Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, November 10, 1852, Image 4

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UMIMUENm! 'ffiMlJitAMt. ' j the homr or uv boyhood. f >y mnu The hoot; ofay boyhood, my otra country Lotte, I tore It, I lore It wherever I roam. Tho' loog da « m -ootou Its threjhtfld wa*prest, ’Mouth the roofot the homestead In npirit I reel, While BioroVy recale all Ite beautlee to me, .Bod tint* with her pencil the picture 1 aee. There stands thqold hern where in chfijhood I played, The forest where oft with my hrothenl strayed; There »ea the t-remi meadow, where on the fre.h hay The lon* day< of -unmer passed swrfUy away; There baM>!i» the brook, at refrartrlitr and ctol A* when on ite borden 1 loitered from school. Tftew wave the green data, M the depth of whoa# abode, The fcnw «f “h father and mother are laid; litu rain la the effort to think of th-m there, My dear genUe mother la In her arm chair, While hearty and hale In the autumn of life, My father laaltUng betide “ the auld wife.” Time soften. the picture I look npon now, ,r * ,h « anowdUkee that reaton each brow, W hile round the old hearthstone my brother* all atand, her death on the fairest had laid hie cold hand; One Slitter 1 tee through the vista of yearn, hut the glare of my mem'ry la darkened with teara. Ju the evening of life there accnee of my yonth Come back to my mind with their freshness and truth, A* star* that are bid by the light of the sun, l**nine aright when hi* course in the heavens is run; The® I looked to the future for comfort and cheers; Now hope hat departed and mem’ry la dear. ill, ail have gone, the fair and the brarre Arid lonely I eland on the brink of the pave, n here the wife of my youth, her babe on her breaet, My brother* and etotera have gone to their rest; not one in the homeetead my coming ahull greet, Os shore who were wont round ite hearthstone to meet. One only dfeslre atOI Uvea in my heart, To aee that «ld homestead before I depart, To ?****. b F ~le f »»• where my mother la laid, And point out the spot where my own ehaO be made, And OThe old bonne where I first drew my breath, hit quietly down till the coming of death. Frim the Musical Review. INDIAN SUMMER. There la a time, just ere the froat Prepare* to p-.ve oW Winter*’ way, When Autumn in a reverie lost, The mellow day time dream* away ; When hammer come*, in mining mind, To gate once more on hill and dell, To mark bow many ihearea they bind, Anti ree if all i* ripened well. With balmy breath «he whispers low. The dying dower* look up and gire Their *weete*t toceuae «re they go, For her who made their beautle* live. She enter* ’neath the woodland shade, Her lephyr* lift the lingering leaf, And bear It gently where are laid The loved and be t onea of ita grief. At last o’d Autumn, riling, takea Again hi* sceptre and , i* throne, With boisterous hand the tree* be shake*, Intent ou gathering all hi* own. Sweet Summer, sighing, llie* the plsin, And waiting Winter, gaunt and grim, See* miser Autumn board iiia grain, And smile* to think it’s all tor him. From the Manchester (Bng.) Guardian. Tho Future fenpply or Colton. One of our contain pot urias treated liiu readers, last Haturduy, to a very lugubrious dissertation ou tl>e filter: prosjieata or our cotton spin he. a and manufacturers, ou account of an impending deli eieuoy in the .supply ot cotton, and of consequent high prices of tlial indispensable material. That scarcity and dearness of cotton are very (jrentevils, we have bad too many opportunities of learning, whenever the precarious climate of tho cotton growing Htatos of Nor.la America has blighted the hopes of the planter* of the other side of the At lantic, wild or the cotton spinners ou this side. Still, we do not participate in the alarm with which out contemporary seems to view the pros pects of the coming year. We have known ton many instances of the fallacy of those anticipatory calculations, by which the stock of cotton is used up, as Captain Bobadil proposed to kill an oppo sing unity, “by computation.” The calculations aocm very formidable at lir*t sight, hut whin ex amined, they ure found to include so many elements that ure purely oortjeeturul, uud to omit so many qualifying cireuinstauccs, that they possess no real value. A good collection of them, from English and Americatrareulara, contrasted with uetuul re sults at the periods whicht.l ey contemplated, would be not only an using but we think somewhat, in structive to I. icashire spinnes uud manufactur ers. To one conclusion at which the Courier has ar rived on this subject, however, we are inclined to f ive a very hearty assent. Though wo do not be ieve thut tmj existing stock and tho growing crop of American cotton are about to be entirely used up before another crop can be gathered, wo per fectly concur in his presentations of the great (lun ger of being compelled to rely on the variable sea sons of one country for our supplies of cotton. Whether or not there ‘Jjtus byen a sad oversight ol preceding governments in not having I i d recourse to some oxjrtulieiit for the supply of this most im portant of articles, from more general production,” we will not midertuko to determine ; because we do not see j’liHt either “preceding governments” or thogoWrnment now installed in power could have aunt heretofore, or cun do hereafter, that would have uny important iuiiuonce npon the mat ter. It seems to us, thut in this, us in all strictly commercial ulluirs, thetpresent body of merchants und trailers interested ure not 'only umoh wi-or but much more powerful than any government, past or present; and, if was are to have more ex tended and more oertnin soureea of supply for the cotton whioh our manufacturers require, wo must trust more to commerce than to legislation for their establishment. We believe that, at the present time, many attemptsaro making, in India and elsewhere, to improve and cx.end cultivation; and wo have no tear that rflloient demand will fail, in the end, to,secure an adequate supply. Wo do not, liko our cmitemporary, deapivir cither of India or Africa. We hope lor a eoiisiderublo increase of supply trom Bin former; and, though wo certainly do not share his belief thut “in Natal a considerable •mount of labor might bo obtained from tho King of Dahomey 1" wo think there are indications that whenever tho slave trado is thoroughly broken down ou tlie Western coast ot Africa, wo may pro bably derive some important supplies from that quarter also. 'i’fiis KFiti.t of Cotton.—The experience of the past ,‘ew years, satisfies us of tho utter fallacy of making’ calculations upon a growing orop of cotton, mid the probable aggregate receipts. Wo have read cironiV'ra emanating from most respectable sources, tho authors of which are veterans in tho “ oottou lino” observing, intelligent, and of gener al accuracy in tho management of their affairs, and yet the calculation and estimates made up in somo of the oirculan have been most ludrioously at va riance with tho result. Upon this subject tho most observing and accurate aro inclined to be at fault, it is only about a year ago, that a paper was liaudod round among our cotton merchants, and ouoh put down his own estimate of tho ensuing crop: but how did it turn out 1 Tho one that cumo the tioaru t to the result was somo 400,000 bales short in his cstlmato. We considorit then as time uiiprofitably employed, to bo indulging In specula tion* us to tho extent of the crop, and figuring it out, as many do, to a fractiou, apparently to their owl' •utiefaotion, and witli a viow of producing conviction in otliors. Tho dealers in cotton are distinctive and antagonistic clateM—buyer* and loilc.rs; being influenced by tboir interests their judgment follows the load or bent of their desires, ami loug eroi.' men and short crop men are such becauso their wishes and interests incline them to °But it is not only in the extent of tho crop that wo libvo auuuul witnesses of this fallibility of judg ment; tho sumo uncortitude prevails in estimating the consumption. The magnitude of last year’s crop created no greater surprise thau tho enormous consumption, wuioh lias exceeded all expectation. —jV r . O . Commercial Bulletin. A skcond SntAMUt for (huRUSToNt—We learn ■with groat pleasure that the movement for con structing a first ‘class side wlteol steamer to run in connection with the Palmetto, between this port and Charleston, is receiving from the mercan tile and trading community, somo degree of tjio attention which tho importaueo of tho project mer its, and that tho committee appointed to obtain Hubsoriptions have been succoasml in securing a eon hi erable portion of the amount needed. That the rem.duder will be promptly made up as the committed continue their coils, wo cannot permit ourselves tU doubt. Every bttsiuess limn lias an interest more ®r less direct in the enterprise, and ail, including, especially, large holders of real es tate, should cheerfully join in aiding in its accom plishment. The extension ol our steam seaboard communi cations with Southern port* we deem one of the vita! wants ofotiroity, imdlMßCOthe earuostuess with which it has been pressed npon the at toutiouof this community. Every proper consid eratim fertile advancement of tho trado of <>ur eiiy—nay, every iusliuetof soil preservation, which should lead us to endeavor to retain the valuable trado we already «nji>y with tho South, ,to say nothing ot its increase and enlargement for which so opportune a field i- now presented,—ought to induce a prompt and harmonious concentration of effort and of capital in order tot fleet the desired result. Every indication shows i hat whatever avo une wo may open *u important and profitable trade . is ready tooeo yy it. That trade *must have an outlet—if wo tail iu taking advantage of the open ing, others will not prove so supine, and when the oppotronUy lias passed we may have to struggle against adverse circumstances in winning back wi'ut is now freely placed within onr reach. Iu the coming mouth of December the Southern Como.’vruinl Convention will assemble ill Balti more, one of too prominent subjects coming up for the eecsidemthm of which, will bo the increase of tlia fueiU.ies ot steam communication between this and tiio Nonthern ports. Lot us before the assembling of that Convention present to our Sou’hern friends a Practical aud substantial iudiea tiou’of our into rest in this subject. Lot us bo able to say to thorn that we have already provided for promptly placing on the Cua.'ioston hue a second xteam .ir— to be equal iu speed add accommodations : to those of and New York—and that i we are proparmto persevere in our efforts until I Hitllimore shall be in direct, rapid»-niW constant j steam communication with ail the important south ern port*. Lot us show that we arc ourselves in ! earnest in this mattei, and this evidence will pro- j duos a corresponding euruesiness upon the pail of those who are ready to award to u* the first place in their consideration.— liait. .t mar. Am 1 Ncmr.NT or a Sfambr Hull Fmrt.—A few Yea’s ago the inhabitants ol Seville read with sur prise in the advertisements of an approaching buff fight this uuusual notice: “when the third bull shall hav * attacked tho pie*dors and receive* three ( pairs of bander ilia*, a young peasant, by whom ho i fins bccLi brought up. will appear in the circus, i ile will approach the bull, caress it, and after re- | moving the' bander'dins, one after another, will j lie down between his horns.” The announce- i incut of ao singular a stat auraeted an immense crowd to the amphitheatre. The thinlbnll ap peared. an animal with splendid horn*, and very brave: lie slew four horses, received the bandertl las su l became furl. at*. Then, apntnury to cas ual, all the tcureros retired from the ring, leaving the bull stamping about, and shaking tv. bloody dart* that hung from hi* neck. All at once a tons whistle was heard. The bull paused and listened. ; It was repeated. He approaciiod tlio barrier; ana 1 a young '“An hhiped into the ring, calling the bull j b.*hin name,“ilosquito! Mosquito!” Theaninml j knew it* master, catne to bares* hint, and was ap- J {.eased. The peasant gave it his hand to lick, and j with tho other began tosorateaTt behind the ears : | an operation whieli seemed to tdfurd the animal > much pleasure; ho then gently removed the ban- ] derillas whjca aunoyed the nook of Mosquito, j made it go down oa ids knees end placed his tread ; between its horns. Tire grateful bull scented to Us- j ten with much piesstire to a pastoral meiodv sung ■ bv the master. The adniiiwtwn of the multitude, j hitherto suppressed by surprise, burst forth with l AndtUncian vioienc and shook the building.; Hearing the phretuied apolause, whioh had ac- j eompatiied all hi* *«>terin«». the hull, till then uu- | der a charm, ajipcarwl to a * ake and return to the ; realty. He Midden!» rwe, bellowiog; aad the pensent tried to But it was too iate. Hie : animat as though fhriou* at being betrayed, tossed : the young miuiinto the «ur, reoeived bun i gate pa | Lotus, gored him, trampled on him. ernsiied him hik to I‘icocs, in spito of the effort* of the torrero*. ; The iaeiou was suspended, and, a phenomenon iu j the horrified poldte quitted the rireits in si ienec.—ll<ul*into AortJiSpat*. Death or J>«- MisnaMtAU-—it i* with feeilug* ! of sincere rearOt, that we chronicle, tide morning, j the death of l>r. ;I T. Mondecfcali, which tneli.ii- j eholy event ooeurrea in lUia city, on Tuesday eve- j mug, occasioned by arsvcrc attack of eoantoy fc- ; ver, contracted at Curaden, in Aw SUte, which ! towu he visited a few d*v» .iin- t for the purpose of being present at the er-Vicaiioit of his -on as a i Ba;A.st i-.-suaiion.-bWiV-ien ! t ’KM on her property while she is deified | tic oketiou of oKsjers. . COMMERCIAL. iflterptol Market. UTRRPOOL, Oct 1 9.-friton~ln amiripatton of fcttr : rice* from Araerfe* b«inpfirortUe to Lokkts,® 'u "t the influence of way encturaiding account* front the the market for this *tapk wore the same animated appear I ance - n Saturday, whk. charactemed the tranaactio«» of Jast week, ami very * xtreme prices were current}/ paid for American daacriptloa. Ye«iei day the ard *r of iwi/ers was *o»eirhat damped by the (jrencrsUy con *u *d)non-pr opitiptit account* respect ing the growing cto». , brooght by the Africa, bet beyond inducing hoMara to offer their stock ali le more freely, no ctian«e was apparent, and the business refuited in sales t, t Utn-ral extent, but did not jrartake of the same liberal spirit whkh prevfouMy «as theruhiijr feature, with a sec aMy diminishing stock, which must farther undergo coo dlenMl reduction before the arrival can augment it. The American ad rice* although, having an effect, are not m> forcible in thefr influence a* tinder other circumstance* would be the case. To day the market opened without animation, and was freely suppled by holders, which gave (he turn in price* in favor of laiym, bat with a cheering account from Manches ter m ore spirit wax manifest later on, and we close firmly at last Friday’s quotations, which are continued. The bu siness for the pa»t three days are estimated at Amount. Spec. A Ex. American. Saturday bales 10,0 MO Monday 10,000 8 000 6,600 Tuesday 8,000 2,000 5,800 ! The import for same time is about 20,000 bale*, mcea ro-nar. Fair. Mid 'ding. Ordinary. New Orie&na, 0 d. 43^d.^5>id. Mobfl..- fi&d. 6«d- 4Md.(&sj^d* Atlantic s»ad- 4^d.«tsXd Our Orain market maintain* its flmmeas, although lew activity has prevafled. The import of Wheat has been to a fair extent, and in exce** of demand, which gives buyers a slight advantage in prices where *eUera are desirous of realiz-ng. The high rate* demanded for floating cargoes of Indian Corn ba£ checked operations, and stock on hand is so small a. scarcely to govern quotations.— Gandy <k Co. MVERPOOL/Ov t. JS.—The sales rince the 14th instant amount to 25,004 bale*, of which 13,000 are on speculation and for export. To-day’* sale* are 10.000, of which 8000 are taken on specuUt'on. In prices there is no alteration. Oct. IP. —The sale* to-day*ai e 7000 bales, of which 2,000 are on speculation. Market quiet but steady. HAVRE', Oct. 18.—Immediately after the departure of last steamer, a speculative feeling sprang up, oring to the intelligence received from Liverpool, and 5000 bale* were taken on Thursday last, at an advance of f.2@B • n U. 8. Cotton*. On the following day, the sales amounted to 1500 hales, and on Saturday to 1000, without any farther change in prices. New Orleans tres ordinaire tM. To-day, the demand has again fees good, and 1800 bales have been taken far consumption. As prices are consi dered high, speculators, we understand, have retired. CHARLESTON, Nov. 5. has been a good demand f t cotton since the (late of our last publication, which has to some extent been stimulated by the amount offering, and the transactions during this period have, on tpe whole, far exceeded those of an# corresponding period since the opening of the season, notwithstanding thut Friday last—the first day of the week under review—was lost to the truue, as it w a* a day devoted to religious services, oy a proclamation emanating from the Governor of the State. — *V good demand, however, prevailed on Saturday, and up wurda of 2100 bales changed bands at prices mo*t general -1 shade under those cut rent at the time we made up our JuAt report. The disposition tl us manifested by sellers to meet purchasers, paved the way to more extended opera tions, and throughout Monday an unusual degree of activi ty prevailed, which resulted in the sale of fully 4200 bales at fcteady prices, hut ou Tuesday the demand was materi ally checked, owing in part to the strlugeut terms demand ed by factors, but principally we believe to the recent heavy operations, which had supplied some of the most urgent or ders. Holders were anxious to realise on Wednesday, and were offering their stocks freely at former prices, but buyers only bought to the extent of about'luOU bales, and the mar ket toward.'} the dose of the day, was rather week. A simi lar state of tilings prevailed yesterday, and the week may be said to have closed at prices showing a declining tendt n cy. We have carefully revised our quotations, and thoee we offer below may be considered a fair criterion of the niurkel at the cloi,e of business. The aggregate amount sold during the week may be put down at 9,182 balcsugainafc toe receipt Ui the name tuoe of 13.1/75 bales. The sales com prise *u balos at 1% ; 83 at 8#; satß# ; 14 at b% ; 102 at ; 239 at 9;»0 at 9X ; 40 at 9 3-13; JO4O at 9% ; 200 at , 1467 at lib at 9 9-16; IWo at 9>.; 1205 at 9K; 109 at 9% ; 2621 at 10; and 84 bales at lOJfc. We quote inferior bCftb#; ordinary to gaod ordinary B#@9; middling to good middling and fully fair iO® —, and choice, none. We have no trans actions to report m Long Cotton. JUtMi —ihe present week opened with a good inquiry Loin the trade at former prices; as it progressed,however, the receipts proved more than sufficient to supply the de mand, and prices soon'manifested a retrograde movement, und when we closed our report, the market had declined a faille, on the /ate* curren. at the close of the previous jvee*. The transactions have been at extremes ranging from 3%(&*4)sf, tho hulk of the sales however, were at WX V Hundred. Rixdved Uiia week 257a tierce*. Cm h—liudd and prime qualities are ecurce, aad cow man 1 relatively l.igh price*. Flour— 4l.l limore aud Virginia brand* hare been selling at prices ranging fiujn 5@!5X V bbl.; toward* the close of the week, however, an iiupiovemeut was demanded on these rates by lidider* In conaequence of an advance In some of our Northern marxets, but we doubt if they suc ceeded in maintaining their pretensions. #updr-v-There lia. laeu sane little inquiry for Sug^nr since our last, and upWaidsof XSU birds. Lruisiana’* and Murco doc* have clrangod hands. The former sold at price* rang ing from and the latter—about 100 hhd*.—from 1 .'Anltr.il, I .c. Ju in 'lu ility. The stock in first hand* cum pritre* 50ij@7W Irinls. r CoJ)ix— dome 6200 bogs Itlo have been received direct this week, one cargo—23so bag.—is advertised to be sold otaaction.on Tuesday neat by the Mc.-sr*. Street; the other cargo i* awaiting the r-AL.lt of this Bale. Molasses— About lliolrhd*. Cuba, of the old crop, receiv ed *tncc our last, bail been sold prior to arrival on terms not ma le public. The demand for this description is being supplied at Ir’i'ia ranking from 2U@22c.; and New-Orleans from a* in quality. Jiaaou —vr e reumr k.- . in our last report that Sides were - nouiimdly held at lOfcinJic. and Shoulder* at 9c., butadd ed that the et-ek wus Heavy, and that if sale* were forced, | price* would drop under lire quotation*. The transaction* this week have been comparatively heavy, and sales have been effected at fiom for Sides, and Shudders from 9@9>tfe.; lire market closing at about 9J4@9’ic. for the rurnier, and about SJtfc. tor the latter. Sutt —The receipt* sinee our iastreaeh upwards of 5000 sacks, a very limited portion of which has been sold, at 93c. 1 V sack. There have also been sales in other parcels at 95c. sack. , Kfjije—s ome 700 colls Philadelphia have chaugcd hands, principally at tern at price* ranging from 7(q>7><c. Jhigiilna —We lrtive no transactions to report. IJomeetia Liquors —There lias been some movement in Domestic Liquors this week, and upwards of 400 bbls. New 1 Orleans Whiskey havl been fold at prices runging from 2d I @24c.; 160 Ibis, iialltmore Whiskey at 24@25c.; and about ! uti equal amount of N. E. Rum at prices ranging from 27® , 29c., a* in quality. Krcluinge— Sterling hascontlnued to decline. We quote 9. 3 *®9M a* the current Bank rates at the close of the \ week. Francs may be quoted nominally at 6.20. The do mestic ran s are tire same as thoee reported previously. Freights— The current rate to Liverpool in,the fore part ' of the week, was 7-10,1. for cotton In square bags; the rate, ! however, subsequently advanced to Jfd., at which tire t market closed. There are two vessels loading for Havre at I %c. for cotton In square bags. We quote to Now-York 25 OllHC; and to Boston ?|C. for cotton. t - - SAVANNAH, Nov. s.—Cotton.—Arrived since the 28th . 9,-821 bales Upland (6,605 per Railroad, 8,070 from A ugusta aud landings on the River, nnd 109 via. Danen, and 40 tier wagons, Ac ) and 231 do. Sea Island. The exports for * the same period amount to 4,806 bales Upland, and 6do Sea r Island, vl*: to New-York 2,697 bales Upland and 8 do. : Sica Islands; to Philadelphia 1,596 bales Upland; to Bal timore 14Pbales upland, and to Charleston 465 bales Up , land—leaving on hand and on shipboard not cleared a Stock of 24,188 halts Upland and 469 do. Sea Island, against .’ 12,278 bales Upland aud 593 do. Bea Islands at the same time laat year. 3 *tOur market opened on Friday wl’h a good demand, which - haa continued throughout the week, with larger sales tlran j usual each day. Prices have been easy and in favor of t buyers rvßlr a gradual decline, so that we now quote the , market V 3 cent lower than last week. The Baleson Friday 1 were 1268; on Saturday 1494; on Monday 2868 ;on Tue*- 1 day 1855, and on Wednesday 1100 bales. On Monday eve -7 ningwe had three day* later auvices from Liverpool per 3 Pacific at New-York. Our market was but slightly affected l by these advices. Yesterday there was a fair demand, with 3 sales of 1124 irales, the market closing quiet at the follow . mg quotations: t Middlingtodood Middling 9 ® r Mid,illng Fair te 9*® r Fair to good Fair re. o> 4 ® 9 y. ' The sales of the week amount to 9,209 bales, at the fol -1 lotvln particulars:—ls at B.V; 484 at 9; 179 at 9,14; 1,787 I aI9W; 53 at 9 5-16; 1,149 at II),'; 8,407 at HM ; 2i6 at 9 9-16; 995 at 9- s u , 651 tft 9&; 180 at 9’i; 198 at 10; 15 ' finotet I<>>;; 10 do. at 11, and 20 choice at 12 cents. 1 Fra Islands— There lias been a good demand for this > qualityofOo'tnnduringthepnstwcek—the sales amount ing to 145 bales, at prices ranging from 87 to 40c. $ lb. i Holders contiuve very firm in their asking prices. The . continued fine weather for picking and maturing the crop will, no doubt, give a fair, though not a full one. Receipts ' of the week 2St; exports 8 bales. * Rice—' Thl* article Iras been much neglected during the ' past week—the sales being limited to about 850 casks, at . price* ranging from 4J» to {>.'■ V lrundrel lbs. Flour— This ariitle is scarce, aud prices have advanced since our last w eeklv report. We hear of sales of a few lots . from whaifats®l|sM ¥ bol., acconling to quality. Corn —The market is almost entirely bare of this rerticle, and there Is a fairdomand. 1 (hits —The market for tlri* article has been rather dull the 1 past-week. The slock is limited. Meiasst* —Tire lost cargo of Cuba received, sold from i wharf at 21©'22c. The stock In first hands now'is very limited. 'Ve quote 22®28 cents per gallon. ffav— We bear of sabs of porUonsof two cargoes of East -1 ern from wharf at (1.60. We have heard of no large trans -1 actions in Northern. The asking rate is |1.50. Eastern ' retails from *t are at *1.75 V hundred #>s. 1 Siam— This article has been neglected, and we have no sales ofimporiance to report. A'npo—We hear ofsales of about 250 coils “Dillon’*” first quality Roire at 8 V , also a small lot of Twine’ “Diilon’s,” 1 at 17c. p B>. Salt.—Yi e hear of sales from the wharf at *1 ’(9 sack. It is selling from store at *1.25 $ sack. (In,cel les —Ther e has been a fair business doing in fill ing country orders. * Lime- We hear of sales from wharf to a considerable ex tent at 1@J1.25 V cask,according to’quality. Brchange.— Sterling is quoted atOM@ s)ct. prera. Domiatic.—The Banks are selling Sight Cheeks on all Northern cities at H per cent, premium, and purchasing Sight Bills at par; 8U day Bills, @ S per cent, discount; 60 days lit® l>s V*L (h*.; aud 90 day bills at 13t@2 ot. ilia. Freights— Foreign—^We quote to Liverpool at Xd. f) » for cotton. One v< sscl taken up for Tr ieste at a rate not made public, {yequote: ToNew-York, ,’ic.; to Philadel phia %e. 18 tb for Cotton. SPECIAL NOTICES. pT Notice.—The undersigned beg*leave to in form bis friend* and fcllow-riujens of Burke county, that he Is yet a candidate ttt the office of TAX COLLECTOR, at tha election in January next, all reports to the contrary not withstanding, and respectfully solicits their suffrages, nt-wtd H. SAXON. tSTIt Is an Infallible Remedy.—Language cannot express the value of Dr. Williams* Compound Pulmonic Balsam of Wild Cherry and Wood Naptha, In diseases of the Lungs. It not only cures them effectually, but it give* i immediate evidence of its ability to do so; for in a few j moments after the first dose has been taken, the patient | feds that a powerful agent is in his system, strongly work | ing for his goad. Its operations are never deleayed; it at i once Hies to and attacks the root of tha disease with an j energy unknown to other medicines; and that disease ■ must be deeply seated indeed whkh can resist its unrival j ed influence. Hence, it ha* frequently cured a painfhl ; cough in a day ; which has defled other popular remedies for a mouth; and has removed difficulty of l reathing, and pain In the Thread and Chest, in a few minutes, by the sur passing energy of Us actios. For full descriptions of its morris, virtues, Ac.,see Pamph let* to ba had of the Agents. Also, see advertisement in another column. For sale in this City by all the Druggist. sftswlmt j Dr. Munson has returned from New York, with | great improvements in Plate Work. By an entirely new | process the Teeth are directly attached to the plat* and to j one another, forming a life-like and continuous gum, com ; binlng great strength beauty and cleanliness. Block work : and every other method is thus entirely superceded, and must gire place to it. Ali who get their Teeth set after this method, may use them for two months, and if they do not suit perfectly, return than The public Is respect folly invited to call aad sea the work. s2l-dAw CEILDJOOrs CLOTH3SQ- Ipw Received Ihia dny, a liandsoute assortment ofChhareu's Fancy BCITS. Aire, Children’s II ATP. For sale at CLAYTON A BIG SON’S, ol* under the Augusta Hotel. dOTHureTctotHixa fgTi. M. Newby 4t Co. would |rarticularly invite j the attentMk of Merchants visiting Augusta, to the large i and weii selected Stack of Beady-made CLOTHING, they : now have ui hand. ; The style, quality and price will compare (baorably with i any Goods bought in Charleston er New York. Wc win ! be happy to show them to those in want. J. M. S. t Co. have also on hand a large lot of fine j snERTS; DRAWERS; BCSPESDERS, fie., which will be ! sold lew. *25 OILVBR WARE.—Rich Breakfaatand Tea SETS,.* ; O silver. In chests, complete: SHver PITCHERS; GOB- I LEW; CP«-. BALT CSLLAkS; Napkin RINGS; Cake, I Pudding and Pm KNIVES; FORKS; LADLE?, and I bPOONS, of many dManatt pattcru; SYPHON?; Te» ! STRAINERS; Drinking GOCRES, Acd for sale low by CLARK A OCA, j oSI Oppcsite the Radrosd Bank. OThItiOT WASTED j A LADY wha hss lua modi experience in Teaching in I Carr'fir. a and Georgia, sored like a Etna Lon in n I fsmiif or wdioot to tMKb. 4'rlw k quwXedto give rtutrac- I Eon in the u.ual Lugßsh hnnclies, rdso. FVeteh and Mask. ! The brst ofnfereneo* and teslimoMa!* from farew pat rqpl cmn W addoeeo. Address throtifib the Post Office, b. J Jill—■—Ji ■ DRY GOODS. UW FALL GOODS. SNOWDEN * SHEAR Av 4 received their fufl sopphea of Staple and Fancy | DRY GOODS, suitaUf fcr the present season, em bracing one of the largest amortments they have ever of- ! freed to the public, among w. i are— Rich Fancy Drew BILKS, of Dew and elegant styles; Superior Plain and. Figured Black BILKS, in a great sa fety of style*; White Glace, Brocade and White and Black Watered LKB; Pari* Printed DeLAINES,for Ladies’ Dreases, of rich and feeautifol style*; Small Figured DaLAINES, (ail wool) for Children's Dres ses; superior Mourning (DaLAINES, (a! wool) of new and beautiful styk* - Superior Plain Colored French MEP.INOB, aad Plain Co lored DaLAINES, of beautiful shades; Superior Plain Whim and Black DeLAINES, and White And Black MERINOS; French, English aad American PRINTS, of new and beautiful styles; Superior Fancy and Mourning GINGHAMS and Mourn ing PRINTS; Plain Colored FLANNELS, for Ladies' Sack* ; Superior Welch, Gauze and Silk Warp FLANNELS ; Rich White, Black and Fancy Cofored Crape SHAWLS; Bay State and Scotch Long SHAWL, of beautiful styles; Ladies' Plain Black Caruamere, Thibet Wool and Cash mere SHAWLS, for Mourning; . Ladies’ Black BOMBAZINES, Black CHALLT, Black ALPACAS, and Black Canton CLOTHS; Superior 12-4 Linen and Cotton SHEETINGS; Superior 8-4 and 10-4 Damask DIAPERS, and Damask Table CLOTHS and NAPKINS; HUCKABACKS and Scotch DIAPERS, for Towel* ; Furniture DIMITIES and Cotton FRINGES, a large sup ply ; A fall supply of Ladies' Gentlemen’s, Youth’s and Misses' HOSIERY: , Ladies' Silk and Ydvet MANTILLAS, of new and beau tiful styles; Ladies' Silk and Velvet CLOAKS, of the latest Paris styles Tapestry, Velvet, Brussels, Three Ply, Ingrain and Ve netian CARPETS, of rich and elegant styles; With almost every article usually kept in a Dry Good* Store, required for Family or Plantation use, and to all of , which they respectfully invite the attention of Die public. Augusta, Oct, ta, 1852. dtwAw r NEW GOODS BY THE LAST STEAMER WILLIAM H. CRANE has received the following GOODS: Superior Plain Black GRO DE RHINE; Another supply of Black and Colored Rich Velvet Otto man SILKS; Elegant Black Brocade SILKS; ’ Rich Printed Preach DkLAIXES ; Fine Second Mourning Do.; Rich Persian Do., low priced; Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Linen Cambric HANDKER -1 CHIEFS; , Fine Choco Colored French MERINO; t VELVETS; BRAIDS; BUTTONS; and other lands of r Trimmings for Ladies’ Dresses; 1 Cheneille CORD, for Embroidering; Fine Bird’s-eye DIAPER; ; Ladies’ White and Colored Stout Cotton HOSE; i Misses’ White and Slate do., do.. Do.; Youth’s and Children's Brown and Mixed Do.; Drab, Moreen, Pillow-case, Cotton, White and Brown - Table DAMASK; New York MillSHlßTlNijk > And a great variety of olheFGoods, for sale low at No. 242 ■ Broad Street. 026-A*w ; LADIES' CLOAKS AND MAWTTT.T.as SNOWDEN A BMKAR have just received LADIES’ SILK and VELVET CLOAKS, and Velvet and Silk MANTILLAS aud SACKS of new and beautiful styles, to [ which they respectfully invite the attention of tlieLadier. j 023-UAw BLANKET* ALEXANDER & WEIGHT have received a large assortment of heavy 8-4 and 9-4 Negro BLANKETS. , Abo, 10-4,11-4 and 12-4 superior Bed BLaN'KLTS, which s they offer at low prices 0'24-tiiw SILK AND MERINO UNDER VESTS. ALE\.A*\DEIi file WRIGHT have received a com plete afisortment'of Ladies libel Gentlemen’s sup. silk ) and Merino UNDER VESl'g, to which they invite atten t tion. <f24-<l&v.\ : COSGROVE A BRENNAN r TTAVB nowin Store an assortment of the following . JUL GOODS, which they will sell at factory prices: George Schley's and other’s styles ot KEIifcEYS; r Augusta, Princeton, Richmond, and other brands OSNA . BURGS; : Augusta and Graniteville SHEETING and SHIRTING ; LINDSEYS, and Blue PLAIDS and BTKIPES; ; 7-4, 8-4,9-4 and 16-4 Negro BLANKETS; s And every style of Heavy Domestic GOODS, suitable for houae servants and plantation hands. o!5 DAMASK DIAPERS AND LINENS. ALIvXAftDKK 6c WKIGIIT invite attention to their Stock of Superior Damask Table DIAPERS aud r CLOTHS; Damask NAPKINS and DOYLIES: Scotch, e Huckaback and Birds Eyq, DIAPERS and TOWELS, i CRASH and DOYLIES {superior Irish LINENS and HOL i LANDS; Pillow-case LINENS; Embossed, Worsted and . Cotton Table COVERS; Superior Piano COVERfr; togeth er with a complete assortment of GOODS in their line, e which they offer at low prices. oIG-dAw - GOODS ; j f tARO At dkAKCOK ■would respectfully inform their . \J i atrons, and the public generally, that they have now in their Store, a full, complete and well assorted stock of t DRY GOODS, and Domestic RIBBONS, JEWELRY, and a j good assortment of HOSIERY and FANQY GOODS, to e which they invite the attention of the Ladies. To the Gentlemen they offer great bargains in CLOTHING, HATS, . BOOTS, Ac., of which they have a fashionable and well s selected stock. It is unnecessary for them to Inform their g patrons that their prices will induce all purchasers, :*s wtll g as those that have dealt with them. Know that if liar* gains are to be obtaiued in Augusta, they tire only to be e found at 312 Broad street, one door below the Bank of |. Brunswick. 018-dAwtf ! ’ CURTAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS. e TIIBT RECEIVED—EIegant 6-4 Worsted DAMASK 8 fj (new style); rich fig’d and bordered Turkey Red !# CAMBRIC; 8-4 Worsted DAMASK; E nbroidered Muslin CURTAINS, all qualities and prices. For sale low, by 0 o 10-dAw WN. H. CRANE, 242 Broad-st ~ RICH SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. ALEXANDER & WRIGHT have iust received a great variety of new and rich SILKS, of the latest - styles. Also, rich D’LAINES aud CASHMERES, MERI NOS, BOMBAZINES, ALPACAS, GINGHAMS; Preuch, English and American PRINTS, Ac., Ac , to which they n invite attention. 01-dAw l NEGRO CLOTHS, it A LEXAADER 6c WRIGHT invite the attention of & XX Planters to their Stock of NEGRO CLOTHS, consist ing of Schley’s Georgia PLAINS, und Augusta Manufac e turing Company’s Heavy WOOLLENS, which they offer at e Factory prices. sl7-dAw MANTILLAS AND PARISIAN~CLOAKs7'" ‘t T ÜBT received, new MANTILLAS and Parisian CLOAKS Ji tJ of entirely new Btyles and very beautiful. The La* e dies are respectfully invited to call and see them at t sSU-dAw WM. H. CRANE’S, No. 242, Broad-st. FANCY GOODS. TALKING about new,handsome and cheap Dress and Fancy Goods for Ladies wear, we can assure the pub »• lie it would be to their advantage to visit CARO A BLAS d COER. 812 Broad Street, where they will find the most tasty >r and well assorted Stock in the city. It embraces almost any a article you can call for in the way of STAPLE and FANCY )• DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, SMALL NOTIONS, SHOES, Ac., I* Ac., which they offer for sale low enough to suit purchasers. >* ap2B-d&wly S T ADIES FRENCH CLOTHS—A few pieces Ladies e Xj CLOTHS, mode colors—a beautiful article for Cloaks and Mantillas. Received by h 024-dAw ALEXANDER A WRIGHT. e TO professional^businessmen. I- PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESSOARDS, notexceedins s- six lines, will be inserted under this head at the rate of $lO r per annum. Cards exceeding six lines, will be charged pro d ata per line. - GftGEH B. HAYGOOD, ( Formerly of WatkinsvilU , Georgia.) rt ATTORNEY AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia. Office on / jl\. East side White Hall Street, in Smith’s 8 story Brick ( Building over Gunby A Roberts’ Store. 024-3 m l JOHN C. CARMICHAEL. 5 pOMMISBIOJV MERCHANT, Augusta, Ga., will KJ attend to the sale of Produce of all kinds, consigned ; 8 to him. s‘2Uw ; WILCOX & GILLESPIE, e A UCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, l> xX (Store hi Johnson House Building, White Hail Street,) £ Atlanta, Ga. Reference*— A. E. Johnson ; U. L. Wright; Pegg A Bo e mar; J. Robinson A Co., and'McDanicls, Mitchell A Hulsey, ,t Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, September 16,1552. sl9-dßm ’ HKKBEKT FIELDHK, ATTOKNKY AT LAW, CadarTown, Polkcounfj, Georgia. &uIS-6m* e • i. C. Jt C. A. BNEA»7 ATTOHNKYS AT LAW, Law Range, Augusta,Ga., Practice in the Courts ol the Middle District, and >■ Coramou Pleas of the City. John C. fixuo also practices in the Courts of Edgefield - aud Barnwell Districts, South Carolina. Jontt 0. SsttiD, | Garland A. Srmad. a au6 a KULLEDtiE & HOUSERS, \ TTORNEYB AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia. Office , Xl on Jackeon street. John Millkdor, A. M. Ronasas. t WARD LAW O WALKEE, ' FACTOKS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N| ■ OKTH ATLANTIC WUARF, • CHARLESTON, S. C. • w ' A - ,iy2o-6m o. walibi:. I STONE, STAKECO.,' IMPORTERS AAD WHOLESALE DEALERS in DRY GOODS, N 0.41 Broadway, New York. L*n P. Sloxa, | Hksat U. Stotesbcrt, Eoexar Stari, | 11. Laxgdok Bcilks, Jo.XA. J. Broom. jyl6-3m DAMSOY K DOILUERTT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia. Jyls-tf Akdrsw H. H. Dawsox, | IV. J. Dodghrrtt. CAW A lEWW, Attorneys at law. Marietta Gs.—win prac- H tree in all the counties of the Blue Ridge Circuit.— , Strict and prompt attention given to the collection of claims i loved in their bands. E. Calx. | M. J. lavrs. References: —John Livingston and Woorflate A Roome, N.w York; Wiley Bonks A Co., Charleston; Behn A Fos ter, Savannah; Threewits A Dawson, and W. AJ. Nelson, Augusta, Ga. jyS-wSm W. H. k J. W. H. EMDERWOOb~ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Rome Georgia. jell-dAtwly Jobs J. Jobss. | Joeb E. Stuboxs. JONES A STLRGES, ATTORNEYb AT LAW, Waynesboro’, Georgia. * jelS-ly JOHN L. BIRD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. will attend to all Profession al business entrusted to him in the Counties of Talia ferro, Greene, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, Warren and Hancock. Office at Crawfordville, Ga. apll-ly JOHN H. TILLEY, ATTORNEY AT LA \V, Crawfordville, Georgia, wIL practice in thecoumies of Taliaferro, Wilke*, Warren and Hancock, of the Northern Circuit, and Greene, of the Ocmulgee Circuit. aplS-tf % d BARRCtt I EXCHANGE BROKER, Washington Street, one J door North East of Broad Street. f2T Uncurrent MONEY bought. mh6 G. €OLLIER7 ATTOBNEY r *AT LA\V» Augusta, Georgia, office re moved to the rear ol Miller k Warren’s Dry Goods store, over B. H. Warren k Co's. 020 JOHN K. JACESOS, ATTORNEY’ AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia, Practices in the Middle Circuit of Georgia, and in the neighbor ing Districts of South Carolina. Office in the Masonic Hall Building. ja27 ECEI it C. DAAiSOY, ATTORNEY’ AT LAW, Columbus, Georgia, refir* by permission to the folk)wing weil known gentlemen : Anthony Porter, Esq., Prevalent of the Bank of the State of Georgia; Hon. R. R. Cujrler, President of the Centra] Railr-sad and Banking Company ; Hon. Asbury Hull, Cash tercT the Branch Bank, Stato of Oe«Tpa; Kessrs. Hill k Dawson, Columbus, Georgia. jal J. H. JONES ATTORNEY* AT LAW, Warrenton, Ga., will prac- j tice in all the counties of the Northern, and Columbia, Washington and Jefferson, of the Middle Circuit, and the ! Supreme Court of thehtate of Georgia. osMrly foKEEIWaOD, MODELS A. EtTMIWIY, ‘J COM H 186161 I>D FORII AHDIXG MEK CHANTS, No. 99 Camp&trret, New Orleans. U “* T *- Gasaiwooo, | Jt.U£ Mouse, _ , Jons L Bure Wat. tela la Messrs. T. N. PoulUin fi Sun and B. H. Warn*., iJO., Augujto, Gl. .14-dtim OCIUBL2 38. 1852. CLARK a C 4)„ stale aars. Backet’ fi C 0.,) opposite Use Kail Rote Bank, have noJ U Bia;, Sts ! ’ ST**JEWELRY; 83.erand Ptoied WAKE; CLOCKr; Pocket and Table CUTLERY; Cv'tftiaDa* 008 ’ WiU> * ®*°* r * l “tortment of FAN. Theyoffertcthe&ode. Country ajrehont*, and Deal- VSJtfXPh USSi of 6U&. opsisgs ; ma TKRIAUt and TOOLS, of eTery gg; GUNS, PISTOLS, BC. TROUBLE BARREL BUOT Rl .VK, Shot and Pow aJ are- FLASKS; Gun CAPS, of best makers: Patent M ADDING, fi.', and Colt's Revolt mg PISTOLS and others f tiigßsfc Baut-Od Pocket PISTOLS. —AlfiO— * tee iJetf-Coeking and ttevolruig with five ctemberedeytete,’ preoat rifled,firing wadded ball ITf*' v«o<4t», splendidly made, by Deane, Adams fi STafiifS?' 2 Article for any one wish ' CMe ’ »***»!». halls, «adding, wrenen, dr;. r. (Jeantog rod, of] cup, extra races, sic., JteWtete Mht T CLARK A to. j. . • | FOR SAXE. • ! LAW) JOB SALX ! TNTENTHNG to more to th« West, I wffi seß my /Bit ! A PLANTATION on g.iod terms, if early application < be BoLß<le. It let rituaied :n Newton county, three mnes from So* Ml Circle, a Lepot cm the Gwrgia JUUroa , ha* a good Dff KLLIKG, vrilU six room?, good Kitchen, fire excel- 1 lent Negro Homes, with atutie chimneys, new Gin House,and ' ail other nee e?eary iasproveaiects, a bold Spring of the bej free-nent water close to the house; besides tire others dis- | persed in the pfouiarion. There are Three Hundred and j Klcthty Acres of LAND, about 2500 f which are cleared. • and well fenced. This Plantation is situated on the road * 1 from Social Cir !e to Covington, in the Mount Pleasant j neighborhood, which is a desirable portion of the county, J healthy, and convenient to g<k>d fcchools and Churehta. J Any oae wishing to purchase are Invited to v»sit and see, 1 or address the subscriber at “ Newton county, , Ga. n2-tf JAMES G. PaINE. 1 VALUABLE PLANTATIOKFOB SALE. i I\VI»II TO SELL my PLANTATION lying in dß> DeKalb county, on the Chattahoochee River, 7 # miles West of Atlanta, on the road leading to Marietta, known as the Standing Peach Ttee Farm, containing 1,100 Acres, more or less. Tr.is place contains numerous ad J vantages. There are 150 Acres of cleared Land, the rest ' in the woods. There is also a Ferry, known as Montgome ry’s Ferry, on the road between Atlanta and Marietta. * Also, fine water power for machinery ol any kind, with a Saw Mill attached to it. I wish also to sell the FARM on which I now live, joining the above place, one mile below, on the river, containing 150 Acres of bottom Land, and 450 Acres in the woods, well timbered. The Western and Atlantic Rail Road rnns through both Farms. They are also well watered and hea.thy—with good cutlet for Stock; 1 and good Gin House and Screw. j Thoee wishing to purchase will do well to call soon, as 1 this is no humbug, anti I intend to sell. o3(>-wtf HENRY G. DEAN. HOUBJS AND LOT FOB SALEM ELBEETON BY virtue of an assignment made to us by Sloraan, Henry A Co., for the purpose of effecting a dissolution of said firm, we will sell to the highest bidder, on the first i Tuesday in DECEMBER next, a HOUSE and LOT in the Town of Elberton, situated cn the North West corner of the Public frquare, and formerly occupied by Maj. Thomas Oli r ver asaTuvtm. The House is Urge and commodious, and includes a line Store Room. * THOS. W. THOMAS, ROBT. HESTER, October 26,1553, ul BIcINTOSH. [ MONBOE AND HOUSTON LANDS FOB RATV \\J ILL be Hold, at public outcry, on Tuesday the 16th TT day of No> EMBER nex‘, between the usual hours of sale, at Russelviile, Monroe county, fourteen hundred and seventeen and a hall (1417#) acres of LAND, more or iess, it being the plantation whereon Thomas M. Evans, late of said county, deceased, lived, lying in the 12th Dis trict of Monroe county. Also, will be sold to the highest bidder, on SATURDAY, the 20th of NOVEMBER next, between the usual hours of sale, upon the premises, sixteen hundred and twenty (1620) f acres of LAND, more or less, lying in the upper sth Dis trict of Houston county, immediately on the South-West ern Railroad, fourteen miles from Macon, known Recently as Thomas M. Evafi’s plantation, formerly Lamar’s. For further particulars, apply at the premises. Terms on the day of sale. WM. M. EVANS, 1 B. 11. ZELLNEB, ' Legatees, i 028-wtd And others. ) LAND FOE SALE. 2 ! rpHE subscriber desiring to move, offers his Tract JL of LAND for sale. The land lies in Columbia _ll~ county, immediately on the road leading from Appling, and in 8 miles of Appling. The tract contains l» Five Hundred and Forty-four (544) Acres, more or less. t There is a Gin House and Screw, and the necessary out y houses on the premises. o!5-w4* T. N. HICKS. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOBSALR <ga> UII.I. BE eOI.ll on the first Tuesday in DK- next, in Lexington, Oglethorpe county, Ga., the following PROPERTY, to wit: LOTS No. 8,7, 8, 9,10 ‘ and 11, in the town of Lexington ; on No. Cis situated a • large aud commodious STORK HOUSE—decidedly the most eligible aitefor mercantile business in the place; os. Lots - No. 7 and 8, taken together, is a new and elegant DWEL LING HOUSE, with twelve spacious and comfortable rooms conveniently and judiciously arranged, with other usual ' buildings adjoining Lot No. 9 contains several acres, on ' which tuere are STABLES, BARN, Ac.; Lots 10 aud 11 are vacant and very suitable for buildings; also, a Tract of - LAND near Lexington, containing 7uacres, mostly in woods; also, a Negro Man, ANTHONY, aboutßS years old, and his wife, SARAH, about SO years old, and their eix children, ■ BOYS and GIRLS from one to twelve years eld; Woman CLOE, about 89 years old, and MARY, a girl about 15 . years old—ali house servants ; also, a splendid Paraily Car riage, and Pair of Horses, Two-horse Wagon, Harness, Ac.; also, Cows and Hogs; also, household and kitchen Furni ’ ture, new, of the first quality and latest style. All sold as the proiicrty of William 11. Deupree, late of said county, de ceased, under the authority of his last Will and Testament, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Terms—twelve months’ credit with good security. Sale to continue from day to day, until all is sold. , 013 JANE A. DEUPREE, Ex'trix. V Notk.—“Constitutionalist and Republic,’' and “Tero -1 perance Banner,” will please copy weekly until day of sale, ' and forward their accounts. ; FOR SALE, A VALUABLE LOT in the city of Rome, Floyd -TX. county, containing about Four Acres of Land, im ’ proved. There is upon the let a beautiful building spot, a -• good Orchaid, got,d water; audit is in everyway oneof the most desirable lots in die city. For terms apply to WM. T, TRAMMEL, Esq., of Rome, or to v ! f C. B. MAORUDER, Forsyth, Ga. [ VALUABLE CHATTAHOOCHEE LANDS FOR “ £j3| Virtue of an order of the honorable the Inferior e Court of Columbia county while sitting for ordinary !] purposes, will be sold at the court house door in Cuthbert, . Randolph county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in December next, during the legal hours of sale, two thousand acres of land in the seventh district of Randolph, joining Col. Toney, James Grier, Mrs. Bryafi, and land known as Tor *j. ranee’s upper place. About seven hundred acres in choice oak and hickory land; between ene thousand and twelve hundred choice river pine land, and two hundred acres common pine land. It is well timbered, weil watered and and has good steamboat landings and wood yards, and j nearly every acre above high water mark. About two [ * hundred and fifty acres has been cleared, but the fences 11 were burned some years since and it has grown up in straw and bushes. It would make two compact settlements of one thousand acre -, each having a river front of nearly a mile. Corn and fodder can be bdugbton the adjoining place.— These lands are about six or seven miles above Fort Gaines it on the road to Eufaida. # Terms—One-third the first of January next, balance '» one and two years thereafter. Titles good. Sold for the y benefit of the children of Win. H. Torrance, deceased. A map of the place i? in the hands of Capt. Wash near the place, who will show it. WM. J. RHODES, ) n >f JOHN M. THOMAS, (Guardians * Oct 5-wO l LAND FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale Six Hundred and Seventy (670) Acres, Oak and Hickory LAND, one hundred (100) acres cleared and in good repair, with a good Orchard S of choice Fruits, the same lying in Lincoln county, on the ,- Petersburg road, and thirty-eight (3S) miles from Augusta. Purchasers will call on him at Wm. Henderson’s, in said county, when they can see and examine the premises for themselves. As money is not wanted the purchaser can have the payments made to suit himself. d s3O-wtf ROBERT HENDERSON, Sb. |I * * LAND FOB SALE. y nnHE subscriber offers for sale No. 1 Cotton LAND ly v X ing in Burke county, consisting of two tracts, f one containing four hundred and fifty acres, one half clear ed and under good fence, the other half is in woods i. finest timber, suitable for all plantation purposes, and ly ing one mile from Waynesboro’. The other tract containing one thousand acres, between * two hundred and fifty and three hundred cleared, one hun o dred of which is fre&h. The balance of this tract, seven hundred or seven hundred and fifty acres in woods abound ing in Oak, Hickory and Dogwood, three fourths of which :: will produce nine hundred to a thousand weight of seed cotton to the acre. This tract is just three miles from Waynesboro'. The cleared hind under good fence, and both tracts well watered by an unfailing creek. * g Persons wishing to purchase will call on the subscriber, 0 two miles from Waynesboro’. JAMES W. JONES. o a3O-wtJal VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY^ORIsALE^ TATILL be sold at auction, at the Court House, in the v V town of Madison, on the first Tuesday in December next, if not previously disposed of, the house and lot in said i town, at present occupied by A. Reese, and situated near k the Public Square, embracing two acres of land, a dwelling well finished, with eight twenty foot rooms, and two twelve foot passages, together with stable, carriage house and all necessary outbuildings, &c. Said property may be con -1 verted into a hotel, business lots, or used as a large board l ing establishment. If desirable, woodland for lire wood situated within half a mile of the corporate limits can be had with the house and lot. Persons desirous of purchas ing such property, will please call on A. Reese or Thomas J. Burney, for further particulars. > S. J. WALKER, > A. REESE, J. W. BURNEY, WM. H. BURNEY, * sept7-wtd Legatees of I Walker, deceased. PLANTATION~FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale his PLANTATION, situated in Muscogee county, on Oswitchee Creek, * twelve miles South-east of Columbus, near the Lumpkin Road, two miles from the Chattahoochee River, containing 1,800 Acres; 650 Acres arc cleared; 50 Acres deadened. 400 Acres are Creek Land; 600 Acres Pine, Fiats; balance » Pine Laud. The improvements consist of *a Framed Dwel- J lirg HOUSE, with Four Rooms, good Water GIN, which . will gin five bales Cotton per day ; good Negro CABINS; 1 Overseer’s HOUSE; BARNS; STABLES, &c., all new. The Plantation is well watered ; two Wells of excellent Water are on the preraises. In point of health it is unsurpassed in this region of the country. The crops of Corn and Cot ton now growing on it will show its productiveness. Terms of sale will be made accommodating, s * WYATT SMITH. Muscogee county, Ga., Aug. 23. w3m FOE SALE! THE subscriber offers for sale his Tract of LAND, dMA containing Four Hundred and Seventy-five , Acres, more or iess, situated and lying on the Georgia Rail road, and adjoining the Bella Tract. The Railroad runs one mile and a half on the side of it. It is all in the woods, and well timbered. There is a good Mill Site, with fine ’ water power on it, enough to run two saws. The Mill Site is ouly a half mile from the Railroad, and with a good level i road leading directly to the Railroad. Terms made easy, and possession given immediately, if desired. Application may be made at this office, or at Bel-Air to the subscriber. au27-wtf JAMBB LOVELL. r All 2AMA PLANTATION FOR BALE. YJpOII SALE, a PLANTATION ; Sixteen Hundred Acres, 1 r 500 Acres cleared, well improved ; 400 Acres best Ham mock Land; h dance upland and good, all lying level. A good set of mills On the Plantation, Saw and Grist, doing good business; lying b 2 miles South-west of Columbus, and within 5 mile? of Mobile and Girard Railroad. Mules, Horses, Hogs, Cuttle, Corn and Fodder, will be sold with the Plan tation. Payments 1,2, 8 and 4 years, if required. The Mill?, ii properly managed, will pay for the place in four years. For further particulars enquire of BENJAMIN SCREWS, au2S-wlO* Glennville, Ala. LAND FOR tAtb.—The subscriber offers for Sale 320 Acres of LAND, lying weil, 100 of which zl* are cleared and inc’oßsl. It is in the 13th District and 3d Section, and divided by the lately established line between the counties of Gordon and Murray, and within 2# miles of the Western and Atlantic Rail Road. A spring of good wat*,r near the dwelling house. A number of lots can be added on reasonable terms, forming a large settlement. For other particulars, apply to the subscriber at Rome, g*. jaAQ-wtf _ j. c. mcdaniel. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. TITISHUiG to remove to Florida, I offer for sale <g3fc W a valuable tract of LAND, adjoining the Gordon Springs. The tract contains between 12 and 14 hundred acres—about 4W of which is cleared land. It lies in a beau tiful and fertile vailey-is finely watered with never foiling Springs, and is in a high state of cultivation. I will sell a part or the whole to suit purchasers. The above land lies in 1 Walker county, Georgia. Z. H. GORDON. 1 seps-tN2S The Macon Journal k Messenger, Christian Index and Re corder at Aiilledgeville, will please copy until the 15th No- ; vember, and forward accounts to this place. Z. H. G. ' Gordon Springs, Sept. 2, 1852. GEORGIA JtH-ITARY INSTITUTE. , THK next Term of thi« Imitation will commence on , MONDAY, JANUARY 10.1‘5*. Ataitiouxl Building, , having been erected, there Kill be accommodationa for 180 Cadets. A copy of the Regulation* will be sent to any person desiring further information, on application to the undersigned. A. V. BRUMBY, Superintendent. ( Marietta. Oct 19,185*. «2* wßm WHIGETSBOBO’ HIGH SCHOOLS. rIG Trustees of these Institutions Uke pleasure in an mmncißg that they have engaged Mr. C. C. KuaujsDS, A to Uke charge of the Mate, and Mias M. Aoocsrti Walk** the Femle Departments the earning year. Os the high qualifications of Mr. Richards as a Teacher, his seven years success in this Institution, and the present year at Auburn, Alabama, give ample proof. For energy, disri pline, aptness to teach, and linroiy-acquirements, he has few equa's. Miss Walker has taught with great success in Alabama three years, and has given ample satjgfsctiou to Trustee* an 1 Patrens, as tha Principal as the Jfchne) the present year. The location is healthy, and the inhabitants of the vilUge moral. Beard can be obtained in good fam ilies at #li> per month. Those desiring to board with the Male teacher can do so at the same price*. Terms of Tuition in Male Department, tar Primary Eng lish Studies * 12. M for Teres of 6 months. Higher branch es of English and tile Classics, *3O per Term. In the Fe male »lu per Term, for primary studies, and *l6 tor the higher Oranchea usually taught in sadt Schools. '•he first Term will commence 3d Medday in January, 155 “ TOWARD W. JONES, W riihtsboro .0ct.19. wUall one cf the Trustees. WASTED* IAC _ glTl' iTIOAv IcstrucvOi of PENCILING and PAINTING WW ater Colors. The undersigned is also competent to teach the French and German lan guages. For reference,, end further Miss 5. E. >L, Cordon Pprlngs, oa. 080-w8» WASTED A6ITCATIO.V, as Teacher of the ctmmon English b-ancVs, by a youi g Gentleman who can come well IrecomSSkt. ITcuM like to commence the fig ofJanu ! ary neat. Address, post e*.d ; T- A, Cohrm bie county, Cs. 10 DOLULE3 3EWAHD • ClßAVEO&nm'Jtosubseriber’»tot,in War i S "ntcn-oti tha ?ltt October, a dark Buy JjSV' HORSE. about 5 years -ad, rth a smaH war n i_LZ_X his forehead; some Saddle marts cahjla* i the enact his Uiil is Clipp&t off or r.emriy .%* M* aftgfie a reward of *lO tor infonaauau sb that I cun *et hta^ I • W>,-ei.».m,,Cr-Bg. WR- « 3 ' "»* j ! TO ALL WHOM IX HAT CCSCERN. j 'T'BTS is to notify all p- none bolding Notts, on which ! 1 which mj name it as endorser, that lam not rest ow ! fine for their payment, aattie tiroo has some time passed : so» -i.teH 1 was responsible as endorser, of which 1 hare 1 nrre,Per -.a* -id tradw for them on their own risk. 1 JOHN H. NF.--MITH. I 1 liurVrc uniy, Ga. Oct. 2fl, 1552. WAREHOUSES. ! W». W, GABBARD. FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Sasatma.i, 0a.—82 BayStrtti, TXT ILL give promptitcntion t> rhe purchase rv-r\A\ t V and sale of ME RCHANDIhE and COT TON, and to all busoie;« entrusted to his care. t3-6m WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. rIK nndersignal are thankfkl for the patron- rv\ c v age heretofore extended to them, and re- Iy\V\.\\ tpectfnHy inform their friend* and palrona, that! they continue the ahore Business, at their FIRE-PROOF BUILDINGS, Mclntosh street. All consignments to their address will be promptly at fended to. BUST IN k WALKER. Augusta, August 18,1852. wilt | WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA; CTBHE undersigned, thankful for the patron- re-v-rex : A age heretofore bestowed on them, continue v x .)\V\\ ; the above business in all its branches, it their L*’ - ■ ’ ' Old Stand on Broad Street, FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE. Their entire personal attention is devoted to ail business entrusted to them. PHINIZY k CLAYTON. F. Dinner. | K. p. Curros. Augusta, August 23,1553, ___ wSm HARPER C. BRTSOX, 'IICABEHOISK AND COMMISSION MF.R- ..-vTr ' V CHANT, at the well known FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE of L. Hopkins, Campbell Street, i Augusta, Ga., where his personal attention will be given to ail business he may be favored with. Orders for PLANTERS’SUPPLIES promptly executed. Cash advanced on produce in Store. au2o*wtJal D’ASTIGNiC, KVASS k CO., TX/-AREHOU6E AND COMMISSION MER- .■ v , Ts CHANTS, Augusta, Georgia, continue to a) transact the above Business in all its branches, at their Old Stand, the extensive FIRE-PROOF WARE HOUSE, immediately at the Georgia Rail Road Depot, * VmT*- recw?e Cotton without charge for dray age. Their Office and Saiesrodln is in a central position on Broad Street, nearly ojiposite the Globe Hotel. Cush advances made on Cotton in Store. Orders for Bagging, Rope, and other applies, promptly filled at the lowest market prices. Wm. M. D’Anticsac. I Gko. W. Evans. I Wm. E. Kvass. Augusta, Angmt 12,1852. __ aul2-6m HOBERTSOX & CROCKER, W AND COMMISSION MER vY CHANTS, Augusta, Ge#gja, continue the fl?° V S iw branc hes, at their Old Stand (FIRE-PROOF) on Reynold street, where thfymay be a.ways found, ready to advance the bestinterest of their customers. Liberal Cash Advances made on Produce in Store, and all ciders for Grodrius, Bagging, Rope, Ac., filled at the lowest market prices. Augntta, August lA, 1552. a ul4 DYE & HEARD, W^nv?j UE AND COMMISSION MER- T 1 CHAN IS, Augusta, Georgia, would an nounce to tkeir former patrons, and the public generally, that they continue the above business in all its SKjBV* their 01U BUnd » WARE HOUfcE, East side Mclntosh street, where they solicit a continuance of the patronage so liberally extended to them heretofore. All orders for Family Supplies, Bagging, Rope, Ac., promptly filled at the lowest market prices. Cash advances made on Produce in Store, when ro quired. * JaMES M. DYE, a . , K STEPHEN D. HEARD. Auvusta, August 5,18.52. aus-tf L.LRRETH HOPKL\8 s Wf AREHOUSK AND COMMISSION MER vf CHANT, Augusta, Ga.—The undersigned begs leave to return thanks to the friends and pa trons of the late firm of ADAMS, HOPKINS A CO., lor 5l leil ! . lib^ ral support in past years. The firm of Adams, Hopkins A Co., having been dissolved by limitation on the Ust » WAREHOUSE and COMMISSION BUSI NESS (at the 6ame stand in the city of Augusta) will be continued by the undersigned, and he tenders his services to the customers of the old firm, and the public. His per sonal attention will be given to business confided to his care. Particular attention paid to the Storage and Sale of Cotton, and all other Produce; Receiving and Forward ing Goods, and Purchase of Plantors’ Supplies. Cash advances made on Produce in Store, when required. aQj LAMBETH HOPKINS. HEARD & DAYISO.Y, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUBI- fTVT NESS, Augusta, Georgia. The undersign- l ed continue the WAREHOUSE and COMMIS- iftßEgWg 810 N BUSINESS, at their FIRE-PROOF BUILDINGSTon Mclntosh street. Their personal attention is at all times given to business directed to their cure, and they hope to merit a continu ance of the patronage extended to them in past years. Liberal cash advances made on Produce in Store. ISAAC T. HEARD, Augusta, August 4,1852. JOHN DAVISON. _ au4-d4t&w6m WHITLOCK & COSKERY, ~T YT T AKKHOLmE AND COMMISSION MER- wrr» ▼ T CHANTS, Augusta, Georgia, continue to transact business at the same place, FIRE-PROOF SIWMBM WAREHOUSE, on Campbell street, where they the offer of their service*, to their friends an! the public. Liberal cash advances made on Produce in Store, when required. J. W. WHITLOtK, JOHN COSKERY. Augusta, Georgia, August 8,1852. . w3m new locatTon. 1 M. P. STOVALL, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION rrrr^ MERCHANT, Augusta, Ga., would respect fully inform his old patrons, and the public gene- £-ytsljß rally, that he has leased, for a term of years, the and Extensive FIRE-PROOF WARE HOUSE, situated on Jack son street, between the Rail Road Depot and Broad street, near the Globe Hotel, formerly occupied by W’alker & Bry son, and more recently by G. Walker & Son. The location is an excellent one, being convenient to the Rail iloaf js, Hotels, Banks, and chief Business Houses of the city. Having every facility for business, and the disposition to extend every accommodation to his customers, with a long acquaintance with the interests of the planter, he hopes he may have, not only a continuance, but an increase of the liberal patronage heretofore extended him. Orders for Family Supplies, Bagging, Ac., promptly and carefully filled at the lowest market prices, jy2l fSgf* Having transferred the lease on the Ware House lately occuped by us to Mr. M. P. Stovall, in consequence of our removal to Charleston, we take great pleasure in recommending him to our friends. G. WALKER & SON. # Augusta, July 1,1852. jy2l BUFORD, BEALL A CO., TTTAREHOU6E AND GROCERY MER- rryrri Vs CHANTS,, Augusta, Ga, thankful for the patronage so liberally extended to us, during the past season, respectfully inform our friends that we con tinue the GROCERY BUSINESS at the same well known stand, and are constantly receiving a large and wellselect ed stock, adapted to Planters’ trade, embracing Shoes, Do mestics, Hats* Ac. We also continue the WARE-HOUSE business at the same stand, on Campbell street, in the business part of the city, and convenient to our store. All Cotton consigned to us, will be sold free of commis sion, i Liberal Cash Advances made on Cotton and other Pro duce in store, when required, WM. 11. BUFORD. WM. M. BEALL, July 1, 1852. Jy 18tf J. W. L. STOVALL. SIMPSON A GARDINER, WAREHOUSE AND COMxMISSION r^v MERCHANTS, Mclntosh street, Augusta, Ga.—The undersigned continue the W T are House and Commission Business in all its branches, in Judge Starnes Fire Proof Ware House, on Mclntosh street, un der the name and style of Simpson A Gakdjnkr. In tendering to our friends, and the public generally, our thanks for the liberal patronage extended, we take this method of assuring all, that no effort on our part will be wmiting to advance the interest of all who may confide their business to us. Orders for Bagging, Rope, and Family Supplies, prompt ly filled at the lowest market ra^s. Cash advances made on Produce in Store, when required. J. R. SIMPSON, J. T. GARDINER. Augusta, July S', 1852. jylO J. J. PEARCE, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION k TVTV . MERCHANT, Augusta, Ga., having rented fcvYYfl a portion of the extensive FIRE-POOF WARE- rajgßß HOUSE,on Jackson street, near the Globe Hotel, and South of Broad street, tender my thanks for former patronage, &i)d say to ray friends, and the public generally, that I am now still better situated to promote their interest, as well as my own in the storage and sale of Cotton, or other Pro duce, and shall continue to give ray personal attention to all business orders directed to my charge, and will make cash advances on Cotton in Store, when desired. Augusta, July 28,1852. J. J. PEARCE. COTTON WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSI NESS. THE undersigned continue to transact the rrvYYv above business at their Old Stand, (FIRE- L".vV-YYi PROOF BUILDING,) on Jackson street, and re* Ullgprsf new the offer ol their services to their friends and the pub lic. DOUGHTY k BEALL. E. W. Docobtt. I Wu. Amos Beau. Augusta, July 28,1852. wßm SAMUEL WRIGHT, WARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSIONrrrra MERCHANT, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, continues the business on his own account, and occupies the commodious Fire- Proof Ware-House, Office and Sales Room near the Telegraph Office,on Mclntosh st., occupied the past season by the late firm of Wright, Simp son k Gardiner (recently dissolved); and by this medium returns his thanks to the Public for the very liberal patron age conferred, both when alone and a member of said rm; and respectfully renews the tender of his services to his old patrons and friends, and the public generally. Having procured the services of an efficient and experienced Clerk and Scalerfnianj he indulges the hope, by a close applica tion to business, and an eye to the interest of patrons, to receive a liberal sin re of public fevor. BAGGING, Rope, and Family Supplies furnished to or jy as usual. \3A£H ADVANCES on Produce in store, when required. jy-u DISSOLUTION. The firm of Wright, Simpson A Ginxm was dissolved THIS DAY by mutual consent. The Books and un finished business of the same are placed in the hands of J. R. Simfsos and J. T. Garmxek for settlement. Either of the undesigned are authorised to use the name of the firm in liquidation. SAMUEL WRIGHT, J. R. SIMPSON, JAMES T. GARDINER. Augusta, July 8,1552. jylO WARDLAW & WALKER, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, H. Carolina. Commissions for selling Cotton , 50 Cents per bale. W. A. Waxdlaw. j G. Walkkb. THE subscriber having formed a Copartner- \ ship with Mr. W. A. WaHDLAW, of Charleston, formerly of Abbeville, 8. C., for the purpose of doing a GENERAL FACTORAGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, avails himself of the present opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his numerous friends for the liberal patronage bestowed for a number of years past —and on moving, tenders the services of the new concern of WjjtDLsw k Walxkb, Charleston—where he hopes many, if not all, Us ohi patrons, will find it to their interest to ship their Produce. The recent arrangement of the South Carolina Railroad Company will enable them soon to have a Depot in the city of Augusta, thereby gave the expense of toll, and very greatly facilitate the forwarding of Produce of any kind. Mr? John C. Ree«, Agent of W. k W. in Augusta, will at tend to the forwarding of all Produce that their friends may feel disposed to send them, fre# of charge, save dray age. The books of Walker, Bryson k Co., are in the hands of Mr. Rees, who alone, except myself, is authorised to settle them. The books *of accounts, notes, Ac., of G. Walker A Son, will be in his hands also for settlement. I hope those indebted to either of the above firms, will make settlements as soon as possible, as I am much in want of the hinds due. G. WALKER. Augusta, July 19,1852. jy27-w3m COCHRAN'S MACHETE FOB CBUSHH7G GOLD ORE. Recently Patented in this Country and Europe. fTAHEriE MACHINES, by their simplicity of constrne- A that (being almost without machinery), their durabili ty, the undoubted principle upon which they operate, and their effective operation and result, are justly entitled to the consideration of all parties engaged in Crushing. Grind ing and Pulverising Gold Ore, and all other Ores or Minera Substances. , They work and fciirer wet or dry, as may be required, and cun be worked by Steam, Water or Horse-Power; and when Pulverising Gold-bearing Ore or Quarts, partic ularty when much sulphurate of Iron is found with the Ore, the perfect manner in which all the material passing through the Machine is granulated, keeping the Gold per fectly bright, from 15 to 30 per cent, more Gold is procured than by any other process known. Macuines, with the right to use them,capable of pulver ising to a fine powder 500 pounds of ore per hour, are sold at *l,WX>—2,ut*Wpounds per hour at *3,500, and 4,000 pound 3 per hour at *5,000 each, delivered in New York. To miners who are not prepared to purchase, the Ma chines will he furnished and rented en Us following terras: * A Machine to Crush and Pulverise 1,000 poulSs per hear, at *3OO per annum. A Machine to Crush and Pulverise 2,000 pounds per hour, at *SUO per annum. A Machine to Crush and Pulverise 4,000 pounds par hoar, at *750 per annum. Acompetem person will be provided to erect the Ma chines at the espense of the lessee; the espense will be compnMrely tricing. 'Juchßto are at work in New York, and at the Teluvium Gold Mines of C'umswdnre Stockton, Fluvanna county. Ya. The following letter from Com. Stockton, shows tneir ca pacity to pulverize: The Machine referred to below, was drawn by a belt 7 inches wide, running at the rate of 600 feet per minute. * Tau-vita, Fureasu On., Ya., Oct. 3th, 1552. Te £- A J. Bussing A Cc., New York : It give* me pleasure id Ipf.na yen that “ Cochran's Crushing Machine” has been put up, and is now in opera tion at this mine. I: has performed more than you promised (or it—and is the beet rock crusher I hare ever used or seen. I was present this morning when seven tons of quarts and sandstone roek were pulverised by it in two hours. It a simple and esfecUve-aad m liable at for aa I can see, to get out of order. With great respect, lam your obedient servant, R. T. Shoesres, App irattens may be made to Wa. Beasley, Esq . i DautehmUe, g;o(tyfvania county, Ya., or to Mr. John 0. Beaaiey, Agent of Commodore Stockton’s Mines, Bowies ville. Fluvanna county, Ya. For further pariacuwre, address # » E. A J. BUSSING A CO., 33 CMT Street, Sew York. Mr. can Ur Jfobbc PUBLIC SALES. \ P'LBEHT HWEKBIFrg SALE®.—WU be souTno I X-J the first TUESDAY hi D«vtmb«r next, before the | ; Court House door, iaElberion, Elbert county, within the | legal sale hours, the frali wing property, to witAtl the in- i teresi that Augustus T. Burton has in twelve Negroes, by i the names ofHolomon, a man 40 years of ago; BurreA, a 1 man 81 years of age; Chariotie, a woman, 86 veitrs of age; j Nancy, a woman, 81 rears of age, July, a rirl, 14 years of age; Keuben, a boy, 18 years old; Caleb, a boy, 12 years old; Nancy, a girt, 11 years old; Jake, a boy, 9years old; Edmond, a boy, 8 years of age; Zachariab, a boy, 4 years of age; Dinah, a girl, 2 years of age : levied on as the pro perty of Augustus T. Burton, to satisfy a fl. fa. irnsued from Elbert Superior Court in the name of Alfred Hammond, va. saidA gustusT. Burton. Property pointed out by A. Ham- I monffi —ALSO— j At the same time and place, Jim, a roar, 40 years of age; i Lace, a boy, 14 yearsof age; Ellon, a girl, 10 years of age; i Martha, a girl, 7 years of age; Jim, a boy, a* out 4 years ; of age : levied on as the pn periy of Paruh A. E. Edwards, I to satisfy a it. fa. issued from Elbert Buperior Court in the ; name of John B. f loan vs. said Sarah A. E. Edwards, and i alsoafi fit. in the name of the Central Bank of Georgia vs. Joseph T. Edwards, Robert L. Edwards, and John F. Edwards, property pointed oat by Sarah A. E. Edwards. —ALSO— At he same time and place, one tract of land, containing 100 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Elizabeth Burch andethers; one sorrel h rse, one two horse-wagon, 17 head of hogs, S head of cattle, 6 split-bottom chairs, two pots and two ovens, the crop of cotton, (say 4,000 pouu Is, more or less,) 20 barrels of corn, more or less ; 1,000 pounds fodder, more or less: levied on tos itisfy a li. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Elbert county, in favor of James M. McMil an vs. Francis Thornton, and sundry other ft. fas. vs. said Thornton. Property pointed out by defendants —ALSO— * At the same time and place, one Negro boy, by the name of Dick, IS years of age, as the property of'Thomas P. Downer, to satisfy a t. fa. from Elbert Supei lor Court In the name of Robert McM Uan vs. Thomas F. Downer and Jesse M. Browner. Property pointed out by Thomas P. Downer, this 29th October, 1852. ’ November 8, 1852. DOZIER THORNTON, Sheriff. EI.BKKT SHERIFF'S SALE.—WiII be sold, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER neat, before the Court House door in Elbert county, within the usual Eale hours, a HOUSE and LOT in the town of RuckersviUe, including a Store House and Shoe Shop, adjoining the lot whereon Dr. Thomas F. Gibbs formerly lived ; levied on as the pro perty of A. AA. W. Hammond, to satisfy a fi. fa. Irom Elbert Superior Court, in favor of Benjamin Thornton vs. said A. AA. W. Hammond. Property pointed out by Al tred Hammond. DOZIER THORNTON, Sheriff. ELBERT SHERIFF’S SALK.—WiII be sold, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, within tho usual sale hours, before the Court House door in Elbert county, a Tract of LAND in said county, on the waters of Coody’s Creek, containing one hundred and thirty acres, more cr less,adjoining laudsof Alfred Hammond,Sumuel C. Starke, and others; the same being the tract whereon Wiley Wall formerly lived. Also, a Negro Woman named HANNAH, about 88 years old, levied on as the property of Mathias Perrin to satisfy a fl. fa. from Elbert Superior Court, in favor of Morris A Jackson vs. said Mathias Perrin; and sundry other fi. fas. vs. said Perrin. The property point ed out by defendant in fi. fa. October 26, 1852. _ DOZIER THORNTON, Sheriff. IpLBERT SHERIFF'S* BALE.—WiII be sold, on the If first TUESDAY in December next, before the Court House door, in the town of Elberton, Elbert county, w ithin the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit; Armstead a Man, and his wife Malinda and their Child ren; Sanford, a Boy; Lucy, a girl,and John, a Boy. Also, Delphina, a Girl; Betty a Woman, and her infant—name not known; John a Son of Betty, ana a Girl, child of Betty’s, between John and the Infant—name not known; Nancy, a Woman, and her child, Chainey; Willis, a Man (Betty’s husband!; George, a Man, Leah his wife; Lucinda, a Wo man, little Melinda, a Girl; Hetty, a Woman and her child; Jeptha, a Boy; Silvy, a Woman; Rachael,an old Woman; Hyas, a Man, aud his wife Harriet, and her children; Su san, Bonaparte, and Jauett; Judy, a Woman, and her children; Jim, William and Ellington, and A liaiine, known as yellow Adaliue, aud her children, Eliza, Sarah Ami, lla zeltine. Jack, Georgiana and Silvcy; Mary, a woman, anti her children, George and a girl, (name not known); Betty, a woman; Gilbert,a man; Nelson, a man; Jack, a man, about2Byears old; Ben,a lame boy; Winny, a house wo man; Joe, a carpenter; Dick, acuipenter, John, a man house servant; Ben, an old man, and Sarah, an old woman; Henry, a mulatto, now about22 years old; Ame rica, a woman, aud her children, Puss, Lbarley, Jones, Andrew, Victoria and John, and Young Adeline, a woman. Also, the following personal properly, to wit:—A large lot of Plantation Tools, consisting of Wagons, Carts, Plows, Hoes, Plow aud Wagon gear, Ac., Ac.; a fine .-ett of Car penter’s Toots; one four-wheel Carriage and pair 0f horses; one Buggy and Harness; sixty head of Hogs ; three yoke of Oxen; forty-five Milch Cowsand Calves and ury cuttle, moreorless; thirteen plow horses and mules; four Colts (one a mule) five Ginny’s and one Jack, and Library of Books, all levied on as the property ofAlfrcd Hammond, by virtue of a Mortgage fi. fa. from Elbert Inferior Court, in favor of Thomas J. Heard, Uriah O. Tate and James Lof ton, vs. Alfred Hammond, property )ioiutt;<i out in said mortgage fi. fa. Sale to continue from day to day till all is sold. DOZIER THORnTON, Sheriff. September 29,1852, Gt WIN.NETT rillEßlf'F’N BALE.—WiII hesold.be -11 f fore the Court House door in the town of L«urence ville. G winnett county, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next within tne usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Sixty-five acres of LAN£>, more or less, in the 6ih Dist. of said count}, No. not known, adjoining lands of Clai borne Osborn and others: levied on us the property of Jona than D. Jones, maker, and John Weed, security, to satisfy a fl. fa. from Gwinnett Superior Court in favor of Nathan L. Hutchins vs. Jonathan 1). Jones and John Weed.’ Also, Sixty Acres of Land, more or less, whereon Green H. Livsey now lives, levied on as the property of Green H. Livsey, to satisfy a fi. so. from Gwinuett Superior Court, in favor of Thomas Tharris. Property pointed out bv Plaintiff’s Attor ney.. * J. S. McELVANY, Sheriff. December 3,1852. Gwinnett sheriff’s bale.-ou the Aral Tuesday In DECEMBER next, will be sold, before the Court House door in the town of Lawrenceville, the follow ing Tract of LAND, to wit: One Hundred and Twenty-five Acres of Land, part of Lot No. 8, in the sth District of said county, it being the North-east half of said Lot of Land, the place whereon R. E. Johnson now lives, levied upon as the property of R. E. Johnson, by virtue of sundry fi. fas. from a justices’ Court in said county; Wm. J. Russell and James M. Gordon, vu. said Johnson, J-lm Smith, indorser vs. the same, and other fi. fas., all levied and returned to me by a constable. JAMES R. BKACEWELL, D. S. October 29, 1652. C’OLI VIHIA SHERIFF’S SALE,—WiII be sold,on J the first Tuesday iu DECEMBER next, before the Court House door in Appling, Columbia county, within the legal sale hours, the following property, to wit: One Tract of LAND, lying on the waters of Eue ,’,ee Creek, and joining lands of Sarah Mathews, Thomas Burnsides and James Kirkpatrick, containing one hundred and tliirty- Beven acres, more or loss, levied on as the property of Benj-amin F. liaison eback, to satisfy a fl. fa. from Colum -1 bia Superior Court, iu favor of James T. Both well vs. Ben jamin F. Holsuinehack. Property pointed out by Defen • dant in execution, this 25th October, 1852. GEORGE G. STCRGES, Dep. Sh’ff. October 80,1852. COLUMBIA SHERIFF’S SALE.—WiII be sold! on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before >.he Court House door in Appling, Columbia county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One Tract of LAND, containing Two Hundred and Fifty (250) Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Thomas Beal, Hen ry Smith, and Samuel Hawes, levied ou as the property of Sarah Tompkins, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued fromAJoiumbia Superior Court, in favor of Elizabeth McGanys. Sarah Tompkins, as principal, and Turner Clanton as security. Land pointed out by Turner Clanton. GEORGE G. STURGES, Dep. Sli’lL October 80,1852. LINCOLN SHERIFF’S SALK—Wilibe sold, before the Court House door at Lincointon, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, the following Negro Slaves, to wit: ABRAM, MARY, HENRY, STEPHEN, ELIZA and child ELIRABETH, KATY and child! en, SAVANNAH and RACHAEL, and EVELINE and children, GEORGE and LOUISA; levied on as the property of the estate of John , A. Simmons, late of said county, deceased, to satisfy two mortgage fi. fas. issued from the Inferior Court of said county, Mary A. Simmons vs. Peyton W. Sale, Adm’r. ou said Estate. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi. fas. A credit of twelve months will be given to the purchasers of the above property. Notes with good and sufficient securities will be required. JOHN W. HAMRICK, Sheriff. September 11,1652. Administrator's sale.—win be sold, before the Court House door in Appling, Columbia county, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, one Negro Wo man MARY, and Boy JIM, belonging to the estate of Wm. H. Candler, deceased. October 21,1832. ALBERT T. CANDLER, Adm’r. \ DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—WiII be sold, before IX. the Court House door in Wilkes county, on the first Ttlesday in DECEMBER next, 866 Acres of LAND, more or less, adjoining lands of Benn Harden, Bugely and Flenn, on the waters of Kettle Creek, belonging to the estate of William Linn, deceased. A. M. CRAWFORD, Adm’r. October 21,1852. ADMIN ISTRATOR’S SA LE.-WUI be sold, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the Court House door in Elbert county, agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Elbert county, within the legal hours of sale, one Tract of LAND, containing two hundred and thirty and a balf acres, more or less, on Van’s Creek ad joining lands of Joseph P. Blackwell, Peter Alexander, Jo seph Rucker, Asmon B. Bell, and the estate of Reuben Cleveland. Sold as the property of the estate of Joseph R. M. Rucker, deceased. Terms will be made known on the day of sale. WM. J. ROEBUCK, Adm’r. October 22, 1832, A DMINISTRA Touts’ SALE.—WiITbe sold, onThi 20th day of DECEMBER next, at the late residence of William Stone, deceased, in Warren county, all the Perishable Property b. longing to the Estate of ssid de ceased, consisting of HORSES, MULES, CATiLE HOGS SHEEP, Household trod Kilchtn FURNITURE, Planta tion TOOLS, CORN, FODDER, WHEAT, and variousother articles not enumerated. Sale to continue from day today until all shall be sold. Terms made known on the' day of sale. ISAAC C. HARRIS, Adm’r., CATHARINE STONE, Adm'x. .October 27,1662. _ ADM IN ISTRATOR’S SALE—In cons nnity tnTn /A. order of the Honorable Cyurt of Ordinary of Jeffer- Bon county, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, with in the legal hours of sale, at the Market House in the town of Louisville, in said county, will he sold, Ten (It) likely NEGROES, consisting of 8 Women and 7 Boys and Girls belonging to the estate of Roht. Allen, deceased, late of Burke county. Sold for the purpose of a division. Terms on the day of sale. JOHN W REN, Adm’r., October 27,1852. de bonis non. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE—WIiI he sold, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, at the Court House door, in Lincoln county, in pursuance of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, the following Tracts of LAND, the property of James Cartieclge, deceased: One Tract containing Eightor Nine Hundred Acres, more than half woodland. Also, a small tract of One Hundred Acres, lying on Cherokee Creek, near where said deceased lived at ehe time of his death. Said Lands are weil adapted to the productions of Cotton and Grain. Any person wishing to examine the premises, by calling on the subscriber, or W'al ton Cartledge, near the premises, will be accommodated with pleasure. Terms easy, ard made known on the day of sale. HENRY FREEMAN, Adm’r. October 1,1852. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALB.-Wtß be by or der of the Court of Ordinary, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the Court House door in Louis ville, within the legal hours of sale, a Tract of LAND, be longing to the Estate of Jane B. Arrington, deceased, ad joining lands of Barney Gay, Joseph Avrett, and others, oh the watets of Briar Creek. Fold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on the day of sale ALEXANDER AVRETT, Adm'r. October 1,1852. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.-Under an order of the Inferior Court of Columbia county, wifi be sold on the first TUESDAY in December next, before the Coprt House door of Canton, Cherokee county, between the usual boars of sale, one tract of LAN D, belonging to the estate of Mitchel Wilkins, late ofColumbia county, deceased, con taining forty (41!) acres, known as tract No. B<i9, 21st dis trict, 2nd section. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale September 25,1552. MILTON PABCHEL, Adm’r. A _ D>l INISTRATOR’S sold.’oTthi first Tuesday hi DECEMBER next, before the Court House door in Appling, Coulumbia county, 13U Acres of LAND, adjoining lands of Murray k Darsey and others Also, one NEGRO WOMAN. Sold as the property of ritt Stallings, late of said county, deceased. August 5,1852. OVERTON H. WALTON, Adm’r. Administrator’s s firjt Tues day in DEC EM BEE next, at the Court House door in Franklin, Heard county, will be sold, Lot of LAND, No. Eighteen, (18)in theeleventh district of originally Carroli now Heard county, containing Two Hundred Two and a half (202 X) Acres, belonging to the Estate of Robert Allen late of Burke county, deceased. Sold for the purpose o’ division. JOHN WREN, Adm’r. Angu 16,1852. with the will annexed. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. - On the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, pursuant to an order of the Or dinary of Columbia county, will be ;dd, before the Court House door in said county, the LAND belonging to the es tateof James May, late of said county, deceased, contain ing, by estimate. One Hundred and Ninety-eight Acres, be the same more or leas, adjoining lands of M. L. Thomas John Harris, and others. Terms on the day of sale. ’ August 22,1852. JAMES C. MAY, Adm’r \«B DMINHwTRATOh’b SALE.—On the first Tues | day in DECEMBER next, pursuant to an order of the Ordinary of Richmond county, will be sold, before the Court House door in Telfair county, all that Tract of LAND containing 202 Acres, drawn by Elizabeth Cannon, of Richmond county, known and distinguished s hea drawn, as number 845, 7th < seventh', District cf Wilkinson,'now Telfair county, hold for the benefit of the heirs and credi tors of the said Elisabeth Cannon, deceased. Terms cash ROBERT MORRIS, Adm’r. on the estate of Elisabeth Cannon, deceased. October 16,1553. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. -By virtue oTaiTor der from the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Lincoln county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in DE CEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door in Lincolcton, in said county. Five Hun dred (50m) Acres of LAND, morejm less, situate, lying and being on the waters of Mill CreekTn said connty, adjoining I lands of Nathan Wright, William Turner, P., W. Sale, and others, .oRRn-g to the estate of John Talom, late of said ' county, deceased. Mid for the benefit of the heirs and 1 creditors of aaid deceased. Terms on the day of sale. ' WILLIAM 8. TATOM, Adm’r., < de bonis non with the trill annexed. 1 October 12,1553. ADHINIeTRATOII'S HALE.—Coder an order of | the Honorable Ordinary of Taliaferro county, will be ' - sold, before the Court Hame door in Crawfordvilie, on the j ! find Tuesday in DECEMBER next, betAeeo the lasrftt! I botire of vale,one HoCsEand LOT, containing three acres, : 1 more or lew, with ntoessag out-bqßdinzt iil.tbe town of i l Crawfordvilie, adjoining tfWTap TirdLoi to the East, the t J Georgia RaU Roan on Ibe South. P. G Rbonte’sLeton the 1 , We t, and the Academy Lot on the North, belonging to the ‘ estate of William Borcb, late of said c-mriy, deeeneed. 1 gold for the benefit of the creditors and distributees of said * deceased. . JOHN JI. TILLEY, Adm’r. !. October 7, 1552. t AbMIMs IftATORYi SAlAi.—Will be sold, on the ( Bret Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the Oocrt I ’tSZXtSZ. Ns THDyjAh n. WHITE, Adm'r, * PUBLIC SALES. 1 •- ■■ ■ - #r j 4 DMIMBTR \T<)R> BALE.-\Villbe sold, on the IX 8d day of DECEMBER next, at 10 o’clock, A. M.. at the resi i*nce of Charles P. Jones, deceased, (corner of j Kcynok* and Elbert-street#,) the Household and Kitchen | JOrnrture °f *aid deceased; consisting of a comparatively j Rl, d handsome Piano, parlor furniture, (nearly new) i Sofas, Tables, Bureaus, fletlstends. Bedding, Ac. kc. Also, two fine oil Paintings, a lot of old Lumber, tnree Chests of Carpenters’ Tools, a good milch Cow, and sundry other things (personalty of the deceased) all of which may be seen on the day of sale. Terms cash. „ , , WM. A. WALTON, Adm’r. October 24,1852. A DMINISTRA TORS’ BALR.—By virtue of an or -iX. der from the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Lin | com county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUA RY next, within the legal sale hours, before the Court House door in Lincointon, in said county, Five Hundred (500) Acres of LAND, more or lees, situate, lying and being on the waters of Mill Creek, in said county, adjoin ing lands of Isaiah Collars, Nathan Wright, and lands be longing to the estate of John Tatom. deceased, and others, belonging to the estate of John A, Simmons, deceased, late of Lincoln county. i*okl for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. P.W. SALE, Adm’r. November 3,1852. A DMIMSTRATOK’B 6ALE.—By virtue of an or- Jr\, der from the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Lin- < coin county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY < next, within the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door in Lincointon, in said county, the NEGROES belong ing to the estate of John Tatom, late of said county, de ceased, consisting of Men, Women and Boys. Sold for the benefit of the ketrs and creditors of said deceased Terms 1 on the day of sale. W ILLIAM 8. TATOM, Adm’r., November 2.1853. de bonis non, with the will annexed. ADMIN ISTRATOirg BALE.—WiII be sold, at the residence of James B. Kidd, iate of Oglethorpe coun ty, deceased, commencing on TUESDAY, the 14th day of DECEMBER next, all the Perishable Property of said tie ceased, consisting of HORSES; CATTLE; HOGS; SHEEP; CORN; FODDER; Plantation TOOLS; CARTS; WA GONS; Household and Kitchen FURNITURE; and many other articles too tedious to mention. Sale to continue from day to day until all is sold. Terms on the day of sale. ROBERT G. JOHNtoON, Adm’r., * November 2,1852. with the will annexed. Administrators* salr wm be sold, on the 25th day of NOVEMBER, at the late residence of Jona than Palmer, deceased, all the Perishable Property belong ing to the estate of said decased. Bold for a distribution among the heirs of said deceased. Sale to continue from day to day until all is sold. Terms on the day of sale. EDMUND PALMER, ) . .. November 2,1852* .DAVID PALMER, ( Admre - ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.—WiII be sold, at the Court House door in W’arrenton, under an order of the Court of Ordinary for said county, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER uext, all that valuable Tract of LAND, ly ing on Joe’s Creek, in said epunty,:: nd on the Augusta road, leading from the Shoals of Ogeechee, containing about Eighteen Hundred Acres, well improved. The tenu will be divided in o four tract.* of about equal size*. There will be some houses on each place. Taking the whole to gether it is a valuable settlement of pine Land. Terms will be twelve month's credit with good security. Abo, will be sold, on WEDNESDAY, (the next day) and ; 'he succeeding days, until all is disposed of, at the late re * sidence of John Kilicbrew,#deceased, all the Personal 1 Property belonging to Maid deceased, (except the Negroes) consisting of Household and Kitchen Furniture, Farming and Blacksmith Tools, Wagons and Carts, Corn, Fo ’.der » and Wheat, Cotton Gin and Running Gear, Horst s, Mules, ! Cattle and Hogs, two Yoke of Oxen, and various other ar > tides All sold as the property of John Killebrew, late of k Warren county, deceased. Sale will be continued from ‘ day to day uutil all is disposed of. Terms on the day of aale. ADAM JONES, Adm’r. l October 20,1852. ADM IN IhTR ATOR’S S ALE.—By virtue of an or der from the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of , Lincoln county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in DE CEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, before the I Com t House ia Lincointon, in said county, the following property, to wit: One Negro Man by the name of AN | THONY, about 25 years oi l, belonging to the estate of John A. .Simmons, late of said county, deceased. Sold for , the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. I Terms on the day of sale. P. W. SALE, Adm’r. October 12, 1852. DMiikieritliToiri sa m.-wiii be soMlftn the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, before the Court ' House door In Columbia eounty, Four NEGROES beiong , ing to the Estate of E. M. Ray, late of said county, de ceased, viz; ANTHONY, 5U years of age; old MARIA, 50 ; years of age; little MARIA, 11 years ol age.a d JULIaNN, > 16 years of ago. A. M. CRAWFORD, Adm’r., . October 18,1852. with the will annexed. \ ADM liM IsTBATOK’S I6ALK.—By virtue of an or* IX der from the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Lin , coin county, wilibe sold, o i the first Tuesday in DECEM BER next, within the legal hours of sale, before the Court , House door in Lincointon, in said county, Three Hundred j and Acres of LAND, more or less, situate, lying and being dnthe waters of Dry Fork Creek, In said county, adjoining lands of William 11. Crawford, Harvy Wheat, William Albea, and others, belonging to the estate of Pe ter Ashmore, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms i on the day of sale. JEREMIAH ASHMORE, f October 12,1852. Adm’r., de bonis non. I Al> VIIXIBTR \TOR'S SALE.—By virtue of an or 1\ der from the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Lin coln county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in DECEM BER next, within the lawful hours of sale, before the Court ' Hou e door in Lincointon, in said county, tlie following ! property, to wit: One Negro Man by the name of JACOB, about 50 years old, belonging to the Estate of Elizabeth ] Ashmore, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the (lay c f sale. JEREMIAH ASHMORE, Adm’r. . October 12, 1852. * : A DMINISTRATOB'B SALK.—By virtue of au or- IX der from the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Lin- J coin county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in DECKM ’ BEK next, within the lawful hours of sale, before the Court ' Hou-e doer in Lincointon, in said county, the following pro -1 perty to wit: Two Hundred Acres of LAND, more or less, ’ situate, lying and being on the waters of Lloyd’s Creek, in said county, adjoining lands of Adam Harnesbcrger, Wil : liam Paradise, and others, belonging to the Estate of Wil -1 liam Tramel, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the r benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms J on the day of sale. DAVID CALLAUAM, Adm’r. October 12,1852. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.—Agreeable with an an order of the Court of Ordinary of Jefferson county, ' will be sold, at the Market House in the Town of Louisville, 1 on the flwt Tuesday in January next, 842 Acres of Pine : LAND, lying in said adjoining lands of Enoch J Farmer, estate of M. G. Scruggs, and Charles Burke, on 1 the waters of Big Creek. Also, one Negro Girl named ’ CELIA, about 15 years of age. To be sold as the property of Henry Rogers, late of said county, deceased, and for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on the day of ' sale. MOSES BRINSON, Adra’r., October 19,1852. de bonis non. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.—WiII be sold, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the Court House door in Elbert county, agreeably to an order of the l Court of Ordinary of said county, one Tr ctof LAND, con i taining One Hundred and Nine Acres, more or less, ou the j waters of Broau River and Fork Creek, adjoining lands of 3 Nancy Rumaey, Samuel Shaw, and others, whereon Robert ) W. Shaw formerly lived. Sold as a part of lands be longing to the estate of Henry R. Deadwyler, deceased, f Terms will be made known on the day of sale, i October 12,1852. JOHN G. DEADWYLER, Adm’r. 1 ADM IN ISTRATOR’S SALK.—WiII be sold, at the ' XX- late residence of John A. Simmons, deceased, in Lin coln county, on WEDNESDAY, the 10th day of NOVEM BER n xt, between the legal hours of eale the, following property, to wit: Two Hundred Barrels of CORN, more or , less ; FODDER; stock of HORSES; HOGS; OATTI.E, Ac. i Terms on the day of sale. P. W. SALE, Adm’r. O-tabcr 12,1852. ADM IN IN ITIATORS’ KALE.—Agreeable to an or der of the Ordinary of Floyd county, will be sold, be l fore the Court House door In Lanier, Macon county, be i tween the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in > JANUARY next, Lot of LAND in Macon county, No, i Ninty-three, (93) iu the 29,th District of originally Lee now i Macon county, as the property of William Horn, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors Terms > cash. JOHN HORN, I ... t October27,lß|g. JESSE HORN, )' ta™™. EXECUTORS’ sale.—By permission of the Uono ruble the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, at the , Lower Market, in the City of Augusta, within the legal hours of public sales, as part of the Real Estateof Martha ’ Fary, deceased, and for the benefit of tho creditors and Legatees of her estate, all that Summer Residence, and small FARM, situate In said county, 8)4 miles from Auguß ta, immediately west of the Village of Summerville, und known as the Mrs. Beall Place, containing 60 Acres of Land, 20 of which is cleared, and the balance woodland, on which there is a Spring of excellent Water. The improve ments consist of a Dwelling and necessary out-houses. WM. P. DEARMOND, i _ , JOHN P. KING, ( Bx "■ November 2,1852. EXECUTOR'S KALE.--Will be sold agreeably to an order from the Court of Ord nary of Lincoln county, before the Court house in Lincointon, In said county, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, between tho lawful hours of sale, the NEGROES belonging to the es tate of William Bennett, late of said connty, deceased not disposed of in said will. sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. HENRY FREEMAN, Ex’r. October, *8,1862. IpXECUTORK’ KALE.—WiII be sold, agreeably to J an order of the Court of Ordinary of Newton county, before the Court House door in Covington, in said county, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, within the legal hours ol sale, fourteen NEGROES, consisting of Men, Wo men and Children, belonging to the estate of Richard Tur ncr, deceased, and sold as the property of said deceased, for tho benefit of the heirs und creditors of said deceased. . eruu made known on the day of sale. 1 ROBERSON H. TURNER,) „ , 1 BENJ. B. FREEMAN, f r * October 22, 1852. , —_ i EM'iCl'TOK’b SALK.—WiII be sold, on the first Tuesday in DECKMBKH next, before the Court House door in Baiubridge, Decatur county, aLoIofLAND No. 91), in the 21st District in said county, containing 250 acres, more or less, Sold as the property of James Burroughs, deceased. , JAMES BURROUGHS, Kx’r. October 24,1952. AKCtJTOR’N BALK.—WiII be sold, on the first 'j Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the Court House door iu UawkinsvilJe, Pulaski count}, a Lot of LAND, No. 40, in the 21st District, conta ning 202# acres, more or leas. Sold as the property of James Burroughs, deceased. 0ct0ber24,1852.' JAMES BURROUGHS, Ex’r. t i t tlllllAAH NAl.lv—Will be sold, on the first VT Tuesday in JANUARY next, before the Court House door in Appling, Columbia county, Four Hundred and Nine ty four (494) Acres of Pine LaND, situated and lying in said county, adjoining lands of Hillman Cliett, Robert Mor riss, and others (being a portion of the late Peter Craw fold’s, tract:) belonging to the heirs of the late W. H. Tor ance, deceased, gold for the purpose of a division among the heirs, by an order of the Ordinary of Columbia county. Terms on day of sale. W. J. RHODES, 1 „ October 26, 1852, J. M. THOMAS, f °”ardians. lAl.t CTOH’iS BALK.*—Will be sold at Appling, Co- J lumbia county, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, Two Negroes, vis: TOM, a boy about 11 years of age, and ELLEN, a girl about 2 years old. The above property is sold agreeable to thalast will and testament of Shadrack W. Gibson, late of said eounty, deceased. Terms on the day of sale. g. A. GIBSON. Ex’r. October 6,1852. * EX itrCUTORB’ h Al.l-,,—will be sold, before the Court House door in the town of CrawfordV! le, Taliaferro county, on the first Tuesday In DECEMBER next, within the lawful hours of sale, pursuant to the last will and tes tament of Francis Billingslea, late of said county, deceased, under an order from the Ordinary of said county, the fol lowing proirerty, to wit: The Tract of LAND whereon the deceased resided at the time of his death, containing Fifteen Hundred (1600) Acres, more or less, mostly under good fencing and cultivation, with a comfortable Dwelling House, Kitchen, Smoke House, Corn Crib, Gin House, and all other necessary out bouses. Also, another Tractof LAND in said county, known as the Mattox Place, containing Eight Hundred Acres, more or less, with a good two story frame Dwelling House, Kitchen, Gin House and Barn, Corn Crib, and all o her necessary out houses; about four hundred acres under good fencings. Also, oue other Tract, known as the Whatley Place, whereon James W. Billingslea now resides, contain! ig One Hundred and Thirty Acres, more or less, with a Dwelling House, and other out houses; about one hundred acres under fence. The Fifteen Hundred Acre Tract will be divided into lota to suit purchasers. Twelve month’s credit wII be given. Bonds with gopd Security will be required of pur chasers. FRANCIri A. BILLINGSLEA, LUCINDA BILLINGSLEA, October 6,1852. Qualified Ex’r. and Ex’x. I.' AhtTTOH'h BAI.K.—WiII be soul on the first JCj Tuesday in DHCEMBEK next, before the Court House door in the town of Covington, Newton county, within the iegal hours of sale, the following property, belonging to the estate ol Joel Colley, late of said county, deceased, to wit: One negro man by the name of Edmond, about 40 years old; Peter, a man about 87 years old; Frederick, a man about 36 years old; John, a man about 26 years old ; Charles, a boy about 18 years, old; Perry, a boy about 12 years old; Peggy, a woman (pregnant) about 88 years old; Pcrmtlia, a gir, about 10 years old; Judge, a boy about 6 years eld; Sidney, a boy about 4 years old; Ann, a girl about 2 yean old; Caroline, a woman atxrat 23 years old ; Tilitha, a woman about 21 years old, and her infant about 2 months old; Jacob, a boy about 5 years old. and Darnel, a boy about 2 years old. Sold under an order oi the Ordi nary Court of said county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms—Twelve months' credit. Notes and approved security. Property not delivered until terms of sale com plied with. FRANCK S. COLLEY, 1 ZACHARIAH C. GWATTNSY. j October 5,1852. L’YECITOIV* BALE.—WiII be sold, on the first ilf Tuesday in JANUARY next, before the Court House door in Appling, Columbia county, one Negro Man by the name of JOE, about 26 years of ags, belonging to the es tate of Thomas Willkins, deceased, late of said county. The above boy is sold according to t'o last will and testa ment of said deceased. Term* on day of sale. October 80, Igg. JAMES D. GREENE, Ex’r. rVt.A RDI A.Vg~BALE.— By virtue of an order of VI the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Apwtof connty, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the Court House door in the tosm of Hotoes viHe, Appling connty, Ga., one Lot of LAND, No. 429, In the 4th District of Appling county. Terms on the day of sale. - JOHN G. HIGH, Guardian. August 5.1552, r«t AROIAN'S BALK-— By virtue of an order jrom Vi the Bonorable the Court of Ordinaty of coun ty, wUI be,*old, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, within the legal hours of gale, before the Court House door in Lincolnton, in said country, the following property, to wit Foot NEC ROES, con-isting of women and Children, j belonging to Richard Jennings, minor of Charles Jennings, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit «l add minor. Term-on the day of tale. October 12,1853. JAlioo JENNINGS, Guardian. iVxkCLTUn’M HA Mi.—Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the Court House door in Warreoton, Warren county, a Tract or Fareel of LAND, containing Thirty Acres, more or less, joining H. C. Bacon, John F. Johnson and James Aastey. Theabove Land sold agreeable to the last wW andsestaroeatof Bte phen Grenade, late of Warren county, deceased, for the PUBLIC SALES. * EXEC. TOKS' HALE.—On the first Tuesday in j JANUARY next, win be sold, it the Cuttrt House 1 door in Waynesboro’, Burke county, al,ot of LAND in ! Burke county, lying on the waters of Brier Creek, bounded on the North and North-east by said Creek, North west by : lands of A J. Lawson, and on alt other sides by lands of * i J- Ward, containing Thirty Acres, more or less, belonging to the estate of Francis Ward, late of Bmke county, de- ) ceased. Sold in obedience to his win. ' JAMES WARD, I i October 10, ISM. G. A. WARD, j EI ”• EXECUTOR'S SALE.—By virtue of the last will and testament of Nathan Beall, deceased, will he sold, before the Court House door in Warrenton, Warren coun ty, on the first Tuasday in J ANUAKY next; the following • named NEG HOES, belonging to the ettaie of said deceased: NED, a man about if years old; GROG, a man about 2d years of age; CHARLOTTE, a woman about 24 years of 1 age, and her four children, PRISCILLA,9; CHANA, 7; GEORGE 9; and MARTHA, 8 years of age. Terms cash JONH U. BEALL, I _ . . October 18,1592. WM. M. LEWIS, f TNXECtTOR’S SALE.—WiII be sold, on the first LJ TUESDAY in January next, before the Court House door, in Uncolnton, Lincoln comity, within the legal hours of sale, agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Columbia county, the following tracts of land vis: One half of a tract of Land on the watera of Loyd’s Creek, containing five hundred and sventy-four (574) acres, more or loss, artjoining Tyler, Woods and others.. Also one half of a tract containing thiny (80) acres moreAlessou Loyd's Creek, known as Lamar’s old mill tract. H as the pro perty of A. Paschal, deceased, and for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms twelve mouths credit. . M. PASCHAL, I ~ , September 29,1592. L. G. STEED, ) x ™- IAXKOUTUR’S SALK.—WiTr"be~iioid' agreeabiylo Id an order of the Honorable the Ordinary of Newton county, before the Court House door in the town of Cov ington, Newton county, on the first Tuestlay in DE CEMBER next, between the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing Lots of LAND, belonging to the Estate of Richard Tumor, deceased, to-wit; Lot No. 29U, and part of Lot So. 299, in the first District of originally Walton now Newton county, containing Four Hundred Acres, more or less, well improved. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors I of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. BF.NJ. B. FREEMAN, 1 ~ , ROBERTSON H. TURNER, f fcx "• Sept. 9, 1892 l r-1 U AROIAN'S SALK.—WiII bo Sold, on the first YT Tuesday in DECEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, at the Court House door in Appling, Columbia county, in pursuance of an order of the Court of Ordina ry of said county, the interest of Sarah E. ami James O. P. Wiley, minors, being one undivided eighth part each, in 4911 Acres, more or less on the waters or Upton’s Creek, adjoining Reuben Winfrey and others, on which Wiley Wiley resided, and which was assigned to his widow, Nan cy 0. Wiley, now deceased, as dower. _ October 16,1852. ANDREW P. WILEY, Guardian. EXECUTOR’S SALK.—WiII bo sold on Wednesday, the Sth day of December next at the late residence of A.Taschal, deceased, all the perishable property of said deceased, consisting of Horses, Cuttle, Hogs it ml Sheep, all good stock and in good condition. Also, the on tire crop ofCorn Fodder, Ac.; two road and 2 twohorse Wagons, one Buggy, Farming Implements of various descriptuins, Blacksmith’s tools, and other articles usually found ott a farm. Also, many valuable Articles of household and unten sils usually found in a well supplied kitchen. Also, sold as the property of the above named deceased, and for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of sard do caased, on a credit of twetvo months. Sail to continue from day to day until all Is sold. M. PASCHAL, (~ , Sept 29,1652. L. G. STEED, ( tx rs- IAXKtXTOft’S SALK.—WiII be sold, on the first J TUESDAY in December next, before the *oolll*l House door, in Appling Columbia county, within the legal hours pf sale, agrcculjy tu an older of the Court of Ordinary of said county, the following valuable property, vis: One trait ofiand, lying on both sides «.f Little River, containing four hundred and fifty-nine (459) acres more or less, upon which is a good set of mills, Grist and Saw, Toll Bridge, a two story wood dwelling, a two story brick buildidg attached thereto, a two Btory Store House, Black smith’s Shop, Gin House and Packing Screw, good Stables, Negro Houses and all other out buildings necessary on a farm, all in good order, known us Raysvillc. Also, a tract of land known as the Lynn place, containing one hundred afad sixteen (110) acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Collins, Murray and others Sold as the property of A. Paschal, late of said county, and lor the bem fit of theheirs aud creditors of said deceased. Terms one half cash, and twelve months credit on the other half. M. PASCHAL, , September 29,1562. L. G. STEED, ( f-x ls - NOTICES TO DEBTORS'AND CRED ITORS. NOTICK.— All persons having demands against the es f ate of R. A. Gerrald, iato of Columbia county, de ceased, are hereby notifiedlto present their claims within the time prescribed by law ; and those indebted to said deceased, will make payment to _October2l, 1892. MARY E\ GERRALD, Ex’x. NOTICE —All persons indebted to the estule of Fre derick U. Smith, late of Richmond county, deceased, are requested to make immediaie payment; and those having demands against said estate, will present them, duly authenticated, in terms of the law. October 29, 1892, TH. 8. JONEB, Adm’r. "VTOTTCK.—AII persons indebted to the estate ofJona i-x than Palmer, lute of Richmond county, deceased, are notified to make payment; and all those huvingdc mands against the estate of said deceased, will present l hem to the Administrator, daly authenticated, within the time prescribed by taw. EDMOND PALMER,, I . , , October 9,1652. DAVID PALMER, f Adm r *- NOTICE.— All persons Indebted to the estate of Wil lium J. Freemun, it) to of Richmond county, deceased are hereby requited to make immediate payment; and’ those having dein&nds against said estate are requested ti. present them to me, duly authenticated, in terms of tin law. _ JOEL N. FREEMAN, Adm’r. NOTICE.— All persous indebted to the Estateof Robert Franks, late of Columbia county, deceased, are hereby required to make immediate payment; and all those having demands agatnßt said deceased’s estate, are hereby notified to present their claims to me, duly authen ticated, within the time prescribed by law. CAROLINE V. FRANKS, Adm’x. September 2S, 1852. NOTICE.— All persons indebted to theEstutoof Hare ret Neal, late of Warren county, deceased, arc re quested to make immediate payment; and those having-’ demands against said estate, will present them, duly au thenticated, within the time prescribed by law. September 21,1662. WIJ.LIAM M. NEAL, Adm’r. NOTICE.— All persons indebted to the estate of Ned Wilkison, late of Appling county, dee'd , are request ed to moke immediate payment; and those having de mands against said estate will present them, legally at tested, within the time prescribed by law. , NEIL T. WILKISON, Adm’r. September 21,1852. NOTICE.— All persons indebted to the Estate of Hem ry Pool, late of Warren county, decent d, are re quired to mako Immediate payment; and those having claims againsi said estate, are hereby notified to present them, duly authenticated, within the time prescribed In law. TILLMON N. POOL, Adm’r. Septembers, ISS2. ’ TWO MONTHS after date,‘application will he made to the Court of Ordinary of Llncoiffcounty, lor leave to sell the NEGROES belonging to the heirs of John Wil lingham, late of said county, deceased. Ootober 12,1852. SARAH WILLINGHAM, Guar. TWO MONTHS after date, application will he made to the Ordinary of Appling county, for lea vs to sell the LANDS belonging to the estate of Jamt-J -Lee, late of said county, deceased. SELLERS LEE, 1 . , , November 2,1892. JAMES LEE, f AUm ra - W MONTHS after date application wiiTbe madc to he Ordinary or Columbia county, for leave to sell the LANDS belonging to the estate of Benjamin Burrou.hs, deceased, late of Alabama. JAMES BURROUGHS, Adm'r. November 2,1852. TWO MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Ordinary of Forsyth county, for leave to.sell all the Real Estate of Lewis Chamblee, late of said county, deceased. JOHN CHAMBLEE, Adm’r. October 80,1852. SIXTY DAYS afterdate, application will be mails to tho Ordinary of Taliaferro county, for leave to Bell tbp Real Estate of Francis Billiugslcu, late of said county, deceased. FRANCIS A. BILLINttSLEA, LUCINDA BILLINUSLEA, October 8,1852. Qualified Ex’r. and Ex’x. SIXTY DAYS after date application wIU be made to the Ordinary of Warren county, for leave to sen the LAND belonging to the estate of Nathan Marsh, late of said*couuty, deceased. ALLEN MOTE, Adm’r. October 0,1852. TWO MONTHS after date application will be made to tiie Ordinary of Richmond county, for leave to sell the Real Estate and Personal Property of Jonathan Palmer, late of said county, deceased. EDMOND PALMER, 1 . . , DAVID PALMER, f A<lra **• October 5,1852. TWO MONTHS after "date, application will be made to the Ordinary of Richmond county, for leave to sell the Real Estate of William J. Freemun, late of said county, deceased. JOEL N. FREEMAN, Adm'r, October 5,1652. NOTICE. —Sixty days af.er "date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, for leave to sell the real and person il estate of Charles A. Crawford, decensed, late of Richmond county, for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. OSWELL E. CaSHIN, C. 8.0. R. C., Octoberl, 1852. Administrator. TWO MONTfib afterdate, application will bo made X to the Hon. Hubbard Barker, Ordinary of the county of Forsyth, for leave to sell the LAND and NEGROES be longing to the Estate of Charles Harris, late of said county, deceased. WILLIAM ROGERS, Adm’r. ' September 7, 1852. r p\VO MONTHS after dute, application wflF be made X to the Hon. Williams Gordon, Ordinary of the county of Whitfield, for leave to sell the Heal Estate belonging to Nathaniel Smith, lute of said county, deceased. JOHN CAIN, Ja, Adm’r.. de bonis non. September 7, 1852. TWO MONTH# after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary, of Elbert county, for leave to sell all the LANDS belonging to the estate of Elisabeth Satterwhitc, late of suid county, deceased. ZACHARIAH U. CLARK, Adm’r. September 15,1852. T'WO MONTHS after date, application will be made X to the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Columbia county, for leave to sell the Real Estate of William Lynn, late of said coanty, deceased. September 16,1852. A. M. CRAWFORD, Adm’r. TWO MONTH b after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Lincoln county, for leave to sella NEGRO WOMAN of Benjamin Graves, late of said county, deceased. ROBERT GRAVES, Adm’r. | SIXTY DAYb afterdate, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Burke county, for leave to Sell a Negro Man MOSES, about 85 years old, belonging to Charles Newnis, a free person of color. BENJAMIN D. HILL, Guardian. September 12,1852. * SIXTY HAY to afterdate, application will be madeto the Court cf Ordinary of Burke county, for leave to sell a Tract of LAND in Carrol county, belonging to An drew J. J. W. Allen,minor. WILLIAM NASWORTUY, Guardian. September 12,1852. r p\VO MONTHS afterdate, application will he made JL to the Ordinary Campbell county, for leave to sell the LANDS and NEGROES belonging to the Estate of John W. Carroll, late of said county, deceased. Bold for divis ion. JAMES H. CARROLL. Adm’r. September IT, 1552. T\VO MONTHS afterdate, application will be made to the Honorable the Ordinary of Warren county, for leave to sell tha LAND and NEGROES belonging to the Es tate of Henry Pool, late of said county, deceased. September 17,1862. TILLMON N. FOOL, Adm’r. ' r pWO MO Vf'li* after date, application will be made JL to the Ordinary of Wa/ren county, for leave to sell the LAND belonging to the Estate of Aquillah Jones, late of said county, deceased. September IT, 1862. TOLBERT JONES, Adm’r. TWO MOVi'IIS after date, application will be roach to the Ordinary of Elbert county, for icave to sell the LAND belonging to the minor children of Abner Adams, late efittid county, deceased. * RICHARD C. ADAMS, Guardian. September 28, 1852. fWO MONTH* afterdate, application will be niadf to the Ordinary of Elbert county, for leave to seU all the negroes belonging to tbe Estate of Abner Adams, de ceased. RICH A RD C. A DAMS. Adm’r. September 28,1852. TWO will be made to the Ordinary of Columbia county, for leave to sell the LANDS betongiug to the estate of William F. Johnston, late of said county, deceased. ELfAS SCOTT, Adm’r. September 28,1552, QIXTV DAYS after date, ajftlkatiou will be made to O the Ordinary of Columbia county, for leave to sell the Real Estate, (houss aud lot in Appling,) belonging to the estate of RisiurdJl. Jones, late of said county, deceased RICHARD R. HAJUUSON, Ex’r. GLENDIKNING ft CO’S MARBLE W OBfcrf* Broad street, Augusta, Georgia, H Where we nave on hand and will continue to keep a lafge sioek of both Italian and American Marble, for Monuments, Toombs, Head Stones, Ac., to which we res pectfully call the attention of those wanting wor|Hn our ine. We are now prepared to fill all orders ut shdh no tice, in as good style and ua low as work of the same quality can be furnished Wr from any establishment in the United States. PUa# and prices will be sent those who cannot call and exarone for themselves. P. S.—Orders from the country executed with neatness and despatch. 7 UNITED STATES HOTEL, AVGUSTA, GEORGIA rIK undesigned Saving leased this long estab- A» tished and well known HOTEL for a term of years. Ml would inform the public generally and the travelling com mun»ty particularly, that the above Hotel will be closed until about the first of November next, to enable the Pro prietor to thoroughly repair, and refurnish it with new and fashionable Furniture i and he trusts that his devotion to the comfort of all that may favor him with a visit, wlil in sure him in future, their patronage and good will. STAGE OFFICE. Hote* vis^ C C ” for ‘k* (Wlo * rlll B V 1 * c **i oJAheP 1 &t *M» Savannah, 1 Oglethorpe,™ JJ**°?i I Columbus, ofissr*’ TO BEET. A LARUE ROOM ia the Mas«i«»t of that Building ou the corner of Jackson awl Greene street* (opposite tbe Warehouse K.r/o.r,y osenpidd by Walker A Bryson, and more recently by Walker « Son, but at present by J. A toaree and M. P. Stovall) at present occupied by the Oglethorpe Infantry.- Apply at this office. «jj<hd<wtf ASf A OBU&UUi REBjDJSNCB, aitnated near the ' A. W. C.VBMICUALF. SSBB?SS mmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmm CITATIONS FOR LETTERS OF ADM I NIBTRATION. W YRhAv COUNTY, GEORGIA —Whereas,Joe 1 Hall applies fi r Letters of Guardianship for the per son, and property of the following minors; MaiyE. Hall, ; Sarah .. Hail, Lucy A. It. Hall, Jan,es W. Hall, and Elvira ’ M. Hail, all of said county— Thee are therefore to oite and admonish, all and singular, ; the kindred and friends c I said mbiors, to be and appear . at my uiHee witliin the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be j granted. Given under my hand at office in Warrenton. Ooto’Marßß,lß69. ARDEN R. MERSHON,Ordinary. * Taliaferro county, georhia M illlain Keed applies to me for letters of Administra tion on the estate of liurni.e Evans, minor, late of said county, deceased, (orphan of Joseph Evans, deceased)— These arc therefore to cite and admonish, ail and singular the klmjred and creditors of said deceased, to he and u, J pear at my office, within the time piesoilbed v law, to show cause, if any they havt, why said letters should not be grunted. 6 Given under my hand at office in Orawfordville. Octobar 27,,1852. QUINEA O’NEAL, Ordinary. COLUMBIA COUNTV, GUO Whereas, Elisabeth Young applies for Letters of Administration on tho estate of lies- klah Young, late of said county, dec’d.— These are therefore to cite and admonish, ail and singu lar, flu- kindred and creditors of said deeeased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cense, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at ofllce in Appling. October 20,1898. 8. CRAM FORD, Ordinary. pOLUMBIA COUNTY, GEO.—Whereas, NAth>,n vJ Id Bailey applies to me for Letiers of Guardlunshlp for the persons and property of Nathaniel Jones Bennett, and George Fierce Bennett, minor children of William Bennett, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and slngu gular, (he kindred and friends of said minors, to be aDd appear atmy office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if ary they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Appling, j Ootobdr 20,1852. S. OHAWFORD, Ordinary. RICH MONO COUNTY, UKOIUUA.-Wbsrns, Robert Z. \ allot ton applies for Letters of Adntlnistra tion on the Estate of Jane Vallotton, late of said county, deceased— ’ These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear lit my office, within the time prescribed bylaw, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grunted. Given under my hand at'office In Augusta. October 16,1852. LEON P. DUGAS, Ordinary. W| ■AHKIA COUNTY, GEORGlA,—Whereas, Jas. M. C. Cason, applies for letters of Administration on the Estate of Henry K, Fool, late of said couuty. de ceased— ’ These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to lie and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grunted. . Given undormy hand at office in Warrenton. „ ARDEN R. MERSHON, Ordinary. October 16,1892. Georgia, klbkkt county—court of ORDINARY, AUGUST TERM, 1652. On hearing the Pdition of Benjamin Bowie, which Is filed in ray office, (together with a copy of the bond men tom ,l therein,) stating that he holds the bond of Hmry Bourne, deceased, conditioned to ninko a good and lawful; title,to a t ouse iu tho town or Elberton, then occupied by «coiko James an a workshop, together with ten siepn of land around the back and end of said house. And that laid Henry Bourne departed this life without making said titles ; and praying the Court that Thomas J. Turman, hi? Administrator, be directed to make said titles in pursuance of said bond. Now, this is to give notice of mid application; and that the said Administrator, (if cause is not shown to the con •rarv') will, on the Orst Monday in December, Jss2» be di reetc l.to make titles to the said Bcryamin Bowie for said Lot in pursuanceof said bond, and according to the statute in such cases made and provided. Tho above is a true transcript from the Minutes of th e. Court of Ordinary of Elbert county. August 18,1852. WM. B. NELMS, Ordinary E. fj, CITATIONS FOR LETTERS sour. POUIMBU' GKO.—Whereas, Edward v-f M, Jones, Administrator on the estate ~t-J»i,.. i talc i>f said county, deceased, applies for LcflK Disunite’, ry on said estate— w These are therefore to cite and admonish, ail and s’. nßU lai.uic kindred and creditors of said deceased, tr i,J umi appear at my office, within the time prescribed ‘ b“ed.’ ,f any thuy have ’ W \ y *»« should not Given under my hand at office in Applinr _J”'V 1562. ffi Ordinary. ■» -r n « u ; appear at my office trinuuT °;,5* W deoe “ Bd , be and show cause if unV- , Jli “ the t *^ e prescribed by law, to be grunted. y they httTe ’ wh y Bai<l letters should nut Jilto l« Um my httnd Ht oflice ln Appling. - „ - ” v " a. ORAM FORD, Ordinary. ( j \y MIIIA COUNTY , GEO.—Whereas, Edward to- ’lJuiiuistrator on the-estateof Sarah R. ■ , ' ° r “W county, deceased, applies for Letters Dlsmissory on said estate— S„} h , e | 8e Jbcrcfore to cite and admonish, all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors or said deceased, to be Ad appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to be granted ’ if ‘hey have, why said letters should not Given under my-hand at office in Appling. ■' J "- lh -'-- 8. OKAWFOItO, Ordinary. rjOMfMBIA COUNTY, GEO-Wh«eas,“Edward > , , Jone /> Administrator on the estate of Prudence Jones, late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters Dis nn.'«o; y on said estate— 'l heae are therefore to cite ami ailinonish, all and singu* lar, tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be aud appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. to be'riMitetT’ ** they httVe » «aid letters should not 5 ,:iv ’to under my hand at office In Appling. • hll - v 19.1852. S. CRAWFORD, Ordinary, j » lEIIMONO COUNTY, GEOHGL4 —Whereas .-u.li, A - ‘ cmplctori, Administrator on the estate of Willbim Templeton,deceased, applies for letters of dismis sion rrom said estute: These are therefore to cits and admonish, all and singular, the Inndxed and creditors of said deceased*!? be and appeal at my Office, within the time prewcrlbed by ilk, to show cause,, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. J ’ Given under ray hand at office in Augusta. _ Ai o IM. LEON 1». DUGAS, Ordinary. A V/U™ rOtWTV,' liliOlUilA.-W heroas Wil £l Imm J. Millcox, Administrator on the Estute of Tbos Wllleox, late of suid county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dinmixsion from said Administration- Th»i«e are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu lar. the kindred and creditors of aaiddeceaßed, to be and ap pear at my office, within thd time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, said letters should notba granted. Given undor my hand at office In Holmesvllle. June 29,1862. JOHN TJLLMAN,Ordinary. nOLUSoft COUNTY, GEO.—Whereas,"Hlenry to Willis Gerald, Administrator on the Estato of Early Gerald, late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters of dismisrlon from said estate: There ore therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu lar, tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, tu show cause, if any they have, why eaid lettors should not be grunted. Given under my haud at oflice In Appling. July J,J5.V2. S. CRAWFORD; Ordinary. I >IGHMO.MICOI NTY,t;KOK(;t V—WhereasTDan 1U icl Morrison, Guardian for Catharine Morrison, (now of age), Mary Frances Morrison, (now M. F. Skinner), and Isabella Morrison, (now I. Harrington), applies for letters of l-liualssion from said Guurdiuushlp— j These are therefore tociteuududiuonish,allandsingfaa-% J the kindred and creditors of said minors, to he and appear * at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause If any Urey have, why said letters should not be granted. ’ Given undor my hand at office in Augusta. _Muy 7,1862. LEON I>. DUGAS, Ordinary. Richmond county . Georgia.—whlreiis, Ilenry D. Greenwood and E. B. Gresham, Administra tors on the estate of Jane H. Anderson, late of said oounty, doceasod, apply to me for Letters Dismissory on said es tate— These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of suld deceased, to be and Ttppea* at my office, within tho time prescribed by law, to show cause, if auy they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office In Augusta. June 19,1659. LEON I’. DUGAS, Ordinary. COLUMBIA COUNTY, (jKonUlX'^-WbartM. A. M. Crawford, Executor on the Estate of Mrs. Mar tha Moore, late of suld county, deceuscd, applies for Letter* Dismissory, on said estate— These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu lar, the kipdred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by luw, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given tinder my hand at office in Appling. July 22,1862. 8. CRAWFORD, Ordinary. f TOLU Mill A COUNTY, G KORGIA,-W he re us", A. V..- M. Crawford, Aitmlnlstrator on the Estate of Willis Bird, late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters Dis mi- „ory on said Estute— Those are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to hr and appear at my oflice, within the lime prescribed by Is w tr show cause, if any they have, why said letters sUould'not be granted. Given under my hand at office In Appling. Aiigust JL CRAWFOJU), Ordinary WAHRKN COUNTY, GEOHGiA.-Wbereir7. M. Kully, Administrator on the estate of fiese Kite}, ens, late of said county, deoeased, npplles for Letters Dis uilssory on eaid estate— Those are therefore to cite, summon and adrsonbh, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said decensed, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by saw, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at offleetn Warrenton. July 21, 1h92. ARDEN B. MERSHON, Ordinary. CSIJNTY, GEORGlA.—Whereas, Msd to non Hudson und William M. Dobbs apply to me for Letters of Administration on tne Estate of David 0. Wil lis, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to clto and admonish,all and singu lar, the kindred and credit,*, 0 f said deceased, to be ini Spltear at my office, within the time preecrlbed by law, to show cause, if any they have, wjiy said letters should, not be granted. Given under my hand at office In Elberton. . U ss WILLIAM D. NELMS, Ordinary. - September 15,1892. , 3 T »TcffftOA«rcbUNTtf, GKOlUMA^wiwntu, I.U Augustine 8. Hill, Administrator on the Lvtatc ol Lucy M. Pearson, late of said county, deceased, applies for Let ters Dismissory on said estate— These are therefore to cite and aOmonleh, all and singu lar, tin-kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed bylaw, lo show cause, if any they hive, why skid letters should not be panted. Given under my hand at office in Augusta. • September U, 1 .AH,Ordinary. GAUDS, CARDS. COTTON, MOOb, Jim-Grow anj Horse Cards of the above celebrated stamps, are of unequalled quality, and wherever introduced take the place of all others. Tiny are manufactured jn our new unproved machinery, and inch pair la warranted In every respect. Our inferior cards, the common “ Whitcmore” stamp, are ofthe usually well known quality. Sold l.y the Hardware house* In all thd cities, and eonntry Merchants, and to the trade by the Manufacturers. JOS. 11. SARGENT, myldwlyw 24 Cliff otrett,New York. IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS. qsHF. HK HMOAD FACTORY conthiues to maun. 1 facture WDOLI.FN CLOTH, for Negro Clothing, at lUX cents per yard, famishing every material except the wool. Those wishing to avail, themselves of this opportu nity to secure for their Negroes a superior article of Win • U r Clothing, have only to wash the wool in cold water, and send It to me. , The Factory Is provided with a Burr Machine, and the Burrs will be extracted free of expense.. On hand and for sale, OBN ABURUS, STRIPES and Geor gia I’l.AINg, at low prices. 4 ■"Ttt JOHN C. CARMICHAEL. CHARLESTON ADVERTISEMENT. CLOTHING. PIKHSOA A .IH.WI.NGB 'Wholesale Clothing Warehouse, No. 86 Nome street Charleston,/So. Ou. Wli BEG leave to call the attention of Merchants and 1*“®“ *»<* desirable stock of UKABY MADE CLOTHING. We have now on hsnd : Such as Blue Flushing, Bine Pilot, Blanket, Petweham, Lyun Skin, Clouded Casituew and other styles of OVER COATS; Paletot., Backs and fancy business Coat*, made of Mack, colored, mixed and clouded Cloths; BEAVER CLOTHS, Devonshire KERSEYS, TWEEDS of every quali ty—alth a large unit of PANTS. VKSTO,CLOAKS, Dress- , ing GOWNS, SHIRTS, COLLAKS.DKAWEKS, Ac., Ac.—aO ' made in the best manner. Our price* are unifortoaly low, and we challenge a com parison with any other House in the Untied States. Par Ucular attention will be paid to all orders sent to ua; and we solicit them from Merchants not coming on. They may rely upon our giving autbfaction and tilling (heir orders promptly. PIERSON A JKNNINOS, . , 104 Broadway, New York, slfi-tAwUm and 26 Hayoe streets, Charleston, 8. 8. AT HEAD QUARTERS, 203 VICTORIA RANGE CALL AND SEE. MV STOCK being now complete, I can offer to the public as large an assortment as any other House in the United States, comprising every article in the Uphol stery Line, such as CORNICES; Curtain Stuffs; Rich MUSLINS; BANDS; PINS, Ac. .My Stock o: French Papers is worth examining, com prising the latest patterns, gold borders to euit. No need of further comment. Please call and examine. Great reduction j n prices of SHADES, some of the new est patterns on hand, and new Stock by tttry Steamer, tar* A large discount to Dealers. 08-wtHht _ f, DUPONT. FIXE WATCHES* CLOCKS JEWELRY AND SILVER AND PLATED GOODS. QL. TBUMaS W. Fit ICEMAN at hi a old Qi WATOM^SS W»; foil setts GERMAN JEWELRY, In boxes; tj.nl breast Pun., Fur Rings, Pencils, Spectacles, Fob, Vest and Guard ..uealam. j Buckles, Armlets, htodallima, Ac. 4 BI.LV tifi ANO PLATED WARBL 1 Spoona, Fork*, Tea Candieaticto, he. 1 bdtvhased all my Goods for