same atneuat ul machinery that the Rich Wheel had driven, one ’here was a difference in ftvor of vours of e»gh’ inches in the depth of water io the tail race. I fee : no hesitation in recommending your wheel to al! man ufacturers, "nd Mill owners, believing it is the great est wheel of the age. Wishing you success in the introduction of so valuable an improvement, I re main, very respectfully, yours, die. mh26 wly GEORGE SCHLEY, REUBEN RxCH’S PATENT CENTRE VENT IRON WATER-WHEEL, Manufactured Mcnlgomery Manuacturing Compzry s / -. n Works, Mosstgo»ncry. Aiabuvna* v K it i: s PECTFULF.. Y cat! ihe auenfien f v Manufacturersand Mdl-owuers t > the follow ing respoPfe f.cm Mr. L’»ch, the Patentee of die above celebrated Water- Vfnecl. Vendors of Patents frequen-Iy attempt to intro duce their articles to the public with higk-SGUTidirg promises and loud praises, which a.ean nothing. Mr. Rich, on the cou’rary, has always been read} and frequently offered to •es' the cupn*ilitics ci bin Wheel, ngainst all o ’ ■< r under iny n. iv.ed forte t are. His challenges Lave never been accepted. U< now accepts the chailr;;:...» of others, and pieson e even more tempting offer W - are to ea- ter ini the test tor him, at. 4 udl, at uny time, a:• vauce the required amounts. IT * rademen intend < “show t‘»uir faith by (heir w : as,” let ’.hem come forward. GiNDRAT ot CO. Montgomery, April 2. 1851. BEWARE OP HUMBUGS! My attention hav ng been railed to <n advertise meat in vunr paper, over the signature «;f Jagce*, TreaDwtil & Perky, cbidleitging ell ctber wheels I now declare prepared io accept the rial lenge upon all the prmnds specified, naiui ;g Suth as She sum uer.n each point. Ist. 1 will bet 6j(hJ that no niher wheel, pa’en’» or not, W'Ugive rut as bine a percentage ol powej under a like head and volume oi water, 2d, That no wh-. r.t can he lucre durable. 3d That no win el can be mure simple. 4(h. TL.it none Is cheaper. s'h That no wheel is ?".cre steady. 6th. That die Lich Wheel is wholly superior tc tho Vvndcwa'.er V. I:eel. Ard again There being those who are f» question the fact that the Rich Wheel but h*H its measure >ient ot ;-.itnieu. I will tr**’ :>l,obo that the in. icii.c /■ r no: exceed on? hail th -nprrtures on a well cont »ted and art.uHec Rich Wheel, aotuol » K,.eritu*nt Imvif g drinon sta ted that it discharges in reality bwt 2- s*Lf of the apertures, vo that a wheel ineasutiug 11 100 L • hes in its disehar/re apcrfiirci” really vents fess than 2001 The depth ol the water in (he t« I is n< crileiion for estimating the quant.ty discharge d, un less reference is had to the speed wi:h whfoh it runr off. For example: from t'»e ordinary fiuttcr-wheel, under 10 feet bead, the w.-ter runs offal tl.e rate ol Ift to -0 feet per second. From my V» be I, undet same head, it runs off’ at les. than |of tins spet d. and from tnh consequent sfownors of motion, a thou sand gallons per rniuuic, from ny M h»l, would ere ate as much depth in the tail nice as four thousand from flutter- weei from which the water run? with quadruple rapidity Dear in mind, that unless speed is resaru.cd y the drpth in the tell race is no cr it er lor, wnatevei of quantity, and ibat the only trt»e esti mate is to ascertain what aperture, alongside, or un der the sama head and pressure with the wheel, wil exhaust a given number cf gallons of weter in the same space of time. REUBEN RICH P. S. Hating just learned that the Arents of the Vandew&ter Wheel represent that my Wheel dis charges even than its aperturfej now, to tes ; their sincerity, I will bet them, or any other p who may question tint the diaclmgo of ray wheel is more than hull i s s-r etture;-, a- fillowi : Ist. $5,000 to S2,J, that it dors not, (as the Vsndewater Agents claim) vent mere than its nper lures, 2d. $5,000 to $2.C00, that it dees Dot discharge equal to i’» apertures. 3d $3,030 to $1,500, that it don’t discharge |dr its apertures. 4th. $1,0: 0, that tho discharge is not one-half the apertures. sth. 51,000, that the discharge is but 4-lOtlis the aftertures. And tfirn I will present the acceptor of the above Le*B, SSOO, on his depositing th money io cover .hem, with 81,000 to etve r expenses of tiial, whir the winner will be entitled to, in one of the Aagasta Banks, where I will as ptomtt’y make a correapond ing di pc'it. And again—l will bet any Finn that the V andewater Wheel, with same apertures ss mine discharges one third more water. Now, where is their boasted faith ? ap2o REUBEN RICH. S'X 1 IT Al CST A?, > g * irr® k CIOTTONj WOOL, Jiiu-Cr<*o» r»d Horse 7 CAr; IS of the above ccictrejrij j»:R«nps, are of unequalled quality, and **wwd, fnkc the place of all o'hers. They arn r**” r-.'e.'Xlun.d co our n» w improve I and -dr is war ranted in every r . pcct. Our inferior Cards—the common “V» Ir’tc.bvre ’’ stamp—are of the utua well known qu Ivy Fold by the Hardware houses in nil the cities, and Country Merchants, and to the trade, by the Manu factures. JOS. B. SAkGENT, mylO-wly* 24 York. AUGUSTA Fa 3.7 7 I 3J?R 14XI»G STUA E MANUFACTOR Y. ’L f ® tr.ibfcriber, ' th'nkf d fcrite kind \ 1 pHrtmge l *reb f .re r \ \ , > extended to the late Ci. ir. ‘ f ScHiRMSK & f ,’.7— > ■"*** won d re- t7* ■' » •.—■ f.l.y inform 1.:., t „ i rier.ds end the rub- V-’. " r, y c. that he continues V' X / I ' - J ! ' J O’tcuti* <»rder« I t j. i ’ Li- v/v I known Wrr- Su* /. t i ‘-Jr T ted French i’.URK s:< i - io'- es, <.i every desnatde t’z- . at the lowc-t price and s'iort?&t notice Be’ltm lorn* lies ESOT US and C iJ»GNE STONES, SMUT MACHINES, ol vaiio'J? p.tternf, BOLTING i H THS, of the brand, CE‘ F’N T, Cr Mills us?. And every n:‘ er art cfe necen-cry in a M f|, Aho, ■ r Planters, email GRIST MILLS to at tavh to Gm Gears. All orders promptly J to. WM. R. SOW’KVER, Survrsirg rar f ner cJ truer Wgand. ! ’* l-.w'f v;j:ak l a. x. rip u lS'Ls'.-'sm < and painful afieett’on cin be I a re icve**. and c rod, men esv>r ."‘.ii g • rh it tii.ie, by g ••Ma;. h ili' Ltpc tl Ertoi ‘ tor.° Fvrsale by a 1 the I‘ ’H ao 1 t »• pr j i eor o? 6 H >.k LTI RPI .*. I HO EXCUSE FORBAD BR3AD’ fjKEWos & .’in i lii-.i/s i> fAl.i i A YEAST ' 1 *Ui< an jw art vic tor r-. ‘ Ltght snd Sweet Bread, ft is a great center : ; thit it is always ready and f-ure »o act - the d ( requires no standing, but i.« ready tu ! il-'c as =/ i c.s * mixed, and the tnost ig: orant can h.rdiy ml-'.-.ke tn I its use, bhoul lun ex :c.d be pu { . in, t will not tu;<-i * the breai yellow, w.th an ashy or r ?apy taste, ss ’ saleratus and soda will; ti. is &■*. g irr.eu wa? e, , n is euitabk Brakno&t all k i. h of Sweet Cakes, | Gingerbread. Pamplin. • au I G ■* le Cakes < y Do r. h m x*d uuh u Y est, and failing tc ri c, ir.ny be made light, ai.« i-a-ed, by th in the proper <ju»M-:ty of this Y r.st. F>r<deby s() DBPI I MP. & ! GAY’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CANCHALAGUA, A CALIFORNIA PLANT,.?frar-rirtues J7SL possessing in a high degree all the med’ema properties of Sarsaparilla, a certain preventive t nd cure fur consumption, coughs, colds, iuflucns? as’h I ma, inflammation, fever and atfue. fevers bilious complaints, nervous alTt- nuns, Rout, ri entns lisrn, neuralgia, scrofula, dyt-pepsia, debility livrr complaint, indiges'-.cn, and all diseiresorigin**'.ire in . c-meti ation of the bowels or impuri; ies of th* blccc, or winch lend to enervate the system. It gives nn to the digesrive • rz -.'. ;, and is remarkable fi.r -u- ani (natiag, strengthening and restoring prop-err es. h £ also infallible in all disvas* s peculiar to females The pr prietors have numerous testimonial's of the ■ highest character, in favor of its great supenori'y i over every o'tier preparation of the day, w . ■-h can 1 te seen at heeffice of the E'JPIRE CXLMF aNY I 59 oy Iras street, sr • ’33 Pufuio : trect, N. Y. Poreale.W ; ■■.e -n ; Refad by W. H. f UT r an . Havi'.axd, Rists* & Co., Auguuta, Ga. *i - » V TV - OTIC : A! p >« > Hi-d,y(ed to us will Cal : r.c oo'c .1 J cc j aid ttte tw <?. cf Gib; 3 Mc'-OSD. Sueb aa c.-e I,o*. pi 4bv tbofi.«t<f J.ruary will be Ful in s-jit forthwith as se mutt p;y olf the bastes of < er cebts. o2J-w3u>. G'B iS & Hs’.RDIN. DR. DENNIS’ GEORGIA SARSAPARILLA for Jaundice, Sick Head ache, Dizziness, l oss cf Appetite, Constipation of the Bowels, Piles, caused by Costiveness, Pain in tha Eoncs, or Rheumatism, caused by the use of Mercury, Syt hi’ic, Scrofula, Boils, Ulcere, Ac., &e. THIS PREPARATION is made 88 pure a? possible. Its bitter <aste, and beneficial ef fects in diseases of the Liver, and diseases arieieg fro.a an impure state of tho Blood, prove it to be the purest end most useful preparation of Sarsaparilla that is made. Those who have used tho various preparations of Sarsaparilla will find, by theUsteand effect, that there is more Sarsaparilla in one bottle of Dr. D.’a preparation, than in half a dozen bottles as it is gen all v made. That it might be more particularly adapted to pro fessional use, nothing but the pure Sarsapaiilla has been used, that for different disease 1 ?, physici ins might combine or prescribe with it, such articles as they might consider mast appropriate in cases under heir treatment. Ls altera ive and mildly purgative effect upon the bowels, make it not only a good substitute for Mer cury, but useful in removing ail diseases arising fiom the imprudent use of Mercury. Prepared cnly by J. DENNIS, M. D., Augusta Georgia. Fold :n Augusta by W. H. Tutt, P. A. Moise, D. B. Plumb & Co-, W. H. & J. Turpin, Havi land, ItrsLEY,&o. W. K. Kitchen, and Barrett Carter & Co, In Athens by Hill & Smith. In Madison by SivMouß <& Service. In Atlanta by f. S. Pennt. In Macon by Payne dir Niscet. In Marietta by W>t. Root. In Charleston, S. C. by P. M. Cohen, and Cabey &■ CounraiEß, and by Drugging rcuerally. • Pi ice— $i per bolds ; 6 bottles for $5. Reinember to ask for DENNIS’ GEORGIA SARSAPARILLA. ie!4 TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS Has attended the uze of that wonderful Ointment, B2AKSHALL’S MAGICAL I»AlN ERAD- ICATOR, THE REKXDT FOUND LT L*£T. MODY that has urcd.it, speaks well -J cf it, and what “every body’* ra;s must bo true Since (hs first of Ja-.uary last, up wares of 7('o Cer ificale have teen reeled, fes(Tyin>r tc- the good effect* and Superiority of MARSHALL’S MA GICAL PAIN ERADICATOR. In soma very few instances this preparation lai not given entire satufection, but iuctlook fora mo men* at ihe number who have been L-cncf.tteJ. Se ven hut died vo’u'tary «es’i-i cniak have be-n given, and certainly not lets than five tin e’ tbfo n inter h-.ve cr j eriouced he go.d effect? of this Olt:'men' t .• th- sone spues of -.ime Ibe p* bli.r will p’.ea&e bear in mind iLat t’(. : h is a purely Scn’liorn pr*p ratlan, std is er.ii’«.! ’utl.o I trenage of Southern people. As no charge i? made, should no benefit b- re ■ v-3 1. j;iv > ii i f.ir trial, ■ nd in nicety cases cut cf a hundred the gre »test s -ccess will be sure to follow. F«r farther pariicu’ais, and a number of certificates you ere referred to the pouij L’etp, to be Lad at an .’ of the Agencies. The whch M. r bail’s Ercd cator will rurc, ar.. Rheumatism, * cute and Chrouic, Lumbx yr», Painful Nerves, Fcrofula, Spiral A flections, I’Klociitiocs, Spraius, Gkicmit..n •. Swellings, Tu mors, Gun.-Vons, Ncgch, Wens, Biuises, S rains, t' < a’< J iuts, Contracted Tendons, Head Gout, P'l*y, Tooth-nche, (fcc. IA rrale in Augusta, by Haviland, Risley & Co-, f» I’. Plumb 5t Cm, L’Antignac > Barry, Barrett & Carter, Wm. K. K.tchen, A. H. Tutt, P. A. •ioi.c and ih“. P’Ofiietois, W. H. if- J. Turpin.— I: h ids for sale the Elate, by the prin a pul Druggists. N. B, —’ e careful *o 1-x.k for the irrit'cn »igna i:re of J. E. rdxr sHA'Lon the wrepper cf each x hoce is genuine without |t» 026 a bJ ' V GREAT CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WUNDER. DR- J. s. IIOUGHTON’3 i*kpsin—. the true Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice Pre pared from Rennet, or (ho fourth stimachot (he Ox, after directions oi ! nron Liebig, the great Physiolo gical Chemist, by S. 11. Houghton, M. I)., Philadel phia, Pa. Thin is a great natural Remedy for Indigestion and DyspepsJi, curing after Nature's own method, by Ne.’ure’s own Agent, the Gettrio Juice. Pepsin is (he chief element, er gnat Digesting principle of the Gastric Juice—tie solvent of the food, the purifying, fliiSa j vin<r and stimulating Agent cf tha Stpnjach and In’c-unes. It is extraetf; I from the Di /utiva Stcc acb of the Oh, thus to-’ming an anificinl Di gestive Fluid, precisely like tho natural (JaMric Jure, in its Chemical powers and forminp n com plete and powerful sub titute for it. By the a it! of thia preparation, the (wins and evils of lnd*gesri''ii and Dyspepsia are removed, just they would be by a healthy stomach. Il is dumg wonders for Dys papria, curing cases of Debiihy, Emaciation, Ner vous Decline, and i yspeptic Consumption, sii| posed obe on the verge ol th© grave. Th* 1 Scientific Evi dence upon which it is based, is in the highest de giee curious and remarkable. Enron Liebig, in his celebrated work on aolidd* Chemistry, says: “An Artificial Digestive Fluid, uncdai’ous to the Gastric Juice, mav le prepared f cm ths mucous membrane oi tha stomach of tho Ox, in wl ich various articles of food, as meat and eg” \ wi.i be softened, changed, end digert’-d, just in the same manner as they would bo in the human stomach.” Ha’s a teaspoonful of pure Pepsin, infused in wa ter, will digest or dissolve five pounds cf Roant Beet in about two hours out of the stomach. Dr. Houghton’s Pepsin is sold by nearly al! the dealers in fine druys and Popular Medicines through out i e United States. 1? is prepare !in Pnwderaod in Fluid form —and in Frqtcription viuls foi the use oi Physicians. Private Circular?, for the use of Pliyfieiar..-, may be oi..*riiied of Dr. Houghton or his Agents, describ ing the whole process cf preparation, and giving the ! authoriti' B upon wi:.o‘i the claim- of ibis f ew remc | dy are ba Hid. /s it is not a secret remedy, no ob jections can be raired aguiast its use by Physicians ii respectable standing and regular practice. Price, jsl per bottle » Pepsin in pwcdtr sent by mail, fne of pvi. !ag& Po convenience of sending to all p»rtH of ths country, the Digestive Matier of the Pepsin i? put up ’ : n t?>* f .»«t »f Pnwd-r« w : k Jirsorirns r * dib!»nlv e l in water oy th- j-itieut. These Powders contain ju t the t ame matter as the bottles, and will ’ cent by mail, free nf post3ire, for one dollar rent (josi pahl) to Dr. J. 3. HOUGHTON, M. IX, Phihdel pi ia, Pa •jt /Observe tbit!— Every bottle of the ir. nuine Pej in,bcarstliewr:tten signature of J. S. HOUGH TON, M. D., sole proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa.—• Sold by D. B. PLUMB & CO., A er!» fur Auyusla, and by Druggista generally. je27-w6m-r*o FHiIiOTOKEN. OR y*.E TALKS’ FRlEND.—Beauty, Cmnfor k? at:d Health secured, by iheuseof that invulu c rri’.cdy the u Philotokcn or Females’ Friend, i L . ni**dicinc is prepared fru(n Kouts that act in nni ' u w?!» r.ii’irf, tn the prevention, relief and cure o t . ‘ c J: rr peculiir to the Female system. P?ii;:'i!and disordered menstruation—theceure or r , : ‘ old age, of bar. dtc.—is seedily relieved, and the regular ‘.ealthful action of th© ox-. <rftp secured, by the use cf the fll tb fv mpr.thetic afcctions attend:* nt onpregnan cy—irritebii iy. r.iusen, h> art-burn, &c.; and as a prever tive of periodical abortion, this rem* dy standi i rnly unrivalled, but is almcwt infallible. T'* Fiiih token is put up in bxtics at $ I each ! with full directions, ha use can in no c&ae dc harm end so certain is the proprietor that it w I g<»e un’ qualifiedsatis&ctioa to all who uss itaccordmy to the din/Ctiowe, t.'ja: he amberites bis agents to refund 1 ha iEC.)*:y in any where it fails. For ia'e by the Drvprr.a of Augusta. mhl s It. CUI.LKN’si Delian Vegetable Remedy.— Z r I , preparat o ; contains 08 M rcuiy or Bal . tain C‘j i tn ‘is a certain core for Gen rrhoea, G "1. byp'iiiis, an i I euchorr! ®i. it r n.ov s all j dm effects U the inju.be* »ua uee of Calomel, ;• ..I puri- fit: ebl cd. For sale hy I <23 WM. H/TUTT, Druggie. Philosophy of iiraodreth’s Vege- TABLE PILI S. T V’TIEN the theu-ry ci the circu'ation of tho v V b'o rJ wan e.’«al»h*bed, the springs of vitality were then p<rttallvexposed io our view. We I s.s • and undeiMood tnat the I Iwe eat wa. convert- I ed into blood, v. ii'.cn repaired it . -.l asteot ihe aaonal machine; method ;s loel, vvh h kefpSal a liiehiat he intern.:! i.res that ai.d-rnvigora’e out inner j man. ihe blood is an electric uui < which carries rhis heat luevery rain■;>cation of the i ’.,dy, eve i t > the ex : liemitie. of the i.a:r and horny nail. V. hi e ‘he blood is thus the seal of lite, it is also the seat r! disease* I Food gi/es th»- body strength; Rrandreth’s i’lHs give i blood itr: necessary power to throw out from itself ail impurities, thus rendering the stre .m of 'ife pure and ' hea.thy. II men were more sincere, there would be lev. tr religious creeds ; and if they kept closer to na« , tore's laws in the niaragemeot of their bodies, they woul-t require little medicine. As men grow more , intelhg-: it they **ili L-.come w»ser and hippier; even i ro.v their wisdom is proved by the 'act, that, when nr .nt-ss asi.aiis them, they u-.e jpandreth’s Vegetable j I .iivt .-al Pilis, which soon them to health. Tuey are peculiarly adsp:ed to this climate, ami qoire no extra care when ir«t-v are u td. either ;n diet or cj.ithmtf TheyshouiJ r>e a !, .iy in the house, so that upon toe fi • .st in<;r atßui <f sic i. nets they maybe u-ed Une dose »•» lhe begin.m.g ;» mote poteni' tor go than a dozen xtier t. e »tc»ness hi the t xy-’.t m. In coids, coiuii.’. axiUmt. rheumatism, cos liven:fever.-. a..J ir -. i acute. hea*y . r J,, p ,< ne4 pains, t!.<ir elTc'i» w.fi t>e found Leyond a pr.jtse, ; lore- or five will ac: uKe a charm, often curing a dang' rn-* *‘-7 rtt on*e, saving inouib* of sicl.iiesa andtneeviib thereto a lenun g iiemrmLer. E*-and ret'/F ? s are a known and fnily texsed medicui* one ** used by hundr. ds o? •. ,>, ls Cr>un . ry. end tarrugbout the civilized world, 'i key ara o j.-t;y superceding ail ether rnejicines. They take cut only th-t from the blood which is th? cause, t we. k .esiand pain, leaving health and * trei gifa ; they P oduce heaahy sleep al mgiu, and an appetite that reln-h >■ ..!i kind* oi lord. Dr I'si'.dreth’s principal office 241 ‘ » w;ir ai ‘ ‘ ” h ‘* relaj| r T bces, 274 Bowery, and ‘ ’all liud'on street, New York. C3r“ Kjy as Agent - only—examine '3e certificate cl Ac- cy. The k enu:ne for sale by B 4 «Rr.Ti,v*H T “ k6 _L ° J _ A "■ ts * VTT A ■ c-I ia. 4, ;i U < fr, PU 1 FATiGY de crijti n, receiver] weekly ami aluay- /re *.. w -rra .J dt j b.* wh : it ;s r■ pr- nt. o2) VV. H. & J, TURPIN. ATTAIN 01L.—25 bblf. for sale by -■ WM. H. TUTT. o2fl