Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, March 09, 1853, Image 4

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CIIIiOMCLE 4 SENTINEL] C-rrtepondence if the Commercial Adetrtitar 1 rOHBIUJI INTBM.IUKNCB, ( By the ilumbuUt. Londo* Ftb. IS.—The Milan insurrection ha* J terminate I precisely in the manner expected, end , Lombardy i» in oonsequeoce under heavier tyran ny than ever. The city ia again placed in e at ate OTaieira. amt at other town* the inhabitants have ‘ apparently been pnniahed fur partiol disturbances, t by the inflictions ot heavy contribution*. The ' number of iivee bet eannut have tu-en much lct-s « than ••no hundred, and the probability i* tiiat it va> much greater. The insurgents were armed wtth nothing but atilettoa, but they never theless ah-wed extraordinary during, aince they , al.Bi. ed to gain posaaaeiou of the citadel, and , anccrc.le.t in entering one of the outer yarda.— , bey acre soon, however, eurrouuded, and abont , fifty were Vi led. Meanwhile attempts were made c la three different quarter/ to erect bnrricadea, hot ( t eaparkof auccoea waa wanting tiiat might have f caurod a general riaing, and the whole affair in a few houra waa entirely o»er. . It ia alleged that Maura. Saffl and Piatrnoet, two , number* of the former repnb'loen government at Soma, want frotm London to Swuaeriend to bo . aeedy to join tbo atruagla. Manlr.l, alao It U os* •erted by aome, took tni name oourac bat hia more- , taonte appear to tiavo boon leu marked. At the Kune time it it alleged by bit meat intimate trienda Lore, that although the reoent coll to insurrection ms issued with Ida signature, he waa only re- . •ponaible for ttieact in the sumo way at the head , of any other body of persons ia rneponsibie for tbo , deotaiona of a majority by witom he baa been over- ( ruled ; that for nine months peat bis effort* have been ceualeealy directed to prevent any outbreak at present, but that hie followers were all determi ned on an opposite oouree, and that he hadj no ehoiee but to abandon them or to consent to car ry out their wiehee. "llis general character end the logieal power he bu always evinced would seem to render this the ' more probable explanation ot en act that would otherwise seem one of rookies* madness. By tbe overland mail, accounts have been re ceived ot tbe nominal termination of the Burmeso war, in the annexation of the Province of Pegu ; l,.it inasmuch ua the King has shown no disposi tion to enter into any treaty or communication what ever, the probability i* tiiat ho will still resist and by an attack on the occupying troops draw upon him-elf an invasion ot his capital ot Ava and his ultimate deposition. Occasionally in tho United Flats- this war seems to |be quoted as another In stance of the spirit ot the British Government in dispossessing the Indian ralers of their territory; but it is hard to see, so long as hostilities ere to be toloratnd stall as a means of obtaining redross for tiotional wrong*, what other course was open to thorn. The Burmese Government indicted wanton in jury upon British subjects, for which redress was demanded in a form of moderation adopted ex pressly from the desire of the Indian Government to avoid provoking a repetition of the costly cam paign experienced in the same country about 20 years ago, end in which success could leal to no thing but an increase of responsibility and incon venience. This demand, although it only amount ed to a few hundred doliara, was treated witli en tire contempt, no notice whatever being taken of St. Every request for a communication with the authorities wsa refused, aud nothing remained but to establish a blockade. This was equally fruitless, and when at length a vessel advanced to insist upon negotiations being coumienucd, it was tired at from the Burmese batteries and obliged to abstain from further approach. War was then declared, with the notification, however, that it should cease at any time when the king would pay the original demand, with the expon-es incurred each day by the expedition. Stilt, from first to last, not the slightest offer wan made to enter into any terms, and the question ia, what other resource was open, according to the present opinion of the duties of nations in snch matters, butto proceed in the work of subjugation, and when that work waa aecom pliaho'i; if the king atill rofusod to treat, what oould then remain hut to hold hia territory 1 Moreover the fall strength of tbe ceao doc* not even rest bore. Upon the advance of tho British troope it waatound that tho population everywhere welcomed them *a deliverers ; that they gave them Information of the moat important kind, which in one osse had a decisive effect in the success of the general operations; that they clustered in the neighborhood of Ibe army and claimed its protec tion from the revenge that awaited them, for ti csu proceedings from their native maetera. The lute that would have fallen upon them if tho country had afterward* been abandoned, waa perfectly well known; and in instances whore no sufficient force could be detached for the promotion ot certain towns and villages, the Burmese troops returned and visited them with tiro and sword. Under those cireumatariccs it would bo scarcely itoseible to con ceive greater cruolty than that of giving up the territory, while the inaasuie would alao havu ap- n red fatal aa an act of policy, aince in no future ian wars could tho population, »ftor snch an example,oveu be expected to aide with the British forces. An important trial ha* been dooided dnring the last few days against Mr. Hudson, who lias been ordered to make a restitution of some of hia guins improperly obtained during tho railway munis. Tho precise sum he will huvotogive up la not known, oecauas an aooount has to lie prepared, but it has been stated at fitly thousand pounuasterling. This however, is an exaggeration, although probably when oost, Ac., oome to bo taken into account, tho amount will very nearly reach tiiat point. It ia also believed that thore are furtliorcusea, of a like nature, which tho present verdict will probably induoe other parties to bring against him. 11c can atitl appeal to the llottto of Loros, but wliothor he will an so is uncertain, Tho expenso will not deter hitn, aa ho ia believed to have made acverul hundred thousand pounds by recent speculations jo iron and other articles, but tiie legal points of tho esse oro behoved by professional moil to be so cloar as to leave no chance of the judgment being net aside; and his adviser* may, thoreioro. perhaps dissuade hi in from the costly task of having a ascend seal stamped upon hia career. In Parliament tbo proceedings hitherto have been unimportant. An onslaught was threatened last night by Mr. Disraeli against Sir Chnrlos WooJ, tiie president of tho Board of Control, for a mo-t improper speech lately made by him to hia Constituents, in which, forgetful of hia position aa a Cabinet Minister, be assailed the conduct of Louis Napoleon. Sir Charles, however, on ac count of illness was not in his place, and an ex plaru'tion waa volunteered on hia behalf by Lord John iluasell, who also road a letter from him pro testing, after the usual fashion in such matters, that ho had uo intention to say any tiling person ally offensive and tiiat tie regretted that his speech could have been ao interpreted. In the House of Lords the Karl of Aberdeen made a similar apol ogy for him, and stated incidentally that tbo moat satisfactory relations existed with the French Go vernment. it lias been announced that there is to bo no fur ther increase in the aoa or land forces, although tho navy estimates, wliioh are to be discussed on tho 18 th inst., will show an inoreuso tor the pre sent year ot four million pounds. This, however, la chiefly on account of the now arrangements which iiave boon introduced to render tuo exist ing service more effective. Tho English funus nave experienced but little variation, but the gold ships still keep out, while coin on tho othor hand continues to bo sent to AuatralV*. This causes a constant doolino in tbo Bank bullion and a goneral dullness. A notice, issued to-day, however, of a rod notion in the rate of Interest oil Exchequer bills to ouo pouny por cent, per day, lias given firmness to oonsols, and they have closed at 99? f, being an advanco of a quarter percent, upon the prices by the last packet. Tolegraphio intelligence lias been rocoived this evening or tiie loss of tho Victoria, ono Os the Dub in atunmors. The captain and 100 persons are JsJlagvd to have been drowned, while 45 only were saved. In liidiaforvbo last 8 years silver has been tho oul.Y legal touder, but the Government were aootis tooisd to receive gold moherrs when tendered in liajmsnt of duties. Apprehensive, however, of lie effects of the gold discoveries, thoy have now rofttsod to continue this practice. The conse quence will be, by putting gold out of circulation in tiiat pan of the world, to iucross* the supply on tins side, as well as the demand lor silver, and thus to hasten whatever ohnngea may bo impend ing iu the relations of the preuious metals. Smotator. Franor.-—The opening of the legislative bodies took pi aoa on the 14th ult. The members of tiie Senate and Legislative corps, and other offloinls, proceeded to the Tuilaries, where tho Emperor, ao campstued by the Empress, addressed them in the Following speech : Senators and DeputiesA year si use I oailed you together in tbie place to inaugurate the Con stitution promulgated in virtue of the powers which tiie people had conferred ou me. Since that period tranquility has not been disturbed. Tho law, in resuming its sway, has allowed tho return to their homes of the majority of the uien who were nude the subbjoot of ueceeary severity. Tho riches of the nation have increased to eaeh a point tiiat that poition of the floating capital, the vuiao of which can be estimated, amounts to abont two milliards. The activity of labor develops* itself in every branch of industry. Tiie same progress is being realized in Africa, where our army has just distinguished itself by heroic successes. The form of the Uovonnout lias been changed, without any sliock, by the free suf frages of tue poople. Orest works nave been un dertaken without the creation of any new tax, and without a loan. Peace hat been metutained with out servility. Ail the Powers have recognized tho new government. France bus uow institutions which can defend themselves, and the stability of which do not depend on the life of one man. These results have not cost great efforts because the? were iu the minds aud for the interest of all. To those who would doubt their importance. I will reply that soaroely fourteen months ago. Franco waade.bvered up totha hazards of anarchy. To those wi.'O niay regret that a wl»or field has not beeu give.n to liberty, 1 will reply, that liberty has never sided in founding a durable political edifice; it crowns it wi'en it has been consolidated by time. Let us, besides, .not forget that tbe immense ma jority of the countr v has confidence in tho prKscnt and foith in tho future': there still remaiu incorri gible individuals, who, fo'rgeUhl of their own expe rience, of their post terror.*, and of their disqp poiutuienta, obstinately persis.* in paying uo atten tion to the national will, deny ti.o reality of facts, and in the midst of a sea which every any grows uiore and more calm, cell for tempests in which tbsv would be the first to be swallowed up. These occult proceedings of the different parties serve no purpose butto show their weakness, aud the government, instead of being disturbed at tiiem. onlv thinks of governing France and trsu auilizing Europe. For this double object it has tiie firm determination to diminish expenses and armament, and to dovots to useful pnrpo-es all the resource* of the couutry, to koep up witli good faith international relations, iu order to prove to the moet incredulous that when France expressod her formal Intention to remain at peace it may be believed, for alia is strong enough not to deceive anv one. Vou will sea, gentlemen, by the budget which will be presented to yon, that our financial posi tion has never been Utter for the last twenty years, and that the public revenue lisa increased bevond all anticipation. Nevertheless, the effec tive force of the army, already reduced by thirty thousand men in the course of last voar, is about to be immediately reduood by twenty thousand more. . The majority of the laws which will be present ed to you will not go beyond necessary exigencies, and tiiat is tiie most favorable indication of our Situation. The people are happy when govern ment* do not find it uoccssary to resort to extraor dinary measures. ... Let os, therefore, thank Providence for the vis ible protection which it has accorded to our ef fort* ; let us pars*.'vers iu this course of firmness an 1 moderationJwhicb reassures without irritating, which leads to good without viclenOc'atul »o pre vents all re-actiou. Let Uii always reckon on God and on ourselves, a* on the mutual support whichwe owe to ourselves, and let ua bo proud to see in so abort a time this great oonntry pacified, prosper ous at home, and honored abroad. We imagine the speech will have a good effect in Europe, and especially in England, so far as it coc gerns tbe jealously entertained ot the possible de signs of the Emperor. From its toue one would judge t list hr spoke with sincerity when he declared that tL'e Empire was peace. The e&’amination ot the parties alleged to be in correspondence with foreign journals through which they assailed the character of the Empress, was in pr-igress. La Patrie, oftha' 14th ult., says that the most fhvorable reports have been received from the de partment*. The exposition of the state of the finance* had produued eveiy vfihcre the beet effect. Affairs were encouraging in all i.he manufacturing districts,and the agricultural prosp'ecU were ex ceedingly good. The Preeae, In Its weekly commercial bulletin, states that tiie export trade, which had greatly , fallen off lately, ia reviving. Extensive orders for articles of Paris manufacture bave.ittars, been , reoei ved from the United States and Braxi f. Tta or»w of the New Orleans ship tbe Globe, I Whteb entered tbe port of Havre on Saturday, I Febrmarr lfith, rose in revolt against the mete, I Jfc. Hardy, wd gprsrasdsd la aMarit hia with 1 marlin spike*. Ha aeiaed one of those vpike* to d-sfind himself. When the frsv was at its height, M L iborde, a master tailor of Havre, who had gone ou board to solicit orders, interposed. Bnt just at that moment, Mr. Hardy, in yarding off a blow, bad the misfortune to strike the tradesman on the head. The unfortunate man fell, and ex pired almost instantaneously. Medical men was sent for, but all they oonld do was to order the body to be conveyed to the deceased’* residence. Mr. Hardy waa arrested, and lodged in jail. Italv. —Tbe insurrection at Milan had been en tirely soppremod. The severity of tbe measure* taken »gaio»t the city indicate That tbe outbreak wa*ofan important character. Radetzky has is sued the following preclemation: TO TBE INIIA BITANTS 0V THE LOMBARDO-VENETIAN KINGDOM. In the evening of the 6th a gang of malefactor*, armed wi’ii 'logger/, attacked isolated offie rs and soldier* with murderous intent, killing 10, and more or less dangerously wounding 64. Filled i with the deepest disgust at that most abominable of I crimes—hired assassination—l am necessitated to employ severe measures against the city of Milan, and therefore ordain— 1. The city ia to bo placed in the most rigorous date of siegs, which, with all its consequences, will be maintained with the very greatest severity. 8. All euapiatoua tUangan te be dlx mined from the cl tv. k Tbe city of MUsra hpi to pnovSe fcr tiy muta te r>a nee of the wounded as long as they Eve, as also for the families of the killed. 4. Until the riDgleeder* and instigator* of tbe crime which ha* been committed are delivered np, tbe city of Mi an will have to pay the extraordina ry expenses attendant on the unusual exertions of the garrison; from this contribution, however, *uch individuals as are notoriously attached to jovernment—^whatever class of society they may oelong to—are exempt. I reserve to myself to snbject the city of Milan to such further punishment as the result of the in vestigation to be begun shall »how to be deserved. To cairn the fears of the public, it is made known th*t no disorder has taken place in any other part of the kingdom. Verona, Feb. 9, 1858. Some of tho Italian papers contain e report of an alleged outbreak at Monza, a towp of eight thousand four hundred inhabitants, twenty-four miles from Milan. A body of insurgents, it is said, attempted at first to surprise the garrison of the castle, while another attacked the vice regal palace on the i’iazza del Duomo. A heavy firo wi.s opened by the troop* upon tho assailants, which forced them to retire. Their stilettos were chiefly directed against the officers, several of whom were killed or wouDded. In opposition to this, the offi cial bulletins of tiie Austrian authorities state that nowhere except at Milan was the pnblic tranquili ty disturbed. A letter dated Milan, tbe 10th inst., state* that M. Crivelli, one of tiie chiof* of the insurrection, had been arrested, but that no other leader had been taken. It was paid tiiat amongst the prison ers made were English, Swiss and Piedmontese. Tiie Vienna Gazette only states on this subject that some of the seditious are Swiss, and adds that the government had established a military cordon along the margin of tho canton of Ticino. Tiie Piedmontese Gazette of the l«th nit. has the following: In consequence ofthe manifesto signed in the name of the Italian committee, by Joseph Mazzini and Aurclio Safli, which has come in time to the knowledge of his Majesty's government, it has giv en the necessary orders for tiie arrest of any per son attempting to leave tiie Royal Stutcs for the adjoining ones, in order to join the movement* provoked by sucii manifestoes. Moreover, after proper inquiries, it ha* this day decreed the immediate expulsion ot thoso fewerni grants, who have abused tiie hospitality they have enjoyod. At the same time, it has directed nil re fugees without distinction, dwelling in the fron tier province*, exceptthoae who have obtained em ployment under government, shall be sent into tlio interior. India.—The Presidency of Madras is made np of 20 collectorates, and contain* upward of 22 millions of inhabitants. It yields a revenue of, say, £8,779, - 229, which is thus spent: Army £2,524,f165 Murine 12,250 Civil and political 851,608 Judiciul and police 837,432 Mints 10,023 Post, office 43,390 Public works 14,919 Iu the year 1850, to which these figures belong, Madras, therefore, after paying its own charges, contributed a surplus to tho general government of India of iionrlv half a million sterling. China.—Tlio following is from Ilong Kong pa pers of December 27 : It is stated tiiat Su, upward* of a month ego, (November 18.) routed a band of tho insurgents at Bcung-tum in Ha-nan, and took upward* offonr hundred prisoners, amongst them the leader of tbe band and his counsellor. Yell, Su’s suocosHor in Govornor Generalship, has alsobeon successfully carrying out tho plans of his predecessor in Kwangtnng, having captured “several lon* of rebel*” near the Mauling Puss; and if the rest have thereupon dispersed, the ser vice is more important, ns regards trade, than Su’s more brilliant achievements, for tlio Molding Pass is tho grout gate of traffic of tlio provinco.— Os late, there have certainly been fewer complaints of its being interrupted. Another less ploasing symptom of the imperial Bucces.sc*, is tiie great number of recent executions at Canton, some of tiie victims being persons of some consideration. From another source we have intelligence which wo suppose has reference to un earlier date than tlio events above recorded. According to it “bodies of insurgents havo ap proached within four leagues of Chang-sha Fu, the capital of Ilu-nan, slid established themselves in various positions calculated to intercept supplies, if tho troops in tho city itself cannot relievo them selves. Cnang-sim Fu lies on the River Siang, one of the affluents of the Yang taz’ Itiaiig through tho Tnng-ting Lake, And on tlio southern edge of u extending over Eastern China. It is tho residence of tlio Fu-yucn (Governor) of Ilu-nan, and a city of considerable importance as the entrepot of tho trade of the river Siang. It was hero tiiat tho festival of raving dragon-boats on tlio filth day of tho fifth moon originated, about, fiv* hundred years B. C-, ou tho drowning of Kiuli Yuen; so that it is one of the oldest cities iutho South of China. Thoro was a report in Canton that tho insur gents had environed Chang-sha, laying tboir plans so well that the garrison began to lose heart, and from tlio skill ill etratogy displayed, bolioved that some foreigners were in league with tho insur gents. Tim poople, though in some alarm about tho late oftliat city, (till put confidence in Su’s do ing something, as a place in the cabinet may re word his success. Tho following is anothor, but by no mean* very clear account of tho oxeitemont at Amoy in refer ence to the shipment of coolies, already mention ed iu our columns:— Messrs. Sytne, Muir and Co., and Messrs, Tait and Co., ltave boon exclusively engaged in procur ing cooitea for Havana and elsewhere, themselves receiving, and paying their sub-agents so much for eacti man. But tlio Chinese brokers or compradors omployed by them in the business, having got into the worst odor with their countrymen for the unscrupulous moans taken to proonre coolies, and being accused of kidnapping, the Chinese magistrates apprehend ed Mr. Syme s comprador, convicted anil punished him, | und refused to give him up on Mr. Byrne's application, which, however, when backed by tho consul, wus afterwards acceded to. It appears tiiat Mr. Byrne and those who accom panied him hud beeu assailed by tiie people of the magistracy, or whilo ou their way, and a body of marines from tiie Salamander was sent for; but as tho comprador, or broker, had not thon been given up by tho magistrate, with whom Mr. Syme’s party had left him, the sorviees of the marines were not required, and they returned to the ship. The clamor, however, was renewed after the bro ker had been, on the requirement of the eon«u( handed over to Mr. Sytne; for then the people wer< so vehement, thata deputation of the elders inform ed the consul, that if the brokor were retained by Mr. Synio, they oould ,uot bo rosponßiblo lor the peace of the city. On this the consul and Mr. Byme hold anothor consultation, which resulted in the brokor being given up, notto tlio magistrate, but to the infuri ated people. (It waa originally added that both Mr. byme’sand Mr.Tait'sb okerswere put to death by tlio mob, but tho report lias since been do med.) At what precise period the marines were sent tor ascoond time doe* not distinctly appear, but it wu* in consoquonco of a representation that Mr. Syme’s premises had been attacked. Not finding the people inclined to disperse on requirement of n forco, which they may havo thought had no right to be there at ail, the marines fired overhead, and this having been answered by a volley of stone*, they knelt down and fircci amongst the crowd, whom they afterwards chased, killing, it is said, ten and wounding about twouty parsons. The marines still keop watch on shore, but that lias not prevented tho people using their tongues to assail the object* of their hatred with such cries os “Como forth, you kidnapping slave dealers, tiiat we may take your tiger hearts out, aud sleep in your skins t” U. M.’s Plenipotentiary has to day sent Mr. Harvey, tho secretary to the snperin tendeney in tiie Hermes to Amoy, charged “strict ly to investigate the oanses of tho late disturbances thore.” The result of tlio inquiry, which was privately conducted, ha* not been officially pub lished. Tho China Mail annonnooe the death of the Queen of Siam. “ All’s H ell.” Twelve o’clock et night, and all's well I” Folse prophet! Still and statue-like, at yonder window, stands the wile. The clock has told tho small hours; yet her face is pressedciosoly against tho window-pane, striving in vain, with straining eye, to pierce the darkness. She sees nothing ; she hears nothing—bnt the beating of her own heart. Now she takes tier scat; opens a small Bi ble, nnd seeks from it whatcomfortsho may, while tears blister the pages. Then she clasps her hand, and her lips are tremulous with mate supplication: there is an unsteady’ step in tho hall; she Inotos it) Matty a time and oft it had trod on her very heart strings. She ghdea down gently to meet tne wan derer. He falls heavily against Iter; and, in maud lin tones, pronounccs’a name he had long sinco forgotten “to honor." Oh! all enduring power o! woman's love! —no reproach, no upbraiding—tiie light arm passed around that reeling figure (once creot in “ God’s own image.”) TYitb tender words of entreaty, which lie is powerless to resist, if he would, she leads him iu. It is bet a repetition ot a thouca nd such vigils! It is the performance of a vow with the heroism and patient endurance too common, and overy day to bo chronicled on earth; too ho'y and heavenly to pass unnoticed by the “ registering angol above 1" “ All's well!" False prophet!—in yonder luxurious room sits one whoseet-rwit waste bo fairosadresmof Eden. Time was, when those clear eyes looked lovingly into s mother's face—when a groy-haired father laid his trembling hand, with a blessing, on that sunny head—when, brothers’ and sister’s voices blended with her own, in heart-music around the happy hearth. Oh! when are they note f Are there uono to say to the repenting Magdalen : “ Neither do I condemn thee—go, and sin no more!” Must the gilded fetter continue to bind th» soul that loathes it, because man is less merci ful than (Jod t " All’s wri!." False prophet!—’There lies tho dead orphan. In all the length and bread'h of the green earth there was found no sheltering nest where that lonely dove could fold its wing, when the parentbirds had flown. The brooding wing wu gone, that cover ed it from tho coid winds of neglect and nnkind uoas. Lute was iu life, and so—it drooped! “ All’s welL" False prophet!—Sin waiks the earth in purple aud fine linen; honest poverty, with tear bedewod face, hungers and shivers, and thirsts, “ while the publican stands afar off!” The widow pleads iu vain to the ermined judge for “justice,"and tin punished of Heescen, the human ligei eronchea iu his iair and springs upon his helpless prey. “ All's well!" Ah, yes, all is well: for He who “ seeth tiie end from the beginning” holds tmly the scale of jus tice. “ Dices shall vet beg <f Lanrue." Every hu man tear is counted. They shall jet sparkle as gems in the crown of tho patient and enduring dis ciple! When the clear broad light of eternity shines upon life's crooked paths, wo shall see the snares and pitfalls from which our hedge if thorns has fenced n* iu 1 and, in the maturity of our full grown taith, we shall auttingif aav—" Father! not as 1 will, but as Thou wilt !”—F annt Faux. Satxd from Drownino *t a Doo.—On the 24th nit., a boy six yes!'* old, son of A. L. Stiver, pro- Srietor of the Heath House, Schooley’s Mountain, '. J., while sliding on a fish-pond, a short dietunce fr-om tbe house, fall in. His faithful dog sat by Liia gj;d tried to pull him out, and in doing ao pulled Bis iigt and mittens off. Fortunately, how ey«r, the howling of th* dog attract eu th« atten tion of Eeveral men, but before they eould approach the drowsing boy, they wore compelled to secure lb* dog, Th# Wf yraa fleeted to *«« ;»ei te aav* U* Ufa. COMMERCIAL. Foreign Markets. (Extracts of letters by the Hnraboldt.) I.tVKEPOOL, Ftb. 13— CotU,n.— On Saturdsy last oar mart: t c-.utirmvd en the tarn- quiet tut stead j state no ticed si the close ot Fri ay but yesterday morning, upon receipt U the tumps a advice. It begun to swum a very gli-uuy and despondent aspect, for many holders, alarmed by t :t unprecedeulel amount of the receipts if Cotton ad vised at tne Amvr.cen port/, began to press rake, whilst sp-.nnere and speculator» held aloof. In the sxp-ctstion of still lower pritvs. Buyers ccm*-qarDi!y found themselves abundant:} supplied, and In the current -uuUtiei ot Arne rtcea, readily obtained a d cline of per lb. from the sales current on Fri tsy T -St. To day the market has son-exlmt recovered from tbe derreasinnof yesterday, less inciiuati-n has beeu evineed to pres* soles, and oeyond this iflteru'jon are miy able to pnrehare at about 1-10*1. per lb. lower ou l mericatr th uu ol fuesday last, but at which the msrxet it freely supplied. The sales for the three days are estimated at— Bpee. k Acieri- B ilei lijp’t. cun. Braxil. Egypt Surat. Saturday.... 7,(00 3,">0 bJ/«) J'?o s/Vr 3”0 Monday,.... 4.'00 GO BJ.OO ltd *"0 100 iuesday.... 5,G00 1,000 4J/O 2i>i 150 100 Imports for the sun- t>m - are ..heut 9,0c0 bales. raids to-sat. Fair. Middling. Ordinary. New Orleans 6«d. 6\d. 4d ©SJfd. Mobile, 41-i Gd. 6}(d. 4d.<£s3id- -l«d. 611-ltd. 4d.ssd laersktat little doing In th* Macsbettw market, and a’Uangh prices cannot be quoted lower, they art In fever of buyer j, mors particularly for Tarns. The recant ad vance in our oo u market ho* tended to check business, and at tc-day’s market there was curtly a retail demand for all articles at ike quotations at last Friday.—Waisar, Sax dtA Co. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 15.—Tbe laics of cctton to-day are >s timuted at 6dVO bale*, and consb tof about 400* American, UO Feroamand Maranbam, ai6)id. to 7d.; 100 Bahia, at 6)(d. to GXd.; SvO curat, at B*u. to 4d.; 40 8. Iriand at Xod. to 2s. 6d. The market closed heavy for all but solid American st 6J£d. upwards. Compared with Friday's rates, prices of American under s\d. $ lb. are Kd. 9 down, hurst is steady, and ail other kinds little affected. MANCHESTER, Feb. 15 —The advices from the U. States which came to hand on Sunday, by the Europe, wil, have prepared all partiesfor sduil and failing market in Man chester goods. The market at Liverpool this morning had given way, according to a telegraphicannnuncementontheExchangv, to the extent of 1-16 1., and our yarn market baa yielded in sympathy with it, but to a much greater extent. There is, however, a good uemt (t irregularity. 1 here are many epinnera having large order* which will keep their machine: y going lor weeks to come, at prices contracted for when the market was firmer, and these turn s deaf ear to all proposals for lower rates. In 2G‘s water twist the decline is i(d. upon neariy all qualities; in BJ's :ind4i>'» mule, prices are fed. to Kd. lower in all except best qualities. In tome css«t buyers report adecbceof }4d. and oiherr Xd. lb. Then-vices by tbe overland mail from Bombay and Calcutta are less favorable than for seme time past as regarJa yarn 9, and this, no doubt, bos helped lo depreciate prices here. Buyers, however, look ft r s still further decline, asd but a limited business has beeu done iu any description of cot ton twist. In cloth, ako, the tendency of pi ices is down ward, but manufacturers have succeeded better than spin ners in holding late quotations, though at a consi lerable sacrifice o! besinecs. In prints and situ tings prices have been sustained owing to the scar ity of stocks, and we hear of no quotable giving way in cloths; but both home trade and exporters have abstained lo a great extent from ope rating, ai d the business is of a limited character. HAVRE, Feb. 14, Monday morning.—The total sales in our Colton market, lost week, were 6500 bales, of which BobO New Orleans and Mobile, en delivery against 28,8b0 Imports—making our slock 81,500 bales, against 48,000 last year, prices remained tiie same, but wi'bin the last tnr, e days, great dullness prevailed in transactions. On Saturday, the sales were 6tO bales, at drooping pri ce*. The intelligence Irom Liverpool having been of a dull character, the market closed flat, and a reaction in prices is now looked for. The ship Caspian from Charleston, to this port with a cargo of Cotton, went on shore near Tor bay, Brixliam. We understand that about Goo,ooof ore in sured here. Tosimt 15th.—The numboldt steamer in leavingyester day our port, grounded at the eutrstnee by want of water, but came afloat without damage. A telegraphic dispatch from Liverpool, received yester day at It o’clock, announcing the arrival of the Europa steamer, a large increase in tiie recepts of cotton and low er prices in all ports, rendered our market exceedingly flat, and the total sales of cotton did not reach 500 hales. Holders are now anxious to realize, and there is no doubt that prices will go downward. A decline of If. took place yesterday. The Junius arrived from Charleston with 2,095 bales. The cargo of the Caspian, on Bhore near Torbay, will be saved. The insurances effected here amount to 900,000 fr. —Comnurtial AdveriUer. BAVANNAII, March 4.— Cotton— Arrived since the 24th ult., 7,829 bales Uplands (8,044 per Kailroad, 2,104 from Augusta and landings on the river, 2,081 via Darien, and 60 per wagons, boats, Ac.,) and 782 do. Sea Islands. The exports for the same period amount to 5,867 bales Upland,224 do. Sea Islands, via: to Sew-Y0rk,8,822 bales Upland and 185 do. Bea Island; to Philadelphia, 788 bales Uplandi to Boston 5t 2 do. Uplan i; to Baltimore 702 bales Upland ; and to Charleston 58 bales Upland ana 89 do. Sea Island—leaving on hand and on shipboard not cleared, & stock of r 5,816 bales Upland and 8,842 do. Sea Islands, against 59,444 bales Upland and 4,062 do. Sea Islands at the same time last year. Our last report closed with a dull and quiet market and there has been but a moderate demand at any time during the week. We had no later news from Eur* pe till Wednes day evening, when the steamer Humboldt arrived with two days later intelligence, bat th s report did not affect prices hrre yesterday. The sales of the week amount to but 4,836 bale*, \iz: on Friday 388, on Saturday 1015, on Monday 755, on Tuesday 924, on Wednesday 1086, and yesterday 608 bales. The market doses quiet at the fol lowing quotations, which are nearly the same as those of last week: Inferior ® QflH Ordinary to Good Ordinary 7#<B>B# Middling to Good Middling 9 @9# Middling Fair Fair to Fully Fair *. 10 %(& The sales of the week amount to 4, c 36 bales, at the fol lowing particulars: 7at 6,18 at G#, 76 at o#, 108 at 7, 13 at 7#, 23 at 7*. 14 at 7%, 191 at 7#, 46 at 7#, 459 at 8, 74 at B#, 117 at B#, 95 at B#, Bat at 8%, 876 at 9,10 at 9 1-16.197 at 9#, at 9#, 386 at 9%, 507 at 9#, 132 at ,90 at 9#, 199 at 10, uud 45 at 10# cents. Sea Inland*—' There has been an active demand for the better kinds during the past week, which has been freely me* by sellers. It is very difficult to sell the poorer quali ties. The sales of the week font up 850 bales, at a very full range of prices as follows: 87 at 30, 6at 82, 19 at Bi, 222 at 80@35, 10 at 35,118 at80@36,197 at 27@42, 15) at B('@42, sat 43, and 82 at 8*(&45o. Receipts of the week, 782 bales. Export! for the B«me time, 2x4 bales. Jlxce —The safes of the week amount to upwards of 700 casks, at prices ranging from sß#(&f4 1? 100 lbs. Exports of the week, 768 casks, about equally divided between for eign and coastwise ports. Flour— The market has been rather dull during the past week. Wc hear of small sales during the week at ss#® $5« $ bbl. for Baltimore brands. Bacon —Tinge has been no demand. The market is well supplied. quote Shoulders at Sides at 9(j£ 10, and iiatns at 13(&14c. lb. 5M Corn. —The demand continues moderate at 60®G5c. $1 bushel. It is retailing from store at 70@75c. $ bushel. Out*— Wo quote at 6i'@ssc. bushel, aceord.ng to quality. Ilay— We hear of sales of Northern to some extent, from wharf, at $1.31 V@l.37#; also sale* of Eastern, from wharf, at $1.50 luO lb*. The latter quality is retailing from store at $1.75 hundred. Molanaes. —The market is well supplied, and wc hear of pales from wharf, in lots, at 19c. We have no large sales of New-Orleans to report. Suit—' There has been considerable accession to the stock of this article since our last report, five cargoes having been received. There have been sales to some extent, in lots, at 9o@sl V sack. At the close of our report 9Uc. was ask ed, but could not be obtained. Bagging and Hop*— There is nothing doing in either of these articles. Freight*— To Liverpool continue very dull at 7-16 d. $ lb. Coastwise : We quote to Boston #c. for Cotton and to New York, 7-IG@#, to Philadelphia and Baltimore #c. for cot ton. Exchange— Sterling is quoted at 9# @9# # cent - pre * mium. Domestic —The Banks are selling Sight Checks on all Northern cities at# per ct. prem.; and purchasing Sight Bills at par; 80 day bills at #@l# sct dis.; 6l) day bills I#@l# $ ct. dis.; 90 day Bills I#@2 $ cent. dis. CHARLESTON, March 4.— Cutton-AWitn we eloped our inquiries preparatory to our report of the 25th ult., the market wore a decidedly languid and drooping appearance. Tiie supply was large, and many of our holders exhibited a good deal of anxiety to sell, in c rdcr to bring their stock m*ro under their control, hence the depression in prices. Middling Fair at the close of the week was valued at 9ft© J*hC. The week under review opened with a moderately fair demand, and the transactions of Friday—the first day —reached nearly 1800 bales, with the above quotations forming the basis of operations. The transactions during the two subsequent business days were light, but the mar ket so far as prices were conceined exhibited no fea ture. A very heavy business was done in the artie’e on Tuesday, and during the excitement that prevailed through out the day, holders obta n d a decided advantage over purchasers. The transactions fell off materially on Wed nesday, but the market fully sustained the position it occu pied at the close of business on the previous day. A good inquiry prevailed yesterday, accompanied with rather large sales, with perhaps a little additional stringency in the terms obtained by holders. In prices we have still to no tice great irregularity, and much discrepancy in the views of different parties. Under existing circumstances, there fore, we find It difficult to arrange a list of quotations with any accuracy. Those we offer below, it will be seen, are all of ft ©ftc. sbere the rates given in our report of the 25th ult. The receipts of »he week comprise 15,470 bales and the sales 12,610 bales, at the following prices, vis: C 4 bales at 6ft, 10 at 6ft, 92 at 7, 90 at 7,**,229 «t 7*, 204 at 7*, 1068 at 7ft, fo2 at 7ft. 885 at 8,7 uat Bft, 120 at B*, 84 at Sft, 492 at 8)*, 91 at Bft, 494 at Bft, 47 at 386 at 9ft, 8b at9B-16, 557 at 9*, 406 at 9?*, 2423 at 9#, Bt»9at9K, 1141 atlJ*,loooat 9ft, 1800*t io,76at 101-16, 492 at 10ft, 83 at 10ft, and 40 bales at lOftc. We quote Inferior —; Ordinary to Good Ordinary 7ft©Sft: Mid dling to Good Middling 9©9ft ; Middling Fair 9ft©llc.; Fair and Fully Fair— © —,and Choice —. The active de mand for Long Cotton existing at the close of the previous week has continued throughout the one just brought to a close, at somewhat Aimer prices, which show an advance of l©2c. on the rates current a fortuight since. The sales of the week reach fully 1000 bales at from 82©88c. for In ferior to good Florida*; 85©42c for common to good San tee* and Mains; 45©60c. and upwards for Middling fine to very Fine and extra Island Cotton. Rke —There was quite an active demand for most quali ties of this article. The sales were made I extremes rang ing from 3ft©s4ft $ hundred, as in quality, but by far the largest portion of the transactions were within the range of Bft©s3ft $ hundred. The receipts comprise 4951 tcs.. which have been sold. Cam— The receipts since our hut cemprise 9500 sacks N. Carolina, a portion of which is very common. Good Corn commands from Cs©6Sc. $ bushel. (A/to—The receipts this wetk comprise 1500 bushels Ma ryland, which came to a dealer. Pea* —The last sale was made at $1 $ bushel,for export. Flour—' The transactions this week, which have been limited, have been confined principally to Baltimore brands, at ssft©sft. The supply is light, and towards the clese of the week holders were asking sft©ssft $ bbl. Bacon —The transactions have been limited, aud prices towards the close of business, showed a positive deriirje. We quote Sides nominally at 9ft © 10c.; Shoulders from 8 ©Sft ; and Hams fiom 7©lsc. Lard— The market is largely supplied, but holders can not §e 1 unless at very low price?. Salt— We have had quite a heavy accession to ottr stock of bait, the receipts sin e our last having reached upwards of 20,000 sacks. The market opened at 95 and 90c., and closed yest- rday at S 5 and 80c. sack. Bagging and Bop*— Gunny Cloth and Rope remain the same as previously reported. Whiskey —borne 550 bbls. N. O. Whiskey have been re ceived by recent arrivals, apart of which has been sold at 28ftc. Sugar— The Sugar market has been in a state of com plete stagnation during the week just brought to a close, norhing having transpired worthy of particular notice. Cvjfee— Some 4000 bags Rio have been received direct, within a few days ; none of which, so far as we have been able to learn, has yet been sold. Several lots, however, from store, have changed hands during the week at prices ranging from 9ft©9ftc.,a< in quality. Mitaw —The receipts since our Ust comprise near SOO bbls. New-Orleans, and a cargo of Cuba, c nsisting of 105 hhds. and 11 tcs. A portion of the former has been sold at 81 ©Bl ftc. gallon. The latter having changed hinds atl9ftc. Stock* —The market on the whole has be*n rather quiet this week; some sales, however, have been made, which we proceed to notice. Charlestons ave been selling at sll9 ©ll Sft for the old: State Bank as high as sllO ; and K. Roa'‘» have reached 120©$) 20ft share; and South Carolina Insurance at 2Sft©s29 sbare. Ktchange— Chtckson the North ft $ ct. premium. Freight* —The current rate to Liverpool during the week was std. for cotton in square bags; the tonnage has, how ever, necn materially increased within a few days. We quote to Havre 1 ftc. for upland in square bag*, and lft for S. I. cot’on. The coastwise rates hare advanced to 7-16 c. to New-York, and ftc. to Boston for cotton. Georgia, khhmond ©ocxty.—in Rich mond SUPERIOR COURT. &&iuh Allen ) vs. VBill for Discovery, Relief, Ac. Jons W. Allen. 1 It appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff In the above case, th«t the Defendant was cot to be found so as to effect service upon him. On motion of Complainant, ordered, that the Defendant appearand plead to sajd cause, on or before the first day c/ the next term of this Court; and that service of this pro ceeding on the Defendant be effected by publication of this order,- nee a month for four months in one of the public Gaiettes of this city. A true Extract irom Minutes of Superior Court cf Janu ary Term, 1553. February 24,1558. 09WELL E- CASHIN, Clerk. LUTHER ROLL, CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, IV mior THE AUGUSTA HOTEL, HAB OX UAXD a general assortment of VEHICLES, of all descriptions, such as CARRIAGES, ROCKA WAYS, BCGGIEi*, Ac., Ac , «*hich he will sell very low for cash or approved paper. Please call and examine my stock. —ALSO On hand an assortment of ROCK AW AYS and BUGGIES of his own make. He will a!«o buUJ to order. —ALSO A general assortment of HARNESS, which will be dis posed of low. VEHICLES and HARNESS REPAIRED at short notice, very low. __ febll-twAwtf COACH AND HARNESS MATERIALS. OX HAND, a full assortment of COACH AND EAR* NESS MATERIALS, such as Axles, Spring?, Bands, Lamps, Bolts, Laces, Haines, Leather of all kinds and de scriptions, Patent and Enamelled Cloths, Ac , by v 1 LUTHER ROLL, febll-twAwtf near the Augusta Hold. NOTICE. LOST or mislaid, two promissory NOTES for twenty-five dollars each, dated about the last of December, ISsl— —by Ephraim C. Peebles, principal, and Howel Peebles, security, payable to William Thompson, or bearer, and doe the first of January, ISM. I forewarn all persons from trading for said nstes, and the makers thereof from paving them to any person except myself. febS-wlm WILLIAM THOMPSON, Bm'r. Cyoorw ItflAGLAtib OK GttLATlXfc. A / vary snpsrior artlcia for Jellica, Blano Mange, k. A trmh lot last reseJved, and wtS be sold vary low by jnalt WM. H, IWT, Druggist DRY GOODS. _ XOUBHIHQ ~GOOLS. QKOWDCIV A SHEAR bare from New O York, a full ref ply of Lupin’* best l*&dc BOMBA- , ZINTiI, some of whi- h ver y fice. Lupin’* plain Black CUALLYB, of beantifnl ?*yles. , B.acx ALPACAS and Black CANTON CLOTHS. Superior rngiist. PRIMS and GLNGIIAiIS, of beautiful style* for foil troareir g. Ladies' M< urning COLLARS. Plain £Uck Crap* and Clark Lore VEILS. Wide English Black OKA PE?, tor Mourning Yells. K&niiJfes or individuals wishing these article*, are re spectfully invited to can and examine the assomatiu. feb9-dtyAw RICH SIIK3. St’PEKIOn rich Pigur*r>l Brocade STLKS; Plain Leary ; Champion POUtT DaLOli.; a large aMartme&t of j Plan* Black BU.KS; E'ch Plaid ami Striped SILKS. For gale very low by til*> WM. ff. CRANE. U2JDEES3ED ELEACHED feXOWDKN A Ml if A U HATE received from New York, extra 4-4 Bleached uUMTINOf, perfectly otwr •*- h, and a very fow* rior fabric lor LaUita* and GentL mens' wear. Theput'.as are respectfully requested to call and fhp article janl-dtwAw FURTHER SUPPLIES—JCEW GOODS. TTTLUAM 11. CRANE hat raoetved, by tha last v ▼ Steamers from New York— Rich Printed French DkLANKS; Mazarine Bine Yelvet Ottoman '•HKS; Rich Lust red Black GKO DaRUINE; Fine GiNGHIiMS; small F.tnxrcd PRINTS: 11-4. 12-4 fine Bleached SHEETING; Childrens’Striped and Tartan Worsted HOSE; Drab MOREEN, and a variety of other Goods. dl2 ■ MANTILLAS AKD PARISIAN cloaks TUBTreceived, new MANTI LLAS and Parisian CLOA KS O of entirely new styirs and very beautiful. The La dies are respectfully invited to call and see them at fSO-tUhr WM. H. CRANE’S, No. 242, Broad-St. FANCY GOODS. TALKING about ne**, handsome and cheap Dress and Fancy Goods for Ladies wear, we can assure the pub lic it would be to their advantage to visit CAEO & BLA£* COER. 812 Broad Street, where they will find the most tasty and well assorted Stock in the city. It embraces almost any article yon can call fur in the way of STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, SMALL NOTIONS, SHOEB, £c. # Ac., which they offer for sale low enough to suit purchasers, ap23-d&wly DRY GOODS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 202 and 276 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. COSGROVE dt IIHU.WAN havertxived an exten sive supply of rich and beautiful GOODS, in additicn otheir Fall and Winter supply, which they now offer for sale, at both their Stores, at exceedingly low prices. ' —AMOSQ THEIB STOCK WILL BK FOCSD— A large assortment of Black, Plain and Colored SILKS; Black and Colored Silk VELVETS; Black and White Watered SILKS; French and English MERINO.', a great variety; Black and Colured ALPACAS and BOMBAZINES: . Printed MERINOS; DaLANES; CALICOES, and GING HAMS ; White and Colored Crape SHAWLS, at all prices; Rich Embroidered Crap# SHAWLS: lung and square Woollen SHAWLS; A large variety of Black and Colored Silk MANTILLAS; Some beautiful shades in Cloth, suitable fo r do.; Velvet TRIMMINGS ;*GIMPS ami FRINGES, a large supply; French and English Black CLOTH; Jaconet and Swiss TRIMMINGS; COLLARS and UN DERBLEEVES; RIBBONS, a great variety; Black Colored Kid GLOVES, all price*; Silk, Woollen and Cotton HOSIERY, a large supply; Black and Col’d DOESKIN; CASsiMLRE and TWEEDS. 0. & B. solicits particular attention to their extensive •apply of fine bed ami Negro BLANKETS. A large supply of KERSEYS; OSNABURGB, and Brown SHIRTINGS, which they will sell at Factory prices. Planters would find it to their interest to call at either of their Stores before making their purchases. dls BILX AND MERINO UNDER ALEXANDER A WKIIjHi' have-received a com plete assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen’s sup. silk and Merino UNDER VESTS, to which they invite atten FRENCH EMBROIDERIES. FINE French Worked OHIMIZETT COLLARS, with SLEEVES to match; A large assortment of Needle Worked COLLARS, very cheap; Embroidered Muslin SLEEVES, a great variety; Jaconet and Swiss EDGINGS and INSERTING?. For sale by dl2 WM. 11. CRANE. LADIES FHEACII ULOTII*.—A few pieces Ladle* CLOTHS, mode colors—a beautiful article for Cloaks and Mantillas. Received by RICH SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. ALEXANDER A H IIIDHT have just received a great variety of new and rich SILKS, of the latest styles. Also, rich D’LAJNES and CASHMERES, MERI NOS, BOMBAZINES, ALPACAS, GINGHAMS; French, English and American PRINTS, Ac., Ac., to whicli they invite attention. 01-d&w NEGRO CLOTHS. ALEXANDER «t WUIHIIT invite th# attention of Planters to their Stock of NEGRO CLOTHS, consist ing of Schley’s Georgia PLAINS, and Augusta Manufac turing Company’s Heavy WOOLLENS, which they offer at Factory prices. sIT-d&w DAMASK DIAPERS AND LINENS. ALEX ANDER A WRIGHT inviteattentionto their Stock of Superior Damask Table DIAPERS and CLOTHS; Damask NAPKINS and DOYLIES: Scotch, Huckaback and Birds Eye DIAPERS and TOWELS; CRASH and DOYLIES; Superior Irish LINENS and HOL LANDS; Pillow-case LINENS; Embossed, Worsted and Cotton Table COVERS; Superior Piano COVERS; togeth er with a complete assortment of GOODS in their line, which they offer at low prices. olfi-d&w MANTILLA, DRESS AND GENERALDRY GOODS STORE, Comer Kotlock and Broad Streets. DINNING A SINNOTT will open,This Day, a gene eral assortment of DRY GOODS, for the Fall and Winter trade, consisting, In part, of Printed CASHMERES; “ DkLAINES ; Plain Do., all colors; Black and Colored SILKS; EMBROIDERIES,of all kinds; GLOVES, “ RIBBONS; FLOWERS; SHAWLS and SCARFS; HANDKERCHIEFS; Black Lace VEILS; TRIMMINGS, Ac., Ac. —ALSO— Some beautiful new designs in Satin and Silk BONNETS; Tuskin and Straw BONNETS; CAPS; MANTILLAS, Ac., to which they respectfully solicit the attention of the La dies. 014 BLANKETS, ALEIAUDEH A WHIhIIT have received a Urge assortment of heavy 8-4 and 0-4 Negro BLANKETS. Abo, 10-4,11-4 and 12-4 superior Bed BLANKETS, which they offer at low prices. d j4|f FOR THE WEST INDIA ISLANDS & CHAGRES BT I'ME liIUTIaH IIOVAL MAIL STEAMSHIP con Way, Capt. B*o Tons Burthen. THIS STEAMSHIP is designed to sail from Savannah, Georgia, on the 4th De cember next, and game day of each following month, for Chagres, touching at Nassau, N. P., Inagua, (with the Turk’s Island mails,) and Jamaica. She will be due at Chugrcs on the 14th of each month, and return on the 18th, by same route, to Savannah. As this service contemplates arrangements only for a limited number of passengers, persons who desire to avoid crowded boats, will find the route a desirable on* • and in valids, who wish to spend the Winter among the W«st India Islands, may find conveyance in the Company’s Steam ships, twice a month, between Jamaica and the following ports, in addition to those named above: Antigua, Guadaloupe, St. Kitts, Barbadoes, Havana, St. Lucia, Carriacon, Honduras, St. Thomas, Carthagena, Jacmcl. St. Vincent, Demarara, Martinique, Santa Martha, Dominica, Montserrat, Tampico, Grenada, Nevis, Tobago, Grey Town, Porto Rico, Trinidad, Vera Cru*. THE RATES OF PAS3AQ* ASi: From Savannah to Nassau, S3O ** “ Inagua, 00 “ *• Jamaica, 80 “ u Ohagres, 00 (Including Steward’s fees,) and in proportion to the other Jslacds. Each Ship carries an experienced burgeon. i Freight and specie conveyed on the usual terms*. For engagements, apply to ANDREW LOW A CO., n7-wflm Agents. Savannah. PARTNERSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED, who have long been c&u necied with the CARRIAGE BUSINESS of the late H. 8. Hoadlt, have this day formed a Partnership under the style and firm of WYMAN A HARROW, for continu ing the business at the came store. G. N. WYMAN, Augusta, Oo*. lit, 1801. J. HARROW. We have on hand, and are reoeiving, an assor CARRIAGES, ROCKAWaYB, BUGGIES, HARNESS and TRUNKS. Orders received for building various styles of vehicles. We respectfully solicit a share of patronage. Oct. I*t, 1801. dSAwflmo* WYMAN A DARRO TO DYSPEPTICS. USE PLANETT’B BITTERS, AND YOU WILL BE CURED. FOR Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Heartburn, Indiges tion, Flatulency, and the various diseases arising from a derangement of the nervous system. No remedy has ever yet been discovered, which exerts so powerful an influence as PLANRTT’S BITTERS. They restore tone io the stomach, impart a fine appetite, promote a healthy diges tion, and remove all depression from the nlnd, as well as body. They are exceedingly pleasant to the taste. For sale by WM. U. TUTT, Sole Agent in Augusta. fehHWAwlmo WM. H. TUTT, DRUGGIST, HAS just received a fresh supply of Eng. Calomel, Blue Mass, Vallett’s Mass, Quinine, lodine, Hyd. Potassa, Morphine, Strychnin**, Piperine, Lumar Caustic, Valeri anate of Quinine, Saliciue, lodide of 'ulphur, Proto. lod. Mercury, hub. Nitrate of Bismuth. Together with a com plete sU*ck of English, French and American Chemicals, to which the attention of Physicians is solicited. feblGdAwlmo. GEORGIA SARSAPARILLA. A PURE AND UNADULTERATED ARTICLE, PREPARED BT J. DENNIS, M. D., AUGUSTA, GA., TIM)R DISEASES of the Liver, and to purify the Blood.—- r For saie in Augusta by Wm. 11. A J. Turpin, Havi land, Risley A Co., D. B. Plumb A Co , W. K. Kitchen, B:*r rett A Carter, P. A. Moise, W’. 11. Tutt, and Wm. Haines; in riambur?, 8. C., by A. J. Creighton; Covington, Usher, Anderson A Co., and by Druggist generally. Those ordering this article from Druggists, or Commission Merchants, should express in their orders, Dennis' Gear gia Sarsaparilla. nov 8 HOTEL FOR SALE. THE HOTKLjn this place, known as “ WASH- /Tk INGTON HALL,” is offered for sale. It hassix- JgR teen sleeping apartments, a large dining and two reception rooms, every necessary outbuilding, one of the largest and best gardens in the State, with a fine water lot for paster age attached. This valuable property will be sold on rea sonable terms, and in view of the facts that It is the only Hotel in the place, and our Rail Road will be completed in a few months, it presents extraordinary inducements to any one wishing to engage in thakbusiness. Apply to JOHN H. DYSON. Washington, Ga., July 23,1552. jySl OCTOBER 28, 1842. CLARK dc CO., (late Clark, Rackett A C 0.,) opposite the Rail Road Bank, have cow in Store, complete atocksof all kinds of WATCHES; JEWELRY ; Silver and Plated WARE ; CLOCKS ; Pocket and Table CUTLERY; GUNS; PISTOLS, Ac., with a general assortment of FAN• CY GOODS. They offer to the Trade, Country Merchants, and Deal ers generally, a good supply of GLASS; SPRINGS ; MA TERIALS and TOOLS, of every description. 031 WHL R. TTJTT, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, and Proprietor oj THE PECTORAL ELIXIR AND COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. Augusta Georgia a OFFERS for sale at extremely low prices, 10,(XH) lbs. superior WHiTE LEAD; VS *SO galls. English Linseed OIL; AA 1,500 lbs. PUTTY 250 boxes Windsor GLASS; 8,000 lbs. No. 1 POTASH ; 50 dox. Planett’s Dyspeptic BITTERS; 150 gross MATCHES: 800 lbs. Gum CAMPHOR; • 1800 Ibs.INDIGO; 1500 lbs. MADDER; 8000 lbs. COPPERAS; 5 bbIs.GLUE; 10 “ ALUM; 10 “ Epsom SALTS; Dr. Janes’MEDICINES; McMunn’s ELIXIR OF OPIUM; A splendid assortment of Surgical INSTRUMENTS; 5 gro. Mexican Mustang LINIMENT; 6<> dosen superior Lemon SYRUP: CHEMICALS, PEP.FLMERY. Ac., Ac. dIS-dAw JUST OPEHED, HEW FUEJimJKE WABEEOOH TH ANKFUL for the liberal patron age *e have heretofore receive.: from the citizens of Augusta and its vi- . deity, the subscribers would respectful ly announce that they have taken the large Iron front Store, under the Augusta Hotel, where they intend carrying on the above bosjuas exclusively, and will keep on h;ind the latest styles of FURNITURE, and from the best manu ar teries at the North, we are receiving by arrivals, and shall use our efforts to keep an assorto* :nt on hand and in store, Mahogany and Walnut Sofas, Tufted Chairs, rideboards. Tables, Bureaus, Withstands, Work Tables, Toiiet do., Mahogany, Maple, Cane aad Rush Seat Chairs, of various qualities; Bedheads, llaUrasaes, Window shades. Ac. HENRY A SKINNER. N. B.—Furniture made to order and repairing done with despatch. jan£s-Utf EAGLE A FHCEHIX HOTEL. AUGUSTA. lease and furniture for sale. The SUBSCRIBER, wishing to retire, offers f?r sale j a valuable LEASE AND FURNITURE, of about fifty large Rooms. This Establishment being on Brcad-st., immediately In front of the new Passenger Depot of the S.C. Railroad, ard nearest Hotel to Passengers Depot now building of Waynes boro’ Railroad, presents to a company or competent person a most desirable investment. J. RICKMAN. fcbß3-dlAwtw COFFKK.hNM bags new e rop Rio Coffee, in Store and fsreale by M BRMURR A HGLLINGBWORTH. PHILADELPHIA CARDS. TBCXXS, C/LIPET BAGS ASH SADDLERY. JAMES F. BK OWN. Wit les le and Retail Manu facturer, No. 4« Sooth Foe: th street, Philadelphia. feb» WHI IX ft VAHSYCXELS, IMPORTER? ill Dealer, ia WIRES AND LIQUORS, ! No. IJ4 North Social a*t, j M. L. HALLOWELL A CO., IIIPORTfiRS of SILKS AND F&SGT GOODS, Fbß»- 1 deiphia. No. 1,-. !1 .rfcel Mrvet. jail L. lljlJj.rsLL, JillC* TILIQCAI*, J. t. HIU,.(W» LL, A. W. Lin'UC, T. W UntHtSi s. C. HABKH2SS & BOX, TrnOLWALK extort!l t.K.», lij Mnrket .treet V V South of f ouii;., Si.ii;tiWtvhi.. C'Eirrja Hamjiesj. Joeti H. iUßCitss. iar T-e usual Cr.lit gtren. A liberal iiiM-tunt for eaalu junll KOCHS ft CASEHOK S CARISfET W ARKBOOM, No. 161 South Secoad-it., tf*iioor» ahuv? Spruee*tr«t, Phili elhhia. Aa extuuire uortmett cf CAillNi.T WARE alvaj. oa hand. j.all WXjujoTon Encaa. | Jaa Bcicsxa. BOTCEEH ft RRftl'HETl COMMISSION MERCHANTS,and DeafcrsinPßO DUC£ AND PROVISIONS, No. 112Horth Praotitnet, PhUadalphia. ' r* Hams, Side, and Shouidera, Pork, Bee*. Lard, I BuUtr, Lhtuie, Hour, Lard Oil, Adamantine Candler, Ac_ *«• jaall EAKCEOIT, BEAYEB ft CO., TV r HOI.P>AI.E DHV GOODS, No. IC3 Market-it. »T Philadelphia. janll A. T. LANE ft SO., WHOLESALE CLOTaiEHS, No. 171 MarkeUL, * V Phhadelphia. janll WILLIAMSON, TAYLOB ft CO., WBOU»ALE DEA LLitS in Forti,rn and Domestic . . DRY GOODS, No. 73 Market street, between Second and Third .treets, Philadelphia. M. WiLLtajcsoK, T. A. Tstloe, O. H. WasOT, S. M. Asdkksok, H. C. Pottsb. janll WILCOCK, EOGEHS ft FRALEY, TM PORT EES, Manufacturers anl Wholesale Dealer. J. in STRAW BONNETS AND HATS, No. I South Third street, below Market, Philadelphia. Constan’ly on hand, a large assortment of Straw and Fancy Bonnets, Panama, Leghorn and Palm-Leaf Hats; Straw Trimmings, and Artificial Flowers. Caps and Fur Goods of all desci iptions. Janll Wm. WtLOoct, Gao. H. Rijckks, Tnos. F. iaat.LT. TTEhrPTrR ft EENZLE, IMPORTERS and Manufacturers of FRINGES GIMPS BUTTONS, and LADIES’ DREtS TRIM MINGS, No. 81 South Fourth * treet, Philadelphia. Silk and Cotton Fringes, Gimps, Glass and Velret Dress Coat,and Met !Bu tons, Zephyr Worsted, Purse Twist, Laces Fans, Tapes, Hosiery, and Steel Goods of all kinds. Al.O, English and German snail Wares .n general, jail J. HUES ft SON, Tf7HOLEBAI,E Manufacturers of Ladies’ and Gentle s T mens’fine BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 37 South Fourth street, Philadelphia. janll SCHAFFER, ROBERTS ft CO-, IMPORTER* and Wholesale Dealers in HOSIERY, GLOVES, BUTTONS, TRIMMINGS, LOOKING GLASS ES, COMBS, BRUSHES and FANCY GOODS, No. IS7 Mar ket street, Between Fourth and Fifth, North side, Pniladel* pbia, janll OtoItGR SCHAFFEB, SAMUEL HCSTOK, Glcjkuk li. Roßur.is, Makshall A. Junes. BROWN, HILL ft CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS for Sale of WORST ED, WOOLEN AND COTTON YARN, No. 40 North Frontstreet, Philadelphia. janll Washington Brown, Frank A. Eliot, Marshall Hill, Barton Gkkkn. CHARLES H. WELLING, DIIV HOOD* COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. IS Chesnut street, Philadelphia. janll L. Coffin, B. Spsagub, Jk , 8. Robbins, J. B. Alibmus. LOKGSIRETH ft BROTHER, PAPER HANGINGS STORE, No. 8 North Third street, Philadelphia. Have constantly on hand, a general assortment of Wall Papers, Borders, Fireboard Prints, Curtain Paper, Trans parent Window Shades, Ac. janll GIRARD HORSE. "VTEW first class HOT tIL. Accommodation* for 450 peo- L N pie. Fare $2 per day. Philadelphia. junll WEIGHT, PIKE & CO., OAK Market street, and 23 Commerce street, Phlladel- Z IM pbia. CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWAKE. janll HOLIIKGSHEAD, WHITE & CO., WIIOLKB.4LK ABtD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 77 North Water street, running through, and No. 8$ North Wharves, Philadelphia, janll WRIGHT, BROTHERS & CO., m Market street, UMBRELLA MANUFACTUR ER Philadelphia. janll Joiix Wright, Samuel Wright, Joseph Weight, Kobt. J. Weight, HADDOCK, REED ft CO., TT7HOLEBAI.K Dealers in BOOT 3, SHOES, RON- V \ NETS, CAPS,PaIm-Leaf, Leghorn and Panama HAIS, Nos. 134 and 163 Market street, below stb, South side, up stairs, Philadelphia. janll LINN, SMITH & CO., WHOLESALE L’REUUIsTS, No. 8 South Third street, Philadelphia. Clahits B. Linn, Horace P. Smith, A. I. Olmsteap. DRUGS AND MEUICINfcS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, DYE-STUFFS, VARNISHES, Ac. t3P" Also, Patent Medicines, Medicine Chest#, Surgical and Obstetrical Instruments, Chemical Tests, Ac. janll Samuel Bibpham. Samuel A. Btspbam. Jxo. S. BispnAM SAMUEL BISPHAM & SONS, WIIOLKSaVLK and CENKPwAL COM MISSION MKitCUANTS, No. 261 Market street, North side, below Sevjtfh street, Pnihidttlphia. jc.nll a. & r wTjohnson, I AW ROOKBKCM2UHB, PUBLISHERS AND IM* j PORTKRB, No. 127 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. Topliff Joukson, Samuel P. Putnam, J. Waenkr Joiissox, Tuomas P. Parry. janll DAVID JAYKE & SON, TM PORTER8 and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, DYES, I’Lli- FUMKKY, Ac., No. 84 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. David Jayne, M. D. David W. Jayne. Keen C. Jayne. janll JUSTICE, STEINMETZ & JUSTICE, COMAIIABIOX MERCHANTS, for the Sale of For eign and Domestic If A RDWARK, Importers and Deal ers in GUNS, RIFLES, GUN TRIMMINGS, Ac., Wosten holm’s, Rogers’, and Crooks’CUTLEßY.North-west comer Fifth and Commerce street.-, Philadelphia. —AGENTS FOR— J. B. Ilasenclcver & Sons. Manufacturers of Ilardvare, Steel, Ac., Reroscheid, Prussia. Ancion It Co., Manufacturers of Guns, Ac., Liege, Bel gium. Johnson, Gammell A Co., Manufacturers of Steel, Files, An., Sheffield. David Flathers, Manufacturer of Braces, Bits, Ac. Whittmore’s Genuine Cotton Cards. janll A. M’CALLTJH A CO., CARPET WAREHOUSE, 87 Che»nut street. Phila delphia, Importers and Wholesal‘d Dealer?, and Manu facturers of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, CANTON MAT TINGS, Ac., Ac. janll LIPPIHC T, GRAMBO ft CO., SI’CCKSSOKft to niriyg, Ll’iot 4 C 0.,) PUBLISHERS, BOOK SELLERS AND STATIONERS, and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, No. H North Fourth street, Philadelphia. jinll J. 11. Lippisoott. Edmoxd Cl a mg. Hefut GaustßO. Ctr aßa Raatetui. Behj. B. M ilus. BDCKHOE, M’CAHKON ft CO.. Tobacco commission mkhchasts, no.<i North Water .treet and No. 26 North tfharves, Philadelphia. janll A. J. Bocnvoa. D. C. McOauMnir. J. A. W-tattEß, Agent, for the principal Tobacco Manufacturers of Virginia. \m. S. HAHSSLL ft SOSTB, OQ MARKET BTRKET, Phiiatislpliln, and HAN aO SELL A BROTHER, 24 Magazine atreet, Nea- Or leans, La., Mannfacturera and Importers of SADDLERY ANDEADDLERY HARDWARE. j*nll DELAWAM MUTUAL SAFETY KTIURAHCE CO, ETCiiAdUR Buildinfr, Third street, Philadelphia. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS C. HAND, VicaPres’t. J. W. Cowan, Eec’y. Insure to ail Ports in the World. janll CAPITAL *500,000! S. W. Da Cotja?K7. M. Lafourcads. K. Lafodroadi. DE OCURSEY, LAIOURCADE ft (X)., 'VTO. ! 10 Market street, Philadelphia, Importers and la Dealers in Mens’ wear exclusively, consisting In part of Fronch, Belgian, English and American CLOTHS, CAS SIMERE3, YEOTING3, and TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS. Janll _ EACOH ft HAT.TTMryrT WHOLESALE nAT AND (lAPTIANUFACTURKRR. Furs and Hatters’ TRIMMINGS. No. 173 Market street, Philadelphia. janll Wm. 11. Bacon. Chai. Hallowsll. AKCHES & WAESEB, No. 119 C'lieanut Htreet, Philoielplila. ARCHER, WAREEE ft CO.. NO. 376 Broadway, N. Y., Manufacturer. of GASA HERS, BRACKETS, PENDANTS, FITTINGS, and ail kinds of Gas aud Lamp WORK—GIRANDOLES, 4c. janll DAVID 8. BROWN ft CO., ■\T°. 3S AND -10 South Front street, COMMISSION AN MERCHANTS, Agents for the Sale of American DRY GOODS by the package, Philadelphia. janll David S. Biiowh. Roar. F. Walsh. Gko. F. Pea boot BAILEY ft CO., ' T FORMERLY Bailkt a Kitchen, Manufacturers of ' WATCHES, SILVER ware, with DIAMOND JEW ELRY, 136 C'hcsnut street, Philadelphia. janl I Joseth T. Bailkt. E. w. Bailkt. E. M. DAVIS ft CO., IMPORTERS of FRENCH SILK GOODS AND KID GLOVES, 15 Bank street, and Id Strawberry street, Philadelphia. ianll-ly PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENT. 1853. SHUSSK 1853. MORRIS L. BAU.OWELL CO., So. 143 Msrket-st., Philadelphia. I WITH the attention of buyers to their unusually large and complete a-sortment of choice SILKS, RIBBONS, FANCY DRESS GOODS, LACE?, 4c., Ac., purchased ic EUROPE by a member of the firm, and being the LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT that they have ever imported, beliere that they can offer great inducements to purchasers as regards VARIETY, STYLE and PRICE. 6 ORDERiT FILLED Tery carefully and forwarded by first steamer from Phila delphia or New York for those Merchants, who do not visit the North this season. jnn6 WII.T.T A AMOK TAYLOE ft CO., 7Q MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Im- I O porters and Dealers in Fore jm DRY GOODS. We keep on hand one of the largest . in q best assortment cf GOODS that to to he found in the country. nT-ly NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENT. surra ft~NRrmrFR7 DEALERS in Domestic PRODUCE and PKONI3IONS, of all kind., 2‘ 9 Daane Street,New York. Solicit Southern orders for the Bara?, who will pack and ship in the best manner, aud sell at the lowest cajh price. 8. B. SMITH, jan2--Bin J. P. SMITH. CEUTCHFIELIT HOUSE, FORMERLY GRIFFIS HOCSK, CHATPANOOCxA, TENNESSEE. THIS well known Hotel ntsated within a few steps of the passenger car landing of the Western and At lantic Railroad is now open under the papervi.-ion of THUS. CRUTCHFIELD, assisted by Mr. J. W. F. BRYSON and LADY This House, while tra4er the control <;f Col. J. J. (Jrarrar, acquired a very repuUti *n as :i first class Hotel. The present pmp ieto r having secured the services of Col. Gaxms’s Ear keeper, and having purchased his most excellent c ok and house r. o y,and having furnished the house entirely anew, r eta n its high reputation and merit pub ic Pas»ecger3 can be accom modated with an Oxnn bm to and fr tn the boats. feb!9-ly TIIQB. QRUTCH FIELD, Proprietor. TUTTS pecioeal elixir, For the relief And per anent cure of Cough,, Cold,' Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping-Cough, Spitting of Blood, Croup, Pam in th* gjde, Firuri-v, Pneumonia, Difficult Expectoration and Consumption, May be had, WERetale C r p.euß, or EaiTett 4 Carter; W, K. Kitchen; W. H. 4 J Turpin, and Wm. H. Tatt, Augns a and Dr. A. J. Creighton. Hamburg. S. C. oil- jAw GEO. W. FERBT, VERY grateful for the liberal patronage extended to the firm of G. W. FERRY A CO , begs leiiVe to say, that, having purchased t}.« interests of his partner in aiud farm, he will continue the beair?*# tbe where shall, at all times be found a f ill assortment of the latest, and best styles of Geutlem* s’ and Youths’ HATS AND CAPS, of evrry grade: Bo* s' Misses’, and Childrens’Fan cy HATS, CAPd, and LLOCHER3; Rorercti and Straw BONNETS,a iarye variety and of UMBRELLAS, every description ; and he hopi.’by unremitting attention to the wants oi his customers to merit a continu-iuce of the pat ronage so generously extended to the former concern. jsnlS-ly # wrcoughOolds, *c. RISHTO.Vis Command Liverwort PASTE; Smith’* English Liquor: j. LOZENGES; Wiatar’kCough LO ZENGES ; Gum Arable LOZENGES, 4c; all of which art vary «obt«blw< lad pl*oaant remedies. For (ale by • 97 HATiLAND, RULE Y 4 00, . J PUBLIC SALES., 1 COLUMBIA stHEniKP’S SALE—WUI be«o'd,at Appliae, Cohimbla connty, before the Court House door, in said count. ,on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, t ; one Nrgronu.o named JALK. Levied on ty virtue of a { mortgage E. fa. from Bic.intend Superior Court, in favor of [ ! Am-rt uJ. Miller, v». George W. Hail. Negro described in ■aid morig-ige. JONH F. 6LTTON, Sheriff. I February C, 18.58. j I HBfiE till EitlPr’B b ALE— WiII p, | 1) the Court iiouae di or m the town of Wajnesboro,’on ! the first Tuesday Ari.lL, within the legal hours of rale, ! a girl, nboct rixUen <IB) oht, named EMILY, t J Levied o i .h »h« yrc.pvrzy of Hardy B. MflCksdob, to fa:- < T*fy sundry fi. fa?. from the Honorable Couit of «abi • county. Property pciatod out by Hcury White. —ALfcO,— One ?soal!* sqnnre bale of COTTON. Levied on as the 1 property of Abel Mttsfcx, to satisfy fl.fu. issuing from the 1 Sujierltyr Court of said county, in fi»vor cf W. H. Craw fer*l IVrrv, lliq.vi Aid Aie-scx. Property pointed out hyPiautttK. _ ALfo _ Three hundred and tweoiy-r<nr (324) acres, more or less of 4»ak sud iiitk-ry l-AND. Levied on as th property O’ Zil|dn Ohver, ai.joiß.ng Unda.f W iLiarn Attaway, Ed wayd Kidd, Jortp! -. Avn at.d others, and will he sohl, to sat. ty fun ry fi. la-*. .»aing from the Superior Court of sai.l county, in favor of Bothwcll A Fleming, Edwin LeKoy Antony, WdiisEgartam, bearer, and George Smith vs. ZU pha Oliver. Property pointed out by Defendant. March 1, 1t53. A. C. KIRKLAND, ghgrjg. FLBEKT SHEHIFF’B SALE.—WiII be sold, on the first Tuesday A. APRIL next, before the Court House door la the Village cf Eiberteu, Eihe:t county, within the legal sals houra, the following property, to-wlt: 808, a man about twenty-one years old; MARGARET, a woman, twenty-one years old; AMY, a worn m, fifteen years okl, and her infant child; and two hundred and ninety acres of LAND, more or ess, joining Lands of William H. Har per and ether*. Levied on as the property of Thomas F. Willis, to siitisfv a fi. fa. it sued from Elbert Superior Court, in f ;vor of Mattox vs. Johu T. Willis, Thomas F. Will© and Parid N- Hudson, and sundry other fl. fas. vs. *aid Thomas F. dlfr- Property pointed out by Thomas T. Willis. DUZIEK THORNTON, Sheriff: March 2,15E3. GWI.WKTT 6IIURIFF't> SALK.-Will be*old, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Court j House door in the town of Lawrenceviile, between the usual hours of s le,.the following lot of LAND, No. IS4, in th- sth district of Gwinnett county, containing 250 acres. Levied on a? the property of Jouaa Brand, late of said county, decease L Said Land subject to the widow*’ dow er, to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said couaty, io favor of B. M. Cleveland vs. said Brand. J- B. BRACK WELL, D. Sheriff. February 26, In*>3. SALE.—On the first Tues day in MAY next, will be sold at the Court House door in DahK»nej.'a, Lnmpkin county, in obedience to an order of the Ordinary of Richmond county, lot of LAND, Number f-r.y (4vi,)iuthe eleventh distinct, and first sec tion of origiuhiiy Cherokee, new Lumpkin county,contain ing forty acn i, moie or less, belonging to the Estate of Jonathan Palmer, late of Ri hmoud county, deceased.— Sold for U»e benefit of the heirs and creditors. „ I>. PALMER,).. , February 25, 1558.* E. PALMER, f Adm w » WMI.MSTHATOH’b SALE.-On the first Tues ,;ny in JUNE next, will be sold, at the Lower Market, in the City c f Augusta, in obedience to an order of the Or ihnary of Richmond county, tl e LANDS a id MILLS on SanJy Rive 1 * Creek, in said county, containing three thou sand three hundred acres (3300,) more or leas, and a tract of I*acd known as the E. J. Furror place in said county,con taining one thousand and thirty (10-.0) acres, more or less, belonging to the Estate of Jonathan Palmer, lute of Bich mond county, deceased. Sold for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors. D. PALMER,) . , , February 25,1853 E. PALMER, f Adm rs * * D.tIINISTIi ATOR’B BALE.—Agreeable to an or i* der of the hinorable the Infcrior Court of Taliaferro county, while setting for t rdinary purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Ccurt House door in Newton, Baker county, the undivided interest (be ir.g one-third) of Ri :hard Holden, deceased, late of said c -unty, in a lot of LAND, knawn as Lot three hundred and sixtv-four (304), in the Bth district; the other two-thirds will be sold at the same time. Sold for the benefit of the he rs sn I creditors cf said deceased. Termi on the day of sale. THOMAS HOLDEN, Adm’r. February 12,1858. A UUIMS-HII VTOR’S BALE.-W.il be .old, at the JX Lower Market House in the City rJ Augusta, Rich nioml county, on the first Tuesday in MAY next, within the usual hours of sal*-, agreeable to an order of the Ordi naryof Richmond county, a Negro man na ed ABRAM, about l') years of age, a good Field band, Drayman, anu Carriage Driver or Wagoner, and a first rate and valuable Negro. Sold as the pioperty of John L. Tmley, late ol Richmond county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for Bill of Pale. AJ , , ALEXANDER DEAS, Adm r. on the Estate of John L. Tinley. deceased. February 19,1-53. A D.MlXlsl'itA'lOil’te SALE.—Agreeable toanor tier of the honorable Court of Ordinary of Whitfield county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Court door, in the town of Dalton, the heal Estate cf Nathaniel Smith, consisting of one hun dred acres of LAND, a portion of which is cleared, (num ber not known,) on Mill Creek, adjoining Jeremiah Ray, and William Hull, lying eight miles southwest of Dalton. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms, one-half cash, and the other 25Ui December, ISJ3, with approv* d security. JOHN CAIN, Jr., Adm’r. de bonis non. February 22,1853. ]-'XKC:tTOR’B BALE.—WiII be sold, before the Lj Court House door in Elbert county, on the first Tues day in APRIL next, agreeably to the will of Sarah Flem ing, deceased, six hundred and ninety-five acres of LAND, more or less, lying in the county of Elbert, on Cold Water Creek, adjoining Lunds of James Carpenter, John M. Thornton and others. —ALSO, — At the same time and place, twenty-four NEGROES, consist ng of men, women, boys, girls, and children. Sold fts a part of the Real Estate and Property belonging to the Estate of Sarah Fleming, deceased, late of Elbert county. Terms will be made known on the day of sale. THOMAS JOHNSTON, )„ , LAWRENCE M. ADAMS, f Ex rß ’ January 21,1853. 1 SALE.—Agreeable to an arder of the J Court or Ordinary of Oglethorpe county, will be sold, before kite Court House door in the town of Lexington, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: JIM, a fellow, about thirty five or forty years of age; EMILY, about twenty years of age, and her child, GEORGE, two years old.— fcaid Negroes falling to the children r.f Nancy Wilkes, de ceased, under tbs will of George Latimer, deceased. Said property sold in order to make a division among the chil dren of tlie sail Nancy Wilkes, deceased. Terms of sale made known on the day. February 19,1863. JOHN P. LATIMER, Ex’r. ~IORSAL E . _ PUBLIC SALE OF LAND AND NEGROES^ THE SL’BHUIIIBLII will sell for cash, Qn WEDNES DAY, the 2d day es March, in the town of Hamburg, S. 0., a*, the Town Hal), to the highest bidder, fifteen prime young NEGROES, to wit: Four very likely boys, or young men, three women,(Cooks) and their children,boys and girle. The sale to commence at 11 o’clock. —ALSO,— My PLANTATION, in Beech Island, lying on tne Silver Bluff Road, containing four hundred acres, more or less, as I am in a very feeble stute of health, and not able to at tend the sale, it will be conducted and attended to by Mr. James Panton, and my son, Samuel C. Sturgenegger, who are my authorized Agents. JOHN STURGENEGGER. Beech Island, S. C., February Ist, 1553. N. R.—All persons having any claims upon the subscri ber, will present them to either of my Agents, on or before the 21st mstant. feb4-oaw3w J. 8. CHEROKEE LANDS. PKHSOXS living at a distance, owning Lands in the Cherokee purchase, or Carrol, Heard or Habersham counties, wishing to sell, can have a fair and liberal offer by addressing me at the below Post Office, with a full de . tcripticn of the same, and persons wishing to purchase set . tleraents or particular lets, will find it to their advantage to communicate with me, either personally or by letter, as I have a considerable quantity of Land now on bund, and wiil sell at a small profit. Address, post paid, B. J. WILSON, jati2o-w0 Cedertown, Polk county, Ga. FARM FOB SALE. THE undersigned offers for sale, if applied for early, his valuable FARM, lttmileffrom Augusta, lying between Big McDean and Little Mcßean creeks, one mile from where the Was nesboro’ Depot is to be on the Augusta and Waynes boro’ Railroad, containing 240 acres of Land, well timber ed—-C5 of which is cleared. There is on the premises a well of good water, a good dwelling and other out buildings. To an approved purchaser a liberal credit will be given. * J?.n25-tf A. A. FULCHER, Mcßean, Ga. ’ VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE. I Wifell TO SKLL ray PLANTATION lying In ggt DcKalb county, on the Chattahoochee River, 7 *** miles West of Atlanta, on the road leading to Marietta, • known as the Standing Peach Tree Farm, containing 1,100 Acres, moro or less. This place contains numerous ad vantages. There are lf>o Acres of cleared Land, the rest In the woods. There is also a Ferry, known as Montgome rie Ferry, on the road between Atlanta and Marietta. Also, fine water power for machinery of any kind, with a Paw Mill attached to it. I wish also to sell the FARM on which I now live, joining the above place, one mile below, od the river, containing .150 Acres of bottom Land, and 450 Acres in the woods, well timbered. The Western and Atlantic Rail Road runs through both Farms. They are also well watered and healthy—with good outlet for fltock; and good Gin House and Screw. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call soon, as this is ne humbug, and 1 intend to sell. o3Q-wtf HENRY G. DIIAN. ]ASD I*oll *4AlaJh..—The snbscrlber offers for jfljk _j Sale 820 Acre? of LAND, lying well, 100 of which are cleared and inclosed. It is In the 18th District and 3d Section, and divided by the lately established line between the counties of Gordon and Murray, and within 2# miles of the Western and Atlantic Rail Road. A spring of good water near the dwelling house. A number of lots can be added on reasonable terms, forming a large settlement. For other particulars, apply to the subscriber at Rome, Ga. ja3o-wtf J. C. MoDANIEL. LAND FOB SALE. INTENDING to move to the West, I will sell my PLANTATION on good terras, if early application Tx* be made. It is situated in Newton county, three miles from Serial Circle, a Depot on the Georgia Railroad, has a good DWELLING, with six rooms,good Kitchen, five excel lent Negro Houses, with stone chimneys, new Glnlfouse,and all other necessary improvements, a bold Spring of the best free*st< ne water close to the house; besides five others dis persed in the plantation. There are Three Hundred and Elvhtv Acres of LAND, about 250 of which are cleared, and well fenced. This Plantation is situated on the road from Social Circle to Covington, in the Mount Pleasant neighborhood, which is a desirable portion of the county, healthy, and convenient to good Schools and Churches. Any one wishing to purchase are invited to visit and see, or address the subscriber at 44 Briekstore,” Newton county, Ga. n2-tf JAMES G. PAINE. ~TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. HAVING removed from the State, I now offer my property in W'rightsboro’, Columbia county, for one half its value. It comprises eight acre Lots on which is a good two story DWELLING, well finished, with seven rooms, five fire-places, good framed Kitchen and Smoke Houses, Negro Houses, Cribs r.nd Stables, and well built Garden, Dairies, excellent Well of W'ater, and one hundred Acres of LAND attached. Persons desirous to educate their children at Mr. C. C. Richard’s High School, of known celebrity, would do well to avail themselves of this op portunity to purchase a residence at a cheap rate, rather than pay for board. I am determined to sell, and wil! give a great bargain. If not sold privately, will be otier ed at public sale first day of JANUARY next. Applica tions for terms can be made to Mr. A. L. Massixoalk. Wrightiboro’, Ga. HENRY W. MABSENGALE. Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct. 20,1952. 023-twAwtf W. H. & J. TURPIN. SUCCESSORS TO W. H. TCRPHf, m OFFER TO PHYSICIANS, Planters, Mer- n f§* l chants, and the public at large, a choice and <3?sfcf \jflf well assorted stock of DRUG? AND MF.DI && CINE?, OILS, PAINTS, DYESTUFFS, Glass and Putty, Brushes of every description, Straw Brooms, Spirits Turpentine, Ac., Ac. We purchase our goods for cash, and are prepared to sell on the most advantageous terms. Merchants will find it to their iuterest to look at our prices. All articles warranted to be what is represented. Give us a call and satisfy your s..dv,es. 529 PHILIP A. MOISE, a IMPORTER AST) DEALER 111 M mtj DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, y?f dye STUFFS, WINDOW GLASS, BRUSH- V W XSL E3, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, INSTRUMENTS, Ac., Ac. No. 195 Broad Street, under the Augusta Hotel. Has now on hand a very large Stock of the above articles, which are offered for saie at very low prices, and on accom modating terms. S'??-Country Merchants, Physicians and Planters are nrlted to call z cd examine, before purchasing elsewhere. jalß-w D. B- PLUMB A CO. m ARE constantly receiving fresh and purs n €3E§ Medicines, Chemicals, Choice Perfumery, igi YfiT Toilet Articles Ac., at their establishment A-fc* between U. S. Hotel and Poet Office corner. S Medicines carefully dispensed at all hours, by calling at Mr Barnes’, corner Green and Mclntonah streta n 23 United States Mail Steam Ship “ ISABEL.” WILLIAM ROLLINS, COMMANDER. B.tic ten Charleston and Havana, connecting « cith the Pacific Mail Steam Ship Company'e Line for California. THIS SPLENDID SEA STEAM SHIP wifi fA hereafter le*ve CHARLESTON for HA YANA on the 15TH and 3- TH of EACH MONTH, and from HAVANA for CHARLESTON, on the 6TH and 22D cf EACH MONTH. The ISABEL will connect at TIAVANA with the U. S. MAIL STEAM SHIP COMPANY’S LINE, to ASPINWALL and the PACIFIC MAIL LINE from PANAMA to CALI FORNIA and OREGON. Pa==engers will be landed at the Railroad wharf at As pinwaU f ee—transit of the Isthmus at the Passengers’ ex- ; pense. The ISABEL will also connect at HAVANA with U. S. MAIL STEAM COMPANY'S LINE to NEW ORLEANS. < Tickets for KEY WEST, HAVANA, EW ORLEANS, | ASPINWALL, and SAN FRANCISCO, can be had by ap- ] plying to MORDECAI A CO., j 110 Eaat Bay, Charleston, 8. C. i Through Tickets for the ISABEL to CHARLESTON via < HAVANA, can be had from th# Company’s Agent# at tL# point# above named. j!2lawdAw2m < f-A BE US. Planting POTATOES: 80 bbls. Cart«r do. e)U £0 btlj. East Port do. ] f 8 DAWSON k SKINNER. ] ■t/| DUL&. Old Peach BRANDY received on consign- j 1 * ‘ meat, and for tale by 1 J 29 PAVIB, KOLB A PANNNING, COSSIUMMKNT.—IOO quarter bu»L*l mk* ; Younf'f 4Uu*t4 COBS, fcr uU. bj BATX4, SOU 4 FAMHHI6. ‘‘{eL.*. i ■" . . '■ i-■ , n .J, i... NOTICES TO DEBTORS AND CRED- ( ITORS. ■VTOTICE.—AII persons indebted to the estate of the * i" late LRtlebcrry Lewis, of Columbia coun'y, are re- ( o v uested to make Immediate payment; and those having » demands against said estate will present them, duly at- j j tested, within the time prescribed by law , FRANCES LEWIS, Adm’x. ' c Ffhmfry 6, 1853. l ALL perrons indebted to the estate of Jackson Harwell, 1 1 late of Newton county, deceased, are requested to 1< make Immediate payments, and those having demands against the estate, are requested to present them duly au thenticated in terms of the law. Fehrnary >, ISSB. RANSOM HARWELL, Adm»r. "VTOTIUK.—AJ) persons indebted to the estate of James t .lx M Beilah, Ue of Newton county, deceased, are re* c quetted to make immediate payment; and those having demand- against sih! estate, will prerent their demand* l duly authenticated to the A Iminfatrator. within the time • prescribed by Uw. ALEXANDER PHARR, Adm’r. * February 10,1553. t N OXIC'IC—AII iM.rscn« indebted to the e.-tate cf Thus. S Middiebrooks, deceased, late of New;on county, are r requested to make immediate payment; and those having demands aga r.st said estate, will present them duly au thenticated within the time presc ind bv law. I ALEXANDER PHARR, February 10,1853, Adm'r. de bonis non. I NOTICE. —All persons indebted to the estate of Jane J Telfair, late of the Sts to of Ohio, deceased, are noil- c fied to make payment; and those having demands against . said estate, are requested to hand them in duly authenti cated in terms of the law- GEORGE M. THEW, February 13,1858, Adm’r. with the will annexed. "VI OTICK.—AII persons indebted to the Estate of Alfred - 1 v Uolsenback, late of Jones county, deceased, are re- < quired to make payment; and those having demands 1 against the same, to present them in terms of the law to , KOBT. E. WOODING, Adm'r. ] February 11,1 SSB. 1 OflCE.—All persons indebted to the Estate of Wil- | Ham Watson, deceased, late of Columbia county, Ga., are required to make payment; and those having demands against the same, will present them in terms of the law to February 11,1853. WM. 9. WATSON, Adm’r. TWO MONTHS after date, application will be made < to the Ordinary of Warren county, for leave to sell all I the LANDS belonging to the Estate of William Stone, late of Warren county, deceased, except the widow’s dower. ISAAC C. HARRIS, Adm’r. CATHARINE STONE, Adm’x. February 19,1858. TWO MOXTHB after d >te, application will be made to the Ordinary of Appling county, lor leave to sell a LAND WARRANT belonging to the minor heir of Turby F. Thomas, deceased. February 22,1558. PAUL CARTER, Guard’n. TWO MONTHS afterdate, application will be made to the Ordinary of Newton county, for leave to sell all the Real Estate and Negroes of James M. BeUxb, late of said county, deceased. ALEXANDER PHARR, Adm’r. February 10,1858. SIXTY DAYB after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, for leave to sell the Real ana Personal Estate of Benedict Ganter, deceased. CATHARINE GANTER, Ex’x. February 18,1853. TWO MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Newton county for leave to sell the LAND and NEGROES belonging to the Estate of Jackson Harwell, deceased, late of said county. February 9,1353. R A NSOM H All WELL, Adm’r. TWO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county for leave to sell the real estate belonging to William H. Aughtrey, a minor. AVM. A. WALTON, Guardian. Augusta, February 8, 1553. SIXTY’ DAYS after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond connty, for leave to sell the Real and Personal Estate of Litlleberry alias Boykin McDade, deceased. January 28,1853. JOSEPH E. BURCH, Adm’r. IXTY DAYN after date, application wid be made to the Court of Ordinary of Columbia, for leave to sell the LAND and NEGROES belonging to the Eatate of William Watson, late of said coun.y, deceased. January 12,1858. WRI. WATSON, Adm’r. SIXTY DAYS after date, application will be made to the Houorable the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, for leave to sell the Real and Personal Property belonging to the Estate of David G. Salisbury, deceased. January 18,1853. ANN SALISBURY, Adm’x. SIXTY DAYS after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, Tor leave to sell the Real and Personal Property, belonging to the Estate of David Woife, deceased. January 13, ISSB. FREDERICK R. SHAW, Adm’r. SIXTY DAYS after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, for leave to sell the Real and Personal Property belonging to the Estate of John Tinley, deceased. January 13, 1853. JOSEPH E. BURCH, Adm'r. rjpwo MON Tils after date, application wdl be made J. to the Court of Ordinary of Og’ethorpe county, for leave to sell.a Negro man by the name of Lewis, belong ing to Miss Susan E. Edwards, a minor. MORDACAI EDWARDS, Guard’n. January 14,1558. TWO MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Ordinary of Elbert county, for leave to sell all the LANDS lying in the State of Georgia, belonging to the Es tate of John Seal Meanes, deceased, late of the State of Texas. JAMES J. DANIEL, Adm’r. TO HiOFESSIOJ*AL & BUSINESSMfift. PROFESSIONAL AND BUS!NEBBCARDB, notexceedlng tlx lines, will be inserted under this head at the rate of $lO per annum. Cards exceeding six lines, will becharged pr* ata per line. B. 11. Ov£rby. | J. B. K. Overby. OVF.KBY ft OVERBY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW’, Atlanta, Georgia,(former ly of Jefferson, Jackson county, Georgia,) will give any business entrusted to them prompt and efficient atten tion. They refer to fifteen years’ experience, and to the Bench and Bar of the Western Circuit of Georgia. ■ Office on Marietta street, near Norcross’ corner. , feb2-ly* I JOIIS T. SHEW3IAK , ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice in Burke, Jef ferson, Washington, Columbia, and other Counties of the Middle Circuit. j fiW Office fir»t floor over J. C. Carmichael’s Store, Warren Block, Augusta, Ga. jan23-ly JOHN M. TILLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Warrenton, Georgia. Jan27.tr UNDERWOODS A MITCHELL. HAVING entered into Copartnership in the PRACTICE OF LAW, will attend to all business entrusted to their care in all the counties in the Cherokee Circuit, and also in the counties of Polk, Cherokee, Forsyth, Union and Gil mer. One of them will always be found at tlieiroffice in l Rome. WM. H. UNDERWOOD, Daniel r. mitchell, ; Jan9-Smo J. WH. UNDERWOOD. C. W. MABRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Heard county, Ga., will attend to Professional Business in the coun ■ ties of Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Meri wether and Troup. ► Rkferkxck.—Chas. Murphy, M. 0., Decatur, Ga.; Hon. E. Y. Hill, LaGrange, do.; lion. D. Irwin, Marietta, do.; Col. M. M. Tidwell, Fayetteville, do.; Mr. William Daugh erty, Columbus, do. Jan7 5 J. L. SAILBBIRY, LATE of Macon, Ga., MANUFACTURER OF CLOTH ING, on Commission, No. 12 Verey street, opposite St. » F ftU^B Church, NEW YORK. janl2-Cmo 1 WILLI ATI J. DOUGHERTY, p A TTORNEY AT LAW, will practice in the Middle District and Common Please of Augusta. Office over * D’Antignac A Barry’s Store, Broad street, Augusta, Ga. 3 janß-tf 3 ■— — ■— ■ ... 1 JOHN r. WILD ID, ATTOBftKY AIVD COUAHELi H AT LAW, 87 Gravier street, New Orleans. tST* Prompt and faitnful attention given 10 the collec tion of all claims and accounts entrusted to his charge in New Orleans. Refers to 11. Bowdrb, Gocld, Bulkley a Co., and Col. . H. H. Cummino, Augusta, Ga.; James Robb a Co., New - Orleans jTallant a Wildb, San Francisco. d)4-dly ; BAYCROFT & BRIAN, , GENERAL AGENTS AND BROKERS, TT'OR th# purchase aud sale of STOCKS, BONDS, EX r CHANGES and HEAL ESTATE. gjy Ulflce No. 117 Buy street, Savnnah, Ga. dl7 DR. JOHN U. TRIPPE ; his Professional Services to the citizens of , V Taliaferro county. Dr. T. has letters from the follow ) ing Professors: Drs. Ford, Evk, Niwton, and Dr. Campbell. . d4-6mos ! c. w. nißßr, ATTORNEY AT law, Franklin, Heard county, Georgia, will atteud to professional business in the » counties of Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette i Meriwether and Troup. 1 Rcfbrmoee lion. Chas. Murphy, Decatur, Ga.; Hon. I E. Y. Hill, Lagrange, G.t.; Hon. D. Irwin, Marietta, Ga.; i Col. M. M. Tidwell, Fayetteville, Ga.; Mr. William Daugher- I ty, Columbus, Ga. n4-ly I CRISES B. BIYCOOD, (Formerly of WatHimiUe, Georgia.) ATTOR3 liY AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia. Office on Hast Bide White Hull Street, in Smith’s 0 story Brick i Baildiny over Gunby 4 ltoberta’ Store. o&t-8m JOES C. t VB'HCnJF.L, COMMISSION MKKCHANT, Augusta, Ga., will attend to the Bale o( Produce of all kinds, consigned to him. n2(iw ’ HE&BEHT FIELDER, ATTOHYEY.AT LAW, OodarTown, Polk county, Georgia. aulß-fim* J. C. ft 6. k. BAKAO, ATTOR.YKYS AT LAW, Law Range, Augusta,Ga., Practice iu the Court, of the Middle District, and Common Pleas of the City. Joan C. SaiAD also practice, in the Courts of Edgefield and Barnwell Districts, South Carolina. Joaa C. Ssxad, | Oamlamd A. Sssad. aud miLLEDfiir &. rod«ersT ATTOHAKYB AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia. Office on Jackson street, John Miujkdgs, A. M. Rodobm. auT E. fl. CABASEBS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Forsyth, will practice In the Flint, and adjoining counties of the Macon Circuit. janß-ly LOIIS delalgle! ATTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Ga., will practice in the Middle Circuit of Georgia. ,4 Office on Mclntosh street, third door north of th. office of the Constitutionalist 4 Republic. jan4-ly B. H. SUNDERS, ATTORA'EY AT LAW, Greensboro’,Georgia. Jan6-4mos WABDLAW ft 'WALKER, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Atlantic wharf, , CHARLESTON, S. C. w. i. wabdlsw. JyZO-Cm 0 . wai.kbs. STONE, STARR ft CO.i IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS in DRY GOODS, N 0.41 Broadway, New York. Lkvi P. Stonb, | Hbrsb H. Stoibkiobt, Eobkki Stabu, I U. Lakgson Botlbs, Jobs. J. Baooa. jyl*-ly John J. Jonhs. | John R. Broau**! JOSES ft SURGES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Waynesboro’, Georgia. Jelfi-iy JOB.’V L. BIRD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend to all Profession* al business entrusted to him in the Counties »f Talia ferro Greene, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, Warren and Hancock. Office at Crawfordviilc, Ga. apll-ly F. C. BARBER, EXCHANGE BROKER. Washington Street, on. door North Fast of Broad Street, iar Uncurrent MONEY bought. mhfi | J VDRB *7 COLLIeEI ATTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia, office re moved to the rear of MUler 4 Warren’s Dry Goods Store,over B. H. Warren 4 Co’s, 020 REID ft RCJT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, and General Land Agents for Gilmer county. £ Ellijay, Gilmer county, Geo. f e bl2 GREET WOOD, MORRIS ft RI GWAfi COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MER CHANTS, No. 99 Camp Street, New Orleans. Hnne tT. G asm! wood, | Josuh Jloiuua, John I. Ridowat. |ir Refsr to Messrs. T. N. Poußaln 4 Son and B. H. Warren, Esq., Augusta, Oa. «14-d6m ANDREW H. H. DAWSO.T, ATTORNEY AT I.A V, Augusta, Georgia. d29-tf A7IOSB ft McLEN ON, WAREHOIbhAND COMMISSI N .MER CHANTS, LaGrange, Ga. dIS-8m GVDS, PISTOLB, &(L DOTBLE BARREL SHOT GINS, BhotandPow der FLASKS; Gun CAPS, of best makers; Patent W’ADDING, 4e.; Allen’s and Colt’s Revolving PISTOLS, and others; English Belt and Pocket PISTOLS. -ALSO— A fine Belf-Cockicg nnd Revolving PISTOL, with five chambered cylinder, patent rifled, firing wadded ball with great execution, splendidly msde, by Deane, Adams 4 Deane, London Bridge, a beautiful article for any one wish ing a fine instrument in case, with caps, bills, wadding, wrench, driver, cleaning rod, oil cup, extra cones, 4c., j complete. For sale low, by CLARK 4 CO., Dealers in fln. Watches, Silver Wares, Jewelry, Gons, J 4c. 081 j SILVER WARE.—Rich Breakfast and Tea BETS, of silver. In chests, complete; Silver PITCHERS; GOB- l LETS; CUPS; SALT CELLARS; Napkin RINGS; Cake, I Pudding and Pie KNIVES; FORKS; LADLES, and i SPOONS, al many different patterns; SYPHONS; Tea STRAINERS; Drinking GOURDS, 4c.; for sale low by CLARK 4 CO., PEAK.— tv. Naths*. Wf PEAS, for «lm JssH BAKER « WXOOX. 1 I CITATIONS FOR LETTERS OF ADMI MSTRATIOW. Georgia, Richmond county.—»hmn Mrs. Sarah Adam? and Justus K. Bulkiey, applies Par letters of Administration upon the Estate of John 51. Adams, late of said county, deceased— Tluao are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in February next, to show cause, If any thay have, why said letters should not be ((ranted. Given under my hand at office in Augusta. February 5, 1053. LEON P. DUGAS, Ordinary. \\T AI tit ENU otvfv; GEORG I A.— Who reivs, T>7 I V vid Oooper applies to me 'or Letters of A'lmuiUt a tion on the Estate of John Baker, late of said county, de ceased— These are therefore, to cite and admonish, sll and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at m,v office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, If any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Warrenton. Fein-nary 4,1558. ARDEN R. MKRBHON Ordinary. Ur AllltfiN COU.VrV, UEO.— lVhertaa,l!io Estate of John C. Reese, deceased, dying intestate, and leaving Estate unrepresented— These are therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the tine preecrlbed by law, and take out Lettcra of Administration on said Estate, or show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted to some tit and proper person. Qivrn under mv hand at office In Warrenton. Cehruary 4, lets. ARDEN R, MER3HON. Ordinary, LINCOLN COUNTY, GEO.— Whereas, Kimbro S. Turner, and William A. Turner applies for Letters of Administration, with the will annexed, of William Turner, Sen’r., late of Lincoln county, deceased— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and slngu lar,the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, it any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office In Uncolnton. Cert EORGIA, OGLETHORPE COUNTY.— Whcre- T as, Edward Carter applies to me for Letters of Guar dianship for the persons and property of Mary A. Tucker, Sarah J. Tucker, Susan E. Tucker, Elisa P. Tucker, Ava W. Tucker, Wm. P. Tucker, Edward T. Tucker, Itenry C. Tucker, James E. Tucker, aud Robert F. Tucker, minors, children of James D. Tuoker. These are, therefore, to cite and summon, the kindred and all concerned, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by low, to show cause, If any they have, why said Letters of Guardianship should not be granted to the applicant. Given under my hand at office. January 85,1553. HENRY BRITAIN, Ordinary. OULEIIIOUPK COUNTY. GEO.-Whereas, Lucy J. V. Meriwether, and Jacob V. Dansby applies to me for Letters of Administration upon the Estate of Francis Meriwether, latecf said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office. February 2,1563. HENRY BRITAIN, Ordinary. Oglethorpe cbUNTY, GEo.-wt ereaa, John Wynn applies to rue for Lfttemof Administration upon the Estate of William Wynn, late of said county, deceased: Those are therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time proscribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office. February 2,1868. HENRY BRITAIN, Ordinary. Richmond county, Georgia.—wh^a George M. Thew, applies for Letters of Administration on the Estate Joseph Brown, late of Philadelphia, deceased, These ore therefore to cite and admonish,all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be"hnd appeal at my office, within the time prescribed try law, toshow cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Augusta. February 12,1858 LEON P. DUGAS, Ordinary. A BORGIA, HAttRKS~COU&TY .-Whereas/Ti vX rid P- Montgomery applies to me for Letters Dismis aoryfrom the Guardianship of the property of Charles U. Montgomery, minor— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred of said minor, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Warrenton. ARDEN R. MEUBHON, Ordinary. February 19,1863. RICHMOND COUNTY, GEO.—Whereas, Edward Oirardey npplies for Letters of Administration (with the will annexed, the Executors named in the said will having declined to qualify,) on the Estate of Martiu Fred erick, late of said county, deceused— These are therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singu lar, tiie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted, an to the Gourt may seem best for the interest of the said Estate. Oiven under my hand at office in Augusta. February 19, 1853, LEON P. DUGA9, Ordinary. GROKGIA, OULKTHORPE COUfITY.-Where as, James T. Petty, and Franklin 0. Campbell, ap ply to me for Letters of Administration upon the Estate John Petty, late ol said county, deceased— These are, therefore, to cite, summon and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prewibed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office. February 19,1558. HENRY BRITAIN, Ordinary. G BORGIA, OGLETHORPE OOUNTY.-Where as, Rainey Eads and Mordacai W. Woods apply tome for Letters of Administration upon the state of Jehn Woods, late of said county, deceased— These are, therefore, to cite and summon, all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo anil appear at my office withiii the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office. February 19,1853. HENRY BRITAIN, Ordinary. WARItEN COUNTY, QltO.-Whereas, William J. Witcher and Wiley G. Bruddy applies to me for Let ters of Administration on the Estate of Lewis Braddj ,Ben. late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and slngu ar, the kindred and creditors of said dec’d ,to be and appear at my office a ithin the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they nave, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Warrenton. ARDEN it. MERBHON, Ordinary. February 28, 1858. TALIAFEIIRO COUTTY, GKO- Whereas, Joel 0. W. Taj lor and Singleton Harris applies to me for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Albert K. Tay lor, late of said rounty, deceased— These are, therefore, to city and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they hare, why Baid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Crawfordvllle. February 2d, IS6B. QUIXF.A O'NEAL, Ordinary. Appling county, gko.-to all wjuom it MAY CONCERN. Whereas, Mcllalley Blontch, Elisabeth McGalley, and Jos. Tillman applies for Letters of Administration on the Estate of William McGalley, late of said county, deceased— Theße are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters of Ad ministration should not be granted the said applicants. Given under my hand at office In Holmtevillo. February 32,1863. JOHN TILLMAN, Ordinary. APPLING COIIATY, Sarah lim ney applies for Letters of Administration on the Es tate of Hugh Nuney, late of said county, deceased, and also on the Estate of Jane Nuney, late of said county, de oeased— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office w thin the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said Letters of Ad ministration should not be granted the said applicant. Given under my hand at office in Holraesvllle. March 2.1858. JOHN TILLMAN, Ordinary. APPLING COUNTY, GEO.—Whereas,Richard Car ter applies for Letters of Administration on tho Es tate of Juno Nuney, late of said county, deceased— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why Letters of Administra tion should not be granted the said applicant. Given under my hand at office In Holmesville. March 2, 1858. JOHN TILLMAN, Ordinary. APPLING COUNTY, GKO.—Wheren., Stephen Carter applies for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Isaac Carter, 'ate of said county, deceased— These are, therefore, to cite and ndmonish, all and sin* gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed bylaw, and allow cause, if any they have, why said Letters of Ad ministration should not be granted the said applicant. Given under fny hand atoffice in Holmesville. March 2,1858. JOHN TILLMAN, Ordinary. COLUMBIA COUNTY, GEO.-Whereas, Elfialmth Rond, Amanda Bond, Margaret McCormick, Augustus l’erry, and Ann Tuder, late of said oounty, deceased, hav ing departed this life intestate and Estates unrepresented: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, the kindred and creditors of the deceased, that on failure of proper per sons appling for Administration on the first Monday in April next, the Administration of said Estates will devolve on the officers pointed out by law. Given under my hand at office in Anpling. Georgia, Richmond'county.— superior COURT. BrsjiMiu F. Harr's, Adminicles- ' tor of PoLLYIIAR.ua. deceased. oros.JIUII. William R. McLaws, Trustee, to. *"P- Court, and Jamw H. Harris, The Court having, at the last term, passed nn order to perfect service on James H. Harris, one of the Defendants by publication, and such publication net having been made: It is on motion of complainant's solicitor, order that said Rule be extended, and that the said James 11, Harris appearand answer the complainant's Bill, on or before the first day of the next term, or said Bill will be taken pro confecso against him; and it la further ordered that a copy of this Rule be published once a week for four months in one of the Public Gaaettes of this city, or served personally on the Defendant. A true Extract from tkeMlnetee of the Superior Court, January Term, 1858. Feb. 15,1858. OSWBLL E. CABHIN, Clerk. WM. H. PBITCHAKD ~ MERCHANDIZE BROKER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, BRUMS BASK BUILD IKO, Augusta Georgia, 18 now prepared to receive consignments of all kinds of GOODS, WARES and MERCHANDISE-makecash ad vances upon articles in store, and attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. Ilia attention will be directed to the hiring and selling of NEGROES, renting or selling of LANDS, LOTS, or HOUSES—as well as to the sale of all kinds of MERCHAN DIZE, new or old. FURNITURE, Ac., Ac The patronage of his friends and the public is solicited, as be intends to do a cath business or no business. fcb7 ItO DEVIATION FBOM PRICES MARKED. AUGUSTA FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. WM. O. PRICK A CO., 2M Broad street, hare on hand and are constantly manufacturing the n,on cuperh Gentlemen'a OVER COATS, of every description; WALKING COATS, BUSINESS COATS, Brew and Frock COATS, of all the choice Mode colors; PANTALOONS, of Black and Fancy Doeskin and Cassimeres, of the newest styles; VESTS, of Rich Velvets, Cashmeres, Embroidered GOODS. ROBES DE CHAMBER, of yarions styles and qualities; Gentlemen’s UNDER GAR MENTS, of every description. The whole embracing the best assortment of t cell made Clothing to be found in Au gusta. Purchasers will be pleased to call and examine our assortment. WM. 0. PRICE A CO., d 6 Drapers and Tailors. FRRSH GOODS. I HAVE jurt received a fine and select assortment of I CLOTHS; CASSIMERES and VESTINGS, of entirely new designs, which will be made to order in the latest style. Also, Ready-- ade CLOTHING, and a fine assort ment of Dahlia, Olive, Brown and Blue Dress FROCK COATS, which are made of the very best French Cloths, and trimmed in the best manner, and are very fashiona ble. For sale cheap. J. A. VAN WINKLE. Augusta, Sept. 21,1852. 522 PARHAM’S HEW HOTEL, CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE. if. D. IfooAif, Proprietor. TUB SUBSCRIBER begs leave to inform his friends and the travelling public that the above JH establishment is now open for the reception of visitors. It Is located in the centre of Business, commanding a beauti ful view of the River and surrounding country. The interior of the House has been constructed with a strict view to the comfort of its patrons—affording impor tant conveniences rarely met with in country Hotels. As the chief object of the Proprietor will be to give gene ral satisfaction, his guests may be assured that no exertion on his psrt will be wanting to make their stay with him worthy of their patronage. There will be an Omnibus in waiting on the arrival of the Rail Road Cars and Steam Boats, and a trusty, careful man to take care of Baggage. M. D. HOGAN. Ciiattanoega, May, 2«, 1862, roy29-dtf WOLFE’S AROMATIC SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS. AN excellent Tonic, Dimetic, Antidyspeptic and Invig orating Cordial. This preparation is considered aupe rior to any other, In all those cases of incipient Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, Gravel and Stone, for which pure Holland Gin bus been so long prescribed by tho Medical Faculty. No other Gin can be obtained in so pure a state, either in the American or foreign market, at any price.— It is manufactured at Schiedam, in Holland, and can be re lied upon ss perfectly pare. It is put up in a convenient form, and sold in bottles at One Dollar for quart, and Fifty Cents for pints. D. B. PLUMB A CO., Agents. n2B PIANO FORTES. THK subscribers would respectfully call the attention of their friends and the . ' public, to their assortment of Rosewood and R I V ft H Mahogany PIANO FORTES, from the weU “ ■ls « known and justly celebrated Manufactoriesof Bacon A Raven, A. H. Gale A Co., and Dubois A Scabury, New York, which are warranted in every respect, to be at least tally equal to any Instruments manufactured In this country or Europe. The subscribers would also state than the instruments now on bandars as the latest patterns and fashion,andfteahfrom the manufacturers. For sale at very low pries* for cash or oity acceptances, at GEO. A. OATES A OO.’B my 13 Plano, Book and Music Depot, Broad-st. DR. CLAPP’S SPECIFIC.— The speedy aura. The great remedy, laid at |1 a battle, by batmans, rwhy a co., siikriiSnimrSr, J«*i| > •• W;’ C Sty lift ML . B=! WM. W. UKIIiKD, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT &icann<lh t G'i.' —>2 /hty : * ' \l7 ILL give prompt Htlembuttmliepurd. se , VI and sale of MKUUHANDIeIi U„,| till. j .A TON, andto ail bueilteaa entrusted to Itu ta. u. i sB-6m ‘ — D’AXTIGXAC, imu TTrAHEIIOI'SIi AND COMMISSION y <• VV CHANTS, AugUMa, lie o*.m'/* \ transact the .ibove Lu:4im* in n*l its 0.—4 at their Old Stand, the cxtoi)»ive Hiil.-iM. or ■T .V. HOUSE, Immediately at the Georgia | ~ , 'j, where they receive Cotton without i Their Office and Palesrootn is it, a e, 1 ■' * Broad Street, Ucarlyuppualtu the Globe J iwlvi ‘ Oasb advances made on Cotton ino, ... prderefor Bagging,Rope, aj.doeherrnmplies.nromßttv filled at the lowest market prices. 1 ' '‘i-ompt.y Wm.M. D'Aktmmac. Guo. W. Evans. IWv 1 Augusta, August 12, InVJ. 7uit; ‘ BOBEWSM &. 'ciotiu;, WAREHOUSE AND UOMM' i, v,. r. CHANTS, Augusta, Gen , ' ' p' TTT \ above busings in all its brunch- ' ■ ' ' ‘J.'U Stand (FIRE PROOF) on Reynold itreet w er Mht?*£a v custmere ’ t 0 lh « of tLI? Liberal Cash Advances made on Produce in r. . „ . Ac., mW. Augusta, AujfU-jtlP, 18.52. B ul< DIE & HEAKII, • nounco to their former patrons, and Ote public ■< generally, thut they oontinue the above business Sf, branches, at their Old Stand. FIRF.PRdin' iv»s HOUSE, East side Mclntosh slreet al,re « rC a them D h X^for r e. tUe ~ * prompt^flned“tfhe“oL*'markS pr'S 115 ®’ Ro|>e ’ * C ' * qalred! * d, “ U£ * m " Je IS *he» re- AugneU,Augu,tß. 1 852. Sm ‘ ULN "■ BEARD &. i) AVI SO A, ~ WA3,?J* 01188 AND COMMISSION MTSI- p-__ J ’ NESS, Augusta. Georgia. The undersign. L\\\\ man WAREHOUSE and COMMiS- b* - I Their personai attention is at all times given to business anee^f'th 0 !!'?'' care ’ a,u * ‘''ey hope to merit a eontiuu anceof the patronage extended to them in veers Liberalcash advances made on Produce in Sn'.re ‘SSiffi* S® airoßii, BEALL k ioT, ANn GROt liltV At HR. TY CHANTS, Augusta,Ga,thankful f,.r i! e CVV patronage so liberally tatiendeii In us, during tl,,- * "'*■ -« past season, respectfully inrei m our friends tinue the GROeERY BIISINFSS «, the same tv, p known stand, and are constantly reoolvlng a large at.d weliselret mratSi!| lifto,’Ac. 10 1 ’ la “ ler “’ Hade, embracing Shota, l>o .„™e*.£ I r°. C0 ’ ~i ; , ‘" e e th . e WARE-HOOSE business at the aamcstand'On Campbell street, In the buslnesr rartef tie city, and ooiiveniont to our st^ro. Bi(m* cotuiymdto tut, will beeold /i ceof commit!- rin^ b «re r !! rt C “- Al^Vßn( ' ( ' s mnde on Cotton and other Pro duce in etore, when required. Yni. ii. ruroßD, Jttlyl,lS»a. Jy 18tr J. \V. L.'tTt'VMl,. patentTmedic AYER’S CHERRY PECTOHAL. " IpOjb the Cure of Coughs, CoMs, Itoarsene-s, Uronchftto _Whooi ing Cough, Croup, Astimia an I Com- imptlon. And by the river, upon the banks there slisll grow all trees for muat, whone leaf shall not and the fruit thereof ihall bo for meat and the leaf thereof fur muU cine.” Here was hope recorded for the sick long ngo, and every year adds new proof to the assurance thut these promisi* shall not fiul. HA« medical science discovers and designates tbt* reme dies nature has glsen, one by one, the that -ffli.-t our race neld to the control of art. Os all tho*mnh»tiL » we sullsr from, none has carried more victims tit an un timely grave than Consumption of the Lungs in -a we give some evidence that this 100 ivy |. e fu v.i ml that Pulmonary Complaints, In all Iheir forms, may l,e rs moved by CHERRY PBCIORAI,. 1 Space will not permit us to publish here any pronni tion of the cure* it has affected, but the Agent In’hnv i mivd, will furnish our circular, free, whereon me full particulars I and indisputable proof of these facts. Sufferers: read and Judge for yourselves. For Influenza and Whooping Cough. Nisavm.r:, Tuns., June 2d, ISM. Sir: I have repeatedly used your Cherry Pectoral fir Whooping Cough and Influenza ami have no hi «;t,.t irrri in pronouncing It a complete remedy. Four of my children ’ have been afflicted with these diseases, and rile Tr- r eye of the Pectoral has always afforded aimer tlr riant ><■ r. JAM 18 GLO\KB. We attest thetrutli of the above statement, i M MoGINTY, Editor of the Nashville WM- J. M. ZIMMERMAN, Drug*! t. For a Consumptive Cough. Pittsburg, I*a., Fvh. 25,1851. Dear girt—For three years 1 have he«n nfllicted with a Cough, so distressing tliat 1 frequently .palrv.l of itvuv. , cry; much of the time l was obliged to sit up all n lit in ; my chair, as my Cough would suffoes'e me when 1 laid down. Having used many remedies without eh roll, r ( at last trieil the Cherry Pectoral which under Pruvidenco . has cured me altogether. 1 ant with gratitude yours, , JAMES McCANDT.ESfI. This is one of the numerous cures hi Aslhuia which htsTl been accredited to Cherry Pectoral. Ai-baxy, N. Y,, Ai ril IT, 18J|8, Dr. Avg*, Lowell—Dear Sir:—i bavo for years bn m as • dieted with Asthma in Ibu worst Erin, so tli •; I liar -I, eu obliged to sleep in my eh dr for a larger part of the time, • being unable to breathe on my bed. 1 had tried ap it many medicines, to no purpose, until my i li.v-ieian pro scribed, ssauexperimint, your Cherry Peetoril. [ A t first It seemed to make mo worse; tut in less than a , wecklbegan to experience the most gratifying re affront its use: and now, In four w.-eks, the disea-« is e.nli e;y re moved. t can sleep on my bed with comfort, anil enjoy a stato of health which .1 had never expr- n.il '■ onr v. Gl OKUK P. FA RANT, Commission and Forwarding Merelmnt. I From the President of Amherst College, L Iward Hite h- I cock, M. D., LL. D., Ac. J. 0. Aviat—Sir: I have used your Cherry Pectoral 111 my own case of deep-seated Bronchitis, and am sati .tied, from its chemical constitution, that it u an admi uhlo c m . , iwund for the relief of larynglal am' bronchial difficulties. If myopinlon, astoitssuperioreharaelir, r» n li if any i service, you arc at liberty to ntm it as v u lliink • ,-npcr .a . „ . ED WARD HITCiiOOCK. Amherst, Sept. 12,1849. Among the other distinguished authorities 'who have lent their names to recommend this prip.n.itWn as the besv known to them for affections of (he lungs, ,r u : President Perkins, Vermont Medical Lull Prof, hi Him.in, Yale College. Prof. Valentine Mott, New York. Prof. Clesveland, Rowdoin Medical U ill ere Pr»f. Butterfield, Ohiu Medical Coll ' Canadian Journal of Methe tis W M -i. Boston Medical ami Surgical Jmi, .ml/ Oharlrston, S. C. Medical I'.evi'jy New Jersey Medical Reporter, Hon. Henry Olay, U. 8. Senator. Hon Geo. P. Marsh, American Ambassador to Turkey. Gen. Emanuel Ruines, President of Chid Itt. Rev. Ed. Power, Lord Hixlnp of Toronto Rev. Pr. Lansing, Brooklln, New Ymk. Archbishop Purcell, of Cincinnati, Ghio. Also, many eminent persouages In fur ( ;‘,- n countries Not only In the more dangerous and di orersi.o-, . ’ res of the Lungs, but also as a family medicine for ocea i< id 1 use, it is tlie saftest, pleasantest ar,d b- ■t in the >■, .rhl Prepared aud sold by JAMI 8 u av i ft* Practical atul Analytical ChenilM, Lowell Vast. nr Bow by UAYILAND, RIPLEY a 00.. IV It iL T T D. B. PLUMB A CO., W.K. KITCHEN, a 'il fIARIiI 1 ’ CARTER A 00., Auguata, Qa.; HILL A B'. nil Athol w. Si',’ NEclilTJHa- an,Ua.; HAMLaND, IIA t RAL4CO., Charleston,B. C.; A. A.Mil,oMi.n, Sava f nah, Ga.,and by allDruggl.iathroughoor the South. mar4-'lAtwt wwsw.'tm R. R. R, Miraculous ofiucy.--people wonder at tho quick efficacy of the It. K. 11, lteiuedi.s in stoni (fig pain, removing its causes, and curing the most ofcstit at a complaints. Yet there is no mystery m it—there is not},.mg miraculous about it. True, until the ft. ]{. ft. ft. n , c <>* were introduced, no remedy or medicine whs ever hi: jtvn to stop the most torturing pains inn few seconds, and allay the most violent Crumps of Cholera, N* jralgwi, Spasms, Au., in a few minuter, ft, ad way’s lU-®,:iy K.'icf will stop pain Instantly, because it produces a couiiter-uc* tlon upon the parts where pain is felt. If the l'« Uent »uf fcre from Jleuralgla, it immediately ac»a upon the nerves, produces & counter irritation, ihvirerates the nerve and Imparts vitality to the partr where n.in ia c* periene d. Tho action of the Relief iscjuick, ami the v*r» tnomeut it te applied, it begins to counteract the efftri** .pro-ly diseased aolion. If yon are the victim of Ct.ulcru, i| ncui instantly—taken internally, it settles the stotnuc > m.d allays all painful Irritation and slckn • *,lt itifr : . hcathito the blood, and its warm and healthful influence, thrill’s through every portion of the bqfly; it n< utr it : s the poi eonous malaria of Cholera and checks Its progvfw. An plled externally, ft allays Cramps !s,atgl..'r*.>.tori's the cold-cramped, and almost lifeless victim, to iii« and health. If you are troubled with ttek Headache, the Ready Relief taken internally will neutralise the a id of the stomach, make the stomach sweet and pun . nnl tho breath fragrant; externally, U will produce a pouuter ac tion on the scalp and refresh the senses. 1 hia, V en. i - nil the mystery about the action of It. K. It-In f: it n».us not lie in tho action of the Relief, hut In the scienco of its chemical and pharmaceutical oombiouti n. Ho with uwch of the other R. R. R. Remedies. The Resolvent acts in like mauner upon the blood, and tue dueled deposits, re novating and resolving away from ihe ail scrofu lous humors and poisonous d .•) oe’»*. a r M*VLATuaß.—l!qi rvgulatfDg the organs of the mtam ud ••curl ,e a regular rtctlon d caul,; fry ing the bowels from ail I’cUlnedAr.tnori' « m»ch, aiding the d. rsllvc orgar., i„ n,.-.r fun- :i< ),:,l'd,|, Ues, the liver lose ictettoblle, and the kidoer h ar.J blart dsr their ovine; i ; >e boweb, te feohsrgotL. ,r burden, at..* &?!!££ ??.'»* SVS I T 4, ‘ ,, y per«,.ira<ton. bud, are, theeßect' the R. R.,R. Ret* ullcs have upon the system, r firing the tick so quick. * R. R. R, Remedies are ft.* sale by i, op t, generally, KALB A» * CD+ 1(12 Fulton stre.t, New Yeik_ BARItETT A CeKTER, V. B. PLUMB A CO., and IVM. 11. TLTT, «... —. . Agents for Augusta, <sa. SonthernWhoieeaie Agents—P. M. Col ~, t Co., arid Havlland, Harral A Co., Uhartectwn, B. C.; HchdrH Jt Moore,and A. A. Solomons, 9 ivanpah. flu. plf'-iw • TVTTB <X)MPOTOD~ KXTRACX CF CAKtAP A.* the removal and permanent cure of flcrvfola or Ring* Evil, Rheumatism, Cutaneous Eruptions, I glen on the Pace, Ring Wi.rm, lillos Chronio Bore Eyes, Tetter, Beal.l 11. s l, Eu largement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Old Ulccrj, ByphlUtie Disorders, Spinal Cur,plaints —AND— All dissaves arieing from an Injudicious ns* of I JcrcurF nad exposure, or Imprudence in Life, .tsusepr rilles ' the Blood—renovates the whole syst, m a ad imparts health ami strength t, the most debilitated eonsiltcuns. Prepared and so il t j, PrioeTS cents per bottle. WM. 11. TC TT r.r ti eM-tf fFAMILY MEDIOHE3, PREPARKI) by J. DENNIri, MD„ Au-, u ,i» r;„ Proprietor of the Georgia H*rsapnriP.»,« , “i J! regarded by the most scientifle, and these i It, as the purest and best es the kind that >~, t V er !„ o Vw'n® - ! ° 8Ul “‘ U ‘ '“ «« the so“ Choice ANTT-BTI.TOUS PI'Ll J! a ro'm .0,1 .«■ .. , purgative—Price 25 oents per btnt W * nd pertm« U BYEISl ‘ 1 for CW “ h * pert!u*e NGEifT TONIC ’ tor Bow,;I Complainis-Prlce’tV STIMULATING LINIMENT—Use similar to the Olnt ment, but preferable in painful Bwt Rings, B», i; ( ,1 p r , Soule? Ur ° 4t ’ To,rttache * Headache—Price tO cenu'P ANTf-SPASMODIC TINCTURE, feral I sudden and dan. geroua attacks of di»ea-e, snehas Convulsions, I vl g.j, w Cratnp Colic, Pneumonia, and all other Rises , • i„ «jl immediate action is necessary. Used extcresllv itissu perior, in cases of Poisons, occasioned hy the Idle n/pr.ar»" Sting of Bees, bite of Insects, Ac. It Is si „ vsluuble to relieve inflammation In cases of wound., bruise, Ac lor horeea, it is * sure remedy In Colic, sswell u» *\aiu, hie article to cause fresh wounds, and cifttr tores, to l„al Price |1 per bottle. Bold in Augusta by the Proprietor; In Covlr, -ton bv F H. Pringle A Co.; in Warrentoa by Hudson, Weltorn A Co l and by Druggists generally. - ■ l)f . » ■ TTITTT TLTT’B pkotoral elixir fs one of the mvsf A.* t. D An ; “ o,t Public. Ita and strenp henl.ig virtues dis. rose themselvesso gjt* acrolly throughout the human Lung#, that it is impossible for Pneumonia, Croop, Dronchit.s, 1 ic u nsy, Asthma, Whooping Cough, lioarseness, idffiifult Breathing, Pa» a h, the FJdo, or Consumj.tion, to witfcstsnd its power. A ts effects open the Dcpurntory Orgsr.p are f=o prompt tb atKature is enabled to throw otf all Cahta'thy cr unpure that tend to diseaso the dciicate substanca of the i,ungs. ora the hundreds of cures tkat are almost dally report ed , it would be impossible for the most fncnyulous to. doub t fc*r a moment. Many who have suffered fur years with dis eases of the Respiratory Organs have baen cured by it, aD a aro sounding its praises abroad. The PECTORAL EUXiR is prepybd from vegetable 9 ub- Itances alone, and its use for years w juld tend to siren jrth. en the system, and not like most other lledielncs, weaken It. It is now being used by some of tire most eminent phy sicians in the country, and by many is co##idercd an info uu ble remedy in CROCP. m Parenu who have youngclhfldre< kit auld keep a bottla n all times, as a single dose will remove uny case 0 f thi* ru tressing disease, if given atjjthe onset 48 Prepared in Augusta, Geo, and for Bale by W. 11. Jt J. TURPIN, i WM. H.vn?TT, i AcgusUw WM. ROOT, Marietta. 1 — ,,n14 ,f Broail ft-e’-t. R. ««■ KADWAX’a KfcwKk. iV * 7 Wh „, , WM, H. TL'l”i"., » ” ’ •' 1 WliVifr'f