Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, December 03, 1851, Page 2, Image 2

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2 ' PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE. < FeUow-Citizent of the Senate 1 and of the House of Representatives : I congratulate you and our common constitu ency upon the favorable auspices under which you meet tor your first session. Our country is at peace with all the world. The agitation w’hich. fora time, threatened to disturb the fra ternal relations which make us one people, is fast subsiding: and a year of general prosperity and health has crowned the nation with unusual blessings. None can look back to the dangers which are passed, or forward to the bright pros pect before us, without feeling a thrill of gratifi cation, at the same time that he must be im pressed with a grateful sense of our profound ob ligations to a beneficent Providence, w hose pa ternal care is so manifest in the happiness of this highly favored land. INVASION OF CUBA. Since the close of the last Congress, certain Cubans and other foreigners resident in the Uni ted States, who were more or less concerned in the previous invasion of Cuba, instead of being discouraged by its failure, have again abused the hospitality of this country, by making it the scene of the equipment of another military expe dition against that possession of her Catholic ma jesty. in which they were countenanced, aided and joined by citizens of the United States. On receiving intelligence that such designs were entertained, I lost no time in issuing such in structions to the proper officers of the United States as seemed to be called for by the occasioh. By the proclamation, a copy of which is here with submitted, I also warned those who might be in danger of being inveigled into this scheme of its unlawful character, and of the penalties which they would incur. For some time th re was reason to hope that these measures had suf ficed to prevent any such attempt. This hope, how ever, proved to be delusive. Very early in the morning of the third of August, a steamer called the Pampero, departed from New-Orleans for Cuba, having on board upwards of four hun dred armed men, with evblent intentions to make war upon the authorities of the island. This ex pedition was set on foot in palpable violation of the laws of the JJnited States. Its leader was a Spaniard, and several of the chief officers, and some others engaged in it, were foreigners. The persons composing it, however, were mostly citi zens of the united States. Before the expedition set out, and probably be fore it was organized, a slight insurrectionary movement, which appears to have been soon suppressed, had taken place in the eastern quar tes of Cuba. The importance of this movement was unfortunately so much exaggerated in the accounts of it published in this country, that these adventurers seem to have been led to be lieve that the Creole population of the island not only desired to throw off the authority of the mother country, but had resolved upon that step, and had begun a well o&certed enterprise for effecting it. The persons engaged dition were generally young and ill informed.— The steamer in which they embarked left New' Orleans stealthily and without a clearance.— After touching at Key West, she proceeded to the coast of Cuba, and, on the night between the 11th and 12th of August, landed the persons on board at Playtas. within about twenty leagues of Havana. The main body of them proceeded to, and took possession of, an inland village, six leagues dis tant, leaving others to follow in charge of the baggage, as soon as the means of transportation roufi be obtained. The latter, having taken up their line of march to connect themselves w ith the main body, and having proceeded about four leagues into the country, were attacked on the morning of the 13th, by a body of Spanish troops, and a bloody conflict ensued; after which they retreated to the place of disembarcation, where about fifty of them obtained boats and re-em barked therein. They were, however, inter cepted among the keys near the shore by a Span ish steamer cruising on the coast, captured and carried to Havana, and, after being examined before a military court, we sentenced to be pub licly executed, and the sentence was carried in to effect on the 16th of August. On receiving information of what had occurred, Commodore Foxhall A. Parker w as instructed to proceed in the steam-frigate Saranac to Havana, and inquire into the charges against the persons executed, the circumstances under which they were taken, and whatsoever referred to their trial and sentence. Copies of instructions from the Department of State to him, and of his letters to that Department, are herewith submitted. According to the record of the examination, the prisoners all admitted the offences charged against them, of being hostile invaders of the is land. At the time of their trial and execution the main body of the invaders was still in the field, making war upon the Spanish authorities and Spanish subjects. After the lapse us some days, being overcome by the Spanish troops, they dispersed on the 24th of August, Lopez, their leader, w as captured some days after, and execu ted on the Ist of September. Many of his re maining followers were killed, or died of hunger and fatigue, and the rest were made prisoners. | Os these, none appear to have been tried or ex ecuted. Several of them W'ere pardoned upon application of their friends and others, and the rest, about one hundred and sixty in number, were sent to Spain. Os the final disposition made of these we have noofficial information. Such is the melancholy result of this illegal and ill-fated expedition. Thus, thoughtless young men have been induced, by false and fraudulent representations, to violate the laws of their coun try, through rash and unfounded expectations of assisting to accomplish political revolutions in other States, and have lost their lives in the un dertaking. Too severe a judgment can hardly be passed, by the indignant sense of the commu nity, upon those who, being better informed themselves, have yet led away the ardor of youth and ill-directed love of political liberty. The correspondence between this Government and that of Spain relating to this transaction is here with communicated. Although these’offenders against the laws have forfeited the protection of their country, yet the Government may, so far as is consistent with w. ........ J , - ...... its obligations to other countries, and its fixed maintain atul enforce t lim biww<4!ii' friends, as well as a feeling of compassion for themselves. Accordingly no proper effort has been spared, and none will be spared, to procure the release of such citizens of the United States, engaged in this unlawful enterprise, as are now in confinement in Spain : but it is to be hoped that such interposition with the government of that country may not be considered as affording any ground of expectation that the Government of the United States will, hereafter, feel itself under any obligation of duty to intercede for the liberation or [anion of such persons as are fla grant offenders against the law of nations anil the laws of the United States. These laws must be executed. If we desire to maintain our re spectability among the nations of the earth, it behoves us to enforce steadily and sternly the neutrality acts passed by Congress, and to follow, as far as may be, the violation of those acts with soudign punishment. But what gives a peculiar criminality to this invasion of Cuba is, that under the lead of Spanish subjects and with the aid ot citizens of the United States, it had its origin, with many, in motives of cupidity. Money was advanced by indivi duals, probably in considerable amounts, to pur chase Cuban bonds, as they have been called, issued by Lopez, sold, doubtless, at a very large discount, and for the payment of which the pub lic lands and public property of Cuba, of whatev er kind, and the fiscal resources of the people and government of that island, from whatever source to be derived, were pledged as well as the good faith of the government expected to b.' estab lished. All these means of payment, it is evi dent, were only to be obtained by a process of bloodshed, war. and revolution. None will deny that those who set on foot military expeditions against foreign States by means like tbeae, are far more culpable than the ignorant and the neces sitous whom they induce to go forth as the osten sible parties iu the proceeding. These origina tors of the invasion of Cuba seem to have deter mined. with coolness and system, upon an un dertaking which should disgrace their country, violate its laws, and put to hazard the lives of ill informed and deluded men. You will consider i whether further legislation be necessary to pre vent the perpetration of such offences in future. No individuals have a right to hazard the peace of the country or to violate its laws upon vague notions of altering or reforming governments in other States. This principle is not only reasona ble in itself and in acconlance with public laws but is engrafted into the codes of other nations as well as our own. But while such are the senti ments of this Government, it may be added that every independent nation must be presumed to 1 be able to defend its possessions against unau thorized individuals banded together to attack them. The Government of the United States, at all times since its establishment, has abstained and has sought to restrain the citizens of the country, from entering into controversies be tween other power*, and to observe all the duties of neutrality. At an early period of the Govern ment, in the administration of Washington, sev- I eaalbwa W'j-erotmlfiwthi.pi.rr'.* , Qi I **??* ? proviaioosbfthese laws were re-enacted by the . act of April, ISIS, by which, amongst other things, it was declared that if any person shall, within the territory or jurisdiction of the United States, begin, or set on foot, or provide, or pre- , pare the moans for any military expedition or enterprise to be carried on from thenee against the territory or dominion of any foreign prince or , State, or of any colony, district, or people with whom the United States are at peace, every per son so offending shall be deemed guilty of a high misdemeanor, and shall be fined, not exceeding three thousand dollars, and imprisoned not more than three years, and this law has been executed and enforced, to the full extent of the power of the Government, from that day to this. In proclaiming and afliering to the doctrine of neutrality and non-intervention, the U. States have not followed the lead at other civilized na tions; they have taken the lead themselves, and have been followed by others. This was admit ed by one of the most eminent or modem British statemen. who said in Parliament, while a min ister of tlie crown, '-that if he wished tor a guide m a system of neutrality, he should take that laid down by America in the days of Washington and the secretaryship ot Jefferson;" and we see, in fact, that the act of Congress ot ISIS was fol lowed. the succeeding year, by an act ot the Par liament of England, substantially the same m its general provisions. Up to that time, there had been no similar law in England, except certain highly penal statutes passed in the reign of George 11.. prohibiting English subjects from en irating in foreign service, the avowed object of wfocn statute was. that foreign armies, 'raised for the purpose of restoring the house of Stuart to ♦be throne, should not be strengthened by re mits from England herself. All must see that difficulties may arise iu car rying the taws referred to into execatian in a yountry now having three or four thousand miles : of seacoast, with an infinite number of ports and harbors and small inlets, from some of which un lawful expeditions may suddenly set forth, with out the knowledge of Government, against the possessions of foreign States. Friendly relations with all, but entangling al liances with none, has long been a maxim with ’ us. Our true mission is not to propagate our 1 opinions, or impose upon other countries our form of government, by artifice or force: but to teach by example, and show’ by our success, mo deration and justice, the blessings of self-govern- i ment, and the advantages of free institutions. Let every people choose for itself, and make and ; alter its political institutions to suit its own con dition and convenience. But, w’hile w’e avow and maintain this neutral policy ourselves, we I are anxious to see the same forbearance on the part of other nations, whose forms of govern- | ment are different from our own. Th? deep in terest which we feel in the spread of liberal prin- , ciples and the establishment of free governments, and the sympathy with w'hich we witness every struggle against oppression, forbid that we should b« indifferent to a case in which the strong arm of a foreign power is invoked to stifle public sen- ; timents and repress the spirit of freedom in any country. ENGLISH AND FRENCH INTERFERENCE. The governments of Great Britain and France have issued orders to their naval commanders on the West India station to prevent, by force, it necessary, the landing of adventurers from any nation on the Island of Cuba with hostile intent. The copy of a memorandum of a convention on this subject between the Charge d Affaires of Her Britannic Majesty and the Acting Secretary of State, and of a subsequent note of the former to the Department of State, are herewith submit ted, together w ith a copy of a note of the Acting Secretary of the State to the Minister of the French republic, and of the reply ot the latter, on the same subject. These papers will acquaint you with the grounds of the interposition of the two leading commercial powers of Europe, and with the apprehensions, which this Government could not fail to entertain, that such interposition, if carried into effect, might lead to abuses in de rogation of the maritime rights of the U. States. The maritime rights of the United States are founded on a firm, secure, and well defined ba sis; they stand upon the ground of National In dependence and public law, and will be main tained in all their full and just extent. The principle which this Government has i heretofore solemnly announced it still adheres to. i and will maintain under all circumstances and ;at all hazards. That principle is, that in every regularly documented merchant vessel, the crew j who navigate it, and those on board of it, will i find their protection in the flag which is over : them. No American ship can be allowed to be | visited or searched for the purpose of ascertaining the character of individuals on baard, nor can there be allowed any watch by the vessels ot any i foreign nation over American vessels on the coasts ; ft will be seen by the last communication from the British Charge d’Affaires tofhe Department j of State, that he is authorized to assure the Secre ; tary of State that every care w’ill be taken that, J in executing the preventive measures against the expeditions, w hich the United States Gov ernment itself has denounced as not being enti ; tied to the protection of any government, no in terference shall take place with the lawful com merce of any nation. In addition to the correspondence on this sub ject, herewith submitted, official information has been received at the Department of State, of as surances by the French government that, in the orders given to the French naval forces, they were expressly instructed, in any operations they might engage in, to respect the flag of the United States wherever it might appear, and to commit no act of hostility upon any vessel or armament under its protection. SPANISH CONSUL AT NEW ORLEANS. Ministers and consuls of foreign nations are the means and agents of communication be tween us and those nations, and it is of the ut most importance that, while residing in the country, they should feel a perfect security so long as they faithfully discharge their respective duties and are guilty of no violation of our laws. This is the admitted law of nations, and no country has a deeper interest in maintaining it than the United States. Our commerce spreads over every sea and visits every clime, and our ministers and consuls are appointed to protect the interests of that commerce, as well as to guard the peace of the country and maintain the . honor of its flag. But how can they discharge these duties unless they be themselves protected; and, if protected, it must be by the laws of the ; country in w’hich they reside. And what is due to our own public functionaries residing in for j eign nations, is exactly the measure of what is due to the functionaries of other governments ; residing here. As in war, the bearers of flags of truce are sacred, or else wars would be in- I terminable, so in peace, embassadors, public min j isters, and consuls, charged with friendly na tional intercourse, are objects of especial respect and protection, each according to the rights be longing to his rank and station. In view of these important principles, it is with deep mortifica- I tion and regret I announce to you that, during the excitement growing out of the executions at Havana, the office of her Catholic Majesty's consul at New Orleans, was assailed by a mob, his property destroyed, the Spanish flag found in the office carried off and torn in pieces, and he himself induced to flee for his personal safety, which he supposed to be in danger. On receiv -1 ing intelligence of these events, I forwith direct ed the attorney of the United States, residing at New Orhans, to inquire into the facts and the extent of the pecuniary loss sustained by the consul, with the intention of laying them before | you, that you might make provision for such in ! demnity to him as a just regard for the honor of the nation and the respect which is due to a friendly power might, in your judgment, seem to require. The correspondence upon this subject ’ between th? Secretary of State and her Catholic majesty’s minister plenipotentiary, is herewith ( transmitted. The occurrence at New Orleans has led me to give mv attention to the state of our Ihwr in ro- ; ; give my attention to me state ot our laws m re 1 BgJ to io !«i£U einbassadors, minister* anil gon. ‘deficient in not providing sufficiently either foi r the protection or the punishment of consuls. 1 1 therefore recommend the subject to the consid eration of Congress. BKcirnocax, tbauk. I Your attention is again invited to the question f of reciprocal trade between the United States and Canada and other British possessions neai our frontier. Overtures for a convention upon this subject have been received from her Britan nic Majesty's Minister Plenipotentiary, but it seems to be in many respects preferable that the matter should be regulated by reciprocal legisla tion. Documents are laid before you showing the terms which the British government is wil ling to offer, and the measures which it may adopt, if some arrangement upon this subject I shall not lie made. OBB6ON BoDNDABV. From the accompanying ropy of a note from ; the British legation at Washingion, and the re ply of the De|>artment of State thereto, it will appear that her Britannic Majesty's government is desirous that a riart of the boundary line be tween Oregon and the British |K>ssessiotis should be authoritatively marked out. and that an in tention was expressed to a|q>ly to Congress lor an appropriation to defray the expenses thereof on the part of the United States. Your atten tion to this subject is accordingly invited, and a proper appropriation recommended. CLAIMS ON roBTVGAU A convention for the adjustment of claims of I citizens of the United States against Portugal, has been concluded, anil the ratifications have been exchanged. The first instalment of the amount to lie paid by Portugal fell due on the 30th of September last, and has not been paid. The President of the French Republic, accord ing to the provisions of the convention, has been selected as arbiter in the case of the General Armstrong; and has signified that he accepts tlie tiust and the high satisfaction he feels in acting as the common friend of two nations, with which France is united by sentiments of sincere i and lasting amity. TUB Bl BLIMB roBTK—THK HVXOAKIASS. The Turkish government has expressed its thanks for the kind reception given to the Sul tan's agent. Amin Bey. on the occasion of his recent visit to the United States. On the 28th j of February last a despatch was addressed by the Secretary of State to Mr. Marsh, the Ameri can Minister at Constantinople, instructing him to ask of the Turkish government permission for . the Hungarians, then imprisoned within the do minions of the Sublime Porte, to remoi e to this country. On the 3d of March last, both Houses of Congress passed a resolution requesting tire I President to authorize the employment of a public vessel to convey to this country Louis Kossuth and his associates in captivity. The instruction above referred to was com plied with, and the Turkish government having released Governor Kossuth and his eempanions tram nriaon. Qfi tbe .iWnt'Jyntemlw lau j cuilsuked ou bwmd oi the I nited States steam trigate Mississippi, which was selected to carry into effect the resolution of Congress. Governor Kossuth left the Mississippi at Gibraltar, for the purpose of making a visit to England, and may I shortly be expected in New York. By com : nnmications to the Department of State he has I expressed his grateful acknowledgments for the I interposition of this Government in behalf of himself and his associates. This country has been justly regarded as a safe asylum tor those whom political events have exiled from their own homes in Europe: and it is recommended to Congress to consider in what manner Governor Kossuth and his companions, brought hither by its authority, shall be received and treated. THK SANDWICH ISLANDS. It is earnestly to be hoped that the differences which have lor some time past been pending be tween the government of the French republic and that ot the Sandwich Islands, may be pea ceably and durably adjusted, so as to secure the independence of those islands. Long before the events which have ot' late i mparted so much importance to the possessions of the United States on the Pacific, we acknowledged the in dependence ot the Hawaiian government. This Government was first in taking that step, and several of the leadin’ powers of Europe imme diately followed. We were influenced iu this measure by the existing and prospective impor tance of the islands as a place of refuge and re freshment for our vessels engaged in .the whale fishery, and by the consideration that they lie in the course of the great trade which must, at no distant day. be carried ou between the wes tern coast of North America and Eastern Asia. We were also influenced by a desire that those islands should not pass under the control ot any other great maritime State, but should remain in an independent oouditk»i. and so be accessible and useful to the eommarce of all nations I need j not say that the importance of these dbnsidera- 1 tions has been greatly enhanced by the sudden and vast developement which the interests of the United States have attained in California and Oregon; and the policy heretofore adopted in regard to those islands will be steadily pursued. It is gratifying not only to those who consider I the commercial interests of nations, but also to all who favor the progress of knowledge and the diffusion of religion, to see a community emerge I from a savage state and attain such a degree of ' civilization in those distant seas? INVASION OF MEXICO. 11 is much to lie deplored that the internal tran- I quiliiy of the Mexican republic should again be ; >• i icusly disturbed; for, since the peace between j that republic and the United States, it had en joyed such comparative repose that the most fa- I vorable anticipations for the future might, with a • degree of confidence, have been indulged. These, however, have been thwarted by the Tecent out bieak in ;he State of Tamaulipas, on the right ba-.k oft he Rio Bravo. Having received inlor- I matron t hat persons from the United States had I taken part in the insurrection, and apprehending that their example might be followed by others. J r; used orders to be issued for the purpose of ! preventing any hostile expeditions against Mex ico from being set on foot in violation of the laws ot t»e United States. I likewise issued a procla mation upon the subject, a copy of w’hich is her.-with laid before you. This appeared to be rendered imperative by the obligations of trea ties and the general duties of good neighborhood. TEHUANTEPEC RAIL ROAD. In my last annual message. I informed Con gress that citizens of the United States had un dertaken the connexion of the two oceans by meansofa railroad across the Isthmus of Te huantepec, under a grant of the Mexican govern ment to a citizen of that republic; and that this enterprise would probably be prosecuted w’ith energy whenever Mexico should consent to such ‘ stipulations with the Government of the United , States as should impart a feeling of security to those who should invest their property in the enterprise. A convention betw’een the two governments for the accomplishment of that end has been ratified by this Government, and only awaits the decision of the Congress and the Executive of that republic. Some unexpected clifficulties and delays have arisen in the ratification of that convention by : Mexico, but it is to be presumed that herdeci sion will be governed by just and enlightened views, as well of the general importance of the object, as of their own interests and obligations. , In negotiating upon this important subject, ! this Government has had in view one, and only one. object. That object has been, and is, the j construction or attainment of a passage from ocean to ocean, the shortest and the best for ! travellers and merchandise, and equally open to ! all the w’Orld. It has sought to obtain no ter- j 1 ritonal acquisition;, iior any Vantages i gret. that Mexico should oppose any obstacle to - ! the accomplishment of an enterprise which pro- ! I mises so much convenience to the whole com- I mercial world, and such eminent advantages to j Mexico herself. Impressed W’ith these senti [ ments and these convictions, the Government ’ ■ will continue to exert all proper efforts to bring | ; about the necessary arrangement with the repub lic of Mexico for the speedy completion of the work. NICARAGUA. For some months, past the republic of Nicara gua has been the theatre of one of those civil convulsions, from which the cause of free institu tions, and the general prosperity and social pro gress of the States of Central America, have so often and so severely suffered. Until quiet shall have been restored, and a government apparent ly stable shall have been organized, no advance can prudently be made in disposing of the ques tion pending between the two countries. 1 am happj r to announce that the inter-oceanic ! communication from the mouth of the St. John to the Pacific has been so far accomplished as . that passengers have actually traversed it and I merchandise has been transported over it; and 1 . when the canal shall have been completed, ac- ; j cording to the original p an, the means of com munication will be further improved. PANAMA RAIL ROAD. It is understood that a considerable part of the i railroad across the Isthmus of Panama has been completed, and that the mail and passengers will ; I in future be conveyed thereon. Whichever of the several routes between the two oceans may ultimately prove most eligible for travellers to and from the different States on the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico and our coast i on the Pacific, there is little reason to doubt that all ot them will be useful to the public, and will liberally reward that individual enterprise, by which alone they have been or are expectetl to be carried into effect. ST. DOMINGO. Peace has been concluded between the con tending parties in the Island of St. Domingo, and it is hoped upon a durable basis. Such is ' the extent of our commercial relations w ith that- Island, that the United States cannot fail to feel astrong interest in its tranquility. COMMISSIONER TO CHINA. The office of Commissioner to China remains • unfilled : several persons have been appointed, ; and the place has been offered to others, all of ■ whoui have declined its acceptance, on the ground of the inadajuacy of the compensation. ? The annual allowance by law’ is six thousand dol’ars, and there is no provision for any outfit. I earnestly recommend the consideration of this subject to Congress. Our commerce with China is highly important, and is becoming more and more so, in consequence of the increasing inter course between our ports on the Pacific coast and Eastern Asia. China is understood to be a i country in which living is very expensive, and 1 know of no reason why the American Com- j missioner sent thither should not be placed, in i regard to compensation, on an equal footing with ! ministers who represent this country at the courts I ' of Euroj>e. . ...XUE. mi i ■ I g_ . I iiiiuii■iwiraiiriroiiiiinuaii.BS re f !g*Wfrnß seen l£at ttiZaggregate w i receipts for the hist fiscal year amounted to $52,-* I 312.979 87; which, with the balance in the I- i Treasury on the Ist July, 1830, gave, as the available means lor the year, the sum of $58.- ' 017.524 36. , h The total expenditures Tor the same period , s were $15,005,878 68. ir The total imports lor the year ending 30th June, n 1851, were $215,723,095 r Os which there were in specie 4.967,901 it j The exports for same period were. . $217,517,130 e • Os which there were of domestic products . .$178,546,555 g Foreign goods re-ex- |. | ported 9,738,695 v Specie 29,231,880 t $217,517,130 Since the Ist of December last the |>aymerits in cash on aciount of the public debt, exclusive of interest, have amounted to $7,501,456 56; 11 which, however, includes the sum of $3,242,100 ‘ paid under the 12th article of the treaty with ' Mexico, and the further sum of $2.501,213 15, I being the amount of awards to American citi ’ i zens under the late treaty with Mexico, for ' which the issue of stock was authorized, but which was paid in cash from the Treasury. 1 The public debt on the 20th ultimo, exclusive ; 1 of the stock authorized to be issued to Texas by the act of 9th Septemder, 1850, was $62,560.- i 1 39 :\ 2C ‘- I he receipts fur the next fiscal year are esti mated at $51,800,000, which, with the probable I unappropriated balance in the Treasury, on the • 30th June next, will give, as the probable avail ‘ able means for that year, the sum of $63,258,- ; 743 Os). , ■ It has been deemed proffer, in view of the large expenditures consequent upon the acquisi- ■ tion of territory from Mexico, that the estimates ’ ’ for the next fiscal year should be laid before Con j gress in such manner as to distinguish the ex ? }>enditures so required from the otherwise ordi ' j narv demands upon the Treasury. J The total expenditures lor the next fiscal year , .are estimated at $02,892.299 19. of which there is required so; the ordinary purposes of the Go vernment. other than those consequent upon the acquisition of our new Territories, ami deducting > the payments on account of the public debt, the - sum of >33,3-13,198 08; amt for the purposes ■i : connected directly or indirectly with those Ter i i ritories. and in the fulfilment of the obligations ’ of the Government, contracted in consequence of . their acquisition, the sum of $9,549,101 11 i ' If the views of the Secretary of the Treasury’ i in reference to the expenditures required tbr these Territories shall be met by corresponding action ■ on the part of Congress, and appropriations made t in accordance therewith, there will be an estima- • ted unappropriated balance in the Treasury on ( the 30th June. 1853. of $20,366,443 90, wbere ; with to meet that portion of the public debt due on the first July following, amounting to $6,237,- 931 35, as well as any appropriations which may • be made beyond the estimates s In thus referring to the estimated expenditures gj .»» aatataMite). we-wly w 1 ' - may express the hope that Congress will concur ' ' with me in the desire that a liberal course of pol icy may be pursued towards them, and that every • » obligation, express or implied, entered into in ■ consequence oi their acquisition, shall be fulfilled . by the most literal appropriations for that pur- > I pose. ( IXPQKTS. . The values of our domestic exports for the last , fiscal year, aa compared wth those of the previous r year, exhibit an increase cC 646.322. At first ■ view, this condition of our trade with foreign nations ' ; would seem to present the moat flattering hopes of r I its future prosperity. An examination of the de tails of our exports, however, will show that the in creased value of our exports for the last fiscal year is to be found in the high price of cotton which pre vailed during the first half of that year, which price [ ■ has since declined about one-half. * The value us our exports of breadstuff’s and pro- > • visions, which it was supposed the incentive of a ; • low tariff and large importations from abroad would ■ have greath- augmented, has fallen from $68,791,- > 921, in 1847, to $26,651,373 in 1850. and tos2l»- 948,653 m 1851, with a strong probability, amount- i ing almost to a certainty, of a still further reduc tion in the current year. The aggregate values of rice exported during the last fiscal year, as compared with the previous year, f alsu exhibit a decrease amounting to $460,917, ■ • which- with a decline in the values of the exports of tel-Acco for the same period, made an aggregate : decrease in these two articles of $1,156,7517 The potey which dictated a low late of duties vu foreign merchandise, it was thought by those who prumoUd and established it, would tend to j benefit the forming population of this country, by increasing the dcm uxd and raising the price of ag ricuiiurai products in foreign markets. The foregoing facts, however, seem to stew in- ‘ contestibly that no such result has followed the adoption of this policv. On the contrary, notwith standing the repeal the restrictive corn laws in England, th* foreign demand for the products of j the American farmer, has steadily declined, since the short crops and consequent famine in a portion ; cf Europe have been happily replaced by full crops a d comparative abundance of food. It will bo seen, by recurring to the commercial statistics for the past year, that the value of our domestic exports has been increased in the single item of raw cotton by $40,000,000 over the v aluo of that export for the year preceding-. This is not lue to any increased general demand for that ar ticle, but to the short crop of the preceding year, which created an increased demand, and an aug mented price for the crop of last year. Should the cotton crop now going forward to market be only equal in quantity to that of the year preceding, and be sold at the present prices, then there would be a falling off in the value of our exports for the pre sent fiscal year of at least $40,000,00(1, compared n ith the amount exported for the year ending 30th June, 1851. The production of gold in California for the past i year seems to promise a large supply of that metal from that quarter for some time to come. This large annual increase of the currency of the world must be attended with its usual results. These have been already partially disclosed in the enhancement of prices and a rising spirit of speculation and ad venture, tending to overtrading, as well at home as abroad. Unless some salutary check shall be given to these tendencies, it is to be feared that importa tions of foreign goods beyond a healthy demand in this country, will lead to a sudden drain of the pre cious metals from us, bringing with it, as it has done in former times, the most disastrous conse quences to the business and capital of the Ameri can people. The exports of specie to liquidate our foreign debt during the past fiscal year have been $24,263,- ; 979 over the amount of specie imported. The ex i ports of specie during the first quarter of the pre sent fiscal year have been $14,651,827. Should specie continue to be exported at this rate for the remaining three quarters of this year, it will drain from our metallic, currency during the year ending 30th June, 1852, the enormous amount of $58,- 607,308. In the present prosperous condition of the nation al finances, it will become the duty of Congress to j consider the best mode of paying off the public •i debt. If the present and anticipated surplus in the • Treasury should not be absorbed by appropriations i of an extraordinary character, this surplus should be employed in such way, and under such restric tions, as Congress may enact, in extinguishing the outstanding debt of the nation. TEXAS CLAIMS. By reference to the act of Congress approved 9th September, 1850, it will be seen that, in considera tion of certain concessions by the State of Texas, it is provided that the “United States shall pay to the State of Texas the sum often millions of dol lars, in a stock hearing five per cent, interest, and redeemable at the end of fourteen years, the inte rest payable half yearly, at the Treasury of the United States.” In the same section of the law it is further pro vided “that no more than five millions of said stock shall be issued until the creditors of the State holding bonds and other certificates of stock of Texas, wjor hieh duties on iihports u'ere spccial/y pledged, shall first- file at the Treasury of the United States releases of all claims against the United j States, furor on account of said bonds or eertifi i cates, in such form as shall be prescribctl bu/rhe pfj.the and J Pretfident oi the United States.” J The form of release thus provided for has Loen | prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and ' approved. It has been published in all the loading ! newspapers in the commercial cities of the United States, and all persons holding claims of the kind ■ specified in the foregoing proviso wore required to j file their releases (in the form thus prescribed) in i the Treasury of the United States, on or before the Ist day of October, 1851. Although this publiea ; tion has been continued from the 25th day of I March, 1851, yet up to the Ist of October last com ! paratively few releases had been filed by the credi ! tors of Texas. The authorities of the State of Toxas, yit the re <|uest of the Secretary of the Treasury, have fur nished a schedule of the public debt ot that State created prior to her admission into the Union, with a copy of the laws under which esuih class was con tracted. I have, from the documents furnisltcd by the State of Texas, determined the classd> of claims j which in iny judgment fall within the provisions of ; the act of Congress of the 9th of {•eptrinber, 1850. On being officially informed of the acceptance by Texas of the propositions contained in the act j referred to, I caused the stock to be prepared, and I the five millions which are to be issued ancondition ' ally, bearing an interest of five per cent, from the j Ist day of January, 185 L have been for some time ready to be delivered to the State of Texas. The j authorities of Texas, up to the present time, have ! not authorized any one to receive thus stock, ami it I remains in the Treasury Department, subject to ' the order of Texas. The releases, required by law to be 'deposited in ■ the Treasury, not having been filed there, the re- : maining five millions have not been issued. This last amount of the stock will be withheld from Texas until the conditions upon which it is to be de livered shall be complied with by the areditors of that State, unless Congress shah otherwise direct by a modification of the law. the Tariff. In my last annual message, to which I respect fully refer, I stated briefly the reasons which in duced me to recommend a modification of the present tariff, by converting the ad valorem into a spec:lie duty, wherever the article imported was of such a character jus to permit it. amt that such a discrimination should be made, in favor of the in ; destrial pursuits of our own country, as to euttour , age home production without excluding foreign ; competition. Ti-o numerous frauds which continue to be prae- I tised upon the revenue, by false invoices and un i derv-’nations, constitute an unanswerable rea i son fur adopting specific instead of ad voiorem du | tie# in all cases where the nature of the commodity i does nut forbid it. A striking illustration of these ' frauds will be exhibited in the Report of the Secre tary of the Treasury, showing the custom house valuation of articles imported under a former law subject to specific duties, when there was no in ducement to undervaluation, and the custom-house valuations of the same articles, undor the present system of ad valorem duties, so gr-Mtly reduced as to leave no doubt of the existence of the most fla grant abuse's undorihe existing laws^. This practi cal evasion of the present law, combinf*! with the languishing condition of some of the great interests of the country, caused by over importations and consequent depressed prices, apd with the failure in | obtaining a foreign market for our increasing sur ' plus of brea<lstuffo and provisions, has induced me j again to recommend a modification of the existing I foriff I The report of the. Secretary of firtr i which accompanies thia com mu nic at i on^^. T ' |. n THE PUBLIC LANDS. * I It will be seen that the cash sales of the public ? lands exceed those of the proceeding year, and that - I there is reason to anticipate a still further increase. ■ ; notwithstanding the large donations which have i been made to many of the States, and the liberal I grants to individuals as a reward for nwlitary servi ; ecs. This fact furnishes very gratifying evidence of the growing wealth and prosperity of our coun > tr y- Suitable measures have been adopted for com mencing the survey of the public lands in Califor nia and Oregon. Surveying parties have been or ganized, and some progress has been made in estab lishing the principal base ami meridian lines. But farther legislation and additional appropriations will bo nwwsarv before the proper subdivisions can he made, ami the general land system extemiir.g i over those r<mote parts of our territory. On the 3d of March last an act was passed pro viding for the appointment of three eomQtjMwnera to settle private land claims in California. Three I persons were immediately appointed, all of whom, : however, declined accepting the office, in conse quence of the inadequacy ei‘ the compensation. OiLvris w r<- promptly selected, who, for the same i reason, also declined: and it was not until late in jth season that the services of "suitable persons ; could be secured. A majority of the commission ers convened, in thin city, on the 10th of Septem- ■ her last, when detailed instructions were given to them in regard to their duties. Their first meeting ; for the transaction of business will be held in San ! Francisco on the Sth day of the present month. ‘ 1 have thought it proper to refer to these facte, ’ not only to explain the causes of the delay in filling the commission, but to call your attention to the j propriety of increasing the compensation of the commissioners. The office is one of great later and responsibility, and the compensation should be such as to command men of a high order of talents and the most unquestionable integrity. The |rtop‘*r disposal of the mineral lands of Cali fornia is n subject surroumleil by great difficulties. In my last annual message I recommended thesu - i xey ami sale of them in small parcels, under such ivdrictions :> would effectually guard against mo : nopoly and speculation, But upon further infor mation. and in <»< b rence to the opinions of persons familiar with the subject. I am inclined to change that recommendation, and to advise that they be jwnnitted to remain, as at present, a common field, ■ ojien to the enterprise and industry of all our citi zens, until further experience shall have developed the best policy to be ultimately adopted in regard to them. It is safer to suffer the inconveniences that now exist, for a short period, than, by premature legislation, to fasten ou the country a system found ed in error, which may place the whole subject be vound the future control of Congress. The agricultural lands should, however, be sur veyed and brought into market with as little delay as'possible, that the titles may become settled, and the inhabitants stimnlateil to make permanent im provements. and enter on the ordinary pursuits of life. To effect these objects it is desirable that the necessarr provision be made by law for the estab lishment* of land offices in California and Oregon, and for the efficient prosecution of the surveys at. an early day. XEW MEXICO AND UTAH. Some difficulties have occurred in organizing the I i Territorials governments of New MexSpo and Utah. I * and. when more accurate information shall be ob tained of the causes, a further communienti*m will ■ [ be made on that subject, AORICULTKRAL bureau. In my Last annual communication to Congress I : ‘ recommended the establishment of an Agricultural \ Bureau, and I take this occasion again to invoke ; vour favorable consideration of the subject. Agriculture may justly be regarded as the great . interest of our people. Four-fifths of our active population arc employed in the cultivation as the soil, and the rapid expansion of our settlements over | new territory is daily adding to the number of those I engaged in that vocation. Justice and sound poli- J cv, therefore, alike reqmre that the G overament ! should use all the means authorized by the Gnnsti : tution to promote the interests and welfare of that ■ important class of our fellow-eititens. And yet it : is a singular fact that, whilst the manufacturinj and ; crnnmereial interests have engaged the atto&tm of I Congress during a large portion of every se«ion, and our statutes abound in provisions for their pro ! t ection and encouragement, little has yet been done directly for the advancement of agriculture. It is time that this reyroaeh to our legislation should be removed; and 1 sincerely hope that the present ; Congress will not close their labors without a-topt- ! ing efficient means to supply the om missions of those ■ who have pr-eeded them. ; An Agricultural Bureau, charged with the uuty ■ ■ of collecting and disseminating correct information j as to the best modes of cultivation, and of the must i ; effectual means of ing and restoring the for- I tility of the soil, and of procuring and distributing ; sveite and plants and other vegetable productions, • with instructions in regard to the soil, climate, ami treatment test adapted to their growth, could not fail to be, in the language of W ashingtgn. in his | last annual message to Congress, a ‘ very eheap in strument of immense national benefit. BOUNTY LANDS. Regarding the act of Congress approved September, 1859, granting bounty lands to j-ersons who had been engaged in the military service of i the country, as a great measure of national justice and munificence, an anxious detire has teen felt. ’ ; by the officers entrusted with its immediate execu- ' tion, to give prompt, effect to its provisions. All the means within their control were, therefore, brought into requisition to expedite the adjudica tion of claims, and I am gratified to be able to state that near one hundred thousand applications have been considered, and about seventy thousand warrants issued within the short space of nine months. If adequate provision be made by law to carry into effect the recommendations of the De partment, it is confidently expected that, before the close of the next fiscal year, all who are entitled to the benefits of tho act will have received their war rants. The Secretary of the Interior has suggested in his report various amendments of the laws relating to pensions and bounty lands, for the purpose of more effectually guarding against abuses and frauds on I the Government, to all of which I invite your par- I ticular attention. I XDIAN RELATIONS. The large accessions to our Indian population consequent upon the acquisition of New Mexico and California, and the extension of our settlements into Utah and Oregon, have given increased interod and importance to our relations with the aboriginal race. No material change has taken place, within the last year, in the condition and prospects of tho In dian tribes who reside in the Northwestern Terri tory and west of the Mississippi river. We are nt peace with all of them ; and it will boa source of of pleasure to you to learn that they are gradually advancing in civilization and the pursuits of social life. 1 Along the Mexican frontier, and in California, and Oregon, there have been occasional manifestations of unfriendly feeling, and some depredations commit ted. lam satisfied, however, that they resulted more from the destitute and starving condition of the Indians than from any settled hostility toward the whites. As the settlements of our citizens pro gress, towards them, the game upon which the; mainly rely for subsistence is driven off or destroyed, and the only alternative left to them is starvation or plunder. It becomes us to consider, in view of this condition of things, whether justice and humanity, as well as an enlightened economy, do not require that instead of seeking to punish them for their offences which are the result of our own policy towards them, we should not provide for their immediate wants and encourage them to engage in agriculture, and to ‘ rely on their labor, instead of the chase, for the means of support. Various important treaties have been negotiated i with different tribes during the year, by which their ; title to Large and valuable tracts of country has been extinguished, all of which will, at the proper time be , submitted to the Senate for ratification. MEXIC AN HOU NDARY. The joint commission under the treaty of Guada lupe Hidalgo has been actively engaged in running I and marking the boundary line between the United States and Mexico. It was stated, in the last an nual report of the Secretary of the Interior, that the initial point on the Pacific and the point of junc tiifcn of the Gila with the Colorado river had been determined, and the intervening line, about one ; hundred and fifty miles in length, run and marked ;by temporary monuments. Since that time anion inner.! of marble has been erected at the initial • point, and permanent landmarks of iron have been plj&ed al.;<uitable distances along the line. initial jyintQTi £hc been fixed by <hU*wmm i min., and at the date of the last communication the survey of th c lino had been (made thence westward . about one hundred and fifty miles to tho neighbor \ hood of the copper mines. ; The commission on our part was at first organized on a scale which experience proved to be unwieldy : and attended with unnecessary expense. Orders ; have, therefore, been issued for the reduction of the number of persons employe within the smallest ■ limits, consistent with the safety of those engaged in the service, and the prompt and efficient execution of their important duties. THE CENSUS. Returns have been received from all the officers engaged in taking the census in the States and Terri tories. except California. Tho superintendent cm- • ployed to make the enumeration in that State has : not yet made his report, from causes, as he alleges, beyond his control, This failure is much to he re gretted, as it has prevented the Secretary of the In terior from making the decennial apportionment of representatives among the States, as required by the • act approved May 23, 1850. It is hoped, however, that the returns will soon be received, and no time will then be lost in making the necessary apportion ment, and in transmitting the certificates required ■ by law. . The Superintendent of the Seventh Census is dil- ■ igently employed, under the direction of the Secre- ■ tary of the Interior, in classifying and arranging, in tabular form, all the statistical information de- : rived from the returns of the marshals, and it is believed that when the work shall I o completed it will exhibit a more perfect view of the population, wealth, occupations, and social condition of a great • country, than has ever been presented to the world, i The value of such a work, as the basis of enlightened legislation, can hardly be over estimated: and 1 earnestly hope that Congress will lose no time in i making" the appropriations necessary to complete the classifications, and to publish the results in a stylo worthy of the subject and of our national character. The want of a uniform fee bill, proscribing the compensation to be allowed district attorneys, clerks, marshals, and commissioners in civil and criminal cases, is the cause of much vexation, injustice, and complaint. I would recommend a thorough revi i sion of the laws on the whole subject, and the adop- • tion of a tariff of fees, which, as far as practicable, : should be uniform, and prescribe a specific com : pensation for every service which the officer may be | required to perform. This subject will be fully pre aented in the report of the Secretary of the Interior. RIVERS AND HARBORS. In my last annual message I gave briefly mj j reasons for believing that you possessed the consti tutional power to improve the harbors of our great lakes and seacoast, and the navigation of our prin , cipal rivers, and recommended that appropriations ; should be made for completing such works as had ; already been commenced, and for commencing such • others as might seem to the wisdom of Congress to be of public and general importance. Without re- ' peating the reasons then urged, I deem it my duty ! again to call your attention to this important sub- • ject. The works on many of the harbors were left in an unfinished state, and consequently exposed to the action of the elements, which is fast destroying them. Great number of lives and vast amounts of property arc annually lost for want of safe and'eon venient harbors on the lakes. None but those who i have been exposed to that dangerous navigation, : can fully appreciate the importance of this subject, • Tlie whole northwest appeals to you for relief, and eonsideraiion at ■ ' your hand*. t The same is in a measure true in regard to some * * * • n -- - -r.T.ira.-. Th® unobstructed navigation of our large rivers is of equal importance, Our settlements are now c extending to the sources of the great rivers which it empty into, and form a part of the Mississippi, and the value of the public lands in those regions would o I he greatly enhanced by freeing the navigation of J those waters from obstructions. In view, therefore, i- of this great interest, I deem it my duty again to e urge upon Congress to make such appropriations for these improvements as they may deem necessary. The survey of the Delta of the Mississippi, with a - view to the prevention of the overflows that have . ' proved so disastrous to that region of country, have . i been nearly completed, and the reports thereof are . ■ now in course of preparation, and will shortly he t ; laid before you. S I OUR MEXICAN FRONTIER. , i The protection of our southwestern frontier, and “* ; of the adjacent Mexican States, against the Indian tribes within our border, has claimed my earnest s and constant attention. Congress having failed, at , the last session, to adopt my recommendation, that an additional regiment of mounted men specially ’ adnj>ted lo that service should be raised, all that re mained to be done was to make the best use of the j means at nay disposal. Accordingly, all the troops ' adapted to that service that could properly he spared s from other quarters have been coneentrated on that frontier, and officers of high reputation se _ lotted to command them. A new arrangement > of the military posts has also been made, whereby , the troops arc brought nearer to the Mexican frori- J tier, and to the tribes they arc intended to overawe. Sufficient time has not yet elapsed to realize all the benefits that are expected to result from those arrangements, but I have every reason to hope that ‘ they will effectually check their marauding expe j ditions. The nature of the country, which furnishes little for the support of an army, and abounds in , places of refuge and concealment, is remarkably well . adapted to this predatory warfare: and we can scarcely hope that any military force, combined i with the great .st vigilance, can entirely suppress it. ' By the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo we are i bound to protect the territory of Mexico against ! the incursions of the savage tribes within our hor • dvr “with equal dilligence and energy" as if the I same were made within our territory*, or .against ! our citizens. I have endeavored to comply, as far as possible, with this provision of the treaty.— j Orders have been given to the officers commanding i on that frontier to eonsid :r the Mexican territory ■ and its inhabitants as equally with our own entitled to their protection ; and to make all their plans and arrangements with a view to the attainment of this object. Instructions have also been given to the Indian Commissioners and agents among these tribes in all treaties, to make the clauses designed for the protection of our own citizens apply also to those of I Mexico. I have no reason to doubt that these in- j structions have been fully carried into effect Ne- \ I vertheless, it is probable that, in spite of all of our ' ; efforts, some of the neighboring States of Mexico : - may have suffered, as our own have, from depreda tions by the Indians. To the difficulties of defending our own territory, as above mentioned, are superadded, in defending j that of Mexico, those that arise from its remote- I ness, from the fact that we have no right to station our troops within her limits, and that there is no ' efficient military force on the Mexican side to co* ; operate with our own. So long as this shall eon- ! : tinue to be the case, the number and activity of our j > troop* will rather increase ths u diminish the evil, 1 j as the Indians win naturally turn toward® that f I country where they encounter the least resistance i ’ Yet, these troops are necessary to subdue them, * and to compel them to make and observe treaties, i Until this shall have been done, neither country i ■ will enjoy any security from their attacks. i The Indians in California, who had previously . I appeared of a peaceable character, and disposed to • i cultivate the friendship of the whites, have recent- ; 1 ly committed several acts of hostility. As a large ' portion of the reinforcements sent to the Mexican frontier were drawn from the Pacific, the military force now stationed there is considered entirely in adequate to its defence. It cannot bo increased, however, without an increase of the army; and I I again recommend that measure as indispensable to the protection of the frontier. I invite your attention to the suggestions on this suited, and on others connected with his Depart ment, in the report of the Secretary of War. WAB DXrARTMKXT. The appropriations f«»r||the support of the army during the current fiscal year ending 30th June next, were reduced far below the estimate submit ted by the Department. The consequence of this • reduction is a considerable deficiency, to which I j invite your early attention. The* expenditures of that Department, for the year ending -P’th June last, were $9,060,268 58. The estimates for the year commencing Ist July i next and ending June 30, 1853. are $7,898,875 83; showing a reduction of $1,161,492 75. The Board of Commissioner.* to whom the man agement of the affairs of the Military Asylum crea ted by the act of 3d March last was entrusted, have , selected a site for (he establishment of an Asylum ■ in the vicinity of this city, which has been approv ed by me, subject to the production of a satisfactory | title. NAVY DEPARTMENT. of the Secretary of the Navy will ex hibit the condition of the public service under the supervision of that Department. Our naval force afloat during the present year has been actively : and usefully employed in giving protection to our widely-ex tended and increasing commerce and in . terests in the various quarter* of the globe, and our flag has everywhere afforded the security and re- 1 ceived the respect inspired by the justice and liber- 1 ality of our intercourse, and the dipiity and ]>ower ' of tlie pation. The expedition commanded by Lieutenant De Huven, despatched in search of the British com mander, Sir John Franklin and his companions in the Arctic Seas, returned to Now York in the month of October, after having undergone great peril and suffering from an unknown and dangerous naviga tion and the rigors of a northern climate, without any satisfactory information of the objects “of their search, hut with new contributions to science and navigation from the unfrequented polar regions. Thu officers and men of the expedition, having been all volunteers for this service, and having so con ducted it as to meet the entire approbation of the Government, it is suggested, as an act of grace and generosity, that the same allowances of extra pay and emoluments be extended to them that were made to the officers and men of like rating in the late exploring expedition to the South Seas. I earnestly recommedd to your attention the ne cessity of reorganizing the Naval Establishment, apportioning and fixing the number of officers in each grade, providing some mode of promotion to the higher grades of the navy, having reference to merit and capacity, rather than seniority or date of entry into the service, and for retiring from the ef fective list upon reduced pay those who may be in competent to the performance of active duty. As a - measure of economy as well as of efficiency in this arm of the service, the provision last mentioned is eminently worthy of your consideration. The determination of the questions of relative rank between the sea officers and civil officers of the naw. and between officers of the army and navy, in the vari ous grades of each, will also merit yonr attention. The failure to provide any substitute, when corporal pun ishment was abolished for offenses in tho navy, has oc • ca.doned the convening of numerous courts-martial up on the arrival of vessels in port, and is believed to have had an injurious effect upon the discipline and ef ficiency of the service. To moderate punishment from one grade to another is among the humane reforms of the age ; but to abolish one of sever ity. which applied so generally to offences on ship ; board, and provide nothing in its stead, is to suppose a ? progress of improvement in every individual among seamen, which is not assumed by the Legislature in res pect to any other class of men. It is hoped that Con ’ gross, in the ample opportunity afforded by the pres ’ ent session, will thoroughly investigate this iraporaut ! subject, and establish such modes of determining > guilt, and such gradations of punishment as are con -5 sistont with humanity and the personal rights of individuals, at and the same time shall ensure the most I energetic and efficient performance of duty and the suppression of crime in our ships of war. The stone-dockin the navy yard at New York, which i was ten years in progress of construction, has been so ! far finished as to be surrendered up to the authorities of the yard. The dry dock at Philadelphia is reported as completed, and is expected soon to be tested and de livered over to the agents oi the Government. That at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, is also nearly ready for . delivery : and a contract has been concluded, agreeably to the act ot Congress at its last session, for a floating sectional dock on the Bay of San Francisco. I invite your attention to the recommendation of the Depart ment touching the establishment of a navy yard incon junction with this dock on the Pacific. Such a station is highly necessary to the convenience and effectiveness of our fleet in that ocean, which must be expected to in crease tho growth of commerce, and the rapid exten sion of our whale fisheries over its waters. The Navy Academy at Annapolis, under a revised and improved system of regulations, now affords opportuni ties of education and instruction to the pupils quite equal, it is believed, for professional improvement, to I thosa-enjoved by the cadets inthe Military Academv.—i 7 iiiinlff— commencement of the last academic term, and a prac i tice-ship has been attach to the institution, to afford the amplest means for regular instruction in seamanship, as well as for cruises during the vacation of three or four months in each year. The advantages of science, in nautical affairs have rarely been more strikingly illustrated than in the fact i stated in the report of the Navy Department, that, by means of the wind and current'charts, projected anil prepared by Lieutenant Maury, the Superintendent of the Naval Observatory, the passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific ports of our Country has been shortened by about forty days. The estimates for the support of the Navy and Marine Corps the ensuing fiscal year will be found to be $5,856,- 472 19, the estimates for the current year being $5,900,- The estimates for special objects under the control ; of this Department amount to $2,684,220 89, against | $2,210,980 for the present year, the increase being oeca- I sioned by the additional mail service on the Pacific ; coast and the construction of the dock in California, ! authorized at the last session of Congress, and some I slight additions under the head of improvementsand ! repairs in the navy yards, buildings and machinery. i 1 deem it of much importance to a just economy, and a correct understanding of naval expenditures,’ that there should be an entire separation of the appropria- ’ tions for the support of the naval service proper from those for permanent improvements at navy yards and stations, and from ocean steam-mail service*, and other special objects assigned to the supervision of this De partment. TOST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. The report of the Postmaster General, herewith com municated, presents an interesting view of the progress, operations, and condition of his Department. At the close of the last fiscal year, the length ofma.il routes within the L’uited States was 196,290 miles; the annual transportation thereon 53.272,252 miles; and the annual cost of such transportation $3,421,754. The length of the foreign mail routes is estimated at 15,349 miles; and the annual transportation thereon at 615.2U6 miles. The annual cost of this service is $1,472,187. of which 448.937 is paid by the Post Office | Department, and $1,023,250 is paid through the Navy Department. The annual transportion ivithiti the United States (ex- | eludes the service in California and Oregon, which is I now. for the first time, reported and embraced in the ! tabular statements of the Department) exceeds that of j tho preceding year $6,162,855 miles, at an increased cost ; of $547,110. The whole number of post offices in the United . States, on the 30th day of June last, was 19.796, There i were 1.698, post offices established, and 256 discontinued during the year. The gross revenues of the Department for the fiscal I year, including the appropriations for the franked mat- ' tor of Congress, of the Departments and officers of [ Government, and excluding the foreign postages, col- i lectcd for and payable to, the British post office, amoun- I ted to $6,727,866.78 ' The expenditures for the same period (excluding $20.- . 599 49. paid under an award of the Auditor in pursuance , 1 of a resolution of the last Congress, for mail service on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers in 1832 and 1833, ami j the amount paid to the British post office for foreign postages collected for and payable to that office) j amounted to $6,024,560 79; leaving a balance of reve- I • nii» over the proper expenditures of the year of $703.- j I 299 99. The receipts for postages during tho year (excluding j j the foreign postages collected for and payable to the i ; British post office) amounted to $6,345,747 21, being an i increase of $397,610 79. or 13,65-100 percent, over the ' , like receipts for the preceding year. | The reduction of postage, under the act of March j i last, did not take effect until the commencement of the 1 I present fiscal year. The acconuts for the first quarter ' under the operation of reduced rate*, will not Im* settled | before January next; and no reliable estimate of the ' ! receipts for the present year can yet be made. It is I belieybd, however, that they will fall far short of those !of the last year. The surplus of the revenues now ou hand is, however, so large that no further appropria- ! tions from the Treasury, in aid of the revenues of the , j Department, is required for the current fiscal year ; but , an additional appropriation for the year ending June 3U, IS.W, will probably • - | fully ascertained. ’ I In his last annual report the Postmaster General re r commended a reduction of postage to rates which he i deemed as low as could be prudently adopted, unless 1 | Congress was prepare.! to appropriate frouj the Treasu [ ; ry. for the support of the Department, a sum more than [■ i equivalent to the mail services performed by it for the : Government. The recommendations of the Post mas ’ ter General in respect to letter postage, except on let ’ j ters from and to California and Oregon, were substan- I (tally adopted by the last Congress. He now re | commends adherence to the present letter rates, ami , j advises against a further reduction until justified by the > | present revenue of the Department. - , , He also recommends that the rates of postage on , j printed matter be so revised as to render them more simple, and more uniform iu their operation upon all I classes of printed matter 1 submit the rocommenda j tions of the report to your favorable consideration. REVISION OF THE LAWS. i The public statuets of the United States have now j been accumulating for more than sixty years, and in i tcrspvrsed with private acts, are scattered through nu i luerous volumes, and from the cost of the whole, have i become almost inaccessible to the great mas- of the community. They also exhibit much of the incongru ity and imperfection of hasty legislation. As it seems to be generally conceded that there is no common law of the United States tv supph the defect--of their legislation, it is most important that that legislation should Ve as perfect as possible, defining every power intended to he conferred, every crime intended to be made punishable, and prescribing the punishment to be I inflicted. In addition to some particular cases spoken of more at length, the whole criminal code is now la mentably defective. Some offences are imperfectly de scribed, and others .are entirely omitted ; so that fla grant crimes may be committed with impunity. The scale of puuishineut is not in all cases graduated accor ding to the degree and nature of the offence, and is : often rendered more unequal by the different modes of ' imprisonment, or penitentiary coufiuemeut. in the dif j ferent States. Many laws of a permanent character have been intro ! duced into appropriation bills, and it is often difficult tu determine wiiether the particular clause expires with the temporary act of which it is a part, or continues in force. 1 1 ha> also fre<juently happened that enactments and provisions of law have been introduced into bills, with the title or general subject of which they have ; little or no connection or relation. In this inode of legislation so many enactments have been heaped upon i each other, and often with but little consideration, that in many instances, it is difficult to search out and de termine what is the law. The Government of the United States is emphatically a government of written laws. The statutes should, therefore, as far as pi act icable, not only be made acces . sible to all, hut be expressed in language so plain and simple a< to be understood by all. and arranged in such method as to give perspicuity t<»'every subject. Many ot the .States have revised their public acts with great and manifest benefit; and I recommend that provision i be made by law for the appointment of a commission to j revise the public statutes of the United States, arrang -1 ingthem in order, supplying deficiencies, correcting | im.-ongruities. simplifying their language, and reporting j them to Congress for its action. ENLARGEMENT OF THE CAPITOL. j An act of Congress approved 30th September. 1850. j contained a provision for the extension of the Capitol, j according to such plan as might be approved by the , President, and appropriated one hundred thousand dol ’ lars to be expended under his direction, by such archi • tect as he should appoint to execute the same. On ex- ■ amiuingthe various plans wliich had been submitted by : different architects, in pursuance of an advertisement ; i by a committee of the .Senate, no one was found to be ‘ ! entirely satisfactory, and it was therefore deem* 1 advi- i I sable to combine and adopt the advantages of several. | j The great object to be accomplished was to make ft uch I i an addition as would afford ample and convenient hali- } ■ for the deliberations of the two Houses of Congress, j I with aecommodatiomi fur spectators, and suit- ! ; able apartment* for the committees and officers of the i i two branches of the Legislature. It was also de.-urahk- I not to mar the harmony and beauty of the present struc- I ; ture. which, as a specimen of architecture, is so univer rally admired. Keeping these objects in view. I con- i eluded to make the a*lditir»n by wings, detached from ’ i the present Luihling. yet connected with it by corridors. I This mode of enlargement will leave the present Capi i tol uninjured, and afford greatadvatages for ventilation ! and the admission of light, aud will enable the work to progress without interrupting the deliberations of Con gress. To carry this plan into effect I have appointed an experienced and competent architect. The corner stoae was laid on the 4th day of July la«t. with suitable ceremonies, since which time the work has advanced with commendable rapidity, and the foundations nf both ! wings are now nearly complete. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. I again commend to your favorable regard the inter ests of the District of Columbia, and deem it only ne- j ecssary to remind you. that although its inhabitants ■ have no voice in th*-choice of representatives in Con- ■ gress. they are not the less entitled to a just and liberal ; consideration in your legislation. My opinions on this snbject were more fully expr»e»sed in my last annual com munication. PRIVATE CLAIMS. Other subjects were brought to the attention of Con gress in my last annual message, to which I would re spectfully refer. But there was one of more than ordi nary interest to which I again invite your special atten tion. I allude to the recommendation for the appoint nientof a commission to settle private claims against } the United State< Justice to individual# aii well as to the • Government imperatively demands that some more eon- ; venient and expeditious mode than an appeal to Con gress should be adopted. FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW. It is deeply to be regretted that in several instances officers of the Government, in attempting to execute i the law for the return of fugiti ve* from labor, hare been ' openly resisted, and their efforts frustrated and defeat ed by law less and violent mobs; that in one case «nch resistance resulted in the death of an estimable citizen, and in others serious injury ensued to those and to individuals who were using their endeavors to sustain the laws. Prosecutions have been instituted against the alleged offenders, so far as they could be identified, and are ’till pending I have regarded it as my duty, in thefce cases, to give all aid legally in my power to the enforcement ‘ f the law-, and I enal! continue to do so w hare ver and whenever their execution may be resorted. Cotdjjteag for t&e r s, from i b i hP X ea3 * ord3 ’ The f onsthution declares. ‘‘That iw person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, es caping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation there, be discharged from auch service or labor but shall be delivered upon claim of the party to whom such service or labor may bo due.” This con stitutional provision is equally obligatory upon the legislative, the Executive, and Judicial Departments of the Government, and upon every citizen of the United States. Congress,, however, must, from necessity, first act upon tlie subject, by prescribing the proceedings neces sary to ascertain that the person is a fugitive, and the means to be used for his restoration to the claimant. This was done by an act passed during the first term of Pres ident Washington, which was amended by that enacted by the last Congress, and it now remains for the Ex ecutive and judicial Departments to take care that ; these laws be faithfully executed. This injunction of j the Constitution is as peremptory and as binding as any other; it stands exactly on the same foundation as that clause which provides for the return of fugitives from justice, or that which declares that no bill of at tainder or ex post facto law shall be passed, or that which provides for an equality of taxation, according to the census, or the clause declaring that all duties shall be uniform throughout the United States, or the important provision that the trial of all crimes shall be by jury. These several articlesand clauses of the Constitution, all resting on the same authority, must stand or fall together. Some objections have been urged against the details of the act for the return of fugitives from labor ; but it is worthy of remark that the main opposition is aimed against the Constitution itself, and proceeds from persons and classes of persons, many of whom declare their wish to see that Constitu tion overturned. They avow their hostility to any law which shall give full and practical effect to this re quirement of the Constitution. Fortunately, the number of these persons is comparatively small, and is believed to be daily diminishing, but the issue which they present is one which involves the supremacy and even the existence of the Constitution. Cases have heretofore arisen in which individulas have denied the binding authority of acts of Congress, and even States have proposed to nullify such acts, upon the ground that the Constitutions was the supreme law of the land, and that those acts of Congress were repugnant to that instrument; but nullification is now aimed, not so much against particular laws as being in consistent with the Constitution, as against the Consti tution itself; and it is not to bo disguised that a spirit exists and has been actively at work to render asunder this Union, which is our cherished inheritance from our revolutionary fathers. THE COMPROMISE. In my last annual message I stated that I considered the series of measures, which had been adopted at the previous session, in reference to the agitation growing out of the Territorial and slavery questions, as a final settlement in principle and substance of the dangerous and exciting subjects which they embraced ; and I re commended adherence to the Adjustment established by those measures until time and experience should de monsrate the necessity of further legislation to guard i against evasion or abuse. I was not induced to make this recommendation because I thought those measures perfect, for uo human legislation can be perfect. Wide differences and jarring opinions can only be reconciled by yielding something on all sides, and this result had been reached after an angry conflict of many months, in which one part of the country was arrayed against another, and violent convulsion seemed to be imminent. Looking at the interests of the whole countiy, I felt it to be my duty to seize upon this (Compromise as the besf that could be obtained amid conflicting interests, and to insist upon it as a final settlement to be adhered to by all who value the peace and welfare of the country. A year has now elapsed since that recom mendation was made. To that recommendation I still I adhere, and I congratulate you and the country upon I the general acquiescence in these pleasures of peace, has been exhibited in all parts of the Republic. iyjjjjrr ifidr JTBr'±ln "Hii jl ) ! measures, but the'spirit of conciliation which has been ’ manifested in regard to them in all parts of tho country, has removed doubts and uncertainties in the | minds of thousands of good men concering the dura bility our popular institutions, and given renewed j assurance that our Liberty and our Union may subsist I together for the benefit of this and all succeeding gene ration*. MILLARD FILLMORE. Washington, December 2, 1851. Austria.— Warlike Preparations.— lt is stated that the late movement of Louis Napoleon, in re lation to universal suffrage, has alarmed the German Sovereigns, and that as a consequence, not a man in the army will be discharge 1 until after the spring of 1853. It has been decided, ; too, that the troops of all German States shall be ; in raediness to take the field early in the coming \ year, and the garrison of the w est are to be so disposed that they may be concentrated and di rected towards the frontier at the shortest notice. These measures are said to be only precaution ary. “There it no reason,” observes the Vienna correspondent of the Times, for “supposing that the nothern powers will actively interfere in the internal affairs of France; but anything like a propagandist or offensivs policy on the part of the French Government would assuredly lead to an armed intervention. 77 The German Settlements in Texas.—A pa per, published in Western Texas, speaking of the German settlements on Spring Creek, Spring Branch, at New Braunfels and Fredericksburg, and in the counties of Austin, Colorado and Fay ette, says universal evidences of thrift prevail. I Fine samplns of cotton unsurpassed by and are ; brought to market from several of their settle ; ments. The Spring Creek settlement is produc i ing as good cotton as the State affords, and the , industrious Germans of that neighboihood are entitled to the credit of establishing the reputa tion of Spring Creek lands for the production of i as ample a crop and as fine a staple of cotton as ! any other uplands in the State. The New York Calamity.—The evidence i before the coroners jury, to investigate the cir cumstances attending the late accident at the Greenwich street school, is published in the New Y’ork papers, but no new factshave come to light | yet Miss Harrison, the teacher, whose sudden ill ness caused the alarm, testified, and her account of the origin of the alarm is substantially what we have given. The cry for Water, raised by some of the girls of her class, to revive her, caus ed the supposition that there was fire. She had i never remarked that the stairs were unsafe, and had never before an attack like this one. U. S. Mounted Dragoons.—The Washing ton correspondiuit of the Philadelphia Ledger < j says: A vigorous effort is now’ making by the War i Department to reduce the expenses of the Quar- ' ■ ter-master's Department, which are enormous. J The Secretary ol War will undoubtedly recoin- ' mend the mounting of another regiment ofDra- j goons, and the establishment of another company j of Light Artillery, (making with those now ex- ; isting, four, or one for each regiment of Artil lery) and yet it is believed that the estimates for j ■ .1 11 Will I\<» fitfonn 4i >1 A rat I I June, will be tit teen hundred thousand dollars .. less than those of last year. e : —™— >s : PBILEDKL.VHIA, Nov. 26. '■ 1 Trcanon Trials.— The Circuit Court met again " this morning at 10 o’clock to proceed with the trial of Castner Hana way, indicted lor treason. - j The Court-room, as heretofore, was densely - crowded, but the utmost decorum prevailed.— it The prisoner, who is a young man of about 35 years, of tall and slim person, displays much self : possession. n : Six more jurors were sworn this morning, ma j j kiug eleven in all. The following is a list of . i their names— Robert Elliot. Thomas Connelly, I James Wilson, Peter Martin, Robert Smith, Jno. I Janken, James W. Hopkins. Ephraim Fenton, Solomon Newmon, ami Jonathan Wainwright. The twelfth juror was chosen, but was not . i sworn, betause the jury could not separate if all ■ were sworn. To-morrow being Thanksgiving >' day, the Judge adjourned the Court till Friday ’ morning. ‘ Schexix tadv, Nov. 24,1851. —This afternoon, i I about 4} o’clock, the gasometer of the Schenec i tady gas works exploded, and seriously, if not ; fatally wounded Patrick Donelly. Mr. John , Eaton. su]>erintendent of the works, and a laborer. - ■ were also somewhat injured. Owing to some - 1 leaks in the gasometer, the bonnet was taken off ‘ early in the morning, tor the purpose of allowing the gas to escape, so that they could enter and . paint the inside. The laborers, while Mr. Eaton r was absent, and contrary to his express and of ten refieated orders, took a lighted candle and were lowering it into the gasometer, when it i exploded, blowingit and the brick buildingerect -1 | ed over it to atons, and throwing the men aud ' I rubbish in every direction. Providentially, Mr. . | Eaton had just entered the door of the gas-house. • having been on business in this city, and there -1 lore escaped with slight injury. Later from Havana.—We learn by the ar rival of the brig Gulnare, Captain Philips, at this port, yesterday, from Havana, that a report was curient, at her departure, to the effect that Mr. John S. Thrasher would be pardoned by the Cap tain General, on condition he leave the island, and that twenty days would be allowed him to arrange his affairs. The birth-day of Queen Isabella was celebrat ed on the 19th, at Havana, with great display and ceremony. The troops were reviewed by the Captain General on the occasion.—Charles ton Courier, 2dlh inst. Plank Roads to Colvaibus.—The citizens of Columbus, in public meeting, have passed reso lutions calling upon the authorities to subscribe, in city Bonds, the sum of $40,00© towards the construction ol a Plank Road from Columbus to : Lannahassee, Lumpkin, or some other paint in | ■ Stewart county; also, the further sum of $ 10,000 i towards the construction of another Plank Road ! from Columbus to Ellerslie, with branches to I I Greenville and Talbotton. These bonds are to j be issued, one half whea~U*e ««n 01’<20,000 has ; been subscribed by private stockholders, and the ; other half when the additional sum of $20,000 has been taken—ten thousand dollars worth of the Bonds to be made payable January Ist, 1852, and the balance in live and ten years, at 7 per cent. The sum of $16,000 was subscribed in the I meeting, and the further sum of $15,000 guaran- ' teed by Messrs. Mustain, Lowe and others—thus I leaving no doubt in regard to the success of both I enterprises. The mee'ing was a large one, and I the city authorities will doubtless issue the bonds, j as requested.— Journal and Messenger. Salting and Packing Pork.—Pork should i not be cut up until the day after it is slaughtered, i as it will take salt too freely, and become too ■ I hard, if packed the day it is butchered: then to j one thousand pounds take half a bushel of fine ; blown, mixed with an equal quantity of St. Übes I i or ground alum salt, and ten lbs. of sugar or a gallon of molasses, and twelve green jieppers. such as we raise in gardens, pounded fine and all mixed together, and well rub the pork with the mixture—pack it dry. and let it remain three weeks in that state: then make a strong brine that will bear a medium sized potatoe, and put over it. letting it remain in this pickle three weeks longer: then srnoke it with hickory wood, j and you will have good bacon. The pepper not : only keeps off the flies in warm weather, but gives the meat a fine flavor.— Dollar Newsjmper. Arrival of the Br. Ship Virginia.—This ship, which went ashore on Cape Romain on I Monday last, was taken off by the steamer Gen. ! Clinch on Saturday morning, after four days of ■ constant work. She came to anchor off the Bar on Saturday afternoon, and was towed up to the city yesterday by the steamer Pilot. We learn that the ship does not leak badly, the pumps drying her without difficulty. Some thing over two thousand sacks of Salt had to be thrown overboard in order to lighten her.— Charleston Mercury, Ist inst. I'nrtnf nnii Sabbath .Corning; BY WILD FLOWtR/’ 1 love the Sabbath’s holy hours— Its real from worldly care ; For earth seems nearer on this day, To yon bright world so fair. The skies look down so lovingly, And clouds seem flitting forms, That leaving Heaven bend o’er eaith, To shield us from life’s storms. To woo our hearts from earth away, To seek above, Where ne’er a sinful thought intrudes— Where all is joy and love; Where angel harpers, clothed in gold, Kneel round the jewelled Throne— Where sad farewells are never heard And partings never known. , * , * * * * * lb * ,al h’s holy even time ! enre walks the earth, Whflea I around, above, below, Io sacied thought gives birth— To thoughts that wi <ji y fluting back, Gaze sadly o’er the past Recalling sorrows long since fled Or joys too sweet to last. ’ To thoughts that vainly seek to nterce The future’s unknown’ate, While Hope’s briebt finger points us on To Heaven’s pearly gate— To thoughts that lead us to the time We say to earth farewell ! Hoping to meet our mu< h loved friends Where saints and angels dwell. To the great thought that God lias given To man alone eternal life— 'That all his oilier works decay. Though with such grace and beauty rife. To man ! tlte term from Paradise ! « Planted bv God’s eternal hand ’. Redeemed by Christ from sin and death. To join in Heaven an angel band. Small Debts—Or. what Five Dollars Paid. Mr. Herriot was sitting in his office, one day, when aiad entered, and handed him a small slip of paper. It was a bill for five dollars, due to his shoemker, a poor man who lived in the next square. ■J ell Mr. Grant that I will settle this soon. It isn’t just convenient to-day.” Now, Mr. Herriot hatl a five dollar bill in his pocket; but he felt as if he couldn’t part with it. He did’nt like to be entirely out of money. So, acting from this impulse, he had sent the boy away. Very still sat Mr. Herriot for the next five minutes; yet his thoughts were busy. He was not altogether satisfied with himself The shoemaker was a pour man, and needed his meney as soon as earned—he was not unadvised of this fact. ‘T almost wish I had sent him the five dollars.” said Mr. Herriot, at length half audibly. ‘'He wants it worse than I do.” He mused still farther. u rhe fact is,” he at length exclaimed starting up, "It’s Grant s money, ami not mine; and what is more, heshall have it.” So saying, Herriot took up his hat and hf. his office, „ ‘Tin! you get las Ins boy entered the shop. There was s rood ; deal of earnestness in the shoemaker’s tones "No. sir,” repiipd the lad. ‘ Didn’t get the money ?” ‘•No sir.” ‘‘Wasn’t Mr. Herriot in’” -•Yes sir; but he said it wasn’t convenient to day.” ‘Oh, dear! I’m sorry!” came from the shoe maker, in a depressed voice. A woman was sitting in Grant’s shop when the boy came in; she had now risen, and was leaning on the counter: a look of disapointment was in her face. ‘•lt can’t be helped, Mrs. Lee,” said Grant. “I was sure of getting the money from him. He never disappointed me before. Call in to-mor row, and I will try and have it for you.”- The woman looked troubled as well as dis appointed. Slowly she turned away and left the shop. A tew minntes alter her departure, Herriot came in, and, after some words of apol ogy. paid the bill. ‘•Run and get this bill changed into silver for me,” said the shoemaker, to his boy, the moment his customer had departed. ‘“Now,” said he, as soon as the silver was placepin his hands, “take two dollars to Mrs. Lee, and three to Mr. Weaver across the street. Tell Mr. Weaver that Jam obliged to him for having loaned it to me this morning, and sorry that I hadn’tasmuch in the house when he sent for it an hour ago.” “I wish I had it, Mrs. l-’.lden. But, I assure you that 1 have not,” said Mr. Weaver, the tail or. ‘ I paid out the last dollar just before you came ill. But call in to-morrow and you shall have the money, to’a certainty.” “But what am Ito do to-day? I havn’t acent to bless myself, with; and I owe so much at the grocers, where I deal, that lie won’t trust me for anything more,” The tailor looked troubled, and the woman lin gered. Just at this moment the shoemaker’s boy entered. “Here are the three dollars Mr. Grant borrow ed of you this morning,” said the lad. “He says he’s sorry he hadn’t4he money when you sent for it awhile ago.” How the faces of the tailor and his needlewo man brightened instantly, as if a gleam of sun shine hail penetrated the robin. “ Here is just the money I owe you,” said the former, in a cheerful voice, and he handed the woman the three dollars he had received. A moment after and he was alone, but with the I glad face of the poor woman, whose need he had I been able to supply, distinct before him. Os the three dollars received by the needle woman, two went to the grocer, on account of ; her debt to him, half a dollar was paid to an old ■ and needy colored woman who had earned it by , scrubbing, and who was waiting Mrs. Eldred’s ! return from the tailor's to get her due, and thus \ lie able to provide an evening and a morning's : meal for herself and children. The other half i dollar was paid to the baker when be called to wards evening to leave the occustomed loaf.— I'hus the |>ooi’ nceilleWdtrtim' had been able to j <fobts, and, at the same tithe to re establish her credit with the grocer and baker, s Irom whom came the largest portion of the food consumed in her little family. And now let us follow Mrs. Lee. On her ar ! rival home, empty handed, from her visit to the , shoemaker, whoowned her two dollars for work, she found a young girl, in whose pale face were ’ many marks of suffering and care, awaiting her _ return. 5 The girl’s countenencc brightened up as she came in : but, there was no answering bright ness in the coiintenannce of Mr. Lee, who im mediately said— I “I’m very sorry’, Harriet, but Mr. Grant put me off until to-morrow. He said he hadn’t a ’ | dolhrin the house.” The girl’s disappointment was very great, for ’ I the smile she forced into life instantly faded, and t was succeeded by a look of deep distress. I “Do you want the money very badly ?” asked , Mrs. Lee, in a low, half choked voice, for the ’ ■ sudden change in the girl’s manner had affected her. ‘ O, yes, ma’am, very badly, I left Alary wrap , ped up in my thick shawl, and a blanket wound i all around her feet to keep them warm; but she t ; was coughing dreadfully from the cold air of the i I room. 'lHavn’t you a fire?” asked Mrs. Lee, in a ■ ' quick, suppressed tone. I' "We have no coal. It was to buy coal that 1 ; wanted the money.” I Mrs. Lee struck her hands together, and an i . exclamation of pain was about passing her lips, - when the door of the room opened, and the shoe- 1 maker’s boy came in. L “Here are two dollars. Mr. Grant sent them.” “God bless Mr. Grant!” The exclamation I from Mrs. Lee was involuntary. On the part of Harriet, to whom one dollar was due, a gush of silent tears marked the effect • this timely supply of money produced. She re ceived her portion, and, without trusting her voice with words hurried away to supply the • pressing wants at home. i A few’ doors from the residence ol Airs. Lee i lived a man who, some few months before, had become involved in trouble with an evil disposed person, and been forced to defend himself by , means of the law. He had employed Mr. Her riot to do what was requisite in the case, for i which service the charge was five dollars. The bill had been rendered a few days before, and the man, who was poor, felt very anxious to pay it. He had the money all made up to within a dol lar. That dollar Mrs. Lee owed him, and she had promised to give it to him during tire day.— For hours he had waited, expecting her to come ’ I in; but now had nearly given up. There was j another little bill ot three dollars which had been sent in to him. and he had just concluded to go ! and pay that, when Mrs. Lee called with the balance of the money, one dollar, which she had I received from shoemaker Grant. Half an hour later, and the pocket book of Mr. Herriot was no longer empty. His dint had called and paid his bill. The five dollars had come back to him. t. s. a. EcnirsEs in 1852.—According to the calcula tions of Mr. Gibbs, the great Almanac maker, there will be six eclipses next year, three of tiw? Sun and three of the Moon. There will be a great eclipse of the Moon the ftth and 7th of Jan uary next, visible and total in this section. Du rations 3 hours and 40 minutes. Louisville and Nashville Railroad.— Both ; Houses of the Tennessee Legislature have repor i ted a bill authorizing the Lousville and Nash i ville Railroad Company, as organized under the I Kentucky charter, to construct the road from the I State line to Nashville,-and on terms entirely i acceptable to the company. Lard Candles. —To twelve parte orpoundr of laid, add one part Hum and one part saltpetre, (salts nitre) dissolve the alum and nitre in water put the whole in some convenient vessel over a slow fire until the water is evaporated, stirring the mixture so as to prevent the alum and nitre from settling to the Ixittom. Then mould your candles, and you will never want to use a lamp about your house again. Division of California—The Alta Califor nia, received by the last steamer, contains the following paragraph in regard to the proposed division ot the State: “News from Southern California was of the ut most importance. The Southern counties are coming out strongly for a Convention to divide the State. Santa Barbara is the place fixed on for holding it. The various counties wer enga ged in selecting delegates. An address will be prepared tor circulation, and a petition presented to the Legislature at an early day in favor of di vision. We pereeive that the snow fell nearly all day on Tuesday last, in Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Cincinnati, which at night turn ed to rain.